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Data Science Enthusiast | Junior ML
Friday 03 | 11 | 2023

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Tirtha
Debnath, and I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the Web3 Data
Scientist position at XMTP Labs, Inc. As an aspiring Data Scientist with a background in
extracting actionable insights from diverse datasets, I am excited about the opportunity
to contribute to XMTP's vision of reimagining decentralized, secure, and portable

Having honed my skills over the past three years in the Data Science field, I have
developed a keen ability to leverage data to drive strategic decision-making. My
experience at MasterCourse Bangladesh has allowed me to gain advanced knowledge
and hands-on experience in both Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Through
designing and deploying projects for local and international communities, I have
demonstrated a commitment to solving real-world problems.

The values and goals of XMTP Labs resonate deeply with me. I share your belief that
privacy is an essential right, and I am passionate about contributing to the creation of a
communication protocol that empowers individuals while ensuring data protection and
ownership. Moreover, your commitment to inclusivity and diversity aligns perfectly with
my belief in the power of diverse perspectives in driving innovation.

One of the projects I am particularly proud of is the "Online Course Classifier," which
involved scraping and analyzing vast amounts of data to categorize courses effectively.
This experience has equipped me with the skills to navigate complex datasets, a quality I
believe will be invaluable in uncovering growth opportunities for XMTP.

I am drawn to XMTP Labs not only for the pioneering work you are doing in the
blockchain and data analysis space but also for the culture of collaboration,
transparency, and continuous learning that you promote. I am eager to join a visionary
team dedicated to shaping the future of messaging and am excited about the prospect
of contributing to such an ambitious project.

Enclosed is my resume for your consideration, which provides further details about my
experience and skills. I am confident that my expertise in Python, SQL, and advanced
analytics, along with my proficiency in data preprocessing and modeling, make me a
strong fit for this role.

Warm regards,
Tirtha Debnath

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