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Student Full Name: Nguyen Ngoc Minh Han

Student ID: 20230856

Trainer/Assessor: Mrs.ESTER LOPEZ SANTOS

Assessment Task 1
CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour

Cycle B

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)

Australian Learning Group Pty Ltd

RTO 91165, CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723


Assessment Outline............................................................................................................................................ 2
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions........................................................................................................ 3
Assessment Task 1: Assessor Checklist.......................................................................................................... 13

RTO 91165 CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723

Assessment Outline


CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)

Assessment Tasks and Plan

You are required to complete all assessment tasks.

The due dates for each task are listed below. Your trainer will give you the date applicable to your term
of study in Week 1 of term.

Assessment Task Term Due Date

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions Friday Week 7

Please note that in addition to completion of the above task, to achieve competency, you will need to
complete the required work placement terms and associated assessments.

Assessment Instructions and Guide

Before starting your assessment, make sure you do the following:

- Read all questions and tasks carefully and complete in your own words.
- Use student textbooks and readings to support your answers.
- If you are unsure of any tasks, ask your trainer for further explanation.
- Answer EVERY question.

Before submitting your assessment, make sure you have completed the following:
- Answer EVERY question in EVERY task.
- Label all electronic files clearly, with the assessment task number, full name and date, eg. AS1
Sally Smith 01/02/2022.
- Include any documents related to in-class simulation tasks.
- Re-submit assessments in line with the ALG Assessment policy.

RTO 91165 CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Provide answers to all of the questions below.

QUESTION 1 (30-50 words per section)

Explain how each of these principles and practices of positive behaviour support focus on the

The client is always at the centre of the PBS approach. Their needs,
a. Person-centred strengths and preferences are identified, and strategies are developed to
planning support their positive behaviour (we will discuss the person centred
approach below).

b. Functional
This involves conducting a thorough assessment to understand the
function or purpose of the challenging behaviour and its triggers

c. Positive Reinforcing and rewarding positive behaviours to increase their

reinforcement frequency and encourage the client to engage in them.

d. Prevention
Developing strategies to prevent and safely manage crisis situations,
ensuring the safety of the client and others.
proactive approaches
e. Teaching
Providing opportunities for the client to learn and develop functional
skills, communication strategies and coping mechanisms

QUESTION 2 (30-50 words per section)

Answer the following questions about human rights.

a. Identify and describe
-Elimination of discrimination: The Act seeks to eliminate discrimination
four key principles of
against people with disabilities by making it unlawful to discriminate
a human rights
on the grounds of disability.
framework of service
b. Outline the purpose -to protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities all over the
of the United Nations world.
Convention on the
Rights of Persons - It was adopted by the United Nations in 2006 and is based on the idea
with Disabilities that people with disabilities should have the same rights and
(UNCRPD). opportunities as everyone else.

c. Identify three ways in -Promote Equality: Treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of
which you, as a their disability. This aligns with the UNCRPD's non-discrimination policy.
support worker, can
work in a manner that -Empowerment: empowering and supporting individuals with disabilities
aligns with the to assume personal responsibility and actively engage in all aspects of
UNCRPD. their lives.

-Inclusive Participation: Provide the means for individuals with disabilities

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to be included in society and to engage completely and effectively.

QUESTION 3 (50 words)

Answer the following questions about the NDIS Code of Conduct.

-act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-
determination, and decision-making in accordance with relevant laws
and conventions

-respect the privacy of people with disability

-provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with

a. Outline the purpose of care and skill
the Code.
-act with integrity, honesty, and transparency

-promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that
might have an impact on the quality and safety of supports provided to
people with disability

-maintains the safety of those receiving aged care by promoting

b. List the key principles
of the Code. -behavior that is kind, honest, and courteous and by supporting an

-individual's right to make their own decisions, dignity, and respect.

-Act with respect for people’s rights to freedom of expression, self-

determination and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws
and conventions.

- Act in a way that treats people with dignity and respect and values
c. List four obligations their diversity.
outlined in the Code.

- Act with respect for the privacy of people.

