Senior Citizen Edited

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Background of the Study

The Philippines is a diverse country that will experience an increase in its

aging population in the near future (Badana, et. al, 2018). They said that aging has

a significant impact on society. People of different ages tend to differ in many

aspects, such as legal and social responsibilities, outlooks on life, and self-


Today, old age person faces different sets of problems such as social

problems, economic problems, and physical problems anticipated from the

changing standpoint of old people in the family and in the society. Individual

Diversity takes place in old age people that do not belong to the same gender,

economic class, marital status, family background, religious status, health status,

mode of living, professional background, and educational attainment. Hence, old

age faces different needs, support, fears and problems to a given situation

(Chaudhry, 2004).

According to Jenkinson (2010), quality of life is the degree to which an

individual is healthy, comfortable, and able to participate in or enjoy life events. The

term quality of life according to him is inherently ambiguous, as it can refer both to

the experience an individual has of his or her own life and to the living conditions in

which individuals find themselves. Hence, quality of life is highly subjective.

Whereas one person may define quality of life according to wealth or satisfaction

with life, another person may define it in terms of capabilities (e.g., having the ability

to live a good life in terms of emotional and physical well-being). A disabled person

may report a high quality of life, whereas a healthy person who recently lost a job

may report a low quality of life. Within the arena of health care, quality of life is

viewed as multidimensional, encompassing emotional, physical, material, and

social well-being.

Quality of life in elderly population can be affected by many environmental

factors (Khaje-Bishak, 2014). He also added that poor economic, cultural,

educational and health care conditions and also inadequate social interactions can

result in poor quality of life in elderly people.

According to WHO statements, quality of life defined as an individual’s

perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and values systems in

which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and

concerns. In addition, quality of life is described as a wellness resulting from a

combination of physical, functional, emotional and social factors.

It is concluded by Garcia & Navarro (2018) that quality of life are related to

the improvement of health and well-being of the elderly. They added that it is

evident that the quality of life, in addition to being multidimensional, must take into

account the person’s life experience, how they feel, and how they interpret their


In the Philippines, the Local Government Units (LGU) all over the country

has its own implementation of ordinances and programs for senior citizens that

required by the national laws but the coordination of the Department of Social

Welfare and Development and the LGU should reinforced and strengthen the

welfare of the senior citizens.

To provide an accessible avenue for identifying, recognizing, addressing the

issues plaguing the elderly community, the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs

(OSCA) is hereby established as mandated by Seniors Citizens Act of 2010.

This research aims to assess the programs and services of the OSCA to the

elderly in the municipality of Isulan and how it affects their quality of life.

Hence, this research.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. As shown here, the

independent variable of the study is the services the Office of the Senior Citizen

Affairs (OSCA) for the elderly while the dependent variable is the quality of life

through the multidimensional aspect of human being which is the psychological

well-being, social well-being, physical well-being and the economic/financial well-


According to WHO statements, quality of life defined as an individual’s

perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and values systems in

which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and

concerns. In addition, quality of life is described as a wellness resulting from a

combination of physical, functional, emotional and social factors.

As presented in the framework, the arrow from the independent variable to

the dependent variable shows how the different services the Office of the Senior

Affairs (OSCA) affect their perception on the quality of life in a multi-dimensional

aspect of their lives.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

OSCA Services Quality of Life of the

Enhancement Services
Sustainment Services Well-being

Life Support Social Well-being


Access Services Physical Well-being


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The study focuses on the services by the OSCA and its effect on the quality

of life of the senior citizens in the municipality of Isulan.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions, to wit;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. gender

b. age

c. marital status

d. educational attainment

e. living arrangements, and

f. source of living/financial support ?

2. To what extent is the services of the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

implemented in terms of ;

a. Enhancement Services

b. Sustainment Services

c. Life Support Services

d. Access Services

3. To what extent is the level of satisfaction on the quality of life of the elderly in

terms of;

a. Psychological Well-being,

b. Social Well-being,

c. Physical Well-being

d. Economic/Financial Well-being?

4. Is there significant relationship between the services implemented by the Office

of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) to the quality of life of the elderly in Isulan?

5. What are the problems encountered by the elderly in the implementation of the

services of the Office of the Senior Citizens Affair?

Hypothesis of the Study

The hypothesis of the study will be subjected to statistical test for rejection or

acceptance at 0.05 level of significance.

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the services

implemented by the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) and the

quality of life of the elderly in Isulan.

Significance of the Study

The main concern of this study is to establish understanding and in depth

understanding among the senior citizens, government officials, social worker, family

of the senior citizens, the academe, the researcher, and future researchers.

The findings of the study will give an objective assessment of the services

implemented by the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and how it can

affect the quality of life of the elderly in the municipality of Isulan. It will give positive

perspective on the law-making bodies and the OSCA personnel and implementers

on how to better improve the implementation of the Senior Citizens Act for the

maximum benefit of the target recipients.

To the academe, this study will be very helpful to provide the students with

greater understanding on the needs of the elderly and to develop positive attitudes

towards the aging population.

For the senior citizens and their families, they will have a deeper

understanding of their needs- what is important to them, their expectations and their

perceived quality if life. The knowledge generated will give be valuable if the

welfare of the elderly is the goal.

To the Social Workers of the Department of Social Welfare and

Development, that should work out ways to improve the program and to sustain the

primary obstacle in achieving the quality of life of the senior citizens.

To the researchers, it will also be very helpful to generate new information

which could be valuable to future researches relative to quality of life of the elderly

and the services implemented by the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) in

the municipality of Isulan.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is limited on the services implemented by the Office of the

Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and its effect to quality of life of the elderly in the

municipality of Isulan.

It includes all the elderly randomly selected from the three biggest

barangays of Isulan particularly Kalawag I, Kalawag II and Kalawag III. The staff

and personnel of the OSCA and the local government officials who are directly

supervising the OSCA are also included as respondents of the study.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following words are operationally defined for easy understanding of the


Access Services - are services provided to assist seniors in learning about,

connecting to and utilizing other services.

Adult day care - is an option for senior living that allows elderly adults to be cared
for in a daytime facility.

Age - the identification of the length of time that people live. It also determines the

stage of someone’s life or the state of being old and primarily defines one’s

own identity.

Chronic medical care - refers to which addresses pre-existing or long term illness,

as opposed to acute care which is concerned with short term or severe

illness of brief duration.

Crisis counseling is an intervention that can help the elderly deal with the crisis by

offering assistance and support.

Elderly- refers to old people or senior citizens who are aged 60 and above. (See

also, old age people)

Educational Attainment – it refers to the degree of attainment of a person.

Educational Program- a program providing education.

Employment- is a condition of having paid work.

Enhancement Services - refers to those services which, although not necessary

for physical survival, are desirable and needed to maintain a good quality of


Facilities - are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that are provided for a

particular purpose.

