Growexx Questions 30.08.2022

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Mayank Gupta 19BCP079

1. Tell me about your projects – focus on this bit more

2. User defined data types
3. Four pillars of java
4. Overloading and overriding
5. And generic questios like introduction what do you like where do yo see yourself 5 years down
the line

Rajan Gautam 19BCP101

1. Basic Introduction
2. Asked me to describe about the projects I have done
3. Asked me about what I did in my previous internship
4. What is your goal in the internship at Growexx?
5. Why do you want to join Growexx? Why Growexx and why not any other organization?
6. Asked me write a code for penalty check after 5 penalties are taken in football after 5 minutes.
7. In which fields you want to work on?
8. Write a query to get the name and marks of a student who got second lowest mark.
9. What are the differences between Static and Instance method in OOP.
10. Write a function to calculate Power Function with validation in JavaScript.

Round 2:

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Find the 5th highest salary of an employee from Employee table?
3. Difference between private, public and internal in C#.
4. Difference between Assembly and Namespace in C#.

Harsh Patel 19BCP051

1. Introduction
2. What is the oops?
3. What is the inheritance and we can access the public , protected and private function of the class?
4. What is the polymorthism?
5. Asked me about the projects?
6. What type of role what want to work in like front end developer, back end developer?
7. What is the difference in varchar and char in mysql?
8. They asked me the question which is wrong in aptitube test
9. Describe the forien key and primary key in dbms.
10. How to declare the inheritance in c++?
11. First they asked me about preferred language for working and why you have selected c++ instead of
Vismay Gajera – 19BCP140

Round - 1

1. Introduction
2. What is slicing in python ?
3. What is the difference between list and Tuples ?
4. What is the encapsulation in java ?
5. What you have done in the Co2 Emission project ?
6. Why we have not used pointers in java ?
7. Tell me the Challenges that you have faced during the project and how you have solved it ?
8. What are the queries you have write on mongodb during summer internship ?
9. Discuss the process you have performed to complete the project ?
10. Given a situation and what you have do ?
11. How you collected the data for the project ?
12. What is the timetable in DBMS ?
13. What is RCT in DBMS ?

Round – 2

1. Introduction
2. Given a question related to the Prbability
3. Given a question to write sql query
4. What is the difference between public and private keyword?
5. What is the difference between Runtime Polymorphism and Compile time Polymorphism?

Pushti Yadav – 19BIT105

1. Introduction
2. What will be the color theme if you are building a website?
3. What are the technologies you know?
4. What is the vein diagram of right join?
5. What are static and instances method?
6. Where to apply theme change button on web page?
7. What is transform property in css?
8. How will you cope with the hand-on facility of checking clothes in terms of fabric, size on
9. Why do you want to learn React?
10. Difference between class and ID?
11. What are the certification courses you have done and what have you learn from those certified
12. What are your expectation from the internship at Growexx?
Dhrumil Shah – 19BCP164D

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Resume Questions.
3. Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
4. Previous Internship Related Questions.
5. How did you manage 2 internships at a time?
6. What is Polymorphism?
7. How is polymorphism implemented?
8. What is abstraction?
9. Examples of Polymorphism.
10. Inheritance Examples.
11. Live examples related to inheritance.
12. What is encapsulation?
13. What is Left join?
14. What is Left Outer join?
15. What is primary key?
16. What is foreign key?
17. What is candidate key?
18. What is group by and having?
19. What is the difference between group by and having?

Nirbhay Parmar – 19BIT090

Round -1

1. What language do you more comfortable on C++ or Java?

2. Resume questions
3. Previous internship related questions.
4. What is difference between delete and truncate in SQL?
5. What are windows functions in MySQL?
6. What are access modifiers in C++?
7. What is difference between where and having in SQL?
8. What is abstraction?
9. What role do you see yourself in 5 years down the line?
10. Explain your project like I am a client.

Round -2

1. What is difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

2. Write a query to get the 5th highest salary.
3. What is difference between run time polymorphism and compile time polymorphism?
4. Why we use static keyword?
5. What is difference between normal and static variable?

