Ft-05 - Coe-Xii - Ans & Sol

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15/06/2024 Code-A

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone 011-47623456

Fortnightly Test-05 (COE-XII)

(for NEET-2025)
1. (3) 41. (4) 81. (2) 121. (4) 161. (2)
2. (3) 42. (4) 82. (1) 122. (3) 162. (1)
3. (1) 43. (2) 83. (3) 123. (4) 163. (3)
4. (4) 44. (2) 84. (3) 124. (3) 164. (3)
5. (2) 45. (1) 85. (3) 125. (1) 165. (2)
6. (4) 46. (1) 86. (1) 126. (3) 166. (2)
7. (2) 47. (4) 87. (2) 127. (1) 167. (1)
8. (1) 48. (2) 88. (2) 128. (4) 168. (1)
9. (3) 49. (1) 89. (4) 129. (1) 169. (4)
10. (4) 50. (4) 90. (1) 130. (2) 170. (2)
11. (2) 51. (1) 91. (1) 131. (2) 171. (2)
12. (4) 52. (2) 92. (4) 132. (2) 172. (3)
13. (2) 53. (2) 93. (1) 133. (4) 173. (4)
14. (2) 54. (4) 94. (1) 134. (2) 174. (4)
15. (4) 55. (4) 95. (3) 135. (4) 175. (4)
16. (4) 56. (3) 96. (2) 136. (1) 176. (3)
17. (2) 57. (4) 97. (2) 137. (1) 177. (3)
18. (4) 58. (3) 98. (4) 138. (4) 178. (3)
19. (1) 59. (1) 99. (2) 139. (4) 179. (2)
20. (2) 60. (2) 100. (2) 140. (3) 180. (2)
21. (2) 61. (1) 101. (3) 141. (4) 181. (3)
22. (4) 62. (2) 102. (4) 142. (1) 182. (2)
23. (2) 63. (3) 103. (4) 143. (3) 183. (4)
24. (3) 64. (2) 104. (4) 144. (3) 184. (4)
25. (1) 65. (2) 105. (2) 145. (1) 185. (1)
26. (3) 66. (2) 106. (1) 146. (3) 186. (2)
27. (4) 67. (4) 107. (1) 147. (3) 187. (1)
28. (2) 68. (2) 108. (4) 148. (3) 188. (3)
29. (3) 69. (4) 109. (1) 149. (1) 189. (3)
30. (1) 70. (1) 110. (4) 150. (2) 190. (2)
31. (3) 71. (2) 111. (4) 151. (3) 191. (4)
32. (2) 72. (1) 112. (3) 152. (1) 192. (3)
33. (3) 73. (1) 113. (2) 153. (3) 193. (1)
34. (3) 74. (3) 114. (2) 154. (4) 194. (2)
35. (4) 75. (2) 115. (1) 155. (4) 195. (1)
36. (3) 76. (4) 116. (4) 156. (2) 196. (2)
37. (1) 77. (3) 117. (2) 157. (4) 197. (1)
38. (1) 78. (2) 118. (1) 158. (1) 198. (2)
39. (1) 79. (2) 119. (3) 159. (3) 199. (3)
40. (4) 80. (1) 120. (1) 160. (3) 200. (4)

1. Answer (3) 10. Answer (4)
d 2
t  2t  1   At resonance, XC = XL, hence current and voltage
will be in phase.
  2t  2  Straight line 11. Answer (2)
2. Answer (3) EM waves travel with different speeds in different
Magnetic flux linked with the copper tube changes media. It travels with 3 × 108 m/s in free space.
and eddy currents are generated in the tube. The 12. Answer (4)
eddy current opposes the falling of the magnet and Since surface is given as mirror, we assume it as
hence eventually magnet falls with zero a perfectly reflecting surface.
acceleration and uniform velocity.
Radiation pressure from a perfectly reflecting
3. Answer (1)
There will be no change in magnetic flux surface, P 
associated with the loop, hence no net induced c
emf. 25 10
P   108 N/m2
4. Answer (4) 3  108
All the given losses occur in a transformer. 13. Answer (2)
5. Answer (2)
The equivalent circuit will look like as
Ampere’s circuital law:  B  dl  0 i

