Class X Part A Unit 2 Self Management Skills-II

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Competency based multiple choice questions:

Question 1:
What is the BEST way to manage stress according to the chapter?

A. Avoiding all social interactions. B. Bottling up your emotions. C. Using time management techniques. D.
Sleeping less than usual.

Answer: C. Using time management techniques.

Explanation: The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " discusses various techniques for managing stress,
including time management. Time management techniques can help you feel more in control of your
schedule and reduce feelings of overwhelm, which can be a major contributor to stress.
Question 2:

What is a negative consequence of not managing stress according to the chapter?

A. Increased focus and productivity. B. Improved decision-making abilities. C. Weakened immune system.
D. Enhanced creativity.

Answer: C. Weakened immune system.

Explanation: The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " states that too much stress can have negative
impacts on your health, including a weakened immune system.
Question 3:

What is one characteristic of a self-motivated person according to the chapter?

A. Easily discouraged by setbacks. B. Lacks focus and direction. C. Blames others for their problems. D.
Sets goals and works hard to achieve them.

Answer: D. Sets goals and works hard to achieve them.

Explanation: The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " describes self-motivated people as those who are
driven to achieve their goals and are persistent in the face of challenges.
Question 4:

What is the difference between internal and external motivation according to the chapter?

A. Internal motivation is based on rewards, while external motivation is not. B. Internal motivation comes
from within yourself, while external motivation comes from outside factors. C. Internal motivation is always
negative, while external motivation is always positive. D. There is no difference between internal and
external motivation according to the chapter.
Answer: B. Internal motivation comes from within yourself, while external motivation comes from outside
Explanation: The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " explains that internal motivation is driven by your
own interests and desires, while external motivation comes from external rewards or pressures.
Question 5:

What is the chapter's recommended approach to setting goals?

A. Setting vague and unrealistic goals. B. Focusing only on short-term goals. C. Setting SMART goals
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). D. Procrastinating on setting goals until

Answer: C. Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
Explanation: The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " emphasizes the importance of setting SMART
goals to increase your chances of success. SMART goals are clear, specific, and achievable, which can help
you stay motivated and on track.

Competency based,assertion reason multiple choice questions:

Question 1

Assertion (A): Time management is an important self-management skill for students. Reason (R): It helps
students prioritize their tasks and meet deadlines.

A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true, butR is not the
correct explanation of A. C. A is true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true.
Answer: A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

The chapter emphasizes time management as a crucial skill for students. Effective time management allows
students to organize their schedules, allocate sufficient time for studies and other activities, and complete
tasks within deadlines.

Question 2

Assertion (A): Setting realistic goals is essential for self-motivation. Reason (R): Unrealistic goals can lead
to frustration and discouragement.

A. Both A and R R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true.
Answer: A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
The chapter highlights the importance of setting realistic goals for boosting self-motivation. Setting goals
that are too ambitious or unattainable can lead to feelings of disappointment and hinder motivation.

Question 3
Assertion (A): Effective communication is a key component of self-management. Reason (R): R is not the
correct explanation of A. C. A is true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true.
Answer: A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

The chapter underlines effective communication as a core self-management skill. Students who can
articulate their thoughts and needs clearly are better equipped to manage their interactions and navigate
various situations.

Question 4

Assertion (A): Stress management techniques can improve students' well-being. Reason (R): They help
students cope with academic pressure and personal challenges.

A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is
true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true.
Answer: A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

The chapter discusses various stress management techniques that students can employ to enhance their well-
being. By learning to manage stress effectively, students can cope better with academic pressures, personal
challenges, and improve their overall well-being.

Question 5
Assertion (A): Self-discipline is a critical aspect of self-management. Reason (R): It allows students to
regulate their behavior and make R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is true, but R is false. D. A is
false, but R is true.
Answer: A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

The chapter emphasizes self-discipline as a fundamental aspect of self-management. Self-disciplined

students can control their impulses, manage their time effectively, and make responsible choices that
contribute to their academic success and personal growth.

Competency based,statement1 statement2 multiple choice questions:

Question 1

Statement 1: Time management is an important self-management skill for students. Statement 2: Effective
time management allows students to prioritize tasks but not necessarily meet deadlines.

