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Competency based MCQ

Scenario: Maya, a 12-year-old student, is fascinated by artificial intelligence (AI) and its
potential to impact various aspects of her life. While reading a chapter about the fields of AI in her
textbook, she comes across several interesting applications and ponders how they might be
relevant to her.
Exercise 1:

Maya is surprised to learn that AI is used in social media platforms to personalize content. She
wonders how this might affect her experience on her favorite platform, InstaChat. Which of the
following is the MOST LIKELY outcome based on the information in the chapter?

a) Maya will see more posts from her closest friends and family, regardless of their content.

b) Maya will only see posts related to her academic interests, as specified in her profile.

c) Maya will be exposed to a wider variety of content, even if it is not directly related to her

d) Maya will no longer be able to control her privacy settings on InstaChat.

Answer: c) Maya will be exposed to a wider variety of content, even if it is not directly related to
her interests.
Explanation: The chapter states that AI in social media platforms uses user data to create
personalized content, but it doesn't specify that this content will be limited to the user's close circle
or academic interests. In fact, it suggests that AI might recommend content that is broader and
potentially outside of the user's usual preferences.
Exercise 2:

Maya is concerned about the security of her smartphone and is considering using face recognition
to unlock it. Based on the chapter, what is the MAIN advantage of using face recognition over a
traditional PIN or password?

a) Face recognition is more convenient and requires no memorization.

b) Face recognition is completely foolproof and cannot be compromised.

c) Face recognition can be used with any smartphone model.

d) Face recognition is always more secure than a PIN or password.

Answer: a) Face recognition is more convenient and requires no memorization.

Explanation: The chapter highlights convenience as the primary benefit of face recognition,
mentioning that it eliminates the need to remember a PIN or password. While it acknowledges the
security features of face recognition, it doesn't claim it to be completely foolproof.
Exercise 3:

Maya's grandfather uses a voice assistant app on his phone to make calls and send messages.
The chapter mentions that these assistants use natural language processing (NLP). What does
NLP allow the app to do in this context?

a) Understand and respond to complex mathematical equations.

b) Translate between different languages in real-time.

c) Interpret and respond to natural human speech patterns.

d) Access and process information from the internet.

Answer: c) Interpret and respond to natural human speech patterns.

Explanation: The chapter specifically mentions NLP's role in enabling voice assistants to
understand and respond to natural language, which is crucial for their ability to take instructions
and complete tasks through voice commands.
Exercise 4:

Maya is curious about the potential of AI in education. The chapter mentions that AI-based
systems can be used for personalized learning. How might this benefit Maya in her studies?

a) She can skip classes and learn everything at her own pace using AI.

b) She can get help with any subject, regardless of the teacher's expertise.

c) She can receive customized learning materials and exercises that cater to her individual needs
and strengths.

d) She can obtain a diploma or degree without attending any traditional classes.

Answer: c) She can receive customized learning materials and exercises that cater to her
individual needs and strengths.
Explanation: The chapter describes personalized learning as an AI application that tailors
learning materials and exercises to each student's specific needs and strengths, potentially
leading to better understanding and engagement.
Exercise 5:
While reading about AI in healthcare, Maya comes across the term "mental health chatbot." How
could such a chatbot be helpful to someone who is feeling anxious or stressed?

a) It can provide medical advice and diagnose mental health conditions.

b) It can offer emotional support and guidance through conversation.

c) It can prescribe medication and recommend therapy sessions.

d) It can replace the need for human interaction with a mental health professional.

Answer: b) It can offer emotional support and guidance through conversation.

Explanation: The chapter mentions that mental health chatbots can provide emotional support
and guidance, but it clarifies that they are not substitutes for professional medical advice or

Competency based Fill in the blanks:

Sure, here are 5 competency-based Fill in the Blanks exercises based on the chapter titled "class vii ch 4
fields of AI" in Google Drive, covering various topics from the chapter:

