Pedomen Laporan Journal Reading Penelitian Eksperimen 2

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Jawablah pertanyaan terkait isi artikel ilmiah yang Anda analisis.

1. Apa judul penelitian?
Lihat pada judul artikel
The Effect of High-Dose Postpartum Maternal Vitamin D Supplementation Alone Compared with
Maternal plus Infant Vitamin D Supplementation in Breastfeeding Infants in a High-Risk

2. Identifikasi PICO pada penelitian tersebut!


Population Intervention Comparation Outcome

Patient or Expossure

Who are the What do we What do we What

patient? do to them? compare the happens?
Breastfeeding High-Dose intervention What is the
mother-infant Postpartum with? outcome?
pairs Maternal High-Dose The effect
Where are the Vitamin D Postpartum on the serum
patients? Supplementat Maternal 25(OH)D
Doha, Qatar ion alone and Vitamin D levels of
What is the Infant Vitamin Supplementat breastfeeding
problem? D ion Alone and mothers and
High Supplementati Maternal plus their infants
prevalence of on in Infant Vitamin including the
severe vitamin Breastfeeding D percentage of
D deficiency Infants Supplementat mothers and
and low rate ion in
infants that
of infant Breastfeeding
achieved a
vitamin D Infants.
priori criteria
of adequate
levels of ≥50
The effect of
(6000 IU/day)
vitamin D3
and 600
vitamin D3
tion on
human milk
vitamin D
content was

3. Apa tujuan penelitian?

Identifikasi pada bagian abstrak atau pada paragraph terakhir pada Introduction.
a. Primary aim: The effect of 6000 IU/day maternal vitamin D3 supplementation alone was
compared with maternal supplementation of 600 IU/day plus direct infant supplementation of 400
IU/day vitamin D3 on the serum 25(OH)D levels of breastfeeding mothers and their infants including
the percentage of mothers and infants that achieved a priori criteria of adequate serum 25(OH)D
levels of ≥50 nmol/L
b. Secondary aim: The hypothesis was that 6000 IU/day maternal vitamin D3 supplementation alone
would optimize vitamin D status of exclusively breastfeeding mother and maintain vitamin D status
of the nursing infant at equivalent level to that of an infant on direct oral vitamin D3
supplementation of 400 IU/day plus maternal 600 IU/day vitamin D3 supplementation.
4. Siapa penulisnya? Apakah isi artikel sesuai dengan bidang keahlian penulis?
Adekunle Dawodu: Department of Pediatrics, Khalil M. Salameh: Division of Pediatrics, Najah S. Al-
Janahi: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecolog, Abdulbari Bener: Department of Biostatistics and
Medical Informatics, Naser Elkum: Sidra Medicine.
The content of the article is in accordance with the author's area of expertise
Lihat pada bagian author. Nilai apakah Pendidikan atau afiliasi penulis sesuai dengan isi artikel

A. Penilaian Validitas Penelitian

Penilaian Validity dilakukan dengan membaca pada bagian metodologi penelitian
1. Apa jenis penelitian pada artikel tersebut? Pendekatan apa yang digunakan?
Diberikan penjelasan sesuai yang ada di bagian method. Contoh: penelitia eksperimen
dengan pendekatan double blind controlled trial.
Penelitian dengan pendekatan A Randomized Controlled Trial, double-blind trial
2. Siapa populasi penelitian?
Diberikan penjelasan sesuai yang ada di bagian method. Contoh: Ibu bersalin di RS X dari
tahun 2021-2023.
Arab breastfeeding mothers in Doha and Al-Wakra, Qatar, who delivered at term (37–42 weeks)
at Al-Wakra Hospital.
Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) and planned to fully breastfeed their babies for the first 4–6
months postpartum were eligible for the study and were enrolled within four weeks of delivery
and followed up for six months (during the period of August 2013–May 2016).
3. Apa kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi? 
Cari penjelasan pada bagian methodologi khususnya participant.
Inclusion criteriai:
(1) Arab women who delivered at term and presented for routine follow-up within 4 weeks after
delivery, (2) were self-reported to be in good health, (3) agreed to blood and milk collection at
enrollment and follow up to blood draw from the infant for study investigations, (4) planned to
fully breastfeed for at least 4–6 months and (5) would be available for follow up visits.
Exclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria were mothers with pre-existing calcium disorders, active thyroid disease, Type
1 diabetes or liver diseases, which are likely to affect vitamin D status of the mothers and those
of the infants.

