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Marine & Offshore Division


Rules for the Classification of

Harbour Equipment

PART A - Classification and Surveys

PART B - Hull and Stability
PART C - Machinery, Systems and Electricity
PART D - Additional Requirements for Notations

November 2015

Rule Note
NR 612 DNI R00 E

The accredidation certificate

is available at page 245

Inland Navigation Management

Mechelsesteenweg 128/136
B-2018 Antwerpen - Belgium
Tel: + 32 (0)3 247 94 00 / + 32 (0)3 247 94 70
 2015 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved

1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine & Offshore Division (the "Society") is 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
the classification (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of any type or part of provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
it or system therein collectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea 6.2. - If the Services of the Society or their omission cause to the Client a damage which is proved
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, to be the direct and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society,
hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary its liability towards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise caused the damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thou-
as decided by the Society. sand (8,000) Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000)
The Society: Euro and one and a half times the above mentioned fee. These limits apply regardless of fault in-
• "prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (" Rules "); cluding breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute, etc.
• "issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (" Certificates "); The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss whether arising naturally or not as
a consequence of the Services or their omission such as loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of pro-
• "publishes Registers.
duction, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of other agreements.
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Stand-
6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Serv-
ards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively re-
ices were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
ferred to as " Certification ".
and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be in-
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and terrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activi-
ties and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumen-
tation, measurements, tests and trials on board. 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its 7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are pre- the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
pared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime in Article 8 hereunder.
and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or char- date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
tering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Ship- and Article 8 hereunder.
builder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
obligations by the interventions of the Society. ARTICLE 8
ARTICLE 2 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following sur- of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
veys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of 8.2. - Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable leg-
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates islation.
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register.
8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter notification to pay.
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards.
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present
9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the
available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope.
• "Clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classifica-
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient
tion of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presenta-
have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit ;
tion of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out.
• "copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their of class;
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They
• "the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of
are a collection of minimum requirements but not a standard or a code of construction neither a
the Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, may be
guide for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional practices, all of which are
passed on to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association
assumed to be known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client.
working rules;
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those docu-
• "the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmen-
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them tal or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction.
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention.
The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters re-
lated to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise. 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of
3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of ran-
dom inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verification.
11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the So-
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
ciety may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
• "reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Cli-
11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
• "conducts surveys at the place of their construction;
• "classes Units and enters their class in its Register;
12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
• "surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the of Nanterre, France, or to another Court as deemed fit by the Society.
extent of the surveys to be changed.
12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
ARTICLE 5 exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. and the Client shall be governed by English law.
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level ARTICLE 13
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided for. 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory serv- whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement. They are not var-
ices, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an im- ied by any purchase order or other document of the Client serving similar purpose.
plied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the va-
for sale, insurance or chartering. lidity of the remaining provisions.
5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construc- 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
tion in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 L - 7 January 2013
machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any sur-
vey by the Society.

NR 612
Rules for the Classification of
Harbour Equipment

Part A Classification and Surveys

Part B Hull and Stability
Part C Machinery, Systems and Electricity
Part D Additional Requirements for Notations

November 2015


Section 1 General Principles of Classification

1 Principles of classification 39
1.1 Purpose of the Rules
1.2 General definitions
1.3 Date of “contract for construction”
1.4 Meaning of classification, scope and limits
1.5 Request for service
2 Rules 41
2.1 Effective date
2.2 Application
2.3 Equivalence
2.4 Novel features
2.5 Other construction Rules and Regulations
2.6 Industry Codes, Standards, etc
3 Duties of the Interested Parties 42
3.1 International and National Regulations
3.2 Surveyor’s intervention
3.3 Operation and maintenance of harbour equipment
3.4 Use of measuring equipment and of service suppliers
3.5 Spare parts
4 Application of statutory Rules by the Society 43
4.1 International and national Regulations

Section 2 Class Designation

1 General 44
1.1 Purpose of the classification notations
1.2 Types of notations assigned
2 Character of construction for hull and machinery installation 45
2.1 General
3 Characters of class and compliance with the Rules 45
3.1 General
4 Character of class period 46
4.1 General
5 Type and service notations 46
5.1 General

2 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

6 Additional service features 46
6.1 General
7 Additional class notations 46
7.1 General

Section 3 Type and Service Notations - Additional Service Features -

Additional Class Notations
1 General 47
1.1 Type and service notations
1.2 Additional service features
1.3 Additional class notations
2 Floating dock 48
2.1 Type and service notation
2.2 Additional service features
3 Floating landing dock 48
3.1 Type and service notation
4 Floating door 48
4.1 Type and service notation
5 Floating bridge 48
5.1 Type and service notation
5.2 Additional service feature
6 Worksite unit 48
6.1 Type and service notation
7 Floating storage 48
7.1 Type and service notation
7.2 Additional service features
8 Special service 49
8.1 General
9 Additional class notations 49
9.1 Auxiliary propulsion
9.2 Equipped for wheeled vehicles
9.3 Modular
9.4 Green passport for harbour equipment recycling
10 Other notations 50
10.1 General

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 3


Section 1 Assignment of Class

1 General 53

Section 2 Maintenance of Class

1 General principles of surveys 54

1.1 Survey types
1.2 Change of periodicity, postponement or advance of surveys
2 Definitions and procedures related to surveys 55
2.1 General
3 Documentation of surveys, confirmation of class 55
3.1 General
3.2 Validity of certificates/attestations
3.3 Endorsement of certificate of classification
4 Periodical survey 56
4.1 General
4.2 Class renewal survey
4.3 Quarter term survey
4.4 Intermediate survey
4.5 Bottom survey
4.6 Links between anniversary dates and surveys
5 Non-periodical survey 57
5.1 General
5.2 Class extension surveys
6 Surveys in accordance with applicable statutory regulations 58
6.1 General
6.2 Society intervention
7 Lay-up and recommissioning of laid-up harbour equipment 58
7.1 General

Section 3 Suspension and Withdrawal of Class

1 Discontinuance of class 59
1.1 General

4 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Section 4 Classification Procedures
1 General 60
1.1 Classification of new building
1.2 Classification after construction of existing harbour equipment

Section 5 Hull Survey For New Construction

1 General 61

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 5


Section 1 Class Renewal Survey

1 General 65
2 Hull and hull equipment 65
2.1 Bottom survey in dry condition
2.2 Decks, hatch covers and equipment
2.3 Holds and other dry compartments
2.4 Tanks
2.5 Thickness measurements
2.6 Additional inspection and check - Class renewal I
2.7 Additional inspection and check - Class renewal II
2.8 Additional inspection and check - Class renewal III and subsequent ones
3 Machinery and electrical installations 66
3.1 General
3.2 Auxiliary machinery, equipment and piping, survey performance
3.3 Electrical installations
3.4 Pipes in tanks
3.5 Fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems
3.6 Trials
4 Additional requirements - Liquid products /DG-S or
/Bunker station or /Wastes 67
4.1 General
4.2 Hull
4.3 Machinery
5 Additional requirements - Gaseous products /DG-S 68
5.1 General
5.2 Class renewal survey - Hull
5.3 Class renewal survey - Machinery
6 Additional requirements - Green passport 69
6.1 General
7 Additional requirements - Auxiliary propulsion 69
7.1 General

Section 2 Other Periodical Surveys

1 General 70
2 Surveys performance 70
2.1 General

6 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

3 Hull and hull equipment 70
3.1 General
3.2 Ballast tanks
3.3 Hatches and covers
3.4 Dry dock survey
4 Machinery and electrical installations 71
4.1 General
4.2 Fire extinguishing systems
4.3 Machinery
4.4 Electrical installations and equipment
5 Intermediate survey - p > 5 71
5.1 General
5.2 Hull
6 Additional requirements for notations 71
6.1 General
6.2 Liquid products /DG-S or /Bunker station or /Wastes
6.3 Gaseous products /DG-S
6.4 Auxiliary propulsion

Section 3 Non-Periodical Survey

1 Damage and repair surveys 74
1.1 General
1.2 Damage and repair surveys performance
2 Conversion surveys 74
2.1 General
3 Extraordinary surveys 74
3.1 General
4 Survey for towage or voyage over sea 74
4.1 General

Section 4 Bottom Survey

1 General 75
2 Dry dock survey 75
2.1 General
2.2 Performance of dry dock survey
3 In-water survey 75
3.1 General
3.2 Approval
3.3 Performance of survey
3.4 Additional examinations

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 7



Section 1 Application
1 General 81
1.1 Structural requirements
1.2 Limits of application to lifting appliances
2 Rule application 82
2.1 Harbour equipment parts
3 Rounding off of scantlings 82
3.1 Plate thicknesses
3.2 Stiffener section moduli

Section 2 Definitions
1 General 83
1.1 Rule length
1.2 Ends of rule length
1.3 Breadth
1.4 Depth
1.5 Draught
1.6 Length overall
1.7 Length of waterline
1.8 Superstructure
1.9 Deckhouse
1.10 Strength deck
1.11 Weather deck
1.12 Bulkhead deck
1.13 Cofferdam
1.14 Weathertight
1.15 Watertight
2 Reference co-ordinates 84
2.1 General

8 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General Arrangement Design

1 Subdivision arrangement 87
1.1 Watertight bulkheads
1.2 Height of transverse watertight bulkheads
1.3 Openings in watertight bulkheads
1.4 Watertight doors
1.5 Cofferdams
2 Access arrangement 87
2.1 Double bottom
2.2 Access to tanks
2.3 Access within tanks
2.4 Access to side tanks

Section 2 Materials
1 General 89
1.1 Characteristics of materials
1.2 Testing of materials
1.3 Manufacturing processes
2 Steels for hull structure 89
2.1 Application
2.2 Information to be kept on board
2.3 Dimensional tolerances
2.4 Material factor k
2.5 Grades of steels
3 Aluminum alloy structures 90
3.1 Application
3.2 Extruded plating
3.3 Mechanical properties of weld joints
3.4 Material factor k
4 Other materials 91
4.1 General

Section 3 Net Scantling Approach

1 Application criteria 92
1.1 General
2 Net strength characteristic calculation 92
2.1 Designer’s proposals based on gross scantlings
2.2 Designer’s proposals based on net scantlings

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 9

3 Corrosion additions 92
3.1 Values of corrosion additions

Section 4 Strength Principles

1 General strength principles 94

1.1 Structural continuity
1.2 Connections with higher strength steel
1.3 Connections between steel and aluminium
2 Plating 94
2.1 Insert plates and doublers
3 Ordinary stiffeners 95
3.1 General
3.2 Span of ordinary stiffeners
3.3 Width of attached plating
3.4 Sections
3.5 End connections
4 Primary supporting members 96
4.1 Span of primary supporting members
4.2 Width of attached plating
4.3 Bracketed end connections
4.4 Bracketless end connections
4.5 Stiffening arrangement

Section 5 Bottom Structure

1 General 99
1.1 Application
1.2 Scantlings
1.3 General arrangement
1.4 Drainage and openings for air passage
2 Transversely framed single bottom 99
2.1 Floors
2.2 Center girder
2.3 Side girders
3 Longitudinally framed single bottom 99
3.1 Bottom longitudinals
3.2 Bottom transverses
3.3 Bottom girders
4 Transversely framed double bottom 100
4.1 Double bottom arrangement
4.2 Floors
4.3 Bilge wells
4.4 Girders

10 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

5 Longitudinally framed double bottom 100
5.1 General
5.2 Transverses
5.3 Bottom and inner bottom longitudinal ordinary stiffeners
5.4 Brackets to centreline girder

Section 6 Side Structure

1 General 102
1.1 Application
1.2 Scantling
1.3 General arrangement
2 Transversely framed single side 102
2.1 Side frames
2.2 Side stringers
2.3 Web frames
3 Longitudinally framed single side 103
3.1 Side transverses
3.2 Side longitudinals
4 Transversely framed double side 103
4.1 General
4.2 Side and inner side frames
4.3 Side and inner side web frames
5 Longitudinally framed double side 103
5.1 General
5.2 Side and inner side longitudinals
5.3 Side transverses
6 Frame connection 103
6.1 General
6.2 Upper and lower brackets of frames

Section 7 Deck Structure

1 General 105
1.1 Application
1.2 Scantlings
1.3 General arrangement
1.4 Coaming of separate hatchways
2 Transversely framed deck 106
2.1 Deck beams
2.2 Deck girders
3 Longitudinally framed deck 106
3.1 Deck longitudinals
3.2 Deck transverses

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 11

4 Pillars 106
4.1 General
4.2 Connections
5 Bulkheads supporting beams 107
5.1 Scantlings

Section 8 Bulkhead Structure

1 General 108
1.1 Application
1.2 Scantling
1.3 General arrangement
2 Plane bulkheads 108
2.1 General
2.2 Bulkhead stiffeners
2.3 End connections of ordinary stiffeners
2.4 Bracketed ordinary stiffeners
3 Corrugated bulkheads 109
3.1 General
3.2 Bulkhead scantlings
3.3 Structural arrangement
3.4 Bulkhead stool
4 Non-watertight bulkheads 110
4.1 Non-watertight bulkheads

12 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 Strength Characteristics of the Hull Girder Transverse Sections

1 General 113
1.1 Application
2 Characteristics of the hull girder transverse sections 113
2.1 Hull girder transverse sections
2.2 Hull girder section modulus

Section 2 Yielding Check

1 General 114
1.1 Stress calculation
1.2 Checking criterion

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 13


Section 1 General
1 General 117
1.1 Application
1.2 Net scantling
1.3 Partial safety factors

Section 2 Plating
1 General 118
1.1 Elementary plate panel
1.2 Load point
2 General requirements 118
2.1 General
2.2 Minimum net thickness
2.3 Keel
2.4 Bilge scantling
2.5 Sheerstrake
2.6 Stringer plate
3 Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure 120
3.1 Load model
3.2 Net thickness of plating subjected to lateral pressure
4 Buckling strength check 120
4.1 General
4.2 Load model
4.3 Net thickness of plating complying with the buckling criteria

Section 3 Ordinary Stiffeners

1 General 122
1.1 Load point for lateral pressure
1.2 Load point for hull girder stresses
1.3 Span correction coefficients
1.4 Coefficients for pressure distribution correction
2 General requirements 123
2.1 Web minimum net thicknesses
3 Strength check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure 123
3.1 Application
3.2 Load model
3.3 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners

14 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

4 Buckling strength check 123
4.1 Load model
4.2 Checking criteria

Section 4 Primary Supporting Members

1 General 125
1.1 Application
1.2 Minimum net thicknesses
2 Yielding check of primary supporting members analysed through an
isolated beam structural model subjected to lateral pressure 125
2.1 General requirements
2.2 Load model
2.3 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of primary supporting
3 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load 127
3.1 General
3.2 Buckling strength
4 Direct calculation 129
4.1 Application
4.2 Analysis documentation
4.3 Partial safety factor γR
4.4 Yielding check of structural members analysed through an isolated beam
structural model
4.5 Yielding check of structural members analysed through a three-dimensional
structural model

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 15


Section 1 General
1 River chests 135
1.1 Shell plating
2 Side shell openings 135
2.1 General
2.2 Arrangement
2.3 Strengthening
3 Deck openings 135
3.1 Openings in the strength deck
3.2 Corners of hatchways
4 Scuppers and discharges 135
4.1 Material
4.2 Wall thickness
5 Machinery space openings 136
5.1 Skylight hatches
5.2 Closing devices
5.3 Position of openings
5.4 Entrances
6 Companionway 136
6.1 General
7 Ventilators 136
7.1 General

16 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 Welding and Weld Connections

1 General 139
1.1 General requirements
1.2 Welding connections for steel
1.3 Welding and other connections means for aluminium alloys

Section 2 Protection of Hull Metallic Structures

1 Protection by coating 140
1.1 General
1.2 Structures to be protected
2 Protection against galvanic corrosion in tanks 140
2.1 General
3 Cathodic protection of tanks 140
3.1 General
4 Protection of bottom by ceiling 140
4.1 General
4.2 Arrangement
4.3 Scantling
5 Protection of decks by wood sheathing 141
5.1 Deck not entirely plated

Section 3 Testing
1 General 142
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
2 Watertight compartments 142
2.1 General
2.2 Structural testing
2.3 Hydropneumatic testing
2.4 Leak testing
2.5 Hose testing
2.6 Other testing methods
3 Miscellaneous 144
3.1 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 17



Section 1 Machinery and Systems

1 General 149
1.1 Applicable requirements
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Power of machinery
2 Arrangement and installation on board 149
2.1 General
2.2 Floors
2.3 Bolting down
2.4 Safety devices on moving parts
2.5 Gauges
2.6 Ventilation in machinery spaces

Section 2 Electrical Installations

1 General 151
1.1 Applicable requirements
1.2 Definitions
2 General design requirements 151
2.1 Quality of power supply
2.2 Materials
2.3 Protective measures
3 Supply systems and characteristics of the supply 151
3.1 Supply systems
3.2 Characteristics of the supply
4 Shore connection 152
4.1 General
4.2 Connection equipment

Section 3 Fire Safety

1 General 153
1.1 Applicable requirements
1.2 Application criteria

18 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015



Section 1 General
1 General 159
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Measurement systems
2 Loads and loading conditions 159
2.1 General
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Dry uniform loads
2.6 Dry unit loads
2.7 Wheeled loads
2.8 Hull girder loads - Longitudinal strength check
2.9 Hull girder loads - Transverse strength check
2.10 Testing pressure
2.11 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 162
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Hull arrangements 163
2.1 General arrangement
2.2 Framing system
2.3 Supports for vessel docking
2.4 Strength continuity
3 Hull girder strength 163
3.1 General
3.2 Longitudinal strength
3.3 Transverse strength
4 Hull scantling 164
4.1 General
4.2 Structural members under keel and side blocks
5 Stability 164
5.1 General
5.2 Loading conditions
5.3 Intact stability design criteria

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 19

Section 3 Hull Outfitting
1 Guard rails 165
1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement
2 Ramps 165
2.1 General
2.2 Ramps subjected to lateral pressure
2.3 Ramps subjected to wheeled loads
3 Footbridges 166
3.1 Society involvement
3.2 Design
3.3 Arrangement
4 Mooring system 166
4.1 Society involvement

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity

1 General 167
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 167
2.1 General
2.2 Water ballast lifting system
2.3 Air lifting system
3 Electrical installations 167
3.1 General
3.2 Lighting
4 Fire fighting 167
4.1 General

20 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General

1 General 171
1.1 Application
1.2 General requirements
2 Loads and loading conditions 171
2.1 Loading conditions
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Dry uniform loads
2.6 Dry unit loads
2.7 Wheeled loads
2.8 Loads induced by docked vessel
2.9 Hull girder loads
2.10 Testing pressure
2.11 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 175
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Structure design principles 175
2.1 Hull structure
3 Hull girder strength 176
3.1 General
4 Hull scantling 176
4.1 General
4.2 Reinforcements
4.3 Wood sheathing
5 Stability 176
5.1 General
5.2 Heeling moments
5.3 Intact stability
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard - Harbour equipment not
intended for passengers
5.5 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard - Harbour equipment
intended for passengers
5.6 Damage stability

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 21

Section 3 Hull Outfitting
1 Guard rails 179
1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement
2 Ramps 179
2.1 General
2.2 Ramps subjected to lateral pressure
2.3 Ramps subjected to wheeled loads
3 Footbridges 180
3.1 Society involvement
3.2 Design
3.3 Arrangement
4 Mooring system 180
4.1 General
4.2 Design of dock mooring system
4.3 Vessel mooring system
5 Fenders 180
5.1 General

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity

1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 181
1.1 General
2 Electrical installations 181
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
3 Fire fighting 181
3.1 General

22 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General
1 General 185
1.1 Application
2 Loads and loading conditions 185
2.1 Loading conditions
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Hull girder loads
2.6 Testing pressure
2.7 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 187
1.1 Documents to be submitted
2 Structural design principles 187
2.1 Hull structure
3 Hull girder strength 187
3.1 Longitudinal strength
3.2 Transverse strength
4 Hull scantling 188
4.1 General
4.2 Reinforcements
5 Stability 188
5.1 General
5.2 Loading conditions
5.3 Intact stability design criteria

Section 3 Hull Outfitting

1 Guard rails 189

1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement
2 Mooring and towing equipment 189
2.1 General

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 23

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity
1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 190
1.1 General
2 Electrical installations 190
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
3 Fire fighting 190
3.1 General

24 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General

1 General 193
1.1 Application
1.2 Arrangement
2 Loads and loading conditions 193
2.1 Loading conditions
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Dry uniform loads
2.6 Wheeled loads
2.7 Mooring force
2.8 Hull girder loads
2.9 Testing pressure
2.10 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 195
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Structure design principles 195
2.1 Hull structure
3 Hull girder strength 196
3.1 General
4 Hull scantling 196
4.1 General
4.2 Reinforcements
4.3 Wood sheathing
5 Stability 196
5.1 General
5.2 Heeling moments
5.3 Intact stability
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard - Harbour equipment not
intended for passengers
5.5 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard - Harbour equipment
intended for passengers
5.6 Damage stability

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 25

Section 3 Hull Outfitting
1 Guard rails 199
1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement
2 Mooring and towing equipment 199
2.1 General

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity

1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 200
1.1 General
2 Electrical installations 200
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
3 Fire fighting 200
3.1 General

26 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General
1 General 203
1.1 Application
2 Loads and loading conditions 203
2.1 Loading conditions
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Dry uniform loads
2.6 Dry unit loads
2.7 Wheeled loads
2.8 Mooring force
2.9 Hull girder loads
2.10 Testing pressure
2.11 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 205
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Structure design principles 205
2.1 Hull structure
3 Hull girder strength 206
3.1 General
4 Hull scantling 206
4.1 General
4.2 Reinforcements
4.3 Wood sheathing
5 Stability 206
5.1 General
5.2 Heeling moments
5.3 Intact stability
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard

Section 3 Hull Outfitting

1 Guard rails 208
1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 27

2 Mooring and towing equipment 208
2.1 General

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity

1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 209
1.1 General
2 Electrical installations 209
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
3 Fire fighting 209
3.1 General

28 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 General
1 General 213
1.1 Application
2 Loads and loading conditions 213
2.1 Loading conditions
2.2 Wind force
2.3 River water pressure
2.4 Internal pressure
2.5 Dry uniform loads
2.6 Dry unit loads
2.7 Mooring force
2.8 Hull girder loads
2.9 Testing pressure
2.10 Flooding pressure

Section 2 Hull and Stability

1 General 215
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Structure design principles 215
2.1 Hull structure
3 Hull girder strength 216
3.1 General
4 Hull scantling 216
4.1 General
4.2 Reinforcements
4.3 Wood sheathing
5 Stability 216
5.1 General
5.2 Heeling moments
5.3 Intact stability
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual freeboard

Section 3 Hull Outfitting

1 Guard rails 218
1.1 General
1.2 Scantling and arrangement

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 29

2 Mooring and towing equipment 218
2.1 General

Section 4 Machinery Systems and Electricity

1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment 219
1.1 General
2 Electrical installations 219
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
3 Fire fighting 219
3.1 General

30 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Section 1 DG-S/Bunker Station and DG-S/Wastes

1 General 223
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Documents to be submitted
2 Materials of construction 225
2.1 General
2.2 Specific requirements
3 Harbour equipment arrangement 226
3.1 General
3.2 Machinery spaces
3.3 Accommodation and service spaces
3.4 Storage spaces
3.5 Ventilation
3.6 Engines
3.7 Exhaust pipes
3.8 Bilge pumping and ballasting arrangements
3.9 Ventilation of pump room
3.10 Arrangements of cofferdams
4 Storage tank 228
4.1 General
4.2 Storage area hull design
4.3 Storage tank arrangements
4.4 Integrated storage tank scantlings
4.5 Independent storage tank scantlings
4.6 Storage tank openings
5 Product piping system 228
5.1 Arrangement for product pumps
5.2 Arrangement of product piping
5.3 Control and monitoring
5.4 Permissible loading and unloading flows
6 Product temperature control 229
6.1 Storage tank heating
7 Receptacles for residual products and receptacles for slops 229
7.1 General
8 Electrical installations 229
8.1 General design requirements
8.2 Type and location of electrical equipment
8.3 Earthing
8.4 Electrical cables
8.5 Storage batteries

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 31

9 Fire protection and fire extinguishing 231
9.1 Fire and naked light
9.2 Portable fire extinguishers
10 Safety and control installations 231
10.1 General
11 Buoyancy and stability 231
11.1 Storage of liquid products

Section 2 Equipped for Wheeled Vehicles

1 General 234
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
1.3 General requirements
2 Plating subjected to wheeled loads 234
2.1 Hull girder normal stresses
2.2 Tyre print area
2.3 Net thickness
3 Ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled loads 236
3.1 Hull girder normal stresses
3.2 Net Scantlings
4 Primary supporting members subjected to wheel loads 236
4.1 Hull girder normal stresses
4.2 Net Scantlings

Section 3 Modular
1 General 238
1.1 Application
1.2 Permanent connections
1.3 Removable connections
1.4 Mooring system
1.5 Documents to be submitted
2 Harbour equipment fitted with permanent connections 238
2.1 Stability calculations
2.2 Hull girder loads
2.3 Local loads
2.4 Hull girder strength
2.5 Hull scantlings
3 Harbour equipment fitted with removable connections 239
3.1 Stability calculations
3.2 Hull girder loads
3.3 Local loads
3.4 Hull girder strength
3.5 Hull scantlings

32 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

4 Connections 239
4.1 General
4.2 Connection loads
4.3 Scantlings
5 Hinge connections 240
5.1 General
5.2 Materials used for the hinges
5.3 Connection forces
5.4 Scantling check
6 Cable connections 241
6.1 General
6.2 Connection forces
6.3 Connection system design
6.4 Bollards
7 Bolt/pin connections 242
7.1 General
7.2 Connection loads
7.3 Strength check principles
8 Other connections 243
8.1 General
8.2 Connection loads
8.3 Strength check principles

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 33

34 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part A
Classification and Surveys

Chapters 1 2 3



November 2015
36 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Part A
Classification and Surveys

Chapter 1






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 37

38 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 Principles of classification 1.2 General definitions

1.2.1 Administration
1.1 Purpose of the Rules Administration means the competent authorities within the
1.1.1 This Rule Note gives the requirements for assignment state where the unit is operated.
and maintenance of class of harbour equipment, as defined 1.2.2 Building specification
in [1.2.5], operated in smooth stretches of water.
The building specification is part of the building contract
A special consideration will be given to harbour equipment between the Prospective Owner, Other Interested Party and
intended to be operated on stretches of water where differ- the Building Yard which specifies the technical parameters
ent conditions of water may be encountered. and all other details for construction of the harbour equip-
1.1.2 The class assigned reflects the discretionary opinion
of the Society that the harbour equipment, for declared con- 1.2.3 Building Yard
ditions of use and within the relevant time frame, complies The Building Yard is the contractual partner of the Prospec-
with the rules applicable at the time the service is rendered. tive Owner or Other Interested Party, entrusted with manag-
ing the design, construction and equipment of the harbour
1.1.3 The general conditions valid at the time of signing of equipment, generally together with a series of subcontrac-
the contract with the Owner or prospective Owner, the tors and manufacturers.
Building Yard or Other Interested party apply.
1.2.4 Essential service
1.1.4 The application criteria of the different parts of the Essential service is intended to mean a service necessary for
present Rules are the following: a harbour equipment to undertake activities connected with
• Part A - Classification and Surveys: applies to all harbour its operation and for the safety of life, as far as class is con-
equipment cerned.
• Part B - Hull Design and Construction: applies to har-
bour equipment whose hull is of welded steel construc- 1.2.5 Harbour equipment
tion Harbour equipment covers all non-propelled floating units
equipped to provide facilities such as:
• Part C - Machinery, Systems and Electricity: applies to
all harbour equipment • cargo loading/unloading
• passengers embarking/disembarking
• Part D - Additional Requirements for Notations: applies
to specific harbour equipment types. • vessels dry docking
• sealing or separation of water areas
Where necessary, the extent of application is more precisely
• miscellaneous products supply or storage
defined in each chapter of these parts.
• working surfaces, etc.
The classification of harbour equipment other than those
dealt with in the above-mentioned Part B, Part C and Part D 1.2.6 Hull
is covered by specific Rules published by the Society. The hull is the structural body of a harbour equipment
Classification according to this Rule Note applies primarily including all strength components, i.e. shell plating, wall,
to new buildings constructed under survey of the Society. framing, decks, bulkheads, etc. of the main hull, superstruc-
Classification may also be applied to existing equipment by tures and deckhouses. The hull also includes:
a survey for admission to class/classification after construc- • all portions of the harbour equipment extending beyond
tion, if sufficient documentation is available. See Ch 2, Sec the main hull outline (appendages)
4, [1.2]. • river chests
1.1.5 This Rule Note will be applied for structural elements • structures permanently connected by weld to the har-
of the hull and for components of the machinery and elec- bour equipment's hull such as guard rails, bitts, fixed
trical installations of harbour equipment, subject to agree- parts of lifting appliances, machinery bedding, etc.
ment between the Prospective Owner, the Other Interested • tanks integrated to the hull structure
party and the Building Yard for the classification order to the • independent storage tanks.
1.2.7 Other Interested Party
1.1.6 A harbour equipment not covered by any of the type Other Interested Party means other ordering subcontractors
and service notation defined in Ch 1, Sec 3 will be dealt such as the broker, the Designer, the engine and compo-
with on a case-by-case basis. nents manufacturer, or the Supplier of parts to be tested, etc.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 39

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1

1.2.8 Owner or Prospective Owner For the purpose of this definition, harbour equipment built
Owner or Prospective Owner means the Registered Owner under a single “contract for construction” are considered a
or the Disponent Owner or the Manager or any other party “series of harbour equipment” if they are built to the same
responsible for the definition, purchase and/or operation of reviewed plans for classification purposes. However, har-
the harbour equipment and having the responsibility to bour equipment units within a series may have design alter-
keep the harbour equipment in good condition, having par- ations from the original design, provided:
ticular regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance • such alterations do not affect matters related to classifi-
of class. cation, or

1.2.9 Period of class • if the alterations are subject to classification require-

ments, these alterations are to comply with the classifi-
Period of class means the period starting either from the
cation requirements in effect on the date on which the
date of the initial classification or from the credited date of
alterations are contracted between the Prospective
the last class renewal survey, and expiring at the limit date
Owner or Other Interested Party and the Building Yard
assigned for the next class renewal survey.
or, in the absence of the alteration contract, comply
1.2.10 Smooth stretches of water with the classification requirements in effect on the date
on which the alterations are submitted to the Society for
Smooth stretches of water cover operation of harbour
equipment on water stretches where the maximum wave
height does not exceed 0,6 m. The optional harbour equipment will be considered part of
the same series of harbour equipment if the option is exer-
1.2.11 Society
cised not later than 1 year after the contract to build the
Society means the Classification Society with which the series was signed.
harbour equipment is classed.
If a “contract for construction” is later amended to include
1.2.12 Statutory Rules additional harbour equipment or additional options, the
Statutory Rules are the national and international Rules and date of “contract for construction” for such harbour equip-
Regulations which apply to the harbour equipment but ment is the date on which the amendment to the contract is
which are not covered by the classification. signed between the Prospective Owner or Other Interested
Party and the Building Yard. The amendment to the contract
1.2.13 Survey is to be considered as a “new contract” to which the above
Survey means an intervention by the Surveyor for assign-
ment or maintenance of class, or interventions by the Sur- If a “contract for construction” is amended to change the
veyor within the limits of the tasks delegated by the harbour equipment type, the date of “contract for construc-
Administrations. tion” of this modified harbour equipment is the date on
which the revised contract or new contract is signed
1.2.14 Surveyor between the Prospective Owner, or Prospective Owners,
Surveyor means technical staff acting on behalf of the Soci- and the Building Yard.
ety to perform tasks in relation to classification and survey
1.4 Meaning of classification, scope and
1.2.15 Type approval limits
Type approval means an approval process for verifying
1.4.1 The Rules, survey performed reports, certificates and
compliance with the Rules of a product, a group of products
other documents issued by the Society, are in no way
or a system, and considered by the Society as representative
intended to replace or alleviate the duties and responsibili-
of continuous production.
ties of other parties, such as Administrations, Designers,
Building Yard, Manufacturers, Repairers, Suppliers, Con-
1.3 Date of “contract for construction” tractors or Subcontractors, actual or Prospective Owners or
Operators and Underwriters. The Society cannot therefore
1.3.1 The date of “contract for construction” of a harbour assume the obligations arising from these functions, even
equipment is the date on which the contract to build the when the Society is consulted to answer inquiries concern-
harbour equipment is signed between the Prospective ing matters not covered by its Rules, or other documents.
Owner or the Other Interested Party and the Building Yard.
This date is normally to be declared to the Society by the 1.4.2 The activities of such parties which fall outside the
ordering client applying for the assignment of class to a new scope of the classification as set out in the Rules, such as
building. design, engineering, manufacturing, operating alternatives,
The date of “contract for construction” of a series of harbour choice of type and power of machinery and equipment,
equipment, including specified optional harbour equipment number and qualification of operating personnel, remain
for which the option is ultimately exercised, is the date on therefore the responsibility of those parties, even if these
which the contract to build the series is signed between the matters may be given consideration for classification
Prospective Owner or Other Interested Party and the Build- according to the type of the harbour equipment or addi-
ing Yard. tional class notation assigned.

40 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1

1.4.3 The classification-related services and documents 2 Rules

performed and issued by the Society do not relieve the par-
ties concerned of their responsibilities or other contractual
obligations expressed or implied or of any liability whatso- 2.1 Effective date
ever, nor do they create any right or claim in relation to the
Society with regard to such responsibilities, obligations and 2.1.1 The effective date of entry into force of any amend-
liabilities. In particular, the Society does not declare the ments to the Rules is indicated on the inside front page of
acceptance or commissioning of a harbour equipment or the Rules or in the relevant Section.
any part of it, this being the exclusive responsibility of the
Owner or Other Interested Party.
2.2 Application
1.4.4 Unless otherwise specified, the Rules do not deal
with structures, pressure vessels, machinery and equipment
2.2.1 In principle, the applicable Rules for assignment of
which are not permanently installed and used solely for
class to a new harbour equipment are those in force at the
operational activities, except for their effect on the classifi-
date of contract for construction. In the case of admission to
cation-related matters, such as the harbour equipment’s
class after construction, the Rules in force at the date of the
general strength.
request for classification apply.
1.4.5 During periods of construction, modification or
repair, the harbour equipment is solely under the responsi- 2.2.2 Special consideration may be given to applying new
bility of the Builder or the Repair Yard. As an example, the or modified rule requirements which entered into force sub-
Builder or Repair Yard is to ensure that the construction, sequent to the date of the contract for construction, at the
modification or repair activities are compatible with the discretion of the Society and in the following cases:
design strength of the harbour equipment and that no per-
manent deformations are sustained. • when a justified written request is received from the
party applying for classification
1.4.6 Structures, machinery and equipment determining
• when the keel is not yet laid and more than one year has
the type of harbour equipment are subject to examination
elapsed since the contract was signed
within the scope of classification, in accordance with the
character of classification and affixed class notations. • where it is intended to use existing previously reviewed
Other systems and components may be included in the plans for a new contract.
classification and/or certification procedure upon request of
the Prospective Owner, the Other Interested Party and the 2.2.3 The above procedures for application of the Rules
Building Yard. are, in principle, also applicable to existing harbour equip-
ment in the case of major conversions and, in the case of
1.4.7 It is assumed that all parties involved in the planning alterations, to the altered parts of the harbour equipment.
and design, materials and components production and
installation have the professional qualifications required
and/or suitable facilities/equipment for fabrication. This will 2.2.4 The rule requirements related to assignment, mainte-
normally be established or confirmed by means of a certi- nance and withdrawal of the class of harbour equipment
fied quality assurance management system in accordance already in operation are applicable from the date of their
with ISO 9000, or equivalent. entry into force.

1.4.8 When it is agreed to limit the classification to the har-

bour equipment’s hull only, the parts of the harbour equip-
2.3 Equivalence
ment which are to comply with the Rules are those mentioned
in [1.2.6]. In such a case, the applicable stability requirements 2.3.1 The Society may consider the acceptance of alterna-
are also to be complied with and the classification notations tives to this Rule Note, provided that they are deemed to be
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2 will be assigned only to the hull. equivalent, to the satisfaction to the Society.
Machinery, systems and electrical installations which are nor-
mally matters for classification are to be in compliance with 2.3.2 As a rule, material and equipment type approved in
the requirements of the competent Authority. compliance with NR467 Rule for Steel Ships are considered
acceptable within the scope of this NR612 Rule Note.
1.5 Request for service
1.5.1 Requests for interventions by the Society, such as 2.4 Novel features
request for classification, surveys during construction, sur-
veys of harbour equipment in service, tests, etc., are in prin- 2.4.1 The Society may consider the classification of har-
ciple to be submitted in writing and signed by the Other bour equipment based on or applying novel design princi-
Interested Party, the Owner, the Prospective Owner or the ples or features, to which the Rule Note is not directly
Building Yard. Such request implies that the applicant will applicable, on the basis of experiments, calculations or
abide by all the relevant requirements of the Rules and the other supporting information provided to the Society. The
General Conditions of the Society. specific limitations will then be indicated on a memoranda.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 41

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.5 Other construction Rules and Regulations 3.2.3 The certificate of classification and/or other docu-
ments issued by the Society remain the property of the Soci-
2.5.1 The appraisal of design and construction particulars ety. All certificates and documents necessary to the
by the Society will be exclusively based on Rules and Surveyor's interventions are to be made available by the
Guidelines agreed upon in the specification of the classifi- Owner, Other Interested Party or Building Yard to the Sur-
cation contract between the Prospective Owner, the Other veyor on request
Interested Party or the Building Yard and the Society.

2.5.2 In addition, statutory construction Rules for harbour 3.2.4 During the phases of design and construction of the
equipment may be applied upon agreement with the rele- harbour equipment, due consideration should be given to
vant Authority and if defined in the specification of the clas- rule requirements in respect of all necessary arrangements
sification contract between the Prospective Owner, the for access to spaces and structures with a view to carrying
Other Interested Party or the Building Yard and the Society. out class surveys. Arrangements of a special nature are to be
brought to the attention of the Society.
2.5.3 The compliance to statutory Rules of the respective
registry country is the responsibility of the Prospective
Owner. 3.3 Operation and maintenance of harbour
2.6 Industry Codes, Standards, etc
3.3.1 The classification of a harbour equipment is based on
2.6.1 Internationally recognised Standards and Codes pub-
the understanding that the harbour equipment is operated
lished by relevant organisations, national industry organisa-
in a proper manner by competent and qualified operating
tions or standardisation institutions may be used upon
personnel according to the environmental, loading, operat-
agreement in particular cases as a design and construction
ing and other criteria on which classification is based.
Examples: ISO, IEC, EN, DIN, NF.
3.3.2 In particular, it will be assumed that the draught of
the harbour equipment in operating conditions according to
3 Duties of the Interested Parties normal prudent conduct will not exceed that corresponding
to the freeboard assigned or the maximum approved for the
3.1 International and National Regulations classification, that the harbour equipment will be properly
loaded taking into account both its stability and the stresses
3.1.1 The classification of a harbour equipment does not imposed on its structures.
dispense the Owner, Other Interested Party and Building
Yard from compliance with any requirements issued by
Administrations. 3.3.3 Any document issued by the Society in relation to its
interventions reflects the condition of the harbour equip-
ment as found at the time and within the scope of the sur-
3.2 Surveyor’s intervention
vey. It is the Interested Party’s responsibility to ensure proper
3.2.1 Surveyors are to be given free access at all times to maintenance of the harbour equipment until the next survey
harbour equipment units which are classed or being required by the Rules. It is the duty of the Interested Party to
classed, Building Yard and manufacturer works, to carry out inform the Surveyor when he boards the harbour equipment
their interventions within the scope of assignment or main- of any events or circumstances affecting the class.
tenance of class, or within the scope of interventions car-
ried out on behalf of Administrations, when so delegated.
3.4 Use of measuring equipment and of
Free access is also to be given to experts or/and auditors
accompanying the Surveyors of the Society within the
service suppliers
scope of the audits as required in pursuance of the Society's
internal Quality System or as required by external organiza- 3.4.1 General
Firms providing services on behalf of the Interested Party,
3.2.2 Owners, Other Interested Parties and Building Yard such as measurements, tests and servicing of safety systems
are to take the necessary measures for the Surveyor’s and equipment, the results of which may form the basis for
inspections and testing to be carried out safely and effi- the Surveyor’s decisions, are subject to the acceptance of
ciently under their full responsibility. Owners, Other Inter- the Society, as deemed necessary.
ested Parties and Building Yard, irrespective of the nature of
the service provided by the Surveyors of the Society or oth- The equipment used during tests and inspections in work-
ers acting on its behalf, assume with respect to such Survey- shops, shipyards and on board harbour equipment, the
ors all the responsibility of an employer for his workforce results of which may form the basis for the Surveyor’s deci-
such as to meet the provisions of applicable legislation. As a sions, is to be customary for the checks to be performed.
rule, the Surveyor is to be constantly accompanied during Firms are to individually identify and calibrate to a recog-
surveys by personnel of the Owner, Other Interested Party nised national or international standard each piece of such
or Building Yards. equipment.

42 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1

3.4.2 Simple measuring equipment 3.5.2 As spare parts are outside the scope of classification,
the Surveyor will not check that they are kept on board,
The Surveyor may accept simple measuring equipment (e.g. maintained in a satisfactory condition, or suitably protected
rulers, tape measures, weld gauges, micrometers) without and lashed.
individual identification or confirmation of calibration, pro-
However, in the case of repairs or replacement, the spare
vided it is of standard commercial design, properly main-
parts used are to meet the requirements of the Rules as far
tained and periodically compared with other similar
as practicable.
equipment or test pieces.

3.4.3 On board measuring equipment

4 Application of statutory Rules by the
The Surveyor may accept measuring equipment fitted on
board a harbour equipment (e.g. pressure, temperature or 4.1 International and national Regulations
rpm gauges and meters) and used in examination of on
board machinery and/or equipment based either on calibra- 4.1.1 When authorised by the Administration concerned,
tion records or comparison of readings with multiple instru- the Society will act on its behalf within the limits of such
ments. authorisation. In this respect, the Society will take into
account the relevant requirements, survey the harbour
3.4.4 Other equipment equipment, report and issue or contribute to the issue of the
corresponding certificates.
The Surveyor may request evidence that other equipment
(e.g. tensile test machines, ultrasonic thickness measure- 4.1.2 The above surveys do not fall within the scope of the
ment equipment, etc.) is calibrated to a recognised national classification of harbour equipment, even though their
or international standard. scope may overlap in part and may be carried out concur-
rently with surveys for assignment or maintenance of class.
In the case of a discrepancy between the provisions of the
3.5 Spare parts applicable international and national Regulations and those
of the Rules, normally, the former take precedence. How-
3.5.1 It is the Owner’s responsibility to decide whether and ever, the Society reserves the right to call for the necessary
which spare parts are to be stored on board. adaptation to preserve the intention of the Rules.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 43

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General 1.2 Types of notations assigned

1.2.1 The types of classification notations assigned to a har-

1.1 Purpose of the classification notations bour equipment are the following:

1.1.1 The class of a harbour equipment complying with a) character of construction

this Rule Note is expressed by its classification notations b) character of class and compliance with the Rules
assigned for hull and machinery, including electrical instal-
lations. c) character of class period

d) type and service notations with additional service fea-

1.1.2 There are different kinds of classification notations,
tures, as applicable
describing particular features, capabilities, service restric-
tions or special equipment and installations included in the e) additional class notations (optional).
The different classification notations and their conditions of
assignment are defined in [2] to [7].
1.1.3 The classification notations give the scope according
to which the class of the harbour equipment has been based
and refer to the specific rule requirements which are to be 1.2.2 Examples of class designation
complied with for their assignment. In particular, the classi- Tab 1 shows examples of a class designation for hull and
fication notations are assigned according to the additional machinery of a harbour equipment covered by this Rule
service features of the harbour equipment and other criteria Note.
which have been provided by the Owner, Building Yard or
Other Interested Party, when applying for classification. Table 1 : Examples of class designation

1.1.4 The Society may change the classification notations Type and service
at any time, when the information available shows that the Class designation
requested or already assigned notations are not suitable for
the intended mission and any other criteria taken into Floating dock II { HULL µ MC
account for classification. 5
Floating dock / Lifting capacity (4000
Note 1: Reference is to be made to Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.4] on the limits
tons) / Self docking / Modular
of classification and its meaning.
Floating landing I { HULL
1.1.5 The classification notations assigned to a harbour 10
equipment are indicated on the certificate of classification, Floating landing dock / Modular /
as well as in the Register published by the Society. Green passport

It will be the decision of the Owner, Building Yard or Other Floating door I { HULL
Interested Party to have the notations, together with the 10
whole class designation, included in the Register published Floating door
by the Society or not.
Floating bridge I { HULL
1.1.6 The classification notations applicable to existing
Floating bridge / Capacity (5 tons) /
harbour equipment conform to the Rules of the Society in
Equipped for wheeled vehicles /
force at the date of assignment of class. However, the classi-
fication notations of existing harbour equipment may be
updated according to the current Rules, as far as applicable. Worksite unit I { HULL
1.1.7 At the request of the Owner and as far as applicable, Worksite unit / Green passport
the Society reserves the right to grant other class notations
as defined in other Rules of the Society. The class mainte-
Floating storage I { HULL { MC
nance surveys for such classification notations are to be per- 10
formed to the corresponding requirements in the other Floating storage / Liquid products /
Rules of the Society. DG-S

44 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Table 2 : Hull and machinery - Mode of survey and certification

Component Character Rule requirements

Hull Harbour equipment built under the supervision of the Society and with certification of components and
{ materials in accordance with the Rules.
Harbour equipment built under the supervision of another classification Society and which have been
[ assigned a class equivalent to the Society’s Rules of classification.
Harbour equipment built under the supervision of the Society in accordance with the Rules but, e.g.,
µ without inspection by the Society of components and materials which, however, are deemed to be
It is the responsibility of the Building Yard, Owner or Other Interested Party to ascertain that the materials
and equipment used in the harbour equipment's construction satisfactorily meet the Rules requirements.
Depending on particular conditions or harbour equipment notations, inspection of materials and compo-
nents by the Society may be required for essential services.