Facilitating skills - refers the provision of opportunities, resources, encouragement

and support for the group to succeed in achieving its objectives and to do this

through enabling the group to take control and responsibility for the way they


Functionality- refers to the quality of being suited to serve a purpose well;


Funding - refers to money provided, especially by an organization or government,

for a particular purpose.

Gender – refers to the sex of a person whether male or female.

Information service - a service which provides information necessary for the


Legal counselling - is legal aid for the elderly, representing or protecting them

during and prior to the proceedings, composing legal documents and

doing legal procedures in their interest as well as communicating with third

parties and collecting proofs in their interest where necessary.

Life Support Services - refers to those services which are necessary to maintain


Living arrangements - is a variable that collects the familial and non–familial

relationships of a person to all the other people with whom they usually


Marital Status – a civil partnership that refers to a condition of relationship being

married or unmarried, single, widowed, or divorced.

Membership in the OSCA - refers to all qualified senior citizens aged 60 years and

above to be issued with valid identification card which entitled to all the rights,

privileges and benefits offered by the government.

Mental Health Maintenance Services - is a guiding principle in health care that

emphasizes mental health promotion and disease prevention rather than the

management of symptoms and illness.

Mental Health Treatment - means all the different ways in which the elderly with

a mental illness can get help to minimize the effects of the illness and

promote recovery. It can involve psychological therapy, medication, and

various supports in the community, as well as people with the mental

illness helping themselves.

Mental well-being - is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual

realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life,

can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her

or his community.

Night care - is when an expertly trained carer stays with the elderly overnight to

meet their normal activities of daily living.

Nutrition Programs - refers to services given to the elderly which

include nutrition or food services.

Office of the Senior Citizens Affair (OSCA) – is an organization that established

in all cities and municipalities that promote a just and dynamic social order

that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the

people from poverty that will provide adequate social services, promote full

employment, rising standard of living and improved quality of life specifically

in all senior citizens.

Old Age People - also called elderly or senior citizens whose age is 60 years old

and above.

Out-of-home care - refers to alternative accommodation for the elderly who are

unable to live with their children or family.

Outreach program - is a programme designed to help and encourage

disadvantaged members of the community.

Personnel - refers to people employed in the Office of the Senior Citizens Affair

(OSCA) who engaged in an organized undertaking ofthe office.

Physical well-being - consists of the ability to perform physical activities and carry

out social roles that are not hindered by physical limitations and experiences

of bodily pain, and biological health indicators.

Program - refers to a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-

term aim.

Psychological well-being- refers to inter- and intraindividual levels of positive

functioning that can include one’s relatedness with others and self-referent

attitudes that include one’s sense of mastery and personal growth.

Subjective well-being reflects dimensions of affect judgments of life


Quality of life - refers to individual perception of his or her living situation,

understood in a cultural context, value system and in relation to the

objectives, expectations and standards of a given society.

Recreational programs- provide recreation and related activities for the elders to

aid in their employment, mobility, independence, socialization, and

community integration.

Referral and follow through- refers to the act of directing the elderly to different

place or person for information, help, or action, often to a person or group

with more knowledge or power and enable the elderly to complete their

desired goal..

Satisfaction - refers to fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the

pleasure derived from something.

Senior Citizens - It implies that a person whether experiencing retirement from

work or indigent aged 60 years and above.

Services - refers to the action of helping or doing work for someone.

Social Development - define as the continuous attitude of senior citizens to be

with others within the society.

Social activity - activity considered appropriate on social occasions or the act of

consorting with or joining with others.

Social well-being- is the extent to which you feel a sense of belonging

and social inclusion; a connected person is a supported person in society.

Source of income - refers to something that provides a regular supply of money,

such as employment, investments, a pension etc.

Staff- refers to a group of persons, as employees, charged with carrying out the

work or executing some undertaking at the Office of the Senior Citizens

Affairs (OSCA).

Sustainment Services - are those services which are needed for sound social,

emotional and physical well-being.

Transportation Services - means activities and expenditures designed to assist

the elderly to travel from one place to another to obtain services or carry out

life's activities.

Voluntary Services- is generally considered an altruistic activity where an

individual or group of elderly provides services for no financial or social gain

"to benefit another person, group or organization".

Work condition- refers to the environment in which one works, as influenced by

factors such as cleanliness, lighting, equipment, access to amenities, etc.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies by various

researchers, writers and authors having close bearings on the present investigation

which profound the conceptual framework to the organization of concept in the


Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)

According to R.A. 9257, an act granting additional benefits and privileges to

senior citizens amending for the purpose republic act no. 7432, otherwise known

as "an act to maximize the contribution of senior citizens to nation building, grant

benefits and special privileges and for other purposes." This Act shall be known as

the "Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003."

Consonant with these constitution principles the following are the declared

policies of this Act: (a) To motivate and encourage the senior citizens to contribute

to nation building; (b) To encourage their families and the communities they live

with to reaffirm the valued Filipino tradition of caring for the senior citizens; (c) To

give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and their

full participation in society considering that senior citizens are integral part of

Philippine society; (d) To recognize the rights of senior citizens to take their proper

place in society. This must be the concern of the family, community, and

government; (e) To provide a comprehensive health care and rehabilitation system

for disabled senior citizens to foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful and

productive ageing; and (f) To recognize the important role of the private sector in

the improvement of the welfare of senior citizens and to actively seek their


It is also added in accordance with these policies that the Act aims to: (1)

establish mechanism whereby the contribution of the senior citizens are maximized;

(2) adopt measures whereby our senior citizens are assisted and appreciated by

the community as a whole; (3) establish a program beneficial to the senior citizens,

their families and the rest of the community that they serve; and (4) establish

community-based health and rehabilitation programs in every political unit of

society" (http://www. chanrobles. com/ republicact no9257. htm#.Xb62p jMzY2w).

The life retirement of the Senior Citizens from their long years of regular

office or managing self – owned business already change from their routine jobs so

that they will enjoy apostolic mission such as engaging inn religious devotion and

rearing up their grandchildren.

According to literature of the Philippine laws and regulations it must highly

recommended the respect for the senior citizens. The following were the major laws

that gives importance to the senior citizens: (a) Republic Act 7432 or the Senior

Citizen Act of 1992 by Senator Edgardo Angara that grants 20 percent discount on

the purchase of medicines and other things needed by the elderly which is only

benefited for those income ceiling of Sixty Thousand Pesos Only (P60, 000.00). It

was also the establishment of Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs in all cities and

municipalities to be headed under the office of the mayor. (b) The second law for

senior citizens in the Philippines is Republic Act 7876 or “ The Senior Citizens

Center Act” for the establishment of the senior citizens center in every municipality

and the provision of funds for it. The responsibility of the senior citizen center is to

provide venues and avenues for the elderly to be productive and healthy and the

center should be ran by the senior citizens itself. (3) The third law is the Republic

Act 9257 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003 which yield from Republic

Act 7432 which expands the privileges of the senior citizens and cover others fees

such as burial fees and funeral expenses, training and non-formal education


According to the implementing Rule and Regulations of Republic Act No.

