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Universal Electric Vehicle Charging Station with RFID

Authentication and Multi-Voltage Compatibility


Submitted by


Under the guidance of


(Associate Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of




SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu District

(Under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)


Certified that, this project report titled “Universal Electric Vehicle Charging
Station with RFID Authentication and Multi-Voltage Compatibility” is the
bonafide work of SRI SARAN S(RA2212045010007), who carried out the

project work under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best

of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form any other
project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award
was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.



Guide, Associate Professor, Professor & Head of the Department,
Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering. Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is a pivotal step towards sustainable transportation.
However, the current EV charging infrastructure is predominantly company-specific, posing
limitations for long-distance travellers. In response to this challenge, we propose the
development of a Universal Electric Vehicle Charging Station (UEVCS) with RFID
authentication and multi-voltage compatibility as a project-level demonstration. The UEVCS
aims to provide a standardized charging solution that can accommodate various EV makes and
models while addressing the diverse battery voltage requirements within the 6V to 12V range.
We leverage Arduino-based RFID technology to identify both the vehicle and user details,
streamlining the charging process and ensuring security. This project showcases a prototype
charging station that demonstrates its ability to accommodate EVs with different voltage
requirements, promoting convenience and accessibility for EV owners and fostering the growth
of sustainable transportation networks.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. G. MURALI, M.E., Ph.D. Professor
& Head of the Department, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SRM Institute of
Science and Technology, for providing me the opportunity to carry out this project work.

I find greatly indebted to my project guide Dr. BELSAM JEBA ANANTH M, Guide,
Associate Professor, Deparment. of Mechatronics Engineering., SRM Institute of Science and
Technology, and thank him for providing his invaluable guidance, comments and suggestions
throughout the course of the project.

I would like to thank Dr. T. Muthuramalingam, Associate Professor, Department of

Mechatronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology for providing support
throughout the course of my project work.

I would like to thank my Class Advisor, Mr. Ranjith Pillai, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, for
believing in our competency to do my project.

I would also like to acknowledge my project reviewers, Dr. S. PRABHU, Professor, &
Dr. A. VIJAYA, Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute
of Science and Technology, for helping and giving various suggestions and for their help in the
improvement of project.

I also thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff members who helped me intangibly
in my pursuit towards greater academic endeavors.

Finally, I thank the almighty, my beloved parents and friends who continuously supported
throughout my project work.







1.1. Background 1

1.2. Charging Station 2

1.2.1. Current Challenges in EV Charging 2

1.2.2. Project Objective and Scope 3

1.2.3Innovation in EV Charging: The UEVCS 4


1.2.4.RFID Authentication: Enhancing Security 4

and User Experience
1.2.5. Multi-VoltageCompatibility:A Universal 5

1.2.6. Development and Demonstration 6

2.1. Past developments 8
2.2. Objectives 13
3.1. Introduction 14
3.2. 14
3.3. ANSYS 15
3.4. Spyder IDE 15
3.5. CoppeliaSim 16

4.1. STM32F407VG Microcontroller 17
4.2. Ultrasonic Sensor 18
4.3. DC Motor Driver 19
4.4. DC Motor 20
4.5. Li-PO Battery 21
4.6. Lidar Sensor 22
4.7. Beaglebone black board 22