µ In the event of admission to class or classification after construction of not classed harbour equipment.

Machinery {, etc. Same characters, followed by MC

2 Character of construction for hull 2.1.4 Character [

and machinery installation The character [ will be assigned to the relevant part of the
harbour equipment when this latter has been designed and
2.1 General constructed in accordance with the Rules and under super-
vision of another classification Society and is subsequently,
2.1.1 The character of construction identifies the procedure or at a later date, classed with the Society. See Tab 2.
under which the harbour equipment and its main equip-
ment or arrangements have been surveyed for initial assign-
2.1.5 Character µ
ment of the class (see Tab 2). However, the Society may
change the character of construction where the harbour The character µ will be assigned to the relevant part of the
equipment is subjected to repairs, conversion or alterations.
harbour equipment, where the procedure for the assign-
The procedures under which the harbour equipment is ment of classification is other than those detailed in [2.1.3]
assigned one of the characters of construction are detailed and [2.1.4] but however deemed acceptable. See Tab 2.
in Ch 2, Sec 1.

2.1.2 One of the characters of construction defined below 3 Characters of class and compliance
is assigned separately to the hull of the harbour equipment, with the Rules
to the machinery installation, and to some installations for
which an additional classification notation is assigned.
The character of construction is placed before the symbol
3.1 General
HULL for the hull, before the symbol MC for the machinery
installations, and before the additional class notation 3.1.1 The character of class and compliance with the Rules
granted, when such a notation is eligible for a character of expresses the degree of compliance of the harbour equip-
ment with the rule requirements as regards its construction
construction (e.g. { Crane).
and maintenance. One character of class and compliance
If the harbour equipment has no machinery installations with the Rules is to be assigned to every classed harbour
covered by classification, the symbol MC is not granted and equipment.
the character of construction will be only placed before the
symbol HULL. 3.1.2 The character of class and compliance with the Rules
I is assigned to harbour equipment built in accordance with
2.1.3 Character { the Society's Rules or other Rules recognised as equivalent,
The character { will be assigned to the relevant part of the and maintained in a condition considered satisfactory by
the Society.
harbour equipment when it has been constructed:
• under the survey of and in accordance with the Rules of 3.1.3 The character of class and compliance with the Rules
the Society at the Building Yard and/or at subcontractors II is assigned to harbour equipment which do not meet all
supplying construction components/hull sections, as requirements for character of class and compliance with the
applicable Rules I, but are deemed acceptable to be entered into the
• with certification by the Society of components and Register of harbour equipment. In this case, the class may
materials requiring inspection subject to the Society's be maintained for shorter class periods or with shorter sur-
construction Rules. vey intervals. See Tab 3.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 45

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Table 3 : Compliance with the Rules and class period

Character Description
Characters of class and compliance with the Rules
I For harbour equipment found to meet the construction and scantling requirements.
For harbour equipment that do not meet in full some construction or scantling requirements, but, however, are
deemed acceptable to be entered in the Register published by the Society.
Characters of class period (p)
These characters, preceding the range of navigation character, indicate the duration of the class period in years.

4 Character of class period flict in the application of the requirements applicable to

different type and service notations, the Society reserves the
right to apply the most appropriate requirements or to
4.1 General
refuse the assignment of one of the requested type and ser-
4.1.1 The character p indicates the duration of the nominal vice notation.
class period in years
Normally: 6 Additional service features
• p = 5, for Floating dock
• p = 10, for other harbour equipment. 6.1 General
The nominal class period may be extended in compliance 6.1.1 The type and service notation may be completed by
with Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.2]. one or more additional service features, giving further preci-
The nominal class period can be reduced in exceptional sion regarding the type or service of the harbour equipment,
cases and for a limited time, if the harbour equipment does for which specific rule requirements are applied, e.g.:
not fully comply with the Rules but has been allowed to • Selfdocking
operate under restrictions. See Tab 3.
• DG-S
5 Type and service notations • Lifting capacity(4000 tons).

5.1 General 7 Additional class notations

5.1.1 The type and service notations define the type and/or 7.1 General
the service of the harbour equipment which have been con-
sidered for its classification, according to the request for 7.1.1 An additional class notation expresses the classifica-
classification signed by the Prospective Owner, Building tion of additional equipment or specific arrangement,
Yard or Other Interested Party. At least one type and service which has been requested by the interested party, e.g.:
notation is to be assigned to every classed harbour equip-
• Modular
• Equipped for wheeled vehicles.
5.1.2 A harbour equipment may be assigned several differ-
ent type and service notations. In such a case, the specific 7.1.2 The assignment of such an additional class notation is
rule requirements applicable to each type and service nota- subject to the compliance with additional rule require-
tion are to be complied with. However, if there is any con- ments, which are detailed in Part D.

46 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3



1 General 1.2 Additional service features

1.2.1 General
1.1 Type and service notations
Additional service features are defined together with type
1.1.1 Generally the type and service notations will be and service notations to which they correspond in Tab 1.
assigned according to the indications or suggestions of the
The type and service notation may be also completed by the
prospective harbour equipment owner, Building Yard or
additional service features described in [1.2.2] and [1.2.3]
other interested party.
depending upon:
1.1.2 The various type and service notations which may be • mode of operation in relation with energy supply
assigned to a harbour equipment are defined in [2] to [8]
• hull material.
according to the category to which they belong. These nota-
tions are also listed in Tab 1, together with corresponding
1.2.2 Mode of operation
additional service features.
Where regarding energy supply, the harbour equipment is
1.1.3 The Society reserves the right to grant other type and fully independent with respect to shore systems, it will be
service notations. assigned the additional service feature Autonomous.

Table 1 : Type and service notations and corresponding additional service features

Type and service notation [ref. in this Section] Additional service feature [ref. in this Section] Applicable Chapters or Sections
Floating dock [2] Lifting capacity (x tons) [2.2.1] Part D, Chapter 1
Autonomous [1.2.2]
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3]
Self docking [2.2.2]
WB-LS [2.2.3]
LA-LS [2.2.4]
CA-LS [2.2.5]
Floating landing dock [3] Autonomous [1.2.2] Part D, Chapter 2
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3]
Floating door [4] HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3] Part D, Chapter 3
Autonomous [1.2.2]
Floating bridge [5] Capacity (x tons) [5.2.1] Part D, Chapter 4
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3]
Worksite unit [6] Autonomous [1.2.2] Part D, Chapter 5
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3]
Floating storage [7] Dry products [7.2.1] Part D, Chap 6
Liquid products [7.2.2] Part D, Chap 6
Gaseous products [7.2.3] Part D, Chap 6
DG-S [7.2.4] Part D, Chap 6
Bunker station [7.2.5] NR 217, Part D, Chap 3
Wastes [7.2.6] Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1
Autonomous [1.2.2] Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3]
Special service [8] Particular service To be considered on a case-by-
Autonomous [1.2.2] case basis according to their
HS/AL/C/W/CR [1.2.3] additional service feature

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 47

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3

1.2.3 Special consideration for hull materials 3 Floating landing dock

If harbour equipment is constructed of normal strength hull
structural steel, this will not be specially indicated. If other
materials are employed for the hull, this will be indicated in 3.1 Type and service notation
the notations in the class certificate, e.g.:
3.1.1 The type and service notation Floating landing dock
• HS for higher strength hull structural steel
applies to harbour equipment intended for drawing along-
• AL for aluminium side vessels allowing operations such as bunkering, cargo
• C for composite materials such as FRP loading and unloading, embarking and disembarking of
• W for wood passengers, etc, complying with the requirements stated in
Part D, Chapter 2.
• CR for concrete.

1.3 Additional class notations 4 Floating door

1.3.1 The additional class notations which may be assigned
4.1 Type and service notation
to a harbour equipment are defined in [9] and listed in Tab 2.

1.3.2 The Society reserves the right to grant other addi- 4.1.1 The type and service notation Floating door applies
tional class notations. to a watertight box girder with flooding and dewatering sys-
tem intended to be operated as movable gate to close dry
dock or separate areas complying with the requirements
2 Floating dock stated in Part D, Chapter 3.

2.1 Type and service notation

5 Floating bridge
2.1.1 The type and service notation Floating dock applies
to harbour equipment intended to lift floating units, com- 5.1 Type and service notation
plying with the requirements stated in Part D, Chapter 1.
5.1.1 The type and service notation Floating bridge applies
2.2 Additional service features to harbour equipment intended to be used as a bridge sup-
ported by low flat-bottomed boats or pontoons complying
2.2.1 Lifting capacity with the requirements stated in Part D, Chapter 4.
The type and service notation Floating dock will be completed
by the additional service feature Lifting capacity (x tons), indi-
cating the maximum weight x, in ton, of the vessel that the 5.2 Additional service feature
floating dock can lift.
5.2.1 Capacity
2.2.2 Self docking
The type and service notation Floating bridge will be com-
The type and service notation Floating dock will be com- pleted by the additional service feature Capacity (x tons),
pleted by the additional service feature Self docking, when the indicating the maximum weight x, in ton, of authorised
floating dock consists of two continuous wing walls and a vehicles.
pontoon deck composed of longitudinally independent trans-
verse detachable members connected to the lower flange of
the wing walls by bolting or any other similar device. 6 Worksite unit
2.2.3 Water ballast lifting system WB-LS
6.1 Type and service notation
The type and service notation Floating dock will be com-
pleted by the additional service feature WB-LS, when the
floating dock is designed to lift floating units using water 6.1.1 The type and service notation Worksite unit applies
ballast system. to harbour equipment appropriately built and equipped for
use at worksites, complying with the requirements stated in
2.2.4 Liquid air lifting system LA-LS Part D, Chapter 5.
The type and service notation Floating dock will be com-
pleted by the additional service feature LA-LS, when the 7 Floating storage
floating dock is designed to lift floating units using liquid air
7.1 Type and service notation
2.2.5 Compressed air lifting system CA-LS
The type and service notation Floating dock will be com- 7.1.1 The type and service notation Floating storage applies
pleted by the additional service feature CA-LS, when the to harbour equipment appropriately built and equipped for
floating dock is designed to lift floating units using com- storage of products in bulk or in package, complying with
pressed air system. the requirements stated in Part D, Chapter 6.

48 Bureau Veritas January 2016

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3

7.2 Additional service features type and service notations mentioned above. The classifica-
tion requirements of such units are considered by the Soci-
7.2.1 Dry products ety on a case by case basis.
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com-
pleted by the additional service feature Dry products when 8.1.2 An additional service feature will be specified after
the harbour equipment is intended for storage of packages the type and service notation, e.g. Water breaker, to iden-
or dry bulk products. tify the particular service in which the harbour equipment is
intended to trade. The scope of classification of such units is
7.2.2 Liquid products indicated into the certificate of classification.
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com-
pleted by the additional service feature Liquid products 9 Additional class notations
when the harbour equipment is intended for storage of liq-
uids in bulk.
9.1 Auxiliary propulsion
7.2.3 Gaseous products
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com- 9.1.1 A type and service notation assigned to harbour
pleted by the additional service feature Gaseous products equipment may be completed by the additional class nota-
when the harbour equipment is intended for storage of liq- tion Auxiliary propulsion, when the harbour equipment is
uefied gases in bulk. equipped with an auxiliary propulsion system allowing
short moves at a limited speed complying with the applica-
7.2.4 Storage of dangerous products DG-S ble requirements of Part C.
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com-
pleted by the additional service feature DG-S when the har- 9.2 Equipped for wheeled vehicles
bour equipment is intended for the storage of dangerous
products in compliance with the applicable requirements of 9.2.1 A type and service notation assigned to harbour
NR217, Part D, Chapter 3. equipment may be completed with the additional class
notation Equipped for wheeled vehicles where the harbour
7.2.5 Bunker station equipment complies with the requirements stated under
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com- Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2.
pleted by the additional service feature Bunker station
when the harbour equipment has a deadweight of up to 300 9.3 Modular
tons and is built and equipped for the storage of products
intended for vessel operation, in compliance with the 9.3.1 A type and service notation assigned to harbour
requirements stated under Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1. equipment will be completed by the additional class nota-
tion Modular when the harbour equipment consists of sev-
7.2.6 Wastes
eral modules connected by adequate coupling devices and
The type and service notation Floating storage will be com- complies with the requirements stated under Pt D, Ch 7,
pleted by the additional service feature Wastes when the Sec 3.
harbour equipment has a deadweight of up to 300 tons and
is built and equipped for the storage of waste products from 9.3.2 Modular harbour equipment will be defined by:
vessel operation, in compliance with the requirements
• its main dimensions
stated under Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1.
• its geometrical configuration
8 Special service • the main dimensions of each module
• the type of coupling system.
8.1 General
9.3.3 When a harbour equipment consists of modules
8.1.1 The type and service notation Special service is being part of a series of units, such units shall be assigned
assigned to harbour equipment which, due to the peculiar identification numbers to be indicated in the harbour equip-
characteristics of their activity, are not covered by any of the ment class certificate.

Table 2 : List of additional class notations

Additional class notation Reference in this Section Applicable rule requirements

Auxiliary propulsion [9.1] Part C
Equipped for wheeled vehicles [9.2] Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2
Modular [9.3] Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3
Laid-up − NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [8]
Green passport [9.4] NR528

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 49

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3

9.4 Green passport for harbour equipment 10 Other notations

9.4.1 The additional class notation Green passport may be 10.1 General
assigned to harbour equipment for which requirements
intended to facilitate harbour equipment recycling have 10.1.1 When the harbour equipment's hull or essential
been applied, encompassing the identification, quantifica-
parts have been constructed in accordance with a design, for
tion and localization of materials which may cause harm to
the environment and people when the fittings or equipment which sufficient experience is not available, the Society may
containing such materials are removed, or when the har- also define other notations by means of provisional require-
bour equipment is recycled. ments and guidelines, which may then be published in the
The requirements for the assignment and maintenance of form of tentative rules. The Society decides at what intervals
this notation are given in NR528 Green passport. the required periodical surveys are to be carried out.

50 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part A
Classification and Surveys

Chapter 2







November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 51

52 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 General • the completion of a new building, during which a sur-

vey has been performed
• a survey when the harbour equipment changes class
between classification Societies, or
1.1.1 Class is assigned to a harbour equipment upon a sur- • a specific admission to class survey, in cases where a
vey, with the associated operations, which is held in order harbour equipment is not classed at all.
to verify whether it is eligible to be classed on the basis of
1.1.2 The assignment of class is to comply with the proce-
the Rules of the Society. See Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.4.1] and Ch 1,
dure developed in NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 1, where the ter-
Sec 1, [1.4.2].
minology “vessel” is to be replaced by “harbour
This may be achieved through: equipment”.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 53

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2


1 General principles of surveys It is understood that the requirements for surveys apply to
those items that are required according to the Rules.

1.1 Survey types Unless specified otherwise, any survey other than bottom
survey may be effected by carrying out partial surveys at dif-
1.1.1 Classed harbour equipment are submitted to surveys ferent times to be agreed upon with the Society, provided
for the maintenance of class. These surveys include the that each partial survey is adequately extensive. The split-
class renewal survey, intermediate and possible quarter ting of a survey into partial surveys is to be such as not to
term survey, bottom survey (either survey in dry condition impair its effectiveness.
or in-water survey) and surveys for the maintenance of addi-
tional class notations, where applicable. Such surveys are
carried out at the intervals and under the conditions laid 1.2 Change of periodicity, postponement or
down in this Rule Note. advance of surveys
The different types of periodical surveys are summarized in
Tab 1. The intervals at which the periodical surveys are car- 1.2.1 The Society reserves the right, after due consider-
ried out are given in the items referred to in the second col- ation, to change the periodicity, postpone or advance sur-
umn of Tab 1. The relevant extent and scope are given in veys, taking into account particular circumstances.
Ch 3, Sec 1 to Ch 3, Sec 4 for all harbour equipment.
When a survey becomes due, the requirements of [1.2.2] to
Where there are no specific survey requirements for addi-
[1.2.4] apply.
tional class notations assigned to a harbour equipment,
equipment and/or arrangements related to these additional
class notations are to be examined, as applicable, to the 1.2.2 Class renewal survey
Society’s satisfaction at each class intermediate or class
In the case of a class renewal survey, the Society may grant
renewal survey.
an extension provided there is documented agreement to
The surveys are to be carried out in accordance with the rel- such an extension and class extension surveys are per-
evant requirements in order to confirm that the hull, formed prior to the expiry date of the class certificate, and
machinery, equipment and appliances comply with the the Society is satisfied that there is justification for such an
applicable Rules and will remain in satisfactory condition extension.
based on the understanding and assumptions mentioned in
NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.2]. In the case of extension of the period of class i, the follow-
ing apply (see Fig 1):
Where the conditions for the maintenance of type and ser-
vice notation and additional class notations are not com- • the total period of extension Δp shall in no case be lon-
plied with, the type and service notation and/or the ger than one year after the original limit date of the class
additional class notations, as appropriate, will be sus- renewal survey
pended and/or withdrawn in accordance with the applica-
ble requirements given in Ch 2, Sec 3, [1]. • the period of class i + 1 will commence the following
day after which the extension period expires
Table 1 : List of periodical surveys
• the duration of period of class i + 1 will be determined
Type of survey Ref. in this Ref. to scope of as follows:
Section survey (1)
- without confirmation of term survey: p − Δp
Class renewal-hull [4.2] Ch 3, Sec 2
Class renewal-machinery [4.2] Ch 3, Sec 2
- with confirmation of term survey: p.

Intermediate - hull [4.4] Ch 3, Sec 1 The confirmation of term survey (COT) is to be performed
Intermediate - machinery [4.4] Ch 3, Sec 1 afloat during period of class i + 1, according to Ch 3, Sec 2
Quarter term-hull [4.3] Ch 3, Sec 1 disregarding the requirement Ch 3, Sec 2, [3.4], within:

Quarter term-machinery [4.3] Ch 3, Sec 1 • three months before or after the fourth anniversary date,
Bottom [4.5] Ch 3, Sec 4 for type and service notation Floating dock
(1) As applicable, according to the type and service nota- • three months before or after the ninth anniversary date,
tion assigned to the harbour equipment for other type and service notations.

54 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Change of periodicity and postponement of surveys - p = 5



1 2 3 4 1 2 3



COT : Confirmation of term survey

Δp : Extension period: Δp ≤ 1 year

1.2.3 Quarter term survey and intermediate survey The Society's survey requirements cannot be considered as
In the case of quarter term survey and intermediate survey, a substitute for specification and acceptance of repairs and
as a rule, no postponement is granted. The surveys are to be maintenance, which remain the responsibility of the
completed within their prescribed windows. Owner.

1.2.4 All other periodical surveys and conditions of

class/recommendations 2 Definitions and procedures related
In the case of all other periodical surveys and conditions of to surveys
class/recommendations, extension or postponement may be
granted, provided there is sufficient technical justification 2.1 General
for such an extension or postponement.
2.1.1 For definitions and procedures related to surveys,
1.2.5 Extension of scope of survey refer to NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [2], where the terminol-
The Society may extend the scope of the provisions in Ch 3, ogy “vessel” is to be replaced by “harbour equipment”.
Sec 1 to Ch 3, Sec 4 which set forth the technical require-
ment for surveys, whenever and so far as considered neces-
sary, or modify them in the case of special harbour 3 Documentation of surveys,
equipment or systems. confirmation of class
The extent of any survey also depends upon the condition
of the harbour equipment and its equipment. Should the 3.1 General
Surveyor have serious doubts as to the maintenance or con-
dition of the harbour equipment or its equipment, or be 3.1.1 The records of each survey, as well as any require-
advised of any deficiency or damage which may affect the ments upon which maintenance of class has been made
class, then further examination and testing may be con- conditional, will be entered into the respective survey state-
ducted as considered necessary. ment/certificate.

1.2.6 General procedure of survey By his signature in the certificate and other documents the
Surveyor certifies what he himself has seen and checked
The general procedure of survey consists in:
during the particular survey.
• an overall examination of the parts of the harbour
equipment covered by the Rules 3.1.2 In the Register the dates of the surveys will be indi-
• at random checking of the selected items covered by the cated.
• attending tests and trials, where applicable and deemed 3.1.3 On request, the class status may be confirmed in writ-
necessary by the surveyor. ing by a separate certificate/attestation issued by the Society.

When a survey results in the identification of significant 3.1.4 Where defects are repaired provisionally only, or
corrosion, structural defects or damage to hull, machinery where the Surveyor does not consider immediate repair or
and/or any piece of its equipment which, in the opinion of replacement necessary, the harbour equipment's class may
the Surveyor, affect the harbour equipment's class, remedial be confirmed for a limited period. Cancellation of such lim-
measures may be required to be implemented before the itations will have to be indicated in the survey state-
harbour equipment continues in service. ment/certificate.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 55

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2

3.2 Validity of certificates/attestations 4.2.3 Class renewals for hull are numbered in the sequence
I, II, III, etc., depending upon the age of the harbour equip-
3.2.1 If for some reason a harbour equipment's class has ment, in years, at time of class renewal survey:
expired or has been withdrawn by the Society, all certifi- I : Age ≤ p
cates/attestations issued by the Society will automatically
become void. If subsequently the class is renewed or reas- II : p < Age ≤ 2p
signed, the validity of these certificates/attestations may be III : 2p < Age ≤ 3p
revived within the scope of their original period of validity,
provided that all surveys meanwhile having fallen due have IV : 3p < Age
been carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Regarding their scope, see Ch 3, Sec 1, [2].

3.3 Endorsement of certificate of 4.2.4 A class renewal survey may be carried out in several
classification parts. The survey may be commenced at the last year during
the class period. Considering [4.2.2], the total survey period
of the class renewal survey must not exceed 12 months,
3.3.1 Text of endorsement except under special circumstances and by prior agreement
When surveys are satisfactorily carried out, the certificate of from the Society.
classification is generally endorsed accordingly, with the
relevant entries. 4.2.5 The new period of class will commence:
• with the following day, after which the previous class
3.3.2 Possible modifications to endorsements expires, provided that the class renewal survey has been
completed within the 3 months preceding that date. In
The Society reserves the right to modify the endorsements
case of extension of validity of class certificate, the
made by Surveyors.
period of class will commence the following day after
which the last classification certificate has expired. See
4 Periodical survey also [1.2]
• with the date on which the class renewal survey has
been completed, if this is the case more than 3 months
4.1 General before expiry of the previous class.

4.1.1 The periodical surveys listed in the following are to 4.2.6 The class renewal survey is in principle to be held, in
be conducted for the hull, machinery including electrical addition to the inspections and checks to be carried out on
installations as well as special equipment and installations occasion of the intermediate surveys, when the harbour
included in the classification of the harbour equipment. equipment is in dry dock or on a slipway unless a dry dock-
ing survey has already been carried out within the admissi-
If, for some obvious reason, e.g. a temporary out-of-service
ble period, see. See [4.2.4] and Ch 3, Sec 4.
condition of certain equipment, parts included in the classi-
fication cannot be surveyed, this will be noted in the survey
statement/certificate. 4.3 Quarter term survey

4.1.2 Where applicable Regulations impose inspection 4.3.1 The intermediate survey falls due every p/4 years.
intervals deviating from the class related intervals, the inter-
The survey has to be carried out within a time interval from
vals will be harmonized in the individual case to reduce the
3 months before to 3 months after the date corresponding to
number of single surveys, where possible.

4.1.3 In principle elements covered by the classification and The quarter term survey does not apply to harbour equip-
submitted to a class renewal survey on a date different from ment being assigned a period of class p ≤ 5.
the date of the periodical class renewal survey of the harbour
equipment, are to be re-examined p years after the previous
4.4 Intermediate survey
4.4.1 The intermediate survey falls due at half the nominal
4.2 Class renewal survey time interval between two class renewal survey, i.e. every
p/2 years.
4.2.1 Class renewal survey-also called special survey - is to The survey has to be carried out within a time interval from
be carried out at the intervals p indicated by the character 6 months before to 6 months after the date corresponding to
of class period. p/2.

4.2.2 Upon request, in exceptional cases, extension of the 4.4.2 Intermediate survey shall include all inspections and
class period may be granted by the Society. See [5.2]. checks required for quarter term surveys

56 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2

Figure 2 : Links between anniversary dates and surveys - p = 5

Start of class End of class

period period

years 0 1 2 2.5 3 4 5

Intermediate survey
-, + 6 m

Class renewal survey

(normal system) - 12 m

Figure 3 : Links between anniversary dates and surveys - p = 10

Start of class End of class
period period

years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quarter term survey

-,+ 3 m -,+ 3 m

Intermediate survey
-,+ 6 m

Renewal survey
-12 m

4.5 Bottom survey 5 Non-periodical survey

4.5.1 Bottom survey means the examination of the outside 5.1 General
of the harbour equipment’s bottom and related items. This
examination may be carried out with the harbour equip- 5.1.1 In addition to the periodical surveys, harbour equip-
ment either in dry dock (or on a slipway) or afloat: the sur- ment are to be submitted to non-periodical surveys such as
vey will be referred to as dry-docking survey in the former occasional surveys whenever the circumstances so require.
case and as in-water survey in the latter case.
Occasional surveys are carried out at the time, for example,
The Owner is to notify the Society whenever the outside of of:
the harbour equipment’s bottom and related items can be • updating of classification documents, e.g. change of the
examined in dry dock or on a slipway. Owner, name of the harbour equipment
• damage or suspected damage
4.6 Links between anniversary dates and • repair or replacement work
• alteration or conversion

4.6.1 The links between the anniversary dates, the class • extraordinary surveys as parts of the Society’s quality
renewal survey (when carried out according to the normal assurance system
system), and the intermediate surveys are given in Fig 2, for • postponement of surveys or of conditions of class/rec-
class period p = 5 and in Fig 3, class period p = 10. ommendations.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 57

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2

5.2 Class extension surveys 6.2 Society intervention

5.2.1 On Owner’s special request and following surveys of 6.2.1 Where surveys are requested by the Owner on
hull and machinery afloat, the Society may extend the class account of corresponding laws and Regulations, the Society
by no more than 12 months in total, provided that the sur- will carry them out by order or within the framework of offi-
veys in the scope of an intermediate survey at least, show cial order, acting on behalf of the Authorities concerned,
that hull and machinery, including electrical installations, based on the respective provisions.
are in unobjectionable condition.
The class extension surveys are to be performed within one Where possible, such surveys will be carried out simultane-
month before expiry of the certificate of classification. ously with the class surveys.

6 Surveys in accordance with 7 Lay-up and recommissioning of laid-

applicable statutory regulations up harbour equipment
6.1 General
7.1 General
6.1.1 All activities outlined in [6.2] and, where applicable,
issuance of relevant certificates/attestations are likewise 7.1.1 Lay-up and recommissioning of laid-up harbour
subject to the respective latest edition of Society’s General equipment are subject to the applicable requirements of
Conditions. NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [8].

58 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Discontinuance of class under which it will be difficult to maintain class, the Society
will have to be informed accordingly. The Society will
decide whether the certificate will have to be returned and
1.1 General
class suspended or withdrawn. Where only special equip-
1.1.1 The class may be discontinued either temporarily or ment and installations are concerned, the corresponding
permanently. In the former case it is referred to as "suspen- notation will be withdrawn and the certificate amended
sion" of class, in the latter case as “withdrawal” of class. In accordingly.
both cases, the class is invalidated in all respects.
If, for some reason, the class has expired or has been with- 1.1.3 Class may also be suspended if a harbour equipment
drawn or suspended by the Society, this fact may be indi- is withdrawn from active service for a longer period.
cated in the Register.
1.1.4 The discontinuance of class is to be governed by the
1.1.2 If the Owner is not interested in maintenance of class procedure developed in NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 3, where
of the harbour equipment or any of its special equipment the terminology “vessel” is to be replaced by “harbour
and installations classed, or if conditions are to be expected equipment”.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 59

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 4


1 General 1.1.2 The classification procedures for new building is

described in NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 4, where the terminol-
ogy “vessel” is to be replaced by “harbour equipment”.
1.1 Classification of new building
1.1.1 The written order for classification is to be submitted 1.2 Classification after construction of
to the Society, if needed, by the Building Yard, the Other
existing harbour equipment
Interested Party or by the Prospective Owner, using the form
provided by the Society. It should be clearly agreed
between the parties concerned, e.g. in the building con- 1.2.1 Harbour equipment not originally built under super-
tract, which party will be responsible for compliance with vision of the Society may be classed subsequently following
the Society's Rules and Guidelines and other Rules and the procedures described hereafter.
Regulations to be applied. The Owner should contact the Society for the necessary
Where orders for the production of components are placed arrangements. The Society is to be informed about the pre-
with subcontractors, the Society will have to be advised vious class status and period, as well as about any condi-
accordingly indicating the scope of the subcontract. The tions of class/recommendations imposed by the previous
Building Yard, Prospective Owner and Other Interested classification Society. The written order for admission to
Party are responsible for observance of the Rules, Guide- class of existing harbour equipment or special equipment
lines and Regulations by subcontractors. including the required documents shall be formally
When particulars already approved by the Society for previ- addressed to the Society, if needed, using adequate forms.
ous harbour equipment built under supervision of the Soci-
ety are incorporated in the design of the new building, this 1.2.2 The procedures for classification after construction of
should be specifically stated in the order for classification. existing harbour equipment is described in NR217, Pt A, Ch
Amendments to the construction Rules having been intro- 2, Sec 4, [2], where the terminology “vessel” is to be
duced meanwhile shall be taken into account. replaced by “harbour equipment”.

60 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 5


1 General 1.1.2 When a hull construction is surveyed by the Society,

the Building Yard is to provide all appropriate evidence
required by the Society that the hull is built in compliance
with the Rules and Regulations, taking account of the rele-
1.1.1 In this Section, the Building Yard is understood as act- vant reviewed drawings.
ing directly or on behalf of the party requesting classifica-
tion. 1.1.3 The hull survey for new construction is to comply
with the requirements of NR217, Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 4, [1],
where the terminology “vessel” is to be replaced by “har-
bour equipment”.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 61

Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 5

62 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part A
Classification and Surveys

Chapter 3






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 63

64 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1


1 General Deck erections such as hatch coamings are to be examined.

The sheathing of wood-sheathed steel decks may be
1.1 removed, at the Surveyor’s discretion, in the case of doubt
as to the condition of plating underneath.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to class
renewal surveys of all harbour equipment. 2.2.2 The hatch covers and coamings are to be surveyed by
checking the effectiveness of sealing arrangements of all
1.1.2 A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the hatch covers by hose testing or equivalent is to be carried
commencement of the survey. out.
1.1.3 The class renewal survey is to include sufficiently
2.2.3 All bilge and ballast piping systems are to be exam-
extensive examination and checks to show that the struc-
ined and operationally tested to working pressure to attend-
tures, machinery, systems, equipment and various arrange-
ing Surveyor’s satisfaction to ensure that tightness and
ments of the harbour equipment are in satisfactory
condition remain satisfactory.
condition or restored to such condition as to allow the har-
bour equipment to operate for the new period of class of p
years to be assigned, provided that the harbour equipment 2.3 Holds and other dry compartments
is properly maintained and operated and other surveys for
maintenance of class are duly carried out during this 2.3.1 Holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels and duct keels, void
period. spaces and other dry compartments which are integral to
the hull structure are to be internally examined, ascertain-
The examinations of the hull are to be supplemented by
ing the condition of the structure, bilges and drain wells,
thickness measurements and testing as required in [2.4] and
sounding, venting, pumping and drainage arrangements.
[2.5], to ensure that the structural integrity remains effec-
tive. The aim of the examination is to discover substantial
2.3.2 Machinery and pump rooms and other spaces con-
corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or
taining machinery are to be internally examined, ascertain-
other structural deformation that may be present.
ing the condition of the structure. Particular attention is to
be given to tank tops, shell plating in way of tank tops,
2 Hull and hull equipment brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops, and
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Particular
2.1 Bottom survey in dry condition attention is to be given to the river suctions, river water
cooling pipes and overboard discharge valves and their
2.1.1 A bottom survey in dry condition is to be carried out, connections to the shell plating. Where wastage is evident
as detailed in Ch 3, Sec 4, [2], and in addition the require- or suspected, thickness measurements are to be carried out,
ments given in [2.1.3] to [2.1.4] are to be complied with. and renewals or repairs effected when wastage exceeds
allowable limits.
2.1.2 For harbour equipment of unusual characteristics or
engaged on special services, means of underwater inspec-
tion equivalent to the bottom survey in dry condition may 2.4 Tanks
be considered as an alternative by the Society, particularly
when a suitable high resistance paint is applied to the 2.4.1 The type and number of tanks to be internally exam-
underwater portion of the hull. ined at each class renewal survey are detailed in Tab 1,
according to the age of the harbour equipment.
2.1.3 River valves and cocks are to be opened up for inter- This internal examination is to ascertain the condition of the
nal examination. structure, bilges and drain wells, sounding, venting, pump-
ing and drainage arrangements, including piping systems
2.1.4 Thickness measurements of the outer shell plating, as
and their fittings. Due attention is to be given to plating or
and if required within the scope of the related class renewal
double plates below the lower end of sounding and suction
survey, are to be carried out (refer to [2.5]), if not already
done within 12 months before the end of class period.
Where the inner surface of the tanks is covered with cement
2.2 Decks, hatch covers and equipment or other compositions, the removal of coverings may be
waived provided they are examined, found sound and
2.2.1 Decks are to be examined, particular attention being adhering satisfactorily to the steel structures.
given to the areas where stress concentration or increased Note 1: Due attention is also to be given to fuel oil piping passing
corrosion are likely to develop, such as hatch corners and through ballast tanks, which is to be pressure tested when the har-
other discontinuities of structure. bour equipment is more than 10 years old.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 65

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 1 : Requirements for internal examination of integral (structural) tanks at class renewal survey

Class renewal survey Class renewal survey Class renewal survey Class renewal survey
No. I No. II No. III Nos. IV and subsequent
Water ballast tanks (all types) all all all all
Fresh water none one all all
Fuel and lubricating oil tanks none none none one
Storage tanks all all all all
Note 1: Independent non-structural tanks located in machinery spaces are to be externally examined; the relevant fittings, with par-
ticular regard to the remote control shut-off valves under hydrostatic head, are to be externally examined to check the efficiency of
manoeuvres and the absence of cracks or leakage.
Note 2: The extent of the survey of tanks dedicated to liquids other than those indicated in this table will be considered by the Soci-
ety on a case by case basis according to the nature of the liquids.
Note 3: If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each class renewal survey, on a
rotational basis. Tanks not internally examined may be examined externally from accessible boundaries.

2.4.2 Tanks are to be tested by applying test pressure 2.8 Additional inspection and check - Class
defined in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3 and in the relevant Chapter of renewal III and subsequent ones
Part D for each harbour equipment type.
2.8.1 The requirements for the third and the subsequent
2.5 Thickness measurements class renewals include those for the class renewal II. Addi-
tionally, the following investigations are to be carried out.
2.5.1 Thickness measurements required for hull structural
2.8.2 Ceilings, linings and insulation including steel ceiling
elements are to be carried out in compliance with NR597
adjacent to the shell plating and the inner bottom shall be
Requirements for Thickness Measurements Applicable to
removed, as indicated by the Surveyor, to enable the steel
Inland Navigation vessels.
structure to be examined in detail.
For class renewals III and subsequent ones, the inner bot-
2.6 Additional inspection and check - Class tom ceilings may be partially removed at the Surveyor’s dis-
renewal I cretion, to enable their assessment.
2.6.1 Hull structure For class renewals IV and subsequent ones, the inner bot-
tom ceilings are to be completely removed and the tank top
Thickness measurements are to be carried out in way of sus-
is to be carefully cleaned, such as to enable proper assess-
pect areas, defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2].
ment of the tank top's condition.
2.6.2 Equipment, deck openings, etc.
The class renewal survey also covers other parts essential 3 Machinery and electrical installations
for the operation and safety of the harbour equipment, such
as watertight doors, sluice valves, air and sounding pipes, 3.1 General
and gas-freeing, companionways, hatches, scuppers and
water drain pipes with their valves, fire protecting arrange- 3.1.1 Except for individual machinery components as indi-
ments. cated in the following, the scope of all class renewal sur-
veys related to the machinery including electrical
2.6.3 Machinery space structure installations is identical. If the continuous class renewal sys-
Particular attention is to be given to tank tops, shell plating tem is applied, the indications according to the Society are
in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames to be observed.
and tank tops, machinery space bulkheads in way of tank
top and the bilge wells. Where wastage is evident or sus- 3.2 Auxiliary machinery, equipment and
pected, thickness measurements are to be carried out. piping, survey performance
3.2.1 The following components are to be inspected and
2.7 Additional inspection and check - Class
tested in dismantled condition, where deemed necessary by
renewal II the Surveyor:
2.7.1 The requirements for the second class renewal • all pumps of the essential systems
include those for class renewal I. Additionally the following • air compressors, including safety devices
investigations are to be carried out. • separators, filters and valves
• coolers, pre-heaters
2.7.2 The structural parts behind ceilings, floor coverings
and insulation are to be examined, as required by the Sur- • windlasses, including drives
veyor and depending on the general condition of the har- • piping, pipe connections, compensators and hoses
bour equipment, see also [2.8.2]. • emergency drain valves and bilge piping systems

66 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1

• tank filling level indicators On the occasion of every class renewal survey, the installa-
• installations preventing the ingress of water into open tion must be subjected to a visual inspection and test, if
spaces deemed necessary by the Surveyor.
• oil purifier and sewage systems Equipment (cylinders, bottles, fire extinguishers, etc.) has to
be inspected according to the manufacturer’s instructions or
• additional systems and components, where deemed nec-
applicable codes by an approved or recognized company.
essary by the Surveyor, as well as special equipment and
Reports of these inspections have to be provided to the Sur-
installations if included in the scope of classification.

3.3 Electrical installations

3.6 Trials
3.3.1 On main and emergency switchboards, after cleaning
3.6.1 Upon completion of the surveys for class renewal,
when necessary, feeder circuit breakers being open, busbar
the Surveyor must be satisfied that the machinery installa-
circuit closed, measuring and monitoring instruments dis-
tion including electrical installations, as well as special
connected, the resistance of insulation measured across
equipment and installations are operable without restric-
each insulated busbar and hull, and across insulated bus-
tions. In case of doubt, trials and/or operational tests may be
bars is not to be less than 1 megohm.
3.3.2 For generators, the equipment and circuits normally
connected between the generator and first circuit breaker 4 Additional requirements - Liquid
being connected, preferably at working temperature when- products /DG-S or /Bunker station or
ever possible, the resistance of insulation, in ohms, is to be
more than 1000 times the rated voltage, in volts. The insula- /Wastes
tion resistance of generators separate exciter gear is not to
be less than 250000 ohms. 4.1 General
3.3.3 With all circuit breakers and protective devices 4.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to Floating
closed, except for the generators, the insulation resistance storage intended for the storage of liquid products assigned
of the entire electrical system is to be checked. one of the following additional service feature:
In general, the resistance is not to be less than • DG-S
100000 ohms. However, the variation of the resistance with
• Bunker station
time is to be checked by comparing the current figure with
the previous readings. If insulation resistance drops sud- • Wastes.
denly or is insufficient, the defective circuits are to be traced
by disconnecting the circuits as necessary. 4.2 Hull
3.3.4 These measurements are subject to a report to be sub- 4.2.1 On harbour equipment which - as can be proved -
mitted to the Surveyor. In case the results are not satisfac- have exclusively stored product not causing corrosion, the
tory, supplementary investigation and necessary repairs storage tanks shall be inspected at each alternate class
have to be carried out to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. renewal only, provided that it may be assumed on the basis
of random checks that the component parts are still in satis-
3.3.5 The proper operation of the remote stopping systems factory condition, and provided that no objections will result
of: from the tightness and pressure tests according to Pt B, Ch 6,
• transfer and fuel oil pumps Sec 3.
• forced draught fans and engine room ventilation fans,
4.2.2 During each class renewal, the cofferdams are to be
are to be verified. hydrostatically tested to the test pressure as defined in Pt B,
Ch 6, Sec 3, [2] and Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.9].
3.4 Pipes in tanks 4.2.3 At each alternate class renewal only, the storage
tanks, including gas collector if any, are to be tested by
3.4.1 Where pipes are led through tanks, they are to be
water and/or air pressure, to the test pressure stated in the
examined and, if required by the Surveyor, subjected to
Rules. In the case of air tightness and pressure test, the test
hydraulic tests, if for the respective tanks an internal exami-
has to be made according to Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3. Where prod-
nation is required. Depending on the results obtained,
ucts are carried which cause corrosion in connection with
thickness measurements may be required.
water, the kind of testing is to be specified.

