Class X Part B Unit 1 Intro. To AI

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Competency based multiple choice questions:

Question 1

What is the process of collecting data required for training an AI project called?

a) Data Scoping b) Data Exploration c) Data Acquisition d) Data Modelling

Answer: c) Data Acquisition


Data Acquisition is the second stage of the AI project cycle and refers to the process of collecting data
required to train the AI model. This data is used to teach the machine learning algorithms to identify patterns
and trends, which can then be used to make predictions or classifications.

Question 2

What are the two main approaches to AI modelling?

a) Problem Scoping and Data Exploration b) Rule-based and Learning-based approaches c) Data Acquisition
and Data Modelling d) Evaluation and Neural Networks

Answer: b) Rule-based and Learning-based approaches


AI modelling is the fourth stage of the AI project cycle where a technique is chosen to build a model from
the prepared data. There are two main approaches to AI modelling:

 Rule-based approach: This approach relies on a set of rules defined by the developer to perform a
specific task. The machine is trained on these rules and uses them to generate the desired output.
 Learning-based approach: This approach allows the model to learn patterns and relationships from
the data itself, without the need for explicit rules. The model is trained on a large dataset and can
then make predictions or classifications on new data.

Question 3

What is the purpose of data exploration in the AI project cycle?

a) To define the problem and scope of the project b) To collect data for training the AI model c) To identify
patterns and trends in the data d) To evaluate the performance of the AI model

Answer: c) To identify patterns and trends in the data

Data exploration is the third stage of the AI project cycle. It involves examining the collected data to
understand its characteristics, identify patterns, and uncover any trends that might be relevant to the project.
This information is then used to inform the development of the AI model.

Question 4

What are the two main types of learning-based AI models?

a) Supervised and Unsupervised learning b) Rule-based and Classification learning c) Regression and
Clustering learning d) Data Exploration and Neural Networks

Answer: a) Supervised and Unsupervised learning


Learning-based AI models are a type of AI modelling approach where the model learns from data. There are
two main categories of learning-based models:

 Supervised learning: Involves training the model on labelled data, where each data point has a
corresponding label or category. The model learns to map the input data to the desired output based
on the labelled examples.
 Unsupervised learning: Deals with unlabeled data, where the data points do not have predefined
labels. The model is tasked with identifying patterns and relationships within the data itself. This can
involve tasks like clustering or dimensionality reduction.

Question 5

What is the stage of the AI project cycle where the efficiency and performance of the model are evaluated?

a) Problem Scoping b) Data Acquisition c) Data Exploration d) Evaluation

Answer: d) Evaluation

Evaluation is the final stage of the AI project cycle. In this stage, the performance of the trained model is
assessed to determine its effectiveness in achieving the desired outcome. This involves testing the model on
unseen data and measuring its accuracy, precision, and other relevant metrics.

Competency based multiple choice questions in the pattern of assertion reason:

Question 1

Assertion (A): The first stage of the AI project cycle is called problem scoping.
Reason (R): In this stage, we collect data required for training the AI model.

Answer: Option (d): Neither A nor R is individually true, but R is the reason for A.

While problem scoping is indeed the first stage of the AI project cycle, the reason provided (collecting data)
is incorrect. During problem scoping, the focus is on identifying and understanding the problem the AI
project aims to solve, not collecting data. Data collection happens in the subsequent stage called data

Question 2

Assertion (A): Supervised learning is a type of learning-based AI model.

Reason (R): Supervised learning models are trained on labelled data.

Answer: Option (b): A is true, R is the reason for A.


The chapter mentions that supervised learning is a category of learning-based AI models. Supervised
learning models are trained on data that is labelled with the desired output. The provided reason accurately
explains the concept of supervised learning.

Question 3

Assertion (A): Neural networks are a type of deep learning algorithm inspired by the structure of the human

Reason (R): Neural networks can process large amounts of data and identify complex patterns.

Answer: Option (b): A is true, R is the reason for A.


The chapter explains that neural networks are a fundamental concept of deep learning, a subfield of machine
learning. They are designed similarly to the human brain and are capable of handling large datasets to
recognize hidden patterns. Thus, the reason accurately explains the working of neural networks.