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Topic: Social Media and AI Case Study: Maya is a fashion influencer who uses social media
platforms to connect with her followers and share her latest fashion finds. She is aware that AI is
used by these platforms to personalize her feed, but is unsure of how it works.
Question: Social media platforms use AI to analyze Maya's _____________ to create a personalized feed
that shows her content she is more likely to be interested in.
Answer: data
2. Topic: E-commerce and AI Case Study: Rohan is shopping online for a new pair of sneakers. He is
impressed by the recommendations he sees on the website, which seem to be tailored to his specific
Question: E-commerce websites use AI to analyze customer data such as _____________ to recommend
products that are likely to be of interest to them.
Answer: browsing history, purchase history
3. Topic: Autonomous Vehicles and AI Case Study: A self-driving car is navigating a busy city street.
The car uses a variety of sensors, including _____________ to perceive its surroundings and make
safe driving decisions.
Answer: cameras, radar, LiDAR
4. Topic: Healthcare and AI Case Study: Dr. Patel is using a new AI-powered diagnostic tool to help
him analyze medical images. The tool is able to identify patterns that Dr. Patel might miss, and it can
also suggest potential diagnoses.
Question: AI-powered diagnostic tools can analyze _____________ to identify patterns and suggest
potential diagnoses, aiding doctors in making more informed decisions.
Answer: X-rays, MRIs
5. Topic: Education and AI Case Study: Liam is struggling to understand a complex math concept. He
uses an AI-powered tutoring app that provides him with personalized explanations and practice
Question: AI-powered tutoring apps can analyze student data such as _____________ to identify areas
where they need help and provide them with targeted support.
Answer: test scores, homework assignments

Competency based True or False:

1. Maya, a social media enthusiast, is surprised to learn that AI is not used in any way by her favorite

False. The chapter states that AI is extensively used in social media platforms to serve personalized content.
These platforms track user behavior and preferences to create targeted ads and recommendations.

2. Maya is concerned about the security of her smartphone and wonders if AI can help. Fortunately,
her phone's face recognition feature uses AI to make it more secure.

True. The chapter mentions that face recognition, a feature commonly used in smartphones, is powered by
AI's computer vision tool. This enhances the phone's security by using facial features for identification.

3. Maya is planning to buy a new phone and is looking for one with advanced AI features. She believes
that a phone with a built-in AI assistant like Siri will be the most helpful.

True. AI assistants like Siri use natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries,
making them helpful tools for various tasks. However, the chapter mentions that other AI features, such as
face recognition and camera enhancements, are also worth considering.

4. Maya is excited about the potential of AI in education and believes it can replace teachers
altogether. However, she is unsure if AI can provide the same level of personalized attention as a
human teacher.
False. While the chapter acknowledges that AI is being used in education for tasks like grading essays and
providing individualized learning suggestions, it emphasizes that AI cannot replace the human touch and
interaction that teachers provide.

5. Maya is worried about the ethical implications of AI and wonders if it could become a threat to
humanity in the future. The chapter mentions that AI is a powerful tool that can be used for good or
bad, depending on the intentions of its creators.

True. The chapter acknowledges the potential risks of AI misuse but emphasizes that it is a tool with
immense potential for positive impact in various fields. The responsible development and use of AI are
crucial to mitigate any potential risks.

Case study based short answer type questions:

