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THIS DEED OF SETTLEMENT is executed at Chennai on this the

_____ day of April 2023

Ms. Meena Ganapthy D/o ……….. (Pan No:AAXP9861E), aged about

……….. years, W/o Mr.Ganapathy Residing at No.15, , Freedom Park,
Nandavanam Galler Maharastra, Pune-600063 who is the “SETTLOR”.


1) Ms.Sunita Ganapthy D/o ……….. (Pan No:ADJPG9302R), aged

about ……….. years, D/o Mr.Ganapathy Residing at No.15, , Freedom
Park, Nandavanam Galler Maharastra, Pune-600063, who is the

The terms SETTLER and SETTLEE shall, wherever used hereafter, unless
repugnant to the context mean and include their men, agents, legal heirs,
executors, administrators, legal representatives, assigns etc.

WHEREAS originally the property situated at Sholinganallur Village,

Tambaram Taluk, Kancheepuram District, Chennai Corporation Area
comprised in Survey No. 586/ 1 (part) bearing Plot No. 79, measuring
an extent of 6000 sq. ft. in “Classic retreat”, was under the ownership
of 1. Sarangal 2. Chintamani 3. Rani 4. Ponnammal, 5. E. Samandhan
6. Shekar, 7. Selvaraj 8. Kanakavalli 9. Mallika 10. Raghavan 11.

AND WHEREAS the above mentioned owners being 1 a. Sarangal 1b.

Chintamani 1c. Rani 2 a. Ponnammal, 2b. E. Samandhan 2c. Shekar,
2d. Selvaraj 2e. Kanakavalli 2f. Mallika 3 a. Raghavan 3 b.
Kuppuswamy all represented by their Power of Attorney agent R. Baba
Shankar, S/o. S. Rajagopal, Managing Director of Classic farms and
Country Club Pvt. Ltd, sold the property in favor of V. Vasu and Mrs.
Padma Vasu vide Sale Deed dated 03.02.1995 registered as Document
No. 485 of 1995 in the office of the Sub Registrar, Adyar.

AND WHEREAS thus Mr. V. Vasu and Mrs. Padma Vasu were the
absolute owners of the property and were having PATTA dated
19.04.2012 comprising of PATTA No. 2634 in Survey No. 586(1A10) in
their name. They were also in possession of Tax receipts dated
17.04.2012 in the name of V. Vasu, Chitta dated 19.04.2012 in the
name of V. Vasu and Mrs. Padma Vasu and Adangal dated 17.04.2012
in Survey No. 586(1A10) issued by the Village Administrative Office

AND WHEREAS subsequently the purchasers mentioned in the Sale

Deed dated 03.02.1995 i.e., Mr. V. Vasu and Mrs. Padma Vasu sold the
property with respect to 2400 sq. ft. of land in Plot No. 79 in “Classic
Retreat” vide Sale Deed dated 31.05.2012 registered as Document No.
3350 of 2012 before the Sub Registrar, Neelangarai to the present
vendor, Mrs. M. Somavathy, W/o. Mr. I Vijayarajan and the said
property is morefully described hereunder as Schedule A property.

AND WHEREAS the seller, had subsequently obtained Patta for the
above said property in her name vide Patta No.6054, as per Patta
Survey No.586/2.

AND WHEREAS the seller, had decided to develop the Schedule

“A” Property into Residential Flat system, and had obtained
Building Plan No.BA/WDCN15/00976/2020, Plan Submission
No.PPA/WDCN15/ 09290/2019, issued by Executive Engineer
(T.P) Zone-15, Greater Chennai Corporation, and Land
Regularized vide Permit No:02849/2019, RL/WDCN15/
01417/2018, by Greater Chennai Corporation.

AND WHEREAS the seller has appointed her Son, Mr.