Question 4

Assertion (A): Data exploration is the process of collecting data for training an AI model.

Reason (R): Data exploration helps identify patterns and trends in the data.
Answer: Option (d): Neither A nor R is individually true, but A is the reason for R.

Data exploration is the third stage of the AI project cycle. In this stage, the collected data is examined to
uncover patterns and trends that are relevant to the project. However, data exploration itself does not involve
collecting new data. So, while the first assertion is incorrect, it lays the groundwork for the true reason

Question 5

Assertion (A): The evaluation stage is the final stage of the AI project cycle.

Reason (R): In this stage, the performance of the trained model is assessed.

Answer: Option (b): A is true, R is the reason for A.


The chapter states that evaluation is the last stage of the AI project cycle. During this stage, the effectiveness
of the trained model is measured to determine if it meets the project goals. The provided reason accurately
explains the purpose of the evaluation stage.

Competency based multiple choice questions in the pattern of statement1


Statement 1: AI project cycle refers to the different stages involved in developing an AI project.
Statement 2: The stages in the AI project cycle are not sequential and can be performed in any order.
Answer: Option (d): Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false.

The chapter clarifies that the AI project cycle is a well-defined process consisting of several stages that need
to be followed in a specific order to ensure successful development of an AI project. These stages involve
planning, data collection, data exploration, model building, and evaluation, each building upon the outcomes
of the previous stage.

Statement 1: Data acquisition is the second stage of the AI project cycle.

Statement 2: Data acquisition involves collecting data relevant to the problem the AI project aims to solve.
Answer: Option (b): Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.
The chapter confirms that data acquisition is the second stage of the AI project cycle. During this stage, data
that is pertinent to the specific problem being addressed by the AI project is collected. This data is then used
to train the AI model in the subsequent stages.

Statement 1: Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows machines to learn from data
without explicit programming.
Statement 2: Neural networks are a form of machine learning inspired by the structure and function of the
human brain.
Answer: Option (b): Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

The chapter mentions that machine learning is a subset of AI where machines can learn and improve from
data without needing to be programmed for every specific task. It further explains that neural networks are a
type of machine learning algorithm that is modelled after the human brain and is adept at handling large
datasets and identifying complex patterns.

Statement 1: Data exploration is the process of training a machine learning model.

Statement 2: Data exploration helps in understanding the characteristics and trends within the data.
Answer: Option (d): Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true.

Data exploration, as described in the chapter, is the third stage of the AI project cycle. It involves analyzing
the collected data to comprehend its properties and uncover any patterns or trends that might be useful for
developing the AI model. Training the machine learning model occurs in a later stage.

Statement 1: Evaluation is the final stage of the AI project cycle.

Statement 2: The purpose of evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of the AI model.
Answer: Option (b): Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

The chapter states that evaluation is the last stage in the AI project cycle. During this stage, the performance
of the trained model is meticulously examined to determine how well it achieves the desired outcome. This
assessment helps identify areas for improvement or confirm the success of the AI project.

Case study based multiple choice type questions:

Scenario 1

Imagine you are a wildlife conservationist studying the cheetah population in the African savanna. You
suspect that cheetahs are increasingly avoiding areas with human activity. Unfortunately, manually
collecting data on cheetah locations is time-consuming and expensive. To address this challenge, you decide
to develop an AI model to analyze camera trap data and automatically identify cheetahs in the images.


Which stage of the AI project cycle are you currently in?

a) Problem Scoping b) Data Acquisition c) Data Exploration d) Model Building

Answer: a) Problem Scoping


In this scenario, you are in the initial stage of the AI project cycle, which is problem scoping. You are
defining the problem you want to solve (identifying cheetahs in camera trap images) and understanding its
various aspects (time constraints, cost limitations) before proceeding to data collection and model

Scenario 2

An architect is designing a new smart home that can automatically adjust lighting and temperature based on
the occupants' preferences. To gather data on occupant behavior and preferences, the architect installs
sensors in the house that track movement, temperature, and light levels.


