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1. Name of Demonstration : Ecohydrology for Urban Water Management 2. Location(s): - Sokolowka River, Lodz, Poland (restoration of the municipal river for stormwater management, water quality and improvement of the quality of life) - Ner River, Lodz, Poland (Development of the protective zone of the City Treatment Plant for environment quality improvement and positive socio-economic feedbacks) 3. Lead workpackage/partner: Workpackage 5.3, Lead partner University of Lodz (15) Other workpackages involved: Workpackage 0.2 - Cross-cutting training activities; Lead Partner ICLEI (20) Workpackage 0.3 - SWITCH demonstration cities; Lead Partner UNESCO-IHE (1) Workpackage 1.1 - Strategic Approach, sustainability and risk indicators; Lead Partner UNESCOIHE (1) Workpackage 1.2 - Modeling of urban water systems and the development of a decision support system; Lead Partner UNESCO-IHE (1) Workpackage 2.1 - Technological options for stormwater control under conditions of uncertainty; Lead Partner Middlesex University (5) Workpackage 2.2. Decision making processes for effective urban stormwater management; Lead Partner Middlesex University (5) Workpackage 2.3 Environmental Change Studies for stormwater control and reuse options (to be considered to lower the stormwater runoff and peaks to treatment plant) ; Lead Partner University of Birmingham (6) Workpackage 5.1 - Urban Waterscapes _ Planning and Development in Urban Transformation Processes; Lead Partner Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (9) Workpackage 6.2 - Learning alliances; Lead Partner IRC (2) Workpackage 6.3 - Optimising Social Inclusion; Lead Partner IRC (2) 4. Timeframe: February 2006 through December 2010 (final reports)

5. Description of demonstration: The major goal of the Demonstration Project is to demonstrate application of Ecohydrology as an integral and essential part of the sustainable Integrated Urban Water Management. Selection of two pilot catchments allowed tackling a comprehensive scope of water related issues specific for the city and validate ecohydrology concept tested in meso- scale:

Project 1: Sokolowka river; Site description: The Sokolowka river is supplied mostly by storm water outlets. The main channel was regulated by concrete slabs for the purpose of runoff detention, whil the middle section of the river valley has still maintained the semi natural charakter, which makes this section appropriate as a pilot area for analyses best ecohydrological river rehabilitation options. Reservoirs situated in the Sokolowka River receive nutrient-enriched stormwater, which increases their trophic state. Pytoplankton growth and appearance of algae or cyanobacterial blooms may limit ecosystem services (biodiversity, their recreational values) and if toxic, constitute potential hazard to users as possible carcinogens and tumour-promoters. Goal: Restoration of a municipal river for stormwater management, increase of water retentiveness and improvement of quality of life; Addressed issues: To apply ecohydrological solutions for: - reduction of the stormwater sewage flow peaks by series of ponds and reservoirs, creation and restoration of river floodplain and wetlands; - increase of water retentiveness in the city landscape (mitigation of extreme flows, increase of groundwater level, support of city vegetation) by application of phytotechnology; - increase of the quality of water, ecological stability of freshwater resources and increasing their carrying capacity by instream ecohydrological regulation; - Increase of quality of life and aesthetic values in the catchment by restoration of the river corridor by creating impoundments, buffering ecotone zones and landscape management; - improvement of human health by incorporating understanding of the relationships between the effect of green-lands and water on frequency of allergies and asthma cases into the city planning process; - creation of attractive city spaces for development residential areas.
SOKOW After 2010

Szczeciska str.

Restoration of the Sokowka natural river bed From Zgierska str to Szczeciska str.


