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is what turns us on.

So try thinking ”inre-

study of parts of living things

verse" in terms ofanatomy.

able to read and write

A lot of women also prefera more literate

and emotional prelude to hard dirty talk.

Now we're not saying that women areem-

wade tofeel Lhlcomfortable

barrassed to get down and dirty, far from

thespoil of swin+n ing

it. But setting up the scene before diving

right into the vagina and breasts works bril-

in an extremely smart way

liantly. For example:

Oirty Talb #8ii. ”Ima@neyou're ona cruise

ship. Alone and looking out nt the sea. You're

stupicl from drinki=s alcohol

n bitfipzy nJ’ter thnt wine. Pou're dnncing

tothemxsicyox stiff hear comingfzom th#

inaide of the paHy room. Suddenlyyou feel

a strong malepresence behindyou.A man's

lackinga piece that is behincl

hand slips into the top ofyour bacbless

a tyoe of wom an’s top

halter and cupsyour breasts with hisfirm

hands. You don't bnow who it is, but his

hot brenth and deep breathing are turning

to search ina weird way

you on.As he beginsgropingj/our titsyou

realizeyou dox‘t Core. 7ox/xst woxt tobe

/uCBed. 7tepulls one hand outsotñat h#

cnuJngeryox, right there, in pxblic. Kox're

too turned on tosoy xo.7ou reach around

to stick out

and/eel hisbulging cocbgettingharder...“

something that is imagined

Now in this fantasy dirty talk, you notice

to give special attention to

not only isthat man emphasizing hisown

parts, but more important he's describing

the MOOD of
a scene. He's telling her how to

feel, what shefeels, rather than just telling

her how hard he's fucking her. Her mood is

to tools someone's attention
captivated at the "story" and the attention

to the environment. From that point on, he

can say "fuck" and "tits" all he wants be-

tomakea thing Score active

cause he's already stimulated her emotions

and involved her in the scene. And allit took

being so hot that it brJbbles

to put her on slow boil was just takinga

to use lJacl worcls

minute toset
a mood without swearing.

Of cowse, it's not justa woman's thing. Be-

lieve this, ifa woman takes the time to set

upa scene and a mood, theman will be just

to excite one with sex

as aroused and into it. The only real differ-

ence isthat whereasa woman canimagine

on ori nto something that is inJaginerl

hot sex aboarda ship, a man's fantasy might

tosearch forinformation very strange or unusual

usually delve deeper into outrageous sce-

to pers‹iaoe one to have sex
narios. He doesn't need tobe seduced...he's

ready to go!

Concentrate on the Imagery

When you're dirty talking to each other,

relating to the eai

you use both visual and aural stimulation

to cause to happen

as well as words that evoke allfive senses.

usecl to emphasizea statement
You won't literally smell or taste anything,

especially if you're talking on the phone or

online. So it's best to paint strong visual im-

ages through language. Besides, even ifyou

are having sex, you can do no wrong with

colGaininga strong taste

spicy visuals thrown inatkeyparts.

Focus on:

sexual actions clone before sex

• Sexual positions or foreplay

• Sights that he/she might see

• Expressions on his/her face

• The level of his or her excitement

• What he or sheisfeeling, and how

state of raised life activity

arousal intensifies
the act of gains throrJgh something

• Details about penetration

Two examples would be:

Dirfi Yalb #84: “Jpo/! my hard cocb out
to movea thing back and forth

and afnrt rubbing it all overyour hot

a motion that shakes

pizssy lips and then mb my head allover

a female sexual cart

your clit./ moB#you watch, gzabbingyour

to push \vitI1 force

hair, and mn#ingyox wotch usJahove

a forward or up ’/arcI t›ush

my cocb bacb inand thrtist deeper...”

Dirfi Yalb 587:”I'm ridingyou so hard

with my wet cxnt I'm shaking thebed. Afl

to wakeo long high souncl

you zan hear is the bed legs creakingbacb

end/orth...thet is until Jstert screaming

to force outa liquid

and squirting and no slowingdown one

bit. I'm going togrind on thia coc# until

to sriddetily Greak apart

yau explode!Allyou cox smell is my pizssy

and thot moée‹you crazy. You shoot t#x

amount that comes outsuddenly

spurts into me andI Sean backgivingyou

clean and orderly a smart plant

nJ'iifI view o/my n#ntly trimmed bxah...“

Details, including the ones not directly re-
the act of going through sonsething

lated to penetration, (such as the sound the

substance to makea thing slide

bed is making, orthe smell of her lubricant)

make all the difference!

By now you havea pretty good idea of how

to get started dirty-talking. You know the

tOC ar1Se to be fill ed With

anatomy and how toinfuse your chat with

a feeling of sexual desire

lust, emotion, imagery and mood. However,

you're not going to get itperfectly down

totoucli ina light way not happening akten

pat the first few times. Dori't let occasiorial

a snJaII nlistake or bad luck to wake one less confident

mishaps embarrass you or discourage you

from trying again.

to dii ect org uide

What might help steer you backtotheright

course isknowing what todo and what to

avoid. That's the subject of ow next chap-

Chapter 10:10 Dirty Talking Dos

and Don'ts (Phrase 88-109)

a rule ¿iven Ivy God to peo ale

Remember thèse 10 commandments of

dirty talking so you can avoid awkward-

c|uaIity of an enibarrassi ng act causing fear

ness, excessive laughter, or the dreaded

‹lisease with certain sym ›toms

dead bed syndrome. (Which iswhen your

tostop having oi cloing

partner just gives up on you because you've

in an rinconifortable manner

failed so miserably) Stick to thèse tips and

you should be fine:

DO 1: Use experiences from your normal

to move rapidly with sound the study où substances

life to zirig up the chemistry. lt puts your

heart into it and gives you the energy to fol-

S Olll et lai l1g th at is i l›1ag iI1ecl

low through witha new fantasy.

Oïrty Talb #88:”Remember that@ri wko

was hitting on you nt the store? whnt iJ

a group ofthree

1 invited her ouerfora čÎtreesome and we

both tooh turns tonguingyour cocb?“

Dirty Talb 589: “Remember that ííme

to go somewhere torelax
ívoniziøin7łoridaî Wejob#d about

havingsexright there inpxßIic infiont of

nIIthosepeople.I thinå we shoxld it next

tźme. Woułdn'tşou enjoş beingwatched

whiłeJiox ride ms in the hot txb?”

Or somethinga little more gentle like:

Dir;y finlš 590: “I saw you looking at

one who shouts fora team

thosec#ÆÆíŽÊbżłó# Maşbeł shoulâ dress

set of clothes wom together

up inn cheerleader's oxt/t and we can go

one who makes things white

beñind tñebleachers.just libe ołã tim#sî

inching Ii£e mad everywhere we wentî“


Dirty Ta1b #91: “All this dressingup íately

having sexual excitement

hm gotme IìáÎÏUy. We shouldgo down on

eech other in the bathroom while keeping

our clothes on. See ifwe cnn doa quicb

fucb without anyone suRecting.“

to wove away due tofear

DO NOT: Be shy. Don't hold back. There's no

sense in getting dirty and extreme ifyou're

nervous abouti Jleeti ng others

too shy to say what you feel. And don't react

liking unusual sexual behavior
badly ifyour partner gets kinkier than you

imagined. Be happy that he/she trusts you

to tella trusted person
enough to confide. That doesn't mean you

have to do "everything." Just make compro-

mises asbest you can so that both ofyou are


helpf ul information

DO 2: Always give feedback. Don't just sit

not easy io deal with

there in awkward silence and don't just sit

there and enjoy it. Give your partner en-

something thatgives hope

couragement because he/she isbasing the

something that is imagined

next few lines of the fantasy chat on your

honest reactions. You help tell the story, you

fire up the imagination. The stuff you like

react more. The stuff you're not crazy about

react less.

DirtJ? 7’nIA #P2- “Oh God! (HeSR•aks) Yeah

I libe thet! (He asbsa question) Yes, master.

to hit on the bf‹ttocks

Please spanb ruengnin. (He tnlha about

sexon thedesl) Ves,J'iicl me right on may

desb! Ooooh! (He asbsa qxeztion) Yesyes

yesyes! Don't ever stopfucking me!“

not real or honest

DO NOT: Interrupt, talk over or mock the

other person. Try to avoid laughing ifpossi-

ble. It's likea dance. When oneis leading the

other follows. If you do laugh or say some-

thing unsexy by accident just continue on

and don't dwell on it.

DO 3: Look into his/her eyes. Or if you're

not together in person then describe look-

ing into each other's eyes, or looking at each

sexual parts

other's body and genitals. This isa strong

visual and helps create bonding and inti-

a state of being close

macy, even through the power of sugges-


Dirty Talb #PJ: “ñoo# ot ne.I wnnfyox

the peak ofsexual pleasure

to orgasm looking into my eyes.I went

movement oftheearth’s surface

toJ’eelyou qun£e on topo/me rind Set

go, givixg meyour whole body. Look ot

me...fooé at m# while we cum tog#ther..."

Iowei“ing iM status or quality

DO NOT: Be demeaning or critical. Even if

you and your partner is into name call-

state of loss of self respect

ing and BDSM humiliation, that's still bet-

ter than being "helpfully“ critical of your


lover's performance. That is the absolute

to steal from

worst thing you can do, because you rob

to make someone stop

them of allconfidence. Do not interrupt

your partner to tell him/her what's wrong.

helpfuli nformation

Instead, use POSITIVE feedback and en-

something that gives hope

couragement toreward good behavior.

DO 4: Always tell your partner that he or

attt”active ina sexual way

she is sexy. And don't just do it once, but re-

to make one feel less afraid

assure them throughout the whole session.

This builds confidence. There are some

showingu lack ofi esgect

BDSM activities that involve insulting your

partner, but for the most part, this is not

one who is new to a field

recommended fornovices. Make him orher

a small fault or weakness

feel confident in their body, flaws and all.

Dirty Talb #94: “Oh God you're so aux/

whenyou touchyourselfand fools nt

me. I loveyour body. You turn me on so

much when loob me in the eyes...“

made with great care

DO NOT: Gettootechnical or too elaborate.

a very clirty state
This is usually what messes you up and

tongue-ties you. Don't take too much time

describinga strange sexual position or the

various items arounda room. Those are


irreÎevant details.A simple statement de-

scribing what's happening in one sentence

lsjust fine, as in:

Dirty Talè #9S: “Jpushyou down onthe

with one side faciMg forwaid

desk and/ucb ou sidewa/s, restiny/our

legon my shoulder whileI enteryox...“

DO S: Use your partner's name. Even ifit's

formed by the imagination

a play name ora fictional character, call-

ing someone's name and making theemo-

involving sexual relations very strongly felt

tion more intimate, always hasa profound

Dirty Talb #9a: “Oh Veronica...1 wont to

mn£e love toyox li£e mud. £verji timeI

thin# oJ’j/our name, Ueronicn, the sound

to shakes lightly

sendsa shiver down my spine...“

the peak ofsexrial pleasure

DON'T: Feel pressured to have an orgasm or

do things/say things that make youuncom-

causing unease

Portable. The whole experience will be mis-

very sad

erable ifyou force yourself to do anything.

the act of investigating

This isabout no pressure, experimentation

and having fun.

to tae liked Dy someone

DO 6: Tell yourlover how appealing they are

to allsenses. You know bynow youhave to

to say nice things about

compliment your lover's beauty. But don't

stop there. Take time to comment on his/

the waya thi•s feels
her smell, taste, their texture and skin, and

their voice. Involving allfive senses helps

very great in degree

keeps things alive and intense.

DiHy Talb 597:”Mmmyoutaste so goodI
to oass the tongue over a long thin piece of leather

just wnnt tolicbyou up libe cool whip. Taste

a narrow openi ng ina rock very pleasant to taste

every crevice ofyour delicious body.“

DON'T: Talk too much. You should talk fre-

to give all attention to

quently but don't get fixated on perfectly

a skil Ifoil or planned movement

describinga scene ora certain maneuver.

The images and the mood iswhat counts,

the way words arerisecl

not the word usage or the exact position.

happeningg raclually over time

Stick toa number ofshort and progressive

sentences rather than trying to keep telling

the same sentence ina different way.

DO 7:Keep your lover updates about your

state of raised life activity the peak ofsexual pleasure

level of arousal. Timing your orgasms close

to each other is alwaysa better idea than

happening too soon

coming prematurely or taking too long.

Rather than saying it matter-of-factly, tell

attractive ina sexual way

them ina sexy way how you feel, and let it

be clear what this means. Forexample:

Dirty Tałb 498: “My pussy's getting

so dripping wet hearingyou taJb

fź4e that..." (Sfztry źsOK)

airy Talb #99: 0hyou're going tomo4#

thehighest point driring sex

me cum soon... (n!moat tociYśiźiźiJ

Dirty Talb S100: “Oh God,you're mabing

having sexual excitement

xc toońorny...I wnnt tocrnyou nround

axd fucbyou now...(This can be xsed asa

sexy way of saying tochangepositionsjust

incose the moc is too c/ose to coming)

ab1e to change
DO 8: Ask moge operi-ended questions.

While masters and doms usually ask

asked fornlakinga statefiient

rhetorical questions, you might needa little

soicething that gives hope

more encouragement this early on. Open-

ended questions can help guide your lover

to where you need tobe forhim/her to or-

the peak aTsexrial pleasurea remark to show disapproval

gasm. Knowing that criticism is not a good

thing, give your lover the opportunity to

able to change

answer open-ended questions forbetter un-

derstanding, not just yes or no questions.