Modified form :  B  dl  0 i  0 0
14. Answer (2)
E  E0 sin  t  kx 
VAB  Blv sin   B0  2R  v sin60 v

v 
4  1017
 2  108 m/s
k 2  109
VAB  3B0vR
15. Answer (4)
6. Answer (4)
Capacitor causes the leading of current in a circuit,
i  i0 sin  t   hence either only capacitor or capacitor and
inductor (provided XC > XL) can lead the current in
i0 2
irms    2A the given situation.
2 2
16. Answer (4)
7. Answer (2)
Apply energy conservation:
E0 I0
Pav = ErmsIrmscos = cos90  Zero 1 1
2 2 mv 02  kx 2  2  102  200  x 2
2 2
8. Answer (1)
x  1m
Vdt Area in V -t curve
17. Answer (2)
Vav  0

 dt0 Momentum conservation:
T  2 × 5 = 2v1 + 4v2
V0  
Vav     0
2 V 5 = v1 + 2v2 …(i)
T 2 Coefficient of restitution:
9. Answer (3)
v 2  v1
Given, e  110sin 50t  e  1
E0 = 110 V,  = 50 rad/s  v 2  v1  5 …(ii)

Peak current, i 0  0  0 C Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get
XC 10 5
v2  m/s, v1   m/s
i0  110  50  2  106  11 mA 3 3


18. Answer (4) 25. Answer (1)

If only internal forces are acting, then no net
external force is there on the system
Fext = 0  (P)system = 0
But internal force can do work on a system, hence
it can change KE as well as TE.
19. Answer (1)
 
W  F  s  2iˆ  3 jˆ  5kˆ  8 jˆ  24 J Since the flux is outward and increasing, therefore
the induced current will try to oppose it and hence
20. Answer (2) the induced current will be clockwise.

Wnet  KE 

m v f2  v i2  …(i)
26. Answer (3)
Alternating current changes its direction with time.
x  t 2  2t  v  2t  2 27. Answer (4)
vf t  5  8m/s, v i  t  0  2 m/s P  Vrms irms cos   Vrms  irms 
Wnet 
 1

 3 82  22   3  60  90 J
2 Vrms  irms  Z
21. Answer (2) 2
Vrms R
The simplified circuit will be  P  irms
R  2
28. Answer (2)
Given,   200 2 sin 100t  30 

Z  R 2   X L  XC   502  502  50 2 

Blv 2  50  10 2  20 20 1 X L  XC 70  20
i    A tan     1   = 45°
R 100  100 200 10 R 50
22. Answer (4) Since XL > XC, voltage leads current
0 N A i  i0 sin 100t  30  
Self-inductance of a solenoid, L  
200 2
 LA i sin 100t  30  45 
23. Answer (2) 50 2
Just after closing the switch, the inductors will offer i  4sin 100t  15 A
infinite resistance.
29. Answer (3)
In resonance condition,
VL  VC  0 , VR  iR  
30. Answer (1)
Maximum current can be obtained at 100%
 Pinput = Poutput  1000 = 200 × i  i = 5 A
24 31. Answer (3)
Req  
7 A moving electric charge produces both electric
V 7 and magnetic field around it.
i  A
Req 3 32. Answer (2)

24. Answer (3) Coefficient of time  t 

Speed of wave =
Using Lenz’s law, coil 1 will have induced current Coefficient of x
in anticlockwise direction and coil 2 will have 2 
current in clockwise direction.  v 
2k k

33. Answer (3) 40. Answer (4)

In resister, current and voltage are always in Four equal parts, each part has inductance equal
phase, therefore 8
to  2 H
V = iR 4
VR  i0R sin  t  …(i) L
In parallel combination, Leq =

