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Nhóm 16:

Nguyễn Gia Khiêm (NT) 2154080200

Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh 2154080029
Huỳnh Thị Mỹ Ngà 2154080286
Nguyễn Huỳnh Thiện Mỹ 2154080274
Bùi Quốc Huy 2154080163

Exercise 1
Which market is the best for exporting your product?


Go to https://marketanalysis.intracen.org and log in to your ITC Tools account on the upper right corner of
the page.

2. Market Access Map and Define your product

Click on Market Access Map or go straight to www.macmap.org or https://www.beta.macmap.org/.

2.1 What is the product of your interest? Please provide a definition and a description of the selected product,
as well as its general usage (e.g. for human consumption, for farming, etc.).

- Product 100630 (HS6) – Rice: Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed
Sản phẩm 100630(HS6) – Gạo: Gạo đã xay xát một phần hoặc toàn bộ, đã hoặc chưa đánh bóng
hoặc tráng men

- Thành phần: Gạo nếp không chứa gluten tiêu hóa (nghĩa là không chứa glutenin và gliadin), do
vậy an toàn cho chế độ ăn không có gluten. Điểm phân biệt gạo nếp với các loại gạo khác là gạo
nếp không chứa amyloza hoặc chứa không đáng kể, ngược lại chứa hàm lượng amylopectin rất
cao. Chính amylopectin tạo ra tính chất dính của hạt gạo nếp[2][4]. Gạo nếp có thể sử dụng dưới
dạng gạo xát (đã tách lớp cám) hoặc gạo lật[5]. (Wikipedia)

Mục đích sử dụng chung: là một nguồn thực phẩm cơ bản và phổ biến, thường được sử dụng để
nấu ăn. Bên cạnh đó, gạo thường được sử dụng để sản xuất các sản phẩm thực phẩm khác như bột
gạo, bún gạo, bánh gạo và nó cũng là thành phần chính trong các món như sushi, bánh gạo và bánh


2.2 Find the code used to define your product under the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
System (HS).
Hint: Go to the Product Search module:http://beta.macmap.org/en/resources/product-search. Enter
your keyword for your product to find HS6
Fill in the boxes below
Section II

Chapter (HS2) 1 0

1 0 0 6

Heading (HS4)

1 0 0 6 3 0
Subheading (HS6)
10063030 VietNam

Philippines Semi-milled or wholly
milled rice, whether or Glutinous rice
1006303000 Malaysia not polished or glazed
10063000 Australia

10063020 HongKong

2.3 What is the exporting country?

 VietNam

3. Preliminary Market Analysis with Market Access map

3.1 Compare Markets

Hint: Go to https://www.macmap.org/ or https://www.beta.macmap.org/ and click on “Compare/markets”.

 Enter your target market (Importing country: all), your product at HS6 level (click on the “HS6” tab) and
your home country (Exporting country:)

3.1.1 In the world,

+ Which country applies the highest tariff on your product? How much is your exports to this
 Korea – 513%
 Export value: 581 thousand USD
+ Which country applies the lowest tariff on your product? How much is your exports to this
 Singapore – 0%
 Export value: 64415 thousand USD
+ Which market is the largest importer of your product? What is the average tariff it applies to
your product?
 Philippines
 MFN: 35%

The highest tariffs The lowest tariffs The largest values

Market (name of country) Korea Singapore Philippines

MFN tariff (%) 513 0 50

Effectively applied tariff (%) 513 0 35

Import values (thousand USD) 581 64415 931233

3.1.2 Which countries import your product the most? Please list 5

No. Name of countries Import value (thousand USD) Updated year

1 Philippines 931233 2022

2 China 321893 2023

3 Malaysia 132056 2022

4 Singapore 64415 2022

5 HongKong 49094 2023

3.1.3 Among the top 10 destination markets in terms of trade and distance:

+ Which country appilies the highest tariffs?

 China
+ Which country applies the lowest tariffs?
 Singapore, HongKong, Australia, Saudi Arabia

MF Effectively Pref. Trade (Import Distanc

Markets Tariff
N applied Margi values) - (thousand e
(name of country) year
(%) tariffs (%) n (%) USD) (km)

With the
highest China 65 50 15 2023 321893 2346
With Singapore 2022 64415 1343
The lowest Hong Kong 49094 1165
0 0 0
tariffs: Australia 2023 24070 6691
Saudi Arabia 17592 6690

3.1.4 Based on the market access conditions (customs tariffs, preferential margin, trade agreements, NTMs
and distance), select your target market.