For instance:

Dirt3* Talk SI O1: “Where dOJO2f

fi£e to be touched, slave?“

Dirfi Yalb #102:”Where oreyox mos

to order not to do sonsethi ng

sensitive? Wh#r# rimZ/orbidd#n to touch?”

Dirfi Talk 5103: “Tell me whereyou want

tocum, lover. You cnn cum anywhere.“

In these instances, notice that even when

more important than others

asking for information, the dominant

lover didn't break the mood. He/she just

willing to obey

asked where the submissive wanted to be

touched, as if offering an option, but still

a recjuest for money orfood

controlled the session. No begging, no ask-

ing permission.

a special quality

DON'T: Use physical haracteristi s that are

simply not true. While "big cock” or "big

relating to sex

tits" are nice for an erotic fantasy, if your

partner has average size parts, then you're

not showing true feeliI gs

only going to sound insincere. Instead, try

using neutral-size words like firm cock, lus-

very appealing

cious breasts, wet pussy, and so on.

DO 9: When indoubt, move slower. Dirty

talking should be about slow-boil and about

extending the moment into an all-nighter.

Don't start off too rough, don't use too

a large hammer

many sledgehammer vulgarities in the first

five minutes. Work your way towards it.

You could even spenda lotoftime focusing
the peak ofsexual pleasure

on breast play and give her an orgasm be-

fore the really dirty stu£begins.

Dir(y Talb #104:"7’m goingtoslide my

woman's clothing under clothes

fingers intoyour braand touchyour

nipples. S!owIy etJ2rst, gent!ji tracinga

straight up and down

circ/e with my finger. Yhen tnp3ioxr erect

to say mean things to one

nipple mabingit taunt. Thenpinch it

to excite one with sex

sIightl3i, gettingyou aroused...“ (Step by

to ask ina vein seiious way

step xntil she's beggingfor more infensi{ji)

DON'T: Don't repeat yourself. This may be

challenging attimes, especially ifyour lover

toa great degree

istaking an unusually long time to orgasm.

Don't pressure them anddon't keep repeat-

writed ifferently

ing the same sentences or rewriting them

sonJethi ng that is imagined

either. If you try to extend the fantasy

longer than itshould go,hoping to match

thepeak ofsexual pleasure

your lover's timing of orgasm, you may get

tongue-tied and run out of things to say. In

general, this is why it's better to start slow

and progress slowly rather than jumping

the highest pointf bring sex

into finishing clirrlaxes. If you run out of

sentences, then simply change the position

something that is imagined

of the fantasy, or concentrate on another

part of her body. That way, you're changing

theidea and the current, without losing the

scene itself. Don't starta brand new scene,

to avoid losing the mood youhave sofar.

Dirty Talb 510$: “Didyou libe beingfucbed

a kind of small animal to face the oppos ite way

doggy style? Now turn over becauseI wnnt

toloob atyourface whileI fucbyou spread

a large bird

eagle.E want toseemy cocbgo in deep..."

Dirfi)i Talb #106: Now there‘s another

strange or unknown

mysterious ztrnnger who walbs uR

behindyau.I tell him to/ucüyox too.

We're allgoing toxaeyox asourplay

royement oftheearth's srirlace
toj/. Cet read3/ to quo#e ond quo£e.

DO 10: Remember tofocus on your tone:

speed atwhich one moves

your pitch, power and pace in your voice.

not coniDIeteIy or extrenlely

A sexually charged voice has moderately

thepeak ofsexual pleasure
loud volume which iricreases when orgasm
happeni ng very soon having interesting qriolities

is imminent. You can also have a sexier

voice my lowering your pitch and taking

to becgiiJ to deal with strenge ol unknown

ona deeper, more mysterious and more

showing sexual des ire

lustful tone. Finally, if you're just getting

relating to sexual pleasrire
started and feeling sensual then talk slower
showing strong interest

than average. As you become excited, your

breathing increases and your words come

tooesaicl ina certain way
out faster from your mouth. To some ex-

tent all of this is involuntary when you're

to excite oMe v/it1a sex

aroused. But just in case you're talking too

behindyau.I tell him to/ucüyox too.

We're allgoing toxaeyox asourplay

royement oftheearth's srirlace
toj/. Cet read3/ to quo#e ond quo£e.

DO 10: Remember tofocus on your tone:

speed atwhich one moves

your pitch, power and pace in your voice.

not coniDIeteIy or extrenlely

A sexually charged voice has moderately

thepeak ofsexual pleasure
loud volume which iricreases when orgasm
happeni ng very soon having interesting qriolities

is imminent. You can also have a sexier

voice my lowering your pitch and taking

to becgiiJ to deal with strenge ol unknown

ona deeper, more mysterious and more

showing sexual des ire

lustful tone. Finally, if you're just getting

relating to sexual pleasrire
started and feeling sensual then talk slower
showing strong interest

than average. As you become excited, your

breathing increases and your words come

tooesaicl ina certain way
out faster from your mouth. To some ex-

tent all of this is involuntary when you're

to excite oMe v/it1a sex

aroused. But just in case you're talking too

without excitement to make less severe

dryly or at an even temper, you can pur-

ina planned way ofthe voice

posely exercise your vocal chords fora hot-


Dirty Talb 5107: “£#t me touch

to produce flowers

you...righi there...onyourbudding
a female sexual part to bend intoa curved shape

cISt... notice how your bacb is arching

state of raised life activity

inAhi/&Es .YoxcAn*me...*oA##p

full of warm wetair

downfora stenmi#r introdxction)

Today,you'regoingtodo whntev#rI say.“(A

firm voice with slightly higher volume)

Dirty TalbS JO9: “Oh yesyesMore!£’oster!

to pass the tongue over

Sihethnt ohh Atopgoing Aeepgoingfuck

me oh God moé# me cxm!{Fest sext#xC#s

that evextuolfy become run an sentences
the peak ofsexual Dleasure state of having great force
as orgasm cornes; the ixtexsïty o/the
a feeling one's body gets reasonable

sexsotïoc breaès dowc Ïo@coÏ secte/tces

v/i1cI with feara acl \vorry

to JŸnntic exclamations of emotion)

DO NOT: Take chances by saying something

fornied by agreement

you haven't agreed upon yet. Don't risk it,

even ifit's something you figure "everyone"

to breaka lew

isdoing. That violates trust and WILL make

noteasy to deal with

things awkward for

a long time to come.

Now that we understanda bitmore about

what to avoid and what to do,let's talk

about making dirty talk "your own" by

very special or unrisual

bringing your unique voice into the equa-

very special or unusual

Chapter 11:Finding Your Unique

Voice (Phrase llo-116)

So much of dirty talking comes from

what we hear other people say, whether in

movies, TV or books. And that might work

fora time, especially if you're just start-

ing out. However, as you improve your

technique and gain practice in this won-

activity done during free ti we

derful "pastime", you will start to turn all

relating to sex

your erotic "borrowed" ideas into your own

unique pattern.

As you realize that yes, it really is YOU dirty

leaving interesting qualities

talking and not Mr. Pornstar or Mr. Sexy

Billionaire that isonly going tofill you with

self-confidence and turn your partner on.

Sex and dirty talking is about the personal

experience, the honest and unfiltered com-

munication between two people who have

found each other. This isa great connec-

tion of spirit, mind and soul and it's time

toexplore every inch and every idea in each

other's company.

So remember:

• Be yourself. If something doesn't feel

right when yousayit, stop saying it. If

something that is imagined

a fantasy doesn't turn you on,just letit

go and try something else. Sex is likea

menu andyoucanhave anything you


• Borrow your ideas from others but re-

write them inyour own words. Don't

familiar with so‹+Jethi‹1g

use words you're not accustomed to.

Instead, translate them into your own

very special or rinrisual

unique language — like something your

partner can imagine you saying.

o bit loud

• Practice by yourself, whether aloud or

silently. Practice makes perfect and you

to be in the process of i»aking

can work on your sex talking tech-

nique privately so you can impress your

someone who is married seeming like real life

spouse next time with some vivid de-


• Make sure your emotions arealways in-

something that is iiJJagined

vested. Ifit's your spouse's fantasy try

to summon up your own feelings and

focus on the details that turn you on.

Don't just tell your partner what you

think they want to hear—make your-

selfpart ofthe fantasy and own the mo-

a nervous feeling

ment, losing your inhibitions justa lit-

tle bit.

Changing Romantic Talk Into

Something Kinky

lacking experience or training

One challenge for nexper enced dirty talk-

one who talksa certain way

ers is to turn their romantic feelings into

liking unusual sexual behavior

something kinky and dirty. If you're not

having disrespect for religion almostI ever
naturally profane and hardly ever swear in

normal life, and are not into anything too

having 1sany tight bends

kinky, dirty talking will not come naturally

to you.

If this is the case it's time to "transform"

some ofyour innocent observations about

caDable of being use‹T

love into somethinga little more usabie for

the benefit of one soinethi1ag that is imagi1aed

the sake of your partner's fantasies. For ex-

a nervous feeling

ment, losing your inhibitions justa lit-

tle bit.

Changing Romantic Talk Into

Something Kinky

lacking experience or training

One challenge for nexper enced dirty talk-

one who talksa certain way

ers is to turn their romantic feelings into

liking unusual sexual behavior

something kinky and dirty. If you're not

having disrespect for religion almostI ever
naturally profane and hardly ever swear in

normal life, and are not into anything too

having 1sany tight bends

kinky, dirty talking will not come naturally

to you.

If this is the case it's time to "transform"

some ofyour innocent observations about

caDable of being use‹T

love into somethinga little more usabie for

the benefit of one soinethi1ag that is imagi1aed

the sake of your partner's fantasies. For ex-

Innocent Remark:

"I love my partner with my whole heart."


Dirf¿i Talb #1 JO:"/woxtyox sobad.../’ff

fet3iox do ANYTHING tome.An3ithing!“

Innocent Remark:

"Every timeI seeyou, you make me smile."


tocause to oecome clependent

Diry Talb #111.- ”f'x addicted toyour

cocb/pussy.I want totasteyou.I want

tofucbyou always.I NEEDyounowt"

Innocent Remark:

"I want tohavea family with you."


DiAy Tałk 5112: “Giveyour hot

jizz, baby. F:ii me xp uth th«t»«»y

maber andfeed if ałJ to mc!“

Innocent Remark:

very attractive

"I love your adorable smile."


pretty/nce whenyou de#pthront my cocb.“

Oźrty PoI4 #114:“Iśooó ot me. Don'tyou

liquid of fruits or vegetables

dare stop loobing at mc. £nt my pus¿yjuic#s

showing hunger or desire

whileyoufucś me with those ęry #yes."

Innocent Remark: ”I feel so close to you

right now."

a licjuid substance

theinside.I want ourbodiea and fiuids to

to cause tofit or work a liquid formed on the skin

mezh together.I wnn yoxr cxm, awen,

theliquid mncle in one's mouth

tee» and zpif. fjust went iodrinbyou uR-“

Innocent Remark: "We should go out to the

a meal enten outside

park and havea romantic picnic."


Dirty Talk #J lS: “We should go tosome

toseparate fron› others

iaolnted nren. £nt, drinh rind then/uch

the numbers 13 through 19 a small plant

libe crnzj/ teens behind thebushes.“

As you can see, dirty thoughts are noth-

positive remark write differently

ing more than compliments rewritten to

be sexual. So learn to use your normal

food given to animals

thoughts as fodder for making some truly

relating to the use of images

graphic and X-rated conversation. We know

youhavea filthy mind! Everyone does...

Speaking of which, just how helpful are all

malerial that shows sex acts

these other outside sources like porn, erot-

to become aware of

icabooks, movies and thelike? Let's find out

in Chapter 12.
Chapter 12:Free Sources of Dirty

Inspiration (Phrase 11 7-129)

Ifyou're still feelinga bit shy about practic-

an angry and critical speech

ingyour X-rated diatribe then there's noth-

ing wrong with samplinga bit of the old

"blue material" to see how everyone else

does it. You can find everything you need

from PG-13 rated movies and TV shows

attrncti ve ina sexr‹sl way having strong emotions

talking about sexy feelings arid passionate

very strange or unusual

love a little more outrageous

material that shows sex acts

imagination by way of porn and erotica.

Lessons We Learn From Porn

Most people think of dirty talking as porno-

showing people as sex objects

graphic and not erotic. That's because porn

to ca use to be included

has been dirty-talking for ages, while main-

having special qualities

stream "classy erotica" isjust now realizing

that you can say "fuck" and not to have to

clean it up for sensitive audiences. We're

just not THAT sensitive anymore.

material that shows sexacts

However, porn is not the "ideal" because it

tends tobe male-centric and over-the-top in

something that is in›agi ited

terms offantasy and bad acting. It also has

an unrJsual desire

a number offetishes that may or may not

be allowed in your bedroom like anal sex,

to take in t1Ji-o\.igh the mouth

cumshots totheface, cum swallowing and

to force liquid front the mouth

spitting and lesbian gangbangs.