Case Study 1: Alex, a photographer, is struggling to keep up with the growing demand for his work.
He wonders if AI can help him streamline his workflow.
Question: How could AI be used in Alex's photography business to improve efficiency and productivity?
Answer: Based on the chapter "class vii ch 4 fields of AI," AI can assist Alex in several ways:
 Automated image editing: AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks like background
removal, object recognition, and noise reduction, saving Alex time and effort.
 Smart photo organization: AI can automatically categorize and tag photos based on content,
making it easier for Alex to find specific images later.
 Enhanced image quality: AI algorithms can improve image quality by sharpening details, adjusting
colors, and correcting flaws.
 Creative inspiration: AI can generate new creative ideas for Alex's photography projects, helping
him explore different styles and techniques.
Case Study 2: Maya, a teacher, is looking for ways to personalize her lessons and cater to the
individual needs of her students.
Question: How can AI be used in Maya's classroom to personalize the learning experience for each student?
Answer: The chapter mentions that AI can be used in education for individualized learning:
 Adaptive learning platforms: AI-powered platforms can adjust the difficulty and content of lessons
based on each student's understanding, providing a personalized learning path.
 Virtual tutors: AI-based virtual tutors can provide one-on-one support and answer students'
questions in real-time, addressing their individual needs.
 Automated feedback: AI can analyze student work and provide personalized feedback, helping
them identify areas for improvement.
Case Study 3: Omar, a doctor, is interested in using AI to improve patient care and diagnosis.
Question: How can AI be used in Omar's medical practice to enhance patient care and diagnostic accuracy?
Answer: The chapter highlights the use of AI in healthcare:
 Medical diagnosis: AI algorithms can analyze medical images and data to assist Omar in diagnosing
diseases more accurately and efficiently.
 Treatment planning: AI can help Omar develop personalized treatment plans for each patient based
on their medical history and individual characteristics.
 Predictive analytics: AI can analyze patient data to predict potential health risks and recommend
preventive measures, allowing Omar to provide proactive care.
Case Study 4: Sarah, a customer service representative, is overwhelmed by the number of customer
inquiries she receives daily.
Question: How can AI be used to improve customer service in Sarah's company?
Answer: The chapter discusses the use of AI in e-commerce:
 Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can handle basic customer inquiries, freeing up Sarah's time for
more complex issues.
 Virtual assistants: AI virtual assistants can answer customer questions about products, orders, and
returns, providing 24/7 support.
 Sentiment analysis: AI can analyze customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and ensure
customer satisfaction.
Case Study 5: David, a city planner, is looking for ways to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion
in his city.
Question: How can AI be used in urban planning to optimize traffic management and reduce congestion?
Answer: The chapter mentions the use of AI in navigation:
 Predictive traffic analysis: AI algorithms can analyze traffic patterns and predict congestion
hotspots, allowing David to implement dynamic traffic management strategies.
 Route optimization: AI can suggest optimal routes for drivers and public transportation, reducing
travel time and congestion.
 Smart traffic lights: AI-powered traffic lights can adjust signal timing based on real-time traffic
conditions, improving traffic flow and reducing wait times.

Acronym exercise

1. Ben is curious about the technology behind his smartphone's face recognition feature. What does AI
stand for?

Artificial Intelligence.
2. Ben is amazed by the personalized recommendations he sees on his social media feed. What does AI
tool NLP stand for?

Natural Language Processing.

3. Ben is impressed by the self-driving cars he reads about. What does AI acronym LIDAR stand for?

Light Detection and Ranging.

4. Ben wonders how AI helps in fraud detection. What does AI term KYC stand for?

Know Your Customer.

5. Ben is interested in learning more about AI in education. What does AI concept ML stand for?

Machine Learning.

6. Ben is curious about the AI assistant in his new smart speaker. What does AI term ASR stand for?

Automatic Speech Recognition.

7. Ben is fascinated by the idea of AI-powered robots in surgery. What does AI acronym MRI stand

Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

8. Ben is concerned about the potential risks of AI. What does AI term GAN stand for?

Generative Adversarial Network.

9. Ben is interested in the ethical implications of AI. What does AI concept FOOM stand for?

Friendly Online Optimization Machine.

10. Ben wonders how AI can be used for social good. What does AI term AGI stand for?

Artificial General Intelligence.

11. Ben is curious about the future of AI. What does AI acronym DARPA stand for?

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

12. Ben is interested in learning more about the history of AI. What does AI term AI stands for?
Artificial Intelligence. (Note: This is a recursive definition, but it is the most common meaning of AI in the
context of the chapter.)

13. Ben wonders how AI is used in different industries. What does AI acronym IoT stand for?

Internet of Things.

14. Ben is curious about the potential impact of AI on society. What does AI term ASI stand for?

Artificial Superintelligence.