Hint: Go to compare/markets as above instruction, click on “table” and “Map” to find and compare markets

Market MFN Effectively Pref. Number of Number Trade/ Distance

(%) applied tariffs margin trade of NTMs import (km)
agreement values

Singapore 0 0 0 4 56 64415 1343

Hong Kong 0 0 0 1 54 49094 1165

Australia 0 0 0 4 0 24070 6691

Malaysia 40 20 20 4 0 132056 1218

Philippines 50 35 15 3 79 931233 1674

Which country is your target market?

Nhóm chúng em chọn 3 thị trường này là vì hai thị trường (Malay, Philip) có thuế quan ưu đãi. Singapore
có chỉ số Trade/Import values cao nhất trong những nước có thuế quan ưu đãi bằng 0%. Để có sự so sánh
nhóm em chọn 3 thị trường này.

Market: …Singapore…………………………………………………………………………………….
MFN: …0………………………………………………………………………………………
Effectively Applied Tariffs: …0………………………………………………………………….
Number of NTMs: ………4…………………………………………………………………….
Trade: …………64415 thoundsand USD….......................................................
Distance: ………………1343km………………………………………………………………………
Market: …Malaysia …………………………………………………………………………………….
MFN: …40………………………………………………………………………………………
Effectively Applied Tariffs: …20………………………………………………………………….
Number of NTMs: ………4…………………………………………………………………….
Trade: ………… 132056 thoundsand USD….......................................................
Distance: ………………1218km………………………………………………………………………
Market: … Philippines …………………………………………………………………………………….
MFN: …50………………………………………………………………………………………
Effectively Applied Tariffs: …35………………………………………………………………….
Number of NTMs: ………4…………………………………………………………………….
Trade: ………931233… thoundsand USD….......................................................
Distance: ………………1674 km………………………………………………………………………

3.2 Compare Competitors

Hint: go to compare/competitors as above instruction
3.2.1 List 5 of the biggest exporters of the selected product in your targeted market

Singapore Name of country Trade

1 Thailand 83493
2 India 69741
3 Viet Nam 64415
4 Japan 4431
5 Cambodia 4248
Malaysia Name of country Trade
1 India 211945
2 Viet Nam 132056
3 Pakistan 114604
4 Thailand 66931
5 Cambodia 31050
Philippines Name of country Trade
1 Viet Nam 931233
2 Myanmar 67036
3 Thailand 57069
4 China 11464
5 Pakistan 7753

3.2.2 Among the top 10 competitors in terms of trade and distance:

+ Which country faces the highest tariffs?
 Philippines: China, Pakistan, India, Taipei (50%)
 Malaysia: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Taipei (40%)
 Singapore: Thailand, India, Viet Nam, Japan, Cambodia, United States of America, Taipei,
Chinese, Pakistan, Myanmar, Australia. (0%)
+ Which country faces the lowest tariffs?
 Singapore: Thailand, India, Viet Nam, Japan, Cambodia, United States of America, Taipei,
Chinese, Pakistan, Myanmar, Australia. (0%)
 Philippines: Viet Nam, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Maylaysia. (35%)
 Malaysia: India, Viet Nam,Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia (20%); Japan (0%)
Markets (name of country) MFN Effectively Pref. Tariff Trade (export Distance
PHILIPPINES (%) applied Margin year values) – (thousand (Km)
tariffs (%) USD)

With China 11464 2431

the India 1346 4789
50.00% 50.00% 0%
highest Pakisstan 7753 5525
tariffs: Taipei 696 1162
With VietNam 2022 931233 1674
the Myanmar 67036 2783
lowest Thailand 57069 2288
50.00% 35.00% 15.00%
tariffs: Singapore 2693 2406
… Cambodia 1312 1873
Maylaysia 608 2118

Markets (name of MFN Effectively Pref. Tariff year Trade (export Distance
country) (%) applied Margin values) – (thousand (Km)
SINGAPORE tariffs (%) USD)

