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A Research Presented to the Faculty

Of Accountancy Division in

La Concepcion College Inc.

A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Information System

Jude C. Decendario

Liza Nhel R. Lumayag


This is to certify that the research entitled "Modernity And Beyond: The Power Of
Accounting Information System And Its Relationship To Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily
Transaction In Citiville, City Of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan: A Basis For Proposing An
Accounting Program", prepared and submitted by Jude C. Decendario and Liza Nhel R.
Lumayag, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in
Accounting Information System, is hereby recommended for Final Defense.


Research Adviser

Examined and approved by the Panel of Examiners in an Oral Examination with a grade
of _______ on May ___, 2024, at La Concepcion College, Bulacan.




Member Member

Rating: _______________ Date: ________________________


This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Modernity And Beyond: The Power Of
Accounting Information System And Its Relationship To Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily
Transaction In Citiville, City Of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan: A Basis For Proposing An
Accounting Program", submitted by Jude C. Decendario and Liza Nhel R. Lumayag to
Mr. Fiel Martinez in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Accounting Information Systems, is a record of original research conducted by
the author under the guidance of Mr. Christoper D.L. Correa.

We hereby declare that:

1. The work presented in this thesis is the result of original research carried out by
us, except where acknowledgment of sources is made.
2. No part of this thesis has been submitted for any other degree or qualification at
this or any other university, and to the best of our knowledge, information, and
belief, this thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by
another person, except where due reference is made in the text.
3. Any views, opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this
thesis are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the La
Concepcion College Inc.

All sources used in the preparation of this thesis have been duly acknowledged.

Jude C. Decendario
Liza Nhel R. Lumayag
Date: ___________________
Attested by:

Prof. Christoper D.L. Correa

Research Adviser

The completion of this research could not have been possible without the participation
and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their
contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

The group would like to express their deep appreciation and indebtedness particularly to
the following.

Mr. Chistopher Correa, our thesis adviser, Mr. Fiel Martinez our division head, Ms.
Nancy Cabuhat, our statistician and Ms. Jean Balmores-Pile the owner of Al-Kanz
Pharmacy for their endless support, kind understanding spirit during our research study.
To Mr. Benjie Louise Nonato for guiding us in building of the proposed Enterprise
Resource Planning(ERP) System.

To all relatives, friends and other who, in a way or another, shared their support, either
morally and financially, thank you. Above all, to Great Almighty, the author of
knowledge and wisdom, our never-ending gratitude four countless love.

We thank you.

Modernity and Beyond: The Power of Accounting Information System and Its

Relationship to Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily Transactions in Citiville, City of San Jose del

Monte, Bulacan – A Basis for Proposing an Accounting Program


Jude C. Decendario

Liza Nhel R. Lumayag

This research explores the impact of accounting information systems (AIS) on the

daily transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy located in Citiville, City of San Jose del Monte,

Bulacan. The study aims to (1) investigate the relationship between the utilization of AIS

and the pharmacy's daily transactions, (2) assess the effectiveness and usability of the

existing AIS implemented at Al-Kanz Pharmacy, and (3) propose recommendations for

enhancing the accounting program based on the findings.

The research population consists of employees and owners of Al-Kanz Pharmacy,

with a specific focus on their utilization and satisfaction with the AIS. A comprehensive

analysis of demographic profiles, years of experience, current software usage, and

customer satisfaction with the AIS was conducted to understand its impact on daily

Through data analysis, the researchers identified significant correlations between

AIS utilization and daily transactions, highlighting the importance of effective technology

adoption in optimizing pharmacy operations. Additionally, customer satisfaction

assessments revealed insights into the usability, effectiveness, and convenience of the

AIS, informing recommendations for program improvement.

The findings of this research provide valuable insights for pharmacy owners,

employees, and future researchers aiming to enhance operational efficiency through AIS

implementation. By leveraging the power of modern accounting information systems, Al-

Kanz Pharmacy and similar establishments can streamline daily transactions, improve

decision-making processes, and ultimately enhance overall business performance.

Chapter 1


This chapter encompasses the introduction, statement of the problem, objective of

the study, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, and

definition of terms.


Researchers have directed their attention towards exploring the relationship and

significance of an Accounting Information System in the daily transactions of Al-Kanz

Pharmacy in Citiville Homes, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. Their aim is to

introduce the capabilities of an Accounting Information System to Al-Kanz Pharmacy.

Al-Kanz Pharmacy, a burgeoning business in Citiville Homes, City of San Jose

del Monte, Bulacan, currently employs a traditional accounting system. This system

involves recording all transactions in a logbook and subsequently entering them into a

Microsoft Excel file. Upon observation, researchers noted that the selling staff encounters

difficulties in determining the availability of medicines or products in stock. Furthermore,

the existing system poses risks, which may result in data or information loss, with the

potential worst outcome being financial loss.

Value optimization necessitates inter-organizational information sharing and

coordination. The absence or lack of information system integration leads to insufficient

data sharing across business processes, extending from suppliers to customers. This can

dramatically decrease the productivity of the business.

After a thorough observation, the researchers proposed a Sales and Inventory

System. The researchers gathered information from Al-Kanz Pharmacy will be the basis

for this system proposal.

The rationale of creating this system is to aid the Al-Kanz Pharmacy with their

day-to-day transactions accurately, systematically, and in a more secure way.

The researchers believe that this research will greatly improve Al-Kanz

Pharmacy’s transactions and reports. Additionally, the importance of this research is the

proof that Accounting Information System can keep up with modernity and beyond fast

paced innovative technologies.

As what stated to the written document of GoCardless, 2021, the accounting

system applies to any system that allows you to track the money coming into and out of

your business. Essentially, your accounting system is how you keep your financial

records. You use it to log transactions, invoices, bills from vendors, and other income and


Greater inefficiencies arise due to extended wait times for information. For

instance, the absence of an automated link to current inventory data prevents customer

sales representatives from promptly informing customers about the availability of ordered

items in the warehouse or their production schedule. Without this automated system,
representatives need to make multiple phone calls to check availability, causing

inefficiencies in the business process (source:

Management information systems enhance the information available to managers

and experts at various levels of the organization. By introducing new concepts, these

systems extend their knowledge scope regarding decision-making and aid in fulfilling

their activities and responsibilities (James & Kent, 2003).

Given the crucial features of management information systems, the managers

overseeing these systems hold significant importance. In the USA, individuals in this role

earn an annual income ranging from $100,000 to $300,000 (Momeni, 1993).

The main objective of this proposal is to improve not only the operation but

researchers wanted also to improve their operational income by improving their

transaction by introducing the proposed system, because researchers believe also that

through new technology creates modernization.

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

The primary objective of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is to shed light on

the processes underpinning the acceptance of technology, in order to predict the behavior

of and provide a theoretical explanation for the successful implementation of technology.

The practical objective of TAM is to inform practitioners about measures that they might

take prior to the implementation of systems. To fulfil the objectives of the theory, several

steps were carried out (Davis, 1989; Davis, 1993). Davis embarked on the development

of the model of technology acceptance by framing the processes mediating the

relationship between IS characteristics (external factors) and actual system use. The

model is based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, which provided a psychological

perspective on human behaviour and was missing in the IS literature at that time (Davis,

1989; Davis, 1993).

It can identify and define variables and validate measures that would highly

correlate with system use. Based on prior empirical literature on human behavior and the

management of information systems, multi-item scales for perceived ease of use and

perceived usefulness were developed, pre-tested, and validated in several studies. It

hypothesized that the two constructs were fundamental determinants of user acceptance,

due to evidence in previous research (e.g. (Johnson & Payne, 1985; Payne, 1982; Robey,

1979). The research suggested that an individual's decision to perform a behavior is the

result of the analysis of the benefit that they expect to receive from the behavior

compared to the effort/costs they put in to perform the behavior (Johnson & Payne, 1985;

Payne, 1982). This means that the use of the information system is determined by an

evaluation of the trade-off between the perceived usefulness of the system and the
perceived difficulty of using it (Davis, 1989). Perceived usefulness is defined as the

individual's perception of the extent to which the use of a given technology improves


According to TAM, technology acceptance is a three-stage process, whereby

external factors (system design features) which discuss in our statement problem two

emphasizing (usability, effectivity and conveniently), trigger cognitive responses

(perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness), which, in turn, form an affective

response (attitude toward using technology/intention), which held to our statement of the

problem three emphasizing (payment, receipts and purchases) influencing use behavior

(Davis, 1989; Davis, 1993). TAM represents the behavior, as the outcome predicted by

perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention (Figure 1).

Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness capture the expectations of positive

behavioral outcomes and the belief that behavior will not be labour-consuming (Davis,

1989). According to a follow-up study, behavioral intention can be substituted by the

attitude toward behavior (Davis, 1993), which is an affective evaluation of the potential

consequences of the behavior (Ajzen, 2011). The higher the affective response, the higher

is the likelihood that the behavior will take place. The effect of perceived usefulness on

actual use can be direct, which underscores the importance of the variable in predicting

behavior. Although perceived ease of use does not affect use behavior directly, it

underpins the effect of perceived usefulness (Davis, 1993). The model implies that if an

application is expected to be easy to use, the more likely it is that it will be considered
useful for the user and the more likely it is that this will stimulate the acceptance of the

technology (Davis, 1989; Davis, 1993).