5.1. Design of mobile robot 25

5.2. Path planning of robot 26

5.3. Simulation in CoppeliaSim 29


6.1. Path visualization 31

6.2. Analysis of design 31

6.3. Simulation of mobile robot 32


7.1. Work done in PHASE 1 35

7.2. Work to be done in PHASE 2 35



Features of ultrasonic sensor

4.1 18
Mobile robot design specifications
5.1 26

6.1 Different speeds and Time taken 34



1.1 Introduction to robotics 1

A mobile robot from Boston Dynamics
1.2. 2

1.3 Terrestrial mobile robot 3

Aquatic mobile robot
1.4 3

1.5 Robotic drone 3

1.6 Space rover mobile robot 4

Where I am?
1.7 5

1.8 Schematic of mobile robot localization 5

Architecture of AMR
1.9 6
Example of A* algorithm
1.10 7
RRT exploration
1.11 7

3.1 UG-NX window 14

3.2 ANSYS Workbench window 15

3.3 Spyder IDE window 16

3.4 CoppeliaSim V-REP window 16

4.1 STM32F407VG Discovery kit 17

4.2 Hardware block diagram of STM32 board 18

4.3 Pin diagram of HC-SR04 19

4.4 Timing diagram of HC-SR04 19

4.5 DC motor driver 20
4.6 DC Motor 21
4.7 LiPo battery 21
4.8 Lidar sensor 22
4.9 Beaglebone black 23

4.10 Pin configuration of Beaglebone black 24

5.1 Isometric view of mobile robot design 25

5.2 Top view of mobile robot design 26
5.3 Algorithm flowchart of RRT 27
5.4 Single node iteration of RRT algorithm 28
5.5 Environment setup 30
6.1 Path planned in different environments 31
6..2 Directional deformation of clamp 32
6.3 Total deformation of clamp 32
6.4 Total deformation of chassis plate 32
6.5 Simulation windows of the robot 33
6.6 Graph of Speed vs Time 34


UEVCS Uiversal Electric Vehichle Charging

DOF Degrees of Freedom

MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field

Effect Transistor
EV Electric Vehicle

CAD Computer Aided Design

CAE Computer Aided Engineering

CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

IDE Integrated Development Environment

SoC State of Charge

PWM Pulse Width Modulation

RAM Random Access Memory


SYMBOLS Description
δ delta
μs microsecond
kHz kilohertz
mAH milliampere hour
V Voltage
MB MegaByte
GB GigaByte
mm millimeter
s seconds
mm/s millimeter / second
N Newton


1.1.Background :
The background and rationale for the UEVCS project underscore the need for a
standardized and adaptable EV charging infrastructure to support the widespread adoption
of electric vehicles, addressing current limitations by providing a universally compatible,
secure, and convenient charging solution across various EV models and voltage ranges.

Fig.1.1 background and rationale

1.2.Charging Station:
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is a pivotal step towards sustainable
transportation. However, the current EV charging infrastructure is predominantly
company-specific, posing limitations for long-distance travellers. In response to this
challenge, we propose the development of a Universal Electric Vehicle Charging Station
(UEVCS) with RFID authentication and multi-voltage compatibility as a project-level
demonstration. The UEVCS aims to provide a standardized charging solution that can
accommodate various EV makes and models while addressing the diverse battery voltage
requirements within the 6V to 12V range. We leverage Arduino-based RFID technology
to identify both the vehicle and user details, streamlining the charging process and
ensuring security. This project showcases a prototype charging station that demonstrates
its ability to accommodate EVs with different voltage requirements, promoting
convenience and accessibility for EV owners and fostering the growth of sustainable
transportation networks.
Fig.1.2 Introduction to charging station

1.2.1. Current Challenges in EV Charging Infrastructure

The current challenges in EV charging infrastructure include a lack of uniformity across

charging systems, which leads to compatibility issues for different EV models, a scarcity
of charging stations that contributes to range anxiety, and varying authentication and
payment processes that can deter user convenience and security. There's also the
challenge of ensuring sufficient charging speed and availability to meet the demands of
growing EV adoption. These hurdles collectively slow down the widespread transition to
electric mobility.

Fig.1.3.Current EV charging Infrastructure

1.2.2. Project Objective and Scope

The objective of the Universal Electric Vehicle Charging Station (UEVCS) project is to
develop a standardized, accessible, and secure charging infrastructure that is compatible
with a wide range of electric vehicles. The scope encompasses designing a station capable
of adjusting to various battery voltages, integrating RFID technology for enhanced user
authentication, and testing the prototype to ensure functionality across different EV
models. The project aims to address current infrastructural challenges and contribute to
the acceleration of EV adoption, thereby supporting the growth of sustainable
transportation networks.