In capacitor, current lead voltage by , therefore 2 1
2  Leq   H
4 2
   
Vc  iX c sin  t    i 0 X c sin   t  41. Answer (4)
 2   2 
E  E0 sin  kx  t 
 i 0 R cos t …(ii)
  2  1010 
In inductor, voltage lead current by , therefore v   107 m/s
2 k 2000
  42. Answer (4)
VL  i 0 X L sin  t  
 2  EM wave does not require material medium
= i 0 R cos t …(iii) for its propagation.
34. Answer (3)  Energy in EM wave is equally distributed in
Among the given options, microwave has the both electric and magnetic field.
maximum wavelength and minimum frequency.  Electric and magnetic fields are in phase.
35. Answer (4)
43. Answer (2)
Charge on the plates of capacitor
Net work done Wnet   KE
q  CV
 10  8  8  KE  KE  10 J
dq dV
i C
dt dt Work done by conservative force WC   U
 i  2  20  10 3
 0.04 A  U   10  U  10 J
36. Answer (3)
Change in total mechanical energy  KE  U
  10  10  0
44. Answer (2)
0  t T  = Constant and positive
Hence,  is constant and negative
d Bl02
T  t  2T  0 
dt 2
d B0    3l  9B l 2
2T  t  3T  = Constant and positive VB  VO     0 …(i)
dt 2 4 32
Hence,  is constant and negative
B0    l  B l 2
37. Answer (1) VA  VO     0 …(ii)
VA  2  1 3  6  3  2  VB
2 4 32
9B0 l 2 B0 l 2
VA  2  3  6  6  VB  VA  VB  7 V VB  VO   VA  VO   
32 32
38. Answer (1)
B0 l 2
When a resistor is connected in a circuit it will VB  VA 
dissipate energy. 4
39. Answer (1) 45. Answer (1)
At resonance  XL = XC
  BA    

d  d B  r

 Z=R dt dt
Vpeak dr dB
ipeak    B    2r  r 2
R dt dt
2 56. Answer (3)
10 5  10   1 
  2  2        Chloroform and acetone will form solution with
100 100  100   2 
negative deviation from Raoult’s law.
2  3 57. Answer (4)
=   volt
100 2  100 200 11.7% Helium, 56.2% nitrogen and 32.1% oxygen
46. Answer (1) are present in tanks of scuba divers.
 i 58. Answer (3)
  Li  L  Reverse osmosis is used for desalination of sea
t t

 6  1 2  0.3 59. Answer (1)
2  L L  0.12 H
0.3 5 Gases are more soluble in water at low
47. Answer (4) temperature.
Poutput 2  400 60. Answer (2)
  0.8  Ethylene glycol is added to car radiators to prevent
Pinput 100  i
freezing of water as depression of freezing point is
8 observed.
i  10 A
0.8 61. Answer (1)
48. Answer (2) For ideal solution, A-B interactions are same as A-
A interactions and B-B interactions.
I 0 E02 c For ideal solution, ΔHmix = 0.
62. Answer (2)
6   0  E02  3  108
62 2  104
= E02  E0 
3  10 0
0 i Kb.m = 2 ×Kb.m
49. Answer (1) i = 2 [produces two ions, so, x = 4]
0 L 1 →[CrCl3.4NH3] or [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]Cl
Quality factor, Q  Q 
R R 63. Answer (3)
50. Answer (4) Boiling point of azeotropic solutions is always
Since magnetic field lines always form closed constant because the mole fraction in solution as
loops, therefore net magnetic flux through any well as vapour phase are same.
closed surface is zero. Solution showing large negative deviation from
51. Answer (1) Raoult’s law form maximum boiling azeotropes.
Lesser the Henry’s law constant, greater is the 64. Answer (2)
solubility of gas. Mass of urea = 28 g
52. Answer (2) Mass of water = 72 g
The fluid inside the blood cell is equivalent to that
of 0.9% (mass/volume) NaCl solution. Molarity =
53. Answer (2)
Depression in freezing point (ΔT f) is colligative 65. Answer (2)
property not freezing point.
54. Answer (4)
Osmotic pressure is best suited colligative
property for determination of molar mass of
proteins. 1.002=1+𝛼
55. Answer (4) 𝛼=0.002
K4[Fe(CN)6] dissociates in aq. Solution 𝐾𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠.=𝐶𝛼2
66. Answer (2)
van't Hoff factor, i = 4 + 1 = 5
Molality does not depend on temperature.