If you and your partner are okay beinga

little wild, then it might work foryou. But

even ifporn doesn't quite do it for you,

there are some great lessons to learn. Such

relating toa sexual peak

Exaggerate your orgasmic intensity and

state of raised life activity

nromnl and it W/LLJ"eeI better.

stop! You'refucking me sogood...I can't beep

to collapse

cxmming nI! nigh£!I'm going toJ’nint!“

(Assuming your partner knows you're exag-

gerating, this can bea hot thing to saythat's

basecl on what is real

not exactly realistic, but still f\in)

to treata person as an object

It's okay toobjectify yourpartner's body.

clothifg wornu never clothes

Dirt;y 7nIh II 18: “Tabe oJfyour underwear.

Cet me seeft. Now bend over.7woxr to

seeallofyou.I want toseeyou touch

the feeling of being entertained

yourselffor my nmxsement.“

(Love and sex don't have to be the exact

same thing. It's okay to treat your partner

like an "object" since this isjusta game and

you're not bringing it outside the bedroom)

You don't have to be grounded in reality. /t's

OK to indulge your partner's naught:y tnboos

Dirfi Talb #119: “I'mgoing torideyour cocb

attractive ina sex dial way

a female sexual part

my clit. Is this whet3iox Sibe, baby? Two girls

fucking each other right on top ofyou?“

material that shows sexacts

Porn isn't realistic but dirty talking doesn't

have tobe ultra-real. It just has to be sexual

a brief act of sex

and sometimesa "quickie" short story about

random fucking will do just fine.

Lessons We Learn From Erotica

able to read and write

Erotica has always had the literate angle, as

q uality that causes one to like

sexual content that appeals to the mind. We

glad works dealing \•zith sex

can be thankful that erotica has given us the

speecl at which one moves material that shows sex acts

gift of plot, pace and timing, whereas porn

feeling \voriy or concern

has never been so concerned with effec-

act of clescrihing qualities

tive moods or harac eria n From erot-

of or relating to the mind

icawe getthe psychological intensity and

fear that makes one Ives itate

the slowly rising trepidation that turns into

a feeling of sexual desire

forbidden lust slowly but surely. It starts

witha mood andthen lightsa fire that must

tocause to step b‹Jming

be extinguished at all cost.

a state of excitement
Dirty Talb #12O: “Youfeela fiutter injiour

stomach. You #now it's wrong. But my hand


onyour Mmmy isfirm, andyou bnow that

I'm notgoing nn3iwher#. I'm tired of rezizting

a pleasant st1ieII

j/ou.f can't !ive withoutyou..J/oxrscent is

to toxic la gently

driving me crazy. Jjxst wnnt tocaressyou,

act of rubbing another’s body

massageyou, and mabe love toyou. £ight

here. Right now.E can't wait till we go bocé

totheroom.I needyou now.I slowly reach

a piece oT women's underwear

inrind dropyourpanties to the/oor...“

works dealing with sex

It is also thanks to erotica that we have

the ability to ”lose ourselves" and go well

involving right and wrong

beyond our ordinary moral/ ethical be-

havior, just so we can entertain some red-

something that is imagined an act of betrayinga panner

hot fantasies involving group sex, infidelity,

a tight bend in something

and BDSM master-slave kink. We don't even

have to“act". We can just reada story, or tell

relaTeci io IiTeraryflcton

our own story with fietional characters. The

relating to sex

erotic novel has given us permission to live

felt tlJroug f1 others' actions

vicariously through other people that have

burning with nriglst light leaving strange sexual clesires
flaming libidos much more perverted than

our own. Let's enjoy it.

Dirty Talb S1ii1:”You've always been

mrious nbout how it wouldfeel to hnve

two new making love to you ct the same

time. Well, now it'syaur lucéy day because

one who travels withouta plan

I've taben inn sexy drifter and he thinhs

very beautiful

you’re gorgeoxs. 74aybe we should all haue

a few drinbs and you can dnnc# /orus...“

Lessons We Learn from Phone Sex

Phone sex was big business back in the

1980s and 1990s, even though it's slowed

down somewhat thanks to free Internet

material that shows sexacts

porn. But the interactive talk and non-vis-

ual element has affected our culture and

a secret plan

our ability to experience intrigue, arousal

iJiost exciting part ofa story the quality of being needed

and climax even without the necessity ofa

physical encounter.
Phone sexisall about firing up your imag-

ination and using your hearing and speak-

ing ability to create strong mental images

M1ate rİ aI that SixOWS S eX aGtS

that arejust as good asporn butfarmore in-

verygreaT in degree

tense because YOU'RE the star of the show.

to oay attention to

Couples can take heed from this and keep

makea deep aid loud sound

their sex life booming even when separated

by miles or in some cases, in a completely

different time zone.

to for-ma mental picture of

Phone sex gave us great visualizing dialog

that still work today. With suggestions and

time state o1 İeei 9 sat isfied
sexual fantasy fulfillment we learned great

lines like these:

Dirty Talb #122: “Whnt areyou

a piece of women's unclerwear

uearingî What coíor are yourpantiesî

a [Painting sculpture etc. that showsa nric\e person

Areyou sleeping in the nudeîAre you

touchźxgyoursef/Ńght xowî”
Dir{y Talb #123: “Pox wnnt tocum

together? £et’s stroée at the som#

time and thin£ o/each other...“

something ttiat is in aginecl

Dirty Talb 4124: “Tel/jioxrJ’nntna3i. Tetl me

all the diriy ihingsyou do whenyoujnc# oQiI


wnnt tohear whntn unity fittse boy you are.“

Lessons We Learn from Cyber Sex

The main difference between cyber sex arid

phone sexmay well have been that in the

old day, people that had phone sexNEVER

intended on meeting in person. It was an

relating to sex

erotic fantasy, with no intention of the two

notnamed oriclentitied
anonymous lovers ever meeting each other

fora physical encounter. The cyber sex ses-

to grow sriccessfLilly

sion, on the hand, thrives off the idea of

actually meeting in person some day and

soiJiething that is imagined

getting to experience all of these fantasies

in person. People often use the Internet for

serious dating and so make Internet sexa

a very important part existing oM conlpritei's

mainstay intheir virtual relationship.

to what is aheadin space

This can continue onwards, even after you

meet in person, and sometimes couples

continue to have virtual sex even after mar-

riage when they're separated on business or

a state of being close

family travel. There isa sense of intimacy

in cyber sex that is lacking in the business

model ofphone sex.

Therefore, cyber sex isall about the expec-

tation, the emotion and feeling of what you

want todo toand with your partner when

you meet in person. This teaches us the

a feeling of¿ reat excitement

thrill of preparing our partner, and building

excitement about the future showiflg sex or vioIen ce

anticipation through phrases and explicit

visuals. Such as:

Dirty Talb S1!tS: “When wefinally me#tI

ÿwt want tomoÂesweet Io»e toyoufor hours

on end.I could zpend all day betweenyour

to eat slowly very beautiful

legsjust nibbling ntyoxrgorgeous body.“

Dirfi Talk P126.'I wnnt toplacea IOO hisaes

a part of the foot

all oueryou,from head toto#.7’m tired of

waiting.I just wnnf toreach oxt und tabe

not wearing any clothes

you into my be nab#d withyou in

b#d, in the pool, in the kitchen, #v#r3iwher#!“

Rather than phone sex, which works be-

cause of high emotion, multiple changes

in voice tone, and the ability to hear each

other's voice, text cyber sex works best in

describing what we are FEELING, in the

something that is imagined

PRESENT. You don't just share fantasies or

to touch your sex parts
masturbate together, but actually tell your

lover exactly how to feel with your simu-

made toseem like something

lated actions. As in:

Diny Yalk SI:tY:”f'm touchingyour breaso

right now...canyoxJ°eeI how my hands

tocontinue to exist wonder to make one feel excitement

igger there, in owe of you, eeslng.yoxr

a round part on one's chest larger than normal

nipples xntil they're nice and pu;ff'y.”

Dirfi Talb 5128: “Yougive me n wet and

very violent

viciow handjob. And/loue it. /tefIyox

the liquid made in one's mouth

todoyour worst. You stroée mv, spit

to pull into one's mouth toplay ina rough way

on me, and?$l1ic me and grouse

metoyoxr henrt's desire.I wnnt tolose

COittrol of myself, all inyour hands..."

to push with force

Dirt¿y Talk S1E9:I snter fh# room and shove

to eat large amounts offood

yox down onthebed,sfZzk!i3Dg

# away at
full of air balls

thnt benotiJii! bubbly assofyours.I hiss it,

to have sex witha virgin the soft parts of the body

deJ2oweringyour innocenfJiesh. fpxllyour

aszzheebz aparigearinga good look aiyour

pussy and asshole.I sticb my face right in

bei ng inflrJenced by alco hol

J0iff‘QttSSJ Iff**. drxnl on theteste ofyou,

wanting togo deeper.I ask you to spread

to cloa cof›srnand

your legs nndyou obey,just as eager to sur-

to hanCl over control to take control of

render to me, usI am eager to conqueryou.“

a pan cfa n›achiIe

True, by the time the web cam came along,

Internet sex combined the best of three

technologies: phone sex, text sex and even

visual sex, thanks to high resolution dis-

plays that letlovers see each other in real


However, by the time the cell phone and

to change very nJLich

tablet PC evolution
edchat, we were in
a tli ng that can be studied

for another social phenomenon: texting, or

shall we say, SEXTING. This went one step
without any other's incl uded

beyond cyber sex, and was exclusively fo-

excitement about the future

cused on building anticipation—in many

tocook below the boiling point

cases, keeping your lover simmering on sex-

ual thoughts forhours while atwork.

That's the focus of the next chapter.

Chapter 13:How to Give Him

or Her the Best “Sexting“

c|roup of two or more worcls

Ever (Phrase 130-155)

very clear and conJglete

It's just not that easy to go into explicit

detail when sexting your partner witha

being extremely Dad
mobile phone, including those awful vir-
the set of keys ina computer

tual keyboards that are nearly impossible to

type with...not to mention the difficulty in

sexting with one hand!

easy to see or notice

Yes, it's fairly obvious that sexting isnot the

same thing as cyber sex or phone sex, since

a state of tieing close

the time and place for intimacy is imprac-

not practical

tical. However, sexting is allabout sharing

THOUGHTS rather than full experiences.

excitement about the futLire

Another way to increase your partner's an-

ticipation for sex later on, keeping themin
continuing forever having sext al excitement
perpetual state of horny desire.

Of course, there are rules to sexting, and

the most important ones are justa matter

good and moial oehavior

of decency and respect, since your part-

to search fora thing

ner will likely be rummaging through these

being reasonable°

text messages atwork. Itisadvisable to not

having no clothes on

show your face ifyou're sendinga nude pic-

to move slowly and quietly

ture and not to creepa new potential date

out by "sexting" before you've had a chance

very closely related

to get intimate in person or on the phone.

leaving good manners
It's also not polite to keep your partner

waiting forhours just for one reply, nor is it

polite to send more thana few textsa day.

to cause to lie concernecl

(After all, your hot and bothered spouse still

has to work!)
That said, sexting isa great tool to keep your

partner's imagination fired up throughout

long hows ofall work and no play. Usu-

a set time to play inc lurch a sweetly innocent quality

ally the best sext messages arevery coy and

the act of bothering someone

teasing. They're not actually about having

sex with words, but making your partner

to havea desiie for to laugh at an‹I ci iticize

crave real sex later on with teases like:

Oirty Talb #130:”7yustgot ou something

of sex ina playful way to cause to tuna

very xoughty.7thixéyox’r#goingto@i/* the

fuck outwhenyou seeme init tonigh ... O“

Dirty Talb #131:”Oh GodI cen't stop

thi2thing nbou yolt fund lust night.I

cnnj"eefyox on my hands,I can smell

you all over.I needyou now!“

Dirty Talb 5132: “Jxst sitting hereJontesiz-
to imagine doing things

ingoboutyou...wonderinghowwe eoufdget

iehere o/terhours oxd/ücè ox thedesB."

muIÉpSes withyou.”

Dirty Talb #134:I thoxght nboxt

you todoy...i/t the shower. ;)

In allof these examples, you notice the tex-

ting doesn't really go into great detail, as

something that is imagined

with the fantasy sharing dirty talking we

soivetlzil1§ that is suggestecl

discussed earlier. Just the implication that

something mind blowing is going to hap-

pen isenough tofire him/her up.

Infact, you can get away with saying things

on texting that are probably hard to say

face to face without laughing. You can say
of ooor quality

cheesy sexual one liners like:

act of rubbing another’s body

Dirty Talb S13S: “Ineeda massage. But

not so mucha full body massage. Just

your hands working their nagic.“

i»ateriaI that shows sex acts

Dirty Talb #136:"I dox't needporn. Ijizst

!**R ihinbing ofyou in ihe nude and touch-

ing myself. God, I'msupposed to be working!“

of sex ina playfulI way

stu@I really thiné aboutyou...yox

coxldn't even fooh me in the ey#!“

a cfish of ice crea +J

Dirty Talb 5138:”I wanta sxndae...and

I want toeatit of;fyour body.“

Dirty 7’nf£ 5139: “Nice tie in thntpicture.

ButI thoxgh ofa mxch better usefor it.“

Another possibility is to use sexting asa

means of making plans, or more specifi-

more important than others willing to obey

cally, playing õominant and submissive.

a substance used in foods

You could do vanilla style commands like:

DiWş 7ałë #140:"ł want totoBeyou to

a hotel room, tieyox xp, and mabeyou

scream. But no one will h#arşou. ž'm

to laugh at and criticize

goingíococb teeseyoxJor hours.“

Dírtş 7alb #141:"7ełł me the

a piece of women's underwear

a picture made bya camera

Dirty Talb #J4ü: “Iwant a cochpic. NOW.“

Oźr@ Pof #143:"Shocb me witñ

something that is imagined


be mş toş tonight."
Dir(y Talb #145:”Felf me the dirti#st

thingyou'ue e»er thought about me."

