C4 - TATQHW - Reading - NguyenNhi - 31

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Họ và Tên: Nguyễn Hoàng Yến Nhi

Lớp C4 – STT: 31
Unit 8: Communication

1 The term professional communication refers to the various forms of speaking,

2 listening, writing, and responding carried out both in and beyond the workplace,
3 whether in person or electronically. From meetings and presentations to memos and
4 emails to marketing materials and annual reports, in business communication, it's
5 essential to take a professional, formal, civil tone to make the best impression on
6 your audience, whether its members be your colleagues, supervisors, or customers.

7 Author Anne Eisenberg illustrates it this way: "What is good professional

8 communication? It is writing or speaking that is accurate, complete, and
9 understandable to its audience—that tells the truth about the data directly and
10 clearly. Doing this takes research, analysis of the audience, and the mastering of the
11 three interrelated elements of organization, language, and design and illustration."
12 ("Writing Well for the Technical Professions. " Harper & Row, 1989)

13 Even if you're comfortable with your co-workers, you should still take the extra time
14 to make your emails among them professional, correct, and clear. Becoming too lazy
15 or informal in them (with grammar, punctuation, and spelling, for example) can
16 reflect poorly on you if a message would happen to be forwarded to higher levels of
17 the company or to human resources. Always keep them cordial, and reread for
18 potential misunderstandings before you hit "send."

(source: Professional Communication Definition and Issues (thoughtco.com) )

Choose the best answer.

1.What does the term professional communication refer to?
A: Forms of listening and writing
B: Forms of speaking
C: Forms of responding
D: All
Answer: D
Para.1, L.1-2: The term professional communication refers to the various forms of speaking,
listening, writing, and responding.

2. Becoming too lazy or informal in emails

A: Helps you have more free time
B: Can make your emails more professional
C: May reflect poorly on you
D: Do not cause potential misunderstandings
Answer: C
Para.3, L.14-16: Becoming too lazy or informal in them (with grammar, punctuation, and
spelling, for example) can reflect poorly on you
3. Choose the INCORRECT answer:
A: Professional communication is practiced both inside and outside the workplace
B: Good professional communication is writing or speaking that is accurate, complete, and
understandable to the audience
C: It is not necessary to communicate professionally with colleagues
D: Always keep a cordial attitude and re-read emails before sending
Answer: C
Para.1, L.4-6: .....in business communication, it's essential to take a professional, formal, civil
tone to make the best impression on your audience, whether its members be your colleagues,
supervisors, or customers.

Answer the following questions.

4. What is essential in business communication?
 In business communication, it's essential to take a professional, formal, civil tone to make
the best impression on your audience. (Para.1, L.4-6)

What does each of the following underlined words/phrases refer to?

5. It is writing or speaking that is accurate, complete, and understandable to its audience—
that tells the truth about the data directly and clearly. (Para.2, L.8-9)

6. Even if you're comfortable with your coworkers, you should still take the extra time to
make your emails among them professional, correct, and clear. (Para.3, L.13-14)

Find a word(s) in the passage which means the following.

7. A report made by a company each year that includes the company's audited (= officially
examined) accounts, along with statements of profits or loss and how the management thinks
the company will do in the future:

8. A person who you work with, especially someone with a similar job or level of
CO-WORKER (Para.3, L.13)

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or
tense if necessary.
9. She's a ........ dancer.

10. As a result of a ............, a co-worker cursed at her in front of some students.



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