67. Answer (4) = 0.1768  0.177

Solutions showing positive deviation from Raoult’s So, Tb = 373 + 0.177 = 373.177 K
law forms minimum boiling azeotropes. 76. Answer (4)
68. Answer (2) ΔTb = i×Kb×m … (i)
ΔTf = Kf × molality
and ΔTf = i × Kf×m … (ii)
ΔTf = 5.12 × 0.078
ΔTf = 0.40 K
69. Answer (4)
77. Answer (3)
Solutions having same osmotic pressure at a
given temperature are called isotonic solutions. i 1
70. Answer (1) n 1
m = 0.7 ⇒ 0.70 mol solute for 1000 g water a. AB2  i   n  1  1

 i  0.2  3  1  1  1.4

b. AB  i  0.8  2  1  1  1.8

c. A2B2  i  0.4  4  1  1  2.2

∴ Relative lowering in vapour pressure is 0.0125.
71. Answer (2) d. AB3  i  0.5  4  1  1  2.5
78. Answer (2)
m  0.1
342  1
72. Answer (1)
ΔTb = Kb.m = 0.52 × 0.1 = 0.052 K
79. Answer (2)

(∵ Kb will be same)
nA = moles of solvent
p° = vapour pressure of pure solvent
ps = vapour pressure of solution

∴ Tb (glucose solution) = 373.15 + 0.32 = 373.47 K

73. Answer (1)
Lower the boiling point, higher will be the vapour
pressure of liquid.
74. Answer (3)
ΔTb = iKbm
For same solvent and equimolal solutions
Tb  i
Compound 
Glucose 1
x = 80 g mol–1
KCl 2 80. Answer (1)
CaCl2 3
75. Answer (2)
ΔTb = iKbm
i   n  1  1  0.8  4  1  1  3.4
 Tb  3.4  0.52  0.1


81. Answer (2) 93. Answer (1)

C6H5–COOH (Benzoic acid)
In benzene
82. Answer (1)
By association number of particles decreases.
83. Answer (3)

84. Answer (3)

It is a case of negative deviation and volume of the
solution phase decreases due to increase in
intermolecular force of attraction.
85. Answer (3)

94. Answer (1)

Colligative properties depend on the number of
solute particles irrespective of their nature relative
to the total number of particles present in the
86. Answer (1) solution.
O2 has more solubility than N2 due to more 95. Answer (3)
intermolecular force of attraction. ptotal  p10 x1  p02 x 2
87. Answer (2)
PSol = PHexane + PHeptane  p10 x1  p02 1 x1 

= PHexane xHexane  PHeptane xHeptane

o o
 
 p02  p10  p02 x1

2 3 96. Answer (2)

=  300   180  228 mm of Hg Mass of solute
5 5 Mass percentage =  100
88. Answer (2) Mass of solution
Number of particle increases osmotic pressure  0.5  60 
    100  2.9%
also increases.  1000 0.5 60 
89. Answer (4) 97. Answer (2)
Pressure does not have any significant effect on
solubility of solids in liquids.
90. Answer (1)
M2   0.4
Molarity = 0.4 M 98. Answer (4)
91. Answer (1) Osmotic pressure () = i  c  R  T
∆Tf = i(Kf × m)  0.5 M CaCl2 (i = 3) will have same osmotic
pressure as 1.5 M glucose (i = 1).
99. Answer (2)

∴ (∆Tf)urea = 0.37°C
92. Answer (4)
KH depends on temperature.