-.Provide care, support and services safely and competently, with care
and skill.

QUESTION 4 a (20-30 words)

Describe social devaluation.

Social devaluation occurs when some people or groups experience discrimination or are
considered as less important because of traits like socioeconomic position, gender, color, or

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handicap.Behavior can be significantly impacted by social devaluation.These difficult
behaviors may develop into a way of expressing themselves or defending themselves
against imagined dangers.

QUESTION 4 b (30-50 words)

List six ways in which social devaluation can impact a person’s quality of life.

1.reducing their self-esteem

2.increasing their feelings of shame, guilt or worthlessness

3.negatively impact mental health, leading to anxiety or depression

4.straining interpersonal relationships and social interactions

5.adopting defensive behaviours or challenging responses

6.lacking trust in institutions, organisations and people in positions of authority

QUESTION 5 (30-50 words per section)

List five responsibilities of each of the following roles.

-Assisting clients with activities of daily living, such as bathing,
dressing, eating and toileting, if required.

-Providing emotional support and companionship to clients, actively

listening to their concerns and offering empathy and

-Supporting clients with household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking and

a. Support worker shopping, to maintain independence and a safe and comfortable
living environment.

- Assisting with the management of medication, including

administering prescribed medication and keeping track of
medication schedules. •

-Following care plans and support guidelines developed by the care

team to meet clients’ specific needs and goals.

b. Supervisor -Provides strong leadership to the team, setting clear goals and
expectations, and ensuring that team members understand their
roles and responsibilities.

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-Supports the professional growth and wellbeing of team members
through regular supervision, coaching and training opportunities.

-Oversees and coordinates client cases, ensuring that care plans are
developed and implemented effectively.

-Monitors and evaluates the quality of services provided by the team,

ensuring compliance with organisational policies and identifying
areas for improvement

-Ensures the team complies with all relevant laws, regulations and
organisational policies, and provides accurate and timely reporting
as required.

-Provides companionship, empathy and understanding to enhance the

emotional wellbeing of those they care for.

- Assists with medication reminders and administration, ensuring

adherence to prescribed medication schedules.

- Helps with household tasks, meal preparation, cleaning and shopping

c. Carer to maintain a safe and comfortable living environment.

-Provides short-term relief for primary caregivers, offering support to

family members who care for their loved ones.

-Engages in continuous learning and training to enhance their

caregiving skills and knowledge of best practices.

-Provide emotional support, companionship and care to their loved

ones, complementing the services provided by community support

- Collaborate with service providers, sharing important information

about the person’s needs, preferences and history to ensure
person-centred care.

-Help maintain consistency in care by following recommended

d. Family treatments, therapies or strategies, and ensuring the person
attends appointments and follows health plans.

-Observe and report any changes in the person’s health, behaviour or

needs to service providers, facilitating timely intervention and

-May seek respite care services to take a break from caregiving

responsibilities while ensuring their loved ones continue to receive
appropriate care.

e. Health professionals -Develop and implement treatment plans and interventions to address
the medical, physical or mental health needs of clients.

- Prescribe and manage medications to ensure safe and effective

treatment, while monitoring their effects and potential side effects.

- Provide health education and information to clients and communities

to promote disease prevention, healthy lifestyles and self-care.

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-Engage in research to improve healthcare practices and outcomes and
evaluate the effectiveness of community health programs.

-Respond to health crises and emergencies within the community,

providing timely and appropriate medical care.

References: Student Guide CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

QUESTION 6 (30-50 words per section)

Answer the following questions about positive lifestyle enhancement strategies.

-Verbal praise can be a simple but powerful form of positive

a. Provide three examples
of how positive -Rewards can also be a form of positive reinforcement.
reinforcement can be
-The language we use can also be a form of positive reinforcement.
Using positive and encouraging language can help boost the
client’s confidence and motivation.

-Pain or discomfort: Clients may experience physical pain or discomfort,

which can make it difficult for them to engage in activities that require
b. List three examples of movement.
how motivation levels
-Lack of energy: Clients may lack energy due to fatigue or an underlying
can vary between
health condition, which can make it challenging to engage in activities. •
-Depression or anxiety: Depression and anxiety can contribute to a lack
of motivation to engage in activities.