1.2.3. Innovation in EV Charging: The UEVCS Approach

The UEVCS approach represents a significant innovation in EV charging by offering a

solution that combines multi-voltage compatibility with RFID-based user authentication.
This system is designed to universally accommodate a wide range of EVs, breaking the
barriers posed by existing proprietary charging networks. The integration of RFID
technology not only streamlines the charging process but also enhances security and user
convenience. This approach exemplifies a forward-thinking solution in EV infrastructure,
aiming to simplify and standardize EV charging, thereby encouraging wider adoption of
electric vehicles.

1.2.4. RFID Authentication: Enhancing Security and User Experience

RFID Authentication in the context of EV charging involves using radio-frequency

identification technology to enhance both security and user experience. By
embedding RFID chips in vehicles or charging cards, this system allows for
automated identification and authentication of vehicles and users at charging stations.
This not only streamlines the charging process, eliminating the need for manual input
or payment processes, but also significantly increases the security of transactions,
reducing the risk of unauthorized access or fraud. This technology thus contributes to
a more seamless, efficient, and secure charging experience for EV users.

Fig.1.7 RFID Authentification

1.2.5. Multi-Voltage Compatibility: A Universal Solution

Multi-Voltage Compatibility in the context of EV charging refers to the ability of a
charging station to adapt to and charge electric vehicles with different battery voltages.
This universal solution addresses a key limitation in current EV infrastructure by allowing
a single charging station to accommodate a wide range of EVs, from those requiring
lower voltages (like 6V) to those needing higher voltages (up to 12V). This adaptability
enhances the usability of charging stations, making them more accessible to a broader
spectrum of EV owners and promoting wider adoption of electric vehicles.

1.2.6. Development and Demonstration

The "Prototype Development and Demonstration" phase of a project involves creating a

working model of the proposed system or product to test its feasibility and effectiveness.
For the UEVCS project, this phase would include assembling the charging station with
RFID authentication and multi-voltage compatibility, followed by rigorous testing with
different electric vehicles to ensure universal functionality. The demonstration aspect
would showcase the prototype's operational capabilities to stakeholders or potential users,
highlighting its innovative features and the advantages it offers over existing charging
solutions. This step is critical for validating the design, obtaining feedback, and iterating
on the prototype before moving towards commercialization.



2.1. Past Developments

“Modeling of an electric vehicle charging station for fast DC charging” that was
published in the 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference 1. The paper
proposes a model of an electric vehicle charging station that is suitable for the fast DC
charging of multiple electric vehicles. The station consists of a single grid-connected
inverter with a DC bus where the electric vehicles are connected. The control of the
individual electric vehicle charging processes is decentralized, while a separate central
control deals with the power transfer from the AC grid to the DC bus. The electric power
exchange does not rely on communication links between the station and vehicles, and a
smooth transition to vehicle-to-grid mode is also possible. The paper provides design
guidelines and modeling in an educational way to support implementation in
Matlab/Simulink. Simulations are performed in Matlab/Simulink to illustrate the behavior
of the station. The results show the feasibility of the model proposed and the capability of
the control system for fast DC charging and also vehicle-to-grid.[ 1]

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement: Formulation, Complexity, and

Solutions by Yanbo Ge, Yanzhi Wang, and Qiang Yang discusses the problem of
placing electric vehicle charging stations in a city. The authors argue that the locations of
charging stations are critical; they should not only be pervasive enough such that an EV
anywhere can easily access a charging station within its driving range, but also widely
spread so that EVs can cruise around the whole city upon being recharged1.

The authors formulate the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement Problem
(EVCSPP) and prove that the problem is nondeterministic polynomial-time hard. They
also propose four solution methods to tackle EVCSPP, and evaluate their performance on
various artificial and practical cases.[2].

The planning of electric vehicle charging station based on Grid partition
method by Xiaoyan Wang, Zhihao Zhang, and Jie Li. The authors propose a method
of locating and sizing charging stations for electric vehicles based on grid partition. This
method aims to minimize the users’ loss on the way to the charging station by zoning the
planning area with grid partition method and choosing the best location of each partition
in GA (Genetic Algorithm) on the consideration of traffic density and charging station’s
capacity constraints. The paper concludes that the methods and models proposed are
feasible and can be used to obtain reasonable planning of electric vehicle charging
stations in the whole area1.