9994 or also known as “Expanded Office of the Senior Citizens Act of 2004” the

Office of the Senior Citizens Affair should be established in all cities and

municipalities. Section 4 of the Republic Act No. 9994, (a) stated that in

consultation with the city or Municipal Social Work and Development Officer and

duly registered senior citizens organizations, to plan, develop, implement,

consolidate and monitor yearly work programs in pursuance of the objectives of the

act and its rules. It means that this organization develops the efficiency of the

senior citizens in nation building as long as they can continuously engaged

themselves being a self – employed or employed. In some areas in the Philippines,

specifically in Batangas, Senior Citizens still are enjoying themselves in venturing

and nourishing themselves in micro, small and medium enterprises.

Population of Old Age People

Every mankind’s success story defines the increasing longevity of life in both

developed and developing countries (Lesson & Happer, 2007). It was stated by the

United Nations Population Fund 2011, that every country developed or developing

has fast growing population of old age people. Thus, the Philippines as one of the

developing countries will always need to prepare on the challenges and to give

opportunities to the increasing number of old age persons.

According to the Commission on Population 2018, the number of old age

people is rapidly increasing. It was suspected that by the end of 2018 there will be

8, 013, 059 Filipinos over 60, which constitute 8.2% of the Philippine population.

However, the National Statistics Office foresees that in the year 2030, 11.05 % of

the total population of the Philippines comprises older people aged 60 onwards.

Particularly, the Population of Aging becomes widespread throughout the twenty

first century. It becomes a global phenomenon which estimated 605 million in the

world. Particularly in the Philippines as one of the developing country, it significantly

affects its social welfare dimensions which give more concern on the life of the

elderly. Such as, immediate high demand for services, support for the old age and

the sympathy of the families.

A person who reached the age of sixty (60) years old was said to be a

senior citizen or it may be attributed that senior citizens is associated with monthly

pensions and other benefits (Whelan, 2006). United Nations cutoff the age of senior

who is sixty plus (60+) and above as automatically referred in our society as

seniors (Lysons, 2009).

Old age is an avoidable fact that as human being increases the age every

year it is also the unremitting condition that people getting older into both biological

and socio – economic conditions. As ageing population increases the demand of

the old age people also increases. Based on the Department of Social Welfare and

Development evaluation, 31.4% of the older people were in poverty in 2000. The

implication of this is the lack of involvement in economic activities such as

employability, farming, incapable of managing personal business and

mismanagement of income.

Aging carries different changes in physical, psychological, hormonal and

social conditions. It perhaps the most predisposed stage of human’s life after

infancy and it considered one of the social problems of our modern world.

Specifically, those old age people or senior citizens that retired from service had to

adjust their lifestyle that effects the reduce of income, new roles function, lack of

recognition and the condition of worthlessness.

According to the rationale of Administrative Order No. 05, series of 2010 or

also known as Department of Social Welfare and Development Long Term Care

Program for Senior Citizens General Implementing guidelines, it states that there is

a rapid growth on the population of older persons and increasing cases of

abandonment and hopelessness that the Philippine government should rise the

special needs of health care, housing, income security and other social services.

However, external support should the primary needs of senior citizens to bring relief

and expedite adjustment.

The increasing number of Filipino senior citizen aged 60 and above is one of

the largest in the Asia Pacific Region Population Reference Bureau (2008a, 200b).

According to the National Coordinating and Statistical Board Poverty Statistics for

the Basic Sector (2006), the highest poverty incidence of senior citizens usually

happening in Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao, Region IX, and CAR.

However, the Department of Social Welfare and Development is promoting the

welfare of the senior citizens that will serve as a guide of the government to ensure

the future needs of the senior citizens in terms of human development and social


Elderly/Senior Citizens

The success of being a successful old age people is the maintenance of

physical and mental functioning and involvement in social and economic activities.

The major problem that the old aged facing is the adjustment of aging individual

because of the loss of work through retirement. In the dissertation of Dr. Letty G.

Kuan, RN. RGC, EdD entitled “Retirement and Role Discontinuities, it found out

that retirement is inevitable in one’s life. It is also the start of disabilities and

dependence of old age. Specifically, the later part of human life should give

assistance in his remaining years of life. Dr. Kuan, identified positive perceptions

and reactions toward the role discontinuities in retirement. These are health status

– that refers to the physiological and mental condition of old age people that

classified as sickly or healthy. Next is the Income (Economic Level) which refers to

the financial prosperity of the old age that can be classified as poor, moderate or

rich. Third is the work status, followed by Family Constellation – the type of family

arrangement that either extended family, distanced family or nuclear family and last

is self – preparation.

The life of retirement of senior citizen from their long years in the regular

office or managing self – owned business already change from their regular

routines on their jobs to an enjoyable apostolic mission such as engaging in

religious devotion and rearing up their grandchildren. In some areas in the

Philippines, senior citizens still are enjoying their lives in venturing and nourishing

themselves in micro, small and medium entrepreneurs.

Retirement incorporates different changing factors that experiencing new

patterns of personal involvement in the context of changing roles and life styles

(Schlossberg, 2004). They experience poor mental functioning, loss of ability and

poor mental health.

The quality of life of the old age may perceive is through the physical health

and the socio-economic level, the emotional state, social interaction, intellectual

activity, cultural values, employment or daily activities satisfaction and the living

environment. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),

promotes welfare for the senior citizens with a comprehensive Long Term Care

Program for Senior Citizen (LTCSC). A scheme to ensure the government

development that will meet the present and future needs of the senior citizens.

Moreover, the Philippine government also mandates a more comprehensive

approach that addresses the protection of the rights of the older persons and

provides a sufficient health, rehabilitation and socio-economic needs. Thus,

consistent care for the senior citizens guarantees active ageing.

The Philippine government estimated that the number of indigent senior

citizens population aged 65 and above is aroung 940, 000 (DSWD 2015). Indigent

Senior Citizens defines in Republic Act 9994 also known as “Expanded Senior

Citizens Act of 2010” which considers indigent senior citizens as any elderly who

are frail, sickly, or with disability and without pension or regular income,

compensation or financial assistance from their relatives basic needs.

According to Philippines Longitudinal Study of Aging (PLSOA), 2007 survey

they interviewed older persons suffer from health at an average level. Cruz (2014),

stated in his survey that some senior citizens earning and some is still working.