What type of data is being collected in this scenario?

a) Supervised learning data b) Unsupervised learning data c) Rule-based data d) Neural network data

Answer: b) Unsupervised learning data


The architect is collecting data on occupant behavior and preferences without pre-existing labels or
categories (e.g., living room, bedroom). This data is unlabeled, making it a suitable scenario for
unsupervised learning models. These models can identify patterns and trends in the data, which can then be
used to design the smart home's automation system.

Scenario 3

A farmer is interested in predicting crop yield to optimize resource allocation and harvest planning. The
farmer has data on past crop yields, weather patterns, and soil conditions.

What type of AI modelling approach might be suitable for this scenario?

a) Rule-based approach b) Learning-based approach c) Unspecified approach d) Data-driven approach

Answer: b) Learning-based approach


Predicting crop yield involves identifying relationships between past data (crop yields, weather, soil
conditions) and future outcomes (crop yield). A learning-based approach, such as supervised learning, can
be used to train a model on this historical data. The trained model can then be used to predict crop yield for
future seasons based on new weather and soil condition data.

Scenario 4

A medical researcher is investigating the potential of using AI to diagnose skin cancer from images. The
researcher has collected a large dataset of skin cancer images along with diagnoses from dermatologists.


What is the likely purpose of data exploration in this scenario?

a) To identify the cause of skin cancer b) To clean and pre-process the image data c) To develop a new
image classification algorithm d) To reduce the dimensionality of the data for faster processing

Answer: b) To clean and pre-process the image data


Data exploration is a crucial step before model building in the AI project cycle. In this scenario, the
researcher would use data exploration techniques to examine the skin cancer images for any inconsistencies,
missing data, or errors. This data cleaning and pre-processing step ensures the quality of the data used to
train the AI model for accurate skin cancer diagnosis.

Scenario 5

A social media company is developing a new recommendation system to suggest content to users based on
their browsing history and preferences. The company has collected vast amounts of user data, including
likes, shares, and browsing time on different content categories.


Which type of AI modelling technique might be best suited for this recommendation system?
a) Rule-based approach b) Supervised learning approach c) Unsupervised learning approach d)
Reinforcement learning approach

Answer: b) Supervised learning approach

Case study based multiple choice type questions in the pattern of assertion

Scenario 1

Character: Dr. Li, a cardiologist

Dr. Li is reviewing data from wearable fitness trackers worn by her patients with heart conditions. She wants
to use this data to develop a model to predict when a patient is at risk for a heart attack.

Question 1

Assertion: Dr. Li is in the stage of data exploration of the AI project cycle.

Reason: Dr. Li is analyzing large amounts of data to uncover patterns and trends.

Answer Choices

A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. B.
Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. C.
The Assertion is correct, but the Reason is incorrect. D. The Assertion is incorrect, but the Reason is correct.

Correct Answer: A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

In the data exploration stage of the AI project cycle, the goal is to explore large datasets to find patterns and
trends that can be used to develop a model. Dr. Li is analyzing data from wearable fitness trackers to
identify patterns that might indicate a risk of a heart attack, which aligns with this stage.

Scenario 2

Character: Maya, a data scientist working for a ride-sharing company

Maya is tasked with developing a new algorithm to optimize the routes for ride-sharing drivers to reduce
wait times for passengers.

Question 2
Assertion: Maya is likely in the stage of problem scoping of the AI project cycle.

Reason: Maya is focusing on defining the problem and understanding the goals of the project.

Answer Choices

A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. B.
Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. C.
The Assertion is correct, but the Reason is incorrect. D. The Assertion is incorrect, but the Reason is correct.

Correct Answer: A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

Problem scoping is the initial stage of the AI project cycle where the problem is identified and defined.
Here, Maya is focusing on reducing wait times for passengers, which aligns with this stage.

Scenario 3

Character: Bhargav, a farmer

Bhargav uses a smartphone app to analyze aerial images of his crops to detect signs of disease.

Question 3

Assertion: The smartphone app Bhargav uses is likely based on a machine learning model trained on labeled

Reason: The app is able to identify patterns in the images that indicate crop disease.