-Tailor activities to the client’s interests and abilities

c. List three examples of
strategies that can help -Help them believe in themselves
with motivation.
-Provide opportunities for socialisation

d. Explain how stress

By reducing stress levels, individuals may be less likely to engage in
management can help
these behaviours. All positive lifestyle enhancement strategies can
to reduce behaviours of
actually help to reduce stress.

e. For each of the a. physical activity, such as exercise, releases endorphins, which
following stress are natural mood boosting chemicals that help reduce stress
management and improve mood
strategies, indicate two b. participating in hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment can serve
activities that could be
as a form of stress relief and relaxation
c. laughing and spending time with loved ones can release tension
a. Exercise.
and create positive emotions
b. Enjoying
d. regular meditation can help regulate the body’s stress response,
leading to improved emotional wellbeing
c. Staying
e. during sleep, the brain processes emotions and experiences,
connected with
friends and promoting emotional resilience and balance
d. Practising

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and meditation.
e. Getting enough

-Creative arts: Art therapy, music sessions or crafting workshops can

provide creative outlets for self-expression and relaxation.

-Cooking or baking : Some clients may have always enjoyed cooking and
sharing the dishes they prepare.

f. Identify five meaningful -Exercise and physical activities : Group exercises, yoga, dance or
activities and explain sports activities promote physical health and social interaction.
why they are
-Volunteering: Engaging in community projects, volunteering at local
considered meaningful.
events or charities can allow clients to give back and feel a sense of

-Relaxation and mindfulness:Providing relaxation techniques and

mindfulness sessions can help reduce stress and improve mental

-Support networks can offer inspiration and drive to people who

g. Identify three reasons might be finding it difficult to modify their lifestyle for the better
why support because of disabilities or other difficulties.
relationships are -Support connections can offer useful assistance, such carrying
considered a positive out housework or arranging for a ride to a doctor's visit.
lifestyle enhancement
strategy. Explain why -In order to establish and preserve social ties, which are critical for
each one you have general health and wellness, support relationships can assist
chosen is important. clients. Making healthy lifestyle choices with others might present
chances for social engagement and connection.

h. Explain how nutrition is

Nutrition and a balanced diet is a key part of positive lifestyle
considered an
enhancement strategies. Proper nutrition can have numerous health
important part of
benefits, including maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of
positive lifestyle
chronic diseases, promoting healing and improving overall quality of
-Promotes Physical Health: Eating a healthy diet can help you stay
physically fit and lower your chance of acquiring chronic conditions like
osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease.
i. List and describe three
-Supports Mental Health: Eating a balanced diet might improve mental
ways in which nutrition
health by perhaps lowering the signs of anxiety, depression, and other
is a positive lifestyle
mental health conditions.
enhancement strategy
for those with -Promotes Routine and Structure: Having a regular mealtime can help
challenging behaviours. create a sense of structure and routine, which can help calm down
agitation and confusion and prevent challenging behaviors.

j. Explain how People can be more effectively trained to control their behavior and

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participate more completely in their communities by establishing
improvements to
surroundings that are responsive, supportive, and structured. This
environments and
systems can support a method not only improves quality of life but also encourages inclusion,
person with respect, and dignity for all people.
challenging behaviours.

-Person-Centered Care: It reduces difficulties that may result from

misunderstandings or dissatisfaction by developing autonomy and
k. List and describe three
ways in which -Changes to the Physical Environment: These include noise reduction,
environments and proper lighting, and obvious signage.
systems can support a
-Behavioral Management Systems: These systems give people
person with
challenging behaviour. regulated schedules and tasks to participate in, which keeps them
occupied and calms them down.

