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1. "Shristi wakes up at 4 am to practice badminton, aiming to excel at the state level.

Her dedication to managing time

effectively for sports and studies exemplifies a key self-management skill." Which self-management skill does Shristi's
routine best illustrate?

(a) Time Management

(b) Stress Management

(c) Self-Motivation

(d) Independent Working

Answer: (a) Time Management

Explanation: Shristi's routine of waking up early to practice badminton before school shows her ability to manage her
time effectively to accommodate her training and education. This is a real-life application of time management skills,
where she prioritizes her tasks and allocates time accordingly to achieve her goals.

2. When a student plans their study schedule to prepare for exams, ensuring they cover all subjects with enough revision
time, this process is known as:

(a) Organising

(b) Prioritising

(c) Controlling

(d) Tracking

Answer: (b) Prioritising

Explanation: Prioritizing involves arranging or dealing with something according to its urgency or importance. In the
context of exam preparation, students prioritize their subjects and topics to ensure efficient study time management,
which is a direct application of this skill in real life.

3. Assertion (A): A student feels overwhelmed with the upcoming final exams and begins to experience headaches and

Reason (R): Recognizing signs of stress and taking steps to manage it is crucial for maintaining mental and physical

(a) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are correct, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A

(c) A is correct, but R is not correct

(d) A is not correct, but R is correct

Answer: (a) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A

Explanation: The assertion correctly identifies symptoms of stress in a student, and the reason provided explains why
managing this stress is essential, showing a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the two statements.
4. _______ is the process of being aware of one's strengths and weaknesses, and using this awareness to guide actions
and decisions.

(a) Self-Awareness

(b) Self-Regulation

(c) Self-Motivation

(d) Self-Reliance

Answer: (a) Self-Awareness

Explanation: Self-awareness involves understanding one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. In real life,
this skill enables individuals to make informed decisions by reflecting on their personal capabilities and limitations.

5. Raj joined a new company and often feels isolated because he is not yet accustomed to the team's dynamic. This
scenario is an example of a _____________ barrier.

(a) Interpersonal

(b) Physical

(c) Organisational

(d) Linguistic

Answer: (a) Interpersonal barrier

Explanation: An interpersonal barrier in communication arises from personal differences between people, such as
unfamiliarity with new team dynamics, which can lead to feelings of isolation until Raj becomes more integrated into the

6. "A community initiative focuses on providing stress management workshops for students during exam season to
improve their performance and well-being." Which SDG does this initiative support the most?

(a) Quality Education

(b) Good Health and Well-being

(c) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

(d) Partnerships for the Goals

Answer: (b) Good Health and Well-being

Explanation: The initiative directly relates to SDG 3, which ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being at all ages.
Stress management workshops for students contribute to their overall mental health, which is a part of this goal.

7. Assertion (A) – A balanced diet can help in managing stress more effectively.

Reason (R) – Nutritious food improves brain function, which can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

(a) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are correct, but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct, but R is not correct

(d) A is not correct, but R is correct

Answer: (a) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A

Explanation: A balanced diet is known to have a positive effect on stress management. Nutrients from a balanced diet
support brain health, which in turn can help individuals cope with stress, making the reason a correct explanation for the

8. The government's decision to implement a 'No Work, No Stress' policy for employees working beyond office hours
reflects a commitment to:

(a) Employee Well-being

(b) Organisational Efficiency

(c) Economic Development

(d) Technological Advancement

Answer: (a) Employee Well-being

Explanation: The policy aims to reduce stress by ensuring employees are not overworked, which demonstrates a
commitment to their well-being. This is a practical application of stress management at the organizational level.

9. Statement1: Self-regulation is essential for effective stress management.

Statement2: Self-regulation only pertains to controlling one's emotions and does not include behavior or thoughts.

(a) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct

(b) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are incorrect

(c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

(d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect

Answer: (c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

Explanation: Self-regulation does involve managing one's emotions, but it also includes controlling behaviors and
thoughts. It is a comprehensive approach to self-management that is crucial for handling stress effectively.

10. _______ is a practice that can help in stress reduction by focusing on calmness and physical balance.