3.5 Fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems 4.2.4 At each class renewal, storage tanks intended for
acids and lye solution will be subjected to an internal
3.5.1 General requirements examination and, at each alternate class renewal, to a
Proof is to be furnished to the Surveyor that the entire fire hydrostatic pressure test. The test pressure, to be fixed in
extinguishing equipment is ready for operation and in a sat- accordance with Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.9], depends on the
isfactory condition. density of the cargo.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 67

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1

4.2.5 Close-up survey 5.2.4 At each class renewal, storage tanks intended for
The minimum requirements for close-up surveys are given acids and lye solution will be subjected to an internal
in NR597 Requirements for Thickness Measurements Appli- examination and, at each alternate class renewal, to a
cable to Inland Navigation Vessels. hydrostatic pressure test. The test pressure, to be fixed in
accordance with Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.9], depends on the
density of the product.
4.3 Machinery
5.2.5 The following examinations, measurements and test-
4.3.1 Piping system
ing are to be carried out:
Product piping, including valves and fittings, pumps as well
as gas-freeing and safety equipment is to be surveyed. a) Thickness measurements and non-destructive testing of
storage tanks
At each class renewal, the loading and discharge pipes of
• Thickness measurements of storage tanks may be
tankers are to be tested to 1,25 times the allowable working
required. During these examinations, the state of
insulation is checked around the considered areas
The Surveyor may require dismantling and /or thickness • During the internal survey of the tanks, a non
measurements of piping. destructive testing procedure supplements the exam-
Note 1: When components are replaced in the product handling ination of storage tanks, according to a programme
installation, it is the responsibility of the Owner to verify their com- and control means approved beforehand by the
patibility with the chemical characteristics of the products trans-
• When independent tanks (cylindrical under pres-
4.3.2 Inert gas system sure) are concerned, in principle, 10% of the length
Inert gas installations of the cargo tanks are to be checked of welded seams, in critical areas are tested: tank
as to their operability. supports, reinforcement rings, attachment of hollow
bulkheads, weldings of the fittings (domes, sumps)
4.3.3 Electrical installations to the tank-plates, supports of pumps, ladders, pipe
For harbour equipment intended for flammable products, connections. It may be necessary to remove partially
the condition of safety electrical equipment in relation to the tank insulation to perform these examinations
explosive atmospheres has to be verified and particular • For tanks where anti-corrosion coatings are found to
attention is to be paid to cable runs and connecting termi- be in satisfactory condition, the extent of thickness
nals, especially in the storage area. measurements may be specially considered, at the
discretion of the Surveyor.
5 Additional requirements - Gaseous b) Testing of storage tanks
products /DG-S • Tanks for the storage of pressurized liquefied gases
are to be tested like pressure vessels. Deviating there
from, storage tanks need to be subjected to an inter-
5.1 General
nal inspection on the occasion of each other subse-
5.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to Floating quent class renewal only, if in these tanks only gases
storage intended for the storage of gaseous products or gas mixtures have been stored, which have no cor-
assigned the additional service feature DG-S. rosive effect upon their walls, and if random checks
suggest that the tanks are in satisfactory condition
5.2 Class renewal survey - Hull • Tightness of storage tanks and domes is to be veri-
fied. However, for a harbour equipment of less than
5.2.1 On harbour equipment which - as can be proved - fifteen years of age, a separate tightness test may not
have exclusively stored products not causing corrosion, the be required for each tank, provided the examination
storage tanks shall be inspected at each alternate class of the log book raises no doubts as to their tightness
renewal only, provided that it may be assumed on the basis • Where the results of tanks examination and testing, or
of random checks that the component parts are still in satis- the examination of the log book raise doubts as to the
factory condition, and provided that no objections will result structural integrity or tightness of a storage tank, or
from the tightness and pressure tests as per Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3. when significant repairs have been carried out, hydrau-
lic or hydropneumatic testing is to be carried out.
5.2.2 During each class renewal, the cofferdams are to be
c) External examination of storage tanks
hydrostatically tested to the test pressure as defined in Pt B,
Ch 6, Sec 3, [2] and Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.9]. • All independent tanks are to be examined externally
wherever practicable. Where the insulation of a stor-
5.2.3 At each alternate class renewal only, the storage age tank or of the hull structure is accessible, the Sur-
tanks, including gas collector if any, are to be tested by veyor examines the insulation externally including
water and/or air pressure, to the test pressure stated in the any vapour or protective barrier. If considered neces-
Rules. In case of air tightness and pressure test, the test has sary by the Surveyor, insulation is to be removed in
to be made according to Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3. Where products part or entirely so as to check the condition of the
are stored which cause corrosion in connection with water, tank. Storage tank supports, chocks and keys and the
the kind of testing is to be specified. adjacent hull structure are to be examined

68 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1

• Pressure relief valves of storage tanks are to be 5.3.2 Product handling control and safety
opened up for examination, adjusted, sealed and installations
tested to the Surveyor’s satisfaction
The product handling control and safety installations, such as:
• Pressure / vacuum relief valves or other pressure
• emergency shut down valves at shore connections and
relief devices in the tank spaces, are to be examined
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction and, according to their
design, opened up, adjusted and tested. • control, alarm and safety systems monitoring the pres-
sure in storage tanks, product piping and storage spaces
d) Examination of the storage area
• storage tanks level indicators including alarm and safety
• The venting system of storage tanks and storage
spaces is to be checked. All gastight bulkheads are
to be examined. Gastight bulkhead penetrations, • product temperature monitoring systems
including eventual gastight shaft sealings, are to be
examined • control, alarm and safety systems of product compres-
sors and product pumps,
• Gas detection equipment, including indicators and
alarms in operation, are to be verified to be in good are to be verified on good working.
working order
Note 1: When components are replaced in the product handling
• The inert gas or dry air installation in operation, installation, it is the responsibility of the Owner to verify their com-
including the means for preventing backflow of patibility with the chemical characteristics of the products trans-
product vapour to gas safe areas will be checked ported.

• Sealing arrangements of tanks/tank domes, penetrat- 5.3.3 Inert gas system

ing decks / tank covers, of portable and permanent
drip trays or insulation for deck protection in the Inert gas installations of the storage tanks are to be checked
event of product leakage are to be verified as to their operability.

• Hose and spool pieces used for segregation of pip-

ing systems for product, inert gas and bilge are to be 6 Additional requirements - Green
examined. passport
5.2.6 Close-up survey
6.1 General
The minimum requirements for close-up surveys are given
in NR597 Requirements for Thickness Measurements Appli- 6.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to harbour
cable to Inland Navigation Vessels. equipment which has been assigned the additional class
notation Green passport related to unit recycling, as
5.3 Class renewal survey - Machinery described in Ch 1, Sec 3, [9.4].

5.3.1 Cargo handling installation 6.1.2 The class renewal survey is to be carried out in com-
pliance with the requirements of NR528 Green Passport.
The product piping system including valves, their monitor-
ing devices, etc. are to be opened up for examination and
their insulation removed as the Surveyor deems necessary. 7 Additional requirements - Auxiliary
The complete system is tested to 1,25 times the design pres- propulsion
sure. If the maximum delivery pressure of pumps is less than
the design pressure of the piping system, testing to the
pumps maximum delivery pressure may be accepted. In 7.1 General
such cases, selected expansion bellows are to be disman-
tled, examined internally and tested to their design pressure 7.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to harbour
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. equipment which has been assigned the additional class
notation Auxiliary propulsion, as described in Ch 1, Sec 3,
All pressure relief valves are to be opened up for examination,
adjusted, sealed and tested to the Surveyor’s satisfaction.

The product pumps, compressors, heat exchangers and 7.1.2 The class renewal survey is to be carried out in com-
other machinery including their prime movers which are a pliance with the applicable requirements of NR 217, Pt A,
part of the product handling installation are to be examined. Ch 3, Sec 3, [3] and NR 217, Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 3, [4].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 69

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 2


1 General 3 Hull and hull equipment

1.1 3.1 General

3.1.1 The main structural elements of the hull are to be

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to other peri-
subjected to a general visual inspection, as far as accessi-
odical surveys of all harbour equipment according to Tab 1.
ble. If applicable, ballast tank, storage and machinery
spaces are to be surveyed at random, depending on the har-
1.1.2 A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the
bour equipment type, age and general condition. Where
commencement of the survey.
damages or excessive wastage affecting the class are sus-
pected, the Surveyor is entitled to carry out further investi-
1.1.3 The quarter term survey and/or intermediate survey gations as well as thickness measurements, if required.
are to include examination and checks of a sufficiently
extensive part of the structure to show that the structures of 3.1.2 The foundations and their substructure of special
the harbour equipment are in satisfactory condition so that equipment, particularly on the deck, shall be inspected for
the harbour equipment is expected to operate until the end damages.
of the current period of class, provided that the harbour
equipment is properly maintained and other surveys for 3.1.3 Compartments and rooms normally not accessible, or
maintenance of class are duly carried out during this accessible only after special preparations, may be required
period. to be opened for inspection, depending on the harbour
equipment's age and available information about service
Table 1 : Applicable requirements conditions.

Survey type p≤5 p>5 3.2 Ballast tanks

Quarter term survey NA [2]
3.2.1 Depending on the harbour equipment's age, the Sur-
[3] veyor may require opening of ballast tanks for visual inspec-
[4] tion, particularly if deterioration of the coating or excessive
wastage has already been observed at previous surveys.
If coating is to be partly or totally renewed, only approved
Intermediate survey [2] [5]
coating is applicable in the case of a repair. The whole
[3] working procedure including the surface preparation has to
[4] be documented.
3.3 Hatches and covers
Note 1:
p : Character of class period defined Ch 1, Sec 2, 3.3.1 Hatches and covers shall be surveyed regarding
[4.1] structural integrity as well as tightness and operability of all
NA : Not applicable closures.

2 Surveys performance 3.4 Dry dock survey

3.4.1 Intermediate surveys have to be carried out in dry-

2.1 General dock in the following cases:
• the harbour equipment's shell is riveted, at the Sur-
2.1.1 The survey shall include the requirements stated
veyor's discretion
under [3] to [6].
• the harbour equipment's age exceeds 4p years, at the
Note 1: More extensive applicable Regulations are to be observed.
Surveyor's discretion.

2.1.2 Additional requirements may have to be observed for Hull plates before protective application, appendages, dis-
particular harbour equipment types, due to the request of charge valves, river chests, etc. have to be examined. In
the Owner or in connection with manufacturer's recom- case of doubt, thickness measurements can be requested by
mendations for special equipment. the Surveyor.

70 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 2

4 Machinery and electrical installations 4.4 Electrical installations and equipment

4.4.1 The Surveyor will check the good condition, particu-
4.1 General larly the earthing of the electrical equipment, and the satis-
factory operating condition of the entire electrical
4.1.1 The machinery including electrical installations will be installation. If he judges it necessary, measurement of the
subjected to the following surveys and operational checks: insulation level of the electrical installation will be carried
• general inspection of machinery and the auxiliary out.
engines, possible fire and explosion sources, and check-
ing of emergency exits as to their free passage 5 Intermediate survey - p > 5
• external inspection of pressure vessels, with their appli-
ances and safety devices. 5.1 General
• inspection and checking of the remote control, quick- 5.1.1 The intermediate survey is to include all the inspec-
closing/ stopping devices of pumps, valves, ventilators, tions and checks required for quarter term surveys.
Note 1: More extensive Regulations of the country where the unit is
• random checking of the remote control and automation operated are to be observed.
5.1.2 The requirements of this Article apply to all harbour
• inspection and functional checking of control systems equipment. Additional requirements may have to be
• inspection of the bilge system, including remote control observed for particular harbour equipment types, at the
actuators and bilge filling level monitors request of the Owner or in connection with the manufac-
turer's recommendations for special equipment.
• survey of explosion-proof installations
• random inspection and checking of essential equipment 5.2 Hull
to the Surveyor’s discretion.
5.2.1 The requirements given in Tab 2 for the survey and
4.2 Fire extinguishing systems testing of water ballast spaces and other hull spaces are to
be complied with.
4.2.1 The following items/systems are subject to inspection
and/or testing, where applicable: 6 Additional requirements for notations
• fire mains system, including hoses and nozzles
6.1 General
• gas fire extinguishing system
• dry powder fire extinguishing system 6.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to harbour
equipment which has been assigned one of the following
• foam fire extinguishing system additional notations:
• sprinkler system, including water mist sprinkler system • Liquid products /DG-S
• water and/or foam drencher system • Gaseous products /DG-S
• any other fixed fire extinguishing system provided • Liquid products /Bunker station

• portable fire extinguishers, mobile fire extinguishers, • Liquid products /Wastes.

including portable foam application units • Auxiliary propulsion.
• fire detection and alarm systems
6.2 Liquid products /DG-S or /Bunker station
• emergency stops for ventilation fans, boiler forced draft
or /Wastes
fans, fuel transfer pumps, fuel oil purifiers
• quick-closing fuel valves 6.2.1 Safety systems
The following installations and equipment are to be
• fire closures, fire dampers, etc.
• fireman’s outfits, if required. • level/overfill alarms
The survey of fire extinguishing systems is to be performed • level indicators
according to NR17, Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4.2]. • tank venting systems
• flame arresters
4.3 Machinery • piping, valves and fittings, pumps
• pump room equipment, including ventilation system
4.3.1 In addition to the requirements under [4.1.1], the
components of essential systems onboard are to be sub- • fire-extinguishing equipment
jected to operational tests. • pressure/vacuum relief valves.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 71

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 2

6.2.2 Product piping system 6.3.3 Recorded entries in the log book, if any, since the last
survey are to be examined in order to check the past perfor-
a) Examination of the storage tank openings, including
mance of the system and to establish if certain parts have
gaskets and covers
shown any irregularities in operation or if the evaporation
b) Examination of the storage tank pressure / vacuum relief rate has been abnormally high.
valves or equilibrating devices
c) Examination of the flameproof devices and flame 6.3.4 Spaces and areas such as product control rooms, air
screens locks, compressor rooms are to be examined together with
product handling piping and machinery including product
d) Examination of the product piping and their auxiliaries and process piping, product heat exchangers, evaporators,
e) Testing of all storage tank alarms. compressors, during operation, whenever possible.

6.2.3 Inert gas system 6.3.5 Electric bonding of storage tanks and product piping
Inert gas installations of the storage tanks are to be checked systems is to be verified.
as to their operability.
6.3.6 Inert gas system
6.2.4 Cofferdams
Inert gas installations of the storage tanks are to be checked
The cofferdams are to be inspected, if provided. as to their operability.

6.2.5 Product pump room 6.3.7 Examination and checking of the following items:
For product pump rooms, the survey consists of the verifica-
tion of the good condition of: a) Venting system of storage tanks and storage spaces

• access ladders b) All gastight bulkhead penetrations including gastight

• sumps shaft sealing, if provided

• all bulkheads for signs of leakage or fractures and, in c) product handling control and safety systems, if practica-
particular, the sealing arrangements of the bulkhead ble, such as:
• emergency shut down valves at shore connections
• piping systems, their pumps and auxiliaries and tanks
• pump room ventilation system including ducting,
• control, alarm and safety systems monitoring the
dampers and screens.
pressure in storage tanks, product piping and storage
6.2.6 Electrical installations and equipment
The Surveyor will check that the insulation level of the elec- • storage tanks level gauging including alarm and
trical installation has been verified within the last three years safety functions
and that the results are to his satisfaction, particularly in • product temperature monitoring systems
pump rooms and in the storage area. Furthermore, the good
condition of the safety electrical equipment in respect to • control, alarm and safety systems of product com-
explosive atmosphere has to be checked. Special attention is pressors and product pumps.
to be paid to the cable runs and connecting terminals.
d) Gas detection equipment including indicators and
alarms in operation
6.3 Gaseous products /DG-S
e) Ventilation systems of all spaces in the storage area
6.3.1 Safety systems
f) Inert gas or dry air installations in operation, including
The following installations and equipment are to be
the means for preventing backflow of product vapour to
gas safe areas
• level/overfill alarms
g) Gastightness of control station doors and windows
• level indicators
• tank venting systems h) Sealing arrangements of tank/tank domes, penetrating
decks/tank covers, of portable and permanent drip trays
• piping, valves and fittings, pumps or insulation for deck protection in the event of product
• compressor / pump room equipment, including ventila- leakage.
tion system
• fire-extinguishing equipment 6.4 Auxiliary propulsion
• pressure/vacuum relief valves.
6.4.1 The intermediate survey is to be carried out in com-
6.3.2 Access to storage tanks and/or inerted storage spaces pliance with the applicable requirements of NR 217, Pt A,
is not normally required. Ch 3, Sec 2, [4].

72 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 2

Table 2 : Intermediate survey of hull - p = 10 years

Age of the harbour equipment (in year at time of intermediate survey)

Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 15 < Age
Water Representative spaces All spaces internally exam- All spaces internally exam- All spaces internally exam-
ballast tanks internally examined ined ined ined
Thickness measurements if Thickness measurements if Thickness measurements if
considered necessary by considered necessary by considered necessary by
the surveyor the surveyor the surveyor
(1) (2) (3) (1) (3) (1) (3)
Storage spaces Selected storage spaces Selected storage spaces
internally examined internally examined
Storage tanks Selected storage spaces Selected storage spaces
internally examined internally examined
(1) If such examinations reveal no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the corrosion pre-
vention system remains effective.
(2) If there is no hard protective coating, soft coating or poor coating condition, the examination is to be extended to other ballast
spaces of the same type.
(3) For water ballast spaces, if there is no hard protective coating, soft coating or poor coating condition and it is not renewed, the
spaces in question are to be internally examined at annual intervals.
Note 1: Due attention is also to be given to fuel oil piping passing through ballast tanks, which is to be pressure tested should doubts

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 73

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 3


1 Damage and repair surveys 1.2.5 Regarding the materials employed and certificates
required, the requirements for newbuildings are applicable.
See NR217, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.4].
1.1 General
1.1.1 Damage and repair surveys fall due whenever the 1.2.6 Regarding corrosion damages or excessive wastage
harbour equipment's hull and machinery, including electri- beyond allowable limits that affect the harbour equipment's
cal installations, as well as special equipment and installa- class, see NR597 Requirements for Thickness Measure-
tions covered by the classification have suffered a damage ments Applicable to Inland Navigation vessels.
which might affect validity of class, or if damage may be
assumed to have occurred as a consequence of an average 2 Conversion surveys
or some other unusual event, see also NR217, Ch 2, Sec 1,
2.1 General
1.2 Damage and repair surveys performance 2.1.1 In case of conversion and/or major changes of the
harbour equipment's hull, machinery, as well as special
1.2.1 Where damage has occurred to the harbour equip-
equipment and installations with effect to the class designa-
ment's hull, machinery including electrical installations or
tion including notations, the Society’s approval is to be
special equipment and installations, etc., the damaged parts
requested as in the case of new buildings and surveys are to
are to be made accessible for inspection in such a way that
be carried out, as described in NR217, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.4].
the kind and extent of the damage can be thoroughly exam-
ined and ascertained, see also NR217, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6.3.2]. A new or amended class designation will be assigned,
where necessary.
1.2.2 The repair measures are to be agreed with the Sur-
veyor such as to render possible confirmation of the class
without reservations upon completion of the repairs. In gen-
3 Extraordinary surveys
eral, a class confirmation with conditions of class, e.g. in
the case of a preliminary repair (“emergency repair”), 3.1 General
requires to be approved by the Society’s head office or Soci-
ety’s representative. 3.1.1 The Society reserves the right to require extraordinary
surveys to be held independently of any regular surveys.
1.2.3 Surveys conducted in the course of repairs are to be Such surveys may become necessary for examining the har-
based on the latest experience and instructions by the Soci- bour equipment's technical condition and are understood
ety. In exceptional cases advice is to be obtained from the to be a part of Society's quality assurance system.
Society’s head office or Society’s representative, in particu-
lar where doubts exist as to the cause of damage.
4 Survey for towage or voyage over sea
1.2.4 For older harbour equipment, in the case of repairs
and/or replacement of parts subject to classification, as a 4.1 General
matter of principle, the construction Rules in force during
their period of construction continue to be applicable. 4.1.1 In compliance with the provisions of the General
This does not apply in the case of modifications required to Conditions, a certificate of towage or voyage over sea may
the structure in the light of new knowledge gained from be issued upon satisfactory survey the scope of which is
damage analyses, with a view to avoiding recurrence of fixed in each particular case by the Society according to the
similar damages. towing or voyage over sea.

74 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 4


1 General 3 In-water survey

1.1 3.1 General

3.1.1 In particular circumstances, in-water survey, the

1.1.1 Examinations of the outside of harbour equipment’s
extent of which is subject to preliminary agreement of the
bottom and related items of harbour equipment is normally
Society, may be performed under the conditions set out in
to be carried out with the harbour equipment in dry-dock or [3.2] to [3.4].
on a slipway. However, consideration may be given to alter-
nate examination while the harbour equipment is afloat as
an in-water survey, subject to provisions of NR217, Ch 2, 3.2 Approval
Sec 2, [4.5] and [3].
3.2.1 The diving firm assisting in in-water surveys must be
approved by the Society for this purpose according to the
2 Dry dock survey Society's procedures.

3.3 Performance of survey

2.1 General
3.3.1 Unless accessible from outside with the aid of the
2.1.1 Harbour equipment are generally to be subjected to a harbour equipment's trim and/or heel, underwater parts are
bottom survey once during the class period. As a matter of to be surveyed and/or relevant maintenance work is to be
principle, class renewal includes a bottom survey in dry- carried out with assistance by a diver whose performance is
dock. controlled by a Surveyor, using an underwater camera with
monitor, communication and recording systems.
2.1.2 Intermediate surveys have to be carried out in dry-
dock in the following cases: 3.3.2 Surveys of the underwater body are to be carried out
in sufficiently clear and calm waters.
• the harbour equipment's shell is riveted, at the Sur-
The harbour equipment should be in light weight condition.
veyor's discretion
The shell sides below the waterline and the bottom must be
• the harbour equipment's age exceeds 4p, at the Sur- free from fouling.
veyor's discretion.
3.3.3 The underwater pictures on the surface monitor
Moreover, for each bottom survey performed in addition to screen must offer reliable technical information such as to
the bottom surveys stipulated by the classification require- enable the Surveyor to judge the parts and/ or the areas sur-
ments a Society's Surveyor shall be called to attend. veyed.

3.3.4 Documentation suited for video reproduction includ-

2.2 Performance of dry dock survey ing voice is to be made available to Society.

2.2.1 General 3.4 Additional examinations

For the survey, the harbour equipment is to be placed on
sufficiently high and secure blocks, so that all necessary 3.4.1 Where, for instance, grounding is assumed to have
examinations can be carried out in a satisfactory manner. It taken place, the Surveyor may demand individual parts of
may be necessary to clean the bottom and outer shell the underwater body to be additionally inspected from
and/or remove rust from some areas to the Surveyor’s satis- inside.
faction. If during the in-water survey damages are found which can
be assessed reliably only in dry-dock or require immediate
2.2.2 Hull bottom survey repair, the harbour equipment is to be dry docked. If the
coating of the underwater body is in a condition which may
The survey covers an examination of the bottom and side cause corrosion damages affecting harbour equipment's
plates of the shell plating, including any attachments, the class to occur before the next dry docking, the harbour
scuppers and water drain pipes, including their closures. equipment is to be dry docked.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 75

Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 4

76 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6

Chapter 1 GENERAL

November 2015
78 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 1




November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 79

80 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1



L : Rule length, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.1] 1.1.2 Harbour equipment whose hull materials are differ-
B : Breadth, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] ent from those mentioned in [1.1.1] and harbour equipment
with novel features or unusual hull design are to be individ-
D : Depth, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.4] ually considered by the Society, on the basis of the princi-
T : Draught, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.5] ples and criteria adopted in this Rule Note.
LOA : Length overall, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2,
[1.6] 1.1.3 The harbour equipment’s structure is to be checked
by the designer to make sure that it withstands the loads
LWL : Length of waterline, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2,
resulting from the towing.
Δ : Displacement, in ton, at draught T 1.1.4 The strength of the harbour equipment constructed
CB : Block coefficient: and maintained according to this Rule Note is sufficient for
the scantling draught considered when applying the Rules.
C B = -------------------
1.2 Limits of application to lifting appliances
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, see Fig 1
1.2.1 The fixed parts of lifting appliances, considered as an
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the integral part of the hull, are the structures permanently con-
tank or compartment, see Fig 1
nected by welding to the hull (for instance crane pedestals,
zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the top of air pipe, see masts, king posts, derrick heel seatings, etc., excluding
Fig 1. cranes, derrick booms, ropes, rigging accessories, and, gen-
erally, any dismountable parts). The shrouds of masts
1 General embedded in the harbour equipment’s structure are consid-
ered as fixed parts.
1.1 Structural requirements
1.2.2 The fixed parts of lifting appliances and their connec-
1.1.1 Part B contains the requirements for the determina- tions to the harbour equipment’s structure are covered by
tion of the minimum hull scantlings, applicable to all har- the Rules, even when the certification of lifting appliances is
bour equipment made in welded steel or aluminium alloy. not required.

Figure 1 : Definitions





November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 81

Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1

2 Rule application 3 Rounding off of scantlings

2.1 Harbour equipment parts 3.1 Plate thicknesses

2.1.1 General 3.1.1 The rounding off of plate thicknesses is to be

obtained from the following procedure:
For the purpose of application of this Rule Note, the har-
a) the net thickness (see Ch 2, Sec 3, [2]) is calculated in
bour equipment is considered as divided into the following
parts: accordance with the rule requirements
b) corrosion addition tC (see Ch 2, Sec 3, [3]) is added to
• central part
the calculated net thickness, and the gross thickness
• end parts. obtained is rounded off to the nearest half-millimetre
c) the rounded net thickness is taken equal to the rounded
2.1.2 Central part
gross thickness obtained in item b), minus the corrosion
The central part includes the structures within the region additions tC.
extending over 0,5 L through the midship section.
3.2 Stiffener section moduli
2.1.3 End parts
The end parts include the structures of the peaks and those 3.2.1 Stiffener section moduli as calculated in accordance
located in the part extending over 0,1 L beyond the end with the rule requirements are to be rounded off to the near-
bulkheads. est standard values; however, no reduction may exceed 3%.

82 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General 1.8 Superstructure

1.8.1 A superstructure is a decked structure connected to

1.1 Rule length the strength deck defined in [1.10], extending from side to
side of the harbour equipment or with the side plating not
1.1.1 The rule length L is the distance, in m, taken equal to being inboard of the shell plating more than 0,04 B.
the length at the load waterline.
For harbour equipment with unusual end arrangements, the 1.9 Deckhouse
rule length L will be considered by the Society on a case-
by-case basis. 1.9.1 A deckhouse is a decked structure other than a super-
structure, located on the strength deck defined in [1.10] or
1.2 Ends of rule length
1.10 Strength deck
1.2.1 The end perpendiculars are the perpendiculars to the
load waterline at the ends of the distance L.
1.10.1 The strength deck (main deck) is the uppermost con-
tinuous deck contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
1.3 Breadth strength.

1.3.1 The breadth B is the greatest moulded breadth, in m, 1.11 Weather deck
measured amidships below the upper deck.
1.11.1 The weather deck is the uppermost continuous
exposed deck.
1.4 Depth

1.4.1 The depth D is the distance, in m, measured verti- 1.12 Bulkhead deck
cally at the midship transverse section, from the moulded
base line to the top of the deck beam at side on the upper 1.12.1 The bulkhead deck is the uppermost deck up to
most continuous deck. which the transverse watertight bulkheads and the shell are
In the case of a harbour equipment with a solid bar keel, the
moulded base line is to be taken at the intersection between
the upper face of the bottom plating and the solid bar keel. 1.13 Cofferdam

1.13.1 A cofferdam means an empty space arranged so that

1.5 Draught compartments on each side have no common boundary; a
cofferdam may be located vertically or horizontally. As a
1.5.1 The draught T is the distance, in m, measured verti- rule, a cofferdam is to be properly ventilated and of a suffi-
cally at the midship transverse section, from the moulded cient size to allow for inspection.
base line to the load line.
In the case of a harbour equipment with a solid bar keel, the 1.14 Weathertight
moulded base line is to be taken as defined in [1.4].
1.14.1 “weathertight” is the term used to a closure or a
structure which prevents water from penetrating into the
1.6 Length overall harbour equipment under any service conditions. Weather-
tight designates structural elements or devices which are so
1.6.1 The length overall is the extreme length of the har- designed that the penetration of water inside the harbour
bour equipment, in m. equipment is prevented:
• for one minute when they are subjected to pressure cor-
1.7 Length of waterline responding to a 1 m head of water, or
• for ten minutes when they are exposed to the action of
1.7.1 The length of waterline is the length of the hull, in m, jet of water with a minimum pressure of 1 bar in all
measured at the maximum draught. directions over their entire area.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 83

Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2

The following constructions are regarded as weathertight: 2 Reference co-ordinates

• weathertight doors complying with ISO 6042
• ventilation flaps complying with ISO 5778 2.1 General
• airpipe heads of automatic type and of approved design.
2.1.1 The harbour equipment‘s geometry, motions, acceler-
Weathertightness is to be proven by hose tests or equivalent
ations and loads are defined with respect to the following
tests accepted by the Society before installing.
right-hand co-ordinate system:
1.15 Watertight • Origin: intersection point of the longitudinal plane of
symmetry of the harbour equipment, one end of L and
1.15.1 “Watertight” designates structural elements or the baseline
devices which meet all the conditions stated for weather-
• X-axis: longitudinal axis, positive towards the other end
tightness and also remain tight at the anticipated internal
and external pressures. • Y-axis: transverse axis, positive towards portside
Watertightness is to be proven by workshop testing and, • Z-axis: vertical axis, positive upwards.
where applicable, by type approvals in combination with
construction drawings (e.g. watertight sliding doors, cable 2.1.2 Positive rotations are oriented in anti-clockwise
penetrations through watertight bulkheads). direction about the X-, Y- and Z- axes.

84 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 2










November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 85

86 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 Subdivision arrangement 2 Access arrangement

1.1 Watertight bulkheads 2.1 Double bottom

1.1.1 Harbour equipment is to be provided with appropri- 2.1.1 Inner bottom manholes
ate subdivisions ensuring safe operations, stability and Inner bottom manholes are to be not less than
global structural strength. 0,40 m x 0,40 m. Their number and location are to be so
Harbour equipment is to have at least the following trans- arranged as to provide convenient access to any part of the
verse watertight bulkheads: double bottom.
• two end bulkheads Inner bottom manholes are to be closed by watertight plate
• two bulkheads forming the boundaries of the machinery covers.
space, if fitted. Doubling plates are to be fitted on the covers, where
secured by bolts.
1.2 Height of transverse watertight Where no ceiling is fitted, covers are to be adequately pro-
bulkheads tected from damage.

1.2.1 Transverse watertight bulkheads are to extend up to 2.1.2 Floor and girder manholes
the bulkhead deck. Manholes are to be provided in floors and girders so as to
provide convenient access to all parts of the double bottom.
1.3 Openings in watertight bulkheads The size of manholes and lightening holes in floors and
girders is, in general, to be less than 50 per cent of the local
1.3.1 Certain openings below the bulkhead deck are per- height of the double bottom.
mitted in bulkheads other than the end bulkheads, but these
are to be: Where manholes of greater sizes are needed, edge rein-
forcement by means of flat bar rings or other suitable stiffen-
• kept to a minimum compatible with the design and ers may be required.
proper working of the harbour equipment, and
Manholes may not be cut in the continuous centreline
• provided with watertight doors having strength such as
girder or in floors and girders below pillars, except where
to withstand the head of water to which they may be
allowed by the Society, on a case-by-case basis.

2.2 Access to tanks

1.4 Watertight doors
2.2.1 Tanks and subdivisions of tanks having lengths of
1.4.1 Doors cut out in watertight bulkheads are to be fitted 35 m and above are to be fitted with at least two access
with watertight closing appliances. The arrangements to be hatchways and ladders, as far apart as practicable longitudi-
made concerning these appliances are to be approved by nally.
the Society.
Tanks less than 35 m in length are to be served by at least
1.4.2 Thickness of the watertight doors is to be not less than one access hatchway and ladder.
that of the adjacent bulkhead plating, taking account of
their actual framing spacing. 2.2.2 The dimensions of any access hatchway are to be suf-
ficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained breathing
1.4.3 Where vertical stiffeners are cut in way of watertight apparatus to ascend or descend the ladder without obstruc-
doors, reinforced stiffeners are to be fitted on each side of tion and also to provide a clear opening to facilitate the
the door and suitably overlapped; cross-bars are to be pro- hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the tank. In
vided to support the interrupted stiffeners. no case is the clear opening to be less than 0,36 m2 and its
length 0,50 m.
1.5 Cofferdams
2.3 Access within tanks
1.5.1 Cofferdams are to be provided between compart-
ments intended for liquid hydrocarbons (fuel oil, lubricating 2.3.1 Manholes
oil) and those intended for fresh water (drinking water, Where manholes are fitted, access is to be facilitated by
water for boilers) as well as tanks intended for the carriage means of steps and hand grips with platform landings on
of liquid foam for fire-extinguishing. each side.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 87

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1

2.4 Access to side tanks cles causing stumbling. In order to assure the continuity of
the strength, they are to be cut smooth along a well
2.4.1 Where openings allowing access to side tanks are cut rounded design and are to be strengthened by thick plates,
in the stringer plate, they are to be arranged clear of the by doubling plates or by other equivalent structure.
hatch corners and to be of even-deck design, without obsta-

88 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2


1 General Table 1 : Mechanical properties of hull steels

Steel grades Minimum yield Ultimate minimum

1.1 Characteristics of materials (t ≤ 100 mm) stress ReH , tensile strength Rm ,
in N/mm2 in N/mm2
1.1.1 The characteristics of the materials to be used in the
A-B-D 235 400 - 520
construction of harbour equipment are to comply with the
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. A32 - D32 315 440 - 590

Materials with other characteristics may be accepted, pro- A36 - D36 355 490 - 620
vided their specification (manufacture, chemical composi- A40 - D40 (1) 390 510 - 650
tion, mechanical properties, welding, etc.) is submitted to (1) t ≤ 50 mm
the Society for approval.

2.2 Information to be kept on board

1.2 Testing of materials
2.2.1 It is advised to keep on board a plan indicating the
1.2.1 Materials are to be tested in compliance with the steel types and grades adopted for the hull structure. Where
applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. steels other than those indicated in Tab 1 are used, their
mechanical and chemical properties, as well as any work-
1.3 Manufacturing processes manship requirements or recommendations, are to be avail-
able on board together with the above plan.
1.3.1 The requirements of this Section presume that weld-
ing and other cold or hot manufacturing processes are car- 2.3 Dimensional tolerances
ried out in compliance with current sound working practice
and the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and 2.3.1 For plates and wide flats, an under-thickness toler-
Welding. In particular: ance of 0,3 mm is permitted.
• parent material and welding processes are to be within For section and bars, the under-thickness tolerance is to be
the limits stated for the specified type of material for in accordance with the requirements of a recognized inter-
which they are intended national or national standard.
• specific preheating may be required before welding
• welding or other cold or hot manufacturing processes 2.4 Material factor k
may need to be followed by an adequate heat treatment.
2.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, the material factor k is
defined in Tab 2 as a function of the minimum yield stress
2 Steels for hull structure ReH.

For intermediate values of ReH , k may be obtained by linear

2.1 Application interpolation.

2.1.1 Tab 1 gives the mechanical characteristics of steels Steel with a yield stress lower than 235 N/mm2 or greater
currently used in the construction of floating harbour equip- than 390 N/mm2 are considered by the Society on a case-
ment. by-case basis.

High strength steels other than those indicated in Tab 1 are

Table 2 : Material factor k
considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

When steels with a minimum yield stress ReH greater than ReH, in N/mm2 k
235 N/mm2 are used, hull scantlings are to be determined 235 1,00
taking into account the material factor k defined in [2.4.1].
315 0,78
Characteristics of steels with specified through thickness
355 0,72
properties are given in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2,
Sec 1, [9]. 390 0,68

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 89

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2

2.5 Grades of steels 3 Aluminum alloy structures

2.5.1 Normal strength steel grades A, B and D
3.1 Application
The distribution of the normal strength steel grades used in
the central part is indicated in Tab 3.
3.1.1 The use of aluminium alloys, instead of steel, is nor-
Steel of grade D may be required for members consisting in mally authorized, provided that equivalent strength is main-
plates more than 20 mm thick in areas liable to important tained.
static or dynamic stress concentrations.
The arrangements adopted are to comply, where applicable,
Table 3 : Distribution of steel grades with the requirements of the International Conventions and
in the central part - Normal strength steels National Regulations.

t ≤ 15 15 < t ≤ 20 t > 20 3.2 Extruded plating

Bilge and topside
A B D 3.2.1 Extrusions with built-in plating and stiffeners, referred
structure (1)
to as extruded plating, may be used.
Side shell A A A
In general, the application is limited to decks, bulkheads,
Deck and bottom A A B superstructures and deckhouses. Other uses may be permit-
Deck plates at the ted by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
hatch corners
Extruded plating is preferably to be oriented so that the stiff-
(1) Sheerstrake and stringer plate. eners are parallel to the direction of main stresses.
Note 1:
Connections between extruded plating and primary mem-
t : Structural member gross thickness, in mm. bers are to be given special attention.

2.5.2 High tensile strength structural steel grades

AH and DH 3.3 Mechanical properties of weld joints
The distribution of the high tensile strength steel grades
3.3.1 Welding heat input lower locally the mechanical
used in the central part is given in Tab 4.
strength of aluminium alloys hardened by work hardening
Outside the central part, the thickness of high tensile (series 5000 other than condition 0 or H111) or by heat
strength steel is to be kept unchanged until the region treatment (series 6000).
where the thickness of ordinary steel is the same for the har-
The as-welded properties of aluminium alloys of series
bour equipment considered.
5000 are in general those of condition 0 or H111.
Table 4 : Distribution of steel grades Higher mechanical characteristics may be taken into
in the central part - High tensile strength steels account, provided they are duly justified.

t ≤ 20 t > 20 The as-welded properties of aluminium alloys of series

6000 are to be agreed by the Society.
Bilge and topside structure (1) AH DH
Side shell AH AH 3.4 Material factor k
Deck and bottom AH DH
3.4.1 The material factor k for aluminium alloys is to be
Deck plates at the corners of
AH DH obtained from the following formula:
long hatches
(1) Sheerstrake and stringer plate. k = ---------

Note 1: R lim
t : Structural member gross thickness, in mm. where:
R’lim : Minimum specified yield stress of the parent
2.5.3 For strength members not mentioned in Tab 3 and
metal in welded condition R’p0,2 , in N/mm2, but
Tab 4, grade A/AH may generally be used.
not to be taken greater than 70% of the mini-
2.5.4 The steel grade is to correspond to the as-fitted gross mum specified tensile strength of the parent
thickness when this one is greater than the gross thickness metal in welded condition R’m , in N/mm2, with:
obtained from the net thickness required by the Rules R’p0,2 = η1 Rp0,2
according to Ch 2, Sec 3.
R’m = η2 Rp0,2
2.5.5 Grades of steel for structures exposed to low Rp0,2 : Minimum specified yield stress, in N/mm2, of
temperatures the parent metal in delivery condition
The selection of steel grades to be used for the structural
Rm : Minimum specified tensile stress, in N/mm2, of
members exposed to low temperatures (−20°C or below) is
to be in compliance with the applicable requirements of parent metal in delivery condition.
NR216 Materials and Welding. η1 , η2 : Coefficients as given in Tab 5.

90 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2

In the case of welding of two different aluminium alloys, the Table 6 : Aluminium alloys
material factor k to be considered for the scantlings is the Metallurgical efficiency coefficient β
greater material factor of the aluminium alloys of the assem-
bly. Temper Gross
Aluminium alloy β
condition thickness
For welded constructions in hardened aluminium alloys
(series 5000 other than condition 0 or H111 and series 6005 A t ≤ 6 mm 0,45
(open sections) T5 or T6
6000), greater characteristics than those in welded condi- t > 6 mm 0,40
tion may be considered, provided that welded connections
6005 A
are located in areas where stress levels are acceptable for T5 or T6 All 0,50
(closed sections)
the alloy considered in annealed or welded condition.
6061 (sections) T6 All 0,53
Table 5 : Aluminium alloys for welded construction 6080 (sections) T6 All 0,45

Aluminium alloy η1 η2
4 Other materials
Alloys without work-hardening
treatment (series 5000 in annealed 1 1
condition 0 or annealed flattened
4.1 General
condition H111)
4.1.1 Other materials and products such as parts made of
Alloys hardened by work hardening iron castings, where allowed, products made of copper and
(series 5000 other than condition 0 R’p0,2 / Rp0,2 R’m / Rm copper alloys, rivets, cranes, masts, derricks, accessories
or H111) and wire ropes are generally to comply with the applicable
Alloys hardened by heat treatment requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
R’p0,2 / Rp0,2 0,6
(series 6000) (1)
4.1.2 The use of plastics, wood or other special materials
(1) When no information is available, coefficient η1 is to not covered by these Rules is to be considered by the Soci-
be taken equal to the metallurgical efficiency coeffi- ety on a case-by-case basis.
cient β defined in Tab 6.
In such a case, the Society states the requirements for the
Note 1:
acceptance of the materials concerned.
R’p0,2 : Minimum specified yield stress, in N/mm2, of
material in welded condition (see [3.3.1] 4.1.3 Materials used in welding processes are to comply
R’m : Minimum specified tensile stress, in N/mm2, of with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and
material in welded condition (see [3.3.1]). Welding.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 91

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Application criteria Table 1 : Coefficients α and β for bulb profiles

Range of section modulus α β

1.1 General
wG ≤ 200 cm 3 0,070 0,4
1.1.1 The scantlings obtained by applying the criteria spec-
wG> 200 cm 3 0,035 7,4
ified in these Rules are net scantlings, i.e. those which pro-
vide the strength characteristics required to sustain the
loads, excluding any addition for corrosion. Exceptions are 2.1.4 Primary supporting members
the scantlings of massive pieces made of steel forgings, steel The net transverse section is to be obtained by deducting
castings or iron castings. the corrosion addition tC from the gross thickness of the ele-
The required strength characteristics are: ments which constitute the primary supporting members.
• thickness, for plating including that which constitutes The net strength characteristics are to be calculated for the
primary supporting members net transverse section.
• section modulus, shear sectional area, moments of iner-
tia and local thickness, for ordinary stiffeners and, as the 2.1.5 Hull girder
case may be, primary supporting members For the hull girder, the net hull transverse sections are to be
• section modulus, moments of inertia and single moment considered as being constituted by plating and stiffeners
for the hull girder. having net scantlings calculated on the basis of the corro-
sion additions tC.
The harbour equipment is to be built at least with the gross
scantlings obtained by reversing the procedure described in
[2.1.1]. 2.2 Designer’s proposals based on net
2 Net strength characteristic
2.2.1 Net strength characteristics and corrosion
calculation additions
If the designer provides the net scantlings of each structural
2.1 Designer’s proposals based on gross element, the structural checks are to be carried out on the
scantlings basis of the proposed net strength characteristics.

2.1.1 If the designer provides the gross scantlings of each The designer is also to provide the corrosion additions or
structural element, the structural checks are to be carried the gross scantlings of each structural element. The pro-
out on the basis of the net strength characteristics, derived posed corrosion additions are to be not less than the values
as specified in [2.1.2] to [2.1.5]. specified in [3.1.1].

2.1.2 Plating 2.2.2 Hull girder net strength characteristic

The net thickness is to be obtained by deducting the corro- calculation
sion addition tC from the gross thickness. For the hull girder, the net hull girder transverse sections are
to be considered as being constituted by plating and stiffen-
2.1.3 Ordinary stiffeners ers having the net scantlings proposed by the designer.
The net transverse section is to be obtained by deducting
the corrosion addition tC from the gross thickness of the ele-
ments which constitute the stiffener profile.
3 Corrosion additions
The net strength characteristics are to be calculated for the
net transverse section. As an alternative, the net section 3.1 Values of corrosion additions
modulus of bulb profiles may be obtained from the follow-
ing formula: 3.1.1 General
The values of the corrosion additions specified in this Arti-
w = wG (1 − α tC) − β tC
cle are to be applied in relation to the relevant corrosion
where: protection measures.
wG : Stiffener gross section modulus, in cm3 The designer may define values of corrosion additions
α, β : Coefficients defined in Tab 1. greater than those specified here below.

92 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3

3.1.2 Corrosion additions for steels other than • for plating/stiffener plating with a gross thickness less
stainless steel than or equal to 10 mm, tC , in mm, is the smallest of the
following values:
The corrosion addition for each of the two sides of a struc-
tural member, tC1 or tC2 , is specified in Tab 2. - 20% of the gross thickness of the plating/stiffener
• for plating with a gross thickness greater than 10 mm, - tC = 2 tC1
the total corrosion addition tC , in mm, for both sides of
the structural member is obtained by the following for- 3.1.3 Corrosion additions for stainless steel and
mula: aluminium
For structural members made of stainless steel or aluminium
tC = tC1 + tC2 alloys, the corrosion addition is to be taken equal to 0.