However, there are number of senior citizens who do not have any source of

income and they rely on family member support.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9257 ("Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003")

According to Robles (2020) It is an act granting additional benefits and

privileges to senior citizens amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7432,

otherwise known as "an Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to

Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for Other Purposes."

According to this Act, Section 1 says, Pursuant to Article XV, Sec. 4 of the

Constitution, it is the duty of the family to take care of its elderly members while the

State may design programs of social security for them. In addition to this, Sec. 10 in

the Declaration of Principles and State Policies provides: "The State shall provide

social justice in all phases of national development." Further, Article XIII, Sec. 11

provides: " The State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to

health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost. There

shall be priority for the needs of the underpriviledged, sick, elderly, disabled,

women and children." Consonant with these constitution principles the following are

the declared policies of this Act: (a) To motivate and encourage the senior citizens

to contribute to nation building; (b) To encourage their families and the communities

they live with to reaffirm the valued Filipino tradition of caring for the senior citizens;

(c) To give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and

their full participation in society considering that senior citizens are integral part of

Philippine society; (d) To recognize the rights of senior citizens to take their proper

place in society. This must be the concern of the family, community, and

government; (e) To provide a comprehensive health care and rehabilitation system

for disabled senior citizens to foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful and

productive ageing; and (f) To recognize the important role of the private sector in

the improvement of the welfare of senior citizens and to actively seek their


In accordance with these policies, this Act aims to: (1) establish mechanism

whereby the contribution of the senior citizens are maximized; (2) adopt measures

whereby our senior citizens are assisted and appreciated by the community as a

whole; (3) establish a program beneficial to the senior citizens, their families and

the rest of the community that they serve; and (4) establish community-based

health and rehabilitation programs in every political unit of society."


The basic task of the OSCA deals with receiving of communications from

other offices, issuing of national uniform ID for senior citizens as well as the

Purchase Slip Booklet for “medicine”, 5% OSB for “basic necessities and prime

agricultural commodities,” and Movie Booklet for Free Admission at QC Cinema.

Assists the SSDD Volunteer Workers for their duties and responsibilities; Monitor

establishments violating the RA 9994 known as “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of

2010” and assists the Senior Citizens (SC) complainants by our Legal Officer;

Disseminates information about senior citizen privileges from various barangay and

establishment; Organizes senior citizen associations and attending their induction

of their new set of officers.

According to Philippine Country paper, the following long tern care service

for the elderly;The government has recognized the need for urgent action on

challenges related to aging specifically those addressing the developmental and

long-term care needs of the senior citizens and ensuring active ageing. The DSWD

programs for the elderly include technical assistance, training, program

development, licensing and accreditation of welfare agencies including public and

private homes for the aged. Programs and services planned for the elderly are

based on the following guiding principles:The individual elderly’s right to have

access to services and opportunities that will help him achieve a productive,

wholesome and satisfying life; Family and community responsibility in recognizing

the potentials of elderly persons and the need to provide opportunities to make

minimum use of such potentials; The government’s responsibility to provide basic

and essential services for the elderly’s well-being through the provision of adequate

care and relief from stress.

It said in this report that the Senior Citizen Center shall serve as a focal point

in the delivery of integrated and comprehensive social services to the senior

citizens. The DSWD in coordination with the LGUs, Department of Health and other

non-government organizations shall provide the necessary service to include but

not limited to the following: Social and recreational services such as social

interaction with peer counseling, active participation in sports, recreation and socio-

cultural activities and holding of special celebration to recognize the contribution of

the senior citizens; Health and personal care such as regular physical and dental

check-up, eye care, lectures on proper health and nutrition and how to grow old

gracefully; Spiritual services such as bible studies, special masses, retreats and

other kinds of religious services, preparation for death and support services for the

dying and their families; Livelihood services such as the provisions of self-

employment assistance to supplement their earnings. This will include the provision

of small capital loans or grants for their livelihood projects; Volunteer resource

services such as identification/recruitment, training and mobilization of Senior

Citizens for community volunteer works where they can share their time talent,

resources and willingness to be involved in community development; Other

services which the DSWD and other coordinating agencies may deem necessary

for the benefit of the senior citizens; Home Care Support Service. This pertains to

services provided senior citizens while in their homes such as assisting senior

citizens in their daily living activities; training volunteers and family members on

caregiving for senior citizens; provision of assistive devices for senior citizens; and

community-based rehabilitative activities like, (a)Hospice Care Service which offers

shelter and care to weary-sick senior citizens. (b) Foster Home which is the

provision of a planned temporary alternative family care for older persons who are

abandoned, neglected, unattached from the community. (c) Family / Kinship Care

which is a form of foster care which involves the placement of a senior citizen

under the care of his/her relatives and/or family members. This includes provision

of caregiving training to the main family cared; establishing community-based

support system to prevent burn-out of the carer; and prevent institutionalization of

the senior citizens. (d) Support Services for Caregivers which refers to capability-

building and continuing education for caregivers on care and management of older

persons and on burn-out prevention. It also seeks to relieve caregivers/family cares

of stress arising from the responsibility of providing daily care. It provides subsidies

and allowances to volunteers in the amount approved by the LGUs.

Another services for the elderly are; Volunteer Resource Service (VRS)

which encourages and mobilizes individuals, interested groups and intermediaries

as well as able-bodied senior citizens to volunteer contribute their time, skills and

capabilities for the delivery of programs / services for the benefit of the

impoverished senior citizens. The components are the following: (a) Friendly Visitor

Service that provides opportunities for interested individuals organizations

members of senior citizens organizations and other sects to volunteer, visit,

befriend advise and assist senior citizens who are either living on their own or in the

residential care or alternative care. (b) Volunteer Companion Service which

encourages volunteers to escort/accompany senior citizens who would need to go

to the hospital, church, malls, and other public places. This service taps the

National Student Training Program (NSTP) students as volunteers to which the

DSWD provides orientation and basic training. (c) Inter-Generational Service which

provides opportunities for the young and old to interact and mutually learn from

each other. The senior citizens act as resource persons for the younger generation,

sharing their vast experiences and insights. The LGUs and OSCA facilitates

memorandum of agreements with schools to allow volunteer senior citizens to act

as resource persons on particular subject or topics or mentor pupils who are slow

learners. The Integrated Day Services for Senior Citizens and Children provides an

integrated and comprehensive social services for older persons and pre-schoolers

where intergenerational approvahes and strategies would bridge the gap between

generations.(d) Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) which is the

provision of assistance to individuals and families in crisis situation, which include

but are not limited to, medical, transportation, burial, referral, and counseling

services. AICS is being provided through the Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU). A

special unit in the DSWD located in Field Offices which serves as an action center

to immediately responds to cases of individuals families in crisis situation. In 2011,

a total of 9,602 senior citizens were provided with assistance




According to Weil (1982), types of services for senior citizens can be

categorized in an ordered sequence from those which enhance the quality of life to

services which are necessary to support life. The Study Team identified four basic

service categories that comprise the continuum of need: (1) Enhancement

Services: those services which, although not necessary for physical survival, are

desirable and needed to maintain a good quality of life--such as recreational

programs, socialization activities, educational and travel opportunities; (2)

Sustainment Services: those services which are needed for sound social,

emotional and physical well-being--such as nutrition programs, crisis counseling,

legal counseling, employment or volunteer opportunities, and mental health

maintenance services; (3) Life Support Services: those services which are

necessary to maintain life--such as acute or chronic medical care, mental health

treatment, day care, night care, and out-of-home care. A fourth category of services

is an essential corollary to these basic service levels, that is: (4) Access Services:

services provided to assist seniors in learning about, connecting to and utilizing

other services--such as information, referral and follow-through, outreach and

transportation Services ( https://journals. sagepub. com/ doi/pdf/ 10.1177/ 0899

7640 8201100208).