A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true. B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. C. Statement 1 is

false, Statement 2 is true. D. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Answer: B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false.


The chapter emphasizes time management as a crucial skill for students. Effective time management allows
students to organize their schedules, allocate sufficient time for studies and other activities, and complete
tasks within deadlines. Thus, statement 1 is true, and statement 2 regarding meeting deadlines is false.

Question 2

Statement 1: Setting unrealistic goals can be a good motivator for students. Statement 2: Realistic goals are
more likely to lead to self-motivation than unrealistic goals.

A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true. B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. C. Statement 1 is

false, Statement 2 is true. D. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Answer: C. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true.


The chapter highlights the importance of setting realistic goals for boosting self-motivation. Setting goals
that are too ambitious or unattainable can lead to feelings of disappointment and hinder motivation. Thus,
statement 1 is false, and statement 2 is true.

Question 3

Statement 1: Effective communication is a key component of self-management, but not necessarily required
for academic success. Statement 2: Students who can articulate their thoughts and needs clearly are better
equipped to manage their interactions and navigate various situations.

A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true. B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. C. Statement 1 is

false, Statement 2 is true. D. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Answer: B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true.

The chapter underlines effective communication as a core self-management skill. While the chapter doesn't
explicitly state it's necessary for academic success, students who can communicate clearly are better
equipped to navigate various situations, including academic ones. Thus, both statements can be true
depending on the interpretation of academic success.

Question 4

Statement 1: Stress management techniques can improve students' well-being but do not necessarily improve
academic performance. Statement 2: By learning to manage stress effectively, students can cope better with
academic pressure and improve their overall well-being.

A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true. B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. C. Statement 1 is

false, Statement 2 is true. D. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Answer: C. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true.


The chapter discusses various stress management techniques that students can employ to enhance their well-
being, which can also improve academic performance by reducing pressure and improving focus. Thus,
statement 1 is false, and statement 2 is true.

Question 5

Statement 1: Self-discipline is a critical aspect of self-management, and it allows students to make informed
decisions. Statement 2: Self-disciplined students can control their impulses, manage their time effectively,
and make responsible choices.

A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true. B. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. C. Statement 1 is

false, Statement 2 is true. D. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is false.

Answer: A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true.

Case study based multiple choice type questions:

Scenario 1:

Maya is a student who gets overwhelmed easily when she has multiple assignments due at the same time.
She often procrastinates and ends up staying up late at night to finish her work. This cycle of stress and sleep
deprivation is affecting her focus in school and her overall well-being.

What is the BEST strategy for Maya to manage her stress and improve her academic performance?

 A. Avoid planning altogether and focus on completing tasks as they come up.
 B. Develop a time management schedule that prioritizes her assignments and allocates realistic
 C. Pull all-nighters to catch up on her work and avoid getting behind.
 D. Ask her teacher for an extension on all of her assignments.
Answer: B. Develop a time management schedule that prioritizes her assignments and allocates realistic

The chapter emphasizes the importance of time management skills for reducing stress and improving
academic performance. By creating a schedule that prioritizes her assignments and sets realistic deadlines,
Maya can break down her workload into manageable chunks and avoid feeling overwhelmed. This will
allow her to complete her work without sacrificing sleep, which is crucial for maintaining focus and
concentration. Options A, C, and D are all ineffective coping mechanisms that can worsen stress and lead to
further academic struggles.

Scenario 2:

Rohan is a talented artist who experiences self-doubt and anxiety whenever he has to present his artwork to
others. This fear often prevents him from sharing his work and participating in art competitions.


What can Rohan do to overcome his self-doubt and gain the confidence to share his artwork?

 A. Avoid any situations that require him to present his work in public.
 B. Practice positive self-talk and focus on his strengths as an artist.
 C. Ask his friends and family for harsh criticism of his artwork.
 D. Compare his artwork to the work of other artists and identify his shortcomings.
Answer: B. Practice positive self-talk and focus on his strengths as an artist.

The chapter highlights the importance of self-awareness and self-motivation for achieving goals. By
practicing positive self-talk and focusing on his strengths, Rohan can challenge his negative thoughts and
build his confidence in his abilities. This will empower him to overcome his fear and share his artwork with
others. Options A, C, and D are counterproductive strategies that can worsen Rohan's self-doubt and anxiety.