The paper was published in the proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on
Electrical and Control Engineering1.[3].

Optimal Location of Electric Vehicle Charging Station and Its Impact on

Distribution Network: A Review by Fareed Ahmada, Atif Iqbalb, Imtiaz Ashrafc,
Mousa Marzbandd,e, and Irfan khanf. The paper discusses the challenges faced when
implementing electric vehicles (EVs) at a large scale, such as underdeveloped EV
charging station infrastructure, optimal EV charging station locations, and charge
scheduling in EV charging stations. The authors review different approaches, objective
functions, constraints for problem formulation, EV load modeling, uncertainty, vehicle to
grid strategy, integration of distributed generation, charging types, optimization
techniques, and sensitivity analysis for recent research articles. The paper also discusses
the impact of EV load on the distribution network, environmental impacts, and economic
impact. The authors propose a novel Voltage stability, Reliability, and Power loss (VRP)
index for the placement of EV charging stations on the distribution network1.[4]

System design for a solar powered electric vehicle charging station
for workplaces” by Chandra Mouli, GR; Bauer, Pavol; Zeman, Miro. The
paper was published in the journal Applied Energy in 2016 1. The paper
investigates the possibility of charging battery electric vehicles at workplaces
in the Netherlands using solar energy. The authors used data from the Dutch
Meteorological Institute to determine the optimal orientation of PV panels for
maximum energy yield in the Netherlands. The paper also analyzes the
seasonal and diurnal variation in solar insolation to determine the energy
availability for EV charging and the necessity for grid connection. The paper
concludes that a 10 kW solar-powered EV charger with V2G for workplaces in
the Netherlands is feasible and can be designed with an optimal tilt of 28
degrees for PV panels to get maximum yield in the Netherlands. The PV array
can be 30% oversized than converter, resulting in only 3.2% energy loss.
Gaussian EV charging profile with low peak closely follows PV generation. 10
kW h local storage reduced grid energy exchange by 25% 1.[5].
“Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution
Network” by Sanchari Deb, Kari Tammi, Karuna Kalita and
Pinakeshwar Mahanta. The paper was published in the journal Energies in
2018 1. The paper investigates the impact of electric vehicle charging station
loads on the voltage stability, power losses, reliability indices, as well as
economic losses of the distribution network. The entire analysis is performed
on the IEEE 33 bus test system representing a standard radial distribution
network for six different cases of EV charging station placement. The paper
concludes that the high charging loads of the fast charging stations results in
increased peak load demand, reduced reserve margins, voltage instability, and
reliability problems. Further, the penalty paid by the utility for the degrading
performance of the power system cannot be neglected. The paper proposes a
strategy for the placement of the EV charging stations on the distribution
network based on a novel Voltage stability, Reliability, and Power loss (VRP)
index. The results obtained indicate the efficacy of the VRP index 1.[6].

“A Comprehensive Review on Developments in Electric Vehicle
Charging Station Infrastructure and Present Scenario of India” by
Shubham Mishra, Shrey Verma, Subhankar Chowdhury, Ambar Gaur,
Subhashree Mohapatra, Gaurav Dwivedi, and Puneet Verma. The paper
was published in the journal Sustainability in 2021 1. The paper provides a
comprehensive review of the developments in electric vehicle charging station
infrastructure in India. The authors discuss the key aspects that need to be
taken care of while planning for the charging station infrastructure for electric
vehicles. The paper also provides a critical review of the research and
developments in the charging station infrastructure, the problems associated
with it, and the efforts that are going on for its standardization. The paper
highlights the importance of a proper charging station infrastructure in
combination with information technology, smart distributed energy generating
units, and favorable government policies to support the transformation of the
transportation sector from conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles to zero or
ultra-low tailpipe emission vehicles. The paper concludes that the Indian
government has taken several initiatives to promote the adoption of electric
vehicles and the development of charging infrastructure in India. However,
there is still a long way to go to achieve the desired level of charging
infrastructure in India 1.[7].
“Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Planning” by IEEE. The
paper was published in the 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference
(ITEC-India) 1. The paper focuses on the most significant parameters considered in
charging station location planning by various researches, its relevance and pitfalls. The
paper concludes that centralized strategic planning and optimization in charging station
location selection is proven to drastically reduce the initial cost required to serve the EV
charging demand and reduce range anxiety. The paper also highlights the importance of
national standards for charging infrastructure, which are expected to be finalized soon in
India, allowing both public and private sectors to deploy their charging fleet to cater to the
EV charging demands 1.