• for plating with a gross thickness less than or equal to Table 2 : Corrosion additions, in mm,
10 mm, tC , in mm, for both sides of the structural mem- for one side exposure (tC1 or tC2)
ber is the smallest of the following values:
Compartment type
- 20% of the gross thickness of the plating addition (1)

- tC = tC1 + tC2 Ballast tank 1,00

Fuel oil Plating of horizontal surface 0,75
For an internal member within a given compartment, the tank
Plating of non-horizontal surfaces 0,50
total corrosion addition tC is to be determined as specified
Ordinary stiffeners and primary
here below, where tC1 is the value of the corrosion addition 0,75
supporting members
specified in Tab 2 for one side exposure to that compart-
ment: Accommodation space 0,00
Compartments and areas other than those
• for plating/stiffener plating with a gross thickness greater 0,50
mentioned above
than 10 mm, tC , in mm, is twice the value of tC1:
(1) Corrosion additions are applicable to all members of
tC = 2 tC1 the considered item.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 93

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4


1 General strength principles 1.2 Connections with higher strength steel

1.2.1 Outside the higher strength steel area, scantlings of

1.1 Structural continuity longitudinal elements in normal strength steel are to be cal-
culated assuming that the midship area is made in normal
1.1.1 The variation in scantlings between the midship strength steel.
region and the end parts is to be gradual.
1.2.2 Regarding welding of higher strength hull structural
1.1.2 The structural continuity is to be ensured: steel, see applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and
• in way of changes in the framing system

• at the connections of primary or ordinary stiffeners 1.3 Connections between steel and
• in way of the end parts and machinery space

• in way of ends of superstructures. 1.3.1 Any direct contact between steel and aluminium
alloy is to be avoided (e.g. by means of zinc or cadmium
1.1.3 Longitudinal members contributing to the hull girder plating of the steel parts and application of a suitable coat-
longitudinal strength are to extend continuously for a suffi- ing on the corresponding light alloy parts).
cient distance towards the ends of the harbour equipment.
1.3.2 Any heterogeneous jointing system is considered by
Ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitudi- the Society on case-by-case basis.
nal strength are generally to be continuous when crossing
primary supporting members. Otherwise, the detail of con-
nections is considered by the Society on a case-by-case 2 Plating

Longitudinal of the bottom, bilge, sheerstrake, deck, upper 2.1 Insert plates and doublers
and lower longitudinal bulkhead and inner side strakes, as
well as the latter strakes themselves, the lower strake of the 2.1.1 A local increase in plating thickness is generally to be
centreline bottom girder and the upper strake of the cen- achieved through insert plates. Local doublers, which are
treline deck girder, where fitted, are to be continuous normally only allowed for temporary repair, may how ever
through the transverse bulkheads of the central part and cof- be accepted by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
ferdams. Alternative solutions may be examined by the
In any case, doublers and insert plates are to be made of
Society on a case-by-case basis, provided they are equally
materials of a quality at least equal to that of the plates on
which they are welded.

1.1.4 Where stress concentrations may occur in way of

2.1.2 Doublers having width, in mm, greater than:
structural discontinuities, adequate compensation and rein-
forcements are to be provided. • 20 times their thickness, for thicknesses equal to or less
than 15 mm
1.1.5 Openings are to be avoided, as far as practicable, in • 25 times their thickness, for thicknesses greater than
way of highly stressed areas. 15 mm,
Where necessary, the shape of openings is to be specially
are to be fitted with slot welds, in accordance with the
designed to reduce the stress concentration factors.
Openings are to be generally well rounded with smooth
edges. 2.1.3 When doublers fitted on the outer shell and strength
deck within 0,5 L amidships are accepted by the Society,
1.1.6 Primary supporting members are to be arranged in their width and thickness are to be such that slot welds are
such a way that they ensure adequate continuity of strength. not necessary according to the requirements in [2.1.2]. Out-
side this area, the possibility of fitting doublers requiring
Abrupt changes in height or in cross-section are to be slot welds will be considered by the Society on a case-by-
avoided. case basis.

94 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4

3 Ordinary stiffeners Figure 4 : Ordinary stiffener

with a bracket and a stiffener at one end

3.1 General 
3.1.1 Stiffener not perpendicular to the attached
plating I
Where the angle between the section web and the attached
plating is less than 70°, the actual section modulus may be
obtained, in cm3, from the following formula: b
w = w0 sin α

where: 3.3 Width of attached plating

w0 : Actual section modulus, in cm3, of the stiffener 3.3.1 Yielding check
assumed to be perpendicular to the plating The width of the attached plating to be considered for the
α : Angle between the stiffener web and the yielding check of ordinary stiffeners is to be obtained, in m,
attached plating, to be measured at mid-span of from the following formulae:
the section. • where the plating extends on both sides of the ordinary
3.2 Span of ordinary stiffeners bp = s
• where the plating extends on one side of the ordinary
3.2.1 General stiffener (i.e. ordinary stiffeners bounding openings):
The span of ordinary stiffeners is to be measured as shown bp = 0,5 s
in Fig 1 to Fig 4.
3.3.2 Buckling check
Figure 1 : Ordinary stiffener without brackets The attached plating to be considered for the buckling
check of ordinary stiffeners is defined in NR217, Pt B, Ch 2,
 Sec 6, [2.3].

3.4 Sections

3.4.1 The main characteristics of sections currently used

are given in NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, App 1.

3.5 End connections

Figure 2 : Ordinary stiffener with a stiffener at one end 3.5.1 Continuous ordinary stiffeners
Where ordinary stiffeners are continuous through primary
 supporting members, they are to be connected to the web
plating so as to ensure proper transmission of loads, e.g. by
means of one of the connection details shown in Fig 5 to
Fig 8. In the case of high values for the design loads, addi-
tional stiffening is required.
Connection details other than those shown in Fig 5 to Fig 8
may be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
In some cases, the Society may require the details to be sup-
ported by direct calculations submitted for review.
Figure 3 : Ordinary stiffener with end bracket

 Figure 5 : End connection of ordinary stiffener

Without collar plate


November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 95

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4

Figure 6 : End connection of ordinary stiffener where:

Collar plate
p : Stiffener design load, in kN/m2, defined in the
relevant Chapter of Part D, for each harbour
c : Coefficient, defined as follows:
• c = 12,7 for watertight bulkheads
• c = 15,7 for all other components.

Figure 7 : End connection of ordinary stiffener

4 Primary supporting members
One large collar plate
4.1 Span of primary supporting members

4.1.1 The span of primary members is to be determined in

compliance with [3.2].

4.2 Width of attached plating

4.2.1 General
Figure 8 : End connection of ordinary stiffener The width of the attached plating of primary supporting
Two large collar plates members is to be obtained according to [4.2.2] or [4.2.3],
depending on the type of loading, where:
S0 : • S0 = S for plating extending on both sides of
the primary supporting member
• S0 = 0,5 S for plating extending on one side
of the primary supporting member
S1 : • S1 = 0,2  for plating extending on one side
of the primary supporting member

3.5.2 Intercostal ordinary stiffeners • S1 = 0,1 for plating extending on one side
of the primary supporting member.
Where ordinary stiffeners are cut at primary supporting
members, brackets are to be fitted to ensure the structural 4.2.2 Loading type 1
continuity. Their section modulus and their sectional area
Where the primary supporting members are subjected to
are to be not less than those of the ordinary stiffeners.
uniformly distributed loads or else by not less than
All brackets for which: 6 equally spaced concentrated loads, the width bp of the
attached plating is to be obtained, in m, from the following
 bf formulae:
- > 60
• for / S0 ≤ 4:
with: 0, 67

b p = 0, 36S 0  -----
 S 0
bf : Length in mm, of the free edge of the bracket

t : Bracket net thickness, in mm, • for / S0 > 4:

are to be flanged or stiffened by a welded face plate. bp = MIN (S0 ; S1)

The sectional area, in cm2, of the flange or the face plate is 4.2.3 Loading type 2
to be not less than 0,01 bf . Where the primary supporting members are subjected to
less than 6 concentrated loads, the width of the attached
The width of the face plate is to be not less than 10 t. plating is to be obtained, in m, from the following formulae:

3.5.3 Sniped ends of stiffeners • for / S0 < 8:

0, 72

Stiffeners may be sniped at the ends if the net thickness of b p = 0, 205S 0  -----
the plating supported by the stiffener is not less than:  S 0

psk (  – 0, 5s ) • for / S0 ≥ 8:

t = c ------------------------------------
235 bp = 0,9 S0

96 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4

4.2.4 Corrugated bulkheads 4.5 Stiffening arrangement

The width of attached plating of corrugated bulkhead pri-
mary supporting members is to be determined as follows: 4.5.1 Webs of primary supporting members are generally
• when primary supporting members are parallel to the to be stiffened where the height, in mm, is greater than
corrugations and are welded to the corrugation flanges, 100 t, where t is the web net thickness, in mm, of the pri-
the width of the attached plating is to be calculated in mary supporting member.
accordance with [4.2.2]and [4.2.4] and is to be taken
In general, the web stiffeners of primary supporting mem-
not greater than the corrugation flange width
bers are to be spaced not more than 110 t.
• when primary supporting members are perpendicular to
the corrugations, the width of the attached plating is to 4.5.2 Where primary supporting member web stiffeners are
be taken equal to the width of the primary supporting welded to ordinary stiffener face plates, their net sectional
member face plate. area at the web stiffener mid-height is to be not less than the
value obtained, in cm2, from the following formula:
4.3 Bracketed end connections
A = 0,1 K1 p s 
4.3.1 Arm lengths of end brackets are to be equal, as far as
practicable. where:
The height of end brackets is to be not less than that of the K1 : Coefficient depending on the web connection
weakest primary supporting member. with the ordinary stiffener, to be taken as:

4.3.2 The scantlings of end brackets are generally to be • K1 = 0,30 for connections without collar
such that the section modulus of the primary supporting plate (see Fig 5)
member with end brackets is not less than that of the pri-
• K1 = 0,225 for connection with a collar
mary supporting member at mid-span.
plate (see Fig 6)
4.3.3 The bracket web thickness is to be not less than that • K1 = 0,20 for connections with one or two
of the weakest primary supporting member. large collar plates (see Fig 7 and Fig 8)
4.3.4 The face plate of end brackets is to have a width not p : Design pressure, in KN/m2, acting on the ordi-
less than the width of the primary supporting member face- nary stiffener, defined in the relevant Chapter of
plates. Part D, for each harbour equipment.
Moreover, the thickness of the face plate is to be not less
than that of the bracket web. 4.5.3 The net section modulus of web stiffeners of non-
watertight primary supporting members is to be not less
4.3.5 In addition to the above requirements, the scantlings than the value obtained, in cm3, from the following formula:
of end brackets are to comply with the applicable require-
ments of this Chapter. w = 2,5 h2 t Ss2

4.4 Bracketless end connections
h : Length, in m, of web stiffeners
4.4.1 In the case of bracketless end connections between
primary supporting members, the strength continuity is to t : Web net thickness, in mm, of the primary sup-
be obtained as schematically shown in Fig 9 or by any other porting member
method which the Society may consider equivalent. Ss : Spacing, in m, of web stiffeners.
4.4.2 In general, the continuity of the face plates is to be Moreover, web stiffeners located in areas subject to com-
ensured. pression stresses are to be checked for buckling.

Figure 9 : Bracketless end connection of two primary supporting members



November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 97

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 4

4.5.4 Tripping brackets (see Fig 10) welded to the face plate 4.5.5 In general, the width of the primary supporting mem-
are generally to be fitted: ber face plate is to be not less than one tenth of the depth of
• every fourth spacing of ordinary stiffeners, without the web, where tripping brackets are spaced as specified in
exceeding 4 m [4.5.4].
• in way of concentrated loads.
4.5.6 The arm length of tripping brackets, in m, is to be not
Where the width of the symmetrical face plate is greater less than:
than 400 mm, backing brackets are to be fitted in way of the
tripping brackets.
d = MAX  0, 38b ; 0, 85b ---t
 t
Figure 10 : Primary supporting member:
web stiffener in way of ordinary stiffener where:
b : Height, in m, of tripping brackets, shown in Fig
st : Spacing, in m, of tripping brackets
t : Net thickness, in mm, of tripping brackets.

4.5.7 Tripping brackets with a net thickness, in mm, less

than 15 Lb are to be flanged or stiffened by a welded face

The net sectional area, in cm2, of the flanged edge or the

d face plate is to be not less than 10 Lb , where Lb is the length,
in m, of the free edge of the bracket.

98 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 5


1 General 2.2 Center girder

2.2.1 All single bottom harbour equipment are to have a
1.1 Application center girder. The Society may waive this rule for harbour
equipment with BF less than 6 m, when the floor is a rolled
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to longitudinally section or when the floor stability is covered otherwise,
or transversely framed single and double bottom structures. where BF is the breadth of the harbour equipment, in m,
measured on the top of floor.
1.2 Scantlings The web depth of the centre girder has to extend to the floor
plate upper edge. The web thickness is not to be less than
1.2.1 The scantlings of bottom and double bottom struc- that of the floor plates.
tural members are to comply with Part B, Chapter 4. Center girder is to be fitted with a face plate or a flange, the
net sectional area of which, in cm2, is not to be less than:
1.3 General arrangement Af = 0,6 L + 2,7

1.3.1 The bottom structure is to be checked by the designer

to make sure that it withstands the loads resulting from the 2.3 Side girders
dry-docking of the harbour equipment.
2.3.1 Depending on the breadth BF defined in [2.1.1], side
girders are to be fitted in compliance with the following:
1.3.2 The bottom is to be locally stiffened where concen-
trated loads are envisaged. • BF ≤ 6 m: no side girder
• 6 m < BF ≤ 9 m: one side girder at each side
1.3.3 Girders or floors are to be fitted under each line of
• BF > 9 m: two side girders at each side.
pillars, when deemed necessary by the Society on the basis
of the loads carried by the pillars. Side girders are to be fitted with a face plate or a flange, the
net sectional area of which is not to be less than that of the
1.3.4 Adequate tapering is to be provided between double floor plate.
bottom and adjacent single bottom structures. Similarly,
Centre and side girders are to be extended as far aft and for-
adequate continuity is to be provided in the case of height
ward as practicable.
variation in the double bottom. Where such a height varia-
tion occurs within 0,6 L amidships, the inner bottom is gen- Intercostal web plates of centre and side girders are to be
erally to be maintained continuous by means of inclined aligned and welded to floors.
plating. Where two girders are slightly offset, they are to be shifted
over a length at least equal to two frame spacings.
1.3.5 Provision is to be made for the free passage of water
Towards the ends, the thickness of the web plate as well as
from all parts of the bottom to the suctions, taking into
the sectional area of the top plate may be reduced by 10%.
account the pumping rate required.
Lightening holes are to be avoided.
Where side girders are fitted in lieu of the centre girder, the
1.4 Drainage and openings for air passage scarfing is to be adequately extended and additional stiffen-
ing of the centre bottom may be required.
1.4.1 Holes are to be cut into floors and girders to ensure
the free passage of air and liquids from all parts of the dou-
ble bottom. 3 Longitudinally framed single bottom

2 Transversely framed single bottom 3.1 Bottom longitudinals

3.1.1 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners are generally to be
2.1 Floors continuous when crossing primary supporting members.
The section modulus of longitudinals located in way of the
2.1.1 Floors are to be fitted at every frame. web frames of transverse bulkheads is to be increased by
In the case of harbour equipment with rise of floor, the floor 10%.
height may be required to be increased so as to assure a sa- The Society may call for strengthening of the longitudinal
tisfactory connection to the side frames. located in the centreline of the harbour equipment.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 99

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 5

3.2 Bottom transverses 4.3 Bilge wells

3.2.1 In general, the transverse spacing is to be not greater 4.3.1 Bilge wells arranged in the double bottom are to be
than 8 frame spacing, not than 4m, which is the lesser. limited in depth and formed by steel plates having a thick-
ness not less than the greater of the required for watertight
Where the ratio of the bottom transverse web height to its
floors and that required for the inner bottom.
net thickness exceeds 100, the bottom transverse web is to
be provided with stiffeners in way of longitudinals in com- In harbour equipment subject to stability requirements,
pliance with Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.1], Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.2] and such bilge wells are to be fitted so that the distance of their
Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.3], as applicable. The stiffeners are to
bottom from the shell plating is not less than 400 mm.
extend between the longitudinals and the upper faceplate of
the transverse, without any connection with that faceplate.
4.4 Girders
In the case of harbour equipment with rise of floor, the bot-
tom transverse height may be required to be increased so as
to assure a satisfactory connection to the side transverses. 4.4.1 A center girder is to be fitted on all harbour equip-
ment exceeding 6 m in breadth.

3.3 Bottom girders This centre girder is to be formed by a vertical intercostal

plate connected to the bottom plating and to double bottom
3.3.1 The requirement in [2.2] and [2.3] apply also to lon- top.
gitudinally framed single bottoms, with transverses instead
The intercostal centre girder is to extend over the full length
of floors.
of the harbour equipment or over the greatest length con-
sistent with the lines. It is to have the same thickness as the
4 Transversely framed double bottom floors. No manholes are to be provided into the centre

4.1 Double bottom arrangement harbour equipment built in the transverse system without
web frames are to be fitted with partial intercostal girders in
4.1.1 Where the height of the double bottom varies in the way of the transverse bulkheads of the side tanks, in exten-
longitudinal direction, the variation is to be made gradually sion of the inner sides. These girders are to be extended at
over an adequate length. each end by brackets having a length equal to one frame
spacing. They are to have a net thickness equal to that of the
The knuckles of inner bottom plating are to be located in inner sides.
way of plate floors. Where this is impossible, suitable longi-
tudinal structures such as partial girders, longitudinal brack-
ets etc., fitted across the knuckle are to be arranged. 5 Longitudinally framed double bottom
For harbour equipment without a flat bottom, the height of
double bottom may be required to be adequately increased 5.1 General
such as to ensure sufficient access to the areas towards the
5.1.1 The requirements in [4.1], [4.3] and [4.4] are appli-
Adequate strength continuity of floors is to be ensured in cable to longitudinally framed double bottoms.
way of the side tank by means of brackets.
5.2 Transverses
4.2 Floors
5.2.1 The spacing of transverses, in m, is generally to be
4.2.1 Floors are to be fitted at every frame. not greater than 8 frame spacings nor 4 m, whichever is the
Watertight floors are to be fitted in way of:
Additional transverses are to be fitted in way of transverse
• transverse watertight bulkheads watertight bulkheads.
• double bottom steps. Where the ratio of the bottom transverse web height to its
net thickness exceeds 100, the bottom transverse web is to
In general, floors are to be continuous.
be provided with stiffeners in way of longitudinals in com-
Where the double bottom height does not enable to con- pliance with Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.1], Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.2] and
nect the floors and girders to the inner bottom by fillet Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.3], as applicable. The stiffeners are to
welding, slot welding may be used. In that case, the floors extend between the longitudinals and the upper faceplate of
and girders are to be fitted with a face plate or a flange. the transverse, without any connection with that faceplate.

100 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 5

5.3 Bottom and inner bottom longitudinal 5.4 Brackets to centreline girder
ordinary stiffeners
5.4.1 In general, intermediate brackets are to be fitted con-
necting the centre girder to the nearest bottom and inner
5.3.1 Bottom and inner bottom longitudinal ordinary stiff- bottom ordinary stiffeners.
eners are generally to be continuous through the trans-
Such brackets are to be stiffened at the edge with a flange
having a width not less than 1/10 of the local double bot-
In the case the longitudinals are interrupted in way of a tom height.
transverse, brackets on both sides of the transverse are to be If necessary, the Society may require a welded flat bar to be
fitted in perfect alignment. arranged in lieu of the flange.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 101

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6


1 General Otherwise, the detail of the connection is to be examined

by the Society on a case by case basis.

1.1 Application The frames are to be connected to the floors in accordance

with Fig 1 or in an equivalent way.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to longitudi- For overlapping connection as to Fig 1, sketches b and c, a
nally or transversely framed single and double side struc- fillet weld run all around has to be provided.
tures of harbour equipment. At the upper end of frames, connecting brackets are to be
provided in compliance with Article [6].
1.2 Scantling In the case of longitudinally framed deck, connecting brack-
ets are to extend up to the deck longitudinal most at side.
1.2.1 The scantlings of side and inner side structural mem-
bers are to comply with Part B, Chapter 4. When a side stringer is fitted at about mid-span of the
frame, the required section modulus of the frame may be
A thicker sheerstrake may be waived if an efficient fender is reduced by 20%.
fitted in way of the main deck.
In the case of a longitudinally framed single bottom, the
side frames are to be connected to the bottom longitudinal
1.3 General arrangement most at side, either directly or by means of a bracket, in
accordance with Fig 2.
1.3.1 The transversely framed side structures are built with
transverse frames possibly supported by struts, side stringers
2.2 Side stringers
and web frames.
2.2.1 Side stringers, if fitted, are to be flanged or stiffened
1.3.2 The longitudinally framed side structures are built by a welded face plate.
with longitudinal ordinary stiffeners supported by side verti-
The side stringers are to be connected to the frames by
cal primary supporting members.
welds, either directly or by means of collar plates.

2 Transversely framed single side 2.3 Web frames

2.1 Side frames 2.3.1 Web frames are to be fitted with a spacing, in m, not
greater than 5 m.
2.1.1 Transverse frames are to be fitted at every frame. For a construction on the combination system, side web
frames are to be provided in way of bottom transverses.
2.1.2 Continuity Where the web frames are connected to the floors or the
Frames are generally to be continuous when crossing pri- strong beams, web frame strength continuity is to be
mary supporting members. ensured according to Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.4].

Figure 1 : Connection with floors

h h h



(t) (t) (t) h t



(t') (t') (t')


a b c d

102 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6

Figure 2 : Connection of frames 4.3 Side and inner side web frames
to bottom longitudinals
4.3.1 It is recommended to provide web frames, fitted
D every 3 m and in general not more than 6 frame spacings
In any case, web frames are to be fitted in way of strong
deck beams.
At their upper end, side and inner side web frames are to be
connected by means of a bracket. This bracket can be a sec-
tion or a flanged plate with a section modulus at least equal
to that of the web frames.
At mid-span, the web frames are to be connected by means
of struts, the cross sectional area of which is not to be less
3 Longitudinally framed single side than those of the connected web frames.
At their lower end, the web frames are to be adequately
3.1 Side transverses connected to the floors.
3.1.1 Side transverses are to be fitted:
• in general, with a spacing not greater than 8 frame spac- 5 Longitudinally framed double side
ing, nor than 4 m
• in way of hatch and beams. 5.1 General
The side transverses are generally directly welded to the 5.1.1 The requirements in [4.1.1] also to apply to longitudi-
shell plating. nally framed double side.
In the case of a double bottom, the side transverses are to
be bracketed to the bottom transverses. 5.2 Side and inner side longitudinals

3.2 Side longitudinals 5.2.1 Side longitudinals may be connected to the inner side
longitudinals by means of struts having a sectional area not
3.2.1 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners are generally to be less than those of the connected longitudinals.
continuous when crossing primary supporting members.
Struts are generally to be connected to side and inner side
In the case the longitudinals are interrupted by a primary longitudinals by means of brackets or by appropriate weld
supporting member, brackets on both sides of the primary sections.
supporting member are to be fitted in perfect alignment.
Where struts are fitted between side and inner side longitu-
The section modulus of side longitudinals located in way of dinals at mid-span, the section modulus of side longitudi-
the stringers of transverse bulkheads is to be increased by nals and inner side longitudinals may be reduced by 30%.
5.3 Side transverses
4 Transversely framed double side
5.3.1 The requirements in [4.3.1] also apply to longitudi-
4.1 General nally framed double side, with side transverses instead of
side web frames.
4.1.1 Adequate continuity of strength is to be ensured in
way of breaks or changes in width of the double side.
6 Frame connection
In particular, scarfing of the inner side is to be ensured
beyond the centre part.
6.1 General
4.2 Side and inner side frames 6.1.1 End connections
4.2.1 Side frames may be connected to the inner side At their lower end, frames are to be connected to floors, by
frames by means of struts having a sectional area not less means of lap weld or by means of brackets.
than those of the connected frames. At the upper end of frames, connecting brackets are to be
Struts are generally to be connected to side and inner side provided, in compliance with [6.2]. In the case of open
frames by means of vertical brackets or by appropriate weld deck harbour equipment units, such brackets are to extend
sections. to the hatch coaming.
Where struts are fitted between side and inner side frames Brackets are normally connected to frames by lap welds.
at mid-span, the section modulus of side frames and inner The length of overlap is to be not less than the depth of
side frames may be reduced by 30%. frames.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 103

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6

6.1.2 Brackets 6.2.3 All brackets for which:

The same minimum value d is required for both arm lengths b
---- > 60
of straight brackets. Straight brackets may therefore have t
equal sides. where:
b : Length, in mm, of the free edge of the bracket
A curved bracket is to be considered as the largest equal-
t : Bracket net thickness, in mm,
sided bracket contained in the curved bracket.
are to be flanged or stiffened by a welded face plate.
The sectional area, in cm2, of the flange or the face plate is
6.2 Upper and lower brackets of frames to be not less than 0,01 b .
The width of the faceplate, in mm, is to be not less than
6.2.1 The arm length of upper brackets, connecting frames 10 t.
to deck beams, and the lower brackets, connecting frames
to the inner bottom or to the face plate of floors is to be not
less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following for-
Figure 3 : Connections of perpendicular stiffeners
in the same plane
w + 30
d = ϕ -----------------


ϕ : Coefficient defined as follows:

• for unflanged brackets:

ϕ = 50

• for flanged brackets:

ϕ = 45

w : Required net section modulus of the stiffener, in

cm3, given in [6.2.2] and depending on the type Figure 4 : Connection of stiffeners located
of connection in perpendicular planes

t : Bracket net thickness, in mm, to be taken not d

less than the stiffener thickness.

6.2.2 Section modulus of connections
For connections of perpendicular stiffeners located in the
same plane (see Fig 3) or connections of stiffeners located in
perpendicular planes (see Fig 4), the required section mod- theoritical
ulus is to be taken equal to:
actual d
w = w2 if w2 ≤ w1

w = w1 if w2 > w1

where w1 and w2 are the required net section moduli of w1

stiffeners, as shown in Fig 3 and Fig 4.

104 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 7


1 General 1.3.6 Deck supporting structures under deck machinery,

cranes and king posts are to be adequately stiffened.

1.1 Application 1.3.7 Pillars or other supporting structures are generally to

be fitted under heavy concentrated loads.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to longitudi-
nally or transversely framed deck structures. 1.3.8 Special arrangements, such as girders supported by
cantilevers, are considered by the Society on a case-by-case
1.2 Scantlings basis.

1.3.9 Stiffeners are also to be fitted in way of the ends and

1.2.1 The scantling of deck structural members are to com-
corners of deck houses and partial superstructures.
ply with Part B, Chapter 4.

1.3.10 Manholes and flush deck plugs

1.3 General arrangement
Manholes and flush deck plugs exposed to the weather are
to be fitted with steel covers of efficient construction capa-
1.3.1 The deck supporting structure consists of ordinary
ble of ensuring tightness.
stiffeners (beams or longitudinals), longitudinally or trans-
versely arranged, supported by primary supporting mem- These covers are to be fitted with permanent securing
bers which may be sustained by pillars. device, unless they are secured with closed spaced bolts.

1.3.2 Where beams are fitted in a hatched deck, these are 1.3.11 Scuppers
to be effectively supported by at least two longitudinal gird-
ers located in way of hatch side girders to which they are to Scuppers on the weather deck and terminating outside the
be connected by brackets and/or clips. hull are to be made of pipes the gross thickness of which, as
a rule, is not to be less than that of the side plating under the
1.3.3 Adequate continuity of strength is to be ensured in sheerstrake but, however needs not exceed 8 mm.
way of:
1.3.12 Stringer plate openings
• stepped strength decks
The openings made in the stringer plate other than scupper
• changes in the framing system. openings are to be wholly compensated to the satisfaction
of the Society.
Details of structural arrangements are to be submitted for
review/approval to the Society.
1.4 Coaming of separate hatchways
1.3.4 Where applicable, deck transverses of reinforced
scantlings are to be aligned with floors. 1.4.1 Height
The coaming upper edge is not to be less than 300 mm
1.3.5 Inside the line of openings, a transverse structure is above the deck.
generally to be adopted for cross-deck structures, beams are
to be adequately supported by girders and, in units greater Furthermore, the height of the hatch coaming, hc, above the
than 120 m in length, extend up to the second longitudinal deck is to comply with the following:
from the hatch side girders toward the bulwark.
zc ≥ T + 0,45
Where this is impracticable, intercostal stiffeners are to be
fitted between the hatch side girder and the second longitu-
1.4.2 Net thickness
The net thickness of the coaming boundaries is not to be
Other structural arrangements may be accepted, subject to
less than:
their strength verification. In particular, their buckling
strength against the transverse compression loads is to be t = 0,25 a + 3 ≤ 5 mm,
checked. Where needed, deck transverses may be required
to be fitted. a being the greater dimension of the hatchway, in m.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 105

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 7

1.4.3 Stiffening Other arrangements may be considered, provided adequate

continuity of longitudinal strength is ensured.
The coaming boundaries are to be stiffened with an hori-
zontal stiffening member close to the coaming upper edge. The section modulus of deck longitudinals located in way of
In the case the coaming is higher than 750 mm, a second the web frames of transverse bulkheads is to be increased
stiffener is to be fitted at about 0,75 times the hatch coam- by 20%.
ing height.
Frame brackets, in harbour equipment units with trans-
The coaming boundaries are to be stiffened with stays, the
versely framed sides, are generally to have their horizontal
ends of which are to be connected to the deck and to the
arm extended to the adjacent longitudinal ordinary stiffener.
upper horizontal stiffeners.

Where necessary, stiffeners are to be provided under deck

3.2 Deck transverses
in way of the stays.

1.4.4 Strength continuity 3.2.1 In general, the spacing of deck transverses is not to
exceed 8-frame spacings or 4 m, whichever is the lesser.
Arrangements are to be made to ensure strength continuity
of the top structure, at the end of large-size hatchways, Where applicable, deck transverses of reinforced scantlings
mainly by extending the deck girders along the hatchway, are to be aligned with bottom transverses.
beyond the hatchways, up to the end bulkhead or over two
frame spacings, whichever is greater. The section modulus of transverse parts in way of the
stringer plate is not to be less than the rule value obtained
by determining them as deck transverses or as side shell
2 Transversely framed deck transverses, whichever is greater.

2.1 Deck beams 4 Pillars

2.1.1 In general, deck beams or deck half-beams are to be
fitted at each frame. 4.1 General

4.1.1 Pillars are to be fitted, as far as practicable, in the

2.2 Deck girders
same vertical line.

2.2.1 Deck girders subjected to concentrated loads are to

4.1.2 In general, pillars are to be fitted below winches,
be adequately strengthened.
cranes, in the engine room and at the corners of deck-
Deck girders are to be fitted with tripping stiffeners or houses.
• spaced not more than 20 times the girder faceplate 4.1.3 In tanks, solid or open section pillars are generally to
width be fitted. Pillars located in spaces intended for products
which may produce explosive gases are to be of open sec-
• in way of concentrated loads and pillars. tion type.

Where a deck girder comprises several spans and its scant- 4.1.4 Tight or non-tight bulkheads may be considered as
lings vary from one span to another, the connection of two pillars, provided that their arrangement complies with Arti-
different parts is to be effected gradually by strengthening cle [5].
the weaker part over a length which, as a rule, is to be equal
to 25% of its length.
4.2 Connections
The connection of girders to the supports is to ensure cor-
rect stress transmission. In particular, connection to the
bulkheads is to be obtained by means of flanged brackets 4.2.1 Heads and heels of pillars are to be attached to the
having a depth equal to twice that of the deck girder and surrounding structure by means of brackets or insert plates
the thickness of the girder, or by any equivalent method. so that the loads are well distributed.

Insert plates may be replaced by doubling plates, except in

3 Longitudinally framed deck the case of pillars which may also work under tension such
as those in tanks.

3.1 Deck longitudinals In general, the net thickness of doubling plates is to be not
less than 1,5 times the net thickness of the pillar.
3.1.1 Deck longitudinals are to be continuous, as far as
practicable, in way of deck transverses and transverse bulk- 4.2.2 Pillars are to be attached at their heads and heels by
heads. continuous welding.

106 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 7

4.2.3 Pillars are to be connected to the inner bottom at the 5 Bulkheads supporting beams
intersection of girders and floors.
5.1 Scantlings
4.2.4 Where pillars connected to the inner bottom are not
located in way of intersections of floors and girders, partial 5.1.1 Partial or complete bulkheads may be substituted to
floors or girders or equivalent structures suitable to support pillars.
the pillars are to be arranged. The scantlings of the vertical stiffeners of the bulkheads are
to be such as to allow these stiffeners to offer the same com-
4.2.5 Manholes may not be cut in the girders and floors pression and buckling strengths as a pillar, taking account of
below the heels of pillars. a strip of attached bulkhead plating, whose width is to be
determined according to NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6, [2.3].
4.2.6 Where pillars are fitted in tanks, head and heel brack- Where a bulkhead supporting beams is part of the water-
ets may be required if tensile stresses are expected. tight subdivision of the unit or bounds a tank intended to
contain liquids, its vertical stiffeners are to be fitted with
4.2.7 Where side pillars are not fitted in way of hatch ends, head and heel brackets and their scantlings are to be
vertical stiffeners of bulkheads supporting hatch side girders increased to the satisfaction of the Society, taking account
or hatch end beams are to be bracketed at their ends. of the additional hydrostatic pressure.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 107

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 8


1 General 2.1.3 The stiffener webs of side tank watertight bulkheads

are generally to be aligned with the webs of inner hull lon-
gitudinal stiffeners.
1.1 Application
2.1.4 Floors are to be fitted in the double bottom in way of
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to longitudinal plane transverse bulkheads.
or transverse bulkhead structures.
2.1.5 Instead of the thickness increase required here
1.1.2 Bulkheads may be plane or corrugated, horizontally before, a doubling plate of the same thickness as the bulk-
or vertically stiffened. head plating may be fitted.
Horizontally framed bulkheads consist of horizontal ordi-
nary stiffeners supported by vertical primary supporting 2.2 Bulkhead stiffeners
Vertically framed bulkheads consist of vertical ordinary stiff- 2.2.1 As a rule, stiffeners are to be fitted in way of structural
eners which may be supported by horizontal girders. components likely to exert concentrated loads, such as
deck girders and pillars, and for engine room end bulk-
heads, at the ends of the engine seatings.
1.2 Scantling
On vertically framed watertight bulkheads, where stiffeners
1.2.1 The scantlings of bulkhead structural members are to are interrupted in way of the watertight doors, stanchions
comply with Part B, Chapter 4. are to be fitted on either side of the door, carlings are to be
fitted to support the interrupted stiffeners.
1.3 General arrangement
2.3 End connections of ordinary stiffeners
1.3.1 The number and location of watertight bulkheads are
2.3.1 In general, end connections of ordinary stiffeners are
to be in accordance with the relevant requirements given in
to be welded directly to the plating or bracketed. However,
Ch 2, Sec 1, [1].
stiffeners may be sniped, provided the scantlings of such
1.3.2 Where an inner bottom terminates on a bulkhead, the stiffeners are modified accordingly.
lowest strake of the bulkhead forming the watertight floor of
2.3.2 Sniped ends may be accepted where the hull lines
the double bottom is to extend at least 300 mm above the
make it mandatory in the following cases:
inner bottom.
• liquid compartment boundaries
1.3.3 Longitudinal bulkheads are to terminate at transverse • end bulkheads.
bulkheads and are to be effectively tapered to the adjoining
structure at the ends and adequately extended in the 2.3.3 Where sniped ordinary stiffeners are fitted, the snipe
machinery space, where applicable. angle is to be not greater than 30° and their ends are to be
extended, as far as practicable, to the boundary of the bulk-
1.3.4 The structural continuity of the bulkhead vertical and head.
horizontal primary supporting members with the surround- Moreover, the thickness of the bulkhead plating supported
ing supporting structures is to be carefully ensured. by the stiffener is to be in compliance with Ch 2, Sec 4,
1.3.5 he structural continuity of the bulkhead vertical and
horizontal primary supporting members with the surround-
ing supporting structures is to be carefully ensured. 2.4 Bracketed ordinary stiffeners
2.4.1 Where bracketed ordinary stiffeners are fitted, the
2 Plane bulkheads arm lengths of end brackets of ordinary stiffeners, as shown
in Fig 1 and Fig 2 are to be not less than the following val-
2.1 General ues, in mm:
• for arm length a:
2.1.1 Where a bulkhead does not extend up to the upper - brackets of horizontal stiffeners and bottom bracket
most continuous deck, such as the after peak bulkhead, of vertical stiffeners:
suitable strengthening is to be provided in the extension of
a = 100 
the bulkhead.
- upper bracket of vertical stiffeners:
2.1.2 Bulkheads are to be stiffened in way of deck girders. a = 80 

108 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 8

• for arm length b, the greater of: 2.4.2 The connection between the stiffener and the bracket
is to be such that the section modulus of the connection is
w + 20 not less than that of the stiffener.
b = 80 -----------------
t The brackets are to extend up to the next stiffener where the
framing is transverse, or connect the stiffener to a longitudi-
b = α --------- nal stiffener where the framing is longitudinal.

where: 3 Corrugated bulkheads

 : Span, in m, of the stiffener measured between 3.1 General
3.1.1 The main dimensions a, b, c and d of corrugated
w : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the stiffener
bulkheads are defined in Fig 3.
t : Net thickness, in mm, of the bracket
Figure 3 : Corrugated bulkheads
p : Design pressure, in kN/m2, calculated at mid
span b a

α : Coefficient defined as follows:

α = 4,9 for tank bulkheads t

α = 3,6 for watertight bulkheads. d

Figure 1 : Bracket at upper end of ordinary stiffener

on plane bulkhead
3.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the following require-
ment is to be complied with:
Moreover, in some cases, the Society may prescribe an
upper limit for the ratio b / t.

3.1.3 In general, the bending internal radius Ri is to be not

less than the following values, in mm:
• for normal strength steel:
Ri = 2,5 t
• for high tensile steel:
Ri = 3,0 t

where t is the thickness, in mm, of the corrugated plate.

3.1.4 When butt welds in a direction parallel to the bend

axis are provided in the zone of the bend, the welding pro-
Figure 2 : Bracket at lower end of ordinary stiffener
on plane bulkhead cedures are to be submitted to the Society for approval, as a
function of the importance of the structural element.

3.1.5 Transverse corrugated bulkheads having horizontal

corrugations are to be fitted with vertical primary support-
ing members of number and size sufficient to ensure the
required vertical stiffness of the bulkhead.

3.1.6 In general, where girders or vertical primary support-

ing members are fitted on corrugated bulkheads, they are to
be arranged symmetrically.

3.2 Bulkhead scantlings


3.2.1 Bulkhead plating

The bulkhead plating net thickness is to be determined as
b specifies in Ch 4, Sec 2 substituting the stiffener spacing by
the greater of the two values b and c, in m, as per [3.1.1].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 109

Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 8

3.2.2 Corrugations 3.3.4 In general, the upper and lower parts of horizontally
The section modulus of a corrugation is to be not less than corrugated bulkheads are to be flat over a depth equal to
that of the equivalent stiffener having the same span as the 0,1 D.
corrugation and an attached plating width equal to (b + a).
The actual section modulus of a corrugation having the 3.4 Bulkhead stool
width (b + a) is to be obtained, in cm3, from following for-
mula: 3.4.1 In general, plate diaphragms or web frames are to be
td · fitted in bottom stools in way of the double bottom longitu-
w = ----- ( 3b + c ) ⋅ 10 –3
6 dinal girders or plate floors, as the case may be.
3.4.2 Brackets or deep webs are to be fitted to connect the
t : Net thickness of the plating of the corrugation, upper stool to the deck transverses or hatch end beams, as
in mm
the case may be.
d, b, c : Dimensions of the corrugation, in mm, shown
in Fig 3. 3.4.3 The continuity of the corrugated bulkhead with the
Moreover, where the ratio b / t ≥ 46, the net section modu- stool plating is to be adequately ensured. In particular, the
lus required for a bulkhead is to be in accordance with the upper strake of the lower stool is to be of the same thickness
following formula: and yield stress as those of the lower strake of the bulkhead.
b 2
w = c k ( b + a )p  -------- 10 –3
 80t
4 Non-watertight bulkheads
ck : Coefficient defined in Tab 1 4.1 Non-watertight bulkheads
p : Bulkhead design pressure, in kN/m , calculated
at mid-span. 4.1.1 Definition

A bulkhead is considered to be acting as a pillar when

Table 1 : Values of coefficient ck
besides the lateral loads, axial loads are added.
Boundary End Watertight Cargo hold
conditions bulkheads bulkhead bulkhead 4.1.2 Non-watertight bulkheads not acting as pillars
simply supported 1,73 1,38 1,04 Non-tight bulkheads not acting as pillars are to be provided
simply supported with vertical stiffeners with a maximum spacing equal to:
1,53 1,20 0,92
(at one end)
• 0,9 m, for transverse bulkheads
clamped 1,15 0,92 0,69
• two frame spacings with a maximum of 1,5 m, for longi-
3.2.3 Stringer and web frames tudinal bulkheads.
It is recommended to fit stringers or web frames symmetri-
cally with respect to the bulkhead. In all cases, their section 4.1.3 Non-watertight bulkheads acting as pillars
modulus is to be determined in the same way as for a plane
Non-tight bulkheads acting as pillars are to be provided
bulkhead stringer or web frame.
with vertical stiffeners with a maximum spacing equal to:

3.3 Structural arrangement • two frame spacings, when the frame spacing does not
exceed 0,75 m
3.3.1 The strength continuity of corrugated bulkheads is to
be ensured at ends of corrugations. • one frame spacing, when the frame spacing is greater
than 0,75 m.
3.3.2 where stools are fitted at the lower part of transverse
bulkheads, the thickness of adjacent plate floors is to be not Each vertical stiffener, in association with a width of plating
less than that of the stool plating. equal to 35 times the plating thickness, is to comply with
the applicable requirements for pillars in Ch 4, Sec 4, [3.1]
3.3.3 In general, where vertically corrugated longitudinal the load supported being determined in accordance with
bulkheads are welded on the inner bottom, girders are to be the same requirements.
fitted in double bottom in way of the flanges of corruga-
tions. In the case of non-tight bulkheads supporting longitudinally
However, other arrangements ensuring adequate structural framed decks, web frames are to be provided in way of deck
continuity may be accepted by the Society. transverses.