In order to solve the issue of limited access to healthcare, systemic

l. Explain how limited
changes must be made, including enhancing the infrastructure of the
access to healthcare
healthcare system, increasing funding for mental health and disability
can impact those who
services, lowering access barriers (such as financial and geographic
need support with
ones), and making sure that healthcare providers are properly trained to
challenging behaviours.
support people with challenging behaviors.

m. Explain how unsafe or In order to support positive outcomes in their everyday lives, as well as
unsupportive to promote the well-being of individuals with problematic behaviors, it
environments can is necessary to create surroundings that are tailored to their specific
impact those who need needs.
support with
challenging behaviours.

n. Explain how It is practical to reduce the negative effects of stigma and

discrimination and discrimination on people who exhibit problematic behaviors, supporting
stigma can impact their rights, dignity, and general well-being by dispelling
those who need misconceptions, encouraging empathy, and creating inclusive
support with environments.
challenging behaviours.

Improving accessibility and mobility alternatives can help people

o. Explain how engage in community life, obtain necessary services more efficiently,
transportation barriers and generally live better and feel better. Transportation barriers can be
can impact those who lessened in their effects on people with challenging behaviors by
need support with implementing strategies like making public transportation more
challenging behaviours. accessible, offering specialized transportation services for people with
disabilities, and helping caregivers with transportation.

References: Student Guide CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

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QUESTION 7 (20-30 words per section)

For each of the following organisational policies and procedures, provide three examples of how you
would apply them.
-An introduction outlining the organisation’s commitment to providing a
safe and healthy work environment for all workers and

-Information about relevant WHS laws, regulations and standards that

a. Work health and safety
the organisation must comply with to ensure workplace safety. •

-A clear description of the roles and responsibilities of various

stakeholders, including management, supervisors, workers,
contractors and visitors, in maintaining workplace safety.

-A clear definition of what constitutes an ‘incident’.

b. Intervention and -Procedures for reporting incidents promptly and accurately.

-Details on who should be notified of the incident (for example,
supervisors, managers, relevant authorities).

-Specialist Care: If a resident requires specialist care such as

physiotherapy or mental health services, refer them to the appropriate

c. Referral -Social Services: Refer residents to social services if they require

additional support such as financial advice or counseling.

-Palliative Care: If a resident is nearing the end of their life, refer them
to a palliative care team who can provide specialized care and support.

-Daily Reports: Document and report on the daily health status and
activities of each resident.

-Incident Reports: If an incident occurs, such as a fall or medication

d. Reporting
error, document and report it immediately.

-Quality Improvement Reports: Regularly report on quality improvement

initiatives and outcomes in the aged care facility.

-attending and reporting at progress meetings •

e. Completing,
- completing mandatory documentation
maintaining and storing
documentation -completing forms and records associated with a client’s care and

-a reportable assault

f. Critical incidents -unlawful sexual contact

-unexplained absences (i.e. a missing person)

g. Accident and incident -the police

-the Department of Health

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-Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

QUESTION 8 (200-300 words)

Answer the following questions about restrictive practices.

Chemical restraint is a type of restrictive practice that involves the use
a. Define chemical of medication or drugs to control the behaviour of a client, particularly
restraint. in situations where there are concerns about challenging behaviours or
the safety of the client or others.

b. Define physical Physical restraint involves using physical force or devices to limit the
restraint. client’s movement or behaviour.

-Lap trays and wheelchair belts.

c. List three examples of -Arm restraints.

physical restraint. -Hand mitts.

d. Define mechanical Mechanical restraint is a controversial practice due to its potential for
restraint. physical and psychological harm.

-Belts or straps: These kinds of restraints are used to secure

different body parts, such as the arms, legs, or torso. They are
usually constructed of sturdy materials.

e. List three examples of -Harnesses: These kinds of restraints are employed to control
mechanical restraint. behavior, restrict movement, and subdue agitation and violence.

-Gloves: These prevent the client from hurting themselves by

limiting the movement of the hands and fingers, which prevents
the client from grasping objects.

Seclusion is a form of restrictive practice that involves isolating the

f. Define seclusion. client in a separate, enclosed space, away from others, for a specific
period of time.

