Class VIII Computer Networking March LP

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Subject: Computer Science

Topic: Computer Networking

Grade Level: 8
Learning Objectives
 Knowledge-Based:
o Define computer networking, its components, and its significance.
o Explain the uses and advantages of computer networks.
o Distinguish between LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN, and CAN networks.
o Describe basic network topologies (bus, ring, star, tree, mesh).
o Understand the concepts of network architecture (peer-to-peer, client-server).
o Differentiate between wired and wireless network technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
o Identify common network protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, TCP/IP, POP3, IMAP,
 Skill-Based:
o Analyse the networking requirements of a hypothetical scenario.
o Diagram simple home or small office networks, identifying components and
 Higher-Order Thinking:
o Evaluate the pros and cons of different network topologies in various situations.
o Design an optimal networking solution for a case study, considering factors like
budget, needs, and constraints.
o Debate the importance of network security and ethical considerations of networking.
 Lecture and Discussion: Introduce concepts with clear explanations, using visual aids
(diagrams, videos, etc.). Engage students with questions and discussions to promote
 Collaborative Projects: Assign group projects on network design and analysis,
encouraging teamwork and problem-solving.
 Guest Lecture (optional): Invite a network administrator to discuss real-world networking
challenges and careers.
 Hands-On Lab Activities:
o Set up a simple network in the computer lab, allowing students to examine
components and configurations.
o Design and simulate networks using online tools like Packet Tracer.
o Research network protocols, create a presentation or write a report about their
Subject Enrichment Activity
1. Case Study: Networking a New School (Rubric Included)
o Scenario: A new school building is being constructed, and students are tasked with
designing the optimal network.
o Activity: Work in groups to determine requirements, choose a topology, select
hardware, and address security concerns. Present the network plan to the class.
o Rubric: Accuracy, feasibility, justification of choices, presentation
2. Ethical Debate: Networks & Society
o Topics: Privacy concerns, the digital divide, the impact of the internet on society.
o Activity: Hold a debate or structured discussion exploring the benefits and potential
harmful effects of networking.
o Rubric : Argument Development and Support, Understanding of Ethical
Considerations, Communication Skills, Participation and Collaboration, Application of
Networking Concepts
Learning Outcomes
 Values: Develop an appreciation for collaboration and teamwork. Recognize the
importance of ethical network practices and security.
 Skills: Enhanced problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and research skills.
 Sustainability Focus: Understand the role of networking in promoting resource sharing
and reducing environmental impact.
Teaching Aids
 Whiteboard/Smart Board
 Diagrams and illustrations
 Educational videos on networking concepts
 Computer lab with networking equipment (if possible)
 Online simulation tools (e.g., Packet Tracer)
EdTech Tools
 Interactive online lessons on networking fundamentals
 Game-based learning platforms
 Simulation software
 Online discussion forums
Differentiated Learning
 Provide visual aids and hands-on activities for slow learners.
 Offer varying levels of challenge in network design activities.
 Pair students of different abilities for collaborative project.
Question 1
Type: Multiple Choice
Prompt: What does the acronym "LAN" stand for?
A. Large Area Network
B. Local Area Network
C. Long Area Node
D. Limited Access Network
Explanation: This is a "remembering" question. Students only need to recall a basic definition and
select the correct term.
Question 2
Type: True/False
Prompt: A server is a type of computer that provides resources and services to other computers on
the network.
Explanation: This is an "understanding" question. Students need to understand the basic function
of a server on a network and determine whether the statement accurately describes it.


MCQ 1: Scenario Analysis

Scenario: Your school is planning to upgrade its computer network. The IT department is
considering various network types and topologies for this purpose.
Considering the needs of a school environment involving multiple buildings, students, staff, and
shared resources, evaluate the following options:
 Option A: Star topology with Wi-Fi access points
 Option B: Mesh topology across buildings with a mix of wired and wireless connections

Which option would you recommend and why? Justify your answer considering factors like
reliability, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and security.

Skill Focus:
 Analysis: Students need to break down the network requirements of a school.
 Evaluation: Students need to weigh the pros and cons of each topology.
 Justification: Students must support their reasoning with networking concepts.
MCQ 2: Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving
Scenario: A small business owner is experiencing slow internet speeds and frequent connection
issues in her office. The network setup consists of a single router and several devices connected
Identify potential causes of the problem and suggest possible solutions to improve the network
performance. Consider factors like:
 Wireless interference
 Device placement and distances from the router
 Bandwidth limitations
 Router configuration issues
Skill Focus:
 Problem-Solving: Students need to diagnose a realistic network problem.
 Application of Knowledge: Students need to apply understanding of wireless technology,
bandwidth, and router settings.
 Critical Thinking: Students must suggest multiple possible solutions, considering various

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