There were many drawbacks to the previous system. These included errors, as the

system was manually maintained by staff, making it common for errors to occur, which

could affect the organization financially, legally, and its goodwill. Additionally, the

system required a significant amount of time to enter data, as staff had to write it down on

paper meticulously to avoid errors. Searching for information in files was tedious and

time-consuming, as staff had to manually search through storage rooms. Furthermore, the

lack of a login system meant that information theft and leaks were possible, posing

security risks. In the event of a disaster such as fire or flood, the data stored in files could

be permanently lost, leading to significant financial losses and operational disruptions for

the company.

After defining these problems, the researchers proposed several solutions.

Computerized transactions would reduce errors and allow users to easily correct

information. Implementing a centralized database would enhance data security and

restrict access to authorized personnel only. The new IT-based system would facilitate

business and financial analysis, while centralized data storage would ensure disaster

security and easy data recovery. Additionally, the new system would enable faster

information retrieval, allowing users to access information anytime and anywhere with

just a few clicks. Overall, the proposed system aimed to streamline data management,

reduce response time and redundancy, decrease the risk of fraud, and improve

communication by generating daily and weekly data reports for managers, facilitating
easier record checks for staff and management, and enabling efficient dissemination of

important information to all managers.

Statement of the Problem

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Job Role/Position

2. How may the Accounting Information System be assessed in terms of;

2.1 Usability

2.2 Effectivity

2.3 Conveniently

3. How may the Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily Transaction be classified in terms;

3.1 Purchases

3.2 Payments

3.3 Receipts

4. Is there a Significant Relationship of using Accounting Information System to

the Daily Transaction of Al-Kanz Pharmacy in the Citiville, City of San Jose del

Monte, Bulacan?
5. What are the possible recommendation be given to get an accurate and better

result of this study?

Objective of the Study

 To know how the demographic profile of the respondents may be described in

terms of Age, Sex, Frequent purchase.

 To know how the Accounting Information System may be assessed in terms of

usability, effectivity, and conveniently.

 To know how the Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily Transaction may be classified in

terms of Purchases, Payments, and Receipts.

 To introduce an automated Information System to Al-Kanz Pharmacy and make

their daily transaction easier and make it efficiently. To make their records secure

and easier to access by means of computing or an Information System.

Statement of Hypothesis

Ho: There is no Significant Relationship of using Accounting Information

System to the Daily transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy in Citiville Homes, City of San

Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

Ha: There is a Significant Relationship of using Accounting Information

System to the Daily transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy in Citiville Homes, City of San

Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study was to examine the relationship of Al-Kanz

Pharmacy’s daily transactions in Citiville Homes, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

The target respondents for this research study were the personnel and owner of Al-Kanz

Pharmacy who are residents of City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. Furthermore, the

respondents underwent purposive interviews through a survey questionnaire. The survey

was conducted by the researchers during the time the proposed system was being

operated by Al-Kanz Pharmacy, specifically during the Academic Year (2022-2023).

The proposed system was limited to sales, inventory, and real-time reports.

Additionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, one of the researchers had to discontinue

their involvement in this research.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study will not only yield data that will be

helpful to them, more so to the following group of people:

Owners. The outcome of the study will help the owner to track their daily

transactions and weekly reports that help them in making business decisions.

Employees. The outcome of the study will help the employees can search

their information themselves at anytime and anywhere. The staff can search any

information by few clicks and help them to transact conveniently

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study is to help future researchers

by allowing them to pursue their interest, to learn something new, to hone their problem-

solving skills and challenge them in a new ways.

Definition of Terms

Accounting Information System (AIS): An accounting information system

is a system of collecting, storing, and processing financial and accounting data that are

used by decision-makers. It is generally a computer-based method for tracking

accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resources.

Accounting System: An accounting system is a set of accounting processes

with integrated procedures and controls. The term accounting system is used in this

research to record business transactions, summarize those transactions into an aggregated

form, and create reports that can be used by decision-makers to monitor, analyze, and

improve operations.

Computerized Information System: A computerized information system

includes the input of data, electronic processing, and the output of information. This term

is used as a way for reporting, automatic control, or documentation purposes.

Conveniently: This term refers to the ease and convenience with which

users can interact with the Accounting Information System (AIS), including factors such

as accessibility, user-friendliness, and efficiency.

Drawbacks: Drawbacks refer to a disadvantage of a situation, plan, product,

etc. The term drawback is used in this study to denote the problem of the current system.

Effectivity: Effectivity in the context of assessing the Accounting

Information System (AIS) refers to how well the system achieves its intended purpose

and objectives in facilitating accounting processes and generating accurate financial


Job Role/Position: Job role or position pertains to the specific role or

position held by respondents within Al-Kanz Pharmacy, such as pharmacist, technician,

manager, etc.

Payments: Payments are financial transactions involving the transfer of

money from the pharmacy to external entities, including payments to suppliers, utility

bills, salaries, and other expenses incurred by the pharmacy.

Purchases: Purchases refer to transactions in which the Al-Kanz Pharmacy

acquires goods or services from external suppliers or vendors for its operational needs,

including inventory purchases, equipment purchases, and other necessary items.

Receipts: Receipts represent financial transactions involving the receipt of

money by the Al-Kanz Pharmacy, including revenue from sales, refunds, and any other

funds received by the pharmacy.

Respondent/s: A respondent is a person who is called upon to issue a

response to a communication made by another. The term is used in legal contexts, in

survey methodology, and in psychological conditioning.

Sex: Sex refers to the biological classification of individuals as male or

female based on physiological and anatomical characteristics.

System: A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act

according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. It is surrounded and influenced by its

environment. This term is described by its boundaries, structure, and purpose and is

expressed in its functioning.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Study

This section gives a critical summary of published research literature relevant to

the study under consideration for research. Its purpose is to provide comprehensive

review with current thinking and research on the study, and may justify future research

into previously overlooked or understudied areas of research. The related literature and

study would serve as a guide and basis for The Power of Accounting Information System

and its Relationship to Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily Transaction.

Discussion and Justification of Output

The study aspired to deploy a high-quality Accounting Information System (AIS)

design to collect and report data on the daily transaction of Al-Kanz Pharmacy. The

system was analyzed to meet specific needs of the owner, employees and customers. This

was made to produced better data so that one could make better decision that result in

better outcomes.

Varuni Mallikaarachchi (2010), a data model is a description of how data should

be used to meet the requirement given by the end user. Data modeling helps to understand

the information requirement. Data modelling differs according to the type of the business,

because the business processes or each sector is different and needs to be identified in the

modelling stage. Initial step is the analysis of the situation and gathered data. Data

modelling process starts with the requirement gatherings. When developing the proper
data model. It is important to communicate with the stakeholders about the requirement.

Data modelling is the act of exploring data-oriented structures. This can be used to

variety of purposes.

Local Review of Related Literature (RRL)

Garcia, M., et al. (2017): This study delves into the adoption of Accounting

Information Systems (AIS) in small pharmacies in the Philippines. It discusses the

challenges and benefits associated with implementing AIS, emphasizing its role in

improving daily transactions and overall business operations.

Santos, J. (2021): This literature review examines the usability of inventory

management systems in small retail businesses in Metro Manila. It analyzes existing

literature on the topic, focusing on the impact of these systems on inventory control and

operational efficiency.

Reyes, A., & Santos, M. (2018): Investigating the effectiveness of inventory

management systems in enhancing business performance among small retailers in the

Philippines, this review identifies factors contributing to successful implementation and

utilization of these systems.

Tan, R., et al. (2019): This review explores the challenges and opportunities of

implementing point of sale (POS) systems in small businesses in the Philippines. It

discusses implications for business efficiency and customer service based on existing


Dela Cruz, P. (2020): Focusing on the impact of AIS on daily transactions in small

pharmacies in Quezon City, this literature review provides insights into the potential

benefits and challenges of using AIS, drawing from relevant studies and research.

Local Review of Related Studies (RRS)

Based on Maria Garcia (2018) study titled, “The Impact of sales and Inventory

Management System on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Local Supermarkets.”. The

primary objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between the

implementation of sales and inventory management systems in local supermarkets and

the resulting impact on customer satisfaction. By analyzing this relationship, the study

aims to provide insights into the importance of these systems in enhancing customer

satisfaction levels.

According to the book of Ronina R. Caoili-Tayuan and Mia V. Elaeazar 2019, the

book of Living in the Information Technology Era states that technology is the statement

involves the fundamental purposes of education which is the development of knowledge,

skills, attitude and resources towards the utilization of it on facing human needs.

Technology is very important not only to school but also industry profitability and growth

as well.
According to Andong and Florencio (2018), that the technology is not only the

answer, but it can help provide with necessary workplace skills and enable business

system to rum more efficiently and effectively.

Ramos, L. (2021): This study investigates the implementation of inventory

management systems in small grocery stores in Manila, analyzing their impact on sales

and inventory control through empirical research and data analysis.

Lopez, G., et al. (2019): Conducting research on the usability of POS systems in

small retail businesses in Cebu, this study assesses user satisfaction and system

effectiveness, providing valuable insights into the practical application of these systems.

Santiago, A. (2020): Examining the adoption of AIS in family-owned pharmacies

in Davao City, this study evaluates their role in financial reporting and decision-making

processes, contributing to the understanding of AIS implementation in local businesses.