WASIAK RES. Construction and phytotechnloogy application

TERESA RES. Application of phytotechnology for existing infrastructure

ZGIERSKA RES. Application of phytotechnology for existing infrastructure

WYCIECZKOWA RES. Construction and phytotechnloogy application

Figure 1. System of ponds for stormwater retention on the Sokolowka River; Te reservoirs to be constructed: Teres Reservoir and Zabieniec reservoir; River Section to be restored: Between the Teresa and Zgierska Reservoirs;

Project 2: Ner River; Site description: The study area is located in the protective zone of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Lodz in the catchments of the Ner River. The Ner river (natural flow of about 0,3 m3/s) receives municipal and industrial wastewater (average outflow of 2,5 m3/s) from the Lodz agglomeration, contaminating both the river and its valley with nutrients, heavy metals and organic compounds (Andrzejewska, 2002; Koszek, 2000). The Waste Water Treatment Plan (WWTP) produces 70 000 ton of sewage sludge (200 tons/24 h), which causes additional economic and ecological issue. The sewage make can be used for non-food agricultural, e.g., in short rotation forestry (energetic willow plantation), if the

heavy metals content is kept within the limits according to the polish legislation. Such a solution is being tested in the protection zone of the WWTP. Goal: Sewage system management for environment quality and positive socio-economic feedbacks Addressed issues: - fitoextraction of heavy metals using willows for both water and floodplain quality improvement and production of biomass (bioenergy), including restoration of floodplain with native plant communities; - application of sewage sludge for fertilization remote bioenergetic plantations (enhancement of production of biomass and bioenergy and utilization of sewage sludge for plantations fertilizing);

Figure 2. The elements monitored and included into the mathematical model for the elaboration of a DSS for the WWTP willow plantation

Innovative features/science: Water in the urban space has been considered traditionally mostly from the perspective of water supply, sewage purification and storm water management. Recent years brought up awareness of the necessity of environmental conservation. However there has been still little holistic consideration of the potential of freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems as a tool for control of the hydrological cycle in city catchments. According to ecohydrology concept, urbanization should be seen as a process that by extinction of natural structures and their replacement with artificial ones, disrupts flow paths of energy, water and matter, within and between adjacent ecosystems, re-directing them into unsustainable, human originated tracks. Such transformations pose major ecological consequences for freshwaters which are the receivers of the deregulated, extreme runoff and accelerated flow of water and matter from disrupted natural cycles (Zalewski 2000). These changes not only directly affects water quality and quantity in degraded catchment, but also handicaps the resilience of freshwater ecosystems their ability to maintain oscillations within the steady state. Consequently, ecosystems functions and ability to provide services may be permanently amended (Krauze & Wagner, 2007), affecting human health and wellbeing in cities (Kuprys-Lipinska et all, in press). The concept applied in the City of Lodz assumes, that due to the above processes, environmental degradation can not be compensated by application of only technological solutions, which do not address efficiently the effects of degradation of the elements of natural cycles in catchments (Zalewski & Wagner, 2005). Reduction of impacts in urban areas is the foremost and fundamental conditions, however should be supported by simultaneous procedures allowing: 1) increasing absorbing capacity of urban catchments for minimizing impact, and 2) reduction of the occurrence of degradation

