The Legend of Skyman

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Lela Isma Harun

SMP Negeri 3 Pamukan Utara

Assalamualaikum warohmatullah wabarakatuh
Good morning/good afternoon!

The adjudicators, the teachers, and my friends who have come to this story telling competition
today. I am Lela Isma Harun. Today, I am going to perform my story which is entitled THE
LEGEND of SKY MAN. Why I choose this story because I am a Dayak paser, and this story is
from my own village, Now live in the border of Kotabaru regency, my village, Sekayu Baru is
closer to east Kalimantan rather than to our capital city Kotabaru. To go to Kotabaru I need 8 to
10 hours, while to East Kalimantan I need only ten minutes. However I love Kotabaru as my
regency. Ok, everybody. I Hope you all enjoy my story!

On the upper right of the Mahakam River is Kampung Londong. In ancient times, the village
was only inhabited by a few families. One of the families was named Jue. His wife's name is
Bulan. The husband and wife were expecting a child. Day and night both of them prayed to
However, that prayer has not been answered yet, so both of them are getting old.
"But I'm sure," said Jue to his wife, "God will grant our wish. I'm expecting a child, boy or girl...!"

Jue's family lives on farming. During the farming season, both clear the forest and cultivate the
land. Every day the two of them worked very diligently.
"Our life is not too lacking," said Jue to his wife.
"However, it's very quiet in a house without children."
"We must endure," replied his wife.
"One day God will surely grant us what we ask for...!"

One day Jue went hunting.

Several of his hunting dogs were brought along.
However, that day, no animals were encountered.
Because Jue considers the day unlucky, he goes home.
However, from a distance came the sound of his dog barking.
The barking became increasingly boisterous. Jue immediately ran there.

However, strangely, the dogs only barked at the bamboo grove.

"Mad Dog...!" Jue grumbled.
"I thought the mouse deer or pangolin was barking, suddenly it was just a clump of bamboo!"
Then, he called the dogs one by one. But, no one of the dog wanted to move. In fact, the dogs
barked even louder.

Finally, Jue went home alone. At home, he recounted his experience with a dog barking at the
bamboo clump. His wife did not respond. That night they both slept soundly.
Strange! In sleep, the husband and wife both dream of being visited by an angel.
"Go to the bamboo grove that is waiting for the hunting dogs. There is a baby girl, namely the
baby princess Bambu Kuning. Take care of her with love! The skyman will marry the girl later!"

Jue and Bulan were very happy to receive the news from the angel.
Early in the morning the two of them went to the forest.
When they arrived at the bamboo tree, several dogs remained in place, barking occasionally.
Both of them could hardly believe it when they saw a tiny baby sleeping among the yellow
bamboo trees. Immediately the baby was taken home and looked after with abundant love.

Finally the baby grew into a beautiful girl and named princess bambu kuning.
She became the idol and flower of the village.
After the girl became a teenager, many young men came to propose.
But, none of them pleased him.
"I'm still waiting for the man I was promised," she said to her parents.

Somedays later, there was an uproar because Putri Bambu Kuning was hit by an accident. No
shamans could cure his eyes. Both parents felt very sad.
"God has answered our prayers, but this disease has taken away her happiness," complained
Mrs. Bulan. "We have to find a way to cure it."

For days and weeks they looked for shamans and medists, but no one succeeded in treating
the princess. When Jue and Bulan were confused, they were met by an angel.
"Princess Bambu Kuning’s eyes will open when she meets her lover. The man who will be her
soul mate has been here for a long time...!"

The husband and wife were amused, but neither knew which man would marry a blind girl.
Some youths did come to visit, but the girl's eyes still wouldn't open.

God granted Jue and Bulan's prayer by sending down a man from the sky named Puncan
Karna. Puncan Karna came down to earth to hunt. Together with some of his retainers, they got
lost in the forest.
Finally they arrived in Londong. Because Jue's house was on the edge of the village, it was the
first house they stopped by.
When Puncan Karna looked at the girl lying on the divan, the girl's eyes opened.
They looked at each other.
Finally, the two teenagers agreed to build a household. They live happily ever after.

To commemorate and uphold Puncan Karna and Princess Bambu Kuning as sky people, the
Dayak Paser community held an event called balian which is regularly held to this day.

That is all my story, thank you for your attention, Good morning/good afternoon.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

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