Dirfi Tałk 414d: “J'mjxat thinhing

a very dirty state

going iobe iomorrou morning...“

to become greater or higher

Oz you could escalate the teasing intoa full

not afraid of danger

game oftruth or dare with bold suggestions


Dir¡y Talś #147:"F#xt me opźcture

area betweena woman's breasts

ofyour ćieavage.I need my fix.

Your body b#epa my going.“

Dirpy Talb #148: “Go into fhe bathroom next

totouch your sex parts
breab and mostxróote.7 will ifyou wźff.“

Ożr§y Tałś #149:”7 have ajOB to

$;iveyou...ifyou bnow whatI mean.

7xterested in the POSżTłOM?"

Dirty Yalb 5150: “Wear something with

easy access tonigh. I've wnit#d long

enoughfora goodfuzb inpublic.“

Dirt::y Talk 11 SI: “Iwnnt tobeused byyou.“

to accept with pleasure

All in all, sexting is about embracing the

fantasy, which will make thereality later

that night so much hotter thana regular

driedg rass fcr anii›iaI foocl

roll in the hay. You can push the limits of

good taste in sexting because it's alla game.

praise that is not honest a positive remark

It's all flattery and X-rated compliments.

You don't even have toput asmuch thought

a settime to pray in church

intoa good sext as you mighta full phone


not wear ingany clothes

Naked sexual desire shines through here.

Sure, you'rejoking. You're being over the top

and you're sometimes silly. But all you're re-

ally saying is that you desire your partner.
to cause to l3e concerned
You're so hot and bothered that you can't

even goa whole day or day anda half with-

tendi ng to s[JreacI

out sending your wonderfully invasive sex


to improve

You can even enhance your sex texts with

semi-nude pictures, with sex toy pictures

li king unusual sexual behavior

or kinky captions, or simply remark about

your partner's photo and say something

ver-y or extremely

wildly inappropriate and NSFW.


an electronic sexual aid

Dirl¿i Talb #1ii2.-“I libe this vibrator.

ButI don't thinb it's powerj°xI enough

tocO*•*R•te with my tongue.“

havinga pleasing appearance

Dirty Talb SI $3: “Loob how cuteyox loob in

thispictxr#! Oops...I stared so long atyour

cute eszI have iochange ny clothes now.“

Dirty Talb #144: “Up shirtpicture

foryou.Jusi remindingyou of

whereyou're goingtonight.“

Dirty Talb SU $:“NowI'mjiut sending

an object that is easy to see

yoxroxdompicMres oflandmarks

secret wolds tousea comgLiter

Thankfully, only you have the password to

a mobile ratio telephone

your cellphone so allof this is locked away

involvi Mg right and wrong

forgood. In short, this is legal and ethical

a feeling of anger

sexual harassment. Have some funwith it.

In fact, you should try to push thebound-

havi ng sexual excitement

aries justa little bit and see how horny you

canmake your partner withbadboy/badgirl


Don't respect your partner so much that

you're afraid to be silly, or immature oreven

concerned only about oneself

a little selfish and crude. In fact, the more

ill-behaved you are in sexting, the more

toleavea clesire for
your partner seems tocrave it. It gives each
having many tight bends

of you something nice and kinky to look

forward toinbetween calls, tasks and lunch


Yes, sexting isa wonderful treat, something

romantic acts before marriage

that reminds us how much funcourtship

and dating can be...even ifyou've been mar-

ried for eons!

Speaking ofwhich, it's time todiscuss some

a way ofreachinga cjoal

other great avenues for dirty talking that

you might not have considered yet. It is an
almost or nearly

art that can be used inpractically every sit-

uation you might encounter in this roller

coaster ride we call life. Let's proceed into

Chapter 14.
Chapter 14:Dirty Talking forEvery

Situation in Life (Phrase 156-157)

What's nice about dirty talking, asa regu-

continuing to exist

lar part of your ongoing sex life, is that it

easily changed

isflexible to whatever living situation you

part of something

have. Couples use dirty talking in all aspects

of their active lives including:

• Sexting at work
toadd interest to something sexual actions done before sex

- Spicing up their sexual foreplay with


• Using dirty talking during sex, to

toi ncrease the amount of

heighten orgasm
a Drief act of sex

• Enjoying quickies with toys and a

shared fantasy
sexual relations

• Enjoying intimacy while away from

each other, through web cam, phone or


• Helping to boost each other's confi-

the aloility to make new thinc|s

• Improving creativity and keeping sex

a strong urge or desire

• Resisting outside temptations since

son ietlJing ileal is imag in ed

dirty talking and fantasies address

these needs and desires

• Boosting your lover's self-esteem with

attractive illa sexual way

a funny or sexy text when he orsheis

feeling down.

- Improving communication and your

overall relationship

Yes, relationships are built on good commu-

nication and stay strong through constant

honest-to-goodness sexual technique, just
sexual contact between people

as valid as intercourse, oral sex and mu-

touching of one's sex parts o state of being close

tual masturbation. It isa form ofintimacy

and sexual behavior, and many lovers are

completely satisfied to just have sexting or

something that is imagined

fantasy sharing than they are actual inter-

course. Sometimes our imagination is all

to make one excitecl

that needs tobe stimulated.

Some men and woman suffering from dis-

condition that limits aoility the absence oflegfeelings

abilities, such as paralysis or paraplegia,

take joy in dirty talking, as it's a form

a type oT sexual activity
of sexual stimulation that doesn't require
physical or mental effort

physical exertion. People who cannot enjoy

sex due to illness or age-related condition

a sexual quality the Ieeling of lieingin love

can still enjoy eroticism and romance, by

exercising their brains and using their wild

a description ofa possibility

imaginations inbrand new scenarios.

Bonus #2:“Wou!dyoxJxch me ina car?
to pass the tongue over

Wouldyou tick m# inn bar• Wouldyou

to have sex

ride me ona bout? Wouldyou screw ne on

a hard hitor blow

afloat? Wouldyou bangme ona plane!

to hiton the buttocks a short stick foi walking

WouldyO2fSR*•b me witha cnne? Would

words ending in sirn ilar sounds

you mabe lo»e to me in rhyme! Would

you do me untis the end of time?“

Bonus #3:"Fell meyour deepest and

most hidden thoughU. Nothingyou

could ever say would shock me. JnJ’nct,

z'dprobably say, ‘JSet's try it once.“

the peak ofsexual leasriie

Besides, did you know that orgasm isan

entirely mental process? We all think of

it asa physical response. And while it is

a type of sexual activity

brought on by stimulation, many people

can actually "think” their way to orgasm

something that is imagined

by entertaining sexual fantasies and focus-

relating to sex

ing on their erotic sensations. Dirty talking,

very great or large

with itslimitless possibilities and no-holds-

barred approach to honest communication,

thepeak ofsexual pleasLire

is certainlya way to help enhance orgasm—

inthebedroom and out.

sexual actions clone before sex

Too early in foreplay might distract from

themood ofthemoment. Ifyou're kissing

your partner, necking them, or whispering

tothem, it might work better to take things

slow and think of"softer" language touse at

the start, describing what's happening. For


Dir§y T’o/# #Z:“ fmn...f fove fhe wey

yourahinJeefs ngninst mine...“

Dirl¿i Talb #8:"7ox fiBe my hand

area where thelegs join

on your crotch? Getting closer... and

closer to your zocb? It's so hard...“

You don't have to avoid the word "fuck"

or "cock." You simply describe feelings arid

actions of the present. Ifa woman hasn't

started oral sex yet, there's no reason forher

to pull into one's l:outh

to scream "I want tosuck your cock!" before

soft ancl quiet speech

she's set the right mood. As inwhispering:

Dirfi Tn!# #P:”Pour dick isgetting so

hard. You libe whenI touchyour cocb?"

When she's ready, and things progress to

the next stage, usinga "harder" sentence

to helpa thing greatly

will work wonders.

Diri::y Talk 510: “Give me thnt cocb.I

woxt tosucé ir.../woftt to deepthroot

cloth to prevent speech
thntJuching cocb rindgng on it...“

So it's all about pacing yourself and talking

dirty in "real time," not using the best stuff

you have too early on.

Remember to think in terms ofa sexual

menu ortimeline:
af interesting quality

• The spark, the attraction

• Flirtation

• Making a move (Requesting permis-


• Kissing (Giving consent)

• Kissing

• Foreplay (Breasts, removing clothes,

body massages)

• Prelude to Sex (oral sex, fingering,

ancl so for th

handjobs, etc.)
sexual contact between people

• Inter ur e l y then r gre Singt

harder and faster)

• Orgasm and Ejaculation

• Afterglow

somewhat orslightly

Start planning out, vaguely, how your dirty

talking progresses and take it according to

the mood ofthemoment. You can also use


tamer words atthe start, such as "breasts"

instead of"tits" or "penis" instead of"cock."

Something like this would bejust fine:

DiNy Talb #11:”That's whnt3/ou

Sike...touchingyour breasU...putting

my fingers throxgh yoxr brn...tensing

a i ound part on one's chest

your hard ni“pples...“


Dirty Talb 412: “Tabe of;

me yourpenis...yeahI want toseeit, baby...“

to become greater or higher

And eventually it would escalate into
very clear ancl complete

more explicit detail. There's no need to

nervous about nieeti ng others

be shy...but then again, there's no need to

tostate very strongly

"prove" how bad-ass you are by swearing

too much atthebeginning. Let's play it by

ear and have some fun...just like real sex,

sexual actions done Defore sex

plenty of foreplay isgood!

There's a bit more to consider than just
study of parts of living things

anatomy ofour bodies. We know all


the cocks and how about the

anatomy ofa sentence? Is therea certain

way to write these X-rated sentences so that

of poor quality very great in degree

they sound less cheesy and more intense?

That's the subject of the next chapter...

Chapter 3:Your Motivation Behind

DiMy a ing(h sel3-34)

Just as in acting, there's a certain level

of ”method" when it comes to creating

attractive ina sexual way

sexy dialog. You're not just ad libbing this.

You're entertaining. You're performing arid

putting ona great show foryour partner. So

takea little while to think about your moti-


What doI mean by motivation? Think

about what your partner wants tohear arid

what you want togive. Sex isa process of

both giving and taking. Sure, you can be

an excellent lover focused on helping your

the peak ofsexual pleasure

mate achieve orgasm. But atsome point you

want tofeel pleasure just as you've given it.
attractive ina sexual way an aim or purpose

Therefore, in sexy talk, your intent isto:

• Say what you want todo toyour part-

• Say what you want to take from your

desire to act ina certain way
partner (your basic instinct, your tak-

So yes, that'sa safe ”filter“ to consider when

thinking of sentences you should say and

should not say.

the peak ofsexual pleasure

oxt.J wnnt toheeryox orgasm whiteZ loob


žxtoyour e;yes, tasbngyour hotjuices."

to pull into one's mouth

to pass the tongue over

Both ofthese are an example ofgiving and

taking, and are in line with whata woman

wants tohear, depending on who's giving at

the moment.

A woman's version might be:

Dirfi Talb #1S:"I'm goin'g to'Iichyoxr

balls and lick up and down theshaft...then

stuQthet bigcocb down my throet...“

Dirty Talk #J 6: “Such me IiheJox menu

it...fil1 me up and let me feel that huge

cocb rammingagainst my wet pussy...“

Dirty Tn!£ #J 7:“£ic# my c/it...teste my

wet pussy and mabe me cum, baby...“

She's focused on giving and receiving plea-

On the other hand, saying something not

related to giving and receiving pleasure

not easy to ileal with

sounds awkward and unsexy. Like:

•I want tobite you!

a group ofthree

• We should havea threesome!

•I can't believe this is happening! Isn't

this crazy?"

• Our sex life is so hot, isn't it?

• Are you enjoying our time together?

• Or worst of all, "How's your mom


Sure, there's alwaysa time to ask questions

like that, but it's not in the heat of the mo-

ment. Stay focused.