Life Enhancement Services Program

The Life Enhancement Services program is specifically designed to provide

extra support to Senior Communities independent living residents as they attempt

to “age in place” and remain close to their spouse and friends. Enhancement

Services refers to those services which, although not necessary for physical

survival, are desirable and needed to maintain a good quality of life like Personal

Care, Personal hygiene and dressing assistance, Assistance with exercise

programs, Household Management, Light housekeeping, laundry, and ironing

Grocery shopping and running errands, Meal preparation and feeding,

Companionship, Escorting to social or recreational activities and appointments,

Engaging in leisure activities, etc.

Adult Day Care Services

According to Segal (2019), adult day care offers a stimulating social

environment while giving caregivers a break. Start exploring your options and find

the best center for your needs.

Adult day care is a planned program of activities in a professional care

setting designed for older adults who require supervised care during the day, or

those who are isolated and lonely. Adult day care centers enable seniors to

socialize and enjoy planned activities in a group setting, while still receiving needed

health services. At the same time, they offer family caregivers respite from

caregiving duties while knowing that their loved one is in a safe place.

Quality of Life of the Elderly

According to Khaje-Beshak, et. al (2014), elderly people may suffer from the

multiple health disorders due to the vulnerability for many physical and mental

disturbances. Quality of life in elderly population can be affected by many

environmental factors.They said that according to the WHO report, there are more

than 600 million elderly individuals worldwide;2 it is estimated this rate will be

double by 2025 and 2 billion by 2050.

Khaje-Beshak, et. al (2014) also explained that elderly people have higher

probability of suffering from multiple health disorders due to experience reduced

physical and mental functions. Loneliness, impaired sexual activity and chronic

metabolic disorders are some of causes can result in emotional disturbances.These

problems can decrease life quality of elderly.

According to WHO statements, quality of life defined as an individual’s

perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and values systems in

which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and

concerns.8 In addition, quality of life is described as a wellness resulting from a

combination of physical, functional, emotional and social factors (https:// www. ncbi.

nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC4334177/).

Quality of life has been established as a multifaceted concept and health is

one of its contributory factors (Guyatt, Feeny, & Patrick, 1993). Health has been

defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a state of complete physical,

mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

(WHO, 2007, p. 1). With such an encompassing definition of health, quality of life

issues have increasingly gained importance in health practice and research.

Kagan (2019) also explains that quality of life is a highly subjective measure

of happiness that is an important component of many financial decisions. Factors

that play a role in the quality of life vary according to personal preferences, but they

often include financial security, job satisfaction, family life, health, and safety.

Financial decisions can often involve a tradeoff wherein quality of life is decreased

in order to save money or earn more money, or, conversely, quality of life can be

increased by spending more money.

Life of senior citizens represents a series of socioeconomic challenges most

especially to the families of the senior citizens and to the society. Accordingly, as a

person gets older his functions also decreases such as senses of the body like

vision, hearing, touch, skin, endocrine renal and muscle skeletal. (Naushin

Mahmood, 2008)

George (1996) defines sociability as an important role in protecting

loneliness and depression of the old age person. Furthermore, He summarized the

factors that affect the life of the old age person such ah lower socioeconomic status

and reducing the quantity or quality of social relations. Hanson and Carpenter

(1994), stated that those in a poor relationship to others develop and maintain a

pessimistic view of their self as less satisfying and often lack the motivation to


Asian cultures value and care for older family members in life. Though some

Filipino practices share obligation in every family members because both males

and females collaborate each other for decision making and financial tasks (Kimura

& Brown 2009).

Philippines is still in a developing country that most of the citizens aim for

protection and assistance from the government (DSWD, 2012). Furthermore,

family is a process in which every individual, group or culture in the society loses

communication or collaboration to one another that resulted to family conflict.

During the time of old age, senior citizens may experiencing suffer from loneliness

to his family, workmates or colleagues. Saxena (2006), states that social bond are

less to the senior citizens.

According to the budgeting office of the senior citizen affairs in Quezon City

it aims to establish different programs and projects as it effect the health

development and social services that give more importance to the indigent,

abandoned, sick and disabled senior citizens. Ageing brings different concerns on

how to keep senior citizens at home and should have an immediate response in

coping situations of senior citizens everyday (Anderson, Burman & Skar 2011,

646). Furthermore, Anderson, Burman & Skar 2011, 646 added that senior citizens

feel the decreasing functionality of their body wherein they suffer from various

health complaints as a result of being dependent on others for carrying out daily

activities in which they are more likely to live.

Psychological Well-being

As noted from PLoS One (2017), psychological well-being is a positive

psychological construct related to subjective views of one’s self and life. Higher

levels of psychological well-being have been positively correlated with cognitive

performance in older adults (https:// www.ncbi. nlm.nih. gov/pmc /articles


Kim, et al. (2016) told that physical activity is a key health behavior linked to

better physical and mental functioning, as well as reduced risk of the leading

causes of death including cancer and heart disease. Further, psychological well-

being is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline,

and mortality. Psychological well-being may be linked with improved health

because happier people may be more likely to engage in physical activity.

Social well-being

The term “social well-being” means individual’s (group’s) satisfaction with

one’s own social status, welfare, living standard and life quality. Social wellbeing

reflects an individual’s general satisfaction with the environment, activities he/she is

involved in and possessions. This is not a complete list of factors influencing social

well-being. People desire to stay healthy, active and be able to cope with the

challenges of the world around, reach their own goals, understanding, support and

friendly attitude of other people, as well as to have confidence in the future

(Ivankina, 2016).

According to the research results by Ivankina (2016), welfare of elderly

people is the equivalent to life quality and is largely connected with their social well-

being, which is defined by the following variables: life perspectives evaluation,

attitude to life, health self-appraisal, involvement into social communication. Elderly

people well-being is mainly connected with their disposition, emotional state, which,

in their turn, largely depend on the material part. Notably, the material state implies

not their real income but their level of aspiration and vision of welfare. Furthermore,

life perspectives define the ratio scales of other variables, such as attitude to life

(positive/negative), health self-appraisal, and life satisfaction.