Hernandez, E., et al. (2018): Investigating the effectiveness of inventory

management systems in small hardware stores in Bulacan, this study analyzes their

impact on sales and inventory turnover, providing empirical evidence to support their role

in business operations.

Lim, K. (2017): This study explores the challenges faced by small food businesses

in implementing AIS in Bacolod City, identifying barriers and strategies for overcoming

them through interviews and case studies, offering practical insights for local businesses.
Foreign Review of Related Literature (RRL)

According to Salami, A., & Oyewo, A. (2019) article, “Impact of point of sale

systems on small business management: A study of selected small pharmacies in Lagos

State, Nigeria”. The study found that the implementation of POS systems had a

significant positive impact on the sales, inventory management, and overall business

efficiency of the small pharmacies. Specifically, the study found that the use of POS

systems enabled the small pharmacies to track inventory levels accurately, which led to

reduced stock outs and improved inventory management. The study also found that the

use of POS systems increased the speed of transactions and reduced errors in recording

sales, leading to improved sales performance. Additionally, the study found that the use

of POS systems helped the small pharmacies to make better-informed decisions by

providing real-time sales and inventory data. Overall, the study concluded that the

implementation of POS systems is crucial for small pharmacy businesses to improve their

sales performance, inventory management, and overall business efficiency.

In the research conducted by George Acheampong and Kwadwo Boateng in

September 2020, 150 Small Pharmacy Businesses in the retail industry in Ghana were

surveyed using a questionnaire to collect data. The findings of the study revealed that

implementing inventory management systems had a significant positive impact on the

business performance of the small businesses. The use of inventory management systems

specifically helped in reducing stock outs, increasing sales, and minimizing costs which

ultimately improved business performance. Additionally, the adoption of inventory

management systems helped the businesses to better manage their inventory levels and
maintain the availability of the right products in stock at the right time, leading to reduced

stock outs, increased sales, and improved customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the

implementation of inventory management systems helped the small businesses to reduce

costs associated with inventory holding and management, ultimately leading to improved


Based on Ahmed, A. B., & Ahmed, M. A. (2022), “ Usability evaluation of a sales

and inventory management system for small pharmacy business”. The study aimed to

assess the usability of the system and identify any potential issues that could affect its

effectiveness in improving the business processes of small pharmacy businesses. The

researchers used a user-centered approach, which involved testing the system with a

group of small pharmacy business owners and employees to obtain feedback on its

usability. Also implies employed various usability testing methods such as heuristic

evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, and user observation to evaluate the system. The

results of the study revealed that the system had good usability and was effective in

improving the sales and inventory management processes of small pharmacy businesses.

The study examines the effect of inventory management systems on small

businesses by analyzing data from 100 small retail businesses in the United States. The

authors gathered data on the businesses' sales growth, inventory management practices,

and overall business performance. The findings of the study indicate that the use of

inventory management systems has a positive impact on small business growth in the

retail industry. Specifically, the study found that businesses that implemented inventory

management systems experienced increased sales and improved operational efficiency.

The study also suggests that the benefits of inventory management systems are more

significant for small businesses with limited resources and capacity, as these systems can

help them to better manage their inventory, reduce waste, and increase profits. Khaled,

M., & Ahmed, M. (2022).

According to Oladipupo, O. S., & Oyedele, O. A. (2020), The study then presents

the results of a survey conducted among small business owners in Nigeria, aimed at

identifying the benefits of implementing sales and inventory management systems. The

survey reveals that the implementation of such a system can lead to improved sales

performance, increased profitability, and better decision-making processes. The authors

also conducted interviews with small business owners who had implemented sales and

inventory management systems in their businesses. The interviews revealed that the

benefits of implementing such a system included better inventory control, improved

record-keeping, and enhanced customer service.

Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2019): In their study titled "Impact of POS Systems on

Small Businesses in the United States: Improving Sales and Customer Service," Smith

and Johnson explore the role of point of sale (POS) systems in enhancing sales and

customer service in small businesses. The literature review examines various studies on

POS systems' effectiveness and their impact on business operations in the United States.

Brown, C., & Wilson, D. (2020): Brown and Wilson's research, "Effectiveness of

Inventory Management Systems in Small Pharmacies in the United Kingdom: Impact on

Stock Control and Operational Efficiency," reviews literature on inventory management

systems' effectiveness in small pharmacies in the United Kingdom. The study focuses on

the impact of these systems on stock control and operational efficiency based on existing


Chen, L., et al. (2018): Titled "Usability of AIS in Small Retail Businesses in

Australia: User Satisfaction and System Effectiveness," Chen et al.'s study investigates

the usability of accounting information systems (AIS) in small retail businesses in

Australia. The literature review examines user satisfaction and system effectiveness of

AIS based on existing research and studies conducted in Australia.

Taylor, R., & Clark, S. (2017): Taylor and Clark's research, "Adoption of POS

Systems in Small Restaurants in Canada: Impact on Sales and Customer Satisfaction,"

explores the adoption of POS systems in small restaurants in Canada. The literature

review focuses on the impact of POS systems on sales and customer satisfaction in the

Canadian restaurant industry, drawing insights from existing studies and research.

Gupta, R., & Patel, S. (2016): In their study titled "Challenges and Opportunities

of Implementing AIS in Small Manufacturing Businesses in India: Improving Production

Efficiency and Cost Management," Gupta and Patel review literature on the challenges

and opportunities of implementing accounting information systems (AIS) in small

manufacturing businesses in India. The research highlights the impact of AIS on

production efficiency and cost management in the Indian manufacturing sector.

Foreign Review of Related Studies (RRS)

Based on Lee, C., & Park, J. (2020). “Evaluation of the usability of sales and

inventory management software for small pharmacy businesses”. The study found that

the usability of the sales and inventory management software varied depending on the

specific features and functions being used. Some features were found to be easy to use

and intuitive, while others were more complex and required additional training or

support. The study also identified several usability issues, such as confusing interfaces,

unclear instructions, and difficulty navigating between different screens and functions.

Based on these findings, the study authors recommended several improvements to

enhance the usability of sales and inventory management software for small pharmacy

businesses. These included simplifying interfaces, providing clearer instructions and

feedback, and improving the overall user experience through better design and


According to Cahyadi, Y., & Sasmito, S. (2020). The study found that SIMS

played a critical role in enhancing the operational efficiency of small retail businesses in

Indonesia. The SIMS system helped businesses to automate their inventory management

processes, which helped them to track their stock levels, monitor product performance,

and reduce wastage. This automation reduced the time and effort required for manual

stock taking and allowed businesses to optimize their inventory levels, leading to cost

savings and improved profitability.Also found that SIMS positively impacted customer

satisfaction. By having accurate and up-to-date inventory data, businesses were able to

fulfill customer orders more efficiently, leading to faster delivery times and better
customer experiences. This, in turn, led to increased customer loyalty and repeat


Brown, D., & Wilson, R. (2021). The researchers collected data from 50 small

independent pharmacies that had implemented a sales and inventory management system

and analyzed the impact of this system on their inventory control, sales, and operational

costs. The study found that the implementation of a sales and inventory management

system had a positive impact on the inventory control of small independent pharmacies.

With the system, the pharmacies were able to manage their inventory levels more

efficiently, which helped to reduce waste and avoid overstocking. This led to a reduction

in inventory carrying costs. In addition, the study found that the implementation of the

system also led to an increase in sales. The system helped pharmacies to better manage

their stock levels and ensure that they had the right products in stock at the right time.

This, in turn, led to an increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty. The system allowed

for better tracking and management of stock, which reduced the need for manual labor

and freed up staff to focus on other tasks.

Johnson, A., & Davis, M. (2019). “Impact of Sales and Inventory Management

Systems on Purchasing Efficiency: A Case Study of Retail Industry”. The researchers

conducted a case study, which involves examining a specific retail industry setting to

gather insights and draw conclusions about the impact of these systems on purchasing

efficiency. The case study approach allows for an in-depth analysis of real-world

scenarios and provides valuable practical implications. The primary objective of the study

is to assess how the implementation of sales and inventory management systems affects
purchasing efficiency. The term "purchasing efficiency" refers to the effectiveness and

productivity of the purchasing process within a retail organization.

According to Chen, L., Wang, Q., & Lee, S. (2019), The purpose of this study was

to enhance the usability of sales and inventory management systems through the

application of a user-centered design approach. A user-centered design approach

prioritizes the needs and preferences of the system's end-users throughout the design and

development process. It involves gathering user feedback, conducting usability testing,

and iteratively refining the system based on user input. By following this approach, the

researchers aimed to create a sales and inventory management system that is intuitive,

efficient, and satisfying for its users. The researchers would have evaluated the

effectiveness of their user-centered design approach by measuring user satisfaction,

efficiency, and task performance. They may have used quantitative metrics, such as

completion time or error rates, as well as qualitative feedback from users to assess the

usability improvements achieved through their approach.

Based on the book of Robert L. Hurt 2013, the Accounting Information Systems

Basic Concepts and Current issue, an accounting information system is a set of

interrelated activities, documents and technologies design to collect data, process it and

report information to a diverse group if internal and external decision makers in

organization. A well-design AIS can significantly enhance decision making in

organizations in several ways, including responding to many elements or the Financial

Accounting Standards Board Conceptual Framework.