ARUNKUMAR VIJAYRAJAN, Son of Mr.I.Vijayarajan, as Power of
Attorney Agent, with respect to 1200 Square feet Undivided Share
of Land in and out of the Schedule “A” Property, vide a General
Power of Attorney dated 23 rd November 2020, Registered as
Document No.4422 of 2020, Book-1, in the office of the Sub-
Registrar Melur-Tuticorin.

AND WHEREAS the seller who was having remaining extent of

1200 Sq.ft., of undivided share of land in SCHEDULE A property
and, which is more fully described in the Schedule ‘B’ hereunder,
has decided to dispose the said Schedule “B” Property in
undivided share in various undivided lots.

AND WHEREAS it is represented that the seller has good and

marketable title to the Schedule “A” mentioned land and that she
has not done anything, omitted to do anything or knowingly
suffered any act, deed, or thing whereby it may stand in any way
encumbered or impeached in title.

AND WHEREAS the SETTLER herein has approached the seller

for purchase of 400 sq.ft Undivided share of land from the
Schedule “B” mentioned property, forming Part of Schedule “A”

property, which is more fully described in Schedule “C”


AND WHEREAS the SETTLER has offered to buy, and the

VENDOR has agreed to sell the Schedule “C” property for a
consideration of Rs.12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve Lakhs Only)
and the VENDOR has accepted the said offer and agreed to sell
the Schedule “C” mentioned property for the said sale

AND WHEREAS now, the SETTLER, and the SETTLEE, hereby

agree to share half of the property as a token of love. The
SETTLER will transfer fifty percent (50%) of the ownership rights
and interests in the property to the SETTLEE. Both parties will
have equal rights and responsibilities in the management and
decision-making regarding the shared property. The costs and
expenses associated with the shared property will be shared
equally between the parties, unless otherwise specified.


That in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement between the

SETTLER and the SETLEE and in consideration of _________ paid
by the SETLEE to the SETTLER by way of ____________ drawn on
____________ in favour of …………………. the SETTLER herein the
receipt of which sum, the SETTLER doth hereby admit,
acknowledge and acquit the SETTLEE from any further payment
thereof, the SETTLER doth hereby sell, convey, grant, transfer
and assign by way of absolute sale to and in favour of the
SETTLEE the property being 400 sq.ft., Undivided Share of Land
in the Schedule “B” mentioned property, forming part of Schedule
“A” property, which is more particularly described in the

Schedule “C” hereunder together with all the rights of the

SETTLER, to own and enjoy all the ways, water courses, ditches,
drains, easements, advantages, liberties, rights, privileges in any
manner appurtenant thereto or usually enjoyed therewith, with all
the right, title, estate, claim and demand of the SETTLER to, in
or upon the said property TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to
the use of the SETTLEE absolutely and forever with all the
powers of alienation and free from all encumbrances.

And WHEREAS, HEREIN, the SETTLOR, driven by profound love

and genuine concern for the SETTLEE, hereby declares their
intention to transfer fifty percent of the undivided shares. The
SETTLOR's unwavering commitment to the SETTLEE's well-being
and happiness is the basis for this heartfelt decision. The transfer
is made with complete conviction and unwavering intent, solely
for the SETTLEE's utmost benefit and fulfillment.

The SETTLER doth hereby expressly assure and covenant with

the SETTLEE as follows:

1. The SETTLER hereby covenants with the SETTLEE that the

SETELEE is the legal and absolute owner of half of the
property hereby sold and conveyed in the Sale Deed and that
no other person or persons has or have any manner of right,
title, or interest in the property or in any part thereof.

2. The SETTLER hereby further covenant with the PSETTLEE

that the SETTLER has perfect right, title, power, and
authority to transfer the said property mentioned in
SCHEDULE -C hereunder to and in favour of the SETTLEE
and that the SETTLER has not done or knowingly suffered any

act, deed, or thing whereby the said property is affected or

impeached in estate, right, title or otherwise.