This involves restricting the client from accessing the environment

g. Define environmental around them, such as locking them in a room, barricading doorways or
restraint. areas, and so on. Environmental restraint also includes stopping the
client from accessing activities or items

h. Explain when use of

Unregulated or unauthorised restrictive practice is when restrictive
restrictive practices is
practices are used without the proper authorisation and regulation.
deemed ‘unregulated’.

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i. When considering the By upholding these human rights principles, it is possible to ensure
use of restrictive that any use of restrictive practices is justified, proportionate, and
practices, it is essential respectful of the inherent dignity and rights of each individual.
to uphold and respect
human rights principles.

j. Identify and describe Human rights are considered universal, inalienable and indivisible – this
three human rights means that they apply to everyone, cannot be taken away and are
considerations. interconnected and interdependent.

k. Outline the principles of

the National Framework
for Reducing and Under the NDIS Rules, certain restrictive practices are regulated. These
Eliminating the Use of include seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, physical
Restrictive Practices in restraint and environmental restraint.
the Disability Service

-Behavior Support Plans: For participants who might need

l. List two ways in which restricted practices, the NDIS Commission is in charge of the
the NDIS Quality and creation and execution of Behavior Support Plans (BSPs).
Safeguards Commission
regulates the use of -Behavior Support Capability Framework: Developed by the NDIS
restrictive practices. Commission, this framework lays out the standards and
prerequisites for behavior support providers.

-Quality Standards: The ACQSC guarantees that aged care

m. List two ways in which providers adhere to the Aged Care Quality Standards, which
the Aged Care Quality include particular requirements concerning the application of
and Safety Commission constraint and restrictive measures.
regulates the use of -Monitoring and Oversight: To ensure that aged care institutions are
restrictive practices. adhering to regulations, the AQSC regularly audits, evaluates, and
inspects them.

It is required that restrictive practices are: only used in limited

n. Explain when it is circumstances, and as a last resort. the least restrictive response
acceptable to use possible to ensure the safety of the person or others. only used for
restrictive practices. the shortest possible time to ensure the safety of the person or

o. Explain the role of a

behaviour support
Behaviour support practitioners carry great responsibility in protecting
practitioner in
a person's human rights. Some people need a PBS plan to enable a
developing a behaviour
good life, and reduce and eliminate restrictive practices, which are
support plan that
serious infringements on a person's rights.
includes restrictive

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p. Explain the
The use of unauthorised restrictive practices can lead to serious
consequences of using
consequences, including: • legal action • disciplinary action • loss of
unauthorised restrictive
professional registration.

-Conducting a thorough assessment of the client’s behaviour and

identifying the triggers and consequences that maintain the
q. List three positive challenging behaviours.
proactive approaches
-Ensuring that the behaviour support plan is person-centred, meaning
that can eliminate the
it takes into account the preferences, strengths and goals of the
need for restrictive
-Obtaining informed consent from the client or their legal
representative before incorporating any restrictive practices.

r. List three physical risks

Physical risks related to the use of restrictive practices. including risk
related to the use of
of asphyxiation, injury or death.
restrictive practices.

s. List three psychological Psychological emotional risks related to the use of restrictive practices
and emotional risks
related to the use of which may include trauma, fear, shame, anxiety, depression and loss
restrictive practices. of dignity.

QUESTION 9 (20-30 words per section)

Answer the following questions about reporting and documenting use of restrictive practices.

a. Outline the process The use of restrictive practices may be necessary in some situations:
that should occur
- where a client’s behaviour is a significant risk to their own safety or
where changes in
the safety of others
behaviour identity the
need to review use of - when the client is unable to make decisions for themselves and needs
restrictive practices. urgent intervention to protect their wellbeing.

b. Outline the general

organisational policy -Organisations have strict policies on the collection, use and storage of
and procedural client information, and maintaining the security and confidentiality
requirements for of client information is a key responsibility. This legislation is
documenting the use covered in the Privacy Act 1988.
of restrictive practices.

c. Outline the regulatory As with all documentation, this must follow organisational policies and
and legislative procedures as well as regulatory and legislative requirements.
requirements for Documenting restrictive practices:
documenting the use
of restrictive practices. - ensures accountability

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-promotes transparency

- monitors effectiveness

QUESTION 10 (10-20 words per section)

Outline five effective communication strategies you can use when working with a person to minimise
behaviours of concern.