110 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 3





November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 111

112 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1



1 General 2.1.4 Large openings and scallops

Large openings are:
• in the side shell plating: openings having a diameter
1.1 Application greater than or equal to 300 mm
• in the strength deck: openings having a diameter greater
1.1.1 This Section specifies the criteria for calculating the than or equal to 350 mm.
hull girder strength characteristics to be used for the checks,
in association with the hull girder loads. Large openings and scallops, where scallop welding is
applied, are always to be deducted from the sectional areas
included in the hull girder transverse sections.
2 Characteristics of the hull girder 2.1.5 Lightening holes, draining holes and single
transverse sections scallops
Lightening holes, draining holes and single scallops in lon-
gitudinals or girders need not be deducted if their height is
2.1 Hull girder transverse sections less than 0,25 hW , without being greater than 75 mm,
where hW is the web height, in mm.
2.1.1 General
Otherwise, the excess is to be deducted from the sectional
The hull girder transverse sections are to be considered as area or compensated.
being constituted by the members contributing to the hull
girder longitudinal strength, i.e. all continuous longitudinal 2.2 Hull girder section modulus
members below the strength deck defined in Ch 1, Sec 2,
[1.10.1], taking into account the requirements of [2.1.2] to 2.2.1 The section modulus Z at any point of a hull trans-
[2.1.5]. verse section is obtained, in cm3, from the following for-
2.1.2 Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical IY
Z = --------------------------
corrugations 100 z – N
Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical corrugations may not
IY : Moment of inertia, in cm4, of the hull girder
be included in the hull girder transverse sections.
transverse section defined in [2.1], about its
horizontal neutral axis
2.1.3 Members in materials other than steel
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
Where a member is made in material other than steel, its the hull transverse section
contribution to the longitudinal strength will be determined z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point of a
by the Society on a case-by-case basis. structural element.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 113

Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2


Z : Net hull girder section modulus, in cm3 • in hogging condition:
MTH : Total vertical bending moment in hogging con-
M TH 3
dition, in kN.m, defined in the relevant Chapter σ 1 = ---------
- 10
of Part D for each harbour equipment type
MTS : Total vertical bending moment in sagging con- • in sagging condition:
dition, in kN.m, defined in the relevant Chapter
of Part D for each harbour equipment type M TS 3
σ 1 = --------
- 10
k : Material factor defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.4] and Z
Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.4].
1.2 Checking criterion
1 General
1.2.1 It is to be checked that the normal hull girder stresses
1.1 Stress calculation in N/mm2, at any point of the net hull girder transverse sec-
tion, calculated according to [1.1.1] are in compliance with
1.1.1 The hull girder normal stresses induced by vertical the following condition:
bending moments are obtained, in N/mm2, from the follow-
ing formulae: σ1 ≤ 192 / k

114 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 4






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 115

116 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1



γR : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties Table 2 : Partial safety factors γR and γm
regarding resistance, defined in [1.3] Ordinary stiffeners
γm : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
regarding material, defined in [1.3]. Limit state Condition γR γm
General 1,02 1,02
1 General Yielding check
Testing 1,02 1,02
Buckling check 1,10 1,02
1.1 Application
1.1.1 This Chapter contains the requirements for the
arrangement and the determination of the hull scantling of Table 3 : Partial safety factors γR and γm
all harbour equipment complying with Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.1.1]. Primary supporting members
analysed through isolated beam models
1.1.2 Harbour equipment with L/D > 35
When the ratio L/D of the harbour equipment exceeds 35, a Limit state Condition γR γm
proof is to be furnished showing that the following condi-
General 1,02 1,02
tion on the hull girder deflection, f, is satisfied:
Yielding Bottom and side girders 1,15 1,02
f ≤ 0,001 L check
Testing 1,02 1,02
1.1.3 Harbour equipment with L/B < 8 Plate panels 1,10 1,02
When the ratio L/B of the harbour equipment is less than 8, Buckling
Pillars column buckling 1,15 1,02
a proof of sufficient transverse hull girder strength is to be check
furnished by following a process similar to that given in Pillars local buckling 1,05 1,02
[1.1.2], for longitudinal strength.
Moreover, the scantling of transverse structural members
Table 4 : Partial safety factors γR and γm
contributing to the transverse overall strength, is to be per-
formed taking into account the transverse normal hull girder Primary supporting members
stresses. analysed through three-dimensional models

1.2 Net scantling Limit state Condition γR γm

Yielding General See Tab 5 1,02

1.2.1 All scantlings referred to in this Chapter are net, i.e. check Testing 1,02 1,02
they do not include any margin for corrosion.
The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 2, Sec Plane pate panels 1,02 1,02
4, [3]. Buckling Corrugated plate panels 1,10 1,02
check Pillars: column buckling 1,15 1,02
1.3 Partial safety factors Pillars: local buckling 1,05 1,02
1.3.1 The values of partial safety factors covering uncer-
tainties on resistance (γR) and material (γm) to be considered
for checking structures are specified in Tab 1 to Tab 5. Table 5 : Resistance partial safety factor γR
Primary supporting members
Table 1 : Partial safety factors γR and γm - Plating analysed through three-dimensional model

Limit state Condition γR γm

Condition Calculation model γR
Strength check of General 1,20 1,02
Beam model 1,20
plating subjected to Yielding
lateral pressure Testing 1,05 1,02 check, Coarse mesh finite element model 1,20
Buckling check 1,10 1,02 Fine mesh finite element model 1,05

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 117

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2



t : Net thickness, in mm, of plating b : Length, in m, of loaded side of the plate panel
pST : Lateral pressure in testing conditions, in kN/m2, ψ : Edge stress ratio defined in [4.1.3]
defined in he relevant Chapter of Part D, for F1 : Correction factor defined in [4.1.4]
each harbour equipment type ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, defined in Ch
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, defined in 2, Sec 2, [2.1]
he relevant Chapter of Part D, for each harbour MTH : Total vertical bending moment in hogging con-
equipment type dition, defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D,
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners for each harbour equipment type
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners or primary MTS : Total vertical bending moment in sagging con-
supporting members defined in Ch 2, Sec 4, dition, defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D,
[3.2] or Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.1] for each harbour equipment type.
γR : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
regarding resistance, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, 1 General
γm : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties 1.1 Elementary plate panel
regarding material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.3]
k : Material factor defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.4] and 1.1.1 The elementary plate is the smallest unstiffened part
Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.4] of plating.
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless 1.2 Load point
otherwise specified 1.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure and hull
z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the load point girder stresses are to be calculated:
Z : Net hull girder section modulus, in cm3 • for longitudinal framing, at the lower edge of the ele-
Ca : Aspect ratio, equal to: mentary plate panel or, in the case of horizontal plating,
at the point of minimum y-value among those of the ele-
s 2
c a = 1, 21 1 + 0, 33  -  – 0, 69 -- ≤ 1
mentary plate panel considered

• for transverse framing, at the lower edge of the strake.
Cr : Coefficient of curvature:
c r = 1 – 0, 5 - ≥ 0, 5 2 General requirements
where: 2.1 General
r : Radius of curvature, in m
2.1.1 The requirements of this Sub-article are to be applied
IY : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the hull trans-
to plating in addition of those in [3.2] to [4.3].
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal
2.2 Minimum net thickness
• for steels in general: 2.2.1 The net thickness of plating is to be not less than the
E = 2,06.105 N/mm2 values given in Tab 1.
• for stainless steels: Table 1 : Minimum net thickness of plating
E = 1,95.105 N/mm2
• for aluminium alloys: Plating t, in mm
E = 7,0.10 N/mm 2 Decks, sides, bottom, bulkheads, • for L ≤ 40 m:
web of primary supporting mem- t = 3,3 + 0,048 L k0,5
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
bers, web of ordinary stiffeners • for L > 40 m:
the hull transverse section
and other structures t = 4,8 + 0,019 L k0,5
ν : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a
value of 0,3 is to be taken into account Keel plate t = thickness of adjacent
α : Aspect ratio defined in [4.1.2] bottom plating

118 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2

2.3 Keel • angle bars:

The net thickness of the bars plating, in mm, is to be not
2.3.1 Harbour equipment having a rise of floor are to be fit- less than the following formulas, where t0 is the rule bot-
ted with a keel plate of about 0,1 B in width, with a thick- tom plating net thickness:
ness equal to 1,15 times the bottom plating thickness.
- angle bars inside the hull: t = t0 + 2
In the case there is no rise of floor, the keel plate thickness is - other cases: t = t0 + 3
to be not less than the bottom plating thickness.
• round bars and square bars:
The diameter of the round bars or the side of the square
2.4 Bilge scantling bars is to be not less than 30 mm,

2.4.1 Radius where:

Where the bilge plating is rounded, the radius of curvature t0 : Adjacent bottom plating thickness.
os not to be less than 20 times the thickness of the plating.
2.5 Sheerstrake
2.4.2 Extension of rounded bilge
2.5.1 General
The bilge is to extend at least 100 mm on either side of the
rounded part. The sheerstrake may be either an inserted side strake
welded to the stringer plate or a doubling plate.
2.4.3 Scantling of rounded bilge 2.5.2 The sheerstrake net thickness is not to be less than
The bilge plating net thickness, in mm, is to be not less than that of the stringer plate nor than that of the side shell plat-
the following values: ing.

• in the case of a bilge radius of curvature practically 2.5.3 Rounded sheerstrake

equal to the floor depth or bottom transverse depth: In the case of a rounded sheerstrake connecting the side
t = 1,15 t0 shell to the deck, the radius of curvature of the strake, in
mm, is not to be less than 5 times its thickness.
• in the case of a bilge radius of curvature less than the
floor depth or bottom transverse depth but greater than 2.5.4 Width
20 times the bottom plating thickness: Where the sheerstrake thickness is greater than that of the
adjacent side shell plating, the sheerstrake is to extend over
t = 1,15 t0 + 1
a height b, measured from the deckline, in compliance with
the following relation:
0,08 D ≤ b ≤ 0,15 D
t0 : Adjacent bottom plating rule thickness.
Where a sheerstrake does not rise above deck, a footguard
2.4.4 Scantling of square bilge angle or flat is to be fitted at about 100 mm from the side
In the case of a square bilge with chine bars (sketches a, b,
The height of the sheerstrake/footguard above the deck is to
and c of Fig 1), the net scantling of the chine bar is to be
be at least 50 mm.
determined as follows:

2.6 Stringer plate

Figure 1 : Square bilge
2.6.1 Width
Where the stringer plate has a thickness greater than that
a b the deck plating, its width is to be not less than 50 times its

2.6.2 Stringer angle

Where a stringer angle is fitted, its thickness is not to be less
than that of the side shell plating increased by 1 mm nor, as
a rule, when the harbour equipment is built on the trans-
verse system, than that of the stringer plate.
2.6.3 If the stringer plate is rounded at side, it is to extend
in the side shell plating over a length at least equal to
25 times its thickness, for harbour equipment units built on
the transverse system.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 119

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2

3 Strength check of plating subjected 4 Buckling strength check

to lateral pressure
4.1 General
3.1 Load model
4.1.1 Application
3.1.1 Design lateral pressure in service conditions The requirements of this Article apply for the buckling
check of plating subjected to in-plane compression stresses.
The design lateral pressure p, in service conditions, to be
used for hull scantling is defined in the relevant Chapter of Rectangular plate panels are considered as being simply
Part D, for each harbour equipment type. supported. For specific designs, other boundary conditions
may be considered, at the Society’s discretion, provided that
3.1.2 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions the necessary information is submitted for review.
The lateral pressure pT, in kN/m2, in testing conditions is
4.1.2 Aspect ratio
taken equal to:
The aspect ratio α of elementary plate panel is to be taken
• pST − p for bottom shell plating and side shell plating equal to:
• pST otherwise. α=a/b

Where p is the river pressure defined in the relevant Chapter where:

of Part D, for each harbour equipment type for the draught
a : Length, in m, of not loaded side of the plate
at which the testing is carried out.

3.1.3 Hull girder normal stresses b : Length, in m, of loaded side of the plate panel.

The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for the

4.1.3 Edge stress ratio
strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure are to
be determined using the formula: The edge stress ratio ψ is to be taken equal to:

5 MAX ( M TH ; M TS )
ψ = σ2 / σ1
σ X1 = 10 --------------------------------------------
-(z – N)
σ1 : Maximum compression stress
3.2 Net thickness of plating subjected to
lateral pressure σ2 : Minimum compression stress or tensile stress.

4.1.4 Correction factor for boundary conditions

3.2.1 The net thickness of plating subjected to lateral pres-
sure is to be not less than the values obtained, in mm, from The correction factor, F1, for boundary conditions, is to be
the formulae given in Tab 2. taken equal to:

Table 2 : Plating subjected to lateral pressure • for α ≥ 1:

F1 = 1,00
Net thickness t, in mm • for α < 1 and loaded side stiffened by flat bar:
Transverse framing Longitudinal framing
F1 = 1,05
γR γm p γR γm p
Service 17, 2C a C r s --------------
- 14, 9C a C r s --------------
- • for α < 1 and loaded side stiffened by bulb section:
λT Ry λL Ry
F1 = 1,10
γR γm p T
Testing 14, 9C a C r s ----------------
Ry • for α < 1 and loaded side stiffened by angle or T-section:
Note 1: F1 = 1,21
• For plating contributing to hull girder strength:
• for α < 1 and loaded side stiffened by primary support-
σ x1
λ T = 1 – 0 ,89γ m ------- ing members:
F1 = 1,30
σ x1 2 σ x1
λL = 1 – 0 ,95  γ m ------- – 0 ,225γ m -------
 Ry  Ry
4.1.5 Factor K1
• For plating not contributing to hull girder strength:
The values of factor K1 to be used for the calculation of
λT = λL = 1 thickness t3 is given in Tab 3.

120 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2

Table 3 : Factor K1 for plane panels

Load pattern Aspect ratio Factor K1

8, 4
• α≥1 --------------------
ψ + 1, 1
2, 1
 α + --1- -------------------
• α<1 
α ψ + 1, 1

′ ′′
−1<ψ<0 ( 1 + ψ )K 1 – ψK 1 + 10ψ ( 1 + ψ )

1–ψ 2 1–ψ 2
• α ⋅ ------------- ≥ --- 23, 9  -------------
2 3  2 

ψ≤−1  
1–ψ 2  1, 87 1 – ψ 2 1 – ψ 2
• α ⋅ ------------- < ---  15, 87 + ------------------------2- + 8, 6  α -------------   -------------
2 3  α 1 – ψ-
2  2
  2  

Note 1:
K1′ : Value of K1 calculated for ψ = 0
K1″ : Value of K1 calculated for ψ = − 1

4.2 Load model 4.3 Net thickness of plating complying with

the buckling criteria
4.2.1 Hull girder normal compression stresses
4.3.1 The net thicknesses of plating subjected to in-plane
The hull girder normal compression stresses to be consid- compression normal hull girder stresses, in mm, are to com-
ered for the buckling strength check of the plating and struc- ply with the following formulae:
tural members which contribute to the longitudinal strength • for σb ≤ ReH / 2:
are given in Tab 4. b 12γ R γ m σ b ( 1 – ν ) 3
t = --- ----------------------------------------------
- 10
π EK 1 F 1
• for σb > ReH / 2:
Table 4 : Hull girder compression stresses
2 2
b 3R eH ( 1 – ν )
t = --- ------------------------------------------------------
- 10
Condition σX1, in N/mm2 π EK 1 F 1 ( R eH – γ R γ m σ b )

5 M TS
z≥N σ X1 = 10 --------- (z – N)
IY σb : Maximum hull girder compression stress on the
plate panel determined according to [4.2.1].
5 M TH
z<N σ X1 = 10 ---------- (z – N) Buckling strength may be checked in compliance with
NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6, at the Society’s discretion.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 121

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3



t : Net thickness, in mm, of plating N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of

the hull transverse section
pST : Lateral pressure in testing conditions, in kN/m2,
defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D, for ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, defined in Ch
each harbour equipment type 2, Sec 2, [2.1].
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, defined in
[3.2.3] 1 General
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners

γR : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties regard- 1.1 Load point for lateral pressure
ing resistance, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.3]
1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be
γm : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
calculated at mid-span of the ordinary stiffener considered.
regarding material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.3]

βb , βs : Span correction coefficients, defined in [1.3.1]

1.2 Load point for hull girder stresses
λb , λS : Coefficients for pressure distribution correc-
tion, defined in [1.4.1] 1.2.1 For longitudinal ordinary stiffeners contributing to the
hull girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder normal
η : Coefficient taken equal to:
stresses are to be calculated in way of the attached plating
η = 1 − s / (2 ) of the stiffener considered.
w : Net section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary stiffen-
ers 1.3 Span correction coefficients
Ash : Net shear sectional area, in cm
1.3.1 These Rules apply to ordinary stiffeners without end
k : Material factor defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.4] and brackets, with a bracket at one end or with two equal end
Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.4] brackets.
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- The span correction coefficients βb and βs of ordinary stiff-
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless
eners are to be determined using the following formulae:
otherwise specified

z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the load point n 2

  bi
Z : Net hull girder section modulus, in cm3 
β b =  1 – -----
 i=1  

IY : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the hull trans- 

 bi
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis 
β s =  1 – -----
 i=1  

E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal

to: where:
• for steels in general:  : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffener, defined in Ch 2,
E = 2,06⋅105 N/mm2 Sec 4, [3.2]

• for stainless steels: bi = 0,5 b

E = 1,95⋅105 N/mm2 b = MIN (d ; b)

• for aluminium alloys: d, b : Lengths, in m, of bracket arms

E = 7,00⋅104 N/mm2 n : Number of end brackets.

122 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3

1.4 Coefficients for pressure distribution 3.2.2 Lateral pressure in testing conditions
correction The lateral pressure pT, in kN/m2, in testing conditions is
taken equal to:
1.4.1 The scantling of non-horizontal structural members • pST − p for bottom shell plating and side shell plating
are to be determined using the coefficients for pressure dis-
tribution correction λb and λs defined as follows: • pST otherwise.

λs = 2 λb − 1 Where p is the river pressure defined in the relevant Chapter

of Part D, for each harbour equipment type for the draught
pd – pu
λ b = 1 + 0, 2 ---------------- at which the testing is carried out.
pd + pu
3.2.3 Hull girder normal stresses
The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for the
pu : Pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end of the yielding check of structural members subjected to lateral
structural member considered: pressure and contributing to the longitudinal strength are
pu = psu + pwu given in Tab 1.

psu , pwu : River water pressure and wave pressure respec- Table 1 : Hull girder normal stresses
tively, in kN/m2, at the upper end of the struc- Structural members subjected to lateral pressure
tural member considered
pd : Pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of the Condition σX1 , in N/mm2
structural member considered: 5 M TS
Lateral pressure applied z≥N 10 --------- (z – N)
pd = psd + pwd IY
on the side opposite to
the structural member,
psd , pwd : River water pressure and wave pressure respec- 5 M TH
with respect to the plating z<N 10 ---------- (z – N)
tively, in kN/m2, at the lower end of the struc- IY
tural member considered.
5 M TH
Lateral pressure applied z≥N 10 ---------- (z – N)
2 General requirements on the same side as the
structural member 5 M TS
z<N 10 --------- (z – N)
2.1 Web minimum net thicknesses
Note 1:
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.1.2] are to be applied to ordi- MTH : Total vertical bending moment in hogging con-
nary stiffeners in addition of those in [3]and [4]. dition, defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D,
for each harbour equipment type
2.1.2 The net thickness, in mm, of the web of ordinary stiff- MTS : Total vertical bending moment in sagging condi-
eners is to be not less than: tion, defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D,
for each harbour equipment type.
• for L ≤ 40 m: t = 3,3 + 0,048 L k0,5
• for L > 40 m: t = 4,8 + 0,019 L k0,5 3.3 Net section modulus and net shear
sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
3 Strength check of ordinary stiffeners
3.3.1 The net section modulus w, in cm3,and the net shear
subjected to lateral pressure sectional area ASh , in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners subjected
to lateral pressure are to be not less than the values
3.1 Application obtained from Tab 2.

3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yielding

4 Buckling strength check
check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure
and, for ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder
longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal stresses. 4.1 Load model
The yielding check is also to be carried out for ordinary stiff- 4.1.1 Hull girder normal compression stresses
eners subjected to specific loads, such as concentrated
The hull girder normal compression stresses to be consid-
ered for the buckling strength check of the structural mem-
bers which contribute to the longitudinal strength are given
3.2 Load model in Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 4.

3.2.1 Lateral pressure in service conditions

4.2 Checking criteria
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be
used for hull scantling is defined in the relevant Chapter of 4.2.1 The critical buckling stress of ordinary stiffeners is to
Part D, for each harbour equipment type. be comply with NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 6, [3].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 123

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3

Table 2 : Net scantling of ordinary stiffeners

Conditions Structural item w, in cm3 ASh , in cm2

Service γR γm βb p
Longitudinal stiffeners - s 2 10 3
w = -----------------------------------------
m ( R y – γ R γ m σ X1 ) p
A sh = 10γ R γ m β s ----- ηs
γR γm βb p 2 3
Transverse stiffeners w = --------------------
- s 10
mR y

Vertical stiffeners (other than p p

w = γ R γ m λ b β b ----------- s 10
A Sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----- ηs
side frames of single hull) mR y Ry

γR γm βb s p
if 0> : - ( λ b p 2 + 1, 45λ W p F  2F )10 3
w = ------------------- A sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----- ηs
mR y Ry
Side frames
γR γm βb s 
if 0≤ : - ( 6 20 + 1, 45λ W p F  2F )10 3
w = ------------------- A sh = 68γ R γ m β s ----- ηs 0
mR y Ry

Testing Longitudinal and transverse pT p

- s 2 10 3
w = γ R γ m β b ---------- A Sh = 10γ R γ m β s ----T- ηs
stiffeners mR y Ry

Vertical stiffeners (other than pT p

- s 2 10 3
w = γ R γ m λ b β b ---------- A Sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----T- ηs
side frames of single hull) mR y Ry

γR γm βb s p
Side frames - ( λ b p T  2 + 1, 45λ W p FT  2F )10 3
w = ------------------- A Sh = 10γ R γ m β s ----T- ηs
mRy Ry

Note 1:
m : Boundary coefficient, to be taken, in general, equal to:
m = 12
F : Floor span, in m
0 : Span parameter, in m, equal to:
0= pd / 9,81
pd : Total pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of the stiffener
pF : Floor design lateral pressure, in kN/m2
λW : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• single side: λW = 0,08
• double side: λW = 0
pFT : Floor lateral pressure in testing conditions, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.2.2].
Note 2: The value of σX1 is to be taken in relation with the pressure p considered. See Tab 1.

124 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4



t : Net thickness, in mm, of plating 1 General

pST : Lateral pressure in testing condition, in kN/m ,
defined in the relevant Chapter of Part D, for 1.1 Application
each harbour equipment type
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the yielding
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, defined in and column buckling checks of primary supporting mem-
[2.2.3] bers.
S : Spacing, in m, of primary supporting members
1.2 Minimum net thicknesses
γR : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
regarding resistance, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, 1.2.1 The net thickness, in mm, of the web of primary sup-
[1.3] porting members is to be not less than:
γm : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties • for L ≤ 40 m:
regarding material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.3] t = 3,3 + 0,048 L k0,5
βb , βs : Span correction coefficients, defined in [2.1.3] • for L > 40 m:
t = 4,8 + 0,019 L k0,5
w : Net section modulus, in cm3, of primary sup-
porting members
2 Yielding check of primary
Ash : Net shear sectional area, in cm2
supporting members analysed
k : Material factor defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.4] and through an isolated beam structural
Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.4]
model subjected to lateral pressure
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless 2.1 General requirements
otherwise specified
2.1.1 Load point for lateral pressure
z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the load point
Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu-
Z : Net hull girder section modulus, in cm3 lated at mid-span of the primary supporting member con-
IY : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the hull trans-
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis 2.1.2 Load point for hull girder normal stresses
E 2
: Young’s modulus, in N/mm , to be taken equal For longitudinal primary supporting members contributing
to: to the hull girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder nor-
mal stresses are to be calculated in way of the neutral axis
• for steels in general: of the primary supporting member with attached plating.
E = 2,06 ⋅105 N/mm2
2.1.3 Span correction coefficients
• for stainless steels: Conventional parameters of end brackets are given in Fig 1.
E = 1,95⋅105 N/mm2 Special consideration is to be given to conditions different
from those shown.
• for aluminium alloys:
The span correction coefficients, βb and βs , of primary sup-
E = 7,00⋅104 N/mm2 porting members are to be determined using the following
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
the hull transverse section   bi

ν : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a 

β b =  1 – -----
 i=1  

value of 0,3 is to be taken into account

 n
 bi
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, defined in Ch 
β s =  1 – -----
 i=1  
2, Sec 2, [2.1].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 125

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

where: 2.2.2 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions

 : Span, in m, of primary supporting member, The lateral pressure (pT) in testing conditions is taken equal
defined in Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.1] to:
• pST − p for bottom shell plating and side shell plating
bi = b − 0,25 hW
• pST otherwise,
b= MIN (d ; b)
where p is the river pressure defined in the relevant Chapter
d, b : Length, in m, of bracket arms, defined in Fig 1
of Part D, for each harbour equipment type for the draught
hW : Height, in m, of the primary supporting mem- at which the testing is carried out.
bers (see Fig 1)
2.2.3 Hull girder normal stresses
n : Number of end brackets.
The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for yielding
check of structural members subjected to lateral pressure
2.1.4 Coefficients for pressure distribution
correction and contributing to the longitudinal strength are given in Ch
4, Sec 3, Tab 1.
The scantling of non-horizontal structural members are to
be determined using the coefficients for pressure distribu-
2.3 Net section modulus and net shear
tion correction λb and λS defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.4.1].
sectional area of primary supporting
2.2 Load model
2.3.1 The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear
2.2.1 Design lateral pressure in service conditions sectional area ASh , in cm2, of primary supporting members
The design lateral pressure is defined in the relevant Chap- subjected to lateral pressure are to be not less than the val-
ter of Part D, for each harbour equipment type. ues obtained from Tab 1.

Figure 1 : Characteristics of primary supporting member brackets





126 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

Table 1 : Net scantling of primary supporting members

Conditions Structural item w, in cm3 ASh , in cm2

Service γR γm βb p
Longitudinal members - S 2 10 3
w = -----------------------------------------
m ( R y – γ R γ m σ X1 ) p
A sh = 10γ R γ m β s ----- S
γR γm βb p 2 3
Transverse members w = --------------------
- S 10
mR y

γR γm λb βb p 2 3 p
Vertical members w = --------------------------
- S 10 A sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----- S
mR y Ry

γR γm βb  
0 ≤  - S 0 2 10 3
w = 6 ------------------- A sh = 68γ R γ m β S ----- S 0
Side web frames mR y Ry
Side transverses γR γm λb βb p 2 3 p
0>  w = --------------------------
- S 10 A sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----- S
mR y Ry

Testing Longitudinal and transverse γR γm βb pT 2 3 p

w = ----------------------
- S 10 A sh = 10γ R γ m β s ----T- S
members mR y Ry

γR γm λb βb p T 2 3 p
Vertical members w = ----------------------------
- S 10 A sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β s ----T- S
mR y Ry

Note 1:
m : Boundary coefficient, to be taken, in general, equal to:
0 : Span parameter, in m
0 = pd / 9,81
pd : Total pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of the stiffener.
Note 2: The value of σX1 is to be taken in relation with the pressure p considered. See Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1.

3 Buckling of pillars subjected to Where the thickness of the attached plating is smaller than
the thickness of the pillars, a doubling plate is to be fitted.
compression axial load
Heads and heels of pillars which may also work under ten-
3.1 General sion (such as those in tanks) are to be attached to the sur-
rounding structure by means of brackets or insert plates so
3.1.1 Pillars or other supporting structures are generally to that the loads are well distributed.
be fitted under heavy concentrated loads.
Pillars are to be connected to the inner bottom, where fit-
Structural members at head and heels of pillars as well as ted, at the intersection of girders and floors.
substructures are to be constructed according to the forces
they are subjected to. The connection is to be so dimen- Where pillars connected to the inner bottom are not located
sioned that at least 1 cm2 cross-sectional area is available in way of intersections of floors and girders, partial floors or
for 10 kN of load. girders or equivalent structures suitable to support the pil-
lars are to be arranged.
Where pillars are affected by tension loads doubling are not
permitted. Manholes and lightening holes may not be cut in the girders
Pillars in tanks are to be checked for tension. and floors below the heels of pillars.

Tubular pillars are not permitted in tanks for flammable liq-

uids. 3.2 Buckling strength
Pillars are to be fitted, as far as practicable, in the same ver-
3.2.1 Compression axial load
tical line.
Where pillars are in line, the compression axial load in a
3.1.2 Connections pillars is obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
Pillars are to be attached at their heads and heels by contin-
uous welding. N

Pillars working under pressure may be fitted by welds only,

FA = AD p + r Q i i
in the case the thickness of the attached plating is at least
equal to the thickness of the pillar. where:

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 127

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

AD : Area, in m2, of the portion of the deck or plate 3.2.3 Critical local buckling stress of built-up pillars
form supported by the pillar considered The critical local buckling stress of built-up pillars is to be
p : Pressure, in kN/m2, defined in the relevant obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
Chapter of Part D, for each harbour equipment
type R eH
σ cL = σ E3 for σ E3 ≤ -------
ri : Coefficient which depends on the relative posi-
R eH  R eH
tion of each pillar above the one considered, to σ cL = R eH  1 – ----------
- for σ E3 > -------
 4σ E3 2
be taken equal to:
• ri = 0,9 for the pillar immediately above where:
that considered (i = 1) σE3 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to
• ri = 0,9i for the i-th pillar of the line above the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm2,
the pillar considered, to be taken not less from the following formulae:
than 0,478 tW  2 4
• σ E3 = 78  ------
- 10
Qi : Loads from the i-th pillar of the line above the  h W
pillar considered.
t 2 4
• σ E3 = 32  ----F- 10
 b F
3.2.2 Critical column buckling stress of pillars
The critical column buckling stress of pillars is to be tW : Net web thickness of built-up section, in mm
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae: hW : Web height of built-up section, in mm
tF : Net face plate thickness of built-up section, in
R eH
σ cB = σ E1 for σ E1 ≤ -------
- mm
R eH  R eH bF : Face plate width of built-up section, in mm.
σ cB = R eH  1 – ----------
- for σ E1 > -------
 4σ E1 2
3.2.4 Critical local buckling stress of pillars having
where: hollow rectangular section
The critical local buckling stress of pillars having hollow
σE1 : Euler column buckling stress, to be obtained, in
rectangular section is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the
N/mm2, from the following formula:
following formulae:
σ E1 = π 2 E ----------------2 10 –4
A ( f ) R eH
σ cL = σ E4 for σ E4 ≤ -------
I : Minimum net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the
R eH  R eH
pillar σ cL = R eH  1 – ----------
- for σ E4 > -------
 4σ E4 2
A : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar
 : Span, in m, of the pillar
σE4 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to
f : Coefficient, to be obtained from Tab 2. the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm2,
from the following formulae:
Table 2 : Coefficient f
t 2 4
• σ E4 = 78  ---2 10
 b
Boundary conditions of the pillars
One end fixed, t 2 4
Both ends fixed Both ends pinned • σ E4 = 78  ---1 10
one end pinned  h

t2 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the shorter side of

the section
b : Length, in mm, of the shorter side of the section
t1 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the longer side of
the section
h : Length, in mm, of the longer side of the section.

3.2.5 The net scantlings of the pillar loaded by the com-

2 pression axial stress FA are to comply with the formulae in
f = 0,5 f = ------- f = 1,0
Tab 3.

128 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

Table 3 : Buckling check of pillars subject to compression axial load

Pillar cross-section Column buckling check Local buckling check Geometric condition

σ cB F σ cL F bF
- ≥ 10 ----A- -----------------
- ≥ 10 ----A- • ----- ≤ 40
tF 1, 02γ R A 1, 02γ R A tF

Hollow tubular

t d
σ cB F • --- ≤ 55
- ≥ 10 ----A- Not required t
1, 02γ R A
d • t ≥ 5,5 mm

Hollow rectangular

• --- ≤ 55
b t2

t2 σ cB F σ cL F • --- ≤ 55
- ≥ 10 ----A- -----------------
- ≥ 10 ----A- t1
t1 1, 02γ R A 1, 02γ R A
h • t1 ≥ 5,5 mm

• t2 ≥ 5,5 mm

Note 1:
σcB : Critical column buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [3.2.2]
σcL : Critical local buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [3.2.3] for built-up section or item d) for hollow rectangular section
γR : Resistance partial safety factor, equal to:
• 1,15 for column buckling
• 1,05 for local buckling
FA : Compression axial load in the pillar, in kN, defined in [3.2.1]
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar.

4 Direct calculation 4.1.2 Yielding check

The yielding check is to be carried out according to:
• [4.4] for structural members analysed through isolated
4.1 Application beam models
• [4.5] for structural members analysed through three-
4.1.1 The requirements of this Article give direct calcula- dimensional beam or finite element models
tion guidance for the yielding and buckling checks of struc-
tural members. 4.1.3 Buckling check
The buckling check is to carried out according to NR217, Pt
Direct calculation may be adopted instead of rule scantling B, Ch 2, Sec 6, on the basis of the stresses in primary sup-
formulae or for the analysis of structural members not cov- porting members calculated according to [4.4] or [4.5],
ered by the Rules. depending on the structural model adopted.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 129

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

4.2 Analysis documentation 4.4.3 Load model

The external pressure and the pressures induced by the vari-
4.2.1 The following documents are to be submitted to the ous types of loads and ballast are to be considered, depend-
Society for review of the three-dimensional beam or finite ing on the location of the structural member under
element structural analyses: consideration and the type of compartments adjacent to it,
• reference to the calculation program used with identifi- in accordance with the relevant Chapter of Part D for each
cation of the version number and results of the valida- harbour equipment type.
tion test, if the results of the program have not been The pressure load in service conditions is to be determined
already submitted to the Society approval according to the relevant Chapter of Part D for each harbour
• extent of the model, element types and properties, equipment type.
material properties and boundary conditions For structural members subjected to wheeled loads, the
• loads given in print-out or suitable electronic format. In yielding check may be carried out according to [4.4.4] con-
particular, the method used to take into account the sidering uniform pressures equivalent to the distribution of
interaction between the overall, primary and local load- vertical concentrated forces, when such forces are closely
ings is to be described. The direction and intensity of located, taking into account the most unfavourable case.
pressure loads, concentrated loads, inertia and weight The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for the
loads are to be provided yielding check of structural members are to be determined
• stresses given in print-out or suitable electronic format according to Ch 3, Sec 2, [1.1].

• buckling checks 4.4.4 Checking criteria

• identification of the critical areas, where the results of It is to be checked that the normal stress σ and the shear
the checking exceed 97,5% of the permissible rule crite- stress τ are in compliance with the following formulae:
ria for yielding and buckling.
0, 98R Y
4.2.2 According to the results of the submitted calcula- ------------------- ≥ σ
tions, the Society may request additional runs of the model R
with structural modifications or local mesh refinements in 0, 49 -----Y- ≥ τ
highly stressed areas.

4.3 Partial safety factor γR 4.5 Yielding check of structural members

analysed through a three-dimensional
4.3.1 The values of the partial safety factor covering uncer- structural model
tainties on resistance to be considered for checking struc-
tural members are specified in Ch 4, Sec 1, Tab 4 for 4.5.1 General
analyses based on different calculation models. The requirements of this sub-article apply to the yielding
check of structural members subjected to lateral pressure or
to wheeled loads and, for those contributing to the hull
4.4 Yielding check of structural members
girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal stresses,
analysed through an isolated beam which are to be analysed through a three-dimensional
structural model structural model.

4.4.1 General The yielding check is also to be carried out for structural
members subjected to specific loads, such as concentrated
The requirements of this sub-article apply to the yielding loads.
check of structural members subjected to lateral pressure or
to wheeled loads and, for those contributing to the hull 4.5.2 Analysis criteria
girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal stresses,
which may be analysed through an isolated beam model. The analysis of structural members based on three dimen-
sional models is to be carried out according to the require-
The yielding check is also to be carried out for structural ments in:
members subjected to specific loads, such as concentrated
• NR217, Pt B, Ch 5, App 1 for structural members sub-
jected to lateral pressure
4.4.2 Load point • NR217, Pt B, Ch 5, App 2 for structural members sub-
jected to wheeled loads.
Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu-
lated at mid-span of the structural member considered. These requirements apply for the:
For longitudinal structural members contributing to the hull • structural modelling
girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder normal stresses
• load modelling
are to be calculated in way of the neutral axis of the struc-
tural member with attached plating. • stress calculation.

130 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

4.5.3 Checking criteria for beam model analyses Ai : Area of the i-th element within the consid-
For beam model analyses, it is to be checked that the equiv- ered area, in mm2
alent stress σVM , in N/mm2, calculated according to NR217, n : Number of elements within the considered
Pt B, Ch 5, App 1, is in compliance with the following for- area.
Stress averaging is to be performed over an area defined
Ry as follows:
σ VM ≤ ----------
γR γm
• the area considered for stress averaging is to have a
where the partial safety factors are to be taken as given in size not above the relevant spacing of ordinary stiff-
Ch 4, Sec 1, Tab 4. eners (s x s)
4.5.4 Checking criteria for finite element model • for very fine mesh along rounded edges (openings,
analyses rounded brackets), the area considered for stress aver-
a) Master allowable stress aging is to be limited only to the first ring of border
elements, over a length not greater than the relevant
The master allowable stress, σMASTER , in N/mm2, is to be
spacing of ordinary stiffeners (see Fig 2 and Fig 3)
obtained from the following formula:
• the area considered for stress averaging is to include
σ MASTER = ---------- an entire number of elements
γR γm
• the area considered for stress averaging is not to be
b) General defined across structural discontinuities, web stiffen-
For all types of analysis (see NR217, Pt B, Ch 5, App 1, ers or other abutting structure
[3.4]), it is to be checked that the equivalent Von Mises
• for regions where several different stress averaging
stress σVM , calculated according to NR217, Pt B, Ch 5,
areas may be defined, the worst is to be considered
App 1, [5], is in compliance with the following relation:
for the calculation of the average Von Mises equiva-
σVM ≤ σMASTER lent stress.
c) Structural detail analysis based on very fine mesh finite e) Particular requirements
elements models
For very fine mesh regions located on bracket webs in
In a fine mesh model as defined in NR217, Pt B, Ch 5,
the vicinity of bracket toes, where an equivalent (s x s)
App 1, [3.4.3], high stress areas for which σVM exceeds
area cannot be defined, the yielding check is to be
0,95 σMASTER are to be investigated through a very fine
based only on the criteria given in item c), 2nd bullet
mesh structural detail analysis according to NR217, Pt
B, Ch 5, App 1 [3.4.4], and both the following criteria
are to be checked: Other structural details having shapes not allowing the
stress averaging as required in item d) are to be specially
• the average Von Mises equivalent stress σVM−av as
considered by the Society, on a case-by-case basis.
defined in item d) is to be such that:
σVM−av ≤ σMASTER
Figure 2 : Example of stress averaging area
• the equivalent stress σVM of each element is to be at opening rounded edge
such that:
- for elements not adjacent to the weld:
σVM ≤ 1,53 σMASTER
- for elements adjacent to the weld:
σVM ≤ 1,34 σMASTER
In the case of mesh finer than (50 mm x 50 mm), the
equivalent stress σVM is to be obtained by averaging
over an equivalent area of (50 mm x 50 mm), based
on the methodology given in item d).
d) Stress averaging on very fine mesh
The average Von Mises equivalent stress σVM−av , in
N/mm2, is to be obtained from the following formula:

A σ i VM – i
σ VM – av = ---------------------------

A i

σVM-i : Von Mises stress at the centre of the i-th ele-
ment within the considered area, in N/mm2

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 131

Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4

Figure 3 : Example of stress averaging area

at rounded bracket edge

132 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 5



November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 133

134 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1


1 River chests 2.3 Strengthening

1.1 Shell plating 2.3.1 Openings in [2.2] and, when deemed necessary by
the Society, other openings of considerable size, are to be
1.1.1 The shell plate gross thickness, in mm, in way of river compensated by means of insert plates or doublers suffi-
chests as well as the gross thickness of all boundary walls of ciently extended in length. Such compensation is to be par-
the river chests are not to be less than: tial or total depending on the stresses occurring in the area
of the openings.
t = 1, 2s kp + 1, 5
p : Pressure at the safety relief valve, in kN/m2: 3 Deck openings
• in general: p ≥ 200 kN/m2
• for river chests without any compressed air 3.1 Openings in the strength deck
connection and which are accessible at any
time: p ≥ 100 kN/m2. 3.1.1 Openings in the strength deck are to be kept to a
minimum and spaced as far apart from one another and
2 Side shell openings from breaks of effective superstructures as practicable.
Openings are to be cut as far as practicable from hatchway
2.1 General
2.1.1 Openings in the harbour equipment’s sides are to be 3.1.2 No compensation is required where the openings
well rounded at the corners and located well clear of super- are:
structure ends or any openings in the deck areas at sides of
• circular of less than 350 mm in diameter and at a dis-
tance sufficiently far from any other opening

2.2 Arrangement • elliptical with the major axis in the longitudinal direc-
tion and the ratio of the major to minor axes not less
2.2.1 Shell plating openings than 2.
Openings are to be compensated if their edge is less than
0,2 D from the bottom or from the deck and if all these
openings are located over 0,25 L from either end perpen- 3.2 Corners of hatchways
3.2.1 General
Compensation is not required for circular openings having a
diameter at most equal to 300 mm. Hatchways are to be rounded at their corners. The radius of
circular corners is to be not less than:
2.2.2 Openings for water intakes
Openings for water intakes are to be well rounded at the
corners and, within 0,6 L amidships, located outside the 4 Scuppers and discharges
bilge strakes. Where arrangements are such that water
intakes are unavoidably located in the curved zone of the
bilge strakes, such openings are to be elliptical with the 4.1 Material
major axis in the longitudinal direction.
4.1.1 The scuppers and discharge pipes are to be con-
2.2.3 Other openings structed of steel. Other equivalent materials are considered
Other opening are considered by the Society on a case by by the Society on a case by case basis.
case basis.

2.2.4 Sheerstrake openings 4.2 Wall thickness

Circular opening on the sheerstrake need not be compen-
sated where their diameter does not exceed 20% of the 4.2.1 The wall gross thickness of scuppers and discharge
sheerstrake minimum width, and where they are located pipes is to be not less than the shell plating thickness in way
away from openings on deck at the side of hatchways or of the scuppers, respectively discharge pipes, but need not
superstructure ends. exceed 8 mm.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 135

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1

5 Machinery space openings 6 Companionway

5.1 Skylight hatches 6.1 General

5.1.1 Engine room skylights are to be fitted with weather-
tight hatches made of steel or any other equivalent material. 6.1.1 Companions leading under the bulkhead deck are to
The hatches are to be permanently secured to the sides be protected by a superstructure or closed deckhouse, or by
where the lower edge of the opening is at a height above a companionway having equivalent strength and tightness.
the load waterline of less than 0,5 m.
6.1.2 Companion sill height
5.2 Closing devices The sill height above the deck is not to be less than 0,15 m.

5.2.1 Openings in machinery space casings are to be sur- Furthermore, this height hc , above the deck, is to be such
rounded by a steel casing of efficient construction. The that:
openings of the casings exposed to the weather are to be fit- zhc ≥ T + 0,45
ted with strong and weathertight doors.

5.3 Position of openings 7 Ventilators

5.3.1 In any case, the distance, in m, of the lower edge of
an opening to the load waterline is to be such that: 7.1 General
zLE ≥ T + 0,3
7.1.1 Ventilator openings below main deck are to have
coamings of steel or other equivalent material, substantially
5.4 Entrances constructed and efficiently connected to the deck.
5.4.1 The height, in m, of entrances to machinery space,
7.1.2 Coamings
hC , above the deck is not to be less than 0,3 m.
Furthermore, this height hC , above the deck, is to be such The coaming height above the deck is not to be less than
that: 0,30 m and this height is to be such that:
zhc ≥ T + 0,45 zhc ≥ T + 0,45

136 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part B
Hull Design and Construction

Chapter 6





November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 137

138 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1


1 General • welding or other cold or hot manufacturing processes

may be needed to be followed by an adequate heat
1.1 General requirements
The welders hired by the Building Yard are to be duly quali-
1.1.1 Characteristics of the materials fied and their qualification duly checked, according to the
The characteristics of the steel or aluminium materials to be requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
used in the construction of harbour equipment are to com- The welding procedures used for the construction are to be
ply with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials qualified by qualification tests carried out under the Sur-
and Welding. veyor’s supervision, according to the requirements of
Materials with different characteristics may be accepted, NR216 Materials and Welding.
provided their specification (manufacture, chemical com-
position, mechanical properties, welding, etc.) is submitted 1.2 Welding connections for steel
to the Society for review.
1.2.1 General
1.1.2 Testing of materials The preparation, execution and inspection of welded con-
Materials are to be tested in compliance with the applicable nections in steel hull structures are to comply with NR217,
requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding. Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1.
1.1.3 Manufacturing processes
1.3 Welding and other connections means
Welding and other cold or hot manufacturing processes are
to be carried out in compliance with current sound working
for aluminium alloys
practice and the applicable requirements of NR216 Materi- 1.3.1 General
als and Welding:
The preparation, execution and inspection of welded con-
• parent materials and welding processes are to be within nections or riveting connections in aluminium hull struc-
the limits stated for the specified type of material for tures are to comply with the applicable requirements of
which they are intended NR561, Hull in Aluminium Alloys, Design Principles, Con-
• specific preheating may be required before welding struction and Surveys.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 139

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2



t : Thickness, in mm. 3 Cathodic protection of tanks

1 Protection by coating 3.1 General

3.1.1 Ballast water tanks or other internal spaces endan-
1.1 General gered by corrosion due to brackish or harbour water may be
provided with cathodic protection.
1.1.1 It is the responsibility of the Building Yard and the Cathodic protection may be fitted in addition to the
Owner to choose the coating and have it applied in accor- required corrosion protective coating, if any.
dance with the manufacturer’s requirements.
3.1.2 Uncoated stainless steels are not to be protected
1.1.2 Information and recommendations aiming to fulfill- cathodically if they are suitable for withstanding the corro-
ing the requirements of this Section are developed in sion stress.
NI 607 Guidelines for Corrosion Protection Applicable to Coated stainless steels must be cathodically protected in the
Inland Navigation Vessels. submerged zone.

