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6/25/24, 12:14 PM DIGITAL BASIC - 1.



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Introduction Static Timing Analysis Clock Advance STA Signal Integrity EDA Tools Timing Models Other Topics
VLSI Basics
Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6
Extraction & Index
Introductio Parasitic Interconnect Corner (RC Manufacturing Effects and Their Dielectric Process Other
DFM Chapter 1: Digital Ba
n Corner) Modeling Layer Variation Topic
Chapter 2: Semicon
Chapter 3: CMOS P
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Chapter 4: CMOS B
Chapter 5: CMOS L

Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4

Index Digital CMOS
Semiconductor Background
Background Processing

1.1 1.2 1.3a 1.3b 1.4 1.5 1.6

Number Digital Logic Logic Combinational Multiplex
System Arithmetic Gates Gates Circuits (MUX)

When I was talking to few of my friends, then they suggested me that I should write something about the basic also. Like Digital Basics / CMOS-
MOS basics / VLSI basics.
In this series, I will try to add all the necessary basics from VLSI point of view in short and crispy manner. In few cases I have discussed the
shortcut methods also.
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Just in case you wanted to understand in details - you can refer the Books from the "Recommended books" section.
10 Employee Awar
Let's start with the DIGITAL BASIC. Workplace

Electronics Circuits are of 2 types. Employees function as

making sure that emplo
Analog : Analog circuis are those in which voltages and currents vary continuously through the given range. They can take infinite
incredibly important ...
value with in the specified range.
Digital : Digital circuits are one in which the voltage levels assume a finite number of distinct value.

Vlsi ex
Digital circuits are also called
Switching Circuits : because the voltage levels in a digital circuit are assumed to be swithed from one value to another simultaneously.
Logic circuits : Because each type of digital circuits obey a certain set of logic rules.

Digital Circuits have many advantage over the analog circuits.

Easier to design: Switching circuits where there are only 2 states (HIGH/LOW , TRUE/FALSE, 0/1) are easier to design. Since these Videos
are state dependent so actual numerical value is not important only the range is important. In analog, signal has numerical
significance, so it’s difficult to design.
Information storage is easy: There are many types of memories which can store the data as long as required.
Accuracy and precisions are great: For obtaining the same accuracy and precision, analog circuits are more complex and costly then
the digital circuits. 1/5
6/25/24, 12:14 PM DIGITAL BASIC - 1.1 : NUMBER SYSTEM |VLSI Concepts
Digital circuits are less effected by noise : Since in analog, exact value of voltage is important, so a small change in the voltage
because of noise effect the finial output/functionality of the syste. In case of Digital, if the voltage is with in the range (even after
effecting with Noise), there will be no change in the output.

Limitation of Digital Circuits.

It has only one major Drawback, that REAL WORLD IS ANALOG.
Just because of this Drawback, we have to design a lot of other system. Like – convert the analog info into digital and then finally the
digital info to analog. Which usually increase the size of the circuit but this is also true that this dis-advantages are overweights by the
other advantages.
Number System

Digital circuit use the binary number system. But to understand this system first we have to understand the other number system. There are many
number systems present. The most frequently used number systems in the applications of Digital Computers are Binary Number System, Octal
Number System, Decimal Number System and Hexadecimal Number System. f
Characteristics of Number system
Base or radix is equal to the number of digits in the system.
The largest value of digit is one (1) less than the radix.
Each digit is multiplied by the base raised to the appropriate power depending upon the digit position.
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The maximum value of digit in any number system is given by (Ω-1), where Ω is radix

Example 1: Maximum value of digit in decimal number system = (10 – 1) = 9.

Popular Posts

Base or Radix (r) of a Number System: The Base or Radix of a number system is defined as the number of different symbols (Digits or
"Timing Paths" : Sta
Characters) used in that number system. Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 1)
Number System Radix/Base Number Sequence/ Possible symbols
Basic of Timing
Binary System 2 0 and 1
Analysis in Physical
Ternary number system 3 0, 1 and 2 Design
Quaternary 4 0, 1, 2 and 3
Quinary 5 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 "Setup and Hold Tim
: Static Timing Analy
Octal System 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (STA) basic (Part 3a
Decimal System 10 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Hexadecimal number system 16 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,A, B, C, D, E and F "Examples Of Setup
and Hold time" : Sta
To distinguish one number system from the other, the radix of the number system is used as suffix to that number. Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 3c)
Eg: 102 Binary Numbers; 108 Octal Numbers.
1010 Decimal Number; 1016 Hexadecimal Number. "Setup and Hold Tim
Violation" : Static
Timing Analysis (STA
Positional Number Systems basic (Part 3b)

Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal number systems are called positional number systems. 10 Ways to fix SETU
Any positional number system can be expressed as sum of products of place value and the digit value. and HOLD violation:
Static Timing Analys
(STA) Basic (Part-8)

E.g 756­10­ = 7 x 102 + 5 x 101 + 6 x 100

Delay - "Wire Load
156.24­­8 = 1 x 82 + 5 x 81 + 6 x 80 + 2 x 8-1 + 4 x 8-2 Model" : Static Timin
Analysis (STA) basic
(Part 4c)
Number System Place values or Weight of different Digits
Digit XXXXX.XXXX "Time Borrowing" :
Static Timing Analys
Digital number 104 103 102 101 100 . 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 (STA) basic (Part 2)
Binary number 24 23 22 21 20 . 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4
Delay - "Interconnec
Octal Number 84 83 82 81 80 . 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 Delay Models" : Stat
Hexadecimal number Timing Analysis (STA
164 163 162 161 160 . 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4
basic (Part 4b)

Example 2: Maximum Clock

Binary to Decimal Conversion (Short Cut Method) Frequency : Static
Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 5b)
Binary to Decimal = Binary → octal → Decimal
Eg. Convert 101110 into decimal
Solution (101 110)2 = (56)8 = 5 x 8 + 6 = (46)10 EDN Feed

Note: For converting Binary to octal make group of 3 bit starting from left most bit

Example 3:
Binary to Decimal Conversion (Equation Method)
S i-1 = 2S i + a i-1
Where Sn = an and S0 = the last sum term 2/5
6/25/24, 12:14 PM DIGITAL BASIC - 1.1 : NUMBER SYSTEM |VLSI Concepts
Eg. (1101)2 to decimal

So (1101)­2 = (13)10

Note: We can use calculator (scientific) but there is a limit of digit as input in calculator. We can use transitional way of multiplying each digit with
2n-1 (where n is the position of digit in binary number) and adding in the last but for large binary digit it’s again a tedious task

In the next part we will discuss BASIC ARITHMETIC.

Posted by VLSI Expert at 11:50 AM


shivoo December 12, 2013 at 12:37 PM

You can see my notes at:


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