1.Use clear and concise language when communicating with the client. Avoid using industry-related
language and technical terms that they may not understand.

2.Actively listen to the client to understand their perspective and feelings. Reflect on what they are
saying to show that you understand

3.Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging and validating their emotions and experiences

4.Treat the client with respect by giving them choices and involving them in decisions about their

5.Provide feedback that is constructive and positive, focusing on what the client did well and what
they can do to improve.

QUESTION 11 (20-30 words per section)

Identify three indicators of a person’s unmet needs in each of the following areas.

e.g. Inadequate funding or support for community-based services or


1. Inadequate funding or support for community-based services or

a. Systemic
2. Limited access to healthcare services due to the high cost of medical
care or lack of insurance coverage

3. Inadequate legal protections or human rights policies.

b. Structural e.g. Lack of physical accessibility to buildings, transportation and public

spaces due to physical barriers such as stairs, narrow doorways or
lack of ramps or lifts.

1. Lack of physical accessibility to buildings, transportation and public

spaces due to physical barriers such as stairs, narrow doorways or
lack of ramps or lifts.

2. Inaccessible technology or digital tools that prevent access to

essential services, education or information.

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3.Insufficient housing options or support, such as accessible housing or
home-based care services.

e.g. Limited social support networks or social isolation due to the loss of
loved ones, lack of access to social activities or limited mobility.

1.Limited social support networks or social isolation due to the loss of

loved ones, lack of access to social activities or limited mobility.

2.Mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety or cognitive

c. Individual
decline that are not adequately addressed through medical or
social support services.

3.Unmet basic needs such as food, shelter or clothing due to financial

constraints or lack of access to essential resources.

e.g. Family members or carers who are unable to provide adequate support
due to competing responsibilities or lack of knowledge about how to
provide support.

1. Family members or carers who are unable to provide adequate

support due to competing responsibilities or lack of knowledge
about how to provide support.
d. Relational
2.Limited social connections or community support, which can lead to
feelings of loneliness, isolation or neglect

3.Negative attitudes or stigma that lead to discrimination or exclusion

from social and economic opportunities.

e.g. Language barriers that prevent access to information, services or

social support.

1.Language barriers that prevent access to information, services or

social support.

2.Limited access to culturally appropriate care or support services that

e. Cultural
cater to the specific needs of people from diverse cultural

3. Lack of awareness or understanding of cultural norms or practices

that may impact the provision of care or support.

References: Student Guide CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

QUESTION 12 (20-30 words per section)

RTO 91165 CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723

Identify three factors that may contribute to behaviours of concern in each of the following areas.

-Heightened emotional responses and potential outbursts.

a. Physical -Substance abuse



b. Emotional - Substance abuse.

-Self-destructive actions.

c. Environmental
- Withdrawal.

-Negative effects to behavioral or cognitive functioning.

d. Medications -Refusal to take medication.

-Decreased motivation or engagement in daily activities

-Irritability, mood swings or difficulty regulating emotions.

e. Structural -Aggressive or impulsive behaviours.

-Substance abuse.


f. Systemic -Substance abuse.

-Self-destructive behaviours.

-Aggressive actions

g. Relational -Difficulties regulating emotions.

- Self-harm.

References: Student Guide CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

QUESTION 13 (30-50 words per section)

Answer the following questions about specialist services.

You should evaluate your client's needs against the available

a. Explain when you possibilities when deciding which care and support would be best for
would need to refer them.With your supervisor, go over the findings and decide on the best
your clients to way to proceed with a referral.
specialist services.

b. List three services to You will need to follow a process of referral that will include filling out
which you might need documentation and three services to which you might need to refer

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to refer clients. -emergency rescue services

-local doctor/nearest hospital

QUESTION 14 (20-30 words per section)

Outline three ways in which you can meet the legal and ethical requirements of your job role in each
of the following areas.
-Understanding: Familiarize yourself with the code of conduct
applicable to your role.