Answer Choices

A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. B.
Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. C.
The Assertion is correct, but the Reason is incorrect. D. The Assertion is incorrect, but the Reason is correct.

Correct Answer: A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

Machine learning models are trained on labeled data to identify patterns. In this case, the app is likely
trained on labeled images of crops with and without disease to identify patterns that indicate disease in new
Scenario 4

Character: Priya, a customer service representative for a bank

Priya uses a chatbot to answer frequently asked questions from bank customers.

Scenario 4 (Completed)
Character: Priya, a customer service representative for a bank
Question 4

Assertion: The chatbot Priya uses is likely based on a supervised learning model.

Reason: The chatbot is able to classify customer questions and provide appropriate responses.
Correct Answer: A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

Supervised learning models are trained on labeled data, which includes both the input (customer question)
and the desired output (appropriate response). In this case, the chatbot is likely trained on a dataset of
customer questions and corresponding responses, allowing it to classify new questions and provide
appropriate responses.

Scenario 5
Character: Ramesh, a software developer

Ramesh is developing a new system to automatically generate captions for social media images.

Question 5

Assertion: Ramesh's system is likely in the stage of data acquisition of the AI project cycle.

Reason: Ramesh needs a large dataset of social media images and captions to train his system.
Answer Choices

A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. B.
Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. C.
The Assertion is correct, but the Reason is incorrect. D. The Assertion is incorrect, but the Reason is correct.

Correct Answer: A. Both the Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
Data acquisition is the second stage of the AI project cycle where data is collected to train the model. In this
case, Ramesh needs a large dataset of social media images and captions to train his system to generate
captions for new images, which aligns with this stage.

Case study based multiple choice type questions in the pattern of statement1

Scenario 1

Character: Zara, a marine biologist

Zara is studying the behavior of dolphins using underwater microphones to record their vocalizations. She
wants to develop a system to automatically identify different types of dolphin calls.

Question 1

Statement 1: Zara is likely in the data collection stage of the AI project cycle. Statement 2: Zara is collecting
data to train a machine learning model to classify dolphin calls.

Answer Choices

A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true. B. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. C. Statement 1
is true, but Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer: A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.


In the data collection stage of the AI project cycle, data is gathered to train a model. Here, Zara is collecting
recordings of dolphin vocalizations (data) to train a system to identify different types of calls (machine
learning model).

Scenario 2

Character: Akash, a civil engineer

Akash is designing a new bridge and wants to use AI to optimize the design for strength and stability.

Question 2

Statement 1: Akash is likely in the problem scoping stage of the AI project cycle. Statement 2: Akash is
defining the problem and the goals of the project.

Answer Choices
A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true. B. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. C. Statement 1
is true, but Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer: A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.


Problem scoping is the initial stage of the AI project cycle where the problem is identified and defined.
Here, Akash is defining the problem of optimizing the bridge design and the goals of achieving strength and
stability, which aligns with this stage.

Scenario 3

Character: Aarthi, a botanist

Aarthi is studying a rare plant species and wants to use AI to identify the plant from images captured in the

Question 3

Statement 1: Aarthi needs a large dataset of labeled images to train a machine learning model for plant
identification. Statement 2: Unsupervised learning is the most suitable approach for this task.

Answer Choices

A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true. B. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. C. Statement 1
is true, but Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer: A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

Machine learning models for image classification typically require labeled data. In this case, Aarthi needs a
large dataset of labeled images (images with corresponding identification of the rare plant species) to train a
model to identify the plant from new images. Unsupervised learning is used for unlabeled data, where the
model identifies patterns without predefined labels.

Scenario 4

Character: Rehan, a wildlife photographer

Rehan is using a camera trap to capture images of animals in their natural habitat. He wants to use AI to
automatically identify the animals in the images.

Question 4
Statement 1: Rehan can use a supervised learning model for animal identification. Statement 2: Rehan needs
to manually label the images with the type of animal before training the model.

Answer Choices

A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true. B. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. C. Statement 1
is true, but Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true.