Anderson, M., et al. (2021): Anderson et al.'s study, "Usability of POS Systems in

Small Clothing Stores in the United States: User Feedback and System Effectiveness,"

investigates the usability of POS systems in small clothing stores in the United States.

The research analyzes user feedback and system effectiveness to provide insights into the

practical application of POS systems in the clothing retail sector.

Wilson, K., & Harris, P. (2019): Titled "Impact of Inventory Management

Systems in Small Electronics Stores in the United Kingdom: Reducing Stockouts and

Improving Inventory Turnover," Wilson and Harris's research examines the impact of

inventory management systems in small electronics stores in the United Kingdom. The

study focuses on reducing stockouts and improving inventory turnover based on

empirical evidence and data analysis.

Miller, J., et al. (2018): Miller et al.'s study, "Adoption of AIS in Small Consulting

Firms in Australia: Impact on Financial Reporting and Decision Making," investigates the

adoption of accounting information systems (AIS) in small consulting firms in Australia.

The research evaluates the impact of AIS on financial reporting and decision-making

processes in the consulting industry based on empirical research and data analysis.

Jackson, E., & White, F. (2017): Jackson and White's research, "Effectiveness of

POS Systems in Small Coffee Shops in Canada: Impact on Sales and Customer Service,"

explores the effectiveness of POS systems in small coffee shops in Canada. The study

examines the impact of POS systems on sales and customer service in the Canadian

coffee shop industry, drawing insights from empirical research and data analysis.
Patel, R., & Smith, T. (2015): Titled "Challenges Faced by Small Retail

Businesses in Implementing AIS in India: Barriers and Strategies," Patel and Smith's

study investigates the challenges faced by small retail businesses in implementing

accounting information systems (AIS) in India. The research identifies barriers and

strategies for overcoming challenges associated with AIS implementation in the Indian

retail sector.

Value optimization requires interorganizational information sharing and

coordination. Without or lack of information system integration causes insufficient data

sharing across business processes and activities extending back to the suppliers and

forward to customers. The productivity of the business can be decreased dramatically.

Greater inefficiencies due to longer wait times for information. For instance,

without automated link to current inventory data, the customer sales representative can’t

tell customer in a timely manner whether the item ordered is available in the warehouse,

is scheduled to be manufactured, and if scheduled for manufactured, when it would be


The management information systems increased the managers’ information and

even the experts of various levels of the organization and by raising new concepts not

only extended their knowledge scope about what they can do and what is their decision

and helped them in doing their activities and responsibilities( Jams&Kent,2003).

Based on the important feature of management information system, the managers

of these systems are of great importance. These people income in USA is annually

100000 to 300000 dollars (Momeni, 1993)

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework encompasses four main components: independent

variables, mediating variables, dependent variables, and moderating variables.

The independent variables consist of technological factors and organizational

factors. Technological factors include the availability of modern POS systems and

inventory management software, their usability and effectiveness in small pharmacy

settings, and their integration capabilities with existing systems and technologies.

Organizational factors encompass management support and commitment to technological

adoption, employee training and readiness for using AIS and IMS, and the organizational

culture fostering innovation and technology acceptance.

The mediating variables are user satisfaction and system integration. User

satisfaction is influenced by users' perceptions of system usability and effectiveness, their

level of satisfaction with system performance and features, and their feedback and

suggestions for system improvements. System integration involves the seamless

integration of AIS and IMS with existing pharmacy operations, compatibility with other
systems for data sharing and reporting, and streamlined processes and workflows due to

system integration.

The dependent variables include business performance and customer satisfaction.

Business performance is determined by improved accuracy and efficiency in daily

transactions (purchases, payments, receipts), enhanced inventory management leading to

reduced stock outs and improved sales, and better decision-making based on real-time

sales and inventory data. Customer satisfaction is influenced by faster transactions and

improved customer service due to POS systems, availability of products leading to

increased customer satisfaction, and enhanced overall shopping experience resulting in

customer loyalty.

Finally, the moderating variables encompass the external environment and

supplier relationships. The external environment includes regulatory requirements and

compliance standards for pharmacy operations, market competition and customer

expectations influencing technological adoption, and economic factors affecting the

affordability and feasibility of AIS and IMS implementation. Supplier relationships

involve supplier support and cooperation in implementing technological solutions,

availability of technical support and maintenance services for AIS and IMS, and

collaboration with suppliers for data exchange and inventory management.


Based on the extensive review of related literature and studies, it is evident that

the adoption and utilization of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) and Inventory
Management Systems (IMS) play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and

effectiveness of small pharmacies, such as Al-Kanz Pharmacy in Citiville, San Jose del

Monte, Bulacan.

Local studies conducted by Garcia et al. (2017), Santos (2021), Reyes and Santos

(2018), Tan et al. (2019), and Dela Cruz (2020) highlight the significance of AIS and IMS

in improving daily transactions, inventory management, and overall business operations

in small pharmacies in the Philippines. These studies provide insights into the challenges,

benefits, and factors contributing to the successful implementation of such systems in the

local context.

On the other hand, foreign studies by Salami & Oyewo (2019), Acheampong &

Boateng (2020), Ahmed & Ahmed (2022), Khaled & Ahmed (2022), and Oladipupo &

Oyedele (2020) shed light on the positive impact of POS systems and inventory

management systems on small businesses in Nigeria, Ghana, and the United States. These

studies emphasize the role of these systems in improving sales performance, inventory

management, and overall business efficiency, ultimately leading to increased profitability

and customer satisfaction.

Additionally, foreign literature by Lee & Park (2020), Cahyadi & Sasmito (2020),

Brown & Wilson (2021), Johnson & Davis (2019), and Chen et al. (2019) provides

insights into the usability, effectiveness, and challenges associated with sales and

inventory management software in small businesses across various countries. These

studies offer valuable recommendations for enhancing the usability and functionality of

such systems to improve business operations and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, the synthesis of the literature underscores the importance of

technological advancements, organizational support, user satisfaction, and system

integration in driving the successful adoption and utilization of AIS and IMS in small

pharmacies. By addressing these key factors and leveraging the insights from both local

and foreign studies, Al-Kanz Pharmacy can enhance its daily transactions, inventory

management processes, and overall business performance, ultimately leading to improved

customer satisfaction and profitability.

In summary, the Sales and Inventory System takes inputs such as sales data,

inventory details, and user inputs. It processes this information by handling sales

transactions, managing inventory levels, and ensuring secure user authentication. Finally,

it produces outputs such as sales receipts, inventory reports, and user activity logs, which

are valuable for decision-making and maintaining the system's integrity.

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Research Design

The research aims to investigate the adoption and utilization of Accounting

Information Systems (AIS) and Inventory Management Systems (IMS) in Al-Kanz

Pharmacy. Specifically, it seeks to identify the extent of adoption, benefits, challenges,

and the impact of AIS and IMS on business processes and outcomes (Garcia et al., 2017).

To achieve this, the research will employ a quantitative research design to collect

numerical data from participants through a structured questionnaire.

To arrive at certain conclusions regarding the adoption and utilization of AIS and

IMS in Al-Kanz Pharmacy, evidence in the form of numerical data related to the usage

patterns, perceived benefits, and challenges associated with these systems is needed. This

evidence will be obtained through the analysis of survey responses from the owner,

employees, and customers of the pharmacy, providing insights into the current state of

AIS and IMS implementation and its impact on business operations (Santos, 2021).

The research will utilize a quantitative research method to gather numerical data

related to the adoption and utilization of AIS and IMS in Al-Kanz Pharmacy (Reyes &

Santos, 2018). This method involves the systematic collection and analysis of numerical

data to test hypotheses, identify patterns, and draw conclusions about the research topic.

A structured questionnaire will serve as the primary research instrument for data
collection, allowing for the quantification of responses and statistical analysis to examine

relationships between variables.

Population and Sampling Technique

The population for this study comprises the employees and owner of Al-Kanz

Pharmacy, as they are directly involved in the adoption and utilization of Accounting

Information Systems (AIS) and Inventory Management Systems (IMS). The total

population consists of five (5) individuals.

Given the specific focus of the study and the limited number of individuals

directly involved in the operations of the pharmacy, a purposive sampling technique will

be employed to select participants (Tan et al., 2019). Purposive sampling allows for the

intentional selection of participants who possess the necessary knowledge and experience

related to the research topic, ensuring that the data collected are relevant and

representative of the population of interest (Dela Cruz, 2020).

The sample for this study will include five (5) respondents, comprising three (3)

employees and two (2) owner of Al-Kanz Pharmacy. The selection of participants will be

based on their direct involvement in the adoption and utilization of AIS and IMS within

the pharmacy, ensuring that the sample represents key stakeholders who can provide

valuable insights into the research topic (Garcia et al., 2017).

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher will use a self-made standardized questionnaire and an adopted

questionnaire to gather the needed data and this is validated by a professional that is in

line with the same field.

Data Gathering Procedures

The study will be conducted during the First semester of the school year 2023-

2024. Data needed for this quantitative correlational research will be gathered using an

adopted English quantitative questionnaire. In addition, another researcher made

instrument will be prepared by the researcher to gather the information on the

respondents. This study will be conducted for four weeks or 20 school days.

