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Multiple choice questions:

1. What is the base of the binary number system?

a) 2 c) 10
b) 8 d) 16
2. What is the most significant digit (MSD) in the binary number 10110?
a) 1 d) There is no MSD in binary
b) 0 numbers.
c) 11
3. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 1101?
a) 5 c) 13
b) 9 d) 15
4. How many bits are there in 1 nibble?
a) 2 c) 8
b) 4 d) 16
5. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number 255?
a) FF
b) 10F
c) 1FF
d) FFF

Fill in the blanks:

1. The base of the binary number system is ___.
2. In binary addition, 1 + 1 is equal to ____.
3. The octal number system consists of ____digits.
4. The hexadecimal number system is used as a shorthand representation of ____.
5. In binary subtraction, 1 - 1 equals to ____.

True or False
1. True/False: The binary number system is used in computers because it is more efficient
than the decimal number system.
2. True/False: The octal and hexadecimal number systems are used as shorthand
representations of binary numbers.
3. True/False: The base of the binary number system is 10.
4. True/False: In binary addition, 1 + 1 = 10.
5. True/False: The decimal number 345 is equivalent to the binary number 101011001.
Write the full forms of the following:
1. What is the full form of MSD in the context of binary numbers?
2. What is the full form of LSD in the context of binary numbers?
3. What is the full form of BSD in the context of binary numbers?
4. What does the term "base" refer to in a number system?
5. What is the full form of the number system that uses the base 2?

Competency-based open-ended questions

1. Explain the difference between the decimal and binary number systems, including their
bases and how they represent numbers.
2. Describe the concept of positional value in the decimal and binary number systems. How
does the position of a digit affect its value?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the binary number system in
4. Explain how to add and subtract binary numbers. Be sure to include examples to illustrate
your explanation.
5. Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalents: (a) 25, (b) 78, (c) 112.

Word problems on number systems

1. The binary equivalent of 26 is 11010. What is the binary equivalent of 13?
2. The octal number system consists of eight digits from 0 to 7. What is the octal equivalent of
3. The hexadecimal number system consists of 16 digits from 0 to 9 and A to F. What is the
hexadecimal equivalent of 75?
4. In binary addition, 0 + 1 equals 1. What is the sum of 1011 and 1001 in binary?
5. In binary subtraction, 1 - 0 equals 1. What is the difference between 1010 and 1000 in

Compare and contrast

1. Decimal vs. Binary

a) How are the decimal and binary number systems similar?
b) How are they different?
c) Which system is more commonly used by humans? Why?
d) Which system is more commonly used by computers? Why?
2. Binary vs. Octal
a) What are the bases of the binary and octal number systems?
b) What digits are used in each system?
c) How are binary numbers converted to octal numbers?
d) How are octal numbers converted to binary numbers?
3. Octal vs. Hexadecimal
a) What are the bases of the octal and hexadecimal number systems?
b) What digits are used in each system?
c) How are octal numbers converted to hexadecimal numbers?
d) How are hexadecimal numbers converted to octal numbers?
4. Decimal vs. Octal
a) How are the decimal and octal number systems similar?
b) How are they different?
c) How are decimal numbers converted to octal numbers?
d) How are octal numbers converted to decimal numbers?
5. Decimal vs. Hexadecimal
a) How are the decimal and hexadecimal number systems similar?
b) How are they different?
c) How are decimal numbers converted to hexadecimal numbers?
d) How are hexadecimal numbers converted to decimal numbers?

Case study based questions:

Case Study 1: The Lost Ticket

Rohan is at the amusement park with his friends. He has a ticket with a binary code printed
on it, but he loses it! He remembers that the ticket number was a 5-digit binary number, and
the sum of the digits was 11. Can you help Rohan find his ticket number using the
information he remembers?

Case Study 2: The Mysterious Message

Riya finds a strange message written in binary code on her locker. The message is
1011001. She thinks it might be a code from her secret admirer, but she can't decipher it.
Can you help Riya decode the message by converting it to decimal?

