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Successful Application of Innovative Technology Improves Lubricity of

High Performance Water-Based Mud Systems in Challenging Environments
A. Maliardi, M. Sergiacomo, and L. Del Gaudio, eni

Copyright 2014, International Petroleum Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 –12 December 2014.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s).
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This paper describes the use of an innovative high-performance water-based drilling fluid system in south
Europe. The novel drilling fluid allowed to successfully drill a sidetrack in a deep, high pressure-high
temperature (HP-HT) well, in an area where low toxicity oil-based drilling fluids had been used in the
past, due to the adverse drilling conditions.
Comprehensive laboratory testing carried out to customize the drilling fluid formulation during the well
planning phase, was complemented by further testing conducted during drilling operations. An obvious
advantage of this system is its simplicity. It is composed mostly of liquid additives that allow a quick and
easy preparation at rig site. The system is also compatible with the full range of mud densities, while
exhibiting consistently superior lubricity characteristics.
A tailored version of the system for this sidetrack well in southern Europe, required a heavy weighted
fluid (up to 2.06 SG) to provide sufficient hydrostatic pressure for well control. The formulation included
a high temperature rheology modifier that improved fluid stability at temperatures up to 160°C at total
A high performance lubricant was added to the system to improve drilling rate, while using an
advanced steerable drilling system. Lubricity coefficients were monitored and recorded daily at rig site
using a standard industry accepted ring and block type lubricity tester. The lubricity values fell in the
range traditionally associated with oil-based mud usage. The successful sidetrack operations were
completed with very good performances.

Drilling fluids can influence all processes of well construction and operation, since incompatibility
between the selected fluid and geological conditions yields many undesirable consequences in terms of
drilling issues, quality of the production zone and economical performances. This is even more “true”
when operating in complex drilling conditions, such as those described in this paper.
In particular, one of the first applications of an innovative high performance water-based mud
(HPWBM) outside the United States - it had been previously used only once in Europe - is reported herein,
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which made it possible to successfully drill a challenging sidetrack within a deep, high pressure-high
temperature (HP-HT) well, in hard and tectonically-stressed formations.
The HPWBM, optimized to the specific field conditions, met several standards for effectiveness: high
lubricity, stability at high temperatures, little tixotropy, resistance to solids contamination. The fluid
represented a big step forward in reducing the environmental impact, while providing performances
comparable to those of low-toxicity oil-based muds used in the area for the last 20 years, as the only means
to overcome the difficult drilling conditions.
The reservoir is characterized by a white light brown dolomite of the Triassic age, and has two main
hydrocarbon zones, an upper and a lower one. The sidetrack’s target was the upper reservoir, which is an
isolated fault block in the west area of the field resulting from a series of tectonic discontinuities, that had
remained undrained by the previous operations. The depth of target reservoir was between 5500 and 6000
m, with a temperature of up to 160°C and pressures over 1000 kg/cm2 at total depth.
In the offset wells, these demanding conditions, combined with the high formation hardness and the
significant tectonic stresses, had leaded to such drilling issues as high torque, low rate of penetration
(ROP) and wellbore instability.
Instead, in the case described in this paper, the usage of the HPWBM, in combination with an advanced
steerable drilling system, enabled the sidetrack to be successfully executed without incidents.

Sidetrack Design
To reach the target reservoir, the sidetrack was designed as a slim hole section to be initiated from the 7⬙
production casing of the original well (Figure 1). The casing exit was located at 4800 m, with a 5 ¾⬙ hole
to be drilled down to a depth of 5632 m in order to accommodate a 5⬙ liner, and a 4 8 open hole to be
drilled down to total depth (5753 m).
The directional plan included two 3°/30 m build sections: the former from 4800 m to 5189 m, to an
inclination of 39° and the latter from 5442 m to 5556 m, to a final inclination of 60° that was hold to final
Due to the critical nature of well, a thorough casing loads analysis was carried out, to ensure the
integrity of casing, and therefore of the well, under all the expected drilling and production conditions.
Logging and testing of the 7⬙, 38 lb/ft production casing was also considered in order to ensure
A 10 K psi Annular and 15K psi Rams in a standard HP-HT standard configuration, were selected for
well control purposes.
A 3000 horsepower conventional deep well rig, was chosen, equipped with top drive, three 1600 horse
power high pressure pumps and a full complement of solids control equipment.
On the basis of the experiences from offset wells, a total time of 116,67 days was estimated to drill the
two hole sections of the sidetrack.