3. The SETTLER doth hereby grant, convey, sell, transfer, sell and assign
unto the SETTLEE half the property described in the SCHEDULE C
hereunder with all ways, passages, common liberties, privileges, water
and water courses, easements, and advantages and appurtenant, there
to incidental or necessary for the proper enjoyment of the SCHEDULE
C Property by the SETLEE with all estate right, title, interest TO
HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property and every part thereof UNTO
the use of the SETTLEE absolutely, free from all encumbrances,
charges, liens, attachments, whatsoever without any let or hindrance
or interruption, obstruction, claim or demand by the SETTLOR or any
other person or persons claiming under them.

4. The SETTLER covenants that she is the absolute owner of the

SCHEDULE C Property hereunder and they are entitled to transfer half
of the SCHEDULE C Property unto and to the SETTLEE herein and no
one else has any right, title, claim, interest, or demand.

5. The SETTLER covenants that the SCHEDULE C Property is free from

all encumbrances and claims and that they have not mortgaged or
otherwise encumbered the said property in any manner or subjecting it
to any claim or demand.

6. The SETTLER covenants that the SETTLEE and/or any person/s

claiming through her in trust for them or her predecessors in title will
and shall, always hereafter, do all such further acts, deeds and things
that may be necessary and required for further assurance of the title
and peaceful possession of half of the property of the SCHEDULE C
Property to the SETTLEE.

7. The SETTLER hereby indemnifies the SETTLEE against any damages,

loss, or expenses which the SETTLEE may suffer and incur by reason
of any defect in title or by reason of encumbrances or for any other
reason whatsoever with respect to SCHEDULE C property.

8. The SETTLER further declares and covenants that the SCHEDULE C

Property is not the subject matter of any acquisition/requisition
proceedings, court attachment or any other claim/dispute.

9. The SETTLER hereby declares that all the rates, taxes, charges and
rent if any towards the SCHEDULE C Property have been paid upto
this date and that there is no lien or charge over the SCHEDULE C
Property from any authority and that the Schedule Property is not a
subject matter of any acquisition/requisition proceedings, court
attachment or any other claim/dispute from any person whomsoever.

10. The SETTLER personally, indemnifies the SETTLEE against any claim
of tax or charges liable to be raised by the Commercial Tax
Department, Sales Tax Department, Income Tax Department etc., or
from any third parties in future and ensures that the same shall be
promptly paid and settled without any demur or protest regarding the
SCHEDULE C Property.

11. The SETTLEE shall hereafter peaceably hold possess and enjoy the
transferred SCHEDULE C property without any eviction,
interruption, claim and demand whatsoever from the SETTLEE or
any person claiming through or under in trust for her.

12. The SETTLER covenants and assures that since all the rates, taxes,
charges, rent and public charges demanded upto this date have been
paid by the SETTLER in respect of the SCHEDULE C Property and

that if anything remains unpaid, the SETTLER shall discharge the

same out of its own funds and also hereby agree to reimburse the
PURCHASERS if she is obliged to pay any such taxes and other
charges. The SETTLER have this day delivered possession of the
SCHEDULE C Property to the SETTLEE herein.

13. The SETTLER hereby assures the SETTLEE that the SETTLEE are
entitled to transfer their name in the revenue record of the SCHEDULE
C transferred property including all government and quazi government
record as owners of SCHEDULE C property and the SETTLER will do
all acts and deeds as may be required for mutation of name in the
Revenue/ Municipal registry and other local bodies, transfer of
Electricity connection, water and sewage connections, etc. in
favour of the SETTLEE and the SETTLER hereby undertakes and
assures to give all the required/relevant statements, affidavit,
undertaking and other things as required for
entering/recording/transferring the name of the SETTLEE in the
transferred SCHEDULE C property.

14. The SETTLEE shall hereinafter be entitled to peaceably hold, enter

upon, occupy, possess, and enjoy the SCHEDULE C property and
entitled to receive the rents, profits etc there from without any
interruption, claim or demand whatsoever from the SETTLER or
anybody claiming from her.

15. The SETTLEE shall have irrevocable right to use and enjoy
common facilities attached in the sanctioned layout plans about the
SCHEDULE C property.