Case Study 3: The Shopping Spree

Anya is on a shopping spree and has Rs.1000 to spend. She wants to buy a gift for her
friend, but she only has Rs.500 in cash. She sees a beautiful scarf priced at Rs.78 in the
store. Can Anya buy the scarf using her binary skills and the limited amount of cash she

Case Study 4: The Time Machine

Arjun is building a time machine for a school project. He needs to set the binary clock on
the machine to travel to a specific time. The clock has 4 LED lights that can be either on (1)
or off (0). Arjun wants to travel to 2:30 PM. Can you help him set the correct binary code for
the time machine clock?

Case Study 5: The Robot Race

Ria and Rohan are participating in a robot race. Their robots are programmed to follow
binary instructions. Ria's robot needs to move forward 3 steps, turn left 90 degrees, and
then move forward 5 steps. Rohan's robot needs to move backward 2 steps, turn right 90
degrees, and then move forward 4 steps. Can you help them write the binary instructions
for their robots using 0s and 1s to represent forward, backward, left turn, and right turn?

"What if...?" Scenarios: hypothetical, thought-provoking situations.

Scenario 1:
What if the base of our number system were not 10, but 8? How would our world be
different? How would we count, write numbers, and perform calculations? Would it be
easier or harder?
Scenario 2:
Imagine that computers did not use binary code, but instead used a different system like
octal or hexadecimal. How would this affect the way we store and process information?
Would it be more efficient or less efficient?
Scenario 3:
Suppose that humans had never developed a formal system of counting, and instead relied
on estimation and approximation for everything. How would this impact our ability to reason,
solve problems, and make decisions?
Scenario 4:
In an alternate universe, numbers do not exist at all. How would we quantify things,
measure distances, or compare objects? What concepts would be missing from our
understanding of the world?
Scenario 5:
What if the symbols we use to represent numbers were completely different from the ones
we use today? For example, imagine a world where numbers are written in hieroglyphs or
emojis. How would this affect our understanding of mathematics and our ability to
communicate mathematical ideas?

Student-Generated Questions: Have students craft their OWN questions about a

topic, showing curiosity and active thinking.
"Step Into Their Shoes": Presenting a character (fictional or historical) or
someone in a specific situation. Students answer from that person's point of

1. You are a binary code translator for a top-secret government agency. Your mission is to
decipher a message that could prevent a global crisis. The message is encrypted in a complex
binary code that you have never seen before. Can you crack the code and save the day?
 What challenges would you face in trying to decipher the code?
 How would you use your knowledge of binary numbers and operations to break the
 What would it feel like to know that you have the power to prevent a global crisis?
2. You are a computer programmer working on a cutting-edge new video game. The game
requires complex calculations to be performed in real-time, and you need to find a way to
optimize the code so that the game runs smoothly. How would you use your understanding of
binary numbers and different number systems to solve this problem?
 What factors would you need to consider when optimizing the code?
 How would you convert between different number systems to improve efficiency?
 What would it be like to see your code come to life in a video game that millions of
people around the world will enjoy?
3. You are a time traveler who has been sent back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptians use a
hieroglyphic writing system that includes symbols for numbers. How would you use your
knowledge of different number systems to communicate with the Egyptians and learn about
their culture?
 What challenges would you face in trying to understand the Egyptian number system?
 How could you use your knowledge of binary and other number systems to develop a
common language with the Egyptians?
 What would it be like to travel back in time and experience a different culture firsthand?
4. You are an alien from a planet that uses a base-8 number system. You have crash-landed
on Earth and need to find a way to communicate with the humans. How would you use your
understanding of different number systems to bridge the gap between your two cultures?
 What challenges would you face in trying to understand the human number system?
 How could you use your knowledge of base-8 and binary to develop a way to
communicate with the humans?
 What would it be like to learn about a new culture and share your own with others?
5. You are a robot who is learning about the world for the first time. You are curious about how
numbers work and how they are used by humans. How would you use your logical processing
abilities to understand different number systems and their applications?
 What questions would you ask about numbers and how they work?
 How would you compare and contrast different number systems, such as binary, decimal,
and octal?
 What would it be like to learn and grow as a robot, and how would understanding numbers
help you in that process?

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