Correct Answer: A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

Supervised learning models are trained on labeled data. In this case, Rehan can use a supervised learning
model to identify animals in the images, but he needs to manually label the images with the type of animal
(e.g., deer, tiger) before training the model to identify animals in new images.

Scenario 5

Character: Priya, a fashion designer

Priya is designing a new clothing line and wants to use AI to predict fashion trends and generate new design

Question 5

Statement 1: Priya can use AI tools to analyze social media data, runway shows, and sales figures to identify
emerging styles and patterns. Statement 2: Generative AI models can help Priya create unique and novel
design concepts.

Answer Choices
A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true. B. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. C. Statement 1
is true, but Statement 2 is false. D. Statement 1 is false, but Statement 2 is true.
Correct Answer: A. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

AI can analyze large amounts of fashion-related data to identify emerging trends and predict what styles are
likely to be popular in the future. Generative AI models are also capable of creating new design ideas by
learning patterns in existing fashion data and coming up with novel variations, inspiring the designer.

Competency based very short answer type questions:

Question 1:

What are the different stages of the AI project cycle?


The chapter outlines five stages of the AI project cycle:

1. Problem Scoping.
2. Data Acquisition.
3. Data Exploration.
4. Modelling.
5. Evaluation.

Each stage plays a crucial role in the development of an AI project. Problem scoping helps define the
problem and goals. Data acquisition involves collecting the necessary data for training the AI model. Data
exploration helps understand the data and identify patterns. Modelling involves choosing and building the
AI model. Finally, evaluation involves testing and assessing the performance of the AI model.

Question 2:

What are the four Ws used in problem scoping within the AI project cycle?


The chapter describes the 4Ws used in problem scoping as:

 Who: This identifies the people affected by the problem.

 What: This defines the nature of the problem.
 Where: This refers to the context or location of the problem.
 Why: This helps understand the reasons behind the problem and the benefits of solving it.

By considering these four Ws, problem scoping ensures a clear understanding of the problem and its
potential solution within the AI project.

Question 3:

How can data visualization be helpful in data exploration during the AI project cycle?


The chapter explains that data visualization plays a vital role in data exploration. It helps to:

 Identify trends and patterns in the data.

 Develop a strategy for choosing the right model for the project.
 Communicate insights effectively to others involved in the project.

By visualizing the data, we can gain valuable insights that would be difficult to identify just by looking at
raw data. This aids in making informed decisions about the AI model and effectively communicating
findings to others.

Question 4:

What are the two main approaches to AI modelling mentioned in the chapter?


The chapter discusses two main approaches to AI modelling:

1. Rule-based approach: This approach relies on a set of rules defined by the developer to guide the
machine's actions.
2. Learning-based approach: This approach allows the machine to learn patterns from data without
explicit rules being programmed.

The choice between these approaches depends on the specific problem and the type of data available. Rule-
based models are suitable for well-defined problems with clear rules, while learning-based models are more
powerful for complex problems with large amounts of data.

Question 5:

What is the purpose of the evaluation stage in the AI project cycle?


The chapter highlights that the evaluation stage is crucial for assessing the performance of the AI model.
This stage involves testing the model with unseen data to determine its:

 Accuracy: How well the model's predictions match the actual outcomes.
 Precision: How often the model's positive predictions are correct.
 Recall: How often the model identifies all the relevant cases.
 F1 score: A measure that combines precision and recall.
By evaluating the model's performance, we can identify areas for improvement and ensure the AI project
delivers the desired results.