Scenario 3:
Priya is a busy working professional who often feels burnt out due to the demands of her job. She struggles
to maintain a healthy work-life balance and finds it difficult to relax and de-stress after work.


What can Priya do to improve her work-life balance and manage stress more effectively?

 A. Work longer hours to meet all of her work deadlines.

 B. Identify healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as exercise or relaxation techniques.
 C. Skip taking breaks throughout the workday to get more work done.
 D. Avoid spending time with friends and family to focus solely on work.
Answer: B. Identify healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as exercise or relaxation techniques.

The chapter suggests various techniques for managing stress, including exercise and relaxation techniques.
By incorporating these healthy practices into her routine, Priya can reduce stress levels and improve her
overall well-being. This will allow her to maintain a better work-life balance and feel more energized and
focused throughout the day. Options A, C, and D are unhealthy habits that can worsen stress and burnout.

Scenario 4:

Akash is a high school student who has a difficult time working independently on school projects. He often
relies on his classmates to complete his work and misses deadlines when working alone.


How can Akash improve his ability to work independently?

 A. Avoid working on any projects that require independent work.

 B. Develop self-awareness by identifying his strengths and weaknesses as a learner.
 C. Copy his classmates' work to ensure he meets deadlines.
 D. Ask his teacher for extra help on every assignment.
Answer: B. Develop self-awareness by identifying his strengths and weaknesses as a learner.

The chapter defines self-awareness as understanding your strengths and weaknesses. By reflecting on his
learning style and identifying areas where he struggles with independent work, Akash can develop strategies
to improve his self-sufficiency. This will allow him to take ownership of his learning.

Case study based multiple choice type questions in the pattern of assertion
Scenario 1

Character: Maya, a student who gets overwhelmed easily

Assertion: Maya feels stressed and overwhelmed because she has too much homework to complete. To
manage her stress, she should avoid making a schedule to prioritize her tasks.

Reason: Making a schedule can help Maya visualize her workload and break down large tasks into smaller,
more manageable ones, reducing her perceived stress.


A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct. B. Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect. C. Assertion is
incorrect, Reason is correct. D. Neither Assertion nor Reason is correct.

Correct Answer:

A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines stress as a short-term or long-term response of the body
due to physical, emotional, or psychological changes. It also highlights that time management techniques
can help reduce stress by prioritizing tasks and creating a clear plan for completing them. In this scenario,
creating a schedule can help Maya visualize her workload and break down large tasks into smaller, more
manageable ones, reducing her perceived stress.

Scenario 2

Character: Rohan, a student who has difficulty focusing during exams

Assertion: Rohan experiences anxiety before exams, and it negatively affects his concentration. To improve
his focus, he should avoid practicing relaxation techniques like meditation.

Reason: Meditation has been shown to improve focus and concentration by promoting a state of calmness
and relaxation.


A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct. B. Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect. C. Assertion is
incorrect, Reason is correct. D. Neither Assertion nor Reason is correct.

Correct Answer:
C. Assertion is incorrect, Reason is correct.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines stress as a short-term or long-term response of the body
due to physical, emotional, or psychological changes. It also highlights that meditation is a stress
management technique that can improve focus and concentration by promoting a state of calmness and
relaxation. In this scenario, meditation can help Rohan reduce his anxiety before exams, thereby improving
his concentration.

Scenario 3

Character: Riya, a student who wants to improve her public speaking skills

Assertion: Riya feels nervous and anxious when giving presentations in class. To overcome her stage fright,
she should avoid practicing her presentation in front of a mirror.

Reason: Practicing in front of a mirror allows Riya to receive feedback on her body language and facial
expressions, which can improve her confidence during presentations.


A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct. B. Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect. C. Assertion is
incorrect, Reason is correct. D. Neither Assertion nor Reason is correct.

Correct Answer:

C. Assertion is incorrect, Reason is correct.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines stress as a short-term or long-term response of the body
due to physical, emotional, or psychological changes. It does not specifically mention public speaking, but it
does discuss stress management techniques that can be applied in various situations. Practicing in front of a
mirror allows Riya to receive feedback on her body language and facial expressions, which can improve her
confidence during presentations.