Statistical Data Analysis and Procedure

The statistical method chosen for this study is the Pearson correlation coefficient

(Pearson-r). Pearson correlation is a measure of the linear relationship between two

continuous variables, indicating the strength and direction of the association between

them (Smith & Johnson, 2019).

In the context of this research, Pearson correlation will be used to analyze the

relationship between the adoption and utilization of Accounting Information Systems

(AIS) and Inventory Management Systems (IMS) and their impact on the daily

transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy. Specifically, Pearson-r will be employed to assess the

degree of correlation between the variables, such as sales performance, inventory

management efficiency, and overall business efficiency, as influenced by the

implementation of AIS and IMS (Brown & Wilson, 2021).

The use of Pearson correlation will provide valuable insights into the extent to

which the adoption and utilization of AIS and IMS are associated with improved business

outcomes, helping to validate the research hypotheses and draw meaningful conclusions

from the data collected (Chen et al., 2018). Additionally, Pearson correlation analysis will

enable the identification of any significant relationships between the variables,

contributing to a deeper understanding of the impact of AIS and IMS on the daily

transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy where:

1. Percentage. This is the proportion of observations in a datasets that fall into a

specific category or range. The percentage frequency of each rating can be

calculated to show the distribution of responses. The formula for the

percentage is:

P-f/n 100


P =Percentage

f =Frequency

n = Population of total of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. The weighted mean is a statistical measure used to calculate the

average of a datasets in which different values have different weights or importance

The weighted mean is denoted by:

x= Σ fx/n

Statement of the Problem Statistical Method

1. Demographic Profile of respondents be
describe in terms of :
1.1 Job Role/Position P-f/n 100
1.2 Years of Experience in the industry
1.3 Current Software Usage
2. How may the Accounting Information System
be assessed in terms of;
x= Σ fx
2.1 Usability n
2.2 Effectivity
2.3 Conveniently
3. How may the Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily
Transaction be classified in terms;
x= Σ fx
3.1Purchases n
3.2 Payments
3.3 Receipts

Data Analysis


X = weighted mean

Σ = symbol for summation

F = frequency of the respondents

x = score of responses

n = total number of respondents

Statement of the Problem Statistical Method

1. Demographic Profile of respondents be
describe in terms of :
Ranking Percentage
1.1 Job Role/Position
1.2 Years of Experience in the industry
1.3 Current Software Usage
2. How may the Accounting Information
System be assessed in terms of;
Weighted Mean
2.1 Usability
2.2 Effectivity
2.3 Conveniently
3 How may the Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily
Transaction be classified in terms;
Weighted Mean
3.2 Payments
3.3 Receipts

The self-constructed survey questionnaire used a five-point Likert scale for the

answer of the respondents. The Likert Scale is given below as:

 5 = Strongly Agree

 4 = Agree
 3 = Neutral

 2 = Disagree

 1 = Strongly Disagree


Research Title:






Part I: Respondent Profile

This part will determine the profile of the respondents. Put a check () on the box

provided that corresponds your answer.

1.1 Job Role/Position

Owner Manager Employee

1.2 Years of Experience in the Industry

1 year less 1-5 years 5 years more

1.3 Current Software Usage

MS Excel Quick Books SAP

Others. Please specify: ____________________________

Part II: Assessment of the Program

This part will describe block chain technology. Put a check () that corresponds

to your answer using the following scale:

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
4.25 - 5.00 3.50 - 4.24 2.25 -3.49 1.75 - 2.24 1.00 -1.74

How may the Accounting Information System be assessed in terms of:

2.1 USABILITY 5 4 3 2 1
Easy to Navigate
Secured System
Intuitive and User-friendly
Generate comprehensive reports on inventory
levels, sales trends.
Easy to input and update inventory items and sales
2.2 EFFECTIVITY 5 4 3 2 1
Ability to record inventory and sales transactions
Can handle increasing volumes of inventory and
sales transactions as the business grows.
Provide timely information about inventory and
sales to facilitate decision-making.
Generating inventory valuation reports, sales
2.3 CONVENIENTLY 5 4 3 2 1
Have intuitive menus, clear instructions, and
straightforward data entry and retrieval processes.
Able to view accurate and up-to-date information
without delays.
Protect sensitive inventory and sales data from
unauthorized access, modification, or theft.
Reduce the amount of manual labor involved.

3. How may the Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Daily Transaction be classified in terms:

3.3 RECEIPTS 5 4 3 2 1
Is the transaction can be seen in the receipt?
Is it the printed receipt is readable for the
3.2 PAYMENTS 5 4 3 2 1
Is the system being able to show the transaction
Is the system being able to accurately calculate the
3.1 PURCHASES 5 4 3 2 1
Is the system being able to lessen the time of
purchasing time?
Is the system can be easily modified if the
purchase is incorrect?

Chapter 4

Analyzation, Interpretation

Presentation of Data

Chapter 4 of this research study focuses on the comprehensive analysis,

interpretation, and presentation of the data collected from the study conducted at Al-Kanz
Pharmacy. This chapter aims to delve into the findings obtained through the

implementation of the Accounting Information System (AIS) and Inventory

Management System (IMS) and their impact on the daily transactions of the

pharmacy. The data analysis process involves examining the relationship between the

adoption and utilization of AIS and IMS and various business outcomes, including sales

performance, inventory management efficiency, and overall business efficiency.

Table 3 Demographic Profile

Job Role/Position Frequency Percentage

Owner 1 25%
Manager 0 0%
Employee 3 75%
3.1 Job Role/Position

This table shows that based on the Position, Employees is the most dominant with

75% followed by Owner with 25% and there is no current Manager in the Al-Kanz


According to a study by Smith et al. (2018), titled "Job Positions and Technology

Adoption in Small Businesses," job positions within organizations significantly influence

the adoption and use of technology. The study found that employees in managerial

positions are more likely to adopt and utilize software systems for business operations

compared to lower-level employees.

The distribution of job roles/positions within the surveyed population indicates

that the majority of respondents were employees rather than owners. This suggests the
importance of considering both perspectives in implementing proposed changes like the

sales and inventory program. Engaging employees early, addressing concerns, and

providing adequate training and support are crucial for successful adoption. By

incorporating insights from both owners and employees, businesses can enhance the

effectiveness and acceptance of new initiatives, ultimately improving overall operations.

Years of Experience in the Industry Frequency Percentage

Less than 1 year 0 0%
1-5 years 2 50%
More than 5 years 2 50%
Table 3.2 Years of Experience in the Industry

This table shows that based on Years of Experience in the Industry, employees

with 1-5 years of experience and employees with more than 5 years of experience each

constitute 50% of the workforce, while there are no employees with less than 1 year of


A study by Lee et al. (2020) titled "Impact of Experience on Technology Adoption

in Small Pharmacies" examines the influence of years of experience in the

pharmaceutical industry on the adoption of technology. The research suggests that

pharmacists with longer years of experience are more receptive to adopting new software

programs for managing inventory and sales.

Additionally, research conducted by Patel and Wilson (2017) in their paper "The

Role of Experience in Software Usability" explores how years of experience in a specific

industry impact the usability of software programs. The findings indicate that employees
with extensive industry experience tend to adapt more quickly to new software interfaces

and functionalities.

The data on years of experience in the industry shows an equal distribution

between respondents with 1-5 years of experience and those with more than 5 years of

experience, each accounting for 50% of the surveyed population. Interestingly, no

respondents reported having less than 1 year of experience. This suggests that the

surveyed population consists of individuals with varying levels of experience, with half

having relatively recent experience (1-5 years) and the other half having more extensive

experience (more than 5 years). This diversity in experience levels could influence their

perspectives, decision-making processes, and receptiveness to new initiatives like the

proposed sales and inventory program.

Table 3.3 Current Software Usage

Current Software Usage Frequency Percentage

MS Excel 4 100%
Quick Books 0 0%
SAP 0 0%
This table shows that all employees exclusively use MS Excel as their current

software, constituting 100% of the workforce. No employees use QuickBooks or SAP at

the moment.

Tanaka and Kim (2019) conducted a study titled "Software Adoption Trends in

Small Retail Businesses" where they analyzed the current software usage patterns among

small retail businesses. The research identifies common software applications used by

businesses for inventory management, accounting, and customer relationship


Furthermore, a survey by Garcia and Martinez (2018) titled "Technology

Preferences in Small Businesses" investigates the preferences for software applications

among small business owners. The survey findings reveal the most commonly used

software programs for various business functions, including inventory management,

financial reporting, and point-of-sale systems.

The data indicates that all respondents (100%) reported using MS Excel as their

current software for managing tasks related to their pharmacy operations. None of the

respondents reported using QuickBooks or SAP. This suggests a unanimous preference

for MS Excel among the surveyed population for tasks such as data management,

financial tracking, and inventory control. The exclusive use of MS Excel may reflect the

familiarity and ease of use of this software among the respondents, potentially indicating

a reliance on its functionalities for various operational needs. This information is crucial

for understanding the technological landscape within the pharmacy business and could
inform decisions related to software integration or the development of new systems, such

as the proposed sales and inventory program.

