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"Timing Paths" : Sta

Timing Analysis (STA

6/25/24, 12:30 PM Fabrication Steps: CMOS Processing (Part 1) |VLSI Concepts basic (Part 1)

Basic of Timing
Analysis in Physical

"Setup and Hold Tim

: Static Timing Analy
(STA) basic (Part 3a

"Examples Of Setup
and Hold time" : Sta
Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 3c)
Few important concepts about the fabrication
"Setup and Hold Tim
Violation" : Static
ICs are created on Silicon Wafer. Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 3b)
Silicon Wafer is a very think disk of intrinsic Silicon on which rectangular or square shape of multiple ICs are created.
10 Ways to fix SETU
Individual ICs are cut with the help of diamond saw and marked as pass or fail after proper testing. and HOLD violation:
The individual IC is called a “die” Static Timing Analys
(STA) Basic (Part-8)

Delay - "Wire Load

Model" : Static Timin
Analysis (STA) basic
(Part 4c)

"Time Borrowing" :
Static Timing Analys
(STA) basic (Part 2)

Delay - "Interconnec
Delay Models" : Stat
Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 4b)

Maximum Clock
Frequency : Static
Timing Analysis (STA
basic (Part 5b)

EDN Feed
On the basis of good no of die in a wafer, we define a term YIELD.
Macro models let
Yield = (No of Good die)/(Total No of die on the wafer) engineers simulate
circuits and systems
We always try to achieve 100% yield but that’s the ideal scenario. In a mature technology node or say process Yield Automate ESD
protection verificatio
approximately equal to 90%. for complex ICs -
Always remember – Yield decides the cost of the chip. Formal-based
methodology cuts
All ICs on a same wafer are processed at the same time, so the time taken and process steps are same regardless the no digital design IP
of ICs in silicon wafer. verification time -
Getting in sync with
This means the cost to process a wafer is the same whether it has 1 IC, or 1000 IC’s on it or not. UVM sequences -
Get those clock
domains in sync - 2/10

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