3.1.3 Where fitted, cathodic protection shall comply with

1.2 Structures to be protected the manufacturer’s instructions / recommendations.

1.2.1 All areas endangered by corrosion are to be protected

by a suitable corrosion protective coating. 4 Protection of bottom by ceiling

1.2.2 All brackish water ballast spaces with boundaries 4.1 General
formed by the hull envelope are to have a corrosion protec-
tive coating, epoxy or equivalent, applied in accordance 4.1.1 In single bottom harbour equipment, ceiling is to be
with the manufacturer's requirements. laid on the floors from side to side up to the upper bilge.

4.1.2 In double bottom harbour equipment, ceiling is to be

1.2.3 Corrosion protective coating is not required for inter-
laid over the inner bottom and lateral bilges, if any.
nal surfaces of spaces intended for the carriage of cargo oil
or fuel oil.
4.2 Arrangement
1.2.4 Narrow spaces are generally to be filled by an effi-
4.2.1 Planks forming ceiling over the bilges and on the
cient protective product, particularly at the ends of the har-
inner bottom are to be easily removable to permit access for
bour equipment where inspections and maintenance are
not easily practicable due to their inaccessibility.
4.2.2 Where the double bottom is intended to carry fuel
2 Protection against galvanic corrosion oil, ceiling on the inner bottom is to be separated from the
plating by means of battens 30 mm high, in order to facili-
in tanks tate the drainage of oil leakages to the bilges.

4.2.3 Where the double bottom is intended to carry water,

2.1 General
ceiling on the inner bottom may lie next to the plating, pro-
vided a suitable corrosion protection is applied beforehand.
2.1.1 Suitable protection measures shall take place, where
the danger of galvanic corrosion exists. 4.2.4 The Building Yard is to take care that the attachment
of ceiling does not affect the tightness of the inner bottom.
2.1.2 Non-stainless steel is to be electrically insulated from
stainless steel or from aluminium alloys. 4.2.5 In single bottom harbour equipment, ceiling is to be
fastened to the reversed frames by galvanised steel bolts or
2.1.3 Where stainless steel or aluminium alloys are fitted in any other equivalent detachable connection.
the same tank as non-stainless steel, a protective coating is A similar connection is to be adopted for ceiling over the
to cover both materials. lateral bilges in double bottom harbour equipment.

140 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

4.3 Scantling 5 Protection of decks by wood

4.3.1 The thickness of ceiling boards, in mm, is to be at
least equal to the smaller of the following values:
• harbour equipment intended to carry ore or concen- 5.1 Deck not entirely plated
trated loads, and not fitted with a double bottom:
- t = 50 5.1.1 The wood used for sheathing is to be of good quality
- t = 0,45 s (L + 160) dry teak or pine, without sapwood or knots. The sheathing
• other harbour equipment: thickness, in mm, is not to be less than:
- t = 25
• teak: t = (L + 55) / 3 ≥ 40
- t = 0,3 s (L + 160)
• pine: t = (L + 100) / 3
s : Floor spacing, in m.
5.1.2 The width of the planks is not to exceed twice their
Where the floor spacing is large, the thicknesses may be thickness. Their butts are to be adequately shifted so that, if
considered by the Society on a case by case basis. two butts occur in the same frame spacing, they are sepa-
Under cargo hatchways, the thickness of ceiling is to be rated by at least three planks.
increased by 15 mm.
Planks are to be secured to every other frame by means of
4.3.2 Where a side ceiling is provided, it is to be secured 12 mm bolts. On small harbour equipment, galvanized
every 4 frame spacings to the side frames by an appropriate steel screws are permitted.
system. Its thickness may be taken equal to 0,7 times that of
the bottom ceiling, without being less than 20 mm. 5.1.3 Wooden decks are to be carefully caulked, to the sat-
The batten spacing is not, as a rule, to exceed 0,2 m. isfaction of the Surveyor.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 141

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3



p : Maximum design pressure, in kPa 1.2.4 Hydropneumatic testing

pS1 : Leak test pressure, in kPa: Hydropneumatic testing is a combination of hydrostatic and
pS1 = MIN (10 ; p) air testing, consisting in filling the tank to the top with water
and applying an additional air pressure.
pS2 : Leak test pressure, in kPa:
Hydropneumatic testing is to be carried out according to
pS2 = MIN (15 ; p)
dAP : Distance from the top of air pipe to the top of
the tank, in m. 1.2.5 Leak testing
Leak testing is an air or other medium test carried out to
1 General demonstrate the tightness of the structure.

1.2.6 Hose testing

1.1 Application
Hose testing is carried out to demonstrate the tightness of
1.1.1 The following requirements determine the testing structural items not subjected to hydrostatic or leak testing
conditions for: and of other components which contribute to the watertight
or weathertight integrity of the hull.
• gravity tanks, including independent tanks of 5 m3 or
more in capacity Hose testing is to be carried out according to [2.5.1].
• watertight or weathertight structures.
2 Watertight compartments
The purpose of these tests is to check the tightness and/or
the strength of structural elements.
2.1 General
Tests are to be carried out in the presence of the Surveyor at
a stage sufficiently close to completion so that any subse- 2.1.1 The requirements of this sub-article are intended gen-
quent work would not impair the strength and tightness of erally to verify the adequacy of the structural design of grav-
the structure. ity tanks, excluding independent tanks of less than 5 m3 in
In particular, tests are to be carried out after air vents and capacity, based on the loading conditions which prevailed
sounding pipes are fitted. when determining the tank structure scantlings.

2.1.2 General requirements for testing of watertight com-

1.2 Definitions
partments are given in Tab 1, in which the types of testing
1.2.1 Shop primer referred to are defined in [1.2].
Shop primer is a thin coating applied after surface prepara-
tion and prior to fabrication as a protection against corro- 2.2 Structural testing
sion during fabrication.
2.2.1 Structural testing may be carried out before or after
1.2.2 Protective coating launching.
Protective coating is a final coating protecting the structure
from corrosion. 2.2.2 Structural testing may be carried out after application
of the shop primer.
1.2.3 Structural testing
2.2.3 Structural testing may be carried out after the protec-
Structural testing is a hydrostatic test carried out to demon-
tive coating has been applied, provided that one of the fol-
strate the tightness of the tanks and the structural adequacy
lowing two conditions is satisfied:
of the design. Where practical limitations prevail and
hydrostatic testing is not feasible (for example when it is dif- • all the welds are completed and carefully inspected
ficult, in practice, to apply the required head at the top of visually to the satisfaction of the Surveyor prior to the
the tank), hydropneumatic testing may be carried out application of the protective coating
• leak testing is carried out prior to the application of the
Structural testing is to be carried out according to [2.2.3]. protective coating.

142 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3

In the absence of leak testing, protective coating is to be 2.4 Leak testing

applied after the structural testing of:
• all erection welds, both manual and automatic 2.4.1 An efficient indicating liquid, such as a soapy water
solution, is to be applied to the welds.
• all manual fillet weld connections on tank boundaries
and manual penetration welds.
2.4.2 Where leak testing is carried out in accordance with
Tab 1 an air pressure pS1 is to be applied during the test.
2.3 Hydropneumatic testing
Prior to inspection, it is recommended that the air pressure
2.3.1 When a hydropneumatic testing is performed, the in the tank should be raised to pS2 and kept at this level for
conditions are to simulate, as far as practicable, the actual approximately 1 hour to reach a stabilised state, with a min-
loading of the tank. imum number of personnel in the vicinity of the tank, and
then lowered to the test pressure.
The value of the additional air pressure is at the discretion
of the Society, but is to be at least as defined in [2.4] for leak
The test may be conducted after the pressure has reached a
stabilised state at pS2, without lowering the pressure, pro-
The same safety precautions as for leak testing (see [2.4]) vided the Society is satisfied of the safety of the personnel
are to be adopted. involved in the test.

Table 1 : Watertight compartments - General testing requirements

Compartment or structure
Type of testing Structural test pressure Remarks
to be tested
Double bottom tanks Structural testing Head of water up to the top of overflow, at least Tank boundaries tested from
(1) 1,0 m above tank top at least one side
Double side tanks Structural testing Head of water up to the top of overflow, at least Tank boundaries tested from
(1) 1,0 m above tank top at least one side
Fuel oil bunkers Structural testing The greater of the following (2): Tank boundaries tested from
• head of water up to the top of overflow, at least at least one side
1,0 m above tank top
• testing pressure defined in relevant Sections of
Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6
Peaks used as tanks Structural testing Head of water not less than 1,0 m above tank top
Peak not used as tank Structural testing Head of water up to bulkhead deck
Cofferdams Structural testing Head of water to be taken at least 1,0 m above cof-
(3) ferdam top
Watertight bulkheads Hose testing (4)
Watertight doors below Structural testing Head of water up to the bulkhead deck Test to be carried out before
freeboard or deck (5) the harbour equipment is put
into service, either before or
after the door is fitted on board
Shell doors Hose testing
Weathertight hatch covers Hose testing
and closing appliances
Independent tanks Structural testing Head of water up to the top of overflow, but not
less than dAP
(1) Hydropneumatic or leak testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.3] and [2.4].
(2) Where applicable, the highest point of the tank is to be measured to deck and excluding hatches. In ballast tanks with large
hatch covers, the highest point of tanks is to be taken at the top of the hatch.
(3) Hydropneumatic or leak testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.3] and [2.4]respectively, when, at the
Society’s discretion, it is considered significant also in relation to the construction techniques and the welding procedures
(4) When a hose test cannot be performed without damaging possible outfitting (machinery, cables, switchboards, insulation, etc...)
already installed, it may be replaced, at the Society’s discretion, by a careful visual inspection of all the crossings and welded
joints. Where necessary, a dye penetrant test or ultrasonic leak test may be required.
(5) The means of closure are to be subjected to a hose test after fitting on board.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 143

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3

2.4.3 A U-tube filled with water up to a height correspond- 2.5 Hose testing
ing to the test pressure is to be fitted to avoid overpressure
of the compartment tested and to allow verification of the 2.5.1 When hose testing is required to verify the tightness
test pressure. of the structures, as defined in Tab 1, the minimum pressure
in the hose, at least equal to 200 kPa, is to be applied at a
The U-tube is to have a cross-section larger than that of the maximum distance of 1,5 m.
pipe supplying air. The nozzle diameter is to be not less than 12 mm.
In addition, the test pressure is also to be verified by means
of one master pressure gauge. 2.6 Other testing methods

Alternative means which are considered to be equivalently 2.6.1 Other testing methods may be accepted, at the dis-
cretion of the Society, based upon equivalency consider-
reliable may be accepted at the discretion of the surveyor.
ations. As far as applicable, the Society reserves the right,
on the request of the Prospective Owner, the Building Yard,
2.4.4 Leak testing is to be carried out, prior to the applica- or the Other Interested Party, to accept any other equivalent
tion of a protective coating, on all fillet weld connections testing methods as defined in other Society's Rules.
on tank boundaries, and penetration and erection welds on
Referring to the testing of tanks, this may in particular be
tank boundaries excepting welds made by automatic pro-
effected by a combination of a leak test by means of air
pressure and an operational test by means of water or of the
Selected locations of automatic erection welds and pre- liquid for which the tanks are intended to be used. For all
erection manual or automatic welds may be required to be tanks the proper functioning of filling and suction lines and
similarly tested to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, taking of the valves as well as the functioning and tightness of the
into account the quality control procedures operating in the vent, sounding and overflow pipes is to be tested.
Building Yard.
3 Miscellaneous
For other welds, leak testing may be carried out after the
protective coating has been applied, provided that such 3.1 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead
welds have been carefully inspected visually to the satisfac-
tion of the Surveyor.
3.1.1 Doors are to be designed and constructed as weath-
2.4.5 Any other recognised method may be accepted to the ertight doors and, after installation, subjected to a hose test
satisfaction of the Surveyor. from each side for weathertightness.

144 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapter 1


November 2015
146 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Part C
Machinery, Systems and Electricity

Chapter 1





November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 147

148 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 General 1.3 Power of machinery

1.3.1 Unless otherwise stated, where scantlings of compo-

1.1 Applicable requirements nents are based on power, the values to be used are deter-
mined by the power/rotational speed which is available in
1.1.1 The design, construction, installation, tests and trials service.
of the essential auxiliary machinery systems and associated
equipment, and piping systems installed on board classed
harbour equipment are to comply with applicable require- 2 Arrangement and installation on
ments of NR217, Part C, Chapter 1. board

1.2 Definitions 2.1 General

1.2.1 Machinery spaces 2.1.1 Provision shall be made to facilitate cleaning, inspec-
tion and maintenance of all machinery equipment.
Machinery spaces are all spaces containing auxiliary
Easy access to the various parts of the machinery spaces is
machinery, boilers, fuel oil units, steam and generators and
to be provided by means of ladders and gratings made of
major electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating,
steel or equivalent non-combustible material, fitted with
ventilation machinery, and similar spaces, and trunks to
strong and safe handrails.
such spaces.
Spaces containing machinery are to be provided with ade-
1.2.2 Essential services quate lighting and ventilation.
Essential service is intended to mean a service necessary for
a harbour equipment to undertake activities connected with 2.2 Floors
its operation, and for the safety of life, as far as class is con-
cerned. 2.2.1 Floor plating and gratings in machinery spaces are to
be metallic, divided into easily removable panels.
1.2.3 Primary essential services The floor plating of normal passageways in machinery
Primary essential services are those which need to be in spaces shall be made of steel.
continuous operation to maintain the harbour equipment
service. 2.3 Bolting down

1.2.4 Secondary essential services 2.3.1 Bedplates of machinery are to be securely fixed to the
supporting structures by means of foundation bolts which
Secondary essential services are those services which need
are to be distributed as evenly as practicable and of a suffi-
not necessarily be in continuous operation.
cient number and size so as to ensure a perfect fit.
Examples of equipment for secondary essential services are Where the bedplates bear directly on the inner bottom plat-
the following: ing, the bolts are to be fitted with suitable gaskets so as to
• bilge pumps ensure a tight fit and are to be arranged with their heads
within the double bottom.
• fire pumps and other fire-extinguishing medium pumps
Continuous contact between bedplates and foundations
• ventilation fans for machinery spaces along the bolting line is to be achieved by means of chocks
of suitable thickness, carefully arranged to ensure a com-
• fire detection and alarm systems plete contact.
• electric generators and associated power supplying sec-
ondary essential equipment 2.3.2 Chocking resins are to be type approved.

• hydraulic pumps supplying secondary essential equip-

2.4 Safety devices on moving parts

• control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for 2.4.1 Suitable protective devices are to be provided in way
equipment for secondary essential services. of moving parts in order to avoid injuries to personnel.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 149

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.5 Gauges This sufficient amount of air is to be supplied through suit-

ably protected openings arranged in such a way that they
2.5.1 All gauges are to be grouped, as far as possible, near can be used in all weather conditions.
each manoeuvring position; in any event, they are to be Special attention is to be paid both to air delivery and
clearly visible. extraction and to air distribution in the various spaces. The
quantity and distribution of air are to be such as to satisfy
2.6 Ventilation in machinery spaces machinery requirements for developing maximum continu-
ous power.
2.6.1 Machinery spaces are to be sufficiently ventilated so
as to ensure that when machinery therein are operating at The ventilation is to be so arranged as to prevent any accu-
full power in all weather conditions, including heavy mulation of flammable gases or vapours.
weather, a sufficient supply of air is maintained to the
spaces for the operation of the machinery.

150 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General 2.2 Materials

2.2.1 The materials used for the construction of electrical

1.1 Applicable requirements machines, cables and appliances shall be resistant to moist
air and oil vapours. They shall not be hygroscopic and shall
1.1.1 The design, construction, installation, tests and trials be flame-retardant. The dimensions of minimum creep dis-
of electrical equipment on board classed harbour equip- tances and air clearances are to conform to IEC 60664-1 or
ment are to comply with applicable requirements of EN 60664-1. Relaxations may be allowed for installations
NR217, Part C, Chapter 2. up to 50 V.

1.2 Definitions 2.3 Protective measures

1.2.1 Essential services 2.3.1 The type of protection or enclosure of every machine
Essential service is intended to mean a service necessary for and every other item or equipment shall be compatible with
a harbour equipment to undertake activities connected with the site where it is installed.
its operation, and for the safety of life, as far as class is con-
3 Supply systems and characteristics
1.2.2 Primary essential services of the supply
Primary essential services are those which need to be in
continuous operation to maintain the harbour equipment 3.1 Supply systems
3.1.1 As a general principle, systems listed in [3.1.2] to
1.2.3 Secondary essential services [3.1.4] are permitted.
Secondary essential services are those services which need
3.1.2 For direct current and single-phase alternating cur-
not necessarily be in continuous operation.
Examples of equipment for secondary essential services are
the following: a) two conductors, one of which is earthed

• bilge pumps b) single conductors with hull return, restricted to systems

of limited extent (e.g. starting equipment of internal
• fire pumps and other fire-extinguishing medium pumps combustion engines and cathodic corrosion protection)
• ventilation fans for machinery spaces c) two conductors insulated from the harbour equipment's
• fire detection and alarm systems hull.

• electric generators and associated power supplying sec- 3.1.3 For 3-phase alternating current:
ondary essential equipment
a) four conductors with earthed neutral and no hull return
• hydraulic pumps supplying secondary essential equip-
ment b) three conductors insulated from the hull
• control, monitoring and safety devices/systems for c) three conductors with hull as neutral conductor, how-
equipment for secondary essential services. ever, not in final subcircuits.

3.1.4 Other systems have to be approved by the Society in

2 General design requirements
each case.

2.1 Quality of power supply 3.1.5 Systems using the hull as neutral conductor are not
2.1.1 All the electrical appliances used on board shall be
• on Floating storage assigned the additional service fea-
so designed and constructed that they remain serviceable
ture DG-S intended for liquids or liquefied gases
despite the voltage and frequency variations occurring in
normal onboard service. • on harbour equipment whose hull can be dismantled.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 151

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2

3.2 Characteristics of the supply 4.2 Connection equipment

3.2.1 General 4.2.1 The shore connection is to be protected at the main
The use of standard voltages and frequencies is recom- switchboard by a switch or contactor with control switch
mended. and fuses or a power circuit breaker with overload protec-
Generators may have rated voltages up to 5% higher than tion. Switch, contactor or power circuit breaker are to be
the rated voltage of the consumers. interlocked with the generator circuit in such a way as to
prevent the vessel's generator operating in parallel with the
4 Shore connection shore mains.

4.2.2 When using plug-type shore connectors with a cur-

4.1 General rent rating of more than 16 A, an interlocking (mechanical
4.1.1 Shore line terminal containers are to be connected to or electrical) with a switching device is to be provided
the main switchboard by a permanently laid cable. ensuring that a connection / disconnection is not possible
when the plug is "live".
4.1.2 Consequences of mooring breaks on the shore con-
nection are to be considered. It shall not lead to critical 4.2.3 Only flexible, oil-resistant and flame retardant cables
damages on the installation. are to be used as feeder cables.

152 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3


1 General site, the Society may waive some of the requirements

[1.1.1] or accept alternative measures if the following crite-
ria are fulfilled:
1.1 Applicable requirements
a) The harbour equipment is located at a distance to a
1.1.1 Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinguishing shore rescue access route not exceeding 60 m
equipment on board classed harbour equipment are to
comply with applicable requirements of NR217, Part C, b) An access footbridge, having a minimum clear width of
Chapter 3. 1,40 m and designed in compliance with applicable
standards, is provided for
1.1.2 Where available, statutory Regulations in the operat-
ing area of the harbour equipment are to take precedence c) If the distance of the unit to a shore rescue access route
over the class requirements. exceeds 60 m, a fire vessel is available in the operating
area of the harbour equipment
1.2 Application criteria d) Availability of a warning system
1.2.1 Depending on the availability of the rescue access It shall be possible to alert immediately the public ser-
routes and the time required by the firemem to arrive on vice of assistance and fire fighting.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 153

Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3

154 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015


Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



November 2015
156 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 1






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 157

158 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 1


L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 1.2.2 Depth
[1.1] The depth D is to be taken as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2,
B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] [1.4], however in the case of a self-docking dock, D is taken
equal to the distance between the upper and lower flange of
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1,
the side walls.
Sec 2, [1.5]
P : Lifting capacity, in ton 1.2.3 Safety deck
z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part The safety deck is the continuous deck situated below the
B, Chapter 4 upper deck and bounding the minimum volume of buoy-
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the 1.2.4 Pontoon deck
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 The pontoon deck is the deck of the pontoon structure sup-
porting the docking blocks.
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 1.2.5 Floating dock with uniform ballast
Δ : Displacement, in ton, at draught T A floating dock with uniform ballast is such that the tanks
are loaded with ballast simultaneously at the same level.
MH : Still water longitudinal bending moment in hog-
The adjustment of the loaded dock is not possible with this
ging condition, in kN⋅m
system of ballast.
MS : Still water longitudinal bending moment in sag-
ging condition, in kN⋅m 1.2.6 Floating dock with controllable ballast
A floating dock with controllable ballast is such that the
QS : Still water longitudinal shear force, in kN.
tanks can be ballasted independently. This arrangement
gives the possibility of adjusting the trim, the deflection and
1 General the still water bending moment of the loaded dock.

1.1 Application 1.3 Measurement systems

1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements 1.3.1 Floating dock is to be fitted with devices for measur-
of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the type ing deflections, water tank level, draft and trim.
and service notation Floating dock, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1,
Sec 3, [2]. 2 Loads and loading conditions
1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service 2.1 General
notation Floating dock are to comply with the requirements
stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as appli- 2.1.1 The following loading conditions are to be consid-
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are ered:
specific to floating docks. • light floating dock
1.1.3 The mooring equipment of the dock (moorings, chain • fully loaded floating dock, with ballast unevenly distrib-
cables, anchors, attachment devices, etc.) are not included uted where ballast is controllable
in the scope of classification. • floating dock in towing condition
A distinct examination of the mooring system may be car- • fully loaded floating dock, with undrained ballast water
ried out by the Society, if requested by the designer or by evenly distributed.
the Owner.
2.2 Wind force
1.2 Definitions 2.2.1 The force of wind FW, in kN, on floating dock is to be
calculated as follows:
1.2.1 Lifting capacity
FW = 0,25 AW
The lifting capacity, P, is the maximum weight of the vessel
that the floating dock can lift with all tanks full and operat- where:
ing equipment installed. AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m2.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 159

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.3 River water pressure nw : Number of wheels for the axle considered.

2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as follows: 2.7.3 Non-tyred vehicles
a) River design pressure The requirements of [2.7.1] and [2.7.2] also apply to
tracked vehicles. In this case the print to be considered is
The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
that below each wheel or wheelwork.
kN/m2, is given by the formula:
PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3) For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con-
sidered as concentrated at the contact area centre.
b) River counter pressure
The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in 2.8 Hull girder loads - Longitudinal strength
kN/m2, is given by the formula: check
PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0
2.8.1 Still water hull girder loads
2.4 Internal pressure The values of design still water hull girder loads are to be
provided by the designer, taking into account the loading
2.4.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by carried liquids conditions specified in [2.8.3].
(ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the formula:
pC = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP) 2.8.2 Additional hull girder loads
The following values of additional hull girder loads, taking
2.4.2 In the case of air lifting system, the air lifting pressure into account the condition of the water stretch are to be
is to be defined by the designer. considered:
• Additional bending moment, in kN⋅m:
2.5 Dry uniform loads
MW = 0,045 L2 B CB
2.5.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m , induced by dry uniform • Additional shear force, in kN:
loads is to be defined by the designer.
QW = 0,14 L B CB

2.6 Dry unit loads 2.8.3 Loading conditions

2.6.1 The force F, in kN, induced by dry unit loads is to be a) Sagging condition
determined on the basis of the force obtained from the fol- For the calculation of the hull girder loads in sagging
lowing formula: condition, unless otherwise specified by the Owner for
F = 9,81 mC restricting the use of the dock to vessels of particular
types, the mass P, in t, of the supported vessel is
where mC is the mass, in t, of the dry unit load. assumed to be evenly distributed over a docking length
Account is to be taken of the elastic characteristics of the lash- L1, in m, equal to:
ing arrangement and/or the structure which supports the load. L1 = 0,7 L

2.7 Wheeled loads b) Hogging condition

For the calculation of the hull girder loads in hogging
2.7.1 Tyred vehicles condition, unless otherwise specified by the Owner for
The forces transmitted through the tyres are considered as restricting the use of the dock to vessels of particular
pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose types, the mass P, in t, of the supported vessel is
dimensions are to be indicated by the designer together assumed to be evenly distributed over a docking length
with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on L1, in m, equal to:
axles, the load per axle and the tyre pressures. L1 = 1,25 L
With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces
may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre. 2.8.4 Total hull girder loads
The total hull girder loads are to be determined as follows:
2.7.2 The force F, in kN, transmitted to the hull structure by
one wheel is to be determined from the following formula: a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN⋅m:
F = 9,81 mC • in sagging condition:
where: MTS = MS + MW
mC = QA / nw • in hogging condition:
QA : Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the value of MTH = MH + MW
QA is to be taken equal to the total mass of the
b) Total vertical shear force, in kN:
vehicle, including that of the load handled,
applied to one axle only QT = QS + QW

160 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 1

2.9 Hull girder loads - Transverse strength check - over 0,7 L amidships:
2.9.1 The transverse hull girder loads for a dock portion p V = ------------
0, 7L
(transverse bending moment, MT, in kN.m, and transverse
- elsewhere:
shear force, QTT , in kN), are to be provided by the designer,
taking into account the loading conditions specified in P
p V = ------1
[2.9.2]. 2x
x being measured, in m, from the midship perpen-
2.9.2 Loading conditions dicular.
At least, the following conditions are to be examined for the
calculation of the loads to be considered for the transverse Figure 1 : Linear load distribution
strength check:
a) Maximum positive bending moment L
• 100% of the vessel weight acting on the keel blocks:
0,15L 0,7L 0,15L
P1 = P
• buoyancy on the pontoon and the submerged sec-
tion of the wing
b) 50% keel block - 50% side block loading
• 50% of the vessel weight on the keel blocks:
2.10 Testing pressure
P1 = P / 2
2.10.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting
• 25% of the vessel weight on each line of side blocks:
on platings and structural members subject to tank testing
P1 = P / 4 are specified in Tab 1.
• buoyancy on the pontoon and the submerged sec-
Table 1 : Testing pressure
tion of the wing
c) Reverse bending Compartment or structure
Water pressure, in kN/m2
to be tested
• no vessel weight
The greater of the following:
• buoyancy corresponding to draught of dock with
Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
supported vessel.
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
2.9.3 Calculation of loads for transverse strength Compartment not used as tank PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)
Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
Bending moment and shear forces due to the load distribu-
tion across the dock are calculated as follows:
2.11 Flooding pressure
• The load P1 is distributed over a line of blocks
2.11.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
• The linear load pV , in t/m, (see Fig 1) is to be taken
ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
equal to:

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 161

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 2



pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 1, 1.2 Documents to be submitted

Sec 1, [2.3.1]
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 1, 1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci-
Sec 1, [2.3.1] ety for review are listed in Tab 1.
pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 1, Sec Structural plans are to show details of connections of the
1, [2.4.1] various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials
used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro-
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 1, Sec
cedures and heat treatments.
1, [2.10.1]
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 1, 1.2.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula-
Sec 1, [2.11.1]. tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.

1 General 1.2.3 In addition to those in [1.2.1], the following plans

and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
1.1 Application
• justificative calculation of forces induced by mooring
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the assign- equipment and cranes, if any
ment of the type and service notation Floating dock to har- • general arrangement plan.
bour equipment up to a rule length of 150 m, intended to
be loaded with one vessel or two vessels placed one behind 1.2.4 The Society may require any other necessary guid-
the other. ance for the safe operation of the floating dock.
1.1.2 Harbour equipment with rule length exceeding In particular, the floating dock operating manual including
150 m or able to receive two vessels side by side will be the weights and associated locations of center of gravity of
specially considered by the Society. the vessels intended to be docked are to be submitted.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks and pontoon deck
Pontoon deck Steel grades
Bulkheads Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Machinery space Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Coupling system, if selfdocking floating dock Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Calculations and data for longitudinal and transverse strength analysis
Block loading data
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Windows and side scuttles, arrangements and details
Mooring equipment and cranes, if any Forces and moments induced by mooring equipment and cranes
Loads and arrangement of wheels and rails of cranes
Connections of mooring equipment and cranes to the dock structures
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

162 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 2

2 Hull arrangements 3.2.2 Calculation of the section modulus

The calculation of the section modulus is to be in compli-
2.1 General arrangement ance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.2].

2.1.1 Safety deck 3.2.3 Longitudinal bending strength

A safety deck as defined in Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2.3] is to be so The normal hull girder stresses, σ1, at any point of the net
fitted that the floating dock remains afloat in all operating hull girder transverse sections are to comply with Pt B, Ch 3,
conditions. Alternative arrangements will be specially con- Sec 2.
sidered by the Society.
The Society may waive this requirement if justified by par- 3.2.4 Longitudinal shear strength
ticular hydrographic conditions of the operating area. The longitudinal shear stresses, in N/mm2, at any point of
the net hull girder transverse section are to comply with the
2.1.2 Ventilation
following condition:
Air pipes with open ends led above the uppermost wing
deck are to be fitted to all tanks and other compartments 96
τ 1 ≤ ------
which are not fitted with alternative ventilation arrange- k
ments, in compliance with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1.

2.1.3 Manholes and openings

3.3 Transverse strength
All compartments are to be fitted with access manholes 3.3.1 The hull girder transverse loads are to be determined
complying with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2]. according to Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.9].
Openings are to be provided in the structural elements
within compartments to ensure the free passage of air and 3.3.2 Strength criteria
a) Von Mises combined stress

2.2 Framing system The Von Mises combined stress, σVM, in N/mm2, is to
comply with the following condition:
2.2.1 The framing of the walls and the deck is preferably to 192
σ + 3τ ≤ ----------
2 2
be longitudinal. σ VM =
2.2.2 The framing of the pontoon deck is preferably to be b) Normal stress
transversal to reduce buckling risks in transverse bending.
The normal stress, σ, in N/mm2 is to comply with the
following condition:
2.3 Supports for vessel docking
M 200
σ = -------T 10 ≤ ----------
2.3.1 A centreline girder is to be fitted to provide adequate ZT k
support for the keel blocks.
c) Shear stress
Side blocks are to be supported by side girders or equivalent
transverse structural members. The shear stress, τ, in N/mm2 is to comply with the fol-
lowing condition:
2.4 Strength continuity Q TT 100
- 10 3 ≤ ----------
τ = ----------------------------
 t ( d – d′ ) k
2.4.1 At the lower part of the wings on a self-docking dock,
a thick horizontal plating is to be provided over the full
width of the wing, on a level with the pontoon deck, in the summation being extended to all the floors in the
order to ensure continuity of the pontoon deck at the joints dock portion,
of the pontoons. where:
k : Material factor defined in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2,
3 Hull girder strength [2.4]
MT , QTT : Transverse bending moment and transverse
3.1 General shear force, respectively in kN⋅m and kN, for a
dock portion, calculated as specified in Ch 1,
3.1.1 A distinct examination of longitudinal and transverse Sec 1, [2.9]
strength of the dock structure is to be carried out when deep
sea towing is provided. ZT : Transverse section modulus, in cm3, of the dock
3.2 Longitudinal strength t : Floor net thickness, in mm
d : Floor depth, in mm
3.2.1 The hull girder longitudinal loads are to be deter-
mined according to Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.8]. d’ : Depth of lightening hole in floor, in mm.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 163

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 2

4 Hull scantling 5 Stability

5.1 General
4.1 General
5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter- ascertain that the floating dock has adequate intact stability
mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into under specified operating conditions.
account the design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
be accepted for the purpose of classification.
4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions 5.1.2 Transverse stability as well as longitudinal stability
For floating docks fitted with water ballast lifting system, the are to be considered.
design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be used 5.1.3 All calculations are to be carried out free from trim
for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2. and sinkage.
For floating docks fitted with air lifting system, the design 5.1.4 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into
lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be used for hull account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
scantling is to be defined by the designer. the free surfaces for spaces in the floating dock.
The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
Table 2 : Plating and structural member apply:
design lateral pressures • definitions
• examination procedure
Structural member Design lateral • inclining test and lightweight check.
location pressure p, in kN/m2
Outer shell and decks • pE 5.2 Loading conditions
• pC − pEm
Tanks 5.2.1 At least, the following loading conditions are to be
Separation of two • pC considered:
adjacent compartments
a) floating dock with supported vessel, with the top of the
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE keel blocks at water level
and other • pFL − pEm b) floating dock with supported vessel, with the top of the
watertight Separation of two • pFL pontoon at water level
compartments adjacent compartments
c) floating dock with supported vessel, with the water level
below the pontoon deck.
4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions d) floating dock fully submerged to minimum freeboard to
the upper deck.
The design lateral pressure, pT , in testing conditions is to be
taken equal to: 5.3 Intact stability design criteria
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating 5.3.1 General
• pST otherwise. The operating manual of the floating dock is to include data
giving a range of vessel weights and the associated vessel
centers of gravity complying with [5.3.2] to [5.3.4].
4.1.4 The scantling of the midship section are to be main-
tained throughout the region extending over 0,4 L amid- 5.3.2 GZ curve area
ship. Outside such region, the scantlings may decrease The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) up to
gradually, to reach their minimum values at 0,1 L from the immersion of the first unprotected (non-weathertight) open-
fore and aft perpendiculars. ing and in any event up to an angle of heel of 25°, is not to
be less than 0,024 m.rad.

4.2 Structural members under keel and side 5.3.3 Minimum righting lever GZ
blocks The righting lever GZ is to be at least 0,20 m at an angle of
heel equal to or greater than 25°.

4.2.1 The strength check of structural members located 5.3.4 Initial metacentric height GM0
under the keel and side blocks is to be carried out by direct The initial metacentric height GM0 of the combined vessel
calculation according to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4, [4]. and floating dock is not to be less than 0,15 m.

164 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 3


1 Guard rails 2.1.5 Minimum plating net thicknesses

The plating net thickness of the ramp structural members is
1.1 General to be in compliance with Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1.

1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange- 2.1.6 The net scantlings of the ramp structural elements are
ment and scantling of guard rails provided at the boundaries to comply with [2.2] and/or [2.3], as applicable.
of decks and work stations.
2.1.7 The floating dock’s structure under the reactions due
1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article to the ramp will be examined by the Society on a case by
may be called for by national or international authorities, in case basis.
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate
safety conditions. 2.1.8 Allowable deflection
The scantlings of main stiffeners and the distribution of sup-
1.2 Scantling and arrangement ports are to be such that the deflection of the ramp does not
exceed 5 mm/m.
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 900 mm high above the
upper deck.
2.2 Ramps subjected to lateral pressure
The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather
2.2.1 Scantling
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater The net thickness of ramp plating, ordinary stiffeners and
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than primary supporting members subjected to lateral pressure in
380 mm apart. service condition is to be determined according to Part B,
The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with Chapter 4, where the design pressure is to be defined by the
European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards. designer.

2 Ramps 2.3 Ramps subjected to wheeled loads

2.3.1 Plating
2.1 General
The net thickness of plate panels subjected to wheeled
2.1.1 Materials loads is not to be less than the value obtained from Ch 7,
Sec 2, [2], where:
The ramps are to be made of steel or aluminium alloys com-
plying with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2. Other (np F) is not to be taken less than 50 kN,
materials of equivalent strength may be used, subject to a
case by case examination by the Society. with:

np : Number of wheels on the plate panel, taken

2.1.2 Net scantlings
equal to:
As specified in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2], all scantlings referred
to in this Article are net, i.e. they do not include any margin • 1 in the case of a single wheel
for corrosion. • the number of wheels in the case of double
The gross scantlings are to be obtained as specified in Pt B, or triple wheels
Ch 2, Sec 3, [2]. F : Wheeled force, in kN.

2.1.3 The ramps are to be able to operate with a heel angle

2.3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
of 5° and a trim of 2°.
The net section modulus and the net shear sectional area of
2.1.4 The ramps are to be examined for their watertight- ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled loads are not to be
ness, if applicable. less than the value obtained from Ch 7, Sec 2, [3].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 165

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 3

2.3.3 Primary supporting members 3 Footbridges

a) General
The supporting structure of ramps is to be verified
3.1 Society involvement
through direct calculation, considering the ramp loaded 3.1.1 The examination of the design, construction and
in sloped position, supported by hinges at one end and installation of the footbridges as well as the inspections to
by a deck at the other, with possible intermediate sup- be carried out by the Surveyors, do not fall within the scope
ports. of the classification.
b) Loading cases
The scantlings of the structure are to be verified for both
3.2 Design
following cases: 3.2.1 The footbridges are to be designed in compliance
• loaded ramp under loads according to the load dis- with applicable recognised standards, taking into account
tribution indicated by the designer the following:
• loaded ramp under uniformly distributed loads cor- • minimum design vertical load: 3,5 kN/m2
responding to a pressure, in kN/m2, taken equal to: • minimum design lateral load: 1,5 kN/m2
• maximum slope: 20%.
nV pV + pp
p 1 = -----------------------
3.3 Arrangement
3.3.1 Footbridges are to be anti-slip and fitted with guard
nV : Maximum number of vehicles loaded on rails complying with [1].
the ramp
pV : Weight of a vehicle, in kN 4 Mooring system
pp : Weight of the ramp, in kN
Ap : Effective area of the ramp, in m2.
4.1 Society involvement

c) Lateral pressure 4.1.1 The examination of the design, construction and

installation of the mooring system of classed floating docks
The lateral pressure is constituted by still water pressure as well as the inspections to be carried out by the Surveyors,
determined, taking [2.1.3] into account. do not fall within the scope of the classification.
d) Checking criteria
4.1.2 At the request of the Owner, the Building Yard or
It is to be checked that the combined stress σVM, in other Interested Party, the Society may proceed with the cer-
N/mm2, is in compliance with the criteria defined in Pt tification and inspection in compliance with the Society’s
B, Ch 4, Sec 4, [4.4.4]. Rules or applicable statutory Regulations.

166 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4


1 General 2.3.2 The venting system shall be so arranged that each

open bottomed compartment can be vented by at least two
remote controlled valves.
1.1 Documents to be submitted
1.1.1 In addition to the documents required in the relevant
Sections of Part C, Chapter 1, the following information is to
3 Electrical installations
be submitted to the Society:
• lifting system arrangement 3.1 General
• deflection indicating system
• tank water level indicating system 3.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to com-
• draft and trim indicating system ply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2.
However, floating dock complying with the standards of
• operating manual.
industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tempera-
2 Auxiliary machinery and relevant ture, moisture and corrosion conditions.
3.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
2.1 General on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
2.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are EN 60529.
to comply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 1.
3.2 Lighting
2.2 Water ballast lifting system
3.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation by daz-
2.2.1 The ballast system shall be so arranged that each tank zling or reflective effects likely to be confused with naviga-
can be ballasted by at least two pumps or free flow remote tional signals or hinder their effects should be fitted on the
actuated valves. floating dock.

2.2.2 The de-ballasting system shall be so arranged that

each tank can be de-watered by at least two pumps. 4 Fire fighting

2.3 Air lifting system

4.1 General
2.3.1 The lifting system shall be so arranged that each open
bottomed compartment can be supplied by at least two 4.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
pumps (liquid air) or compressors (compressed air). applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 167

Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4

168 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 2






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 169

170 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1



L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 2 Loads and loading conditions

B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] 2.1 Loading conditions
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1,
Sec 2, [1.5] 2.1.1 The following loading conditions are to be taken in
z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part consideration:
B, Chapter 4 a) loaded dock, no vessel
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried b) loaded dock, vessel during docking
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
c) light dock, no vessel
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
d) light dock with docked vessel
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 e) loaded dock with docked vessel.
Δ : Displacement, in ton, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
MH : Design bending moment in hogging condition, 2.2 Wind force
in kN.m
2.2.1 The force of wind FW, in kN, on floating landing dock
MS : Design bending moment in sagging condition, is to be calculated as follows:
in kN.m
FW = 0,25 AW
QS : Still water longitudinal shear force, in kN.
1 General AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m2.

1.1 Application 2.3 River water pressure

1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements 2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as fol-
of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the type and lows:
service notation Floating landing dock, as defined in Pt A, a) River design pressure
Ch 1, Sec 3, [3].
The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service kN/m2, is given by the formula:
notation Floating landing dock, are to comply with the
PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3)
requirements stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the
Rules, as applicable, and with the requirements of this b) River counter pressure
Chapter, which are specific to floating landing docks. The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in
1.1.3 The handling of dangerous goods will be considered kN/m2, is given by the formula:
by the Society on a case-by-case basis. PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0

1.2 General requirements 2.4 Internal pressure

1.2.1 A floating landing dock consists of floating pontoon, 2.4.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by carried liquids
means of access and anchorage system. (ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the formula:
The floating landing dock construction should be adapted pC = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP)
to its service.