100. Answer (2) 110. Answer (4)

pH + pOH = 14 ⇒ pH = 2 Whisky, brandy and rum are produced by the
∴ [H+] = 10–2 distillation of fermented broth.
111. Answer (4)
HA ⇌H+ + A–
Lipases are used in detergent formulations and
[H+] = Cα ⇒ 0.05 ×  = 10–2
helpful in removing oily stains.
i = 1 +  ⇒ 1.2
112. Answer (3)
10 2 Cyclosporin A is used as an immunosuppressive
  0.2
5  10 2 agent in organ-transplant patients.
Now, 𝜋 = iCRT 113. Answer (2)
= 1.2 × 0.05 × 0.0821 × 298 = 1.47 atm Acetic acid is used in preparation of vinegar.
101. Answer (3) 114. Answer (2)
Curd is more nutritious than milk as the former Microbes are protozoa, bacteria, fungi,
contains an increased amount of vitamin B12. microscopic animals and plant viruses, viroids and
102. Answer (4) prions.
Large holed Swiss cheese is ripened with the help 115. Answer (1)
of bacterium Propionibacterium sharmanii. Toddy – Yeast
103. Answer (4) Baker’s yeast – Saccharomyces
Swelling of dough during bread making is due to Curd – Lactobacillus
activity of enzymes amylase, zymase and Penicillin – Penicillium notatum
116. Answer (4)
104. Answer (4)
lac a gene codes for transacetylase which can
Water containing cavities in the vascular bundles
transfer acetyl group to -galactoside.
are characteristic features of monocot stems.
105. Answer (2) 117. Answer (2)
In dicot roots, initiation of lateral roots takes place Severo Ochoa enzyme (polynucleotide
phosphorylase) is helpful in polymerising RNA
in thick walls parenchymatous cells known as
with defined sequences in a template independent
pericycle. manner.
106. Answer (1) 118. Answer (1)
Collenchyma is an elastic, living mechanical Lactose acts as inducer for the expression of lac
tissue. operon.
The intercellular spaces are absent because these 119. Answer (3)
cells are closely packed with each other. At the
DNA fingerprinting is the technique used for
corners of these cells, thickenings of cellulose,
determining nucleotide sequence of certain areas
hemicellulose and pectin develop, which provide
of DNA which are unique to each individual.
the strength to the walls.
107. Answer (1) 120. Answer (1)
In leaves of grasses, certain adaxial epidermal The technique of DNA fingerprinting was
cells along the veins modify themselves into large, developed by Alec Jeffreys.
empty and colourless cells. These are called 121. Answer (4)
bulliform cells. The code is nearly universal.
108. Answer (4) UUU would code for phenylalanine in all organism
Trichomes arise from epidermis. some exception to this rule have been found in
109. Answer (1) mitochondria and protozoa.
Microbes Product 122. Answer (3)
Gene expression result in the formation of
a. Aspergillus niger – Citric acid polypeptide.
b. Acetobacter aceti – Acetic acid Protein synthesis occurs in cytoplasm.
c. Lactobacillus – Lactic acid 123. Answer (4)
d. Clostridium – Butyric acid Less than 2% of human genome codes for
butylicum proteins.