(a) Aerobics

(b) Yoga

(c) Weightlifting

(d) Sprinting

Answer: (b) Yoga

Explanation: Yoga is a well-known practice for stress reduction, combining physical poses with mindfulness and
controlled breathing to promote relaxation and balance, as supported by various case studies and research on stress

Based on the content provided from the CHAPTERs, here are 10 unique questions in the same format as requested:

11. A student named Aarav has to submit his science project, prepare for an inter-state badminton tournament, and
study for his final exams. Which self-management skill is he primarily using?

(a) Stress management

(b) Time management

(c) Positive thinking

(d) Independent working

Answer: (b) Time management

Explanation: Aarav is using time management skills to juggle multiple tasks effectively. Real-life application of this skill
can be seen in students who create study plans to prepare for exams while also engaging in extracurricular activities,
ensuring they allocate enough time for each task without overwhelming themselves.

12. Which of the following is NOT a direct benefit of stress management techniques?

(a) Enhanced immune system

(b) Increased financial wealth

(c) Improved efficiency at work

(d) Better mental health

Answer: (b) Increased financial wealth

Explanation: Stress management techniques directly impact health and productivity but do not directly increase financial
wealth. However, by improving efficiency and health, one may indirectly influence their financial status by being more
capable at work or reducing medical expenses.

13. Identify the incorrect statement about stress:

(a) Stress always has negative consequences on health.

(b) Good stress can motivate people to achieve more.

(c) Managing stress is crucial for maintaining good health.

(d) Stress responses can be positive or negative based on the situation.

Answer: (a) Stress always has negative consequences on health.

Explanation: Stress does not always lead to negative health outcomes. Eustress, or good stress, can be beneficial and
motivating, as seen in the excitement before a public performance or the motivation to prepare for exams.

14. Which of the following activities is an example of using physical exercise for stress management?

(a) Making a timetable for daily activities

(b) Going out for a walk in the park

(c) Planning a holiday with family

(d) Practicing meditation and yoga

Answer: (b) Going out for a walk in the park

Explanation: Physical exercise, such as walking in the park, is a stress management technique that helps in releasing
endorphins, improving mood, and reducing stress levels. It is a practical approach to managing stress for students and
professionals alike.

15. The ABC model of stress management was created by which psychologist?

(a) Sigmund Freud

(b) Carl Rogers

(c) Albert Ellis

(d) B.F. Skinner

Answer: (c) Albert Ellis

Explanation: The ABC model of stress management, which stands for Adversity, Beliefs, and Consequences, was
developed by psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis. It is used to help people understand the relationship between their beliefs and
how they react to adverse events.

16. Which of the following is NOT a sign of stress?

(a) Frequent mood swings

(b) Loss of appetite

(c) Consistent high performance

(d) Memory loss

Answer: (c) Consistent high performance

Explanation: Consistent high performance is not typically a sign of stress. Signs of stress often include mood swings, loss
of appetite, and memory loss. High performance can sometimes be a result of positive stress but is not a sign of stress
17. Which statement is true regarding the role of positivity in stress management?

(a) Positivity has no real impact on stress levels.

(b) Positive thinking can worsen stress by creating unrealistic expectations.

(c) Positivity can reduce the impact of stress by fostering a resilient outlook.

(d) Positive thinking is only beneficial for managing good stress.

Answer: (c) Positivity can reduce the impact of stress by fostering a resilient outlook.

Explanation: Positivity is a powerful tool in stress management. It helps individuals to cope with stress by changing their
perspective on stressful situations, leading to better mental health and resilience.

18. In the context of self-management, what does working independently demonstrate about a person?

(a) Reliance on others for decision-making

(b) Inability to work in a team setting

(c) Self-awareness and self-regulation

(d) Preference for external supervision

Answer: (c) Self-awareness and self-regulation

Explanation: Working independently showcases a person's self-awareness and self-regulation abilities. It indicates that
they can manage their tasks, make decisions, and regulate their actions without the need for constant supervision, as
seen in successful entrepreneurs and remote workers.

19. Statement1: Good sleep is essential for managing stress effectively.

Statement2: Sleep deprivation has no significant impact on a person's ability to handle stress.

