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Answer of biology sheets

Cell growth and division 2 pages

Started by 1. Large cells are difficult to…


2- c

3- a

4- d

5- d

6- b

7- a

8- c

9- c

10- d

11- chromatin

12- centrosome

13- spindle

14- centromere

15- cancer
Cell structure H.W. 3 Pages

Started by in the space provided, write T ……

1- T
2- T
3- F
4- F
5- T
6- Bacterium
7- Cytoplasm
8- Cytoskeleton
9- DNA
10- Lysosomes
11- Ribosomes
12- Endoplasmic reticulum
13- Nucleus
14- Eukaryote
15- Flagella
16- Prokaryote
17- Ribosomes
18- Cell membrane
19- A
20- B
21- C
22- C
Cell structure 4 pages
1- A
2- D
3- C
4- C
5- A
6- B
7- C
8- D
9- Microscope
10- Cell membrane
11- Ribosomes
12- Nucleus __ organelles
13- Genetic material or DNA
14- Central vacuole
15- Endoplasmic reticulum __________ golgi apparatus
16- Lysosomes
17- Cytoskeleton
18- Chloroplasts
19- Organ
20- Colonial organism
21- Multicellular
22- Cell membrane
23- Golgi apparatus
24- Cell wall
25- Central vacuole
26- Endoplasmic reticulum, or rough E.R. , or E.R.
27- Mitochondria
28- Chloroplast
29- 1-all living things are made up of one or more cells . 2-cells are the
baic units of structure and function in organisms . 3-all cells arise
from existing cells.
30- Prokariotes: 1-single celled organisms 2-lack internal membrane
bound compartment including a nucleus and other membrane bound
organelles. 3-the genetic material is single loop of DNA. Eukaryotes:
1-single celled or multicellular. 2-have nucleus which is a membrane
bound compartment that houses the cell’s DNA and other organelles
that carry out specific functions. 3-are more complex than prokaryotic
cells and can carry out more specialized functions.


Cell and their environment 4 pages

Started by: In the space provided, write the letter of the description
1- I
2- G
3- B
4- D
5- F
6- H
7- A
8- E
9- C
10- J
11- C
12- B
13- A
14- B
15- D
16- A
17- C
18- Endocytosis
19- Polar __________ nonpolar
20- Inside _____________ water
21- Against __ +++
22- Hypotonic
23- +++++++
24- By controlling which substances enter and leave the cell,
providing structural support, recognizing foreign substances and
communicating with other cells.
25- Simple diffusion: occurs when substances pass down the
concentration gradient on their own. Oxygen molecules passes from
outside the cell through the cell membrane to the inside of the cell is
an example. Facilitated diffusion: occurs when substances pass
down the concentration gradient. Moving a cross the cell membrane
with aid of transport proteins either channel proteins or carrier
proteins sodium ions can diffuse through a cell membranes of
channel proteins.
26- +++++++
27- Osmosis allows cells to maintain water balance as the
condition around the cell change.
28- The cell consumes food particles that are too big to pass
through a channel protein by using endocytosis.
29- ++++++++


Cells and environment H.W. 2 pages

Started by using the word bank…

1- Homeostasis
2- Phospholipids
3- Nonpolar
4- Receptor
5- T
6- F
7- T
8- F
9- F
10- C
11- C
12- B
13- C
14- B
15- C
16- D
17- A
18- B


Ecosystem 4 pages

Started by: in the space provided write the letter…..

1- D
2- A
3- ++++
4- C
5- B
6- A
7- C
8- B
9- D
10- B
11- C
12- E
13- A
14- D
15- A biotic factors
16- Energy pyramid
17- 10 _____________ second
18- Nitrogen fixation
19- Ammonification
20- A biotic factors such as soil, water, and weather
21- Energy is always lost when it is transferred from trophic
level to the next.
22- ++++++
23- Assimilation, ammonification, nitrification, and
24- By breaking down organic molecules in cellular
respiration and by death and decomposition.
25- Combustion.
Section: interactions in communities H. W. 1 page
1- B
2- A
3- C
4- A
5- D
6- C
7- E
8- B
9- A
10- D


Hormones and the endocrine system 3 pages

1- A
2- B
3- A
4- A
5- A
6- B
7- B
8- A
9- E
10- F
11- D
12- C
13- Target cells
14- Hypothalamus
15- Second messenger
16- Steroid
17- A
18- B
19- B
20- A
21- B


Hormones and the endocrine system

1- A
2- D
3- B
4- +++++
5- A
6- Insulin lower blood glucose levels by promoting the
accumulation of glucogen in the liver. It also
stimulates muscle cells to take up Glucose and
convert it into glycogen. Glycogen raises blood sugar
levels by stimulating liver cells to release glucose that
was stored as glycogen.
7- +++++++++++++
8- Endocrine glands.
9- Hormone receptor
10- Negative feed back
11- Hypothalamus ______ pituitary
12- thyroid

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