1.2.2 The freeboard of floating landing dock should be 2.5 Dry uniform loads
chosen in a way that the height difference between the deck
of the vessel intended to be docked and the deck of the 2.5.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by dry uniform
floating landing dock is the minimum. loads is to be defined by the designer.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 171

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1

2.6 Dry unit loads 2.8.2 Berthing impact

The berthing impact FB , in kN, induced by the docked ves-
2.6.1 The force F induced by dry unit loads and transmitted sel on the floating landing dock is to be calculated taking in
to the hull structure is to be determined on the basis of the consideration the displacement of the biggest vessel
force obtained, in kN, from the following formula: intended to be docked and the elastic characteristics of the
F = 9,81 mC berthing system (see Fig 1), according to the following for-
where mC is the mass, in t, of the dry unit load.
m ⋅ VV 
Account is to be taken of the elastic characteristics of the lash- F B = 0, 077  -----------------
 f 
ing arrangement and/or the structure which supports the load.
2.7 Wheeled loads m : Total mass, in ton, equal to:
m = Δ V + mH
2.7.1 Tyred vehicles
The forces transmitted through the tyres are considered as with:
pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose mH : Hydrodynamic mass, in ton, equal to:
dimensions are to be indicated by the designer together
mH = ΔV k1 k 2
with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on
axles, the load per axle and the tyre pressures. k1 : Coefficient defined in Tab 1
With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces k2 : Coefficient defined in Tab 2
may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre. VV : Vessel berthing speed, in km/h.
Where the vessel berthing speed is not known,
2.7.2 The force F transmitted to the hull structure by one
VV may be determined according to Tab 3
wheel is to be determined on the basis of the force
obtained, in kN, from the formula: f : Displacement, in m, of the berthing system (see
F = 9,81 mC Fig 2)
In absence of an element with manifest elastic
behavior or structural elastic system, f is not to
mC = QA / nw be taken greater than 0,05 m.
QA : Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the value of
2.8.3 Friction force
QA is to be taken equal to the total mass of the
vehicle, including that of the load handled, The friction force RV , in kN, induced by the vessel along the
applied to one axle only docking side of the floating landing dock is to be calculated
using the following formula:
nw : Number of wheels for the axle considered.
R V = μ FB
2.7.3 Non-tyred vehicles
The requirements of [2.7.1] and [2.7.2] also apply to
μ : Friction coefficient between the vessel and
tracked vehicles; in this case the print to be considered is
docking side:
that below each wheel or wheelwork.
• μ = 0,15 between steel and steel
For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con-
sidered as concentrated at the contact area centre. • μ = 0,50 between steel and wood or wood
and wood.
2.8 Loads induced by docked vessel Table 1 : Coefficient k1 , in function BV /TV
2.8.1 Symbols and definitions
BV /TV 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
LV : Rule length, in m, of the docked vessel
k1 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,38 0,48 0,66 1,20
BV : Breadth, in m, of the docked vessel
TV : Draught, in m, of the docked vessel Table 2 : Coefficient k2 , in function TV /h
ΔV : Displacement, in ton, of the docked vessel
TV /h 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,85
h : Minimum water depth, in m, in way of the float-
ing landing dock. k2 1,05 1,1 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,3 3,2 4,0

Table 3 : Vessel berthing speed VV , in function ΔV

ΔV (t) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 ≥ 5000
VV (km/h) 1,04 1,01 0,94 0,83 0,76 0,68 0,58 0,50 0,47

172 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1

Figure 1 : Loads on floating landing dock





Figure 2 : Elastic system


2.8.4 Mooring force of docked vessel 2.8.5 Mooring force of floating landing dock
The mooring force of the docked vessel FMV , in kN, is to be The mooring force of the floating landing dock, FD, is to be
calculated using the formulae given in Tab 4, where: defined by the designer.
C : Force coefficient, equal to: Where the mooring force of the floating landing dock, FD, is
LV not known, it may be determined, in kN, according to the
C = Cc ---------
- BV TV following formula:
8B V
with: FD = FMD + Max (FB ; FMV)
Cc : Coefficient as defined in Tab 5. where:

Table 4 : Mooring force FMD : Mooring force of the floating landing dock,
without docked vessel, in kN, to be calculated
Force coefficient C F, in kN using the formulae given in Tab 4, with:
C ≤ 500 F = 0,35 C C : Mooring force coefficient, equal to:

C – 500
500 < C ≤ 2000 F =  0, 35 – -------------------- C L
C = Cc ------- BT
 15000  8B
2000 < C F = 0,25 C Cc : Coefficient as defined in Tab 5
FB : Vessel berthing impact defined in [2.8.2]
Table 5 : Coefficient Cc
FMV : Vessel mooring force, defined in [2.8.4].
Displacement, in ton Cc
ΔV ≤ 400 45 2.9 Hull girder loads
400 < ΔV ≤ 650 55
2.9.1 Design hull girder loads
650 < ΔV ≤ 1000 65
The values of design still water hull girder loads are to be
1000 < ΔV 70 provided by the designer.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 173

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 1

2.9.2 Additional hull girder loads 2.10 Testing pressure

The following values of additional hull girder loads, taking
2.10.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting
into account the condition of the water stretch are to be
considered: on the structural members of compartments subject to tank
testing are specified in Tab 6.
• Additional bending moment, in kN⋅m:
Table 6 : Testing pressure
MW = 0,045 L2 B CB
• Additional shear force, in kN: Compartment or structure
Water pressure, in kN/m2
to be tested
TW = 0,14 L B CB
The greater of the following:
Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
2.9.3 Total hull girder loads
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
The total hull girder loads are to be determined as follows:
Compartment not used as tank PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)
a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN.m:
Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
• in sagging condition:
MTS = MS + MW 2.11 Flooding pressure
• in hogging condition: 2.11.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
MTH = MH + MW ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
compartments not intended to carry liquids is to be
b) Total vertical shear force: obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
QT = QS + QW pFL = 9,81 (zTOP − z)

174 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2



pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 2, Structural plans are to show details of connections of the
Sec 1, [2.3.1] various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro-
2, Sec 1, [2.3.1] cedures and heat treatments.
pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 2, Sec
1.2.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula-
1, [2.4.1]
tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 2, Sec
1, [2.10.1] 1.2.3 In addition to those in [1.2.1], the following plans
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 2, and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
Sec 1, [2.11.1]. mation:
• justificative calculation of forces induced by mooring
1 General equipment
• general arrangement plan.
1.1 Application
1.2.4 The Society may require any other necessary guid-
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the assign- ance for the safe operation of the floating landing dock.
ment of the type and service notation Floating landing dock
to harbour equipment up to a rule length of 135 m having a
length-to-depth ratio not exceeding 35. 2 Structure design principles
1.1.2 Harbour equipment with rule length exceeding
135 m or length-to-depth ratio greater than 35 will be spe- 2.1 Hull structure
cially considered by the Society.
2.1.1 Framing
1.2 Documents to be submitted In general, harbour equipment with type and service nota-
tion Floating landing dock is to be longitudinally framed.
1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci- Longitudinal stiffening members are to be supported by
ety for review are listed in Tab 1. transverses arranged to form ring systems.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks
Bulkheads Steel grades
Machinery space, if any Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Calculations and data for longitudinal and transverse strength analysis
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Windows and side scuttles, arrangements and details
Mooring equipment Forces and moments induced by mooring equipment
Connections of mooring equipment to the dock structures
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 175

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

2.1.2 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads 4.3 Wood sheathing

Where truss arrangement may be used as supports of the
deck loads, including top and bottom girders in association 4.3.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar
with pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members trucks and unusual vehicles.
are generally to have angles of inclination with respect to It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick-
the horizontal of about 45° and cross sectional area of ness should be provided under each crutch in order to dis-
about 50% that of the adjacent pillars. tribute the mass over the plate and nearest stiffeners.

3 Hull girder strength 5 Stability

3.1 General
5.1 General
3.1.1 The criteria to be considered for the calculation of the
hull girder strength characteristics is to be in compliance 5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1. ascertain that the floating landing dock has adequate stabil-
ity under all operating conditions.
3.1.2 The hull girder strength check is to be in compliance Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, taking into account the hull girder be accepted for the purpose of classification.
design loads defined in Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.9].
5.1.2 All calculations are to be carried out free from trim
4 Hull scantling and sinkage.

5.1.3 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into

4.1 General account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
the free surfaces of liquids in tanks.
4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter-
mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
account the design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. apply:
• definitions
4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions
• examination procedure
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be
used for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2. • inclining test and lightweight check.

4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions

5.2 Heeling moments
The design lateral pressure, pT , in testing conditions is to be
taken equal to: 5.2.1 The values of the heeling moments to be considered
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating are to be defined by the designer.

• pST otherwise. 5.2.2 The following heeling moments are to be considered.

Table 2 : Plating and structural member a) Load induced moment

design lateral pressures b) Asymmetric structure induced moment
Structural member Design lateral c) Moment due to wind pressure
location pressure p, in kN/m2
The moment caused by the wind pressure, in kN⋅m,
Outer shell and decks • pE shall be calculated in accordance with the following
• pC − pEm formula:
Separation of two • pC
M W = F W   W + ---
adjacent compartments  2
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE
and other • pFL − pEm
watertight FW : Wind force, in kN, defined in Ch 2, Sec 1,
Separation of two • pFL
compartments adjacent compartments [2.2.1]
W : Distance, in m, of the centre of gravity of
4.2 Reinforcements area AW , from waterline.
d) Cross current induced moment
4.2.1 Reinforcements are to be provided at places where
the hull is heavily stressed, as the area of coupling systems The moment resulting from the cross current must only
for the modular floating landing dock and area of mooring be taken into account for floating landing dock which is
equipment. anchored or moored across the current while operating.

176 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

e) Ballast and supplies induced moment 5.3 Intact stability

The least favourable extent of tank filling from the point
of view of stability shall be determined and the corre- 5.3.1 It shall be confirmed that, when account has been
sponding moment introduced into the calculation when taken of the combined action of heeling moments defined
calculating the moment resulting from the liquid ballast in [5.2]:
and the liquid provisions. • the residual safety clearance is not less than:
f) Moment induced by docked vessel - 0,30 m for weathertight apertures
The moment resulting from docked vessel must be taken - 0,40 m for unprotected openings
into account if the movements of the vessel are likely to • the residual freeboard value is at least 0,30 m
affect the floating landing dock stability.
the residual freeboard may be reduced if it is proven
g) Moment due to inertia forces that the requirements of [5.4] or [5.5], as the case may
The moment resulting from inertia forces must be taken be, have been met.
into account if the movements of the load are likely to
affect its stability. The angle of list shall not exceed 10° and the base of the
hull shall not emerge.
h) Moment due to crowding of persons
Where the floating landing dock is intended for passen-
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual
gers, the moment due to crowding of persons is to be
taken into account. freeboard - Harbour equipment not
intended for passengers
The heeling moment MP , in kN.m, due to one-sided
accumulation of persons is to be calculated according 5.4.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account,
to the following formula: it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that:
M P = 9, 81Py = 9, 81 P y
i i a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta-
centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m
b) for list angles between 0° and 30°, there is a righting
P : Total weight of persons on board, in t, cal- lever, in m, of at least:
culated by taking into account the maxi-
mum permitted number of persons, nmax, h = 0,30 − 0,28 ϕn
personnel and crew included, under normal where:
operating conditions, assuming an average ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
weight per person of 0,075 t lever arm curve displays negative values
y : Lateral distance, in m, of center of gravity of (stability limit); it may not be less than 20°
total weight of persons P from center line or 0,35 rad and shall not be inserted into the
yi : Lateral distance, in m, of geometrical center formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad:
of area Ai from center line 20° ≤ ϕn ≤ 30°
Pi : Weight of persons accumulated on area Ai, c) the list angle does not exceed 10°
in t:
d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least:
Pi = 0,075 ni Ai
• 0,30 m for weathertight openings
Ai : Area, in m2, occupied by persons
• 0,40 m for unprotected openings
ni : Number of persons per square meter
e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m
ni = 3,75
The calculation shall be carried out for an accumulation f) for list angles between 0° and 30°, the residual righting
of persons both to starboard and to port. lever arm, in m, is at least:

The distribution of persons shall correspond to the most h = 0,20 − 0,23 ϕn

unfavorable one from the point of view of stability. where:
For calculation of the loading cases, the centre of gravity ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
of a person should be taken as 1 m above the lowest lever arm curve displays negative values;
point of the deck at 1/2 LWL , ignoring any deck curva- this should not be inserted into the formula
ture and assuming a weight of 0,075 t per person. for more than 30° or 0,52 rad.
A detailed calculation of deck areas which are occupied Residual righting lever arm means the maximum differ-
by persons may be dispensed with if the following val- ence existing between 0° and 30° list between the right-
ues are used: ing lever and the heeling lever curves. If an opening
• y = B/2 towards the inside of the floating equipment is
• P = 1,1 ⋅ nmax ⋅ 0,075 immersed at a list angle less than the one corresponding
to the maximum difference between the lever arm
where: curves, the lever arm corresponding to that list angle
nmax:Maximum permitted number of persons. shall be taken into account.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 177

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 2

5.5 Intact stability in case of reduced residual 5.6.3 The bulkheads can be assumed to be intact if the dis-
freeboard - Harbour equipment intended tance between two adjacent bulkheads is greater than the
for passengers damage length. Longitudinal bulkheads at a distance of less
than B/3 measured rectangular to centre line from the shell
5.5.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account, plating at the maximum draught plane shall not be taken
it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that: into account for calculation purposes.
a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta-
centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m 5.6.4 If damage of a smaller dimension than specified in
b) The maximum righting lever arm hmax shall occur at a [5.6.2] produces more detrimental effects with respect to
list angle of ϕmax ≥ (ϕmom + 3°) and must not be less than heeling or loss of metacentric height, such damage shall be
0,20 m. However, in case ϕf < ϕmax the righting lever taken into account for calculation purposes.
arm at the downflooding angle ϕf must not be less than
0,20 m. 5.6.5 Under the combined action of heeling moments
defined in [5.2], the residual freeboard and the residual
c) the list angle does not exceed 10°
safety clearance are not less than 0,10 m.
d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least:
• 0,30 m for weathertight openings 5.6.6 For safety reasons, greater values of the residual
• 0,40 m for unprotected openings safety clearance or residual freeboard may be required by
e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m the Society.
f) The area A under the curve of the righting lever arm
shall reach 0,05 m.rad up to the angle ϕf. Table 3 : Extent of damage, in m
ϕf : List angle, at which openings in the hull which Damage
Dimension of the damage
cannot be closed so as to be weathertight, sub- location
merge Wall longitudinal  0,1 LWL
ϕf ≤ 15° transverse b B/5
ϕmax : List angle at which the maximum righting lever
vertical h from unit bottom to top
arm occurs without delimitation
ϕmom : List angle due to the combined action of heeling
Bottom (2) longitudinal  1
moments defined in [5.2].
transverse b 1
5.6 Damage stability vertical h 0,59; pipework shall be
deemed intact (1)
5.6.1 Where the floating landing dock is intended for pas-
sengers, proof of appropriate damage stability is to be fur- (1) Where a pipework system has no open outlet in a com-
nished according to [5.6.5] and [5.6.6]. partment, the pipework shall be regarded as intact in
the event of this compartment being damaged, if it runs
5.6.2 Floating landing dock shall comply with the one- within the safe area and is more than 0,50 m off the
compartment status, taking into account the assumptions bottom of the unit.
concerning the extent of damage given in Tab 3 and assum- (2) May be disregarded if the water stretch level is rela-
ing the compartment permeability to be 95%. tively constant (e.g., no season or tide effect).

178 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 3


1 Guard rails 2.1.4 The ramps are to be examined for their watertight-
ness, if applicable.

1.1 General 2.1.5 Minimum plating net thicknesses

The plating net thickness of the ramp structural members is
1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange- to be in compliance with Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1.
ment and scantling of the guard rails provided at the bound-
aries of decks and work stations. 2.1.6 The net scantlings of the ramp structural elements are
to comply with [2.2] and/or [2.3], as applicable.
1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article
may be called for by national or international authorities, in 2.1.7 The floating landing dock’s structure under the reac-
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate tions due to the ramp is examined by the Society on a case
safety conditions. by case basis.

2.1.8 Allowable deflection

1.2 Scantling and arrangement
The scantlings of main stiffeners and the distribution of sup-
ports are to be such that the deflection of the ramp does not
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 1000 mm high above the exceed 5 mm/m.
decks open to passengers.

The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather 2.2 Ramps subjected to lateral pressure
2.2.1 Scantling
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than The net thickness of ramp plating, ordinary stiffeners and
380 mm apart. primary supporting members subjected to lateral pressure in
service condition is to determined according to Part B,
The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with Chapter 4, where the design pressure is to be defined by the
European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards. designer.

2.3 Ramps subjected to wheeled loads

2 Ramps
2.3.1 Plating
2.1 General The net thickness of plate panels subjected to wheeled
loads is not to be less than the value obtained from Ch 7,
2.1.1 Materials Sec 2, [2], where:

The ramps are to be made of steel or aluminium alloys com- (np F) is not to be taken less than 50 kN,
plying with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2 other
materials of equivalent strength may be used, subject to a
case by case examination by the Society. np : Number of wheels on the plate panel, taken
equal to:
2.1.2 Net scantlings • 1 in the case of a single wheel
As specified in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2] all scantlings referred • the number of wheels in the case of double
to in this Article are net, i.e they do not include any margin or triple wheels
for corrosion.
F : Wheeled force, in kN.
The gross scantlings are to be obtained as specified in Pt B,
Ch 2, Sec 3, [2]. 2.3.2 Ordinary stiffeners
The net section modulus and the net shear sectional area of
2.1.3 The ramps are to be able to operate with a heel angle ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled loads are not to be
of 5° and a trim of 2°. less than the value obtained from Ch 7, Sec 2, [3].

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 179

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 3

2.3.3 Primary supporting members 3.3.2 The width of access footbridges is to be not less than
a) General 0,90 m.

The supporting structure of ramps is to be verified through

direct calculation, considering the ramp loaded in sloped 4 Mooring system
position, supported by hinges at one end and by a deck at
the other, with possible intermediate supports.
4.1 General
b) Loading cases
The scantlings of the structure are to be verified for both 4.1.1 Floating landing docks shall be fitted with an efficient
the following cases: mooring system preventing them from turning or being
pushed away by the docked vessels, wind, current, wave, or
• loaded ramp under loads according to the load dis-
by changing of the water level and draught or the wake of
tribution indicated by the designer
passing vessels.
• loaded ramp under uniformly distributed loads cor-
responding to a pressure, in kN/m2, taken equal to:
4.2 Design of dock mooring system
nV pV + pp
p 1 = -----------------------
Ap 4.2.1 The dock mooring force, FD , to be used for the moor-
where: ing system design is defined in Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.8.5].
nV : Maximum number of vehicles loaded on In particular, the mooring cables are to be selected using
the ramp the tension TDM in each mooring cable, calculated from the
pV : Weight of a vehicle, in kN following formula:
pp : Weight of the ramp, in kN F
T DM = -----D + P
Ap : Effective area of the ramp, in m2. N

c) Lateral pressure where:

The lateral pressure is constituted by still water pressure TDM : Tension in dock mooring cables, in kN
determined, taking [2.1.3] into account.
N : Number of mooring cables
d) Checking criteria
P : Mooring cables pretension, in kN.
It is to be checked that the combined stress σVM , in
N/mm2, is in compliance with the criteria defined in Pt B,
Ch 4, Sec 4, [4.4.4]. 4.3 Vessel mooring system

4.3.1 Floating landing dock are to be equipped with at

3 Footbridges least two bollards.

3.1 Society involvement 4.3.2 The bollards are to be designed to withstand the
docked vessel mooring force, FMV , to be determined
3.1.1 The examination of the design, construction and according to Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.8.4].
installation of the footbridges, as well as the inspections to
be carried out by the Surveyors, do not fall within the scope 4.3.3 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
of the classification. below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one
bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the
3.2 Design same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
3.2.1 The footbridges are to be designed in compliance impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
with applicable recognised standards, taking into account seat on deck.
the following:
• minimum design vertical load: 3,5 kN/m2 5 Fenders
• minimum design lateral load: 1,5 kN/m
• maximum slope: 5.1 General
- 20% in general
5.1.1 Floating landing docks are to be fitted with fenders of
- 10% for passenger access footbridge. appropriate energy absorption capacity to soften the berth-
ing impact.
3.3 Arrangement
5.1.2 The main characteristics of the fenders are to be
3.3.1 Footbridges are to be anti-slip and fitted with guard determined on the basis of the berthing impact force FB ,
rails complying with [1]. defined in Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.8.2].

180 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 4


1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant 2.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
EN 60529.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are 2.2 Lighting
to comply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 1. 2.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation by daz-
zling or reflective effects likely to be confused with naviga-
2 Electrical installations tional signals or hinder their effects should be fitted on the
floating landing dock.
2.1 General
3 Fire fighting
2.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to com-
ply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2.
However, floating landing dock complying with the standards 3.1 General
of industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tempera- 3.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
ture, moisture and corrosion conditions. applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 181

Pt D, Ch 2, Sec 4

182 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 3






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 183

184 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 1



L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 2.2 Wind force

B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] 2.2.1 The force of wind FW , in kN, on floating door is to be
calculated as follows:
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1,
Sec 2, [1.5] FW = 0,25 AW

z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part B, where:

Chapter 4 AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m2.
ρL 3
: Density, in t/m , of the liquid carried
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the 2.3 River water pressure
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as fol-
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top lows:
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
a) River design pressure
Δ : Displacement, in ton, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
MH : Design bending moment in hogging condition, kN/m2, is given by the formula:
in kN⋅m
PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3)
MS : Design bending moment in sagging condition,
in kN⋅m b) River counter pressure
QS : Still water longitudinal shear force, in kN. The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in
kN/m2, is given by the formula:

1 General PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0

1.1 Application 2.4 Internal pressure

1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements 2.4.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by carried liquids
of Part D, Chapter 3 are eligible for the assignment of the (ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the formula:
type and service notation Floating door, as defined in Pt A, pC = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP)
Ch 1, Sec 3, [4].

1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service 2.5 Hull girder loads
notation Floating door are to comply with the requirements
stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as appli- 2.5.1 Design hull girder loads
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are The values of still water vertical hull girder loads as well as
specific to floating doors. those of horizontal hull girder loads are to be provided by
the designer.
2 Loads and loading conditions
2.5.2 Additional vertical hull girder loads
The following values of additional vertical hull girder loads,
2.1 Loading conditions
taking into account the condition of the water stretch are to
be considered:
2.1.1 The following loading conditions are generally to be
considered: • additional vertical bending moment, in kN⋅m:
• light floating door, no ballast, navigation MW = 0,045 L2 B CB
• 50%, and 75% ballast conditions • additional vertical shear force, in kN:
• 100% ballast condition, floating door on its position. TW = 0,14 L B CB

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 185

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 1

2.5.3 Total vertical hull girder loads 2.6 Testing pressure

The total vertical hull girder loads are to be determined as
2.6.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting on
the structural members of compartments subject to tank
a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN.m: testing are specified in Tab 1.
• in sagging condition:
2.7 Flooding pressure
2.7.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
• in hogging condition: ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
MTH = MH + MW compartments not intended to carry liquids is obtained, in
kN/m2, from the following formula:
b) Total vertical shear force:
pFL = 9,81 (zTOP − z)
QT = QS + QW
Table 1 : Testing pressure
2.5.4 Design horizontal hull girder loads
Compartment or structure
Water pressure, in kN/m2
The design horizontal hull girder loads are to be determined to be tested
taking into account the following conditions: The greater of the following:
• One side of the floating door subjected to a head of Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
water h taken as: PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]

h = T + 0,3 m Compartment not used as tank PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)

• fore and aft ends assumed to be simply supported. Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]

186 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 2



pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 3, 2 Structural design principles

Sec 1, [2.3.1]
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 3, 2.1 Hull structure
Sec 1, [2.3.1]
pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 3, Sec 2.1.1 Framing
1, [2.4.1] In general, harbour equipment with type and service nota-
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 3, Sec tion Floating door is to be transversely framed.
1, [2.6.1]
2.1.2 Supports for door fixation edges
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 3,
Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal cen-
Sec 1, [2.7.1].
treline in order to carry loads acting on the structure when
the floating door is in dry dock.
1 General Adequate supports and reinforcement of the floating door
edge structure are to be fitted along the quoins of fixation.
1.1 Documents to be submitted
1.1.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci- 3 Hull girder strength
ety for review are listed in Tab 1.
Structural plans are to show details of connections of the 3.1 Longitudinal strength
various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials
used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro- 3.1.1 The longitudinal strength check is to be performed
cedures and heat treatments. according to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2.

1.1.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula- 3.2 Transverse strength
tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.
3.2.1 The hull girder transverse loads are to be determined
1.1.3 In addition to those in [1.1.1], the following plans
according to Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.5.4].
and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
mation: 3.2.2 Strength criteria
• justificative calculation of forces induced by towing, The transverse strength check is to be performed according
mooring and operation of the floating door to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, considering the transverse section mod-
• general arrangement plan. ulus.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks
Bulkheads Steel grades
Machinery space, if any Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Calculations and data for longitudinal and transverse strength analysis
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 187

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 2

4 Hull scantling 4.2.2 Wood

Replaceable, strong layer of wood for the protection of the
door edge may be used.
4.1 General

4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter- 5 Stability

mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into
account the design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. 5.1 General

4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions 5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
ascertain that the floating door has adequate intact stability
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be under specified operating conditions.
used for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2.
Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions be accepted for the purpose of classification.

The design lateral pressure pT , in testing conditions, is to be 5.1.2 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into
taken equal to: account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
the free surfaces of liquids in tanks.
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating
The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
• pST otherwise. apply:
• definitions
Table 2 : Plating and structural member • examination procedure
design lateral pressures
• inclining test and lightweight check.

Structural member Design lateral 5.2 Loading conditions

location pressure p, in kN/m2
Stability should be examined in different situations
Outer shell and decks • pE
• pC − pEm
Tanks • floating door without ballast
Separation of two • pC • floating door with different amount of ballast taking in
adjacent compartments consideration the different distribution of ballast tanks.
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE
and other • pFL − pEm 5.3 Intact stability design criteria
watertight Separation of two • pFL
compartments adjacent compartments 5.3.1 General
Proof of appropriate intact stability of the floating door is to
be furnished. All calculations are to be carried out free from
4.2 Reinforcements trim and sinkage.

4.2.1 Reinforcements are to be provided at places where 5.3.2 Metacentric height GM

the hull is heavily stressed, as the securing points of the fix- The metacentric height GM shall remain positive in all
ation at the door edges. loading conditions.

188 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 3


1 Guard rails The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with

European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards.
1.1 General
2 Mooring and towing equipment
1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange-
ment and scantling of guard rails provided at the boundaries
of decks.
2.1 General

1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article 2.1.1 Floating doors are to be fitted with suitable arrange-
may be called for by national or international authorities, in ments for mooring and towing.
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate
safety conditions. 2.1.2 Floating doors are to be equipped with one bollard
each on the fore and aft body on port side and starboard
side. In between, depending on the floating door length,
1.2 Scantling and arrangement one bollard has to be arranged on either side.
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 900 mm high above the
2.1.3 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one
The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the
deck. same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
380 mm apart. seat on deck.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 189

Pt D, Ch 3, Sec 4


1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant 2.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
EN 60529.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are 2.2 Lighting
to comply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 1. 2.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation dazzling
effects or reflective likely to be confused with navigational
2 Electrical installations signals or hinder their effects shall be fitted on the floating
2.1 General
3 Fire fighting
2.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to com-
ply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2.
However, floating doors complying with the standards of 3.1 General
industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tempera- 3.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
ture, moisture and corrosion conditions. applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3.

190 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 4






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 191

192 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1



L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 2.2 Wind force

B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] 2.2.1 The force of wind FW , in kN, on floating bridge is to
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, be calculated as follows:
Sec 2, [1.5] FW = 0,25 AW
z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part B,
Chapter 4 where:
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m.
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
2.3 River water pressure
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as follows:
Δ : Displacement, in ton, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
a) River design pressure
MH : Design bending moment in hogging condition,
in kN⋅m The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
MS : Design bending moment in sagging condition, kN/m2, is given by the formula:
in kN⋅m PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3)
QS : Still water longitudinal shear force, in kN.
b) River counter pressure
1 General The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in
kN/m2, is given by the formula:
1.1 Application PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0
1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements
of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the type and 2.4 Internal pressure
service notation Floating bridge, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1,
Sec 3, [5].
2.4.1 The internal pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by car-
1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service ried liquids (ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the
notation Floating bridge are to comply with the require- formula:
ments stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as pC = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP)
applicable, and with the requirements of this Chapter,
which are specific to floating bridges.
2.5 Dry uniform loads
1.2 Arrangement
2.5.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by dry uniform
1.2.1 A floating bridge consists of an entrance, a mooring loads is to be defined by the designer.
system and floating foundations which can be pontoons or
small boats to support the bridge roadway. Supporting pon-
toons can be one continuous unit or modular ones. 2.6 Wheeled loads

2.6.1 Tyred vehicles

2 Loads and loading conditions
The forces transmitted through the tyres are considered as
2.1 Loading conditions pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose
dimensions are to be indicated by the designer together
2.1.1 The following loading conditions are generally to be with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on
considered: axles, the load per axle and the tyre pressures.
• fully loaded at the relevant draught With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces
• lightship at the relevant draught. may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 193

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1

2.6.2 The force F transmitted to the hull structure by one 2.8 Hull girder loads
wheel is to be determined on the basis of the force
obtained, in kN, from the formula: 2.8.1 Design hull girder loads
The values of design still water hull girder loads are to be
F = 9,81 mC
provided by the designer.
2.8.2 Additional hull girder loads
mC = QA / nw The following values of additional hull girder loads, taking
QA : Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the value of into account the condition of the water stretch are to be
QA is to be taken equal to the total mass of the considered:
vehicle, including that of the load handled, • Additional bending moment, in kN⋅m:
applied to one axle only MW = 0,045 L2 B CB
nw : Number of wheels for the axle considered. • Additional shear force, in kN:
TW = 0,14 L B CB
2.6.3 Non-tyred vehicles
The requirements of [2.6.1] and [2.6.2] also apply to 2.8.3 Total hull girder loads
tracked vehicles; in this case the print to be considered is The total hull girder loads are to be determined as follows:
that below each wheel or wheelwork. a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN⋅m:
For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con- • in sagging condition:
sidered as concentrated at the contact area centre. MTS = MS + MW
• in hogging condition:
2.7 Mooring force MTH = MH + MW
b) Total vertical shear force:
2.7.1 The mooring force F is to be calculated using the for-
mulae given in Tab 1, where: QT = QS + QW

C : Force coefficient, equal to:

2.9 Testing pressure
C = Cc ------- BT 2.9.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting on
the structural members of compartments subject to tank
Cc : Coefficient, as defined in Tab 2. testing are specified in Tab 3.

Table 1 : Mooring force Table 3 : Testing pressure

Force coefficient C F, in kN Compartment or structure

Water pressure, in kN/m2
to be tested
C ≤ 500 F = 0,35 C
The greater of the following:
C – 500
500 < C ≤ 2000 F =  0, 35 – -------------------- C Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
 15000 
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
2000 < C F = 0,25 C Compartment not used as tank PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)
Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
Table 2 : Coefficient Cc

Displacement, in ton Cc
2.10 Flooding pressure
Δ ≤ 400 45 2.10.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
400 < Δ ≤ 650 55 ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
compartments not intended to carry liquids is obtained, in
650 < Δ ≤ 1000 65 kN/m2, from the following formula:
1000 < Δ 70 pFL = 9,81 (zTOP − z)

194 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2


pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 4, 1.2.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula-
Sec 1, [2.3.1] tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 4,
1.2.3 In addition to those in [1.1.1], the following plans
Sec 1, [2.3.1]
and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 4, Sec mation:
1, [2.4.1]
• justificative calculation of forces induced by towing and
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 4, Sec mooring equipment
1, [2.9.1]
• general arrangement plan.
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 4,
Sec 1, [2.10.1].
2 Structure design principles
1 General
2.1 Hull structure
1.1 Application 2.1.1 Framing
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the assign- In general, harbour equipment with type and service nota-
ment of the type and service notation Floating bridge to tion Floating bridge is to be longitudinally framed. Longitu-
harbour equipment up to a rule length of 135 m having a dinal stiffening members are to be supported by transverses
length-to-depth ratio not exceeding 35. arranged to form ring systems.

1.1.2 Harbour equipment with rule length exceeding 2.1.2 Supports for docking
135 m or length-to-depth ration greater than 35 will be spe- Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal cen-
cially considered by the Society. treline in order to carry loads acting on the structure when
the floating bridge is in dry dock.
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2.1.3 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads
1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci- Where truss arrangement may be used as supports of the
ety for review are listed in Tab 1. deck loads, including top and bottom girders in association
Structural plans are to show details of connections of the with pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members
various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials are generally to have angles of inclination with respect to
used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro- the horizontal of about 45° and cross sectional area of
cedures and heat treatments. about 50% that of the adjacent pillars.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks
Bulkheads Steel grades
Machinery space, if any Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Mooring equipment Forces and moments induced by mooring equipment
Connections of mooring equipment to the bridge structures
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 195

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2

3 Hull girder strength 5 Stability

3.1 General 5.1 General

3.1.1 The criteria to be considered for the calculation of the 5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
hull girder strength characteristics is to be in compliance ascertain that the floating bridge has adequate intact stabil-
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1. ity under all operating conditions.
Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
3.1.2 The hull girder strength check is to be in compliance
be accepted for the purpose of classification.
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, taking into account the hull girder
design loads defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.8]. 5.1.2 All calculations are to be carried out free from trim
and sinkage.
4 Hull scantling
5.1.3 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into
account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
4.1 General the free surfaces of liquids in tanks.
4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter- The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into apply:
account the design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. • definitions
• examination procedure
4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be • inclining test and lightweight check.
used for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2.
5.2 Heeling moments
4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions
The design lateral pressure pT , in testing conditions, is to be 5.2.1 The values of the heeling moments to be considered
taken equal to: are to be defined by the designer.
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating 5.2.2 The following heeling moments are to be considered.
• pST otherwise. a) Load induced moment
Table 2 : Plating and structural member b) Asymmetric structure induced moment
design lateral pressures c) Moment due to wind pressure
The moment caused by the wind pressure, in kN⋅m,
Structural member Design lateral shall be calculated in accordance with the following
location pressure p, in kN/m2 formula:
Outer shell and decks • pE
M W = F W   W + ---
• pC − pEm  2
Separation of two • pC where:
adjacent compartments
FW : Wind force, in kN, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1,
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE [2.2.1]
and other • pFL − pEm
W : Distance, in m, of the centre of gravity of
Separation of two • pFL area AW , from waterline.
compartments adjacent compartments
d) Cross current induced moment
4.2 Reinforcements The moment resulting from the cross current must only
be taken into account for floating landing dock which is
4.2.1 Reinforcements are to be provided at places where anchored or moored across the current while operating.
the hull is heavily stressed, as the area of coupling systems
e) Ballast and supplies induced moment
for the modular floating bridge and area of mooring equip-
ment. The least favourable extent of tank filling from the point
of view of stability shall be determined and the corre-
sponding moment introduced into the calculation when
4.3 Wood sheathing
calculating the moment resulting from the liquid ballast
4.3.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar and the liquid provisions.
trucks and unusual vehicles. f) Moment due to inertia forces
It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick- The moment resulting from inertia forces must be taken
ness should be provided under each crutch in order to dis- into account if the movements of the load are likely to
tribute the mass over the plate and nearest stiffeners. affect its stability.

196 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2

g) Moment due to crowding of persons 5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual
Where the floating bridge is intended for passengers, the freeboard - Harbour equipment not
moment due to crowding of persons is to be taken into intended for passengers
The heeling moment MP , in kN.m, due to one-sided 5.4.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account,
accumulation of persons is to be calculated according it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that:
to the following formula: a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta-
centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m
M P = 9, 81Py = 9, 81 P y
i i
b) for list angles between 0° and 30°, there is a righting
where: lever, in m, of at least:
P : Total weight of persons on board, in t, calcu- h = 0,30 − 0,28 ϕn
lated by taking into account the maximum per-
mitted number of persons, nmax, personnel and where:
crew included, under normal operating condi- ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
tions, assuming an average weight per person of lever arm curve displays negative values
0,075 t (stability limit); it may not be less than 20°
y : Lateral distance, in m, of center of gravity of or 0,35 rad and shall not be inserted into the
total weight of persons P from center line formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad:
yi : Lateral distance, in m, of geometrical center 20° ≤ ϕn ≤ 30°
of area Ai from center line c) the list angle does not exceed 10°
Pi : Weight of persons accumulated on area Ai,
d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least:
in t:
Pi = 0,075 ni Ai • 0,30 m for weathertight openings

Ai : Area, in m2, occupied by persons • 0,40 m for unprotected openings

ni : Number of persons per square meter e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m
ni = 3,75 f) for list angles between 0° and 30°, the residual righting
The calculation shall be carried out for an accumulation lever arm, in m, is at least:
of persons both to starboard and to port. h = 0,20 − 0,23 ϕn
The distribution of persons shall correspond to the most where:
unfavorable one from the point of view of stability.
ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
For calculation of the loading cases, the centre of gravity
lever arm curve displays negative values;
of a person should be taken as 1 m above the lowest
this should not be inserted into the formula
point of the deck at 1/2 LWL , ignoring any deck curva-
for more than 30° or 0,52 rad.
ture and assuming a weight of 0,075 t per person.
Residual righting lever arm means the maximum differ-
A detailed calculation of deck areas which are occupied
ence existing between 0° and 30° list between the right-
by persons may be dispensed with if the following val-
ing lever and the heeling lever curves. If an opening
ues are used:
towards the inside of the floating equipment is
• y = B/2 immersed at a list angle less than the one corresponding
• P = 1,1 ⋅ nmax ⋅ 0,075 to the maximum difference between the lever arm
where: curves, the lever arm corresponding to that list angle
nmax:Maximum permitted number of persons. shall be taken into account.

5.3 Intact stability 5.5 Intact stability in case of reduced residual

freeboard - Harbour equipment intended
5.3.1 It shall be confirmed that, when account has been for passengers
taken of the combined action of heeling moments defined
in [5.2]: 5.5.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account,
• the residual safety clearance is not less than: it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that:
- 0,30 m for weathertight apertures a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta-
- 0,40 m for unprotected openings centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m
• the residual freeboard value is at least 0,30 m. b) The maximum righting lever arm hmax shall occur at a
the residual freeboard may be reduced if it is proven list angle of ϕmax ≥ (ϕmom + 3°) and must not be less than
that the requirements of [5.4] or [5.5], as the case may 0,20 m. However, in case ϕf < ϕmax the righting lever
be, have been met. arm at the downflooding angle ϕf must not be less than
0,20 m.
The angle of list shall not exceed 10° and the base of the
hull shall not emerge. c) the list angle does not exceed 10°

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 197

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2

d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least: 5.6.4 If damage of a smaller dimension than specified in
• 0,30 m for weathertight openings [5.6.3] produces more detrimental effects with respect to
heeling or loss of metacentric height, such damage shall be
• 0,40 m for unprotected openings
taken into account for calculation purposes.
e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m
f) The area A under the curve of the righting lever arm 5.6.5 Under the combined action of heeling moments
shall reach 0,05 m.rad up to the angle ϕf. defined in [5.2], the residual freeboard and the residual
where: safety clearance are not less than 0,10 m.
ϕf : List angle, at which openings in the hull which 5.6.6 For safety reasons, greater values of the residual
cannot be closed so as to be weathertight, sub- safety clearance or residual freeboard may be required by
merge the Society.
ϕf ≤ 15°
ϕmax : List angle at which the maximum righting lever Table 3 : Extent of damage, in m
arm occurs
ϕmom : List angle due to the combined action of heeling Damage
Dimension of the damage
moments defined in [5.2]. location
Wall longitudinal  0,1 LWL
5.6 Damage stability transverse b B/5
5.6.1 Where the floating bridge is intended for passengers, vertical h from unit bottom to top
proof of appropriate damage stability is to be furnished without delimitation
according to [5.6.5] and [5.6.6]. Bottom (2) longitudinal  1
5.6.2 The bulkheads can be assumed to be intact if the dis- transverse b 1
tance between two adjacent bulkheads is greater than the vertical h 0,59; pipework shall be
damage length. Longitudinal bulkheads at a distance of less deemed intact (1)
than B/3 measured rectangular to centre line from the shell
plating at the maximum draught plane shall not be taken (1) Where a pipework system has no open outlet in a com-
into account for calculation purposes. partment, the pipework shall be regarded as intact in
the event of this compartment being damaged, if it runs
5.6.3 Floating bridge shall comply with the one-compart- within the safe area and is more than 0,50 m off the
ment status, taking into account the assumptions concern- bottom of the unit.
ing the extent of damage given in Tab 3 and assuming the (2) May be disregarded if the water stretch level is rela-
compartment permeability to be 95%. tively constant (e.g., no season or tide effect).

198 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3


1 Guard rails The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with

European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards.
1.1 General
2 Mooring and towing equipment
1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange-
ment and scantling of guard rails provided at the boundaries
of the bridge.
2.1 General

1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article 2.1.1 Floating bridges are to be fitted with suitable arrange-
may be called for by national or international authorities, in ments for mooring and towing.
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate
safety conditions. 2.1.2 Floating bridges are to be equipped with one bollard
each on the fore and aft body on port side and starboard
side. In between, depending on the floating bridge length,
1.2 Scantling and arrangement one bollard has to be arranged on either side.
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 900 mm high above the
2.1.3 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one
The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the
deck. same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
380 mm apart. seat on deck.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 199

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4


1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant 2.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
EN 60529.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are 2.2 Lighting
to comply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1,
Sec 1. 2.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation dazzling
effects or reflective likely to be confused with navigational
2 Electrical installations signals or hinder their effects should be presented on the
floating bridge.
2.1 General
3 Fire fighting
2.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to
comply with the applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec
2. However, floating bridge complying with the standards of 3.1 General
industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tem- 3.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
perature, moisture and corrosion conditions. applicable requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3.

200 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 5






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 201

202 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 1



L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, where:

[1.1] AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m2.
B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3]
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, 2.3 River water pressure
Sec 2, [1.5]
2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as fol-
z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part B,
Chapter 4
a) River design pressure
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried
The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
kN/m2, is given by the formula:
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3)
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 b) River counter pressure
Δ : Displacement, in ton, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in
kN/m2, is given by the formula:
MH : Design bending moment in hogging condition,
in kN⋅m PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0
MS : Design bending moment in sagging condition,
in kN⋅m
2.4 Internal pressure
QS : Still water longitudinal shear force, in kN. 2.4.1 The internal pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by car-
ried liquids (ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the
1 General formula:
pC = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP)
1.1 Application
2.5 Dry uniform loads
1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements
of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the type 2.5.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by dry uniform
and service notation Worksite unit, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, loads is to be defined by the designer.
Sec 3, [6].
2.6 Dry unit loads
1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service
notation Worksite unit are to comply with the requirements 2.6.1 The force F induced by dry unit loads and transmitted
stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as appli- to the hull structure is to be determined on the basis of the
cable, and with the requirements of this Chapter, which are force obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
specific to worksite units.
F = 9,81 mC
where mC is the mass, in t, of the dry unit load.
2 Loads and loading conditions
Account is to be taken of the elastic characteristics of the
lashing arrangement and/or the structure which supports the
2.1 Loading conditions load.
2.1.1 The following loading conditions are generally to be
considered: 2.7 Wheeled loads
• fully loaded at the relevant draught 2.7.1 Tyred vehicles
• lightship at the relevant draught. The forces transmitted through the tyres are considered as
pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose
2.2 Wind force dimensions are to be indicated by the designer together
with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on
2.2.1 The force of wind FW , in kN, on worksite units is to axles, the load per axle and the tyre pressures.
be calculated as follows: With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces
FW = 0,25 AW may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 203

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 1

2.7.2 The still water force F transmitted to the hull structure 2.9 Hull girder loads
by one wheel is to be determined on the basis of the force
obtained, in kN, from the formula: 2.9.1 Design hull girder loads
The values of design still water hull girder loads are to be
F = 9,81 mC
provided by the designer.
2.9.2 Additional hull girder loads
mC = QA / nw The following values of additional hull girder loads, taking
QA : Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the value of into account the condition of the water stretch are to be
QA is to be taken equal to the total mass of the considered:
vehicle, including that of the load handled, • Additional bending moment, in kN⋅m:
applied to one axle only MW = 0,045 L2 B CB
nw : Number of wheels for the axle considered. • Additional shear force, in kN:
TW = 0,14 L B CB
2.7.3 Non-tyred vehicles
The requirements of [2.7.2] also apply to tracked vehicles; 2.9.3 Total hull girder loads
in this case the print to be considered is that below each The total hull girder loads are to be determined as follows:
wheel or wheelwork. a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN⋅m:
For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con- • in sagging condition:
sidered as concentrated at the contact area centre. MTS = MS + MW
• in hogging condition:
2.8 Mooring force MTH = MH + MW
b) Total vertical shear force:
2.8.1 The mooring force F, is to be calculated using the for-
mulae given in Tab 1, where: QT = QS + QW

C : Force coefficient, equal to:

2.10 Testing pressure
C = Cc ------- BT 2.10.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting
on the structural members of compartments subject to tank
Cc : Coefficient as defined in Tab 2. testing are specified in Tab 3.

Table 1 : Mooring force Table 3 : Testing pressure

Force coefficient C F, in kN Compartment or structure

Water pressure, in kN/m2
to be tested
C ≤ 500 F = 0,35 C
The greater of the following:
C – 500
500 < C ≤ 2000 F =  0, 35 – -------------------- C Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
 15000 
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
2000 < C F = 0,25 C Compartment not used as tank PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)
Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
Table 2 : Coefficient Cc

Displacement, in ton Cc
2.11 Flooding pressure
Δ ≤ 400 45 2.11.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
400 < Δ ≤ 650 55 ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
compartments not intended to carry liquids is obtained, in
650 < Δ ≤ 1000 65 kN/m2, from the following formula:
1000 < Δ 70 pFL = 9,81 (zTOP − z)

204 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2


pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 5, Structural plans are to show details of connections of the
Sec 1, [2.3.1] various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials
used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro-
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 5,
cedures and heat treatments.
Sec 1, [2.3.1]
pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 5, Sec 1.2.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula-
1, [2.4.1] tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.

pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 5, Sec 1.2.3 In addition to those in [1.2.1], the following plans
1, [2.10.1] and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 5,
• justificative calculation of forces induced by towing and
Sec 1, [2.11.1].
mooring equipment
• general arrangement plan.
1 General
1.2.4 The Society may require any other necessary guid-
ance for the safe operation of the worksite unit.
1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the assign-

2 Structure design principles
ment of the type and service notation Worksite unit to har-
bour equipment up to a rule length of 135 m having a 2.1 Hull structure
length-to-depth ratio not exceeding 35.
2.1.1 Framing
1.1.2 Harbour equipment with rule length exceeding In general, harbour equipment assigned the type and ser-
135 m or length-to-depth ratio greater than 35 will be spe- vice notation Worksite unitare to be longitudinally framed.
cially considered by the Society. Longitudinal stiffening members are to be supported by
transverses arranged to form ring systems.