(a) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct

(b) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are incorrect

(c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

(d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect

Answer: (c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

Explanation: Good sleep is crucial for stress management as it helps the body and mind recover and rejuvenate,
improving overall resilience to stress. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can exacerbate stress and negatively affect
cognitive function and mood.
20. Which of the following is a quality that enhances the ability to work independently?

(a) Seeking frequent feedback

(b) Taking ownership of work

(c) Preferring group consensus

(d) Relying on detailed instructions

Answer: (b) Taking ownership of work

Explanation: Taking ownership of work is a quality that enhances one's ability to work independently. It shows a
proactive approach and responsibility for completing tasks without needing external validation or guidance, which is vital
in roles that require autonomy and self-direction, such as freelance work or entrepreneurship.

Based on the content provided from the first CHAPTER, here are 10 unique questions in the same format as requested:

21. In the context of self-management skills, which of the following is NOT typically considered a core component?

(a) Self-awareness

(b) Responsibility

(c) External motivation

(d) Time management

Answer: (c) External motivation

Explanation: Self-management skills typically focus on internal capabilities such as self-awareness, taking responsibility
for one's actions, and managing time effectively. External motivation, while important, is not considered a core
component of self-management as the skill set emphasizes self-driven motivation and action.

22. What is the primary goal of stress management?

(a) To eliminate stress completely from life

(b) To increase the level of stress to motivate individuals

(c) To balance life, work, relationships, relaxation, and fun

(d) To ignore stressors in the environment

Answer: (c) To balance life, work, relationships, relaxation, and fun

Explanation: The primary goal of stress management is to create a balance that allows individuals to handle daily
pressures effectively. This balance helps in dealing with stress triggers and meeting challenges without adversely
affecting one's health or productivity.
23. Which of the following is a benefit of good stress management?

(a) Decreased focus on tasks

(b) Reduced energy levels

(c) Increased joy in life

(d) Lower quality time with friends and family

Answer: (c) Increased joy in life

Explanation: Effective stress management can lead to increased joy in life, as it helps individuals to cope with stressors in
a healthy way, allowing them to enjoy their personal and professional lives more fully.

24. What does the 'ABC' in the ABC model of stress management stand for?

(a) Action, Balance, Control

(b) Adversity, Beliefs, Consequences

(c) Awareness, Behavior, Choice

(d) Assessment, Baseline, Change

Answer: (b) Adversity, Beliefs, Consequences

Explanation: The ABC model of stress management stands for Adversity, Beliefs, and Consequences. It is a framework
that helps individuals understand the relationship between their beliefs about a stressful event and the consequences
that result from their beliefs.

25. Which activity is suggested as a method to manage stress in the provided CHAPTER?

(a) Procrastination

(b) Engaging in physical exercise and getting fresh air

(c) Overeating

(d) Avoiding sleep

Answer: (b) Engaging in physical exercise and getting fresh air

Explanation: The CHAPTER suggests engaging in physical exercise and getting fresh air as a method for managing stress.
This approach is based on the understanding that physical activity can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of
stress and anxiety.

26. How can organizing academic life help in reducing stress?

(a) By increasing the workload

(b) By causing more procrastination

(c) By keeping track of deadlines and reducing last-minute rushes

(d) By limiting social interactions

Answer: (c) By keeping track of deadlines and reducing last-minute rushes

Explanation: Organizing academic life, including keeping class notes organized and finishing assignments on time, can
help reduce stress by preventing the chaos of last-minute rushes and the anxiety that comes with unmet deadlines.

27. What role does sleep play in managing stress, according to the CHAPTER?

(a) Sleep has no impact on stress management.

(b) Sleep can increase stress levels.

(c) A good night's sleep can recharge the brain and body to function better.

(d) Less sleep is recommended for better stress management.

Answer: (c) A good night's sleep can recharge the brain and body to function better.

Explanation: According to the CHAPTER, sleep is crucial for stress management as it helps the brain and body to
recharge, leading to improved function and reduced stress levels.

28. What is the significance of emotional intelligence in self-management?

(a) It has no relevance to self-management.

(b) It is only important for managing others' emotions.