Drilling Fluid Design and Performance

The design of drilling fluid was critical for the success of the well, and so deserves a more detailed
Over the last 20 years, low-toxicity oil-based muds had been used to drill the deeper well sections in
the area, to minimize the issues related with the use of “old generation” water-based muds.
In fact, when using water-based mud, the geometry of wells and characteristics of formations were
prone to generate torque & drag issues, thus increasing the risk of hole instability and stuck pipe.
Futhermore, in the downhole HP-HT environment, water-based muds properties were not stable over
time and, for this reason, required constant reconditioning and dilution, which implied significant costs
related to the additives required and the disposal of fluid waste.
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Figure 1—Original vs. Sidetrack Design

The adoption of low-toxicity oil-based muds substantially improved operational performances, thanks
to their inherent lubricity and stability under downhole conditions at high densities (specific gravities of
the muds employed in this field range between 1,95 and 2,15). However, with oil-based muds, drill
cuttings required expensive treatments before disposal, which leaded to a drastic increase of the
environmental impact and the overall waste management costs.
HPWBM Selection
To replace low-toxicity oil-based muds with a more environmentally friendly drilling fluid, it was deemed
advisable to use a new-generation high performance water-based mud (HPWBM), which somewhat
combined the positive aspects of both oil-based and water-based fluids, i.e.:
● provide the good operational performances of oil-based muds, deriving from such properties as
high lubricity, thermal stability at high temperatures, low thixotropic properties and adequate
resistance to contamination from solids;
● ensure the low environmental impact and the easy of preparation typical of water-based muds.

A detailed programme was prepared to select and qualify the most suitable fluid. A comprehensive
laboratory testing was carried out to validate four different sets of fluid’s formulations.
In the specific sidetrack well, the most critical property was the fluid’s ability to maintain a stable
viscosity, under all the expected downhole conditions, in particular the prolonged exposure, in static
4 IPTC-18217-MS

Figure 2—Lab Testing - HPHT Rheology

Figure 3—Lab Testing - Lubricity

conditions, to temperatures of up to 180°C with pressures exceeding 1000 kg/cm2 at fluid densities over
2,00 SG. For this reason, the proposed fluid’s formulations were tested under both static and hot rolling
ageing conditions, for up to 72 hr at 180°C, to evaluate their performances. As a result, only minor
deviations from the original properties were found, since all the proposed formulations involved additives
that gave the fluid an enhanced thermal resistance to work in deep wells.
HP-HT rheology tests were carried out (Figure 2), to acquire all the information required to calculate
hydraulic parameters related to fluid circulation and removal of cuttings. It was found that lower
degradation rates due to friction and flocculation of colloidal drilled formation particles (colloidal solids
were minimized, but not completely eliminated), yielded an improved solids removal, with the consequent
reduction of the dilution volumes and, accordingly, the lower consumption of chemical reagents in
comparison with the “old generation” water-based drilling fluids.
Considering that the previous wells in the area had used oil-based drilling fluids, to decrease the
operational issues in the deeper hole sections, the HPWBM should have had similar properties, to control
the influence of formation shale, especially stuck pipes. The friction coefficient was therefore determined
for each formulation (Figure 3). Values were in the range of oil-based muds, which meant that the four
systems were able to decrease the problems during well construction.
A state of the art, HP-HT dynamic sag testing instrument was used, which confirmed that sag of
weighting material was not a major issue.
Laboratory tests were completed with clay dispersion tests, which showed that the four sets of
formulations had suitable components to limit the clay dispersion (Figure 4).
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Figure 4 —Lab Testing - Clay Dispersion

Laboratory testing was complemented by a review of case histories, to evaluate fluid performances
under comparable well conditions. In fact, the selected HPWBM had been widely used in the United
States, especially in the area of Haynesville shale of east Texas and north Louisiana. Furthermore, the
Haynesville experience had included horizontal wells averaging over 1500 m of lateral length, which
made the relevant drilling conditions very similar to those of the highly deviated slim hole sidetrack under
The results of such review indicated that the HPWBM had been successfully employed to repeatedly
and successfully drill and case dozens of Haynesville wells. It had consistently provided outstanding ROP
and reductions in torque and drag equal to or exceeding those achieved with oil-based muds1. Practically,
they confirmed the good drilling performance of the HPWBM in actual field operations, and strengthened
the achieved laboratory results.
HPWBM Formulation
The typical HPWBM formulation includes few liquid components, namely:
● A synthetic polymer dispersed in an organic carrier, acting as a primary viscosifier and, second-
arily, as filtrate reducer and coating agent.
● A performance enhancing HP-HT lubricant blend, that combines an effective reduction of friction
coefficient with thermal stability above 200 °C.
● An optional rheology modifier for high temperatures, having the scope to increase the low shear
viscosity at temperatures above 135 °C.
● A surfactant water wetting agent, which ensures that weight material is properly water-wet under
all conditions, especially at high temperatures.
A clear advantage of the system is simplicity, since it is mostly composed of liquid additives allowing
a quick and easy rig site preparation. The system is also compatible with the full range of water-based
muds densities, while exhibiting consistently superior lubricity characteristics.
Table 1 shows the typical HPWBM formulation for high temperatures, at 1,85 SG.
The formulation used for the specific application was modified to minimize the lubricant concentration,
since the sidetrack well did not require the low friction coefficient needed in a horizontal applications.
Furthermore, the HP-HT filtrate needed to be reduced from the typical values for the system; this was
accomplished by adding a high temperature polymer specifically designed for that purpose2 at a
concentration of 3 - 7 kg/m3.