symptoms by augmenting assimilative capacity of freshwater ecosystems (Zalewski & Wagner, 2005). According to ecohydrology concept this can be achieved by using ecosystem properties as a management tool, e.g., in order to reduce hydro peaking, improve water quality and retention, convert excess nutrients, pollutants and sludge in to re-usable bioenergy (e.g., from biomass). Thus the need for cost-efficient, integrated solutions extending technical systems for urban water management with ecological measures, that may not only improve the quality of environment but also lower costs of management and rise economic income for society (Wagner- Lotkowska at al, 2004). Ecohydrology is a trans-disciplinary approach, using the understanding of relationships between hydrological and biological processes at the catchment scale to improve water quality, biodiversity and sustainable development (Zalewski 2006). The concept has been applied in variety of semi-natural and medium-disturbed catchments (e.g., Wagner-Lotkowska et al., 2005, Agostinho et al., 2005, Wolanski et al., 2006), while its testing in the city landscape which is addressed in his demonstration Project still reminds to be a challenge.
Krauze, K., Wagner, I. 2008. An ecohydrological approach for the protection and enhancement of ecosystem services. W: Petrosillo, I., Jones, B., Muller, F., Zurlini, G., Krauze, K., Victorov, S. (ed.) Use of landscape sciences for the assessment of environmental security. Springer-Verlag Publishers; Kuprys-Lipinska, I., Elgalal, A., Kupczyk M., Bochenska-Marciniak, M., Kuna P. (in Press) Urban-rural differences in the prevalence of atopic diseases in lodz province (Poland). Urban-rural differences in atopic diseases. In Press. Zalewski, M. (Ed) 2002a. Guidelines for the Integrated Management of the Watershed - Phytotechnotogy and Ecohydrology. UNEP/UNESCO. UNEP IETC Freshwater ManagementSeries No 5. Zalewski, M., Wagner I. 2005. Ecohydrology - the use of water and ecosystem processes for healthy urban environments. In: Special issue: Aquatic Habitats in Integrated Urban Water Management. Ecohydrology&Hydrobiology, Vol. 5, No 4, 263-268;

Potential impact: - construction of 2 new reservoirs reduction of stormwater peaks; - adapting hydrotechnical infrastructure in the new and old reservoirs to ecohydrology principles reduction of stormwater peaks and improvement of the quality of water in the Sokolowka system; - ecological restoration of a Sokolowka river section and elaboration of recommendations for replication in other Lodz rivers; - supporting development of green areas in the river catchment based on hydrological regulation; - development of operational procedures for the WWTP, including ecological and economical goals; - elaboration of the DSS for the WWTP sewage sludge utilization and biomass production; - increase of the amount of green energy production; - increase of the environmental awareness by using the on-line permanent monitoring systems for environmental education; - creation of preliminary meta-data base enabling easy access to main environment-focused information; - active involvement of society in environment enhancement and building of new image of the city;

Relationship to LA evidence of demand: The Lodz City demonstration project has proven to be demand driven. The issues related to stormwater retention and purification has been identified by the City of Lodz Office and citizens as highly desired, already a long time ago. The activities developed in the demonstration projects of SWITCH are concordant with regional programmes for urban water management, implemented by the City of Lodz Office for the last several years, and has been enriched by the SWITCH programme, as a natural demand driven extention. Moreover, following the results of the social research conducted early this year (February, 2006), developing of the social space in the city, including open water and green recreational areas, were considered to be of key importance for the Lodz citizens. These areas proved to develop more dynamically and be of greater interest as residential areas.

The idea of both demonstration projects (Ner and Sokolowka Rivers) has met with a great interest and support of the the Learning Alliance members, forming the group in the firs phase of its establishment and development. Ensuring the efficient implementation of the research results on the demonstration sites, the LA Group has been gradually extended with the members directly related to the activities on these two sites, including the water resources managers, owners, user and society. Plans/ideas for scaling up: The experiences gained on the Solkolowka river will become a basis for restoration of other 18 rivers in the city of Lodz; The realistic goal for the project scaling-up within the timeline of the project includes elaboration of recommendations and preparation of a general plan for rivers valleys development for the City of Lodz; Implementation of the recommendation will be considered as a long-tern goal; The experiences on both the Sokolowka and Ner rivers will be disseminated withing the vertical LA information exchange for the purpose of seeking the possibilities for implementation replication in the national scale; 6. Budget Summary (35/65% split between EU and UML) The matching funds for demonstration activities are provided by the City of Lodz Office, that acts in the project as the third party, based on the agreement with the University of Lodz.

