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The Evolution of

Leadership Theory
This presentation will explore the key developments in leadership
theory over the past century, from the early focus on individual traits to
the recent emphasis on shared and authentic leadership.

by Mary Florence Toledo

1900s: Trait Theory
1 Innate Qualities 2 Limitations
The trait theory suggests that This approach fails to account for the
effective leaders are born with influence of situational factors and
inherent characteristics like the potential for leadership skills to
intelligence, confidence, and be developed over time.

3 Criticism
Trait theory was criticized for being too simplistic and unable to explain why some
individuals with the "right" traits were ineffective leaders.
1910s-1940s: Behavioral Theories
Task-Oriented People-Oriented Limitations
Behavioral theories focused These theories also Behavioral theories struggled
on the specific behaviors and emphasized the importance to consistently predict
actions of leaders, such as of leaders being considerate, leadership effectiveness, as
their ability to structure work supportive, and focused on the appropriate leadership
and provide clear direction. the needs and well-being of style often depended on the
their followers. situation.
1940s-1960s: Contingency Theories
1 Situational Approach
Contingency theories recognized that the effectiveness of a leader's style
depended on the specific situation, including factors like the task, the team,
and the environment.

2 Flexible Leadership
Effective leaders were seen as those who could adapt their approach to best
fit the current circumstances, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all style.

3 Advancing the Field

Contingency theories helped move leadership research beyond the
simplistic trait and behavioral approaches, paving the way for more nuanced
and contextual models.
1960s-1980s: Transformational Leadership
Inspirational Vision Individualized Consideration
Transformational leaders inspire their These leaders also provide personalized
followers by articulating a compelling vision support and encouragement, helping
and appealing to their higher-order needs followers develop their full potential.
and values.

Intellectual Stimulation Charismatic Influence

Transformational leaders challenge their Through their personal charm and
followers to think critically, question magnetism, transformational leaders are
assumptions, and find innovative solutions. able to inspire deep loyalty and
commitment from their followers.
1980s-1990s: Servant Leadership

Empathy Stewardship Humility Service

Servant leaders They see their role as Servant leaders At the core of servant
prioritize that of a steward, exhibit a sense of leadership is a deep
understanding and focused on facilitating humility, recognizing commitment to
addressing the needs the growth and that their success serving others and
of their followers, development of their depends on the putting their needs
showing genuine care team members. contributions of first.
and concern. others.
1990s-2000s: Authentic Leadership

Self-Awareness Relational Transparency Balanced Processing

Authentic leaders have a They are open and honest in Authentic leaders objectively
deep understanding of their their interactions with analyze all relevant
own values, strengths, and others, fostering trust and information before making
weaknesses, which guide building genuine important decisions,
their decision-making. connections. avoiding bias and blind
2000s-Present: Shared Leadership
Distributed Responsibility Shared leadership emphasizes the
distribution of leadership functions and
responsibilities across the team or

Collective Influence In this model, leadership is seen as a

collective process, where team members
actively influence and support one another.

Flexibility and Adaptability Shared leadership allows for greater flexibility

and responsiveness to changing
circumstances, as leadership roles can shift

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