124 Answer (3) Step 3: Formation of polypeptide chain

The process of translation requires the transfer of 138. Answer (4)
genetic information from a polymer of nucleotides In DNA fingerprinting detection of hybridised DNA
to from a polymer of amino acids. fragments by autoradiography.
125. Answer (1)
139. Answer (4)
HGP was closely associated with the rapid
development of a new area in biology called Genetic code is triplet in nature. So, addition or
Bioinformatics. deletion of three adjacent nitrogen bases does not
change the reading frame of mRNA.
126. Answer (3)
140. Answer (3)
Mutations keep on accumulating generation after
generation and form one of the basis of Microsatellites are with the size from 1 to 6 bp
variability/polymorphism. The size of VNTR varies from 0.1 – 20 kb.
127. Answer (1) 141. Answer (4)
If a gene encoding a polypeptide of 60 amino The y gene in E. coli codes for permease which
acids, 30th codon (UAU) is mutated to UAA, then increases permeability of the cell to
the polypeptide will stop translation because UAA -galactosides.
is stop codon. Therefore, the polypeptide with 29 142. Answer (1)
amino acids will be formed.
First antibiotic was Penicillin which was obtained
128. Answer (4) from Penicillium notatum and it belongs to
Amino acids are attached to the 3-end of tRNA. Ascomycetes.
129. Answer (1) 143. Answer (3)
AUG has dual function as it is an initiation codon VNTR stands for Variable Number of Tandem
and also codes for methionine. Repeats.
UGG codes for tryptophan, and it is a non-
144. Answer (3)
degenerate codon.
UUU codes for phenylalanine and UAG is stop One of the goals of Human Genome Project is to
codon. identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes
in human DNA.
130. Answer (2)
Statins have been commercialised as blood- 145. Answer (1)
cholesterol lowering agents. Regulator gene synthesises a regulator protein
Statins are produced by yeast. which can act positively as activator and
131. Answer (2) negatively as repressor.
The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered by 146. Answer (3)
Alexander Fleming while working on SNPs stands for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism.
Staphylococci bacteria. 147. Answer (3)
132. Answer (2)
One of the approaches used in methodologies for
Pectinase and protease help clarifying fruit juices. HGP is that, all genes that are expressed as RNA,
Proteases are the polymers of amino acids. referred to as Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs).
133. Answer (4) 148. Answer (3)
Curd, toddy and cheese are household products.
Streptokinase used as clot buster, is produced by
134. Answer (2) the bacterium Streptococcus.
Butyric acid is used for making rancid butter.
149. Answer (1)
135. Answer (4)
Methionine is coded by AUG and tryptophan is
In the genetic code dictionary, 61 codons are used
coded UGG. AUG and UGG are non-degenerate
to code for all the 20 amino acids.
136. Answer (1)
150. Answer (2)
Polymorphism in DNA sequence is the basis of
genetic mapping of human genome as well as The UTRs are present at both 5 and 3 ends. They
DNA fingerprinting. are required for efficient translation process.
137. Answer (1) 151. Answer (3)
Correct sequence of translation will be In humans, health is adversely affected by
Step 1: Activation of amino acid infections, genetic disorders and unhealthy
Step 2: Charging of tRNA lifestyle.

152. Answer (1) 160. Answer (3)

Health does not simply means ‘absence of Early Greeks as well as Indian Ayurveda system
disease’ or ‘physical fitness’. It could be defined as of medicine had opinion that persons with
a state of complete physical, mental and social blackbile belonged to hot personality and have
well-being. When people are healthy, they are fever. The discovery of blood circulation by William
more efficient at work. This increases productivity Harvey using experimental method and the
and brings economic prosperity. Health also demonstration of normal body temperature in
increases longevity of people. persons with blackbile using thermometer
153. Answer (3) disproved the ‘good humor’ hypothesis of health.
Balanced diet, personal hygiene and regular 161. Answer (2)
exercise are very important to maintain good Since children in metro cities of India are provided
health. Vaccination (which induce artificial active with protected environment during their early life,
immunity), proper disposal of wastes, etc. are they become sensitive to the environment.
necessary for achieving good health. To determine the cause of allergy, the patient is
154. Answer (4) exposed to or injected with very small doses of
Allergy is due to the release of chemicals like possible allergens.
histamine and serotonin from the mast cells. The IgE is a monomeric antibody molecule hence it
use of drugs like anti-histamine, adrenaline possesses 2 light chains and 2 heavy chains.
releasing from adrenal medulla and steroids like These are produced against allergens.
cortisol releasing from adrenal cortex quickly 162. Answer (1)
reduce the symptoms of allergy.
The malarial parasites initially multiply within the
155. Answer (4)
liver cells and then attack the RBCs resulting in
Typhoid fever is also called enteric fever which is their rupture.
caused by a gram-negative bacterium Salmonella
typhi. 163. Answer (3)
Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus In case of malarial infection, the rupture of RBCs
pneumoniae cause pneumonia and Yersinia is associated with release of a toxic substance,
pestis causes plague or bubonic plague. haemozoin, which is responsible for the chills and
high fever recurring every three to four days.
156. Answer (2)
Intestinal perforation and death may occur in 164. Answer (3)
severe cases of typhoid fever. Sustained high Symptoms listed are of amoebiasis, caused by
fever (39°C to 40°C), weakness, stomach pain, Entamoeba histolytica. Houseflies act as
constipation, headache and loss of appetite are mechanical carriers and serve to transmit the
some of the common symptoms of typhoid fever. parasite from faeces of infected person to food
In severe cases of pneumonia, the lips and finger and food products, thereby contaminating them.
nails may turn grey to bluish in colour. 165. Answer (2)
157. Answer (4) Symptoms of ascariasis include blockage of
Both pneumonia and common cold spread through intestinal passage, internal bleeding, muscular
air droplets released by an infected person. pain, fever, anemia. Filarial worms cause chronic
Malaria spread through the bite of an infected inflammation of the organs in which they live for
female Anopheles mosquito. many years, usually the lymphatic vessels of the
158. Answer (1) lower limbs.
Pneumonia, plague and diphtheria are bacterial 166. Answer (2)
diseases while polio is a viral disease caused by Many fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum,
polio virus. Trichophyton and Epidermophyton are
159. Answer (3) responsible for ringworms which is one of the most
Haemophilus  Pneumonia infectious diseases in man. Appearance of dry,
scaly lesions on various parts of the body such as
skin, nails and scalp are the main symptoms of this
Plasmodium  Malignant malaria disease.
falciparum 167. Answer (1)
Rhino virus  Common cold Mucus coating of the epithelium lining the
respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts is
Entamoeba  Amoebiasis the component of physical barriers of innate
histolytica immunity.