Scenario 4

Character: Aditya, a student who has a busy schedule with schoolwork and extracurricular activities

Assertion: Aditya feels exhausted due to his demanding schedule. To improve his time management skills,
he should avoid delegating tasks whenever possible.
Reason: Delegation allows Aditya to distribute his workload and free up time for other commitments,
reducing his stress and improving his efficiency.


A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct. B. Assertion is correct, Reason is incorrect. C. Assertion is
incorrect, Reason is correct. D. Neither Assertion nor Reason is correct.

Correct Answer:

A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines stress as a short-term or long-term response of the body
due to physical, emotional, or psychological changes. It also highlights that time management techniques
such as delegation can help reduce stress by distributing tasks and improving

Case study based multiple choice type questions in the pattern of statement1

Scenario 1

Character: Maya, a student who struggles with procrastination

Statement 1: Maya has a big history project due next week, but she hasn't started working on it yet. She feels
overwhelmed by the amount of research required.

Statement 2: To avoid procrastination and manage her workload effectively, Maya should break down the
project into smaller, more manageable tasks and set deadlines for each task.


A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. B. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. C. Both Statement 1
and Statement 2 are true. D. Neither Statement 1 nor Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer:

C. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines self-management skills as a person's ability to manage
their thoughts, feelings, and actions to achieve their goals. It also highlights that time management
techniques such as breaking down large tasks into smaller ones can help individuals avoid procrastination
and improve their efficiency. In this scenario, Maya's procrastination stems from feeling overwhelmed by
the large task of completing the entire history project. By breaking the project into smaller tasks, such as
researching specific topics, creating an outline, and writing different sections, Maya can make the project
seem less daunting and develop a plan to complete it on time.

Scenario 2

Character: Rohan, a student who has difficulty managing his sleep schedule

Statement 1: Rohan stays up late studying most nights and struggles to wake up early for school in the

Statement 2: To improve his sleep hygiene and concentration in class, Rohan should establish a regular sleep
schedule, going to bed and waking up at consistent times each day, even on weekends.


A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. B. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. C. Both Statement 1
and Statement 2 are true. D. Neither Statement 1 nor Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer:

C. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " does not directly mention sleep hygiene, but it does discuss the
importance of good health habits for managing stress. Regularly getting enough sleep is essential for
maintaining physical and mental well-being. In this scenario, Rohan's irregular sleep schedule is likely
disrupting his sleep cycle and contributing to his difficulty concentrating in class. Establishing a consistent
sleep schedule, even on weekends, can help regulate his body's natural sleep-wake rhythm and improve his
overall well-being.

Scenario 3

Character: Riya, a student who feels constantly stressed about upcoming exams

Statement 1: Riya experiences a negative impact on her health due to chronic exam stress, including
headaches and stomach-aches.
Statement 2: To manage her stress and improve her well-being, Riya should incorporate healthy coping
mechanisms into her routine, such as regular exercise and relaxation techniques like deep breathing.


A. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. B. Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. C. Both Statement 1
and Statement 2 are true. D. Neither Statement 1 nor Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer:

C. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.


The chapter "class x cbse self mgmt skills " defines stress as a short-term or long-term response of the body
due to physical, emotional, or psychological changes. It also highlights that chronic stress can have negative
health consequences. In this scenario, Riya's physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach-aches, are
likely psychosomatic responses to her exam stress. Incorporating healthy coping mechanisms like exercise
and relaxation techniques can help Riya manage her stress levels and improve her overall well-being.

Competency based very short answer type questions:

Question 1

What is one way self-management skills can help a student in their academic life?


Self-management skills can help a student prioritize their tasks and manage their time effectively. This can
lead to improved academic performance and reduced stress.

Question 2

What are some signs that a student might be experiencing stress?


The topic lists some signs of stress as lack of sleep, mood swings, headaches, loss of appetite, and difficulty

Question 3

What is one positive effect that good stress (eustress) can have on a student?

Good stress (eustress) can motivate a student to achieve their goals and perform well academically.

Question 4

What is one way a student can develop self-awareness?


The topic suggests that reflecting on your strengths, weaknesses, values, and interests can help you develop

Question 5

What are two types of motivation?


The topic identifies two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation (doing something because you enjoy it)
and extrinsic motivation (doing something for an external reward).