India 69741 3687

Viet Nam 64415 1343
Thailand 83493 1404
Japan 4431 5147
Cambodia 4248 1179
United States of America 0 0 0 2022 2500 15087
Taipei 1426 3151
China 488 3971
Pakistan 1110 4706
Myanmar 1057 2022
Australia 1035 5774

Markets (name of MFN Effectively Pref. Tariff year Trade (export Distance
country) (%) applied Margin values) – (Km)
MALAYSIA tariffs (%) (thousand USD)

With Pakistan 114604 4518

the Bangladesh 1399 264
highest 40 40 0
tariffs: Taipei 101 2924
Japan 0 0 0 395 4913

Khi các thuế ở các thị trường đều có những lơi thế tương tự nhau, vì vậy ở mỗi thị trường nhóm chúg em
dựa vào ưu thế về giá trị (export value) và khoảng cách để chọn ra 5 thị trường ưu tiên để so sánh các chỉ
số sau:
Market MFN Effectively Pref. Number of Number Trade/ Distance
PHILIPPINES (%) applied margin trade of NTMs import (km)
tariffs agreement values

VietNam 2 931233 1674

Myanmar 50.00% 35.00% 15.00% 2 67036 2783

Thailand 2 300 57069 2288

China No data 11464 2431

50.00% 50.00% 0% available
Pakisstan 1 7753 5525

Market MFN Effectively Pref. Number Number Trade/ Distance

SINGAPORE (%) applied tariffs margin of trade of import (km)
agreement NTMs values

India 2 69741 3687

Viet Nam 4 64415 1343

Thailand 0 3 56 83493 1404

Japan 4 4431 5147

Cambodia 3 4248 1179

Market MFN Effectively Pref. Number of Number Trade/ Distance

MALAYSIA (%) applied margin trade of NTMs import (km)
tariffs agreement values

India 2 211945 3502

Viet Nam 4 No data 132056 1218

40 20 20
Thailand 3 available 66931 1152

Cambodia 31050 1025

Pakistan 40 40 40 2 114604 4518

3.2.3 In your target market, does your product have a tariff advantage or disadvantage versus the

PHILIPPINES: có sự chênh lệch ở các quốc gia, tuy nhiên Effectively applied tariffs của
VietNam chỉ ở mức 35 % thấp hơn nhiều thị trường. Chỉ số này cho thấy Philippies đang áp dụng
chính sách thương mại mở cửa, tạo điều kiện cho gạo nhập khẩu từ VietNam.
MALAYSIA: có sự chênh lệch ở các quốc gia, tuy nhiên Effectively applied tariffs của VietNam
chỉ ở mức 20 % thấp hơn so với nhiều thị trường. Mức thuế nhập khẩu này đối với gạo có thể tạo
ra một lợi thế cạnh tranh cho các nhà xuất khẩu gạo từ Việt Nam so với các quốc gia khác có mức
thuế cao hơn.
SINGAPORE: các quốc gia có mức thuế ngang nhau (0%). Điều này có thể giúp giảm chi phí
nhập khẩu và tăng tính cạnh tranh cho các nhà nhập khẩu gạo.
3.2.4 Based on the state of competition, would you reconsider your choice of target market? Yes/No?

Malaysia và Philippines có dân số đông đúc và nhu cầu tiêu thụ gạo lớn. Việc xuất khẩu gạo đến
các thị trường này có thể mang lại tiềm năng kinh doanh lớn hơn và khả năng tiếp cận một lượng
khách hàng đa dạng. Ở Singapore, ở thị trường này có ít dân số hơn so với Malaysia và
Philippines (từ chỉ số Trade/Import value), vì vậy mà nhu cầu nhập khẩu cũng ít hơn so với hai
thị trường còn lại, kèm theo đó ở Singapore áp dụng thuế cho tất cả các nước đều 0% cho thấy
được sự cạnh tranh căng thẳng ở thị trường này.
 Vì vậy nhóm chúng em chọn Malaysia và Philippines là hai thị trường mục tiêu

4. Identify Market Access Conditions applicable to your product in the destination market

4.1 What is the National Tariff Line Code (NTLC) that better describes your products in the destination

1 0 0 6 3 0 3 0 0 0 Malaysia

1 0 0 6 3 0 3 0 Philippines

4.2 Which Market Access Conditions are applied by your destination country?
Hint: Go to https://www.macmap.org/ or https://www.beta.macmap.org/ and click on “Home”. Enter
your target market (Importing country:*), your product at HS6 level (click on the “HS6” tab) and your
home country (Exporting country:).
For product 1006303000 – Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed:
Glutinous rice. Exported from Viet Nam to Malaysia
No data available for selected reporter, partner, product combination.