168. Answer (1) 177. Answer (3)

Though human heart is autoexcitable, its functions A neural centre in the medulla oblongata can
can be moderated by neural and hormonal moderate the cardiac functions through ANS.
mechanism. Heart failure is the state of heart Sympathetic neural signals can increase the rate
when it is not pumping blood effectively enough to of heart beat, the strength of ventricular
meet the needs of the body. It is sometimes called contraction and thereby the cardiac output.
congestive heart failure because congestion of the Parasympathetic neural signals decrease the rate
lungs is one of the main symptoms of this disease. of heart beat, speed of conduction of action
169. Answer (4) potentials and thereby the cardiac output. Adrenal
A clot or coagulum is formed mainly of a network medullary hormones can also increase the cardiac
of threads called fibrins, in which dead and output.
damaged formed elements of blood are trapped. 178. Answer (3)
170. Answer (2) The antigen binding site is present in the variable
Lymph is a colourless fluid containing specialised region of both heavy and light chains at
lymphocytes which are responsible for the N-terminal.
immune responses of the body. An elaborated
network of vessels called lymphatic system
collects tissue fluid and drains it back to the major
171. Answer (2)
Interferons belong to cytokine barriers of innate
immunity. Virus-infected cells secrete proteins
called interferons which protect non-infected cells
from further viral infection.
172. Answer (3)
In a monomeric antibody molecule two heavy
chains and two light chains are present. Two
heavy chains are joined together by two interchain 179. Answer (2)
disulphide bonds. The yellowish fluid colostrum secreted by mother
173. Answer (4) during the initial days of lactation has abundant
There are no such vaccines for AIDS. antibodies(IgA) to protect the infant. This type of
174. Answer (4) immunity is called passive immunity.
Thymus and bone marrow are primary lymphoid 180. Answer (2)
organs where immature lymphocytes differentiate In case of auto-immunity, the body attacks self-
into antigen-sensitive lymphocytes. After cells. This results in the damage to the body.
maturation, the lymphocytes migrate to secondary Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease,
lymphoid organs like spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, in which immune system attacks self-cells.
Peyer’s patches of small intestine and appendix.
181. Answer (3)
They provide the sites for interaction of
In case of snakebites, the injection given to the
lymphocytes with the antigen.
patients contain preformed antibodies against the
175. Answer (4)
snake venom. This type of immunisation is called
The thymus is quite large at the time of birth but passive immunisation.
keeps reducing in size with age and by the time
182. Answer (2)
puberty is attained it reduces to a very small size.
Both bone marrow and thymus provide micro- The primary immune response against a pathogen
environments for the development and maturation is of low intensity. Subsequent encounter with the
of T-lymphocytes. same pathogen elicits a highly intensified
secondary or anamnestic response. The
176. Answer (3)
T-lymphocytes produce cell-mediated immune
a. Atherosclerosis  It is caused by deposits of response while B-lymphocytes produce humoral
calcium, fat, cholesterol, etc. immune response.
b. Heart attack  When the heart muscle is 183. Answer (4)
suddenly damaged by an inadequate blood
When our body encounters a pathogen for the first
time, it produces a response called primary
c. Angina  A symptom of acute chest pain response which is of low intensity. Subsequent
appears when no enough oxygen is reaching encounter with the same pathogen elicits a highly
the heart muscle intensified secondary or anamnestic response.
d. Cardiac arrest  When the heart stops beating

