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Preposition: 전치사 fff ㅁㄴㅁㄴㅇㄹㄴㄹ sasasa
Past particle: 과거분사
I studied until two days ago – 이틀 전까지 토익공부를 했었어
Comprehension: 이해력
It is made easily – 쉽게 출제 되다.
I got a pleasing score: 만족스러운 결과를 받만
The more the better – 높을 수록 좋아
It is hard to replace other credits in an architecture major. It is a rule.
Obstacle: 장애물
Before that(그전까지) many AI was at elementary levels. It was hard to call it AI.
It is hard to make the AI design happen in reality.
Applicant 지원자
Some architects gather to criticize one architectural project.
Civil engeeneering: 토목건설가
Studying two majors is too much for me.
Earthquake: 지진 gnaw: 갉아먹다 insulation: 단열
Southeast asia : 동남아시아

Extraordinaire – 탁월한
Jet–lagged - 시차
Get in – 도착하다
Get on/out : 탈 것들을 탈 때 다 사용가능하다
Woke up in the middle of the night.
Have in-store = have plan=expectation
Tone = pitch = the quality of a person’s voice
Finally, I met you.
I have been wanting you meet you. = I want to meet you.
I’m pleasure to meet you.
I seldom hear – seldom 자체가 부정이기 때문에 또다른 부정을 사용하지 않도록 주의합시다.
Redundant – 불필요한
Present – 현재
Closer then now
I hope we can get there – arrive
Get by – survive(ex, how are you getting by with your new friends?) 어떻게 지내왔어
Opposite meaning of get on – off, get in – get out
Get lost – 길을 잃다.
Survival of fittest
They are very well treated.
Crumble: 무너지다
Distort the meaning: 뜻을 왜곡하다
Citizenship: 시티즌
Lawsuit: 소송
Dwell: 살다
Bed impression – 나쁜인식 as a matter of fact – 사실은, territory – 영토분쟁
Exclusive : 배타적인
2024.02.10 (Sat)
There wasn’t nothing.
It is the biggest holiday in korea.
In the morning, we usually have rice cake soup.
After which(그 이후에), we have to make a deep bow to our parents.
Fading, the cultural ritual, ancient norms(규범), envelope(덮다)
The elder gets more money than the younger.
You’ve been browsing architectural ideas, books or designs lately.
Gravity (I am pulled toward – 끌어당기다 this kind of design)
Next to the fall, by the fall(next 가 더 가까이 있는 것을 의미한다.)
The house over the falls. Recreate it someday.
It shows students the fusion of nature and industrial design.
The great depression – 대공황 realtors – 부동산 업자
Apartment is the universal/convenience/general
Rural is cheaper. The demand of house is lower than other countries.
H-1B / Non-immigrant foreign worker visa.
It is only issued for blue-collar workers like lawyers, accountants, and architects.
Afther which,
As a matter of fact, the best choice I belive is to go to japan.
Enroll yourself in the school. I enrolled(registered) in the university.
Freshmen, sophomore third year, junior, senior
Intimidated – 겁을내는
4 majors and 2 electives (optional) 4 필교 2 선택교양
Beforehand – 이전에
Prior knowledge – 사전지식
As a matter of fact, I want you to use this today in any of your conversation.s
Medium of conversation : 대화의 매개체
I don’t know what is in store for me that day, but blow my mind. = I have no idea about your
prese ntation, but surprise me!
I’m looking forward to ing – 하는 것을 기대하다.
I don’t have any plan I usually wake up lately.
I usually wake up around 10am
It was built for Japanese workers.
Renovations were constantly done. Restore landmark, historical building
It was built using wood and over time it changed to concrete/
1957- built by Korean construction company, it was demolished and new apartment were built in
the same place.
1962 – a huge apartment complex(elevators and individual bathrooms)
When did korean design a heating system within each unit?
You squat and it is detached from the house.
It is a narrow space with cubicles.
Built for solving the population? Tenant – 세입자
There are some terms.
As many as I can’t buy
Welfare – 복지
Manager who care about the apartment.
Janitor – sanitary engineers – facility fee
층수 – the number of layers
Koean combines words . it is confuse
Corporate body –
Occupants – 사용자
Loan shark – 고리대금 업자
It is a color research and development company
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This is a company that has contributed to structuring

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Leatrice Eiseman
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Front porch, back porch 파사드,

2024.02.25 (sun)
My major will require me to be home last because of my homework or other school stuff.
Inconvenient for a roommate. Considerate.
Lucrative = 수익성 좋은
Dash = -
Resonate with
Master room
We can water on the floor
Mop 대걸래
Duplex house – 복층집
Or two story house
We should pay extra fee.
Detached house - 단독주택

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