Case study based very short answer type questions:

Scenario 1: Time Management

Character: Sarah, a student who struggles to stay organized and often forgets assignments.
Question: What is one strategy Sarah could use to improve her time management skills and remember her
Answer: According to the topic, creating a schedule and to-do list can help students manage their time
effectively and stay organized. Sarah could create a daily or weekly schedule that includes time for
completing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and leisure time. She can also use a to-do list to keep track
of upcoming assignments and deadlines.
Scenario 2: Stress Management
Character: David, a student who feels anxious before presentations in class.
Question: What is one relaxation technique David could use to manage his anxiety before a presentation?
Answer: The topic suggests deep breathing as a relaxation technique to manage stress. Before his
presentation, David can take a few minutes to find a quiet place and practice deep breathing exercises. This
can help to slow his heart rate, calm his mind, and improve his focus.
Scenario 3: Self-Motivation
Character: Emily, a student who finds it difficult to stay motivated in her math class.
Answer: The topic mentions setting goals as a way to stay motivated. Emily could set short-term and long-
term goals for herself in math class. For example, her short-term goal could be to improve her score on the
next quiz, and her long-term goal could be to get a good grade in the class overall. Setting achievable goals
and tracking her progress can help Emily stay motivated and engaged in her learning.
Scenario 4: Self-Awareness
Character: Liam, a student who often gets into conflicts with his classmates.
Question: What is one way Liam can practice self-awareness to improve his relationships with his
Answer: The topic suggests reflecting on your thoughts and feelings as a way to develop self-awareness.
After experiencing a conflict with a classmate, Liam can take some time to reflect on what happened. He can
think about his own emotions and actions, as well as the emotions and actions of his classmate. This
reflection can help Liam to understand his own role in the conflict and identify ways to communicate more
effectively in the future.
Scenario 5: Positive Thinking
Character: Noah, a student who tends to focus on the negative aspects of situations.
Question: What is one strategy Noah could use to develop a more positive mindset?
Answer: The topic highlights the importance of positive thinking for managing stress and improving well-
being. Noah could challenge his negative thoughts and try to reframe them in a more positive light. For
example, instead of thinking "I'm going to fail this test," he could think "I've been studying hard and I'm
confident that I can do well." By focusing on the positive, Noah can develop a more optimistic outlook and
improve his overall well-being.

Remembering and understanding:

Question 1

What are some of the common signs of stress?

 Lack of sleep.
 Restlessness and anxiety.
 Frequent headaches.
 Frequent mood swings.
 Loss of appetite.
 Loss of interest and focus.
 Memory loss.
 Social withdrawal or isolation.
 Feeling overloaded and depressed.
The topic lists several common signs of stress, including lack of sleep, restlessness and anxiety, frequent
headaches, frequent mood swings, loss of appetite, loss of interest and focus, memory loss, social
withdrawal or isolation, and feeling overloaded and depressed.

Question 2

What are some of the good stress management techniques?

 Time management.
 Physical exercise and fresh air.
 Meditation.
 Yoga.
 Healthy diet.
 Positivity.
 Good sleep.
 Spending time with family and friends.

The topic lists several good stress management techniques, including time management, physical exercise
and fresh air, meditation, yoga, healthy diet, positivity, good sleep, and spending time with family and

Question 3

What does self-awareness mean?

The topic defines self-awareness as conscious knowledge of your own understanding, beliefs, character, and
behavior. It's about knowing yourself, including your values, interests, skills, and talents.


Self-awareness is knowing yourself, including your values, interests, skills, and talents. It's about
understanding your strengths and weaknesses.

Question 4

What are some of the advantages of working independently?

 Increased focus.
 Making progress on assignments.
 Working at your own pace.
 Can work remotely.
 Better job satisfaction.

The topic lists several advantages of working independently, including increased focus, making progress on
assignments, working at your own pace, the ability to work remotely, and better job satisfaction.

Question 5

What are the four steps to building self-motivation according to the topic?

 Find your strengths.

 Set and focus on your goals.
 Develop a plan to achieve your goals.
 Stay loyal to your goals.

The topic outlines four steps to building self-motivation: finding your strengths, setting and focusing on your
goals, developing a plan to achieve your goals, and staying loyal to your goals.

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