Another research paper titled “EV Charging Station Placement and Sizing Techniques:
Survey, Challenges, and Opportunities” by IEEE investigates the optimal placement of
EV charging stations from different perspectives 2. The paper proposes a novel approach
to solve the optimal placement of EV charging stations problem based on the multi-
objective optimization technique. The paper concludes that the proposed approach can be
used to solve the optimal placement of EV charging stations problem in a more efficient
and effective way 2.[8].

2.2 Objectives of the project

To design and develop a charging station with multi voltage

 To design and sort out the arrangement of hardware components
using design software.
 To simulate the charging station using MATLAB Simulink.


3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the software used for the simulation of the
charging station is discussed. There are three software used in the simulating of
the mobile robot. The CAD model of the charging station frame is modelled in
SOLIDWORKS software. The simulation of battery charging is being visualized in
MATLAB. The simulation of the charging station is performed in SIMULINK
in MATLAB.The Arduino IDE is used to control the system with help of
Arduino UNO.


It is CAD/CAE/CAM software Dassault Systèmes that covers the whole

range of design modelling, analysis, simulation, and manufacturing developed
by SIEMENS, which is a computer-aided design, computer-aided engineering,
3D CAD design and collaboration, analysis, and product data management
software system that has been around for a while and widely used in all
research fields, prototyping and production.

Fig.3.2. SOLIDWORKS window


MATLAB is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and

numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks. MATLAB was
created primarily for high computing applications. The user can scroll through
a variety of toolboxes and documents on its interface which were developed by
professionals, and there is also a ready-to- use online support option. On the
same screen. The MATLAB allows user to visualize simulations and graphs as
outputs. The ability to see graphs and visualizations in the plot window is also

Fig.3.3. MATLAB Editor Window

SIMULINK is a MATLAB-based graphical programming
environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multi-domain dynamical
systems. Its primary interface is a graphical block diagramming tool and a
customizable set of block libraries. Simulink is widely used in automatic
control and digital signal processing for multi-domain simulation and model-
based design. It has acess to the toolbox just like MATLAB here we use robotics
toolbox for this application. Creation of controllers are possible in SIMULINK. It
may be used for a wide range of applications, including quick algorithm generation,
simulations of EV charging, rapid prototyping and verification, EV-related
education and more.

Fig.3.4. SIMULINK window

4.1 Charging Station:

A typical electric vehicle (EV) charging station, often referred to as an EVSE (Electric
Vehicle Supply Equipment), is designed to safely and efficiently supply electrical energy
to recharge electric cars, plug-in hybrids, and other EVs. These stations come in various
types, including Level 1 and Level 2 chargers for home or public use, and DC fast
chargers for rapid charging. Standard stations usually cater to specific voltage and
connector types, necessitating compatibility between the vehicle and the charger. They
may include features like user authentication, payment systems, and connectivity for
monitoring and control purposes.


Fig.4.1.Charging Station

4.2 RFID Reader

The EM-18 RFID Reader Module is a compact and easy-to-use electronic device that is
capable of reading RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags. It is typically used for
wireless communication and identification purposes, operating at a frequency of 125 kHz.
This module is commonly used in various applications like access control, security
systems, identification, and tracking systems. It is designed to be interfaced with
microcontrollers such as Arduino and can output the unique serial number of an RFID tag
when brought into its proximity, making it a versatile component for various automated
identification projects.