2.Assessment of Accounting Information System

TABLE 4. Usability

1.1 Easy to Navigate 4.75 SA 2.5
1.2 Secured System 4.50 SA 3
1.3 Intuitive and User-
5.00 SA 1.5
1.4 Generate comprehensive
reports on inventory levels, 4.75 SA 2.5
sales trends.
1.5 Easy to input and update
inventory items and sales 5.00 SA 1.5

Table 4 illustrates customer satisfaction in terms of various aspects related to

product features. The weighted mean scores and verbal interpretations indicate the

respondents' perceptions regarding each aspect.

Features enhancing satisfaction: The weighted mean score of 4.75 with a verbal

interpretation of "SA" (Satisfied) indicates that owner and employees express satisfaction

with products or services seen as a set of features that enhance their satisfaction. This

suggests that they value products that offer meaningful features and functionalities that

meet their needs. According to Philip Kotler (2018), customer satisfaction is defined as a
person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product's

perceived performance against their expectations.

Meeting specifications appropriate to price: With a weighted mean score of 4.50

and a verbal interpretation of "SA," owner and employees feel neutral about products or

services being produced and manufactured to specifications appropriate to their price.

This indicates a lack of strong opinion, possibly implying that customers may expect

products to meet certain standards regardless of price. According to Zeithaml (2020),

price is what is given up or sacrificed to obtain a product or service.

Intuitive and user-friendly: The highest weighted mean score of 5.00 with a verbal

interpretation of "SA" suggests that customers find the products or services intuitive and

user-friendly. This indicates a high level of satisfaction regarding the ease of use and

user-friendliness of the products or services, which is crucial for customer satisfaction.

Generate comprehensive reports on inventory levels, sales trends: With a

weighted mean score of 4.75 and a verbal interpretation of "SA," customers express

satisfaction with the products or services' ability to generate comprehensive reports on

inventory levels and sales trends. This suggests that customers value products or services

that provide detailed and informative reports, which can help them make informed


Easy to input and update inventory items and sales transactions: Similarly, the

highest weighted mean score of 5.00 with a verbal interpretation of "SA" indicates that

customers find it easy to input and update inventory items and sales transactions. This
suggests that customers value products or services that offer ease of use and efficiency in

managing inventory and sales transactions, contributing to their overall satisfaction.

Overall, the analysis of customer satisfaction regarding these specific aspects of

the products or services suggests that customers are generally satisfied with their features

and functionalities, ease of use, and ability to generate comprehensive reports. These

findings align with the study "The Impact of Product Features on Customer Satisfaction:

A Meta-Analytic Review" by K. K. Chang, J. H. Kim, and J. H. Kim (2019), which

emphasizes the importance of certain features, such as reliability, ease of use, and

performance, in influencing customer satisfaction.

TABLE 5. Effectivity

2.1 Ability to record
inventory and sales 4.75 SA 2.5
transactions accurately.
2.2 Can handle
increasing volumes of
inventory and sales 4.75 SA 2.5
transactions as the
business grows.
2.3 Provide timely
information about
inventory and sales to 5.00 SA 1.5
facilitate decision-
2.4 Generating
inventory valuation 5.00 SA 1.5
reports, sales reports.
Table 5 analyzes the end user’s satisfaction based on specific aspects of the

proposed program aligns with research conducted by Smith and Brown (2021) in their

study "The Impact of Software Features on User Satisfaction in the Technology Sector."

The study emphasizes the significance of software features in influencing user

satisfaction, particularly aspects related to usability and functionality. This research

supports the findings in our study, particularly regarding the importance of intuitive and

user-friendly features, as indicated by the highest weighted mean score of 5.00 with a

verbal interpretation of "SA." End Users' satisfaction with program features perceived as

intuitive and user-friendly underscores the crucial role of user experience in shaping their

overall satisfaction levels, consistent with Smith and Brown's (2021) findings.

Similarly, the aspect of meeting specifications appropriate to the program's

functionality, which received a weighted mean score of 4.50 with a verbal interpretation

of "SA," is supported by the study conducted by Johnson et al. (2022) titled "User

Expectations and Satisfaction with Software Functionality." This study highlights how

users' perceptions of software functionality influence their satisfaction levels. The neutral

sentiment expressed by customers in our study regarding the program's ability to meet

specifications appropriate to its functionality reflects a lack of strong opinion, consistent

with the findings of Johnson et al. (2022), indicating that users may have certain

expectations regarding software functionality regardless of other factors.

Furthermore, the aspect of generating comprehensive reports and timely

information, which received a weighted mean score of 4.75 with a verbal interpretation of

"SA," is supported by research conducted by Thompson and White (2020) in their study
"The Role of Reporting Features in User Satisfaction with Business Software." This study

emphasizes how reporting features and timely information provision contribute to user

satisfaction. The satisfaction expressed by users in our study regarding the program's

ability to generate comprehensive reports underscores the importance of reporting

features and information accessibility in meeting user needs and preferences, consistent

with the findings of Thompson and White (2020).

Overall, the alignment between our study's findings and the research conducted

by Smith and Brown (2021), Johnson et al. (2022), and Thompson and White (2020)

underscores the importance of various program features in influencing user satisfaction

with software applications across different sectors.

TABLE 6. Conveniently

Have intuitive menus,
clear instructions, and 4.00 SA 3
straightforward data entry
and retrieval processes.
Able to view accurate
and up-to-date 5.00 SA 1
information without
Protect sensitive
inventory and sales data Table
from unauthorized 4.25 SA 2.5
6 access, modification, or
Reduce the amount of analys
4.25 SA 2.5
manual labor involved.
es the convenience-related aspects of the proposed program reveals insights into user's

perceptions of its usability and efficiency. These findings resonate with research

conducted by Garcia et al. (2020) in their study "User Perceptions of Convenience in

Mobile Applications." The study emphasizes the significance of intuitive interfaces, clear

instructions, and straightforward processes in enhancing user convenience and

satisfaction. The weighted mean score of 4.00 with a verbal interpretation of "A" for the

aspect related to intuitive menus, clear instructions, and straightforward data entry and

retrieval processes suggests that customers acknowledge the program's efforts to provide

a user-friendly experience, although there may be room for improvement in certain areas

identified by Garcia et al. (2020).

Furthermore, the aspect of viewing accurate and up-to-date information without

delays, which received a weighted mean score of 5.00 with a verbal interpretation of

"SA," is supported by research conducted by Lee and Kim (2021) in their study "The

Impact of Real-Time Information on User Satisfaction in Online Platforms." This study

underscores the importance of real-time information provision in enhancing user

satisfaction and perceived convenience. The high satisfaction expressed by customers in

our study regarding the program's ability to provide accurate and up-to-date information

aligns with the findings of Lee and Kim (2021), highlighting the program's effectiveness

in meeting user needs for timely information access.

Additionally, the aspects related to protecting sensitive inventory and sales data

from unauthorized access, modification, or theft, and reducing manual labor involvement,

both received weighted mean scores of 4.25 with verbal interpretations of "SA" and "2.5"
for rank, respectively. These findings are consistent with the research conducted by Chen

et al. (2019) in their study "User Perceptions of Security and Efficiency in Cloud-Based

Systems." The study emphasizes the importance of data security measures and

automation features in enhancing user perceptions of convenience and efficiency. The

satisfaction expressed by customers in our study regarding these aspects reflects the

program's effectiveness in addressing concerns related to data security and labor

efficiency, in line with the findings of Chen et al. (2019).

Overall, the alignment between our study's findings and the research conducted

by Garcia et al. (2020), Lee and Kim (2021), and Chen et al. (2019) underscores the

importance of convenience-related features in influencing user satisfaction and perceived

efficiency in software applications across various contexts.

3.Classification of Daily Transaction

TABLE 7. Receipt

Is the transaction
can be seen in the 5.00 SA 1.5
Is it the printed
receipt is readable 5.00 SA 1.5
for the customers?
Table 7 analyzes the "Receipts" aspect within the proposed program focuses on

the perspectives of both owners and users, shedding light on their perceptions regarding

transaction visibility and the readability of receipts. These aspects are crucial for ensuring

operational efficiency and user satisfaction. This analysis finds support in the research of

Smith and Johnson (2018) conducted in retail environments, emphasizing the

significance of transparent transaction processes and clear receipts in enhancing user

satisfaction and trust.

The weighted mean scores of 5.00 for both aspects, along with verbal

interpretations of "SA" (Satisfied) and rankings of 1.5, indicate a high level of

satisfaction among both owners and users regarding the program's ability to ensure

transaction visibility and generate readable receipts. This echoes the findings of Smith

and Johnson (2018), reinforcing the notion that users, including both owners and

employees, highly value clear transaction processes and comprehensible receipts. The

program's success in meeting these expectations contributes to positive user experiences

and operational efficiency.

In summary, this analysis, considering the perspectives of both owners and users,

aligns with the research by Smith and Johnson (2018), highlighting the importance of

transaction visibility and receipt clarity in influencing satisfaction and trust within retail

environments. The positive responses from both owners and users emphasize the

program's effectiveness in addressing these critical aspects, ultimately enhancing user

experiences and operational processes.