You might have noticed that the man and

woman speaking these lines alternative be-

tween past tense, present tense and future

tense. Sometimes they even speak in terms

of what they "want," or what they're going

to do. Just like writing and conversation,

this isleft up to your imagination. But itcan

:3 DI0i1 showing the orclei”

help to think of the natural timeline pro-

a statement that tells about

gression of sex as regards description:

• I/You want...(what you desire)

•I am/You are...(describing the present;

no need to say "I am" as this sounds

group oftwo or more words

formal, but phrase it as a question ora


• I'm going to.../ You're going to...(telling

about what's going to happen)

•I did.../You did...(telling what just hap-

All of these can work and be mind-blow-
having interesting qualities

ingly sexy, at any given time, provided

the process of developing

there'sa natwal progression from start to


wearing no clothing

Dirfi Yalb 518: “I wnntyou togA undressed.

not wearing any clothes

Jwnnt toseeyou nabed.I wantyour cocb.“

Bírty Taíb 519: “You íike the wny I

cr#nm ałłoveryour cocb, hxh? Oh,

you'refucking me so hard!“

to force outa liquid

Dírtş Fof #20:"ž'm going tosęuźrt mypuss;y

liouid of fruits or vegetables

)uice alloveryour/ece, how doşou łièe thatî"

Dirty 2’nlè #21: “Oh God,you made me

cum sohnrd. Your hottongue made

me sowet...Ifiooded our sheetsì”

using too many words

How Wozdy Do YouHave toBe?

behaving badly

In general, it's best to create naughty dialog

in the same way you construct grammat-

with core ect word use

ically correct sentences. There isa noun,

a direct object,a verb, and if you're really

a word rlescrihinga no un

good, an adjective. So witha sentence like:

Dirt::y Talk 422: ”Oh God...I want

toprII into one's mouth

£oteatejiour cxm, baby.“

You have the subject (I), the direct ob-

ject (your partner and your partner's body

part), and a powerful action verb like SUCK

and TASTE. You'll notice these are action

verbs that involve one of our five senses.

a statement that tells about seeming like real life
That makes thedescription more vivid and
causing feelings

emotionally evocative.
As opposed to "I want you to be pleasur-

ing me." Or "I want tobe there, inside your

pussy, pleasuring you." Sentences should

lettinq things happen on its own

not contain too many words, or passive

words. Stick to emotion. To nouns, verbs

\ ery clear and complete

and explicit actions.

And yes, it always helps ifyou can throw an

a ward clescribi ng a noun

adjective in there, because this helps paint

seeming li ke real life

more vivid imagery.

Diry TofA #2J: “Iwent topxtmj/hands

having more than enough

alloveryour ample bosom...I want to

very tight to grab between thefingeis

rub your tnxt nipp/ea rind pinch them,

notstonq orsteady

listening toyoxr shaby»oice cracb

shaking caused oy at emotion

andyour tense body qxiver..."

That's not a bad sentence, but it is the

type of sentence that's easier to write than

speak. You might gettongue tied ifyou try

to say allthat in one sentence. Or you might

ofa minor nature a work describinga noun

accidentally usea funny adjective and kill

relating to sex

the mood. Reading erotic novels might ac-

attractivein a se xrial way

tually bea little less sexy than you thought,

veryr Jusrial or strange

if you get all sorts of bizarre literary de-

a statement that tells aDout

scriptions for what should be a simple

"Fuck", "Suck", "Grab" and so on.

For example, this isa somewhat over-the-

top description with too many creative ad-

unusual or strange

jectives and weird metaphors. "I can't wait

with an intense passion ›Ieasaft to taste or smell
to fervently sample that delectable taste
to flow out slowly a type of small gun

oozing out of your spunk-filled pistol likea


Way too many adjectives and a rather

strange set of images painted with inap-

not right fora situation
propriate words. When indoubt SIMPLIFY!
to make more difficult

There's no need to complicate basic sen-

tences with one dollar words. Sometimes

telling whata thing is like

the most obvious ñescriptive adjectives are

the best. As in:

^ï^•/ •*!t êfiê'''ê*-s°r*P"**/ is šê

tight! Kas, give it țo me. I wnnț o/eel
the state of having liquid

Øírty ’”o’Â#‘ñ'"Mmmș°s,your*ocã

'*° h.°yğ,.pytï? ï^.ye,n*Â.!^ê--?

beating strongly
. -.
íove thefeelingofyour Throbbing cock

sli’di’ngup an -d iJown my ți‘ps.*”

hard to understand or explain

Nothingtoocomplicated, just basic descrip-

a statement that tells about

tions of what ishappening and the feelings

we have in the moment. And yes, you can

geta little creative and come up with some

instance of last strong movement

great words to use, such as:throbbing, or

to build full of energy

erect, or bouncy, or whatever else comes to

words known and used by one

mind. Just try to keep your vocabulary com-

mon. Ifyour partner has to think about

relative to poetry

whata word means, or about what poetic

a word riseCI to show similarity

metaphor you're going for, it creates dis-


praise that is not honest

Flattery Adjectives

showing to one’s ahvaf tage

You can never go wrong with flattering ad-

jectives. In fact, it'sa safe and effective al-

ternative to trying to think up fancy words

a statement that tells about to praise too nsrich

and descriptions. Just flatter the hell out

given forfree

of your partner with complimentary adjec-

tives of their body and you can't miss.

Oirty 7ofB #24:”Ohputyour thicé

cocb inside my mouth! Facefucb

\ ery pleasing to the taste
DirJji Talb #2 7:“Oh my God,I can't help
to tearc uickly
. . G
myae-J/iI Just waz¡t to ripyourshirt .oJfand
causing gi”eats urprise

R^•*•› ñot lips all oueryour amazing tits./

attractive ina sexLi0I way

waxt tohiss every inch o/thnt sexy belly.”

Almost needless to say, but yeah let's say it...

Don't mention any "big" part of your lover

nervous about other's opinions

that he or she might be self°-conscious

joint between thewaist ancl leg

about. Big butts, big bellies, big hips are

nervous about meeting ot1aei”s
obviouslya no-no. Some women areshy

about the size of their large breasts or small

to judge something

breasts, so men might want togauge how

exon essing praise

much they like "complimentary" dirty talk-

ing in this manner.

telling whata thing is like

This is why a less descriptive adjective

might work some ofthetime, such as:

very pleasing

"Put that delicious cock in my mouth..." (no

mention ofbig, just to be safe)

attractive ina sexual way to hit hard

"I want to grab that sexy ass and smack

it!" (sexy is alwaysa safe word when you

full of e nergy

don't want touse, "big", "flat" or "bouncy")

Of course, ifyou make your lover feel com-

having no clothes on

Portable with his/her natural nude state, it

shouldn't matter. If you show your lover

that you likea "big ass" or in the case ofa

somewhat fat

chubby man,a "strong" body, then the idea

to continue to exist

will carry through without incident.

You can also play it safe by describing

a word describinga noun

emotional adjectives that speak about how

you're feeling or your partner isfeeling. For

Dirty Z’of£ #28: “Putyour hot lips all
a female sexrial put

over my swollen clit, baby..."

to pull into one's mouth

Dirfi TefA SZ9: “You libe the way I suck thet

bad to producea steady pain

nasty warm cumoutofyour achingdicb?"

beating strongly
• I”
Dirty Talk #3O: My throbbing cocé

I have to/uchyou right now!“

clifficult to bencI or move

Di'rpy Talk #31.- “Now rfd# my stiJf

cocb withyour ñotwet;pizss)i...“

a word clescril›inga noun

As you can see, adjectives are usually not

a problem. Say what comes natural rather

than over thinking it.

a grammar term

Adverbs and Exclamations

Be careful about using too many adverbs or

being sudden and strong going beyond what is usual

exclamatory descriptions. Using excessive

adverbs or adjectives for that matter can be
totake away one's attention
distracting. All your partner needs to know


wiil ‹g re at desire

Dirty Talb #32: “I'mgoing tohxngrisy such

that bigcocb whenI geihoxe tonight...“

win grea+desire
Dirt::y Talb 433: “I'mgoing togreedily cut
kind treatment

ihat cunt untifJ/ou screamfor nercy.“

These statements will work, provided you

don't go into much more detail than that.

"Hungrily" isa good word because itshows

desire. "Greedily" also shows desire and

a feeling of sexual desire

lust. "Powerfully" might also work, since it

paints an image and an emotion. Just don't

not relevant

get too carried away with irrelevant ad-

Titian intense passion

jectives like "dramatically" or "fervently" or

havinga Deau|ñJ quarry

anything too poetic. If it comes natural to

the words formi nga language

your vocabulary, you can try it, but forcing

to rnahe more diiticut
it out will only complicate matters. Dirty

talking isnot about being complicated!

a carp or +ddenrry

Exclamation sentences and words, as well

a word used to add force to cause to be filled with

as intensiliers work toinfuse the dirty talk-

ing with some emotion. You can't go wrong

onewho helms in an emergency

with oldstandbys like:

• "Oh God"

• "Jesus!"

• "Shit!"

• "Fuck!"

• "Goddammit!"

• "Motherfucker!"

And so on. However, avoid swearing inces-

without being stopped

a y f r aCk f a better rd. There' n

reason to say "I'm going to enjoy fucking

to destroy completely

pulverizing you all over that fucking bed.

to oriII into one's mouth a thing in excess

Suck my f\icking dick." That's overkill.

But a more simple approach:

Dir;ji Talb 434: “I'mgoingtocum

elf overyourJuchingJece!“

It works because it's in the heat of the mo-

a word used toadd force

ment andit's using just one intensifier fora

most exciting can ofa story to use bad wolds

climax. Simple isgood, but repeating swear

a major effect

words toooften loses the impact ofa great

to speak qLiietly

"Fuck!" muttered attheright moment.

Now that you havea good understanding

study of parts of living things

of"anatomy," both sentences and your part-

ner's hot cock/pussy, it's time tofocus a lit-

the study of the mind

tlebitmore on thepsychology ofdirty talk-

ing, and more importantly, the roles you

must play asa man ora woman. Let's move

Chapter 4:Whata Man

Wants (Phrase 35-50)

to walk in an awkward way

You may find yourself stumbling occasion-

ally if you're not sure whata man wants

ofa iJiinor nature

to hear from you. You may accidentally say

something funny or too over the top, just

trying to fit with the mood. That's fine and

there's nothing wrong with saying some-

thing quirky and havinga laugh. You can al-

attractivein a sexual way

ways gobackto"sexy" within seconds. Prac-

tice makes perfect and the more often you

dirty talk the better it can be.

That said, understandinga little bit about

the study of the mind

the psychology ofa man will help you

in coming up with the hottest dirty talk

they've ever heard.

First, understand thata man desires to be

a slrony sad feeling
attractive. He doesn't want pity from you,
impossible to resist

he wants to feel irresistible. Feeling his

tte qualities tyoical of men

masculinity is what makes him hard. So

not limited or controllecl
don't be afraid to play the part of a wanton,
a feeling of sexual desire always wanting more

lust-filled lover who is insatiable for every

member ofhisbody.

having sexual excitement

Dirty Talb #35.- “You're mabing me sohorny!

Oh Godyou moée me sohot/oryou. Ohfucb

baby,yoltJtfst know how tomake me cxmi"

Dirty Talb #46:"I lo»e the way

a kind of small animal

youfucb me doggy style. 2tard oxd

roxgh. Itdrives me wifd!“

Dirfi Talb 537: “I !ove the way you

sm#ff. /loue tñe way you taste.I

juar wnnt todrin#you up...“

Dirty Talb #38:"Giue meyour everything.

fium inm3/mouth. Cun on my

tita. Cum inside me.”

In all these instances, what the woman is

showing to one's advantage

actually doing is flattering the man's ego.

She's saying that she loves how he makes

herfeel, that she enjoys what he does, and

that he has permission to do what feels

goodforhim. Even when shetells him what

praise that is not I honest

to do, the message isflattery—that he can

do anything and she'll enjoy it.

Traditionally, the woman enjoys being

dominated bya man. Not all men will nat-

notaTraid o{danger

urally play the part ofa bold lover, so you

nervors about meeting others

may have tohelp the shy ones along, and let

them feel likea take-charge kind ofguy.

Sometimes reacting to their touches and ac-

totreat with importance

tions iswhat they like best. Playing up your

state of breathing heavily

moans and groans, panting and squealing

right when they enter you...these are all

one’s opinion about oneself

good ideas to butter up his ego.

Sometimesa simple stream of conscious-

ness like:

Dir{y Tnlh #3#: “Pou'reJxchingme so

deep with that hxge cock, bnbj/...“

Dirty Talk #4O: “You libe seeingyour

cock wrappeduR inmy bigti%ies?"

Dirfi Tnlh #4J: “Ohyou're mnhing me so

net!I'm gaing tocum all overyour cocb!“

Works wonders because all the man really

wants to hear ishow he's doinga great job

and how you want more ofthesame.

Sometimes flattery during sexisalsoa good


Dirt_y Talb #42: “Your cocb is so kiss me so

to pass tile tongue over

Sicb no soooogood...“

something that gives hope

This gives him the encouragement he needs

to make stronger oi extreme

to keep going and to intensify his efforts.

It's alsoa great way "romantic” way to tell

him what you want, rather than clinically

to give an order

instructing him.

Rather than saying "Now touch my clitoris

here and put your mouth there..."

Works wonders because all the man really

wants to hear ishow he's doinga great job

and how you want more ofthesame.

Sometimes flattery during sexisalsoa good


Dirt_y Talb #42: “Your cocb is so kiss me so

to pass tile tongue over

Sicb no soooogood...“

something that gives hope

This gives him the encouragement he needs

to make stronger oi extreme

to keep going and to intensify his efforts.

It's alsoa great way "romantic” way to tell

him what you want, rather than clinically

to give an order

instructing him.

Rather than saying "Now touch my clitoris

here and put your mouth there..."

It's better to guide him along with your

sexy sounds.

Dirty Talk #43: “Ohhhh shit! Jt

feels sooofucbinggood withyou

a female sexrial onrt

touch my clit righi there...”

r sed to show sr‹rprise

Ožrty Talb #44: Eolyfitcb! Y£S! Eat my

pussssssy! Eat my piusyjust libe that!“

a slzarp or sudden cry

Using exclamations works very well here,

qrJality of an embarrassing act

and eliminatesa lot of the awkwardness of

telling him exactly what you want. He will

immediately sense what turns you on and

respond tothat.