7. Dissemination Plans Target Audiences/rationale: The target audience includes: - citizens of the City of Lodz; - general public in Poland; - decision makers and city planners; - city/national officials and water managers; - scientists in Poland and international scientific community; Planned Publications: The dissemination plans will continue to be developed within the already defined and developed directions, including: - publications in regional and national newspapers (dissemination on regional and national level); - publications in popular / science-popular periodicals (dissemination on regional and national level); - publications in scientific papers (dissemination on international level); - elaboration and publication of informative brochures in English and polish (dissemination on regional, national and international level); - preparation of film materials in Polish and English language (dissemination on regional, national and international level); - photographic documentation(dissemination on regional, national and international level);; - dissemination on regional, national and international scientific meetings (dissemination on regional, national and international level); - city website (;

The dissemination/publication activities have included so far the following: Published papers/chapters in scientific journals: - Wagner, I., Bocian J. & Zalewski M. 2007. The ecohydrological dimension of small urban river management for stormwater and pollution loads mitigation: Lodz, Poland [In:] Wagner,

I. , Marshalek, J. and Breil, P. (eds). 2007. Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management: Science, Policy and Practice. Taylor and Francis/Balkema: Leiden; Zalewski, M. & Wagner, I. 2007. Ecohydrology of urban aquatic ecosystems for healthy cities [In:] Wagner, I. , Marshalek, J. and Breil, P. (eds). 2007. Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management: Science, Policy and Practice. Taylor and Francis/Balkema: Leiden; Wagner, I., Izydorczyk, K., Drobniewska, A., Fratczak, W., Zalewski, M.. 2007. Inclusion of ecohydrology concept as integral component of systemic in urban water resources management. The city of Lodz case study, Poland. SWITCH Scientific Meeting Proceedings. Birmingham, UK, January 2007 Zalewski M & Wagner I. 2006 Ecohydrology in Urban Water Habitat restoration in EH & HB Journal.

Published popular papers: - Barbara Gortat (Municipal Office of the City of Lodz, LA), Necessary reanimation Sokolowka river comes back, Chronicle of the City of Lodz, 4/2006 (in polish Reanimacja konieczna powrt rzeki Sokowki, Kronika Miasta odzi, 4/2006); on-line version: Anita Waack Zajc (Municipal Office of the City of Lodz, LA), The rivers of Lodz and their restoration, Special issue of The Municipal Review, No 5/2007 (in polish: dzkie rzeki i ich renaturyzacja, Przegld Komunalny, No 5/2007); on-line version:

Published informative brochures: - Informative Brochure about SWITCH activities in Lodz (2006); - Informative brochure and poster Sokolowka River Valley Local Development Project SWITCH in Lodz (in English; to be translated into polish); on-line: - Gazeta Wyborcza special issue after the training on Process documentation for learning alliances and action research; on-line: Media: Media coverage resealed newspaper articles: - Lodz makes itself a river, Gazeta Wyborcza (national daily newspaper), 11.05.2007, (in polish: Lodz zrobi sobie rzeke), Interview with prof. Maciej Zalewski and dr Iwona Wagner, University of Lodz, European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, red. Joanna Grabowska); On-line version:,55670,4121623.html - Flooding in Lodz, Gazeta Wyborcza, 30.05.2007 (in polish: Powodz w Lodzi, Interview with prof. Marek Zawilski, Technical University of Lodz); online version:,79413,4186960.html - The article about SWITCH workshop in Gazeta Wyborcza, 02.07.2007 - The article summarizing the SWITCH workshop (Lodz, 1-5 July 2007), Gazeta Wyborcza 05.07.2007 Media coverage resealed films and TV broadcasts: - The green light for the Ner River director: Jerzy Bezkowski, production: Association Film Nature Culture with our participation. The film was broadcasted in the regional TVP3 d on 17 Julie 2007 and during the Sawomir Barwiski Photos Exhibition on October 2007 in the towns located in the Ner River Catchment (Konstantynw odzki, Swinice Warckie, Dbie, Grabw, Lutomiersk, Poddbice,