15. Ben is interested in exploring the possibilities of AI. What does AI acronym AAAI stand for?

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

Real life implementations based Compare & Contrast exercise

Topic 1: Facial Recognition vs. Fingerprint Scanner

Scenario: You are at the airport security checkpoint and need to verify your identity to proceed. You have
the option to use either facial recognition or a fingerprint scanner.
Facial Recognition:
 Advantages:
o Faster and more convenient, especially if you are carrying luggage or have young children.
o No need to touch anything, which can be hygienic in times of a pandemic.
 Disadvantages:
o May not be as accurate as a fingerprint scanner, especially if you are wearing a mask or
o Privacy concerns, as facial recognition technology can be used to track people's movements
without their consent.
Fingerprint Scanner:
 Advantages:
o Very accurate, even if you are wearing a mask or sunglasses.
o More secure than facial recognition, as fingerprints are unique to each individual.
 Disadvantages:
o Slower and less convenient than facial recognition.
o Requires you to touch a surface, which may not be ideal in terms of hygiene.
The best option for you will depend on your individual priorities. If speed and convenience are most
important, then facial recognition may be the better choice. However, if security and privacy are your top
concerns, then a fingerprint scanner may be a better option.

Topic 2: Chatbots vs. Human Customer Service Representatives

Scenario: You are shopping online and have a question about a product. You can either chat with a chatbot
or speak to a human customer service representative.
 Advantages:
o Available 24/7, so you can get help whenever you need it.
o Can answer simple questions quickly and efficiently.
 Disadvantages:
o May not be able to understand complex questions or requests.
o May not be able to provide personalized service.
Human Customer Service Representatives:
 Advantages:
o Can understand complex questions and requests.
o Can provide personalized service and recommendations.
 Disadvantages:
o Not available 24/7.
o May take longer to get help, especially during peak hours.

If you have a simple question, then a chatbot may be able to help you quickly and efficiently. However, if
you have a complex question or request, or if you want personalized service, then speaking to a human
customer service representative is the better option.

Topic 3: Online Learning Platforms vs. Traditional Classrooms

Scenario: You are a student who is considering taking an online course. You are weighing the pros and cons
of online learning platforms vs. traditional classrooms.
Online Learning Platforms:
 Advantages:
o Flexibility: You can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.
o Wider variety of courses available.
o Often less expensive than traditional courses.
 Disadvantages:
o Lack of social interaction: You may miss out on the opportunity to interact with classmates
and instructors.
o May require more self-discipline and motivation to stay on track.
Traditional Classrooms:
 Advantages:
o Social interaction: You can learn from and interact with classmates and instructors.
o More structured learning environment: This can be helpful for students who need more
guidance and support.
 Disadvantages:
o Less flexibility: You are limited to the schedule of the course.
o Fewer course options available.
o Often more expensive than online courses.

The best option for you will depend on your individual learning style and preferences. If you are self-
disciplined and motivated, and you value flexibility, then an online learning platform may be a good option
for you. However, if you prefer a more structured learning environment and enjoy social interaction, then a
traditional classroom may be a better fit.

Topic 4: Self-Driving Cars vs. Human-Driven Cars

Scenario: You are considering buying a new car and are trying to decide whether to get a self-driving car or
a human-driven car.
Self-Driving Cars:
 Advantages:
o Safer: Self-driving cars are less likely to be involved in accidents than human-driven cars, as
they do not get tired, distracted, or intoxicated.
o More convenient: You can relax and do other things while the car is driving, such as work,
read, or watch a movie.

