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A b
1. Used to connect two different net work. A. active directory Answer
2. Regenerate signals on as single network. B. NIC
1. E
3. Layers 2 device that is used to expand existing network. C. gateway
2. E
4. Prepares data for transmission b/n workstation. D. CMOS
3. F
5. Stores information about object in a network. E. repeater
4. B
6. Parameter used in a network to determine data transfer rate. F. bridge
5. A
7. An OSI layer that measure reliable transmission of data. G. bandwidth of
6. G
7. K
8. Provides high speed on data transmission. H. base band
8. O
9. An OSI layer used to convert data delivered by the sending I. transport layer
9. Q
Applicationl ayer in to universally acceptation format.
10. R
10. Transport protocols used for veritable data deliver. J. DMS channel 1
11. T
11. The principle of executing more than one application time. K. Data link layer
12. L
12. A method of switching technology that opens communication L. circuit switches
13. D
Lines local as long at transmission time like telephone system. M. serial transmission
14. N
13. Used to hold setting BIOS N. Registry
15. J
14. Local storage area within the process that used data being O. parallel transmission
Worked on by the processer.
15. Stores used by to transfer information directly to and from memory. P. session layer
Q. presentation layer
T. multitasking
U. leased line
V. wireless channel
Choose the best answer for the ff questions

1) Apiece of hardware and software on the network to prevent some communication for
bidden by the NTFS policy.
A. Proxy server B. network address translator
C. firewall D. NTK interface controller
2) A device which amplifies or regenerates signals received while sending them from one
point of network layer in to another.
A. Bridge B. repeater C. switch D. router
3) In OSI network architecture the dialogue central and token management are
responsibility of A. data link layer B. session layer C. network layer D.
transport layer
4) The most Efficient was to control security at a current server Network is to assign
permission to
A. Each shared resource B. groups C. directories D. user
5) Which of the ff is correct regardless of class B address of IP address
A. Network layer bit bit-16 B. network layer bit-14
a. c. network layer bit-14 D. network layer bit-15
6) The advantage of a client server network offer a peer to peer network is
A. performance is better on peer to peer B. security is better on a client/server
C. easy to configure the server client D. SECURITY IS BETTER ON A PEEER TO
7) You find that an abnormal amount of traffic is passing between the DNS server and
DNS client which tool would be the best help you a certain the cause of excess traffic?
a. A. tracer B. event viewer C. system monitor D. security
8) Communication mode support two way but transfer one direction at a time.
A. simplex B. Three quarter duplex C. Half duplex D. half duplex
9) Which is a firewall in computer network layer?
a. the physical boundary of network layer B. an operating system of computer
C. a system designed to prevent on authorized access d. a web browsing software

10). ADSL is the abbreviation of

A. Asymmetric Dual Subscriber Line B. Asymmetric Digital System Line

C. Asymmetric Dual System Line D. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

11). Which of the ff layer of OSI also called end-to-end layer?

A. presentation layer B. network layer C. Session layer D. transport layer

12). A system acting as firewall on the network typically located between?

A. the client system and the server B. two internal network layers

C. the internal access point and in the internet D. the internal network layer and intranet point

13). A large network layer with 500 users notices things at specific times in the morning
and afternoon network layer congestions up their computers what is the most likely cause?

A. many users are logging on or off B. Power fluctuation

C. attenuation is not prevent D. the switch connecting the network gateways

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