Case study based very short answer type questions

Scenario 1:
Character: A marine biologist studying coral reefs.
Question: How can the researcher leverage AI-based data exploration to analyze vast amounts of
underwater sensor data and identify patterns in coral health over time?
Answer: The researcher can use AI-based data exploration to:
 Visualize large datasets of sensor data, including water temperature, salinity, and light levels.
 Identify trends and patterns that may be difficult to spot manually, such as gradual changes in
coral health over time.
 Develop predictive models to forecast potential threats to coral reefs, such as rising water
temperatures or pollution.
Scenario 2:
Character: A farmer aiming to improve crop yield.
Question: How can a farmer leverage AI-based data acquisition to collect and analyze data from various
sources to optimize crop yield?
Answer: The farmer can use AI-based data acquisition to:
 Collect data from various sources such as weather stations, soil sensors, and satellite imagery.
 Use AI models to analyze this data and identify factors affecting crop yield, such as moisture
levels, nutrient deficiencies, and pest infestations.
 Make data-driven decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control to optimize crop yield.
Scenario 3:
Character: A musician creating a new song.
Question: How can a musician leverage AI-based modelling to generate creative musical ideas and explore
new musical styles?
Answer: The musician can use AI-based modelling to:
 Generate new melodies and harmonies based on existing musical pieces or the musician's own
 Experiment with different musical genres and instruments by using AI to create variations on
existing pieces.
 Get feedback from AI models on the originality and creativity of their musical ideas.
Scenario 4:
Character: An architect designing a sustainable building.
Question: How can an architect leverage AI-based problem scoping to identify and define the key
challenges and goals associated with designing a sustainable building?
Answer: The architect can use AI-based problem scoping to:
 Identify the stakeholders involved in the project, such as the residents, the community, and the
 Define the "What" of the problem, which is designing a building that is energy-efficient,
environmentally friendly, and comfortable for occupants.
 Consider the "Where" of the problem, which is the location and context of the building, including
factors like climate and available resources.
 Determine the "Why" of the problem, which is the purpose of designing a sustainable building
and the benefits it will bring to the environment and society.
Scenario 5:
Character: A doctor diagnosing a patient's illness.
Question: How can a doctor leverage AI-based evaluation to assess the performance of different diagnostic
tools and choose the most accurate one for a specific patient's case?
Answer: The doctor can use AI-based evaluation to:
 Compare the accuracy of different diagnostic tools, such as blood tests, imaging scans, and AI-
powered diagnostic algorithms.
 Consider the patient's specific medical history and symptoms to select the most appropriate
diagnostic tool for their case.
 Evaluate the performance of the chosen diagnostic tool by comparing its results with other
available information, such as the patient's medical history and expert opinions.

Remembering and Understanding questions:

Question 1:

What are the different stages of the AI project cycle mentioned in the chapter?


The chapter outlines five stages of the AI project cycle:

1. Problem Scoping.
2. Data Acquisition.
3. Data Exploration.
4. Modelling.
5. Evaluation.
Each stage plays a crucial role in the development of an AI project.

Question 2:

What is the purpose of data visualization in the context of data exploration during the AI project cycle?


The chapter explains that data visualization is a helpful tool in data exploration. It helps to:

 Identify trends and patterns in the data.

 Develop a strategy for choosing the right model for the project.
 Communicate insights effectively to others involved in the project.

By visualizing the data, we can gain valuable insights that would be difficult to identify just by looking at
raw data. This aids in making informed decisions about the AI model and effectively communicating
findings to others.

Question 3:

According to the chapter, what are two examples of data sources mentioned for data acquisition in the AI
project cycle?


The chapter mentions two examples of data sources for data acquisition:

 Sensors: Data collected from various sensors to track physical conditions.

 Web scraping: Data extracted from various web pages.

There are many other data sources mentioned in the chapter, but these two examples provide a general idea
of the different types of data that can be acquired for AI projects.

Question 4:

What are the two main approaches to AI modelling discussed in the chapter?


The chapter describes two main approaches to AI modelling:

 Rule-based approach: This approach relies on a set of rules defined by the developer to guide the
machine's actions.
 Learning-based approach: This approach allows the machine to learn patterns from data without
explicit rules being programmed.

The choice between these approaches depends on the specific problem and the type of data available.

Question 5:

In the context of the AI project cycle, what does the evaluation stage focus on according to the chapter?


The chapter highlights that the evaluation stage is crucial for assessing the performance of the AI model.
This stage involves testing the model with unseen data to determine its:

 Accuracy: How well the model's predictions match the actual outcomes.

The chapter mentions other evaluation metrics but focuses on accuracy as a key aspect. By evaluating the
model's performance, we can identify areas for improvement and ensure the AI project delivers the desired

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