(c) It helps in identifying and managing one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

(d) It is a fixed trait that cannot be developed.

Answer: (c) It helps in identifying and managing one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

Explanation: Emotional intelligence is significant in self-management as it involves the ability to understand and regulate
one's emotions, which is crucial for effective stress management and overall self-regulation.

29. Statement1: Emotional intelligence is only about being aware of one's own emotions.

Statement2: Emotional intelligence also involves harnessing and managing emotions to facilitate tasks like thinking and

(a) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct

(b) Both Statement1 and Statement2 are incorrect

(c) Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

(d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect

Answer: (d) Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect

Explanation: Emotional intelligence is not just about being aware of one's own emotions; it also involves harnessing
those emotions and managing them effectively to aid in tasks like thinking and problem-solving. This broader
understanding of emotional intelligence reflects its role in facilitating a range of cognitive and social processes.

30. How can taking holidays contribute to stress management?

(a) By providing a change of routine and refreshing perspective

(b) By increasing the amount of work upon return

(c) By creating additional financial stress

(d) By reducing the time available for work-related tasks

Answer: (a) By providing a change of routine and refreshing perspective

Explanation: Taking holidays can contribute to stress management by providing a break from routine, which can help
individuals to de-stress and return to their daily lives with a refreshed perspective and renewed energy.

31. Discuss two ways in which time management can alleviate stress for students during exam preparations. Support
your answer with a case study from real life.

Answer: Time management can alleviate stress by helping students prioritize their study tasks and ensuring they have
ample time for revision without last-minute cramming. A case study example is that of Shristi, who wakes up at 4 am for
badminton practice and then manages her school schedule, demonstrating effective time management and stress

32. Explain how physical exercise contributes to stress management for working professionals. Illustrate your answer
with an example from a corporate wellness program.

Answer: Physical exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers. An example is Google's corporate
wellness program, which includes on-site fitness centers and exercise classes, helping employees manage stress and
improve productivity.

33. Identify two stress-causing agents and suggest how self-awareness can mitigate their effects, with reference to a real-
life scenario.

Answer: Two stress-causing agents are mental pressure and social relationships. Self-awareness allows individuals to
recognize their stress triggers and manage their responses, as seen in the scenario where an individual uses self-
reflection to navigate and improve strained social ties.

34. Describe the ABC technique of stress management and provide a real-world application of this method.
Answer: The ABC technique involves recognizing Adversity, Beliefs, and Consequences. A real-world application is a
student using this technique to change their belief about the adversity of exam stress, leading to more positive outcomes
and reduced anxiety.

35. How can practicing yoga improve a student's academic performance? Give a detailed explanation with a supportive
case study.

Answer: Yoga improves focus, reduces anxiety, and enhances cognitive function, which can improve academic
performance. A case study is a school that implemented a yoga program and saw an increase in students' grades and
concentration levels.

36. Discuss the role of a healthy diet in managing workplace stress, supported by an example from a company's health

Answer: A healthy diet can improve mood and energy levels, reducing the impact of stress. An example is a company
that offers healthy meal options in its cafeteria, resulting in better overall employee health and reduced sick days.

37. Explain the importance of positivity in overcoming academic challenges, with a case study of a student overcoming a
learning obstacle.

Answer: Positivity can help students view challenges as opportunities for growth. A case study example is a student
who failed a math test but used positive thinking to study harder and eventually excel in math.

38. Provide two benefits of independent work in the context of remote learning, with examples from a virtual classroom

Answer: Independent work fosters self-discipline and personal accountability. Examples from a virtual classroom
include students completing projects on their own schedule and developing time-management skills.

39. How can self-motivation be a key to success in entrepreneurial ventures? Support your answer with an
entrepreneurial case study.

Answer: Self-motivation drives entrepreneurs to persist through setbacks. A case study is the story of a startup
founder who, through self-motivation, overcame multiple failures to eventually build a successful business.

40. Discuss the impact of social support in stress management, using an example of a community support group for
stress relief.

Answer: Social support provides emotional comfort and practical help, which can alleviate stress. An example is a
community group that offers stress management workshops, leading to improved coping strategies among its members.

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