16. The SETTLEE shall own, possess, and enjoy the Schedule-C
mentioned property as its absolute owner in accordance with
the practice, convention and custom that are normally
prevalent in any flat system along with the owners of other
SETTLEE of Undivided interest in the Schedule-B land.

17. Thus, the SETTLER has on this day delivered vacant

possession of the property hereby sold and conveyed and
handed over all Xerox copies of parental title deeds connected
with the property to the SETTLEE.

18. The SETTLER wishes to transfer a portion amounting to half

of the acquired property to the SETTLEE as an expression of
love and for their lifetime benefit. The SETLEE is entitled to
enjoy the properties listed in SCHEDULES C, and the
SETTLOR asserts that they hold complete title and interest in
the properties. Furthermore, the SETTLOR claims exclusive
rights in the title and interest over the property, with no other
party having an equal claim.

19. The SETTLOR affirms and assures that the SETTLEE shall
possess, upon the SETTLOR's passing, complete and
unrestricted ownership, free from any encumbrances or
limitations, over their respective properties as described in
SCHEDULES C. This assurance extends to granting the
SETTLEE absolute and undisrupted title, ensuring their
unimpeded control and rights over said properties beyond the
lifetime of the SETTLOR.

20. Upon the expiration of the SETTLOR's lifetime, the SETTLEE

shall be vested with all the powers and authorities of an
absolute owner in relation to the properties listed in

SCHEDULES C. This entitlement includes the ability to freely

exercise rights such as alienation, encumbrance, creation of
charges, and any other lawful actions pertaining to the said
properties. The SETTLEE shall possess unrestricted control
and autonomy over the properties, allowing them to make
decisions and execute transactions without any limitations or
restrictions imposed by the SETTLOR's lifetime.

21. Therefore, the SETTLOR affirms their intention to transfer

fifty percent of the undivided shares to the SETTLEE out of
deep affection and genuine concern for the SETTLEE's well-
being. This transfer is made with the utmost conviction and
wholehearted intent, solely for the SETTLEE's benefit and
happiness. The SETTLOR's decision is rooted in unwavering
love and the sincere desire to provide for the SETTLEE's


(Entire Property)

All that piece and parcel of property bearing Plot No.79, Western
Portion, Classic Retreat, Shozhinganallur, Chennai - 600 119,
comprised in Old Survey No.586/1 (part) as per Old Patta
No.2634, Survey No.586/1A10, bearing present Patta No.6054, as
per patta Survey No.586/2, measuring to an extent of 2400
Square feet (west part of Plot No.79) out of 6000 Square feet,
situated in Shozhiganallur-I Village, Shozhinganallur Taluk,
Kancheepuram District now Chennai District, within the limits of
Greater Chennai Corporation, and the land being bounded on

NORTH BY: 40 feet Road


SOUTH BY: Plot No.78

EAST BY : Part of the Land of Plot No.79
WEST BY: Plot No.101

And measuring on the

Northern side : 40 Feet

Southern side : 40 Feet
Eastern Side : 60 Feet
Western Side : 60 Feet

in all total measuring an extent of 2400 Square feet and lying

within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-
Registration District of Neelankarai (Sanctioned Building Plan
No.BA/WDCN15/00976/2020, Plan Submission No.PPA/
WDCN15/09290/2019, and Land Regularized vide Permit
No:02849/2019, RL/WDCN15/01417/2018, by Greater Chennai


1200 Square feet Undivided share land, Right, Title and interest
in and out of schedule “A’ mentioned property herein above.


(Property hereby conveyed)

400 Square feet Undivided share land, Right, Title and interest in
and out of schedule “B” mentioned property herein above.

Construction Agreement made on 08/04/2023 between the

BUILDER and PURCHASER is duly registered as Document
No.______/2023, in the Office of Sub-Registrar, Neelangarai.

The Present Market Value of "C" Property is Rs.12,00,000/-






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