Fig.4.2. RFID Reader


A Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is a type

of field-effect transistor (FET) primarily used to amplify or switch
electronic signals. MOSFETs are integral components in both digital and
analog circuits. They are characterized by their three terminals: gate, drain,
and source. The voltage applied to the gate controls the flow of current
between the drain and source, allowing MOSFETs to function as switches
or variable resistors. Due to their high input impedance and fast switching
speeds, they are widely used in integrated circuits, power delivery systems,
and as power transistors in converters and amplifiers.

Fig.4.3 MOSFET
4.4 Current Sensor

A current sensor is a device that detects and converts current in a wire or circuit into a
signal that can be measured and processed. They are used in a wide range of applications
to monitor and control electrical systems. Current sensors come in various types,
including Hall-effect sensors, which detect the magnetic field generated by electrical
current; shunt resistors, which measure voltage drop across a precision resistor; and
transformers, which can isolate and step-down current for measurement. They are key in
managing system performance, ensuring safety, and enabling intelligent power
management in electronic systems.

Fig.4.4. Current sensor


A Brushless DC (BLDC) motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction,

similar to other electric motors, but it differs by not having brushes to transfer current to
the motor windings. Instead, it uses electronic commutation based on a set of sensors or
magnetic detectors to determine the positions of the rotor poles and trigger power
transistors to energize the stator windings accordingly. The stator generates a rotating
magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnets on the rotor, causing it to spin.
This brushless design leads to greater efficiency, reliability, reduced noise, and longer life
compared to brushed motors.

Fig.4.5 BLDC Motor


The 24V 12Ah Li-ion battery pack from LRSA Technologies PVT. LTD.,
is used for the project. This battery pack is hat is small, light, & powerful and
made with 18650 Li-Ion cylindrical cells that have advanced Nickle Manganese
Cobalt Oxide chemistry. This chemistry offers the highest specific energy,
excellent lifespan, and high performance for EV applications. The battery pack
also has a built-in battery management system (BMS) that balances the charging
and discharging of the cells and protects them from over-charge, over-discharge,

over-voltage, over-current, short circuits, reverse polarity, and thermal issues. The
battery pack comes with a 29.6VDC 3A charger that can be plugged into any
AC110V-240V outlet. The battery pack is ideal for bike lighting, RC toys, robots,
laptops, solar, IoT devices, and external batteries.

Fig.4.6 Li ion battery

4.7 Arduino UNO

Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip

ATmega328P microcontroller. It was developed by The board has 14
digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB
connection, a power jack, and an ICSP header. The board can be programmed
using the Arduino Software (IDE), which is a user-friendly Integrated
Development Environment that supports various programming languages, such as
C and C++.
Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi can be combined to create a powerful and
versatile platform for various applications. The Raspberry Pi can act as the main
controller and provide the user interface, while the Arduino Uno can act as a
submodule and provide the real-time processing and monitoring of the sensors
and actuators. The Arduino Uno can communicate with the Raspberry Pi through
the standard USB, UART, I2C, or SPI serial ports, which require some form of
level shifting circuitry since the Arduino Uno boards utilize 5 V GPIO and the
Raspberry Pi uses 3.3 V. The combination of Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi can
be used for various applications, such as robotics, data logging, and prototyping.

For this project the Raspberry Pi to process the data and send commands to the
Arduino Uno to control the motors and sensors of a robot.

Fig 4.7 Pin configuration of Arduino UNO

4.8 Voltage Sensor

A voltage sensor operates on the principle of potential difference measurement. It can be

a simple device like a voltmeter used for direct measurements or a more complex system
that provides electrical isolation and signal conditioning. For instance, some voltage
sensors use a resistive voltage divider to scale down high voltages to a lower, measurable
level, while others may use electromagnetic phenomena such as inductive or capacitive
coupling. The sensor's output is then often converted into a digital signal, which can be
read by a microcontroller or other digital systems, allowing for voltage monitoring in real-
time applications.