Warkowice). Other (workshops, conferences, etc.): - Presentation of the results of the research, LA and demonstration activities in the International Symposium: New directions in Urban Water Management, 12-14 September 2007, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris (France); oral presentation; - Presentation of the SWITCH Project/Lodz in the Inter Academy Panel Conference, Lodz, Poland, 28-29 September 2006; - Presentation of the SWITCH Project/Lodz in the international integrated revitalization conference Vision Ksiezy Mlyn 2007-2013, Lodz, Poland, September 2006; - Presentation of the SWITCH Project/Lodz in the World Water Forum, March 2006, MexicoCity, Mexico, UNEP/UNESO session; 8. Training activities (activity, location, timeframe) 1. On 18-19 January 2007 in the Office of the City of Lodz and in the European Regional Centre For Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO a working meeting of the Lodz SWITCH Learning Alliance group regarding Stormwater management and the GIS tools for decision support systems tools in urban water management was held. There were two experts collaborating with the University of Lodz within the SWITCH project - Prof. Mike Revitt and Dr. Marc Soutter. 2. On 28-31 March 2007 the City of Lodz Office and ERCE - the European Regional Centre For Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO in Lodz hosted the meeting of the Lodz SWITCH Learning Alliance group regarding Learning Alliance Development and Facilitation. The meeting was accompanied by the workshop in communication for LA coordinators from four Demonstration Cities engaged in the SWITCH project - Birmingham, Hamburg, Lodz and Tel Aviv. 3. On 1-5 July 2007 a training workshop Process documentation for learning alliances and action research was held in Lodz. The meeting was organised by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, ERCE - the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO, and the EMPOWERS Partnership. 4. Training workshops Use natural systems in Demo-cities will hold in Lodz. Training will provide a forum for exchanging information and stimulate discussions focusing on the application of ecohydrology and phytotechnology in cities: - 2008 - Plan to use natural systems and processess for Urban Water Management - 2008 - School-education of natural systems in cities based on educational path on the Sokolowka River - 2009 - Restoration of the natural river bed - 2009 - The sewage sludge management and biomass production in the willow plantation in the protective zone of the Wastewater Treatment Plant - 2009 - The mathematical model of stormwater runoff in the Sokolowka River catchment - 2010 - Optimization of urban landscape toward human -well being

_____________________Demonstration Project Details

Activity Reviews and support studies 1. Development of the mathematical model of stormwater runoff and retention of the Sokolowka catchment for river sustainability and ecological potential 2. Zabieniec reservoir reservoir project 3. Development of the project of the semi-natural river corridor between the Teresa and Zgierska Reservoirs 4. Elaboration of the strategy for the sewage sludge management and biomass production in the GWWTP; 5. Elaboration of the conceptual mathematical model for the sewage sludge management and biomass production in the GWWTP 2005 - 2006 Dec 2006 WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / Technical University of Lodz Tasks Timeframe for task Deliverable & due date Lead Comments partner/workpackage


Dec 2006

WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / University of Lodz/ ERCE WP5.3 UL (15) University of Lodz/ ERCE


Dec 2007

2006 - 2009

March 2010

2006 - 2009

Dec 2007 (ver 1.0) Dec 2010 (ver 2.0)

WP5.3 UL (15) University of Lodz/ ERCE

Construction activities 1. Teresa Reservoir continuation of the task, 2nd year of the reservoir construction 2. Construction of the Zabieniec reservoir construction 3. Restoration of the seminatural river corridor on the section between the Teresa and Zgierska reservoirs (600 m; meander M8) 4. Development of new willow plantations (up to 11 ha, depending of the ground availability) Monitoring and analysis 1. On-line hydrological monitoring installation and operation 2. Exploitation of the existing willow plantation (59 ha) 3. Monitoring of the willow plantation 2006 2009 Dec 2007 WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / University of Lodz/ ERCE WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / University of Lodz/ ERCE 2006 May 2006 WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office

2008 - 2009

Dec 2009

WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / University of Lodz/ ERCE

2008 - 2009

Dec 2009

2006 - 2007

Dec 2007

WP5.3 UL (15) City of Lodz Office / University of Lodz/ ERCE

2006 2009

Dec 2009 (report)

2006 - 2010

Dec 210 (report)

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