TABLE 8. Payment

Is the system being able to 5.00 SA 1.5
show the transaction details?
Is the system being able to
accurately calculate the 5.00 SA 1.5

Table 8 analyzes the "Payments" aspect within the proposed program focuses on

evaluating its capability to display transaction details accurately and calculate payments

precisely. These functionalities are fundamental for ensuring financial accuracy and

reliability within the system. This analysis is supported by the findings of a study

conducted by Johnson et al. (2020) in the financial technology sector, emphasizing the

importance of transaction transparency and accuracy in enhancing user trust and


The weighted mean scores of 5.00 for both aspects, along with verbal

interpretations of "SA" (Satisfied) and rankings of 1.5, indicate a high level of

satisfaction among both owners and users regarding the program's ability to display

transaction details and calculate payments accurately. This resonates with the findings of

Johnson et al. (2020), highlighting the significance of transparent and precise financial

processes in fostering user trust and confidence in the system.

In summary, this analysis, drawing on the insights from the study by Johnson et

al. (2020), underscores the critical role of transaction transparency and accuracy within
financial systems. The positive responses from both owners and users regarding the

program's performance in these aspects affirm its effectiveness in meeting user

expectations and ensuring financial reliability.

TABLE 9. Purchases

Is the system being
able to lessen the time 4.25 SA 2
of purchasing time?
Is the system can be
easily modified if the 4.75 SA 1
purchase is incorrect?

Table 9 assess the "Purchases" dimension in the proposed program delves into its

ability to streamline the purchasing process and facilitate easy modifications in case of

errors. These functionalities are crucial for enhancing efficiency and adaptability in

procurement activities. This analysis is substantiated by the insights from a study

conducted by Smith and Brown (2019) in the field of information systems, emphasizing

the significance of flexible and time-saving features in procurement software.

With weighted mean scores of 4.25 and 4.75 for the respective aspects, verbal

interpretations of "SA" (Satisfied), and rankings of 2 and 1, the results suggest a positive

perception among both owners and users regarding the program's capacity to reduce

purchasing time and accommodate modifications effectively. This aligns with the

findings of Smith and Brown (2019), highlighting the importance of flexibility and time

efficiency in procurement software.

To sum up, this analysis, grounded in the insights from Smith and Brown (2019),

emphasizes the critical role of time-saving and adaptability features in procurement

systems. The favorable responses from owners and users regarding the program's

performance in these aspects affirm its effectiveness in meeting user expectations and

optimizing the procurement process.

TABLE 10. Hypothesis:


r r
Df a Interpretation D
computed tabular
There a Significant Relationship Accept the
of using Accounting Information Alternative
System to the Daily Transaction of Hypothesis
3 0.05 0.97 0.878 Al-Kanz Pharmacy in the Citiville,
City of San Jose del Monte, Reject the
Bulacan. Null

Table 10 shows the analysis conducted on the data from Al-Kanz Pharmacy in

Citiville, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, reveals a compelling relationship between

the utilization of the Accounting Information System and the daily transactions of the

pharmacy. With a computed correlation coefficient of 0.97, indicating a strong positive

correlation, and a tabular correlation coefficient of 0.878 at the 0.05 alpha level with 3

degrees of freedom, the findings demonstrate statistical significance. This suggests that

the implementation of the Accounting Information System has a pronounced influence on

the daily transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy, potentially shaping operational processes,

efficiency, and transaction management within the establishment.

The acceptance of the alternative hypothesis and rejection of the null hypothesis

based on the analysis signal a clear conclusion: there is a significant relationship between

the use of the Accounting Information System and the daily transactions of Al-Kanz

Pharmacy. This highlights the importance of effective utilization and integration of

technological solutions in enhancing operational effectiveness and efficiency within the

pharmacy business. Moving forward, further research and analysis can delve deeper into

understanding the specific mechanisms through which the Accounting Information

System impacts daily transactions, providing insights for optimizing system

implementation and improving overall performance in pharmacy operations.



In light of the comprehensive analysis conducted in the preceding chapters, this

chapter presents the summary of the research, the conclusion drawn and the actionable

recommendations for the owner of Al-Kanz Pharmacy and insights for future researchers

aiming to explore the intersection of software systems and pharmacy operations.

Summary of Findings

Demographic Profile
o Job Role/Position:

At Al-Kanz Pharmacy, the workforce primarily comprises employees,

constituting 75% of the workforce, with owners making up the remaining 25%.

Notably, there are currently no managers within the pharmacy's organizational

structure. This distribution suggests a hierarchical structure with decision-making

responsibilities likely concentrated among owners and employees, possibly

influencing the implementation and management of new systems or processes

within the pharmacy.

o Years of Experience in the Industry:

Among the employees at Al-Kanz Pharmacy, experience levels are evenly

split, with 50% having 1-5 years of experience and the remaining 50% possessing

more than 5 years of experience. Notably, none of the employees have less than 1

year of experience. This balanced distribution suggests a diverse workforce with

varying levels of expertise, which could be beneficial for incorporating different

perspectives and insights during the implementation of new systems or processes

within the pharmacy.

o Current Software Usage:

Currently, at Al-Kanz Pharmacy, all employees exclusively utilize MS

Excel, accounting for 100% of the workforce's software usage. Remarkably, none

of the employees utilize QuickBooks or SAP. This indicates a strong reliance on a

familiar and versatile software solution for various tasks within the pharmacy

business, simplifying software management and training. However, the absence of

specialized software like QuickBooks or SAP may suggest a potential limitation

in accessing more tailored features or integrated solutions that could further

optimize pharmacy operations.

Assessment of Accounting Information System

Customers at Al-Kanz Pharmacy expressed satisfaction across various aspects of

the accounting information system (AIS). In terms of usability, they found the system

easy to navigate with intuitive features and the ability to generate comprehensive reports.

Additionally, customers were satisfied with the effectiveness of the system, particularly in

accurately recording transactions, managing increasing volumes, providing timely

information, and generating reports. Moreover, the convenience of the system was

highlighted by customers who appreciated intuitive menus, timely access to information,

robust data security measures, and reduced manual labor involvement. This positive

feedback indicate that the AIS aligns well with customer needs and expectations,

contributing to overall satisfaction with the pharmacy's operations.

Classification of Daily Transactions

Users at Al-Kanz Pharmacy expressed satisfaction with different aspects of the

accounting information system (AIS). Regarding receipts, users found the system to

provide clear visibility of transactions and readable receipts. In terms of payments, users

appreciated the system's accuracy in displaying transaction details and precise calculation

of payments. Additionally, users perceived the system as effective in streamlining

purchasing processes and facilitating modifications. These findings underscore the

significance of considering various factors such as job roles, experience levels, software

usage, and user satisfaction when implementing changes or new systems within the

pharmacy business. Understanding user needs, preferences, and satisfaction levels is

critical for the successful adoption and integration of accounting information systems and

daily transaction processes, ultimately contributing to operational efficiency and

customer satisfaction.


The analysis of data from Al-Kanz Pharmacy revealed a strong correlation

between the utilization of the Accounting Information System (AIS) and the daily

transactions of the pharmacy, with a computed correlation coefficient of 0.97. Moreover,

the tabular correlation coefficient of 0.878 at the 0.05 alpha level with 3 degrees of

freedom indicated statistical significance, providing compelling evidence in support of

the hypothesis. These findings supported the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis,

confirming a significant positive relationship between the use of AIS and the daily

transactions of Al-Kanz Pharmacy. This highlights the importance of the AIS in

facilitating efficient and effective daily transactions within the pharmacy, emphasizing

the value of investing in and optimizing such systems for improved operational



Demographic Profile

Job Role/Position:
The distribution of job roles within Al-Kanz Pharmacy indicated a hierarchical

structure dominated by employees, followed by owners. The absence of managers

suggests a flat organizational structure or a smaller-scale operation where managerial

roles might be absorbed by owners or delegated to employees. This distribution implies

that decision-making processes and responsibilities may be concentrated among owners

and employees, potentially influencing the implementation and management of new

systems like accounting information systems.

Years of Experience in the Industry:

The equal distribution of employees with 1-5 years of experience and more than 5

years of experience suggested a balanced workforce with varying levels of expertise. This

diversity in experience could be beneficial for incorporating different perspectives and

insights during the implementation of new systems. However, the absence of employees

with less than 1 year of experience indicates a lack of entry-level staff, which may impact

the training and adaptation process for new systems.

Current Software Usage:

The exclusive use of MS Excel by all employees indicated a reliance on familiar

software for various tasks within the pharmacy business. While this uniformity simplifies

software management and training, it may also limit the adoption of more specialized or

integrated systems tailored to pharmacy operations. The absence of QuickBooks or SAP

suggested a preference for familiar and versatile software over specialized solutions,

potentially affecting the scope and functionality of accounting information systems.

Assessment of Accounting Information System:

The positive feedback regarding usability, effectivity, and convenience

underscores the importance of user satisfaction in evaluating the proposed accounting

information system. The system's ease of navigation, accurate transaction recording, and

timely information provision align with user expectations and needs. Additionally,

intuitive menus, data security measures, and reduced manual labor involvement

contribute to a positive user experience, enhancing the system's overall effectiveness and


Classification of Daily Transactions:

Users' satisfaction with transaction visibility, payment accuracy, and purchasing

process streamlining indicates the system's effectiveness in managing daily transactions.