4. Nilailah apakah pemilihan subjek, rumus sampel, apakah sudah tepat? Apa ada bias dalam
pemilihan subjek?
Berikan penilaian beserta alasannya.
That’s right, because the subject and sample is completed.
5. Jelaskan intervensi yang diberikan! Jika ada kelompok control jelaskan pula intervensi pada
kelompok control!
Dapat diidentifikasi dari bagian methodologi khususnya intervention/treatment
(a) high-dose maternal supplementation with 6000 IU/day of vitamin D3 and the infant
received placebo
(b) maternal Nutrients 2019, 11, 1632 5 of 17 supplementation with 600 IU/day of vitamin
D3 plus the infant receiving 400 IU/day of vitamin D3 orally. The current recommended
lactating mother vitamin D intake of 600 IU and 400 IU infant intake were chosen as control.
6. Apa saja variable penelitian? Bagaimana definisi operasionalnya?
Dapat diidentifikasi dari bagian methodologi, biasanya variable dependen dijelaskan pada
bagian outcome.
Variable Independen: high-dose vitamin D supplementation
Variable dependen: lactating women
7. Bagaimana cara pengukuran seluruh variable penelitian?
Dapat diidentifikasi dari bagian methodologi, biasanya variable dependen dijelaskan pada
bagian outcome.
Variable dependen: lactating women
8. Apakah dilakukan blinding?
Cari penjelasan mengenai adanya blinding pada mehodologi. Apakah single blind atau
double blind, atau yang lainnya. Berikan penjelasan bagaimana prosedur dilakukannya
Double blind was carried out in this study, The investigators, patients, and health care
providers were blinded to treatment. Double-blind trial of the effect of 6000 IU/day
maternal vitamin D3 supplementation alone versus maternal vitamin D3 supplementation
of 600 IU/day plus direct Nutrients 2019, 11, 1632 4 of 17 infant vitamin D3
supplementation of 400 IU/day on the vitamin D status of breastfeeding infants in a sunny
environment of Doha, Qatar.
9. Apa ada bias dalam pengukuran?
Jelaskan penilaian Anda beserta alasan.
There is data unprofessionalism, Sixty-two (32%) of the mothers did not continue
participation after randomization without any specific explanation but their baseline data
were included in the analysis.

10. Apakah ada variabel perancu? Bagaimana peneliti mengendalikan variable perancu?
Peneliti dapat mengendalikan variable perancu by design dengan kriteria inklusi dan
eksklusi, serta by statisti.
Inclusion criteriai:
(1) Arab women who delivered at term and presented for routine follow-up within 4 weeks after
delivery, (2) were self-reported to be in good health, (3) agreed to blood and milk collection at
enrollment and follow up to blood draw from the infant for study investigations, (4) planned to
fully breastfeed for at least 4–6 months and (5) would be available for follow up visits.
Exclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria were mothers with pre-existing calcium disorders, active thyroid disease, Type
1 diabetes or liver diseases, which are likely to affect vitamin D status of the mothers and those
of the infants.
11. Apakah ada persetujuan komite etik?
Not Yet
12. Apakah ada informed consent?
Not Yet
13. Apa saja analisis data yang digunakan dan program computer yang digunakan?
Jelaskan semua analisis data yang digunakan.
maternal supplementation group (), breastfeeding infants by maternal supplementation group (),
group and visit (kelompok dan kunjungi), Serum PTH Findings(penemuan serum pth)
14. Apakah analisis tersebut sudah tepat?
Yes right because the data in research and then using object complete
Jelaskan dasar penilaian Anda terhadap ketepatan analisis data yang digunakan.
15. Berdasarkan penilaian poin 1-14, apakah penelitian tersebut valid? Jelaskan alasan Anda!
Because in research have object complete and finally results accurate

B. Importancy (Baca bagian result)

Bagaimana hasil penelitian tersebut?
Jelaskan hasil analisis data dengan menampilkan table hasil penelitian mulai dari karakteristik
responden, dan seterusnya beserta penjelasannya. Lihat nilai signifikansinya.
Jelaskan pula hasil analisis terhadap temuan penelitian yang telah dipaparkan dalam artikel
C. Aplicability
Berikanlah penilaian berdasarkan pendapat objektif Anda!
a. Apakah hasil penelitian dapat digeneralisasi?

b. Apakah sesuai dengan social budaya?

c. Apakah sesuai dengan kemampuan klinisi?
d. Apakah tersedia sarana/prasarana untuk mengaplikasikan hasil penelitian tersebut?

Berdasarkan critical appraisal yang dilakukan, apakah hasil penelitian tersebut dapat diterapkan?
Apakah ada catatan khusus?

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