Yashvi Thacker – 19BIT136

1. How can you design e raised to m in HTML,CSS?

2. How can you write e raised to m in javascript or any other languae?
3. Write a sql query to get the names of students who were absent in the exam?
4. Design a UI template for shopping of a particular product.
5. How can you convince your customer to buy a particular product through your design?
6. What is transform property in CSS?
7. What is float property in CSS?
8. How can you write the content from the right side in HTML?

Priyanshi Pansara-19BCP171D

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What is OOPs?
3. Examples related to encapsulation and inheritance.
4. What is encapsulation?
5. What is Left join?
6. What is Left Outer join?
7. What is primary key?
8. What is foreign key?
9. What is candidate key?
10. Databases known to me
11. Limit() in dbms

Brave Desai-19BIT020
Round 1:
1. Introduction

2. What is difference between delete and truncate in SQL?

3. What are windows functions in MySQL?

4. What is Data Encapsulation
5. Condition for infinite loop in java
6. What are class loaders in java
7. Projects related questions

8. What is the difference between list and Tuples ?

Round 2:
1. Introduction
2. Public Static Void Main() explain every keyword
3. Java Polymorphism Related questions
4. Machine learning project related questions.

Popat Meet – 19BCP169D

Round 1:

1. Intoduction or explain yourself

2. Most questions from the resume.
3. Explaining my personal projects
4. What is Polymophism?
5. What is pointers?
6. What is abstract class?
7. What is difference between delete and truncate in SQL?
8. What is friend class & function?
9. What is AWS & types
10. What database you prefer?
11. What is restful services?

Kushal Gajjar – 19BIT070

Round 1:

1. Introduction about yourself

2. What did you do in your project?
3. What is Polymorphism?
4. Class A extends B question
5. Abstraction?
6. What is LEFT JOIN?
7. Foreign Key, Candidate Key?
8. How can I find the second highest marked student if a table is given using SQL?

Kunj Manavadariya – 19BIT068

Round 1:

1. Introduce yourself
2. What was your role in internship? (one of my internship)
3. What is Bootstrap Grid System?
4. What is z-index in CSS?
5. What I did in my NPTEL course?
6. What is big omega notation?
7. What is difference between static and instance methods?
8. Write a javascript function to calculate number of matches by 7 teams with each other once.
9. Geo method in MongoDB
10. How to calculate number of documents in a collection in MongoDB?
11. Diff between props and state in ReactJS.

Jainil Patel – 19BCP056

Round 1:

1. Self Introduction
2. What is Polymorphism?
3. What are access modifiers?
4. Which project is your favorite and why?
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
6. Difference between Sql and NoSql database?
7. Explain about any astronomy topic? (I wrote astronomy in interests)
8. Internship

Round 2:

1. Self Introduction
2. Asked 2 puzzles
3. What is Semaphore in OS?
4. What is Singleton class?
5. How can you allow program to create only one object?

Divyansh Mahida – 19BCP039

Round 1:

1. Self Introduction
2. Selection Sort?
3. Why in ML we split data into 60/40 ratio for training and testing?
4. Polymorphism?
5. Inheritance?
6. Left Join?

Round 2:

1. Disadvantages of doubly Linked List?

2. Self-Introduction.
3. Binary Tree?
4. Stack, Linked List
Vandan Bhojani 19BCP136

Round 1:

1. Self introduction
2. What was your role in internship and what did you do?
3. Does MongoDB support joins answer briefly?
4. Right join venn diagram
5. Calculate the power function using any favoured language?
6. What are your hobbies and a question of permutation and combination related to cricket.
7. MySQL query of finding the second lowest marks from given two tables.
8. Stock market algorithm

Shailesh Vekariya 19BIT114

Round 1:

1.Example of self join and full join

2.Where and having clause

3.instance variable and local variable in java

4.ETL in SQL

5.Difference between data scientist and data analyst

Round 2:









Rushil Vora – 19BCP111

Round 1:

1. What is grid in bootstrap

2. Function to write the program for a power b in javascript
3. Does mongodb supports joins?
4. Ven diagram for right join
5. Sql query for joining two tables and finding the second lowest marks of a student in subject

Round 2:

1. Difference between having and where in sql?

2. Why is Mongo better than SQL?
3. What is difference between left join and left outer join?
4. Retrieving the second highest marks in the student table?
5. Can we use where without aggregation?

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