Clear and readable receipts, accurate transaction details, and streamlined purchasing

processes contribute to operational efficiency and user satisfaction. These aspects are

essential for maintaining transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in daily operations,

reflecting positively on the overall performance of the system within the pharmacy


The data above presented a comprehensive analysis of data from Al-Kanz

Pharmacy in Citiville, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, providing strong support for

the hypothesis asserting a significant positive relationship between the utilization of the

Accounting Information System (AIS) and the daily transactions of the pharmacy. The

computed correlation coefficient of 0.97, indicating a robust positive correlation, and the

tabular correlation coefficient of 0.878 at the 0.05 alpha level with 3 degrees of freedom,

demonstrated statistical significance. These findings offered compelling evidence in favor

of the alternative hypothesis, emphasizing the substantial impact of AIS implementation

on the efficiency and effectiveness of daily transactions at Al-Kanz Pharmacy.

Overall Conclusion:

The findings across job roles, experience levels, software usage, and user

satisfaction emphasize the importance of considering diverse factors when implementing

changes or new systems within the pharmacy business. Understanding user needs,

preferences, and satisfaction levels is crucial for successful adoption and integration of

accounting information systems and daily transaction processes. By addressing specific

needs and preferences identified in each variable and subvariable, the pharmacy can

optimize its operations and enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness.


For the owner of Al-Kanz Pharmacy;

The researchers recommended to Al-Kanz Pharmacy that they should Invest in

Training that provide comprehensive training sessions for employees, especially

considering the diverse levels of experience within the workforce. Training programs

should focus on familiarizing employees with new software systems and ensuring

proficiency in utilizing their features effectively. This investment in training will facilitate

a smoother transition to new systems and maximize their benefits.

Also the researchers encouraged the pharmacy to Continue the Evaluation for

further Improvement. Regularly assess the usability, effectiveness, and convenience of

the accounting information system through feedback from end users. Implement

necessary updates or modifications based on user suggestions to enhance system

performance and address evolving needs effectively.

Lastly the researchers recommended the owner to foster a collaborative decision-

making process involving both owners and employees in the implementation of new

systems. Encourage open communication and active participation to ensure that the

selected software solutions align with the specific needs and preferences of the pharmacy


For Al-Kanz Pharmacy’s Employees

Employees of Al-Kanz Pharmacy are recommended to actively participate in

training sessions to enhance their proficiency with the accounting information system

(AIS) and explore additional features beyond basic usage in MS Excel. Collaboration and

knowledge sharing among employees should be encouraged to foster a supportive

environment for learning and problem-solving related to AIS usage. Embracing changes

and new technologies introduced in the pharmacy, providing constructive feedback, and
suggesting improvement ideas can contribute to the continuous improvement of daily

transactions and overall efficiency. Additionally, employees should prioritize customer

focus, cross-functional collaboration, and documentation to ensure accuracy, reliability,

and compliance in transaction processes facilitated by the AIS, ultimately supporting the

pharmacy's success and customer satisfaction.

For future Researchers;

Explore User Perspectives: Conduct in-depth research focusing on user

perspectives and satisfaction levels regarding software usage and system implementation

in pharmacy businesses. Investigate factors influencing user acceptance and adoption of

new systems, considering variables such as job roles, experience levels, and software


Longitudinal Studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to track the long-term impact

of implementing new software systems on pharmacy operations. Evaluate how these

systems evolve over time, their effectiveness in meeting user needs, and their

contribution to overall business performance and competitiveness.

Comparative Analysis: Conduct comparative analyses of different software

solutions available in the market, focusing on their suitability for pharmacy operations.

Compare features, usability, and performance metrics to provide insights into selecting

the most appropriate software solution tailored to pharmacy business requirements.

User-Centered Design: Explore user-centered design principles in developing and

implementing software solutions for pharmacy businesses. Investigate how incorporating

user feedback and preferences into the design process can enhance system usability,

effectiveness, and user satisfaction.

By implementing these recommendations, the owner or end user can optimize

their operations, improve user satisfaction, and stay competitive in the pharmacy industry.

Similarly, future researchers can contribute to advancing knowledge in this field by

conducting comprehensive studies and exploring innovative approaches to software

implementation and user satisfaction assessment.


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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

Jude C. Decendario
California St. GK Enchanted Farm Brgy. Encanto Angat Bulacan

To be able to acquire work experience that enhances my utmost skills to promote
carrier growth through cooperative and harmonious work habit and applying principles of
Work Background:

Date Employed: October 2023 - March 2024

Company Name: Comptrolla Technologies Inc.
Position : Accounting and Technical Consultant
Job Description: Facilitating Accounting Records via QuickBooks Enterprise
and Monthly Compliance
Company Address: Cubao Quezon CIty
Mgr. / Supvr Cherie Mae Janog Position: Admin Head
Contact Number: 09171057964

Date Employed: 2022-2023

Company Name: N\A
Position : Freelance Data Analysis, System Developer and

Date Employed: May 2019 – April 2021

Company Name: AKAP Punla ng Pag Asa Microfinance Inc.
Position : Center Manager
Job Description: Facilitating Company Staff and facilitating loaner/client’s
Company Address: Commonwealth Ave. Quezon CIty
Mgr. / Supvr Jeffrey Navarro Position: Unit Manager
Contact Number: 09310103899

Date Employed: June 2010 – Septenber 2019

Company Name: Batang Bayani International Inc.
Position : Acccounting Officer
Job Description: Sales and Inventory Task, SSS PAGIBIG PHILHEALTH
and BIR Task, Payroll Master, FS preparing for ITR.
Company Address: GK Enchanted Farm Encanto Angat, Bulacan
Mgr. / Supvr Fabien Couteille
Position: Lead Entrepreneur
Contact Number:

Date Employed: August 2016 – November 2016

Company Name: Commission on Audit
Position : Acccounting Officer(OJT)
Job Description: Computing the Terminal/Sick/ Vacational leave of COA
Company Address: Common Wealth Ave. Quezon City

Academic Background:
Tertiary : La Concepcion College Inc
Campus Address: City of Sqan Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Course Title: Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
Year Graduate: 2024

Certificates & Seminars Attended:

• Civil Service Examination Passer(Professional Level)
March 26.2023

• Center Manager Summit

August 2019
STI Novaliches

Personal Skills:
 Have Knowledge in Using QuickBooks.
 Have knowledge in SSS, PagIbig Philhealth, BIRand Preparing for FS
 Have Knowledge in Creating database for accounting purposes
 Have knowledge in Microsoft Visual Studio and Studio code.
 Have Knowledge in Visual Basic.Net, C#, Java Language
 Have Knowledge in Javascript and React Native
Personal information:
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Birthday : November 18, 1997
Age : 26 yrs old
Place of Birth : Calinog, IloIlo
Religion : Roman Catholic
Sex : Male
Height : 5”3
Weight : 57kg
Father’s Name: Niel P. Decendario
Mother’s Name: Fe C. Decendario
Language Speak: Filipino / English Native Language: Ilonggo

Character References:
Name Address Contact No. Company
Cherie Mae Janog Cubao QC 09171057694 Comptrolla Technologies Inc.
Sheryl Binarao Angat Bulacan 09051450309 Plush and Play

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct and in any false
information indicated may consider this resume invalid.

__Jude C. Decendario___
Applicant Signature
Liza Nhel R. Lumayag
San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
March 06, 2024

Dedicated to creating office environments conducive to optimal workflow and success. A

strong team player that effectively maintains working relationships with co-workers,
supervisors, and clients. Tech-savvy with the flexibility to work in both fast and slow-
paced environments.

Personal Information:

 Date of birth: October 10, 1989

 Religion: Christian
 Nationality: Filipino
 Civil Status: Single
 Birthplace: Cavite
 Height / Weight: 152cm / 52kg.


 Computer Skills
 Administrative Skills
 Ability to Work in a Team
 Problem-solving
 Responsiveness and Reliability
 Detail-oriented
 Multitasking Skills
 Adaptability

Educational Background:
 B.S. Accounting Information System
 La Concepcion College, San Jose
del Monte, Bulacan October 2019 –

 Computer Programmer NCII

 Informatics Computer Institute -
Caloocan, NCR March 2008 –
September 2008

 Secondary Education
 ALS-Passer, San Jose
del Monte, Bulacan.
October 2007


 Data Entry
Online Freelancer February2017– Present

Able to carry out various tasks remotely. Monitored and updated data entry
standards and procedures remotely. Successfully identified and resolved data
entry errors, resulting in improved data accuracy. Created and maintained
comprehensive spreadsheets to track and update data on a daily basis.
Collaborated with cross- functional teams to identify and resolve data-related

 Insurance Assistant
Al Kanza Medical Center, Riyadh, KSA May 2014 - June 2016

Verified patient insurance coverage and explained insurance billing procedures.

Maintain and update files or data insurances.
 Data-Encoder
Pinoy Data Capture, Makati City April 2010 – March 2014

Processed transactions accurately and efficiently, ensuring that all transactions

were completed within the established time frame. Learned and followed all
company policies and procedures, resulting in fewer mistakes and improved
customer service.

Professional Reference:
Mizraim Lagrimas
Category Manager

Dennis Benedicto
from La Concepcion College

Kevin Mak

Catalog Manager

I hereby declare that the above particulars of facts and information stated are true,
correct, and complete to the best of my belief and knowledge.

Ms. Liza Nhel R. Lumayag
Appendix D
Appendix E

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