Reprogramming Him

However, formost women there will come

a time when their man goes ina different

direction than she's comfortable with. This
an unusr‹aI clesire

isn't always about anal or about fetishes,

but sometimes it's just about what doesn't

feel good toyou. For instance, ifyou like cli-

a type of sexual activity an ainJ or purpose

toris stimulation but he's interit on firiding

the G-spot then it's not going to feel that

great for you. He must be educated as to

what youlike.

The best way to reprogram him is to tell

him what you like. You can do this by sug-

gestion or by command. Forinstance:

Dirty 'Pnfb #4a: “Ilove it whexJox

a female sexual part

sucb my c/it ond łich it et the same

being so lsot that it bubbles mabes my błood boil!“

an act of pressing firmly

Dirfi Tałk 446: “Płease squeeze my nippI#s.

having sexual excitement

/ust the thought o/źt mabes me sohorny..."

Oïrty Talb #47:”Oh CodyesI Iïüe that!
a JensaIe sexual pam

Keep rubbing mjicliijxst /ihe thnnnnti“

In all of these situations you ARE telling

him what todo.Butby making it seem like

having sexual exc itement one's opinion abouto neself

you're getting horny it's flattering his ego.

By saying, "try to do this..." you're offeringa

suggestiori rather thana command. Not all

men like being told what todo inbed; some

tomake afraid

find it intimidating. They feel they should

be the master lover guiding you.

Ifyour man seems to know what he wants,

to say sonlething is false

there's no sense in denying him that. Let

him play with your breasts or look forthe G-

spot or whatever he wants. But after letting

him take his pleasure, it's time sethim back

on course by pointing out what does feel

to makea lowsound in pain

And believe this, once you start moaning

and telling him what ismaking you orgas-

i eluting toa sexual peak

mic he WILL respond toit because he wants

to send you over the edge. Making you or-

thepeak ofsexual pleasure

gasm ishismission!

more important than others

Dominant Women

Many women will be making love toa less

dominant lover, and there's nothing wrong

with this. Not all men are naturally confi-

dent or dominant inbed, (even though the

next chapter explains how you can improve

inthis ifyou'rea man).

Ifthe man enjoys you taking the lead then

lo allow one to do anytYng

lethim and indulge yourself, by telling him

exactly what you want from him. Many

men, particularly those raised in a sup-

to makea lowsound in pain

And believe this, once you start moaning

and telling him what ismaking you orgas-

i eluting toa sexual peak

mic he WILL respond toit because he wants

to send you over the edge. Making you or-

thepeak ofsexual pleasure

gasm ishismission!

more important than others

Dominant Women

Many women will be making love toa less

dominant lover, and there's nothing wrong

with this. Not all men are naturally confi-

dent or dominant inbed, (even though the

next chapter explains how you can improve

inthis ifyou'rea man).

Ifthe man enjoys you taking the lead then

lo allow one to do anytYng

lethim and indulge yourself, by telling him

exactly what you want from him. Many

men, particularly those raised in a sup-

to pass the tongue over

little boy. Pox Itch my cont unti!I

tellyou to stop. Understand?"

a cited expression

In all of these quotes, it's clear what the

always active or changing

shift in dynamic is: the woman isCOM-

MANDING herman what todo.Shelikes it

and he likes being dominated, or even “se-

to persuade one to leave sex ready anal willing to‹ s!‹
duced" by the more aggressive lover.

study of |Jarts of livi Mg tlli Mgs

This isthe second part of the anatomy of

dirty talking. The first part was express-

ing emotion and desire. The second part is

to accept with pleasure

commanding your lover and embracing the

power you have.

Yes, men are usually supposed to be dom-

inated in bed and most women respond

more tomen that are aggressive and more

making one do or want mole important than others

seductive. However, some men like domi-

nant and commanding women. Some men

arejust "switchers" and enjoy playing both

"top" and "bottom" at different times. One

day he might want to be the bad boy se-

back person who gets other to clobad

ducer. Other days he wants to be theinno-

cent kid corrupted bya temptress. Knowing

how toplay both roles is always useful.

Of course, if you are making love to your

I avidg the most power

"alpha male" lover then he's probably not

more important than others

going to enjoy the dominant woman role.

ti oubling one through fear

He might even find it intimidating or off-

putting. Ifthat's the case it's time to surren-

to hand over control

der yourself to his desires and let him take

the lead. That's our next chapter. The role of

the take-charge man.

Chapter 5:Whata Woman

Wants (Phrase5 1-61)

A man who isnaturally confident, or who at

having the most pa\ver

least is trying to play the role of alpha male,

more in1 portant thaf1 others

does not wanta dominant woman butin-

wiIIinJ to obey

stead prefersa submissive woman who fol-

one who attacks others

lows hislead. He wants tobe the aggressor

had person who gets other to do bacJ

and the seducer. The woman doesn't start

to feel pleasure until he wants herto.He is

the “master” and she isthe “submissive.”

liking unusual sexual behavior

You don't have to be into kinky BDSM to

beingbased on natrJral ideas

understand the naturalness of these roles.

being burdened

Manywomen, oppressed sexually bya judg-

tend ing to judge cjriickly

mental society, are more comfortable with

men telling them what they want and then

feeling the pleasure that comes from sub-
more important than others

sitting to the dominant partner.

Ifyou area man and are not naturally confi-

the benefit of one
dent then forthe sake of role playing get in
a male with excess pride

touch with your cold, macho andaggressive

side. This iswhat most women want tosee

nervous shout meeting others

becausea confident lover makesa shylover

feel more atease. You remove theawkward-

quality of an embarrassing act

ness and the "question" of whether sex is

the right thing to do, and MAKE ITSO.You

command. You give orders. You tell your

lover when youtofeel pleasure and when

togive you pleasure. And guess what? She

does. She responds toyour commands right

a sitn for one to clo something

on cue, provided you mean them andfollow

lasting forever

That's why usingtimeless classics like these

lines work:

Diriy TeIh #JJ: “Te£# offyour clothes.

to move witha lot of energy

Bounceyour tifaJor ne. Spreadyour

legs and show me your openpussy.“

to pull into one’s mouth

into mji eyes whjleyou such my cocb.

Understand? Sucb it hord#r. Useyour

cloth to prevent speech

hands tostroke it. Gag on thnt cock.“

Dirfi Talb SSS: “Pox libe it roxgh?I bnow

you do.Voxlaybazb and you toAe every inch

of thnt bigcocb. Don't yox zeya word. Your

to bea part of

a citecl expression

In these quotes, you notice that all of

more important than others

the dominant male's statements are com-

lasting forever

That's why usingtimeless classics like these

lines work:

Diriy TeIh #JJ: “Te£# offyour clothes.

to move witha lot of energy

Bounceyour tifaJor ne. Spreadyour

legs and show me your openpussy.“

to pull into one’s mouth

into mji eyes whjleyou such my cocb.

Understand? Sucb it hord#r. Useyour

cloth to prevent speech

hands tostroke it. Gag on thnt cock.“

Dirfi Talb SSS: “Pox libe it roxgh?I bnow

you do.Voxlaybazb and you toAe every inch

of thnt bigcocb. Don't yox zeya word. Your

to bea part of

a citecl expression

In these quotes, you notice that all of

more important than others

the dominant male's statements are com-

mands. He doesn't ask permission. His only
asked formakinga statement to take the time to clo

questions are rhetorical. He doesn't bother


asking for consent because it's assumed. He

to ask ina very serious way

doesn't beg and he knows EXACTLY what

hewants from her.

He also knows how togive her pleasure but

instead of asking her how she likes it, he

to give an orcter

simply instructs her how to feel the plea-

sure he allows her. It'sa role playing and it's

a supporter of women'si ights

not really politically correct or "feminist" at

all, but it works. Because in the bedroom all

rules are relaxed. You don't have to mind

yourself so as long as you have an under-


not certain

You can still ask questions ifyou're unswe

w il li ng to a bey

about how your submissive partner feels

abouta certain technique. (We'll cover more

on this later) For now, just stick to non-per-

mission based questions that establish your

full control. Like:

Dirty Talb #$4: “You libe watching

my cock go in and oxt o/thntpussy

hole? YeahI ânowyou do.”

Dirty 7’nS# 4S5: “Areyou a bad girl

todo3i? You went me tospanbyour

nn#ed esz? zihe thu, huh?“

Dirty Talb #56: “Vox sure libe sucking

on ihnt bigcocb, don'tyox? Now tabe

it out of your mouth and lich my balls.

Pou Ii#e how that mabesyou gag? You

filestuf ngyour mouth with coch?“

None ofthese questions actually need her

response, but her yes responses only eri-

courage him to talk dirtier, which makes
toexcite one with sex
her feel more aroused. Questions arejust as

powerful as statements, but are usually ob-

relying on experi1+J ent

servational, mocking oreven lecturing, asa

Sexual Teacher. As in:

Dirty Talb SS 7:“Nowyoufeel how big thnt

innées m3i dicé? Putting it in3zoxr moxth

to pull into one’s mouth

libe thot? Keep sHckiag on my cocb head.“

Dirl¿i 7alb #58:"Holdyour bigtiM together

while Ifñcb them. You libe wrapping a

bigcocb in those wet tittiez, hxh? Isthis

whatyou were hintingnboxt, hxh?ñ1e

tit/ucbixgyox whenyox/rst saw me7"

A teacher not only asks questions but gives

the student an answer. Questions are actu-

ally used as "control" statements, making

willing to obey

sure the student remains submissive. There

isnot really any permission expressed. It's

attractive ina sexual way

assumed. And that's what makes it sexy.

more imnortant than others

Role Playing with theDominant Female

i eady and willing to fight

If you're not naturally aggressive in sex,

or if you simply like switching it up and

letting the woman take control, then your

tostoo doing

statements will cease being as domineer-

to rule or exercise power over

ing. Instead, you will be helping the domi-

nant woman achieve control and will be fol-

lowing her orders.

Your statements will be more along the

lines of:

Dirfi Talb 559: “Ohyou'repussy tastes

so good. Please fetme sticb m3i tongue

topass the tonpue over
inyour cunt and Iichj•ou c/can.“
used to speak toa woman

Oirty Talb #60:"Oh ma'am, please shaw me

a round part on one's chest

your nipples. Oh Cod,yesputyour bigtiMin

to pull into one's month

my face. You Jihe the wny I sucA on ihem?“

Dirty Talb #61:"7jwt want tobissyou

op tobottom. Put mj/Sipa aI! overyour

a person’s stomach area

noxth, yoxr breasts, your belly, your

nas,yoxr/eet.I wnn to teste every

a small piece of food very t›eautifriI

morsel ofyourgorgeoxs body.”

This dominated male lover does the exact

more ini{Jortant than others

opposite of the dominant. He seeks to

to ask ina very serious way

please, asks questions and begs permission.

to praise too much a positive rework

He flatters her with compliments and she

gives him commands. He responds happily

to her demands and doesn't mind being lec-

tured. Even his"commands" aresoft, such

ashisrequest to "let me..."

Of course this dominated lover role play

only works ifthefemale assumes the posi-

nervous about meeting others

tion of Domme. Ifboth lovers are shy and

a request formoney orfood

begging, the sex is still good, but it's not as

of or relating to the mind

sychologica ly intense as when oneisse-

tooersuacle one to clo

ducing the other. The best sex results when

onelover isin control and guiding the other

lover towards pleasure—his and hers.

Now the next chapter is going to go into

to think of ina certain way

more detail regarding role play, and in par-

liking unusual sexual behavior

ticular BDSM andall that extra kinky stuff

that makes forbetter sex. You will find

more important than others

thata lot of your "Dorn" (dominant) and

wiIIi‹Jg to obey

"sub" (submissive) ideas in power play can

be expanded upon when you introduce

these fetishistic elements.

quality of being daring to increase the amount of

Your gg essveness can be heightened and

to become greater or higher

your partner's response can be escalated

sti”ange or unusual

into something freaky and well beyond that

of normal sexual encounters. But this also

gives you the opportunity to explore new

the peak ofsexrJal pleasure

types of love play, escalate your orgasms

son ethincg that isin agif ed

and fulfill some ofyour darkest fantasies.

Chapter 6:BDSM Kinks and Role

Play Reversals (PLase 62-70)

Really good dirty talk is always a little

belief in magic cowers ofitems

fetishistic. This is because fetishism is all

about finding your "weak spot", what you

attractive ina sexual way

find very sexy and taboo, and then focusing

to increase the amount of thepeak ofsexrJal pleasure

on it for heightened arousal and orgasm.

BDSM stands for Bondage, Dominance,

Sadism and Masochism. While much of

relating to sex

what you seeinerotic novels is considered

leavinga specific taste

"vanilla" BDSM, there's really no limits to

how much funyoucanhave.

Most of that fun comes from the erotic

dialog you and your partner create. Some

couples are into role playing and assum-

Chapter 6:BDSM Kinks and Role

Play Reversals (PLase 62-70)

Really good dirty talk is always a little

belief in magic cowers ofitems

fetishistic. This is because fetishism is all

about finding your "weak spot", what you

attractive ina sexual way

find very sexy and taboo, and then focusing

to increase the amount of thepeak ofsexrJal pleasure

on it for heightened arousal and orgasm.

BDSM stands for Bondage, Dominance,

Sadism and Masochism. While much of

relating to sex

what you seeinerotic novels is considered

leavinga specific taste

"vanilla" BDSM, there's really no limits to

how much funyoucanhave.