184. Answer (4) 193. Answer (1)

Foetus receives some antibodies from their Lymph nodes serve to trap the micro-organisms or
mother through placenta. It is an example of antigens, which happen to get into the lymph and
natural passive immunity. tissue fluid. Lymph nodes are small solid
185. Answer (1) structures located at different points along the
For diseases like malaria and filariasis which are lymphatic system.
transmitted through insect vectors, the most 194. Answer (2)
important measure is to control or eliminate the Immature T-lymphocytes mature in primary
vectors and their breeding places. This can be lymphoid organ (thymus). They proliferate and
achieved by avoiding stagnation of water in and differentiate to become effector cell in secondary
around residential areas, regular cleaning of lymphoid organs/tissues, e.g. spleen. Thyroid
household coolers, spraying of insecticides, gland is an endocrine gland.
introducing fishes like Gambusia in ponds that 195. Answer (1)
feed on mosquito larvae, etc. The yellowish fluid colostrum secreted by mother
186. Answer (2) during initial days of lactation has abundant IgA
Anti-tetanus serum provides passive immunity as antibody. It provides passive immunity.
it contains ready-made antibodies. 196. Answer (2)
187. Answer (1) Vaccines produced using recombinant DNA
Haemophilus influenzae is responsible for technology allow large scale production and hence
pneumonia in humans which infects the alveoli of greater availability for immunisation, e.g. hepatitis-
the lungs. In common cold, only nose and B vaccine produced from yeast.
respiratory passage is affected, not the lungs. 197. Answer (1)
188. Answer (3) Vaccine for tuberculosis contains harmless
A healthy person acquires the infection of polio bacteria and that of diphtheria contains inactivated
through contaminated food and water. toxin.
189. Answer (3) 198. Answer (2)
Pathogens have to adapt life within the Structure marked ‘A’ is thymus.
environment of the host. The pathogen that enters
the gut must know a way of surviving in the
stomach at low pH and resisting the various
digestive enzymes.
190. Answer (2)
Tissue and blood group matching are essential
before undertaking any graft/transplant and even
after this the patient has to take immuno-
suppressants all his/her life. The body is able to
differentiate ‘self’ and ‘non-self’ and the cell-
mediated immune response is mainly responsible
for the graft rejection.
191. Answer (4)
The substances to which exaggerated response of
the immune system is produced are called 199. Answer (3)
allergens. The antibodies produced against these Immuno-suppressants are given during organ
allergens are of IgE type. Tonsils are secondary transplantation to suppress cell-mediated
lymphoid organs. Primary lymphoid organs (bone immunity to avoid the chance of graft rejection.
marrow and thymus) are sites of differentiation of 200. Answer (4)
immature lymphocytes into antigen-sensitive When an infected female Anopheles bites a
lymphocytes. healthy person, sporozoites of Plasmodium enter
192. Answer (3) in human body. The female Anopheles mosquito
Spleen is a large bean-shaped organ. It is a takes up gametocytes of Plasmodium with blood
secondary lymphoid organ that provides site for meal from an infected person.
interaction of lymphocytes with the antigen. It has
a large reservoir of erythrocytes.


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