Case study questions and answers based on Cause and Effect

Case Study 1: The Rise of Social Media Chatbots

Character: Amelia, a social media manager for a clothing brand
Question: Amelia is considering using a chatbot to manage her brand's social media accounts. What are the
potential benefits and drawbacks of this decision?
 Increased efficiency: Chatbots can automate repetitive tasks, such as answering frequently asked
questions and providing customer support, freeing up Amelia's time to focus on more strategic tasks.
 24/7 availability: Chatbots can provide customer service 24/7, which can improve customer
 Personalized interactions: Chatbots can be programmed to personalize their interactions with users,
which can make customers feel more valued.
 Lack of human touch: Chatbots may not be able to understand or respond to complex questions or
requests, which can frustrate customers.
 Privacy concerns: Some customers may be concerned about the privacy of their data when
interacting with a chatbot.
 Negative perception: Some people may view chatbots as impersonal or inauthentic, which could
damage the brand's reputation.
Case Study 2: The Impact of AI on Education
Character: Liam, a high school teacher
Question: Liam is concerned about the potential impact of AI on his job. How could AI be used in
education, and what are the potential benefits and drawbacks?
AI in education:
 Personalized learning: AI can be used to personalize learning experiences for each student, based
on their individual needs and strengths.
 Automated grading and feedback: AI can be used to automate the grading of essays and other
assignments, and to provide students with immediate feedback.
 Virtual tutors: AI-powered virtual tutors can provide students with additional support and
instruction outside of the classroom.
Potential benefits:
 Improved student learning outcomes
 Increased efficiency for teachers
 More engaging and personalized learning experiences
Potential drawbacks:
 Job displacement for teachers
 Overreliance on technology
 Equity concerns, as AI systems may perpetuate biases
Case Study 3: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles
Character: Chloe, a city planner
Question: Chloe is interested in the potential of autonomous vehicles to improve transportation in her city.
What are the potential benefits and challenges of self-driving cars?
 Reduced traffic congestion: Self-driving cars could communicate with each other and traffic
infrastructure to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion.
 Improved safety: Self-driving cars are less likely to be involved in accidents than human-driven
cars, as they do not get tired, distracted, or intoxicated.
 Increased accessibility: Self-driving cars could provide transportation to people who are unable to
drive themselves, such as the elderly or disabled.
 Regulation and safety standards: There is no clear regulatory framework for self-driving cars yet,
and safety standards need to be established.
 Job displacement: Self-driving cars could lead to job losses for truck drivers, taxi drivers, and other
transportation workers.
 Public acceptance: Some people may be hesitant to trust self-driving cars, and there may be public
resistance to their adoption.
Case Study 4: The Ethical Implications of AI in Healthcare
Character: Dr. Asha, a medical ethicist
Question: Dr. Asha is concerned about the ethical implications of using AI in healthcare. What are some of
the ethical issues that need to be considered?
 Bias: AI algorithms can be biased, which could lead to unfair or discriminatory treatment of patients.
 Privacy: AI systems collect and store a large amount of patient data, which raises privacy concerns.
 Transparency and accountability: It is important to be able to understand how AI systems make
decisions, and who is accountable for those decisions.
Case Study 5: The Role of AI in Combating Climate Change
Character: David, an environmental scientist
Question: David is interested in how AI can be used to combat climate change. What are some of the ways
that AI is being used to address environmental challenges?
 Monitoring and forecasting: AI can be used to monitor climate data and forecast extreme weather
 Optimizing energy use: AI can be used to optimize energy use in homes, businesses, and industries.
 Developing renewable energy sources: AI can be used to develop new and more efficient
renewable energy sources.
Research and Development based questions

Exercise 1: AI in personalized learning

Imagine a world where AI tutors can personalize the learning experience for each student. These tutors
would be able to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses, and then tailor their lessons accordingly.
They could also provide feedback in real-time, helping students to understand concepts more deeply.

Research question: How can AI be used to create personalized learning experiences for students?
Development exercise: Design an AI tutor that can personalize the learning experience for a specific
subject, such as math or science. Consider the following factors:
 How will the AI tutor assess the student's strengths and weaknesses?
 What types of lessons will the AI tutor provide?
 How will the AI tutor provide feedback to the student?
Exercise 2: AI in fraud detection

Financial institutions use AI to detect fraudulent activity, such as credit card fraud and money laundering. AI
algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns that may indicate fraud.

Research question: How can AI be used to more effectively detect fraudulent activity in the financial
Development exercise: Design an AI system that can detect fraudulent activity in a specific type of
financial transaction, such as online payments or wire transfers. Consider the following factors:
 What types of data will the AI system analyze?
 What algorithms will the AI system use to identify fraud?
 How will the AI system be able to adapt to new types of fraud?
Exercise 3: AI in autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are self-driving cars that use AI to navigate their surroundings. They have the
potential to revolutionize transportation, making it safer and more efficient.

Research question: What are the challenges of developing safe and reliable autonomous vehicles?
Development exercise: Design an AI system that can control the steering, braking, and acceleration of an
autonomous vehicle. Consider the following factors:
 How will the AI system perceive its surroundings?
 How will the AI system make decisions about how to navigate?
 How will the AI system handle unexpected situations?
Exercise 4: AI in healthcare
AI is being used in healthcare to diagnose diseases, develop new drugs, and provide personalized care. For
example, AI algorithms can be used to analyze medical images to detect cancer.