D. Breeden, C. Dougan, D. Shank and S. Summers, Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC; “Haynesville Performance Review: Unique Clay Free Polymer Drilling
Fluid System” AADE-11-NTCE-39, 2011 AADE National Technical Conference, Houston, Texas, April 12-14, 2011.
Hille, M., Hoechst AG; “Vinylsulfonate/Vinylamide Copolymers in Drilling Fluids for Deep, High-Temperature Wells”, SPE 13558, SPE Oilfield and
Geothermal Chemistry Symposium, 9-11 March 1985, Phoenix, Arizona.
6 IPTC-18217-MS

Table 1—Typical High Temperature Formulation at 1,85 SG

HPWBM Actual Performance

The first benefit achieved during field implementation, was the easiness of HPWBM preparation and
reuse, thanks to the low number of products required. This practically turned into the absence of a mud
plant, a shorter mixing time, a reduced need of stocking space and a safer products management, with all
the associated time and cost reductions.
Furthermore, from the operational point of view:
● the mud remained stable with minimal dilution;
● even in static conditions for more than 72 hours, no barite sagging was detected;
● notwithstanding the high temperatures encountered (ranging between 155 °C and 165 °C), mud
components did not undergo any thermal degradation;
● rheological properties were maintained appropriate to the hole size and enabled the equivalent
circulating density (ECD) and surge/swab pressures to remain below the formation fracture
gradient, thus preventing lost circulation.
Table 2 shows the average mud composition, properties and drilling parameters used in the different
hole sections.

Drilling Performance
The use of the innovative HPWBM combined with an advanced steerable drilling system, allowed to
successfully sidetrack the well at a depth of 4699 m, then drill the 5 ¾⬙ hole to 5573 m and the 4 8 hole
to 5763 m.
Rates of penetration were 3.1 m/h for the 5 ¾⬙ hole and 1.6 m/h for the 4 8 hole, versus the planned
0,8 m/h for both sections, with a significant reduction in drilling time and costs:
● Actual drilling time: 82,02 days vs. the planned 116,67 days.
● Actual drilling cost: 11.6 million USD vs. the planned 15.1 million USD.
A comparison between the average ROP’s within the three different lithologies encountered (limestone,
marl and clay), is shown in Table 3, which also highlights the improved performances of drilling fluid,
bit and drilling system, compared to two offset wells, which had been drilled vertically without directional
control, by using low-toxicity oil-based muds.
Lubricity was constantly monitored onsite, and remained between 0,12 and 0,14, well below the typical
value for water-based mud of the same density (0.22 - 0.28).
Torque values were low for both the hole sections, varying in the range of 350-550 kg·m. Some torque
spikes were observed while reaming, but they were associated with formation changes. There was no
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Table 2—Average Mud Composition, Properties and Drilling Parameters by Hole Section
5-3/4ⴖ section 4-1/8ⴖ section
Products 4699-5573 m kg/m3 5573-5763 m kg/m3
Caustic soda 2,4 2,3
Soda ash 3,6 3,4
Synthetic viscosifier 8,9 4,7
HTHP Lubricant 2,3 5,0
Rheology modifier 3,8 0,4
Conditioner 1,6 0,7
Defoamer 3,8 3,4
HTHP Filtrate reducer 3,7 7,8
Barite 1464 1379
Mud parameters Unit
Density kg/l 1,82 - 2,05 2,00
Marsh Viscosity sec/l 54 - 84 68
PV cP 34 - 50 39
YP g/100cm2 6,5 - 10 9
Gels 10⬙/10= g/100cm2 2 - 2,5 / 3 - 3,5 2/4
API Filtrate cc 2/4 1
pH - 8,5 - 8,9 8,8
Pm cc H2SO4 0,4 - 1 -
Pf cc H2SO4 0,3 - 1,3 -
Mf cc H2SO4 3,1 - 6,3 -
Solids % 27 - 34 34
MBT Kg/m3 10 / 18 16

Table 3—Average ROP for Different Lithologies and Comparison with Offset Wells

evidence of overtorque and overpull due to hole geometry, and no extra circulations were required to clean
the hole.
Disposal costs were comparable (about 5% higher) to those of similar wells drilled in the same area
with low-toxicity oil-based muds. However, the environmental impact was significantly reduced, with no
dangerous waste produced.
This paper describes the application of an innovative high performance water-based mud technology, to
drill a sidetrack within an existing well previously drilled with low-toxicity oil-based mud, in high
pressure-high temperature conditions combined with a sensitive environment, high formation hardness
and significant tectonic stresses.
The innovative water-based mud provided drilling performances similar to those of an oil-based mud,
together with the reduced environmental impact typical of a water-based mud, which make it suitable to
8 IPTC-18217-MS

perform effective drilling operations in critical conditions and challenging environments, as in the case
reported in this paper.
Thanks to the unique properties of the selected innovative water-based mud - high lubricity, stability
at high temperatures, little thixotropy and resistance to solids contamination, the sidetrack was success-
fully drilled without incidents, and the target depth was reached in fewer days than expected.
This experience, therefore, represents the proof that this type of fluid can be successfully used to
replace the low toxicity oil-based muds previously used in the same HP-HT field.

The authors would like to thank eni, particularly the management of the “Drilling, Completion and
Production Optimization” Department, for permission to publish and present the paper.

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