Beskrovnaya, et. Al (2016) said that social well-being is an important

indicator of the state of society in the 21st century, which also gives an idea of what

the society actually looks like and the importance of multiple processes in society.

Mental well-being

According to WHO (2017) on Mental health of Older Adults, there may be

multiple risk factors for mental health problems at any point in life. Older people

may experience life stressors common to all people, but also stressors that are

more common in later life, like a significant ongoing loss in capacities and a decline

in functional ability. For example, older adults may experience reduced mobility,

chronic pain, frailty or other health problems, for which they require some form of

long-term care. In addition, older people are more likely to experience events such

as bereavement, or a drop in socioeconomic status with retirement. All of these

stressors can result in isolation, loneliness or psychological distress in older people,

for which they may require long-term care.

Mental health has an impact on physical health and vice versa. For example, older

adults with physical health conditions such as heart disease have higher rates of

depression than those who are healthy. Additionally, untreated depression in an

older person with heart disease can negatively affect its outcome.

Older adults are also vulnerable to elder abuse - including physical, verbal,

psychological, financial and sexual abuse; abandonment; neglect; and serious

losses of dignity and respect. Current evidence suggests that 1 in 6 older people

experience elder abuse. Elder abuse can lead not only to physical injuries, but also

to serious, sometimes long-lasting psychological consequences, including

depression and anxiety.

According to Bursack (2020) as cited from Ward, the diagnosis and

treatment of a mental disorder becomes more complicated in an aging population

because of the prevalence of multiple chronic conditions, multiple medications often

being prescribed by multiple doctors, drug interactions, social isolation, limited

mobility, and increased emergency room (ER) visits with typically poor follow up.

Physical Well-being

Capio, et. Al (2014) defined physical well-being being consists of the ability

to perform physical activities and carry out social roles that are not hindered by

physical limitations and experiences of bodily pain, and biological health indicators.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Including physical activity, especially in later

life is central to improving physical and mental health, because regular exercise

positively effects general health, mobility and independence, and is associated with

a reduced risk of depression and anxiety. Exercise also enhances mood and

improves self-esteem. Any form of physical activity is good to begin with, e.g.,

walking, gardening, dancing, walking the dog, or participating in organized or

competitive sport. At an older age, incorporating good nutrition can help not only

curb chronic diseases but also helps in aiding in recovery from illnesses (Levy,

2002 ).

Staying meaningfully active by working, either in a paid or voluntary capacity,

is good for the health of the elderly as it helps them feel a sense of goodwill that

comes from contributing to society. This is also seen to have an impact on older

people’s economic circumstances and on their ability to participate in the society

(Marmot et al. 2003).



The data presented in this chapter is the methodology of the study which

consists of the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study,

instrumentation, data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The study will use the descriptive-correlation method of research. This is

necessary in this study to determine the relationship between the services offered

by the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) to the quality of life of the elderly

in Isulan.

It is descriptive because it aims to describe the satisfaction level of services

of the Office of the Senior Citizen (OSCA) in terms of enhancement services,

sustainment services, life support services, and access services. While the

multidimensional aspects of the quality of life will be assessed based on the

following indicators such as, psychological well-being, social well-being, physical

well-being and economic/financial well-being.

Locale of the Study

The research will be conducted in the municipality of Isulan in Sultan

Kudarat. There are 17 barangays in this municipality and the people living are

culturaly diversed because of varied cultural groups such as Ilonggo, Ilokano,

Muslim, and Cebuano.

Isulan, officially the Municipality of Isulan is a 1st class municipality in the

province of Sultan Kudarat, Philippines. It is the provincial capital of Sultan Kudarat.

According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 90,682 people.

Isulan is a landlocked municipality in the coastal province of Sultan Kudarat.

It serves as the provincial capital.

The municipality has a land area of 541.25 square kilometers or 208.98

square miles which constitutes 10.22% of Sultan Kudarat's total area. Its population

as determined by the 2015 Census was 90,682. This represented 11.17% of the

total population of Sultan Kudarat province, or 2.00% of the overall population of

the SOCCSKSARGEN region. Based on these figures, the population density is

computed at 168 inhabitants per square kilometer or 434 inhabitants per

square mile.

It has 17 barangays and Kalawag I,II and III are considered having the

biggest population and are found at the poblacion.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher will use the randomly selected elderly aged 60 years old and

above and are registered at the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) from

the three biggest barangays in the Municipality of Isulan namely Kalawag I,

Kalawag II and Kalawag III. It will also include all the Staff and personnel of the


Actually, There are 17 barangays of Isulan however, the researcher decides

to only include the elderly from the biggest barangays of the municipality of Isulan

particularly Kalawag I, Kalawag II and Kalawag III..

Sampling Technique

As for the respondents of the study, Slovin’s (1960) equation as cited from

Sumido (2015) will be applied to determine the desired sample from the total

number of respondents in each each barangay of the municipality of Isulan.

Slovin’s Equation

n= where
1 + N (e)2 n= sample size
N= population size
e= desired margin of error @ 5%

From the desired sample, the researchers used the proportional allocation

formula to find the exact sample from each barangay.

Proportional Allocation Formula:

n1 n
S= sub-sample
n1= sub-population
n = sample size
N= Total Population

After the exact sample size is identified, the researcher then used simple

random sampling technique to finally identify the respondents.

Table 1: The total sample of the study

Barangay Male Elderly Female Elderly

Total Sample Total Sample
Population Population
Kalawag I 270 106 235 76
Kalawag II 243 96 428 138
Kalawag III 102 41 176 57
Total Population 615 839
Sample Size by gender 243 271
Total Sample Size 514

The table shows the total population of the elderly in three biggest

barangays in Isulan which are Kalawag I, Kalawag II and Kalawag III. As shown

here there are 615 total population of the male elderly and using the Slovin formula,

there are 243 will be randomly selected to be included in the study while for the

female respondents, there is a total of 839 female elderly. From this population, 271

will be identified to be the female respondents of the study.

Using the proportional allocation, Kalawag I will have 182 elderly

respondents, Kalawag II will have 234 elderly respondents and Kalawag III will

have 98 elderly respondents to make up 514 total sample of the study.

Date Gathering Instrument

The researcher will be using researcher-made questionnaire to collect the

information needed from this study. It has three parts. Part I is all about the

demographic profile of the respondents such as gender, age, marital status,

educational attainment, living arrangements and sources of living/financial support.