Instrument Is available? (Yes/No) Year of the latest update

Applied customs tariffs Yes 2022

Anti-dumping measures No N/A

Countervailing measures No N/A

Safeguard measures No N/A

Import-related NTM Yes 2018

4.3 Customs tariffs

4.3.1 What are the customs tariffs applicable to your product in the destination?
Hint: Using the above link or Go to “access” and click on “customs tariffs”.  Enter your destination
market (Importing country:*), your product at HS6 level (click on the “HS6” tab) and your home
country (Exporting country:).


Tariff regime Name of Trade Applied Tariff AVE


MFN Tariff MFN duties (Applied) 40.00% 40.00%

Preferential Tariff 1 Preferential tariff for ASEAN 20.00% 20.00%


Preferential Tariff 2 Preferential tariff for RCEP 21.80% 21.80%



Tariff regime Name of Trade Applied Tariff AVE


MFN Tariff MFN duties (Applied) 50.00% 50.00%

Preferential Tariff 1 Preferential tariff for ASEAN 35.00% 35.00%

4.3.2 If applicable, under which trade agreement(s) can you claim preferential tariffs?


Tariff regime Name of the Trade Agreement AVE

The best preferential tariff Preferential tariff for RCEP countries 21.80%


Tariff regime Name of the Trade Agreement AVE

The best preferential tariff Preferential tariff for ASEAN countries 35.00%

4.4 Trade remedies

Hint: Go to “Access/Trade remedies”
How are Trade remedies affecting to your product applied in the destination?
 Philippines does not apply any trade remedy on the selected product.

 Malaysia does not apply any trade remedy on the selected product.

4.5 Regulatory requirements

Hint: Go to “Access/Export and Import requirements”
4.5.1 How many import-related requirements the destination market applies on your product only?

Name of NTMs NTMs’ Number Note
code of NTMs
Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products A140 6
Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons A150 4
Labelling requirements A310 5
Packaging requirements A330 1
Irradiation A520 1
Product registration/approval requirement A810 3
Testing requirement A820 2
Certification requirement A830 4
Inspection requirement A840 5
Traceability requirements, n.e.s. A859 1
Quarantine requirement A860 1
Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s. A890 1
SPS measures, n.e.s. A900 1
Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances B210 4
Labelling requirements B310 4
Packaging requirements B330 1
TBT regulations on production processes B410 1
TBT regulations on transport and storage B420 1
Product identity requirement B600 2
Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement B700 3
Product registration/approval requirement B810 2
Testing requirement B820 1
Certification requirement B830 3
Inspection requirement B840 2
Conformity assessment related to TBT, n.e.s. B890 1
Requirement to pass through specified port of customs C300 1
Import-monitoring, surveillance and automatic licensing measures C400 1
Non-automatic import-licensing procedures other than authorizations E100 6
covered under SPS and TBT chapters
Global allocation E231 1
Prohibition for non-economic reasons E320 1
Global allocation E611 2
Consumption taxes F710 1
Advance import deposit G110 1
Total 74

MALAYSIA: No data available for selected reporter, partner, product combination.

4.5.2 How many import- related requirements the destination market applies on all goods indistinctly?

Name of NTMs NTMs’s code Nb of NTMs Note
Marking requirements B320 2
Other formalities, n.e.s. C900 1
Advance payment of customs duties G130 1
Measures affecting competition H000 1
Total 5

MALAYSIA: No data available for selected reporter, partner, product combination.

5. Advanced Questions

5.1 Compare products

5.1.1 Give two chapters for which the average tariffs applied by your destination is the highest and the
Hint: Go to https://beta.macmap.org/en/query/compare-product. Click “Table”

Brief description Average MFN
Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; products, whether or not
containing nicotine, intended for inhalation without combustion; other
24 Highest: 79.48%
nicotine containing products intended for the intake of nicotine into the
human body
05 Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included Lowest: 0%

Brief description Average MFN
17 Sugars and sugar confectionery Highest: 44.90 %
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous
27 Lowest: 0.15%
substances; mineral waxes

5.1.2 In the chapter of your selected product, how are tariffs distributed in your destination country?
Hint: Go to https://beta.macmap.org/en/query/compare-product. Click “Chart”

Insert chart here

Insert chart here
5.1.3 On which product (HS6 level) would your country receive the highest preferential margin in the
selected destination market? How much?