-Implementation: Apply the principles outlined in the code in your daily

Codes of conduct work.

-Promotion: Encourage colleagues to adhere to the code of conduct.

- Use person-centered techniques, acknowledging the individuality

of every customer. Participate in decision-making processes that
impact their life by getting to know their preferences, values, and
Dignity of risk -Encourage your clients to take risks and make decisions by
providing them with information and direction.

-Support clients, their families, and support systems in developing

behavior support plans that honor their risk tolerance and choices.

-understanding how the organisation operates and their expectations

-checking that you understand the organisation’s policies and

Duty of care procedures and duty of care statement

-checking any uncertainties about any of the policies or procedures

with supervisors or managers

-Awareness: Understand the rights outlined in the UNCRPD.

Human rights, including
the United Nations -Protection: Protect the rights of individuals with disabilities.
Convention on the
-Advocacy: Advocate for the rights of individuals in your care.
Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (UNCRPD)

Constraint -Necessity: Use constraints only when absolutely necessary.

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-Minimization: Minimize the use and intensity of constraint.

-Review: Regularly review the need for constraint.

-Avoidance: Avoid any actions that could be considered unlawful


-Respect: Respect the freedom and autonomy of individuals.

-Consultation: Consult with legal professionals if unsure about actions.

-Prevention: Take steps to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

-Detection: Be vigilant in detecting signs of abuse or neglect.

Abuse, neglect and
exploitation -Reporting: Report any suspicions or evidence of abuse promptly.

-Compliance: Comply with all relevant practice standards.

-Continual Learning: Stay updated with changes in practice standards.

Practice standards
-Quality: Strive for high-quality care in line with practice standards.

-Training: Attend training courses on a regular basis to stay current on

safety policies and procedures. This guarantees that you have the tools
necessary to deal with crises and avert mishaps.

-Reporting: Advise your supervisor right away of any dangers or issues

with safety. This contributes to keeping the inhabitants' and employees'
surroundings safe.
Work health and safety
-Compliance: Follow all safety policies and procedures established by
the government and your organization. This involves maintaining good
hygiene and using personal protective equipment.

Structural and Poverty

systemic issues
including: 1. Action: Promote locals' rights to resources and financial
● poverty assistance. This can lessen any financial strain they might be
going through.
● housing 2. Teaching: Encourage locals about the financial aid programs
that are available and the application process.
● lack of access to
3. support: Provide those who are struggling with poverty
emotional help as well as counseling. Their mental health may
benefit from this.

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1. Quality Control: Verify that the elderly care facility's living

arrangements adhere to the necessary requirements. This
covers routine upkeep and examinations.
2. Accessibility: Ensure that residents with mobility impairments
may safely access and use the facility. This entails making the
required adjustments, such as building handrails and ramps.
3. Privacy: Please be considerate of the privacy of the inhabitants
by knocking before going into their rooms and keeping
information private.

Lack of Access to Resources

1. Resource Distribution: Make certain that every citizen receives

an equitable share of resources. Food, medical supplies, and
recreational facilities fall under this category.
2. Resource Identification: Locate and arrange for residents to
have access to outside resources such social assistance, health
care, and community programming.
3. Advocacy: Promote the rights of locals to get essential
resources. Communicating with governmental or nonprofit
entities may be necessary for this.

References: Student Guide CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports

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Assessment Task 1: Assessor Checklist

Assessment Satisfactory Not Yet

Activity Satisfactory Feedback

Question 1 (a-e) ☐ ☐

Question 2 (a-c) ☐ ☐

Question 3 (a-c) ☐ ☐

Question 4 (a-b) ☐ ☐

Question 5 (a-e) ☐ ☐

Question 6 (a-o) ☐ ☐

Question 7 (a-g) ☐ ☐

Question 8 (a-r) ☐ ☐

Question 9 (a-c) ☐ ☐

Question 10 ☐ ☐

Question 11 (a-e) ☐ ☐

Question 12 (a-g) ☐ ☐

Question 13 (a-b) ☐ ☐

Question 14 (a-j) ☐ ☐

Overall Outcome: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:


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