Part II is used to measure the satisfaction level on the services offered by

the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) on five aspects such as enhancement services,

sustainment services, life Support services, and access Services

Part III will be the satisfaction level of the elderly towards their quality of life

on a multidimensional aspects such as psychological well-being, social well-being,

mental well-being, physical well-being and economic/financial well-being.

The following will show the assigned points and the scale as basis of

interpretation of results.

Scale and Description for the Level of Satisfaction on the Services Rendered
by the OSCA and the Quality of Life of the Elderly

Scale Description Interpretation

5 Very highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is very high
4 Highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is high
3 Neither Satisfied or dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is average
2 Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is low
1 Vey Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is very low

Mean Range interpretation Scale and Description for Level of Satisfaction of

the Functionality of the OSCA and the Quality of Life of the Elderly

Scale Description Interpretation

4.20-5.00 Very highly satisfied Level of satisfaction is very high
3.40-4.19 Highly Satisfied Level of satisfaction is high
2.60-3.39 Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Level of satisfaction is moderately low
1.80-2.59 Dissatisfied Level of satisfaction is very low
1.00-1.79 Very Dissatisfied No satisfaction at all

The rating scale presented will be used to measure how satisfied the elderly

are with regards to the functionality of the OSCA and their satisfaction level on their

quality of life.

From the rating scale, the lowest assigned weight of “1” will be subtracted from

the highest assigned weight of “5’. The obtained range of “4” were divided by “5” to

give a quotient of 0.8 which was applied as the interval of each category. The

constructed scale with some specifications was the basis for the interpretation and


Since the research instrument is researcher-made, it will undergo

modifications, validation and reliability test. The researcher instrument will be

shown to her adviser and other members of the examining committee for potential

suggestions, comments, corrections and refinement as to the organization,

structure, appropriateness, and format of the instrument. DSWD head and OSCA

head will also be included as members of the validation committee. The

confirmation of the panel of jurors will be determined by computing the agreement

ratio (AR) following the given formula that follow;

Formula for Agreement ratio:

AR= x100% where AR= Agreement ratio
n= number of jurors who considered the item valid
N= total number of jurors

The item of the questionnaires that received 66% approval of the jurors will

included in the research instrument. Items that will not receive the required

agreement ratio will either discarded or modified. Upon revision or modification of

all items, the research instrument, together with the validation instrument

established by Goods and Scates (1972) and modified by Abdullah (2015), will

again be distributed to the panel of jurors for their final insights and additional


The validation criteria follow the Likert Scale below;

5– Strongly Agree
4– Agree
3- Undecided
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

The answer of the six (6) jurors will be tabulated and computed to get the

overall mean score. The interpretation guide is as follows:

Mean Score Range Description Interpretation

4.21 - 5.0 Very Good Very Highly Reliable

3.41 - 4.20 Good Highly Reliable
2.61 - 3.40 Average Averagely Reliable
1.61 - 2.60 Poor Poorly Reliable
1.00 - 1.60 Very Poor Very Poorly Reliable

Validation process will be conducted with the identified experts or reliable

persons and the result will be generated and interpreted. Subsequently, reliability

test will be conducted among the selected elderly of the other barangay of Isulan

not included in the study and the result will be generated and interpreted to

determine the internal consistency of the instrument. The scores of 30 elderly will

be encoded in the Microsoft Excel and will use Cronbach’s Alpha (α) to determine

the reliability of the survey questionnaires. The formula is as follows;

where k=number of items

∑s2= sum of the variances of the single test item
Sx 2 = variance of all scores in the test

The value to be established showed not ne lower than 0.6 to imply that the

item will have acceptable internal consistency of the instrument. The interpretation

of the computed α will be adopted from Raagas (2010) as pointed out by Abdullah

(2015) based from the rule of thumb below;

Cronbach’s Alpha Internal Consistency

0.9 - 1.0 Excellent

0.7 - 0.89 Highly Acceptable

0.6 - 0.69 Acceptable

0.5 - 0.59 Poor

α - 0.49 Unacceptable

The elderly who were utilized to test the validity and reliability of the

instruments are not part of the actual respondents of the study. According to

Hechanova and Hechanova (2012), as pointed out by Abdullah (2015), a highly

reliable test is always a valid measure of some functions or constructs.

Zulueta and Costales (2005) as pointed out by Abdullah (2015) added that

the test of internal consistency means to ensure that each part of the questionnaire

generates similar results, and that each item of the instrument measures the correct

hypothesis.They stressed that it is necessary that validity and reliability of the data

gathering instruments should be secured.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The data-gathering procedure of the study started with the formulation of the

research instruments with the aid of books, online services, related studies and

interview with the elderly and OSCA and DSWD staff and personnel and other

experts in the field. Various survey questionnaires had also provided ideas in the

making of the questionnaires of this study.

These questionnaires will be distributed to the members of the validation

committee for their corrections and valuable suggestions for the improvement of the

questionnaires that would best fit with the objective of the study. All their

suggestions will be carefully integrated to come up with the most polished ones.

These validated instruments will undergo reliability test then after the

approval of the College of the Graduate Studies to conduct the survey, the

researcher will secure all the necessary communication for the conduct of the

survey among the target respondents..

Since the respondents will be coming from the municipality of Isulan,

permission from the Municipal Mayor will be sought then when approved another

permission will be asked from the identified barangays. When it is already

approved, the survey to the target respondents will then be conducted. The

researcher will personally meet the elderly and explain to them the purpose of the

survey then the same will be retrieved by the researcher personally from the

respondents. The responses of the respondents will be tallied, computer analyzed

and interpretation.

Figure 2 will present the graphical presentation of the data-gathering procedure.

Secure permissions from the persons in


Conduct of the survey to target


Retrieval of questionnaires

Tallying of the responses

Interpretation of results

Figure 2. Diagram of the Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment for Analysis

To evaluate the data gathered on the demographic profile of the

respondents, the researcher will use frequency, percentage, means. In Determining

the level of functionality, level of satisfaction on the services rendered by the OSCA

and the level of satisfaction of the elderly on their quality of life, weighted means will

be used. Moreover, to determine the significant relationship that exist between the

level of services rendered by the OSCA with that of the quality of life of the elderly,

ANOVA will be utilized.


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of 1992 as amended by Republic Act No. 9257 of 2003

Social Development Indicators (2016). Center for Sustainable Systems,

University of Michigan. Published No. CSS08-15, August 2016

Sultan Kudarat State University
Graduate School, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
Republic of the Philippines
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City



This questionnaire is distributed relative to the researcher’s thesis at Sultan

Kudarat State University- College of Graduate Studies entitled “SERVICES OF

The main objective of the survey is to determine the level of services

implemented by the OSCA and its effect to the quality of life of the elderly in our

The researcher requests your sincere responses for these are contributory to
the success of this study. Rest assured that your answers will be treated with
utmost confidentiality and anonymity.