Most of that fun comes from the erotic

dialog you and your partner create. Some

couples are into role playing and assum-

sexual actions done before sex

inga different character in foreplay and in

sex. Sometimes this works best because you

nervous nborJt meeting others

or your partner might be too shy to actu-

relating to sex

ally say the things that you find exotic. So

a way something is seen

through the guise ofa game ora role play,

you can get away with saying something

you would never tell your partner in real


For example ifyou don't like swearing in

li king unusual sexurI behavior

general then you might find it kinky to role

play and say something totally out of char-

acter. Like:

DiNy Talb 565: “Oh baby,I wantyou to/xcé

my ass. Fill my hole up with that cocb!"

not goocl to discuss or do

This anal sex taboo topic might make your

male partner really hot and it might make

you just as hot. But that doesn't necessar-

ilymean youhave to actually try anal sex

relating to sex

if you don't like it. Sometimes an erotic

idea and a role play story isall you need to

toi ncrease the anlount of

heighteri your orgasm. You can talk about

anal fucking while fingering each other or

the act of going throughs on›ething

even through vaginal penetration. What

counts isthat you're both into it, not that

you're doing it "by the book."

to use bad words

Sometimes swearing at your partner, as if

you're having sex with someone you hate,

always active or cl anging

isanother dynamic worth trying. That's all

a clivision in two groups

part of the Sichotomy of being the ideal

a woman kept bya carried man

spouse and the "mistress" or lover that sat-

isfies your non-marital desires. Through

role playing you can have both.

As in something like:
Dirtji Talb 463: “You libefucking me,

esahoIe?Jiist tnhe whatyou wnnt rind

thenget thehell our ofñere!“

DiAy Talb S64: “Oh God, don't

;you dare cum inm+i. Oh Gad,I coit‘t

believeyou're mabing m# cum!“

to act as if something is true

This BDSM role play pretends as if you're

coming against your wishes, as if you're

to persuade one to leave sex
being seduced. It's taboo but it creates an
i eluting to sex normal foi one

erotic sensation beyond that of typical sex.

You're experimenting and having fun with

a cles cription ofa gossihili ty

the scenario. There really are no limits to

what you cando.

touse th
i ents against

The blackmail and non-consent scenario is

very popular in non-vanilla BDSM, and role

plays that you have special power over your

lover. That you arethe "master" and he/she

the "slave." The slave doesn't want to do

todo acommand

what themaster says but has to obey, less

the master become angry. For instance, the

master could havea secret or could have

controlling others

strong manipulative powers over the slave.

Pretending to "resist" your master can lead

having sexual exciterrtent

to some extra horny and erotic dialog. Such


Dirfi Talk ##J: You may fuck my body...but

thnt's all. You’ll never hnve my heart!”

to pull into one's mouth

Dirfi Talb #56.- “Shxt up and suck

my cocb! Or else I'll tellyour secret

In this role play, you can see that the man is

a |oerson who does bad things

clearly playing the "villain", and the woman

Dirtji Talb 463: “You libefucking me,

esahoIe?Jiist tnhe whatyou wnnt rind

thenget thehell our ofñere!“

DiAy Talb S64: “Oh God, don't

;you dare cum inm+i. Oh Gad,I coit‘t

believeyou're mabing m# cum!“

to act as if something is true

This BDSM role play pretends as if you're

coming against your wishes, as if you're

to persuade one to leave sex
being seduced. It's taboo but it creates an
i eluting to sex normal foi one

erotic sensation beyond that of typical sex.

You're experimenting and having fun with

a cles cription ofa gossihili ty

the scenario. There really are no limits to

what you cando.

touse th
i ents against

The blackmail and non-consent scenario is

very popular in non-vanilla BDSM, and role

plays that you have special power over your

lover. That you arethe "master" and he/she

the "slave." The slave doesn't want to do

todo acommand

what themaster says but has to obey, less

the master become angry. For instance, the

master could havea secret or could have

controlling others

strong manipulative powers over the slave.

Pretending to "resist" your master can lead

having sexual exciterrtent

to some extra horny and erotic dialog. Such


Dirfi Talk ##J: You may fuck my body...but

thnt's all. You’ll never hnve my heart!”

to pull into one's mouth

Dirfi Talb #56.- “Shxt up and suck

my cocb! Or else I'll tellyour secret

In this role play, you can see that the man is

a |oerson who does bad things

clearly playing the "villain", and the woman

relating to sex

the victim. It's straight out of an erotic

novel, but it doesn't have to be that elabo-

to cliscuss something fully

rate. Sometimes short stories of hot sex and

"resisting" are all you need to havea glori-

very beautiful

ous night ofrole playing.

Degrading Words

a substance used in foods

One of BDSM's most popular vanilla activ-

ities is using degrading words to describe

your partner. This is not for all tastes, but

some people enjoy the feeling of acting like

one who has sex for money

a "whore" ora "slut." Prostitutes and strip-

performer who re‹coves clothes

pers are common roles that women like to

leavinga legal power

play since they areempowered, uninhibited

and hard-edged. Once again, the opposite

relating to marriage

of the usual marital love that can geta bit

boring aftera while. These girls get paid to

be fucked roughly and without love. And

that's what theman may find attractive in

relating to an e xperiment

an experimental role play since, of course,

to breaka rule or law

he's never going to cheat in real life. But the

the any people c›e1aave together
dynamic isintense and fun to try.

So if the man talks down tothewoman as

Dirfp Talb #67:”7ox’re justa cum-

guzzling slut. Do you want me tofucb

you harder, yox little whore?“

All the woman hastodo isplay "slave"

and agree with themaster's "discipline" and

name calling. She may even take the lead if

iJei vous abotJt meeting others

the man is too shy to "get into the role." As

Dirty Talk 568: Oh yeah baby! Call
to hit on the buttocks

mea whore! Spanb my assand use

me Iibeyourfucb-sIa»e!"

more in ponant thai others

If the male is playing the dominant he

might not want thesubmissive to speak so

much. However, ifthe woman istaking the

lead and letting her man know it's okay to

to attract

"act" then she might entice him by writing

her own dialog.

a descriotion ofa possiloility

And yes, you can easily reverse this scenario

and have a powerful woman "ordering"

arounda young man to do what she says.

Dominant female characters might be a

a woman who rulesa country

teacher,a mother's best friend,a rich queen,

a business woman andsoon.Shebuysa

a man paid to act asa lover

gigolo fora night and orders him around,

giving commands andtelling him what to


A lotof guys will like this, as they still

to happen or apt›ear again

might have recurring fantasies ofa pow-

to persuade one to have sex

erful woman seducing them when they're

easily hLirt

young and vulnerable. Ifyour man isnota

one with an assured maisizei

natural charmer or"player", trust us,he will

making one do or want

find the idea ofa seductive older woman

very hot.

a kind of sexual activ ity a sr bstance usecJ in foods

Bondage is another fairly vanilla activity,

though some couples do get very carried

a long thin piece of leather to I«righ nt ancl criticize

away with the whips, ropes and teasing

toys! BDSM is not the main concern of this

book, but yes, dirty talking can always be

to become greater or higher

escalated using references to bondage and

tying your lover up. As in:

Dirty Talb 569: “I'mgoing toteheyou

home, tieyou up and fucbyou. You're

to make twisting movements

going iosquirm and vy toescape but

you'll be hog-tied down. I'mgoing to

to ask ina very serious way

fucbyou untilyou begfor mercy."

Dirty Yalb ST0:”You libe me riding thnt

hard cocb withyour hands tied up, pretty

boy? Hxh? Now there's nothingyou can do

togetaway. I'mgoingtomabeyou cum

inzide of me. Whnt doyou hinb of that?“

Of course, these dialogs are not as powerful

to excite one with sex

and arousing unless the other partner takes

a sign for one to do something a prisoner

the cue and "resists” his or her captive. Pre-

io act as ifs omettiing is true one who captures others

tending, for example, thata kidnapper ora

crazy ex has tied them up and is going to

to laudh at and criticize

sexually torture and tease them hours on

relating to sex

end. It's an erotic story for sure, and ifyou

a set of metal rings to put one's hands in devices

can use handcuffs and ties you cuff your

lover, by allmeans tryit. What's great about

BDSM dirty talking however is that you

a kind of sexual activity

don't actually have touse bondage gear. You

something that is imagined

could even share your bondage fantasies

over the phone ifyou'd like.

The point is, keep your mind open.

nervor1s about meeti ng others

Rather than shyly dismissing your partner's

to order not to do scn ething

hottest and most forbidden fantasy, give it

to him or her! Enjoy the role play and give

yourselfa memory that will last fora life-


not good todiscuss or do

Speaking oftaboo don't be surprised ifyour

liking unusual sexual behavior
partner has an extra kinky fantasy involv-

ing another person. Read thenext chapter if

you dare!
Chapter 7: Bisexuality and

Taboo Fantasies in Dirty

Talking (Phrase 71-78)

It should come asno surprise to know that

e xisting for many years

yourlover, even your longtime faithful hus-

band orwife, has thought about having sex

with other people. Yes, it happens. And no,

your partner is not going to talk about it or

to talk too much about oneself
brag about it, because he/she knows in"real
statecJ clearly

life" that'sa definite no-no.

a group ofthree a growp of form

That's why the threesome oreven foursome

something that is iiJiagined

fantasy is so popular in dirty talking and

the state of feeli n; satisfied

fantasy fulfillment. We all have extramar-

happening outside the mari iage

ital desires at times, when we meet an

attractive new person, or perhaps havea

friend we've always found attractive in the
showing steady srpgort

past. Surveys show that most faithful part-

to order not to closomething

ners do think about forbidden fantasiesa

lot, and sometimes even during sex with


a grouD ofthree a group offour

Yes, threesomes, foursomes, gangbangs,

careless to have sex with others

casual affairs, swinging, cuckolding, and

sometimes even non-consensual kidnap-

crime of capturinga perscf

ping fantasies rank high on the list of fan-

tasies we all have but never seem to talk

about. So you have one of two choices: you

can never discuss itand keep allthose fan-

tasies forever in the dark or you can have

some funwith it and give your lover the gift

not good todiscuss or do

of a taboo fantasy that drives him or her

friend we've always found attractive in the
showing steady srpgort

past. Surveys show that most faithful part-

to order not to closomething

ners do think about forbidden fantasiesa

lot, and sometimes even during sex with


a grouD ofthree a group offour

Yes, threesomes, foursomes, gangbangs,

careless to have sex with others

casual affairs, swinging, cuckolding, and

sometimes even non-consensual kidnap-

crime of capturinga perscf

ping fantasies rank high on the list of fan-

tasies we all have but never seem to talk

about. So you have one of two choices: you

can never discuss itand keep allthose fan-

tasies forever in the dark or you can have

some funwith it and give your lover the gift

not good todiscuss or do

of a taboo fantasy that drives him or her

As we'll discussa bit later, there isa proper

way to introduce taboo fantasies and an im-

not proper
proper way. But assuming your lover is into
a nlovenient going down

it, then go ahead and dive right into the sur-

very strenge or unusual

real world offantasy sharing.

lo pedornn

You can act out the fantasies with role play-

to tell
ing or you can even narratea short story

describing the taboo encounter. Deciding

which "voice" to use will be a matter of

toj udge soiveth ing

taste, and you can also gauge how much

your partner likes the idea by paying atten-

tion to the reactions.

The role playing game is simple. It would

be dirty talking usinga different charac-

ter voice, perhaps someone you know, or

if that's a bit too much forthe green-

a meta ›hof forjealorisy

eyed monster, then you can simply create

relating toa whole group

a eneriC hara ter i jart y ur lOVer'


Dirty Talk 571: “Hey baby, it3 me, your

a sweet dish
bossfrom worb. Now whip outthnt cocb

oJ'¡f. Don't tell me no or J'If/reJiou!“

In this example, the woman isassuming the

role of the husband's real life boss. It's the

same dirty talking routine but witha new

taste ofa thing

flavor, since the image inhismind is now of

a I3rief attraction

his latest crush.

If that's a bit extreme (and granted, not

everyone isgoing to be that all-embracing.

feeling bad aborJt othei s’ happiness

Sometimes we really are too jealous to go

of the way of tellinga story

there!) thena narrative format might work

better. As in:
DiHy Tałb S7Z: “You come and see

wńot's waitingforyou. ł'»e broughtyou

a very attractive man

home oyoung6tud who’6 /tixe icches

łongand hard asa rocb. Don'tyou

want tosucb hisyounghard cocb?“

It's not as threatening because it's not

"about someone you know". It's just an

relating to sex

erotic fantasy involving the man letting his

wife pleasure someone else. It may never

happen in real life at all, but in your

seemi ng like real life

dirty talking fantasy, you can createa vivid

image and heighten orgasm x 10!

Instead of second person, as in "You feel this

and you feel that", you can also describe

your own fantasy and seeifit turns on your

lover. You could say:

attractive ina sexual way

Dirÿy Talb 573: “Jinvite my sexy $¡irJfriend

one who has had excess alcohol

fzom college over. And we allget àŸÎÎiÏiÉ.