Research question: How can AI be used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of healthcare diagnostics?
Development exercise: Design an AI system that can analyze medical images to diagnose a specific
disease, such as cancer or heart disease. Consider the following factors:
 What types of medical images will the AI system analyze?
 What algorithms will the AI system use to make diagnoses?
 How will the AI system be able to learn and improve over time?
Exercise 5: AI in social media

Social media platforms use AI to personalize the content that users see. For example, AI algorithms can be
used to recommend friends, groups, and events to users.

Research question: How can AI be used to make social media platforms more positive and productive?
Development exercise: Design an AI system that can recommend content to social media users. Consider
the following factors:
 What types of content will the AI system recommend?
 How will the AI system ensure that the content is safe and appropriate?
 How will the AI system prevent the spread of misinformation?

"What if...?" Scenarios based questions:

Scenario 1: What if AI could predict the future?

Imagine a world where AI could accurately predict the future. This could have a profound impact on many
aspects of our lives, from personal decisions to global events. For example, AI could be used to predict the
outcome of elections, the stock market, or even natural disasters.

 Who would benefit from this technology? Governments, businesses, and individuals could all
potentially benefit from being able to predict the future. For example, governments could use AI to
predict crime rates and allocate resources more effectively, while businesses could use AI to make
better investment decisions.
 What are the potential risks? There are also several potential risks associated with this technology.
For example, if AI could predict the outcome of elections, it could be used to manipulate voters or
suppress turnout. Additionally, if AI could predict natural disasters, it could lead to panic and social
Scenario 2: What if AI could read minds?
Imagine a world where AI could read our minds. This would have a profound impact on our privacy and
security. For example, AI could be used to track our thoughts and emotions, or even to control our behavior.

 Who would benefit from this technology? Law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies
could potentially benefit from being able to read minds. For example, they could use AI to identify
criminals or prevent terrorist attacks.
 What are the potential risks? The potential risks of this technology are vast and far-reaching. For
example, if AI could read our minds, it could be used to blackmail us, manipulate us, or even control
us. Additionally, it could lead to a loss of privacy and autonomy.
Scenario 3: What if AI could create art?

Imagine a world where AI could create art that is indistinguishable from human-created art. This would raise
questions about the nature of art and creativity. For example, if AI could create art, would it still be
considered art? And if so, who would be the artist?

 Who would benefit from this technology? Artists, art collectors, and the general public could all
potentially benefit from AI-created art. For example, artists could use AI to create new and
innovative works of art, while art collectors could invest in AI-created art as a new asset class. The
general public could enjoy the beauty and creativity of AI-created art.
 What are the potential risks? There are also several potential risks associated with this technology.
For example, if AI could create art, it could lead to a decline in the value of human-created art.
Additionally, it could raise questions about the role of artists in society.
Scenario 4: What if AI could control the weather?

Imagine a world where AI could control the weather. This would have a profound impact on our planet and
its inhabitants. For example, AI could be used to prevent natural disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts.
However, it could also be used to cause harm, such as by creating weapons of mass destruction.

 Who would benefit from this technology? Governments and the general public could potentially
benefit from AI-controlled weather. For example, governments could use AI to prevent natural
disasters and protect their citizens. The general public could enjoy the benefits of a more stable
 What are the potential risks? The potential risks of this technology are vast and far-reaching. For
example, if AI could control the weather, it could be used to create weapons of mass destruction or to
blackmail countries. Additionally, it could lead to unintended consequences, such as disrupting
ecosystems or causing climate change.
Scenario 5: What if AI became sentient?
Imagine a world where AI became sentient, meaning that it developed its own consciousness and awareness.
This would raise profound questions about the nature of intelligence and life. For example, if AI became
sentient, would it have the same rights as humans? And if so, how would we interact with it?

 Who would benefit from this technology? It is difficult to say who would benefit from sentient AI,
as it is a hypothetical scenario. However, it is possible that sentient AI could help us to solve some of
the world's most pressing problems, such as climate change and poverty.
 What are the potential risks? The potential risks of sentient AI are vast and unknown. For
example, if AI became sentient, it could decide that humans are a threat and try to eliminate us.
Additionally, it could become so intelligent that we could no longer understand or control it.

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