Thank you very much and God bless you always.

Very truly yours,

The Researcher

Name: (Optional)__________________

Barangay: _____________________________


Direction: Please check appropriate box for your answer on the following question

Gender: Living Arrangements:

( ) Male ( ) Lives alone
( ) Female ( ) Lives with spouse
( ) Lives with children
Age: ( ) Lives with a relative
( ) 91 years old- above ( ) Lives with others who are
( ) 86-90 years old not a Relative
( ) 81-85 years old ( ) With Government Care
( ) 76-80 years old institution
( ) 71-75 years old ( ) With Private Care Institution
( ) 66-70 years old
( ) 60-65 years old
Sources of living/Financial support:
Marital Status: ( ) Paid employment
( ) Single ( ) Senior Citizens pension for
( ) Married national government
( ) Widow/widower ( ) SSS/ GSIS Pension
( ) Separated (retirement, investment or
Educational Attainment: ( ) Support from Local
( ) Post Graduate government (Office of
( ) Post Graduate Level the Barangay Captain,
( ) College Graduate Mayor ,Governor,etc.)
( ) College Level ( ) Alimony or child’s support
( ) High School Graduate ( ) Money shared by
( ) High School Level spouse/partner
( ) Elementary Graduate ( ) Financial support from
( ) Elementary Level relatives
( ) No formal Education ( ) Financial support from
volunteers and other NGO

Rate the following items based on the level of your satisfaction with regards to
the programs and services rendered by the OSCA. Check the number which
corresponds with your answer on the scale below.

Scale Description Interpretation

5 Very highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is very high
4 Highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is high
3 Neither Satisfied or dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is average
2 Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is low
1 Vey Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is very low

Indicators Description Scale
5 4 3 2 1
A. Enhancement Services 1. Recreational program
those services which,
although not necessary for a. Handicraft 5 4 3 2 1
physical survival, are desirable
and needed to maintain a good b. Gardening 5 4 3 2 1
quality of life.
c. Cooking 5 4 3 2 1

d. Dancing 5 4 3 2 1

e. Singing 5 4 3 2 1

Socialization activities

a. Parties 5 4 3 2 1

b. Games 5 4 3 2 1

c. Social Gatherings 5 4 3 2 1

d. Picnics 5 4 3 2 1


a. Symposia 5 4 3 2 1

b. Fora 5 4 3 2 1

c. Lectures 5 4 3 2 1

d. Learning new skill 5 4 3 2 1

e. Learn to cook 5 4 3 2 1

f. Write stories 5 4 3 2 1

Travel opportunities

a. Field trips 5 4 3 2 1

b. Outings 5 4 3 2 1

c. Excursions 5 4 3 2 1

1. Nutrition programs
B. Sustainment Services:
those services which are
a. Feeding session 5 4 3 2 1
needed for sound social,
emotional and physical well-
b. Nutrition counseling 5 4 3 2 1
c. Diet lectures 5 4 3 2 1
d. Meal supplement 5 4 3 2 1

2. Crisis counselling
For the last 12 months, rate the following items based on your satisfaction level.
Check the number which corresponds with your answer on the scale below.

Scale Description Interpretation

5 Very highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is very high
4 Highly Satisfied The level of satisfaction is high
3 Neither Satisfied or dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is average
2 Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is low
1 Vey Dissatisfied The level of satisfaction is very low


Indicators Description Scale
5 4 3 2 1
1. Have sense of accomplishment 5 4 3 2 1
1. Have a sense of security. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Have self confidence 5 4 3 2 1
3. Have an opportunity to try new things 5 4 3 2 1
Psychological 4. Have a sense of autonomy 5 4 3 2 1
well-being 5. Have a sense of satisfaction 5 4 3 2 1
6. Have freedom for personal growth 5 4 3 2 1
7. Have a sense of positive relations 5 4 3 2 1
8. Have a sense of purpose 5 4 3 2 1
9. Have a sense of self-acceptance 5 4 3 2 1
1. Able to establish friendships (able to socially 5 4 3 2 1
1. Able to establish social networks (belong to a 5 4 3 2 1
2. Able to develop close relationships 5 4 3 2 1
Social well-being 3. Able to find social support with peers 5 4 3 2 1
4. Able to express oneself with peers. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Able to play with peers. 5 4 3 2 1
6. Able to find new friends 5 4 3 2 1
7. Able to develop new skills with peers 5 4 3 2 1
8. Able to establish deeper and closer relationship with 5 4 3 2 1
9. Able to get cooperation from peers 5 4 3 2 1
1. Helps to make me stay healthy 5 4 3 2 1
2. Enables me to move my body rather than become
3. Can facilitate activities which are physically 5 4 3 2 1
challenging but wholesome.
Physical well-being 4. Able to do the walking (longer than 3 min), hiking, 5 4 3 2 1
walking the dog, shopping, going to doctor, walking to
run errands, going to social events, walking around in

the garden; etc.
5. Able to do outdoor activity such a gardening, 5 4 3 2 1
construction, or cleaning activity around the house
(e.g., sweep the yard)
6. Able to do indoor activity such a mixed household 5 4 3 2 1
activities (walking or standing), all activities while
standing or walking, such as talking to a neighbor,
standing at a window, going to the toilet, fetching
something from the basement, doing the laundry,
personal hygiene, care for dependent proxy
7. Able to do sitting at home (while watching TV, while 5 4 3 2 1
preparing meals, reading newspaper, knitting); sitting in
a restaurant or theater, during transportation (car, bus),
or outdoors (garden)
8. Able to lie in bed at night, taking a nap during the 5 4 3 2 1
day, lying on a sofa while watching TV or reading a
9. Able to participate in sports activity such as 5 4 3 2 1
stretching exercise, fitness exercise and exercise/sport
clubs, training sessions in seniors’ homes.
10. Body is free from pain. 5 4 3 2 1
1. Able to buy daily needs. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Able to enjoy discounts on items and services set by 5 4 3 2 1
the government.
3. Able to give money for the children or relatives. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Able to save money for future use. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Able to establish some investment projects. 5 4 3 2 1
6. Able to give for community outreaches. 5 4 3 2 1
7. Able to treat friends for snacks in the restaurants 5 4 3 2 1
and malls.
8. Able to give for the church offering and pledges. 5 4 3 2 1
9. Able to save money in the bank for future use. 5 4 3 2 1
10. Able to buy gifts for family, relatives and friends on 5 4 3 2 1
special occasions.

III. Problems Encountered in the Implementation of Services of the OSCA.

What are the problems/challenges you encountered as far as the implementation of the
services of the Office of the Senior Citizen Affair (OSCA) is concerned? Please indicate your
answers below.
1. __________________________________________________________.

2. __________________________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________________________.

4. __________________________________________________________.

5. __________________________________________________________.

*** nothing follows***


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