And then on ri dure, she ziarts iabingyour


panM o@and strobingyour hard dïCÂ. Fhex

I toÂ# ït and @veyou a blowjob. And th#x she

to pass the tongue over

joins it and we both licbyour stif;fshaft...“

something that is imagined

Fantasies in the 1st person might work

better if you want to "control" the fantasy

area that belongs to the govt

and keep it within confortable territory.

of the way of tellinga story

Finally, third person narrative might work

nervous about meeting others

better ifyou're too shy to use "yourself" asa

character in the fantasy. For example:

Dirÿy Tnlè #Z4: “Deve tnêesXnr#n tori

a»ingerparty. And theyfa‹cb ix/ronE of

/ve otJtsrpeoJ,J#. 7’hen the other men_Join

in and Karen tnh#s two dichs, one in each

hole, and the othæ inhermouth..."

Your partner may have different tastes, so

it's fun to experiment.

woman attracted to other \von›en

Gay and Lesbian Experiences

in Fantasy Sharing

This may bea challenge especially ifyou are

not gay or lesbian and yet your partner is

demanding something a group ofthree

very insistent on having this hot threesome

a false threat cr claim

fantasy. Don't bluff. If you're not having fun

it's not even worth it. Remember though

that even ifyou're not comfortable touch-

ing and pleasuringa member ofyour own

sex, there are ways todescribea threesome

fantasy that arejust as hot. For example:

to pull into one's mouth

Dir¡p raI# #7J: “We fa#e mrns auc#ingjiour

cocb...I passyour dicA to Amanda andshe

topass the tongue over

blowsyou whileI licbyour tight balls...“

a top wom by women

Oirty Talb #76:"7 ripyour blouse o@and

a type of ground meat link

ifegets to do whntever he wnnts toyox,

that was our den. So pullsyour tits out

woman's clothing under clothes

ofthat hotpinb 2i/7z and mabes me watch.

to pull into one's mouth

Him sxcking on your titties is foo mxch to


out. 7henjabe comes inand pulls hispoxts

down. You suck him too,finally becoming the

littlegangbangslutyou énowyou are..."

These are examples of male-male-female

a group of three

and female-female-male threesomes that

liking unusual sexual behavior

are not gay, but still very kinky and may be

something that is imagined

hot enough foryou to turn intoa fantasy

even ifyou can't give your partnera gay

a description ofa possibility

scenario. Sometimes just having sex in the

presence of someone else, or letting them

join in,can be enticing.

sexual actions do ne before sex

Sometimes foreplay witha same sexpart-

happening asa minor part of

ner or incidental touching may be enough

to turn your cwious partner on. For in-


woman's clothing under clothes

Dirty Tnlh #77:”f tn£e oQDnnieI/e's bro

to movea thing back and forth

exposizig her tits tayou. 7hexł start mbbing

a round part on one's chest
her big pp s with oźl, gettźxgh#r tits

ali nice and wet/oro double titf¿ifucb.“

Dir§y 7alb #78:”My hotblacśfżiend with

his ten inch cocb isjust dying tofucbyour

never having had sex before

uir@n ass. So7’mgoingtofi‹cbyourpus¿§i

to fill or cover with

and h#’z goingo bend over andp ug that

esshol# np. You Ii#e thet?FeeJingboth

ofour dicbsgoing inand oxt ofyou,just

barely touching, which increases the
the act of dubbing're rend3i to cum so hard...“

Dirty talking is reallya matter of nego-

fofTi1a I CI iSC LlSSiOi1

tiation and compromise. And who knows?

Maybe you can summon up thenerve to

something that is imagined

give your partnera same sexfantasy. You

never know ifyoulike something until you


Thus far, we've revieweda lotof ideas on

seasonings rised to add taste

how to spice things up and "turn up the

volume." But dirty talking is not just about

cole-playing. Sometimes it's all about speak-

ing what feels honest to you.

Ifyou're feeling the fantasy, and not feeling

state of lJaving great force liking unusual sexual behavior

the intensity of emotion, thena hot kinky

fantasy means nothing.

It's time tolearn how to communicate hon-
ina genuine way
estly and let your emotions flow in Chap-

ters8 and 9.
to juclge something

Chapter 8:How to Gauge

What Yow Partner Likes and

Doesn't Like (Phrase 79-80)

Above all else, dirty talking is about com-

munication, not just the taboo and outra-

very strange or unusual

geous. Ifthere isa lack of communication,

li king unusual sexual behavior to resolve something

no kinky fantasy is going to make up for

it. The heart, the mind andthetrue feeling

of the moment iswhat makes dirty talk-

works dealing with sex

ing hot. You can read erotica all day long or

material that shows sex acts

watch porn, and still not be ready to give

your lovera hot session of dirty talking.

not easy to deal with

Maybe things are awkward or he/she just

isn't feel the fantasy.

What gives?

This is truly one of the most important

lessons in dirty talking—communicating in

advance of the actual dirty conversation.

Don't ever "surprise" your lover witha non-

u group ofthree

consent or threesome fantasy, just assum-

relating to sex a written story

ing that your erotic voice and narrative will

make him/her hot. You can't do that and

that's only going to lead to tension. At best,

to try to Please

your lover will "humor" you but not feel

it. At worst, you may even start an unsexy


in advance

Always discuss beforehand what your part-

ner likes. You can talk about it in bed, right

before the fantasy begins. Or you could talk


about it in broad daylight, ina very logical

sense with honest yes or no answers.

Since this is the "pre-interview" of dirty

talking, you don't have to be romantic,

li king unusual sexual behavior

kinky, or sexy. You just need information.

All the kinky talk comes later once you

learn what your partner wants. You needto


• What fantasies appeal to them

sexual actions done before sex

• What sexual foreplay and techniques

they like

• What kind of person they find attrac-

to excite one with sex

• What kind ofsetting theyfind arousing

• What dirty words they like

• What words they don't like (i.e. "slut is

too much” or"asshole" istoo much)

a rule against doing something

• Whattaboos arejust right (i.e. "teacher-

not wanted or identified
student ishot, anonymous sex)

• What sexual behavior is way over the

a wilcl parfy with sex act of rubbing anothei“s body

line (i.e. no orgies, no prostate massage)

• What kind of person is OK to use for

something that isi magineo

fantasies (i.e. no real life friends, no

crime of forcing to have sex

rape or toilet stories)

In fact it's best to discuss ALL of the above

well in advance ofeven creating the fantasy.

And don't be satisfied withjust "I like every-

thing..." Because that's not specific.

s horild

You ought to share with your partner your

a tight bend in soicethi ng

DOs and DON'Ts, what kind ofkink you like,

what you arecurious about, and what you

would NEVER do.This gives you the ammu-

tile objects shot front weapons exciting

nition needed to createa titillating fantasy

with alltheright words.

not easy to deal with

If bringing this up seems awkward then

agree to make a list of all types of sex-

ual behavior that you can find through re-

search. The both ofyou can check offwhat

behavior isoverthe line and whatisn't. This

toagree by discussing

will help you negotiatea compromise that

works forboth ofyou. Sometimes theprob-

lem isnot knowing what types of sex other

ina direct and honest way

people are having! Discussing it openly al-

ways helps.

Putting Emotion Into It

Putting real emotion into your dirty chat

very important

is paramount, because without it, sex—yes

liking unus ualsexual behavior

even that kinky thing you're thinking—is

empty. No, we're not talking about love,

state of having great force

we're talking about emotion and intensity.

a feeling one's l›ody gets
Sensation and excitement.

Are you putting yourself in the moment

and"letting go" of your inhibition or are you

still protecting and hiding? Your lover can

sense it, believe itor not.

For example, consider two very different


Dirf¿i Talb #Z9:"7hec we/ucé on thebeach.

There arepeople around us butwe don't

to force against each other

care. AllI wont todois grind againstyou,

itoldingyaur handsfirmly and whispering

into your ear.I cnn/#eI myself inside of

to press firmly

you,yourptissJ writ/s squeezing hard on

the long part ofa tool

my shafl and forcing me to cxm...“

Dirfi Talb 580: “ThenI te£eyou down

onth#@oor, God, 7,just wont tobury

mj/mouth inthose beautiful tits ond

to cover thickly

smother m_yaeJ/. Pxlf3ioxr tits oxt. 2.#t

me see, oh Cod let me‹ee. Yes, ohI got

to pull into one's month

tosuch them...let me sztcé them..."

Both ofthese lines are OK but the former is

calm and centered, written for the female

lover, and for her pleasure. The second ex-

ample isgrittier and more high-emotion,

almost stream ofconsciousness and feeling

the emotion ofthe encounter.

Ideally, you want tofinda balance between

telling your partner what you think they

want tohear (which is not always fun for

state of raised life activity

you) and also describing your own arousal

and losing control. Your partner DOES want

tocause feelings of delight

to see you hot and excited. So if you tell

sometlsi s that is imagined
him or her a certain fantasy that doesn't

twn you on personally, the emotion will be

lacking in the story. On the other hand, if

showing strong interest state of raised life activity

you're so excited about your own arousal

not aware

and oblivious to her pleasure, it's goingtobe

a one-sided fantasy.

The answer iseasy. Get excited about the

fantasy your partner wants tohear. You can

take turns sharing one-sided fantasies, but

eventually it's your turn to entertain your

partner. You have to make thestory about

her (orhim) and not just your own eroti-

a sex Lial quality to become aware of

cism. Besides finding out your lover's secret

a rule against doing something to cause to be fillecl with

taboo, there isa way to infuse the fantasy

able to show feelings freely

and dirty talk with genuine, uninhibited

emotion. Even ifit's all about your partner

and not you.

That's the subject of our next chapter—

somelhing that is in ag ined

committing to the fantasy and knowing

how to turn ANYTHING into a hot and

fLiII of warm wetair

steamy good time.

Chapter 9:How to Feel What

YouSpeak (Phrase 81-87)

First, understand that sexual excitement is

always going to be male or female-centric.

You can't really know what it's like to be

to excite one with sex
a sexually aroused woman ifyou're a man,

oran aroused man ifyou'rea woman. You

can guess but it's not the same as actually

BEING theother sex.

So assume that what turns you on isprob-

ably reversed for your partner, since you're

most likely two heterosexuals. We know

that on average most men like visual stim-

an action to make one react

ulation, whereas women prefer emotional

something that is imagined

So ifyou'rea woman feedinga fantasy toa

man, expect that he likes it in that Hustler

material that shows sexacts dishonest and unfair

pom style, which is visual-cenCic, cynical

and raw.

As in:

Dirty Tnlb 481: “Ohyeah,you want my

bigueititties nII overyoxr coch?Js thnt

to force liquid from the mouth

spit on it and get źt ali xźCe and wet so7

can tif|fscbyox. ł'm going towrap my tźts

the long part ofa tool to pull into one's mouth

around theshafl and thm sucb on the

one with weird sexual behavior

head.just tibeyou want it, per»ert!"

to press firmly

soft squeezingyour cochhend. ćfy ctim

to fali in orops

is dripping aJłoverJioxr coch...Jżou’r#

to force outa liauid

goingtomaśe me sqanrt ali overyou!"

tog ive special attention to

And you notice she's emphasizing her own

body parts, knowing that's what turns him

on. She mentions his penis in passing but

her breasts, vagina and lips are the key im-

to hold the attention of

ages that enthrall him.

Men have to adapt to the female-centric

view of sex, emphasizing their body parts

to talk with others

and how he interacts with her. Such as:

Dirfi Talb #85: “Now tabe my cocb inside

you. Feel how hard my dick is? My throbbing

cocb slides in and out oJyou nndyou can

frienrlly jokes about someone

feel every vein ribbing againstyour wall. My

to now a thing back and forth

cocbhead rubs againstyoxrsweet spot and

to shake a loud so uncl i+ ade by hitting

you feela shxdder. MJ balls slap againstyour

to push with force

‹iss usI stnrt iñrxsting harder and harder...“

Dirfi Talb #84:I eotyou outasyou sitin

your oQice chair, looking up atyou, keeping

hard eyecontact.I woxtyou toseemy eyez,

to cause to fall over

seemy passionforyou, whileyou spill onto

me. £ooh ct me whenI mnh#jiox cum. I.ooh

to laugh at and criticize

ot ny tongue teasingyou. Yeah thnt's if,

to push with force

grab my hair and shove me deeper inside. I'm

going £ongue-/xchJo2t 2tntiSJox scream...“

He's focusing his attention on his male

parts, and his face, all of his body, as he in-

to talk with others

teracts with hisfemale partner. You might

toointeresied in oneself

think it's elf cente ed to talk about your

own body instead of your partners, but it's

to make oneaware of needs

actually more attune with their natural in-

desire to act ina certain way

stincts. Women knowwhatparts they have.

to make onei nterested

But they're fascinated by the penis. Men are

fascinated by breasts and the vagina. This

Dirfi Talb #84:I eotyou outasyou sitin

your oQice chair, looking up atyou, keeping

hard eyecontact.I woxtyou toseemy eyez,

to cause to fall over

seemy passionforyou, whileyou spill onto

me. £ooh ct me whenI mnh#jiox cum. I.ooh

to laugh at and criticize

ot ny tongue teasingyou. Yeah thnt's if,

to push with force

grab my hair and shove me deeper inside. I'm

going £ongue-/xchJo2t 2tntiSJox scream...“

He's focusing his attention on his male

parts, and his face, all of his body, as he in-

to talk with others

teracts with hisfemale partner. You might

toointeresied in oneself

think it's elf cente ed to talk about your

own body instead of your partners, but it's

to make oneaware of needs

actually more attune with their natural in-

desire to act ina certain way

stincts. Women knowwhatparts they have.

to make onei nterested

But they're fascinated by the penis. Men are

fascinated by breasts and the vagina. This

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