MALAYSIA: 240130 - Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse: Tobacco refuse - 1000%

PHILIPPINES: 170113 - Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form : Raw sugar
not containing added flavouring or colouring matter : Cane sugar specified in subheading note 2 to this
chapter – 60%

5.2 Analyse trade agreements

Hint: Go to “Analyse/Trade agreements”
5.2.1 Identify the trade agreements that your country is part of as an importer. How many are they?

Có 18 hiệp định khi Việt Nam nhập khẩu từ các nước đang có hiệu lực
5.2.2 Identify the trade agreements that your country is part of as an exporter. How many are they?

Có 26 hiệp định khi Việt Nam xuất khẩu sang các nước đang có hiệu lực .
5.2.3 What are the trade agreements that are in force between your country, as an exporter, and the
destination market? How many are they? When did the most recent one entered into force?

Có 5 hiệp định thương mại giữa Malaysia và VN, VN với tư cách là nhà xuất khẩu
RCEP được kí kết gần nhất vào năm 2022
Có 4 hiệp định thương mại giữa Philippines và VN, VN với tư cách là nhà xuất khẩu
RCEP được kí kết gần nhất vào năm 2022

5.3 Identify Rules of Origin in target markets

Hint: Go to https://findrulesoforigin.org/.  Enter your destination market (Importing country:), your
product at HS6 level (click on the “HS6” tab) and your home country (Exporting country:).

5.3.1 Identify what free trade agreements are in place between your country and the destination market for
your selected product:
Fill out the following table:

Name of agreement in duty Preferential Type of cumulation Roo certificate
force (applied) tariff (%) allowed criteria of origin
(%) available?

1 AANZFTA 40 NO PRE Diagonal WO

2 CPTPP 40 NO PRE Diagonal and Full CC

3 RCEP 40 21,8 Diagonal WO

4 Regional group ASEAN 40 20 Diagonal WO

Name of agreement in duty Preferential Type of cumulation Roo certificate
force (applied) tariff (%) allowed criteria of origin
(%) available?

1 CPTPP 50 NO PRE Diagonal N/A

2 AANZFTA 50 N/A Diagonal WO YES

3 Regional group, ASEAN 50 35 Diagonal WO

5.3.2 What is the lowest tariff the destination may impose on your product?


5.3.3 Target market comparisons

Define some target markets to which your product is imported, and fill out the following table:

Target Nb of MFN Pre Name of Type of RoO criteria Is

market agreements tariff tariff agreement in cumulation certificate
in force (applied) force of origin
(%) available?

HongKong 1 0 Diagonal WO YES
PRE Hong Kong


Australia for Full+Cross- RVC 50%

NO GSP Countries Cumulation (LDC 25%)
Australia 4 0 YES
CPTPP Diagonal and Full CC

RCEP Diagonal WO

Singapore 4 0 AANZFTA Diagonal WO YES

CPTPP Diagonal snd Full CC

NO RCEP Diagonal WO
Diagonal WO
group, ASEAN

5.3.4 Based on your results above, is there any market that seems like it would be easier for you to export
to? Explain.

Từ bảng so sánh, nhóm em chọn Malaysia và Philippines là thị trường mục tiêu vì:
- Ở Philippines, có mức thuế quan ưu đãi cao so với các nước.
- Ở Malaysia, không có những yêu cầu nhập khẩu, không áp các biện pháp phòng vệ thương mại lên
sản phẩm khi xuất khẩu sang nước này (chống phá giá, tự vệ, đối kháng,..). Malaysia là một quốc
gia nhập khẩu gạo chủ yếu để đáp ứng nhu cầu tiêu dùng trong nước, do diện tích trồng lúa của
Malaysia hạn chế và chủ yếu tập trung vào việc trồng cây công nghiệp khác. Chính phủ Malaysia
thúc đẩy nhập khẩu gạo thông qua việc giảm thuế nhập khẩu, các ưu đãi về thuế.

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