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MKT304 IMC project (30%)

Task description:

Create your own product (creative product, or co-brand product). You need to make a maximum 1:30 minutes ads on your new product
as a key communication to increase consumer awareness, then provide a campaign to promote your new product in order to communicate
with consumers, and obtain an initial benefit for the company.

Your video advertising (1:30 min length) should have:

- Clear message to the customer (avoiding the noise)

- Clear target customers

Notice: You should copy the link of the video to the ppt (can be Google Drive or Youtube link), DO NOT submit the video.

Your promotion plan (maximum 3000 words) should include:

1. Target customers
2. Campaign objectives (e.g. increase ? % awareness, increase ?% sales…for a setting time)
3. External analysis (customers analysis, competitive analysis, environment analysis), product positioning (provide product price)
4. Budget and timeline setting (the campaign runs at least 6 months long). You can put this part in your appendix
5. IMC strategies: apply proper communication tools (including social media ads, youtube, TV, promotion program, PR, billboards,
pannel, chatbox etc…) to transmit the message and communicate with consumers as well as gain initial benefits for the firm.
6. Implementing IMC plan
7. Evaluate the IMC plan, predict risks
8. Appendix

In order to complete this assignment, your group must have 3 components: an advertising, a formal presentation (ppt), and a report.

The evaluation will be based on both presentation and written report (30%, 70% accordingly)

Format: Time New Roman, 13 size, double-spaced.

Deadline: Week 9 – 23:59 Friday 17/03/2023

The report will be submitted via LMS submission link

Presentation (20 min +10 questions) on Week 10

(Please follow marking rubric on page 3)

Presentation marking criteria:

Content delivery: No OK Good Very good Excelent

Group work (relevant allocate time for each member): No OK Good Very good Excelent

Clear visual aids: No OK Good Very good Excelent

Fluency, style: No OK Good Very good Excelent

Time management: No OK Good Very good Excelent

Report Marking criteria:

1. Overview:
- Sufficient and relevant data reported: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Evidence-based discussion No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Clear analysis, interpreting the data No OK Good Very good Excellent
2. Target strategy:
- Clear statement of the target market No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Sensibility of the target (e.g. too broad, too narrow, unreachable…) No OK Good Very good Excellent
3. Campaign objectives logical, practical and reasonable: No OK Good Very good Excellent
4. Communication tool (media strategies):
- Connection with the target consumer: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Connecting with the campaign objectives: No OK Good Very good Excellent
5. Creative strategy:
- Connectedness to the target audience: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Creativity: No OK Good Very good Excellent
6. Campaign evaluation:
- Measurements developed for all campaign objectives: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Clear discussion of the implementation of the campaign evaluation: No OK Good Very good Excellent
7. Presentation
- Well-organized, clear structure: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Appropriate referencing: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Within words limit: No OK Good Very good Excellent
- Edit report before submitting: No OK Good Very good Excellent

End of the document.

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