Fig 4.8 Voltage Sensor



5.1 Design of charging Station

This 3D model depicts a proposed design for a Universal Electric

Vehicle Charging Station (UEVCS), showcasing a modern and streamlined
structure. The upper section is reserved for signage or digital displays, while
the central area features an interactive LCD screen, designed to provide users
with real-time information on their vehicle's charging status. Below the screen,
two tactile buttons are included for ease of operation, allowing users to start or
stop the charging process and navigate the system's menu. The design's
simplicity and functionality highlight the project's commitment to enhancing
user experience and accessibility in EV infrastructure. The individual parts are
being design of the charging station frame is carried out which is shown in
figure.5.1. and figure.5.2.

Fig.5.1 Charging Station front view

Fig.5.2 Side view of Charging Station

5.3 Planning of charging station charging method

This project involves creating a Universal Electric Vehicle Charging Station

(UEVCS) that utilizes an Arduino microcontroller as the central processing unit,
RFID hardware for secure user and vehicle identification, and a voltage sensor to
adapt the charging output to the connected EV's battery. The system employs an
ACS712 sensor for current measurement and a MOSFET for current control,
ensuring safe charging parameters. It's powered by a dedicated battery and uses a
DC-DC buck converter to regulate voltage for electronic components. The user
interface, displayed on an LCD screen, provides real-time charging data, while
additional circuit components like resistors, capacitors, and diodes ensure reliable
operation, with heat sinks managing the thermal load.. The hardware flowchart is
shown in the figure.5.3.

Fig 5.3 hardware connection Flow chart


6.1 Battery Charging Simulation

A MATLAB Simulink simulation of a battery charging system for an electric vehicle

provides a comprehensive representation of the charging process, showcasing dynamic
parameters such as DC bus voltage, charging current, charging voltage, battery State of
Charge (SoC), and grid power characteristics. Through this simulation, one can analyze
the behavior of the charging system under various conditions, evaluate the efficiency of
the charging process, and understand the interaction between the EV battery and the
electrical grid.A MATLAB Simulink simulation of a battery charging system for an
electric vehicle provides a comprehensive representation of the charging process,
showcasing dynamic parameters such as DC bus voltage, charging current, charging
voltage, battery State of Charge (SoC), and grid power characteristics. Through this
simulation, one can analyze the behavior of the charging system under various conditions,
evaluate the efficiency of the charging process, and understand the interaction between
the EV battery and the electrical grid.

Fig. 6.1 Battery Charging


7.1 Work done in PHASE-1

For Phase 1 of the project, the development of the physical prototype of the Universal
Electric Vehicle Charging Station (UEVCS) has been completed, featuring multi-voltage
compatibility and RFID authentication. Additionally, a comprehensive battery charging
simulation has been successfully designed and executed using MATLAB Simulink,
demonstrating the charging station's interaction with EV batteries, including key
parameters like DC bus voltage, charging current and voltage, battery SoC, and grid
supply characteristics. This establishes a solid foundation for further development and
testing in the next phase of the project.

7.2 Work to be done in PHASE-2

the focus will shift towards the hardware implementation of the charging station. This will
involve assembling and integrating the physical components, such as the Arduino
microcontroller, RFID module, voltage and current sensors, power supply, and user
interface. This phase is crucial for validating the charging station's design in real-world
conditions, testing its functionality, and ensuring it meets the established specifications
and performance criteria as simulated in MATLAB Simulink during Phase 1.


[1] S. Ge, L. Feng and H. Liu, "The planning of electric vehicle charging station
based on Grid partition method," 2011 International Conference on Electrical
and Control Engineering, Yichang, China, 2011, pp. 2726-2730, doi:
[2] A. Y. S. Lam, Y. -W. Leung and X. Chu, "Electric vehicle charging station
placement," 2013 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid
Communications (SmartGridComm), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2013, pp. 510-515,
doi: 10.1109/SmartGridComm.2013.6688009.Kun Wei and Bingyin Ren.
[3] A. Arancibia and K. Strunz, "Modeling of an electric vehicle charging station
for fast DC charging," 2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference,
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