1.2 Documents to be submitted 2.1.2 Supports for docking

Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal cen-
1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci- treline in order to carry loads acting on the structure when
ety for review are listed in Tab 1. the worksite unit is in dry dock.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks
Bulkheads Steel grades
Machinery space, if any Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Calculations and data for longitudinal and transverse strength analysis
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Mooring equipment Forces and moments induced by mooring equipment
Connections of mooring equipment to the dock structures
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 205

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2

2.1.3 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads 4.3 Wood sheathing

Where truss arrangements may be used as supports of the
deck loads, including top and bottom girders in association 4.3.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar
with pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members trucks and unusual vehicles.
are generally to have angles of inclination with respect to It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick-
the horizontal of about 45° and cross-sectional area of ness should be provided under each crutch in order to dis-
about 50% that of the adjacent pillars. tribute the mass over the plate and nearest stiffeners.

3 Hull girder strength 5 Stability

3.1 General 5.1 General
3.1.1 The criteria to be considered for the calculation of the
5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
hull girder strength characteristics is to be in compliance
ascertain that the worksite unit has adequate intact stability
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1.
under all operating conditions.
3.1.2 The hull girder strength check is to be in compliance Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, taking into account the hull girder be accepted for the purpose of classification.
design loads defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.9].
5.1.2 All calculations are to be carried out free from trim
4 Hull scantling and sinkage.

5.1.3 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into

4.1 General account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
the free surfaces of liquids in tanks.
4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter-
mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
account design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. apply:
• definitions
4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions
• examination procedure
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be
used for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2. • inclining test and lightweight check.

4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions 5.2 Heeling moments

The design lateral pressure, pT , in testing conditions is to be
taken equal to: 5.2.1 The values of heeling moments to be considered are
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating to be defined by the designer.

• pST otherwise. 5.2.2 The following heeling moments are to be considered.

Table 2 : Plating and structural member a) Load induced moment

design lateral pressures b) Asymmetric structure induced moment
Structural member Design lateral c) Moment due to wind pressure
location pressure p, in kN/m2
The moment caused by the wind pressure, in kN⋅m,
Outer shell and decks • pE shall be calculated in accordance with the following
• pC − pEm formula:
Separation of two • pC
M W = F W   W + ---
adjacent compartments  2
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE
and other • pFL − pEm
watertight FW : Wind force, in kN, defined in Ch 5, Sec 1,
Separation of two • pFL
compartments adjacent compartments [2.2.1]
W : Distance, in m, of the centre of gravity of
4.2 Reinforcements area AW , from waterline.
d) Cross current induced moment
4.2.1 Reinforcements are to be provided at places where
the hull is heavily stressed, as the area of coupling systems The moment resulting from the cross current must only
for the modular worksite unit and area of mooring equip- be taken into account for worksite unit which is
ment. anchored or moored across the current while operating.

206 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2

e) Ballast and supplies induced moment b) for list angles between 0° and 30°, there is a righting
The least favourable extent of tank filling from the point lever, in m, of at least:
of view of stability shall be determined and the corre- h = 0,30 − 0,28 ϕn
sponding moment introduced into the calculation when
calculating the moment resulting from the liquid ballast
and the liquid provisions. ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
lever arm curve displays negative values
f) Moment due to inertia forces
(stability limit); it may not be less than 20°
The moment resulting from inertia forces must be taken or 0,35 rad and shall not be inserted into the
into account if the movements of the load are likely to formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad:
affect its stability.
20° ≤ ϕn ≤ 30°
5.3 Intact stability c) the list angle does not exceed 10°
d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least:
5.3.1 It shall be confirmed that, when account has been
taken of the loads applied during the use and operation, the • 0,30 m for weathertight openings
residual freeboard and the residual safety clearance are • 0,40 m for unprotected openings
adequate, i.e.: e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m
• the residual safety clearance is not less than:
f) for list angles between 0° and 30°, the residual righting
- 0,30 m for weathertight apertures lever arm, in m, is at least:
- 0,40 m for unprotected openings h = 0,20 − 0,23 ϕn
• the residual freeboard value is at least 0,30 m
the residual freeboard may be reduced if it is proven
that the requirements of [5.4] have been met. ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
lever arm curve displays negative values;
For this purpose, the angle of list shall not exceed 10° and this should not be inserted into the formula
the base of the hull shall not emerge. for more than 30° or 0,52 rad.
Residual righting lever arm means the maximum differ-
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual ence existing between 0° and 30° list between the right-
freeboard ing lever and the heeling lever curves. If an opening
towards the inside of the floating equipment is
5.4.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account, immersed at a list angle less than the one corresponding
it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that: to the maximum difference between the lever arm
a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta- curves, the lever arm corresponding to that list angle
centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m shall be taken into account.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 207

Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3


1 Guard rails The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with

European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards.
1.1 General
2 Mooring and towing equipment
1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange-
ment and scantling of guard rails provided at the boundaries
of the deck.
2.1 General

1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article 2.1.1 Worksite units are to be fitted with suitable arrange-
may be called for by national or international authorities, in ments for mooring and towing.
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate
safety conditions. 2.1.2 Worksite units are to be equipped with one bollard
each on the fore and aft body on port side and starboard
side. In between, depending on the worksite unit length,
1.2 Scantling and arrangement one bollard has to be arranged on either side.
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 900 mm high above the
2.1.3 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one
The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the
deck. same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
380 mm apart. seat on deck.

208 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt C, Ch 5, Sec 4


1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant 2.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
EN 60529.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are 2.2 Lighting
to comply with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 1.
2.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation dazzling
effects or reflective likely to be confused with navigational
2 Electrical installations signals or hinder their effects should be presented on the
worksite unit.
2.1 General
2.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to 3 Fire fighting
comply with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 2.
However, worksite unit complying with the standards of 3.1 General
industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tem- 3.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
perature, moisture and corrosion conditions. applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 3.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 209

Pt C, Ch 5, Sec 4

210 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 6






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 211

212 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1



L : Rule length, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, where:

[1.1] AW : Lateral area above water plane, in m2.
B : Breadth, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3]
T : Moulded draught, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, 2.3 River water pressure
Sec 2, [1.5]
z : Load point, defined in relevant sections of Part B, 2.3.1 The river water pressure is to be calculated as follows:
Chapter 4 a) River design pressure
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried The river design pressure PE at any point of the hull, in
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the kN/m2, is given by the formula:
tank or compartment, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1
PE = 9,81 (T − z + 0,3)
dAP : Distance from the top of the air pipe of the top
of the tank, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 b) River counter pressure
Δ : Displacement, in ton, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1 The river counter pressure PEm at any point of the hull, in
MH : Design bending moment in hogging condition, kN/m2, is given by the formula:
in kN⋅m PEm = 9,81 (T − z − 0,3) ≥ 0
MS : Design bending moment in sagging condition,
in kN.m 2.4 Internal pressure
QS : Still water vertical shear force, in kN.
2.4.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by carried liquids
(ballast or supplies) is to be obtained from the formula:
1 General
pI = 9,81 ρL (zTOP − z + dAP)
1.1 Application
2.5 Dry uniform loads
1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements
of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the type and 2.5.1 The pressure pC , in kN/m2, induced by dry uniform
service notation Floating storage, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, loads is to be defined by the designer.
Sec 3, [7].

1.1.2 Harbour equipment assigned the type and service

2.6 Dry unit loads
notation Floating storage are to comply with the require-
2.6.1 The force F induced by dry unit loads and transmitted
ments stipulated in Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as
to the hull structure is to be determined on the basis of the
applicable, and with the requirements of this Chapter,
force obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
which are specific to floating storages.
F = 9,81 mC
2 Loads and loading conditions where mC is the mass, in t, of the dry unit load.
Account is to be taken of the elastic characteristics of the
2.1 Loading conditions lashing arrangement and/or the structure which supports the
2.1.1 The following loading conditions are generally to be
2.7 Mooring force
• fully loaded at the relevant draught
• lightship at the relevant draught. 2.7.1 The mooring force F, is to be calculated using the for-
mulae given in Tab 1, where:
2.2 Wind force C : Force coefficient, equal to:

2.2.1 The force of wind FW, in kN, on floating landing dock L

C = Cc ------- BT
is to be calculated as follows: 8B
FW = 0,25 AW Cc : Coefficient defined in Tab 2.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 213

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 1

Table 1 : Mooring force • in sagging condition:

Force coefficient C F, in kN
• in hogging condition:
C ≤ 500 F = 0,35 C
C – 500
500 < C ≤ 2000 F =  0, 35 – -------------------- C b) Total vertical shear force:
 15000 
QT = QS + QW
2000 < C F = 0,25 C
2.9 Testing pressure
Table 2 : Coefficient Cc
2.9.1 The testing pressure pST to be considered as acting on
Displacement, in ton Cc the structural members of compartments subject to tank
Δ ≤ 400 45 testing are specified in Tab 3.
400 < Δ ≤ 650 55 Table 3 : Testing pressure
650 < Δ ≤ 1000 65
Compartment or structure
1000 < Δ 70 to be tested
Water pressure, in kN/m2

The greater of the following:

2.8 Hull girder loads
Ballast compartment PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
2.8.1 Design hull girder loads PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
The values of design still water hull girder loads are to be The greater of the following:
provided by the designer. PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
Storage tanks
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1]
2.8.2 Additional hull girder loads
PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + 1,3 pPV]
The following values of additional hull girder loads, taking
into account the condition of the water stretch are to be Compartment not used as PST = 9,81 (zAP − z)
considered: tank
• Additional bending moment, in kN⋅m: Other tank PST = 9,81 [(zTOP − z) + dAP]
MW = 0,045 L B CB
2.10 Flooding pressure
• Additional shear force, in kN:
TW = 0,14 L B CB 2.10.1 The pressure pFL to be considered as acting on plat-
ings and structural members of watertight bulkheads of
2.8.3 Total hull girder loads compartments not intended to carry liquids is obtained, in
The total hull girder loads are to be determined as follows: kN/m2, from the following formula:
a) Total vertical bending moment, in kN⋅m: pFL = 9,81 (zTOP − z)

214 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2



pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 6, Structural plans are to show details of connections of the
Sec 1, [2.3.1] various parts and, in general, are to specify the materials
pEm : River counterpressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 6, used, including their manufacturing processes, welded pro-
Sec 1, [2.3.1] cedures and heat treatments.

pC : Internal pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 6, Sec 1.2.2 If direct calculation analyses are carried out, calcula-
1, [2.4.1] tion notes are to be submitted to the Society for review.
pST : Testing pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 6, Sec
1, [2.9.1] 1.2.3 In addition to those in [1.2.1], the following plans
pFL : Flooding pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Ch 6, and documents are to be submitted to the Society for infor-
Sec 1, [2.10.1]. mation:
• justificative calculation of forces induced by towing and
1 General mooring equipment
• general arrangement plan.
1.1 Application
1.2.4 The Society may require any other necessary guid-
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the assign- ance for the safe operation of the floating storage unit.
ment of the type and service notation Floating storage to
harbour equipment up to a rule length of 135 m having a
length-to-depth ratio not exceeding 35. 2 Structure design principles
1.1.2 Harbour equipment with rule length exceeding
135 m or length-to-depth ratio greater than 35 will be spe- 2.1 Hull structure
cially considered by the Society.
2.1.1 Framing
1.2 Documents to be submitted In general, harbour equipment assigned the type and ser-
vice notation Floating storage are to be longitudinally
1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Soci- framed. Longitudinal stiffening members are to be sup-
ety for review are listed in Tab 1. ported by transverses arranged to form ring systems.

Table 1 : Plans and documents to be submitted for review

Plan or document Containing also information on

Transverse sections Main dimensions and maximum draft
Shell expansion Frame spacing
Decks and profiles Design loads on decks
Bulkheads Steel grades
Machinery space, if any Openings in decks and shell and relevant compensations
Details of structural reinforcement and/or discontinuities
Setting pressure of safety relief valves, if any
Corrosion protection
Details related to welding
Calculations and data for longitudinal and transverse strength analysis
Plan of tank testing Testing procedures for the various compartments
Height of pipes for testing
Mooring equipment Forces and moments induced by mooring equipment
Connections of mooring equipment to the dock structures
Compartment arrangements Use of space with Indication of compartments not intended for filling
Location and height of air vent outlets

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 215

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

2.1.2 Supports for docking 4.2 Reinforcements

Adequate supports are to be fitted on the longitudinal cen-
treline in order to carry loads acting on the structure when 4.2.1 Reinforcements are to be provided at places where
the floating storage is in dry dock. the hull is heavily stressed, as the area of coupling systems
for the modular floating storage and area of mooring equip-
2.1.3 Truss arrangement supporting deck loads ment.

Where truss arrangements may be used as supports of the

deck loads, including top and bottom girders in association 4.3 Wood sheathing
with pillars and diagonal bracing, the diagonal members
4.3.1 Wood sheathing is recommended for caterpillar
are generally to have angles of inclination with respect to
trucks and unusual vehicles.
the horizontal of about 45° and cross-sectional area of
about 50% that of the adjacent pillars. It is recommended that a piece of wood of suitable thick-
ness should be provided under each crutch in order to dis-
tribute the mass over the plate and nearest stiffeners.
3 Hull girder strength
5 Stability
3.1 General

3.1.1 The criteria to be considered for the calculation of the 5.1 General
hull girder strength characteristics is to be in compliance
5.1.1 This Article provides the requirements allowing to
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1.
ascertain that the floating storage has adequate intact stabil-
ity under all operating conditions.
3.1.2 The hull girder strength check is to be in compliance
with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, taking into account the hull girder Evidence of approval by the Administration concerned may
design loads defined in Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.8]. be accepted for the purpose of classification.

5.1.2 All calculations are to be carried out free from trim

4 Hull scantling and sinkage.

4.1 General 5.1.3 Stability calculations are to be determined taking into

account the most severe conditions, including the effect of
the free surfaces of liquids in tanks.
4.1.1 The scantlings of the hull structure are to be deter-
mined in compliance with Part B, Chapter 4, taking into The following requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2
account design loads defined in [4.1.2] and [4.1.3]. apply:
• definitions
4.1.2 Design lateral pressure in service conditions
• examination procedure
The design lateral pressure, p, in service conditions to be
• inclining test and lightweight check.
used for hull scantling is defined in Tab 2.

4.1.3 Design lateral pressure in testing conditions 5.2 Heeling moments

The design lateral pressure, pT , in testing conditions is to be
5.2.1 The values of heeling moments to be considered are
taken equal to: to be defined by the designer.
• pST − pEm for bottom shell plating and side shell plating
5.2.2 The following heeling moments are to be considered.
• pST otherwise.
a) Load induced moment
Table 2 : Plating and structural member b) Asymmetric structure induced moment
design lateral pressures
c) Moment due to wind pressure
Structural member Design lateral The moment caused by the wind pressure, in kN⋅m,
Structure shall be calculated in accordance with the following
location pressure p, in kN/m2
Outer shell and decks • pE
• pC − pEm
M W = F W   W + ---
Tanks  2
Separation of two • pC
adjacent compartments where:
Cofferdams Outer shell and decks • pE FW : Wind force, in kN, defined in Ch 6, Sec 1,
and other • pFL − pEm [2.2.1]
watertight Separation of two • pFL W : Distance, in m, of the centre of gravity of
compartments adjacent compartments
area AW , from waterline.

216 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 2

d) Cross current induced moment b) for list angles between 0° and 30°, there is a righting
The moment resulting from the cross current must only lever, in m, of at least:
be taken into account for floating storage which is h = 0,30 − 0,28 ϕn
anchored or moored across the current while operating.
e) Ballast and supplies induced moment where:
The least favourable extent of tank filling from the point ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
of view of stability shall be determined and the corre- lever arm curve displays negative values
sponding moment introduced into the calculation when (stability limit); it may not be less than 20°
calculating the moment resulting from the liquid ballast or 0,35 rad and shall not be inserted into the
and the liquid provisions. formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad:
f) Moment due to inertia forces
20° ≤ ϕn ≤ 30°
The moment resulting from inertia forces must be taken
into account if the movements of the load are likely to c) the list angle does not exceed 10°
affect its stability.
d) the residual safety clearance value is, at least:
5.3 Intact stability • 0,30 m for weathertight openings
5.3.1 It shall be confirmed that, when account has been • 0,40 m for unprotected openings
taken of the loads applied during the use and operation, the
residual freeboard and the residual safety clearance are e) the residual freeboard is at least 0,05 m
adequate, i.e.: f) for list angles between 0° and 30°, the residual righting
• the residual safety clearance is not less than: lever arm, in m, is at least:
- 0,30 m for weathertight apertures
h = 0,20 − 0,23 ϕn
- 0,40 m for unprotected openings
• the residual freeboard value is at least 0,30 m. where:
the residual freeboard may be reduced if it is proven ϕn : List angle, in radian, from which the righting
that the requirements of [5.4] have been met. lever arm curve displays negative values;
For this purpose, the angle of list shall not exceed 10° and this should not be inserted into the formula
the base of the hull shall not emerge. for more than 30° or 0,52 rad.
Residual righting lever arm means the maximum differ-
5.4 Intact stability in case of reduced residual ence existing between 0° and 30° list between the right-
freeboard ing lever and the heeling lever curves. If an opening
towards the inside of the floating equipment is
5.4.1 If a reduced residual freeboard is taken into account, immersed at a list angle less than the one corresponding
it shall be checked, for all operating conditions, that: to the maximum difference between the lever arm
a) after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the meta- curves, the lever arm corresponding to that list angle
centric height GM is not less than 0,15 m shall be taken into account.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 217

Pt D, Ch 6, Sec 3


1 Guard rails The scantlings of guard rails are to be in compliance with

European standard EN 711:1995 or equivalent standards.
1.1 General
2 Mooring and towing equipment
1.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to the arrange-
ment and scantling of guard rails provided at the boundaries
of the deck.
2.1 General

1.1.2 Requirements other than those set out in this Article 2.1.1 Floating storages are to be fitted with suitable
may be called for by national or international authorities, in arrangements for mooring and towing.
order to allow the persons to move about under adequate
safety conditions. 2.1.2 Floating storages are to be equipped with one bollard
each on the fore and aft body on port side and starboard
side. In between, depending on the floating storage length,
1.2 Scantling and arrangement one bollard has to be arranged on either side.
1.2.1 Guard rails are to be at least 900 mm high above the
2.1.3 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one
The foot-guard is to rise at least 50 mm above the weather bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the
deck. same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
The opening below the lower course is not to be greater the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
than 230 mm. The other courses are not to be more than impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
380 mm apart. seat on deck.

218 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt C, Ch 6, Sec 4


1 Auxiliary machinery and relevant 2.1.2 The degree of protection of the electrical equipment
on the deck must be at least IP22 in enclosed areas and
IP55 in wet areas and on exposed deck, in compliance with
EN 60529.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The auxiliary machinery and relevant equipment are 2.2 Lighting
to comply with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 1.
2.2.1 No lights disrupting or impeding navigation dazzling
effects or reflective likely to be confused with navigational
2 Electrical installations signals or hinder their effects should be presented on the
floating storage.
2.1 General
2.1.1 As a general rule, the electrical installations are to 3 Fire fighting
comply with the applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 2.
However, floating storage complying with the standards of 3.1 General
industrial equipment may be accepted insofar as their satis-
factory operation can be established under specified tem- 3.1.1 The fire fighting installations are to comply with the
perature, moisture and corrosion conditions. applicable requirements of Ch 1, Sec 3.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 219

Pt C, Ch 6, Sec 4

220 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Part D
Additional Requirements for Notations

Chapter 7






November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 221

222 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015
Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1



L : Rule length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 1.2 Definitions

LOA : Length overall, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 1.2.1 Other general or specific definitions used for the pur-
poses of this Section are given in NR217, Pt D, Ch 3, App 1.
B : Breadth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.3] 1.2.2 Storage area
D : Depth, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.4] Storage area means the whole of the spaces defined here
below (see Fig 1):
T : Draught, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.5]
a) Storage area part above deck means the space which is
B2 : Breadth of the side tank, in m
D2 : Height of the double bottom, in m.
• at the sides, by the shell plating extending upwards
from the decks sides
1 General • fore and aft, by planes inclined at 45° towards the
storage area, starting at the boundary of the storage
1.1 Application area part below deck
• vertically, by a horizontal plane at a height H, in m,
1.1.1 Harbour equipment complying with the requirements to be determined as follows:
of this Section are eligible for the assignment of the follow- - harbour equipment with superstructure (see Pt B,
ing notations: Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.8] for definition):
• DG-S/Bunker station or H = Min (zS − zD ; 3)
• DG-S/Wastes. where:
as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3, [7.2.5] or Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3, zS : Z-coordinate of the superstructure
[7.2.6]. deck, in m
zD : Z-coordinate of the main deck in
1.1.2 Harbour equipment not covered by Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3, way of the midship section, in m
[7.2.5] or Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3, [7.2.6] has to comply with the
applicable requirements of NR 217, Part D, Chap 3. - harbour equipment without superstructure:
1.1.3 Harbour equipment dealt with in this Section are to b) Storage area part below deck means the space between
comply with the requirements stated under Part A, Part B two vertical planes perpendicular to the centre-line
Part C and Part D, Chap 6, as applicable. plane of the harbour equipment, which comprises stor-
age tanks, hold spaces, cofferdams, double-hull spaces
1.1.4 Additional measures and Regulations containing the
and double bottoms; these planes normally coincide
provisions dealing with:
with the outer cofferdam bulkheads or hold end bulk-
• loading, storage, unloading and handling of products heads. Their intersection line with the deck is referred to
• harbour equipment personnel, equipment, operation as the boundary of the storage area part below deck.
and documentation
1.2.3 Dangerous products
• harbour equipment construction,
Dangerous products mean substances and articles the car-
are also to be complied with. riage of which is prohibited by ADN (see Note 1) or equiva-
lent standards, or authorized only under the conditions
1.1.5 The list of products accepted for storage in the har- prescribed therein.
bour equipment will be indicated in a list issued by the Note 1: ADN means European agreement concerning the interna-
Society. tional carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterways.

1.1.6 Alternative arrangements and/or constructions will be 1.2.4 Hazardous areas

specially considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis, Hazardous areas are areas in which an explosive gas atmo-
taking into account the level of encountered risks in han- sphere (see Note 1) is or may be expected to be present in
dling of dangerous substances intended to be stored quantities such as to require special precautions for the
together with anticipated counter measures. construction, installation and use of electrical apparatus.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 223

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

Hazardous areas are classified in the following zones based The different spaces of a harbour equipment intended for
upon the frequency and the duration of the occurrence of the storage of substances for which anti-explosion protec-
explosive atmosphere: tion is prescribed in column (17) of NR217, Pt D, Ch 3, App
3, Tab 2 are to be classified according to Tab 1.
• Zone 0: areas in which dangerous explosive atmo- Note 1: An explosive gas atmosphere is a mixture with air, under
spheres of gases, vapours or sprays exist permanently or atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of
during long periods gas, vapour or mist, in which, after ignition, combustion spreads
throughout the unconsumed mixture.
• Zone 1: areas in which dangerous explosive atmo-
spheres of gases, vapours or sprays are likely to occur 1.2.5 Service space
occasionally Service space means a space which is accessible during the
operation of the harbour equipment and which is neither
• Zone 2: areas in which dangerous explosive atmo- part of the accommodation nor of the storage tanks, with
spheres of gases, vapours or sprays are likely to occur the exception of the peaks, provided no machinery has
rarely and, if so, for short periods only. been installed in these latter spaces.

Figure 1 : Storage area

Storage area above deck

Deck Deck

Storage area below deck

Boundary line of storage Boundary line of storage

area below deck Cofferdams area below deck

Table 1 : Space descriptions and hazardous area zones

No. Description of spaces
area zone
1 The interior of storage tanks, slop tanks, any pipework of pressure-relief or other venting systems for storage Zone 0
tanks, pipes and equipment containing the substance or developing flammable gases and vapours
2 Void space adjacent to, above or below integral storage tanks Zone 1
3 Hold spaces Zone 1
4 Cofferdams and permanent (for example, segregated) ballast tanks adjacent to storage tanks Zone 1
5 Pump rooms Zone 1
6 Spaces, other than cofferdam, adjacent to and below the top of a storage tank (for example, trunks, Zone 1
passageways and hold)
7 Spaces on open deck located in the storage area Zone 1
8 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 2 m of any storage tank outlet, gas or Zone 1
vapour outlet, valves, pipe flange, pump-room ventilation outlets, and storage tank openings for pressure
release provided to permit the flow of gas or vapour mixtures caused by thermal variation
9 Areas on open deck, or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck, within 1 m of pump room entrances, pump Zone 1
room ventilation inlet, openings into cofferdams, service spaces located in the storage area below deck, or
other zone 1 spaces
10 Compartments for hoses Zone 1
11 Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which pipes containing substances are located Zone 1
12 Spaces above deck, surrounding open or semi-enclosed spaces of zone 1 Zone 2
13 Spaces outside storage area, below the level of the main deck, and having an opening on to the main deck Zone 2
or at a level less than 0,5 m above the main deck, unless:
• the spaces are mechanically ventilated, or
• the wall of the superstructure facing the storage area extends from one side to the other and has doors
the sills of which have a height of not less than 0,50 m

224 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted

No. A/I Document

1 I List of substances intended to be stored with their UN number (see NR217, Pt D, Ch 3, App 3, Tab 2), including
all design characteristics of substances and other important design conditions
2 I General arrangement plan, showing location of storage tanks and fuel oil, ballast and other tanks, void spaces
3 A Hazardous areas plan and location of the electrical equipment installed in these areas
4 A Ventilation duct arrangement in gas-dangerous spaces and adjacent zones
5 A Details of hull structure in way of storage tanks, including support arrangement for tanks, saddles, anti-floating
and anti-lifting devices, deck sealing arrangements, independent storage tanks, etc.
6 A Intact and damage stability calculations
7 A Scantlings, material and arrangement of the storage tank system
8 A Details of product handling system, including arrangements and details of piping and fittings
9 A Details of product pumps and compressors
10 A Bilge and ballast system in storage area
11 A Gas freeing system in storage tanks
12 A Ventilation system in storage area
13 A List of the electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas comparable to zone 0 and 1, including the following
equipment particulars: location, type of protection, type of protection against explosion, testing body and
approval number
14 A Schematic electrical wiring diagram
15 A Pressure drop calculation note
16 A Gas detection system
17 A Storage tank instrumentation
18 A Details of fire-extinguishing appliances and systems in storage area
19 A Arrangement drawing of the various fire bulkheads and decks with standard fire test reports for the various
arrangements, surface coverings, paints and similar
20 I Loading and unloading operation description, including storage tank filling limits, where applicable
21 A Gas return system
22 A List of equipment installed in hazardous areas comparable to zone 2 which may be used during loading, unload-
ing and gas-freeing and red equipment
Note 1:
A = to be submitted for review
I = to be submitted for information.

1.3 Documents to be submitted ing (see also Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2) or other at least equivalent
1.3.1 Tab 2 lists the plans and documents to be submitted
in addition to the documents required in the other Parts of
2.2 Specific requirements
the Rule note for the parts of the harbour equipment not
affected by the product, as applicable.
2.2.1 Every part of the harbour equipment including any
installation and equipment which may come into contact
2 Materials of construction with the product shall consist of materials which can nei-
ther be dangerously affected by the product nor cause
2.1 General decomposition of the product or react with it so as to form
harmful or hazardous products.
2.1.1 The harbour equipment's hull and the storage tanks
must be constructed of hull structural steel conforming to 2.2.2 Venting pipes and gas discharge pipes shall be pro-
the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Weld- tected against corrosion.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 225

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

2.2.3 The use of wood, aluminium alloys or synthetic mate- 3.3 Accommodation and service spaces
rials within the storage area is only permitted for:
• gangways and external ladders 3.3.1 Accommodation spaces shall be located outside the
storage area forward of the fore vertical plane or abaft the
• movable items of equipment (aluminium gauging rods aft vertical plane bounding the part of storage area below
are, however permitted, provided that they are fitted deck.
with brass feet or protected in another way to avoid
sparking) 3.3.2 Entrances to spaces and openings of superstructures
• chocking of storage tanks which are independent of the shall not face the storage area.
harbour equipment's hull and chocking of installations
and equipment 3.3.3 Entrances from the deck and openings of spaces fac-
ing the weather shall be capable of being closed.
• masts and similar round timber
• engine parts 3.3.4 Integrity and space segregation
The following shall be complied with to assure segregation
• parts of the electrical installation
between different spaces:
• loading and unloading appliances
a) Driving shafts of the bilge or ballast pumps in the stor-
• lids of boxes which are placed on the deck. age area may penetrate through the bulkhead between
the service space and the machinery space, provided
2.2.4 The use of wood or plastic materials within the stor- the arrangement of the service space is in compliance
age area is only permitted for supports and stops of any with [3.4.5].
b) The penetration of the shaft through the bulkhead shall
2.2.5 The use of plastic materials or rubber within the stor- be gastight and shall have been approved by the Society.
age area is only permitted for: c) Penetrations through the bulkhead between the machin-
• coating of storage tanks and of pipes for loading and ery space and the service space in the storage area, and
unloading the bulkhead between the machinery space and the
hold spaces may be provided for electrical cables,
• all kinds of gaskets (e.g. for dome or hatch covers) hydraulic and piping for measuring, control and alarm
• electric cables systems, provided that the penetrations have been
approved by the Society. The penetrations shall be gas-
• hoses for loading and unloading
tight. Penetrations through a bulkhead with an “A-60”
• insulation of storage tanks and of hoses for loading and fire protection insulation, shall have an equivalent fire
unloading. protection.
d) Pipes may penetrate the bulkhead between the engine
2.2.6 All permanently fitted materials in the accommoda-
room and the service space in the storage area provided
tion, with the exception of furniture, shall not readily ignite.
that these are pipes between the mechanical equipment
They shall not evolve fumes or toxic gases in dangerous
in the machinery space and the service space which do
quantities, if involved in a fire.
not have any openings within the service space and
2.2.7 The paint used in the storage area shall not be liable which are provided with shut-off devices at the bulk-
to produce sparks in case of impact. head in the machinery space.
e) Notwithstanding [3.4.4], pipes from the machinery
space may penetrate the service space in the storage
3 Harbour equipment arrangement
area or a cofferdam or a hold space or a double-hull
space to the outside provided that within the service
3.1 General space or cofferdam or hold space or doublehull space
they are of the thick-walled type and have no flanges or
3.1.1 The harbour equipment’s hull structural configuration openings.
as well as the storage tank type and design are to be deter-
mined in compliance with NR217, Pt D, Ch 3, App 3, Tab
3.4 Storage spaces
2, depending on the products intended to be stored.
3.4.1 The storage tanks shall be separated by cofferdams of
3.2 Machinery spaces at least 0,60 m in width from the accommodation, machin-
ery space and service spaces outside the storage area below
3.2.1 Internal combustion engines shall be located outside deck or, if there are no such accommodation, machinery
the storage area. Entrances and other openings of machin- space and service spaces, from the harbour equipment’s
ery spaces shall be at a distance of not less than 2,00 m ends. Where the storage tanks are installed in a hold space,
from any hazardous area comparable to zone 0 or 1. a space of not less than 0,50 m shall be provided between
such tanks and the end bulkheads of the hold space. In this
3.2.2 The machinery spaces shall be accessible from the case an end bulkhead meeting at least the definition for
deck; the entrances shall not face the storage area. Class “A-60”, shall be deemed equivalent to a cofferdam.

226 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

3.4.2 Storage spaces, cofferdams and storage tanks shall be 3.6 Engines
capable of being inspected.
3.6.1 Where the list of products accepted for storage in the
3.4.3 All spaces in the storage area shall be capable of harbour equipment includes those for which anti-explosion
being ventilated. Means for checking their gas-free condi- protection is prescribed in column (17) of NR217, Ch 3,
tion shall be provided. App 3, Tab 2, sparking shall not be possible within any haz-
ardous area comparable to zone 0 or 1.
3.4.4 The bulkheads bounding the storage tanks, coffer-
dams and hold spaces shall be watertight. The storage tanks
and the bulkheads bounding the storage area shall have no 3.7 Exhaust pipes
openings or penetrations below deck.
3.7.1 Exhausts shall be evacuated from the harbour equip-
The bulkhead between the machinery space and the coffer- ment into the open air either upwards through an exhaust
dam or service space in the storage area or between the pipe or through the shell plating. The exhaust pipes of engines
machinery space and a hold space may be fitted with pene- shall be arranged so that the exhausts are led away from the
trations provided that they conform to the provisions of harbour equipment. The exhaust pipes shall not be located
[3.3.4]. within any hazardous area comparable to zone 0 or 1.
The bulkheads between the storage tanks may be fitted with
penetrations provided that the loading and unloading pipes 3.7.2 Exhaust pipes shall be provided with a device pre-
are fitted with shut-off devices in the storage tank from venting the escape of sparks, e.g. spark arresters.
which they come. The shut-off devices shall be operable
from the deck.
3.8 Bilge pumping and ballasting arrangements
These pipes shall be at least 0,60 m above the bottom.
3.8.1 Bilge and ballast pumps for spaces within the storage
3.4.5 The arrangement of the service space shall comply area shall be installed within such area.
with the following:
This provision does not apply to:
• A cofferdam, the centre part of a cofferdam or another
• double-hull spaces and double bottoms which do not
space below deck in the storage area may be arranged
have a common boundary wall with the storage tanks
as a service space, provided the bulkheads bounding
the service space extend vertically to the bottom. This • cofferdams, double hull spaces, double bottoms and
service space shall only be accessible from the deck. hold spaces where ballasting is carried out using the
• The service space shall be watertight with the exception piping of the fire-fighting system in the storage area and
of its access hatches and ventilation inlets. bilge-pumping is performed using eductors.

3.4.6 Cofferdams, double-hull spaces, double bottoms, 3.8.2 Where the double bottom is used as oil fuel tank, it
storage tanks, hold spaces and other accessible spaces shall not be connected to the bilge piping system.
within the storage area shall be arranged so that they may
be completely inspected and cleaned in an appropriate 3.8.3 Where the ballast pump is installed in the storage
manner. The dimensions of openings, except for those of area, the standpipe and its outboard connection for suction
double hull spaces and double bottoms which do not have of ballast water shall be located within the storage area but
a wall adjoining the storage tanks, shall be in compliance outside the storage tanks.
with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.2.2].
3.8.4 A product pump-room below deck shall be capable
of being drained in an emergency by an installation located
3.5 Ventilation in the storage area and independent from any other installa-
tion. This installation shall be provided outside the product
3.5.1 Each hold space shall have two openings the dimen- pump-room.
sions and location of which shall be such as to permit effec-
tive ventilation of any part of the hold space.
3.9 Ventilation of pump room
3.5.2 Double-hull spaces and double bottoms within the
storage area which are not arranged for being filled with 3.9.1 Product pump rooms must be provided with extrac-
ballast water, hold spaces and cofferdams, shall be pro- tion type ventilation systems, independent of other harbour
vided with ventilation systems. equipment's spaces, providing at least 30 cycles of air
change per hour. Warning notices shall be placed requiring
3.5.3 Any service spaces located in the storage area below that the ventilation is in operation for at least 15 minutes
deck shall be provided with a suitable ventilation installa- prior to entering these spaces.
3.9.2 Portable means must be provided for gas-freeing of
3.5.4 Ventilation of accommodation and service spaces storage tanks and other spaces not equipped with fixed ven-
shall be possible. tilation.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 227

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

3.10 Arrangements of cofferdams 4.3.2 The capacity of a suction well shall be limited to not
more than 0,10 m3.
3.10.1 Cofferdams or cofferdam compartments remaining
once a service space has been arranged in accordance with 4.4 Integrated storage tank scantlings
[3.4.5] shall be accessible through an access hatch. If, how-
ever, the cofferdam is connected to a double hull space, it is 4.4.1 The scantlings of the integrated storage tank structure
sufficient for it to be accessible from that space. are to be determined in compliance with Ch 6, Sec 2, [4].

3.10.2 No fixed pipe shall permit connection between a

cofferdam and other piping of the harbour equipment out-
4.5 Independent storage tank scantlings
side the storage area. 4.5.1 Storage tank scantlings
The scantlings of independent storage tanks are to be deter-
4 Storage tank mined in compliance with Ch 6, Sec 2, [4].

4.5.2 Supports and fastenings

4.1 General
The scantlings of the tank supports and fastenings are to be
4.1.1 The scantlings and structural arrangements are to be in compliance with NR217, Pt D, Ch 1 Sec 3, [8].
in compliance with applicable requirements of Ch 6, Sec 2,
[2] to Ch 6, Sec 2, [4]. 4.6 Storage tank openings

4.2 Storage area hull design 4.6.1

a) Storage tank openings shall be located on deck in the
4.2.1 Where independent storage tanks are used, or for storage area.
double-hull construction where the storage tanks are inte- b) Storage tank openings with a cross-section of more than
grated in harbour equipment’s structure, the space between 0,10 m2 and openings of safety devices for preventing
the wall of the harbour equipment and wall of the storage overpressures shall be located not less than 0,50 m
tanks shall be not less than 0,60 m. above deck.
The space between the bottom of the harbour equipment
and the bottom of the storage tanks shall be not less than 4.6.2 Safety devices
0,50 m. The space may be reduced to 0,40 m under the On harbour equipment fitted with open venting storage
pump sumps. The vertical space between the suction well tanks, each storage tank or group of storage tanks con-
of a storage tank and the bottom structures shall be not less nected to a common venting pipe shall be fitted with safety
than 0,10 m. devices designed to prevent any accumulation of water and
When a hull is constructed in the storage area as a double its penetration into the storage tanks.
hull with independent storage tanks located in hold spaces,
the above values are applicable to the double hull. If in this 5 Product piping system
case the minimum values for inspections of independent
tanks referred to in [3.4.6] are not feasible, it must be possi- 5.1 Arrangement for product pumps
ble to remove the storage tanks easily for inspection.
5.1.1 Product pumps shall be capable of being shut down
4.2.2 Where service spaces are located in the storage area from an area between the fore vertical plane and the aft ver-
under deck, they shall be arranged so as to be easily acces- tical plane bounding the part of the storage area below deck
sible and to permit persons wearing protective clothing and and from a position outside this area.
breathing apparatus to safely operate the service equipment
contained therein. They shall be designed so as to allow
5.2 Arrangement of product piping
injured or unconscious personnel to be removed from such
spaces without difficulties, if necessary by means of fixed 5.2.1 Pipes for loading and unloading shall be independent
equipment. of any other piping of the harbour equipment.

4.3 Storage tank arrangements 5.2.2 The pipes for loading and unloading shall be
arranged so that, after loading or unloading operations, the
4.3.1 The storage tank is to comply with the following: liquid remaining in these pipes may be safely removed and
• for harbour equipment with a length not more than may flow either into the harbour equipment’s tanks or the
50,00 m, the length of a storage tank shall not exceed tanks ashore.
10,00 m
5.2.3 Piping for loading and unloading shall be clearly dis-
• for harbour equipment with a length of more than tinguishable from other piping, e.g. by means of colour
50,00 m, the length of a storage tank shall not exceed marking.
0,20 L, where L is the harbour equipment rule length.
This provision does not apply to harbour equipment 5.2.4 The shore connections shall be located not less than
with independent built-in cylindrical tanks having a 6 m from the entrances to or openings of, the accommoda-
length to diameter ratio ≤ 7. tion and service spaces outside the storage area.

228 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

5.2.5 Each connection of the venting pipe and connections area. During filling of receptacles for residual products,
of the pipes for loading and unloading, through which the means for collecting any leakage shall be placed under the
loading or unloading operation is carried out, shall be fitted filling connections.
with a shut-off device.
7.1.2 Receptacles for slops shall be fire resistant and shall
5.2.6 Pipes for loading and unloading, and venting pipes, be capable of being closed with lids. The receptacles for
shall not have flexible connections fitted with sliding seals. slops shall be marked and easy to handle.

7.1.3 The maximum capacity of a tank for residual prod-

5.3 Control and monitoring ucts is 30 m3.

5.3.1 The stop valves or other shut-off devices of the pipes 7.1.4 The tank for residual products shall be equipped
for loading and unloading shall indicate whether they are
open or shut. • a device for ensuring pressure equilibrium
• an ullage opening
5.4 Permissible loading and unloading flows • connections, with stop valves, for pipes and hoses.

5.4.1 The permissible loading and unloading flows shall be 7.1.5 Receptacles for residual products shall be equipped
calculated. The loading and unloading flows depend on the with:
total cross section of the exhaust ducts. • a connection enabling gases released during filling to be
evacuated safely

6 Product temperature control • a possibility of indicating the degree of filling

• connections with shut-off devices, for pipes and hoses.

6.1 Storage tank heating 7.1.6 Receptacles for residual products placed on the deck
shall be located at a minimum distance from the hull equal
6.1.1 Storage tank heating system is to be installed as a sep- to one quarter of the harbour equipment’s breadth.
arate system, equipped with a heat exchanger located in the
storage area. Where special heat transfer media are used
this requirement may be dispensed with upon approval by
8 Electrical installations
the Society.
8.1 General design requirements
6.1.2 Boilers which are used for heating the product shall
be fuelled with a liquid fuel having a flashpoint of more 8.1.1 Only distribution systems without return connection
than 55°C. They shall be placed either in the machinery to the hull are permitted. This provision does not apply to:
space or in another separate space below deck and outside • certain limited sections of the installations situated out-
the storage area, which is accessible from the deck or from side the storage area (connections of starters of diesel
the machinery space. engines)
• device for checking the insulation level referred to in
6.1.3 The product heating system shall be designed so that [8.1.2]
the product cannot penetrate into the boiler in the case of a
leak in the heating coils. A product heating system with arti- • active cathodic corrosion protection.
ficial draught shall be ignited electrically.
8.1.2 Every insulated distribution network shall be fitted
with an automatic device with a visual and audible alarm
6.1.4 The ventilation system of the machinery space shall for checking the insulation level.
be designed taking into account the air required for the
boiler. 8.1.3 For the selection of electrical equipment to be used in
zones presenting an explosion risk, the explosion groups
and temperature classes assigned to the substances stored
7 Receptacles for residual products shall be taken into consideration.
and receptacles for slops
8.2 Type and location of electrical equipment
7.1 General
7.1.1 If harbour equipment is provided with a tank for a) Only measuring, regulation and alarm devices of the
residual products, it shall comply with the provisions of EEx (ia) type of protection may be installed in storage
[7.1.3] and [7.1.6]. Receptacles for residual products and tanks and pipes for loading and unloading (comparable
receptacles for slops shall be located only in the storage to zone 0).

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 229

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

b) Only the following equipment may be installed in the • when the gas concentration reaches 20% of the
cofferdams, double-hull spaces, double bottoms and lower explosive limit, the ventilators are switched
hold spaces (comparable to zone 1): off. In such a case and when the overpressure is
• measuring, regulation and alarm devices of the cer- not maintained or in the event of failure of the
tified safe type gas detection system, the electrical installations
• lighting appliances of the “flame-proof enclosure” or which do not comply with item a) above, shall be
“pressurised enclosure” type of protection switched off. These operations shall be per-
formed immediately and automatically and acti-
• hermetically sealed echo sounding devices the
vate the emergency lighting in the
cables of which are led through thick-walled steel
accommodation and the service spaces, which
tubes with gastight connections up to the main deck
shall comply at least with the “limited explosion
• cables for the active cathodic protection of the shell risk” type. The switching-off shall be indicated in
plating in protective steel tubes such as those pro- the accommodation by visual and audible signals
vided for echo sounding devices.
• the ventilation system, the gas detection system
c) Only the following equipment may be installed in the
and the alarm of the switch-off device fully com-
service spaces in the storage area below deck (compara-
ply with the requirements of item a) above
ble to zone 1):
• measuring, regulation and alarm devices of the cer- • the automatic switching-off device is set so that
tified safe type no automatic switch off may occur while the
vessel is under way.
• lighting appliances of the “flame-proof enclosure” or
“apparatus protected by pressurization” type of pro-
8.2.3 The electrical equipment which does not meet the
requirements set out in [8.2.2] together with its switches
• motors driving essential equipment such as ballast shall be marked in red. The disconnection of such equip-
pumps; they shall be of the certified safe type. ment shall be operated from a centralised location on
d) The control and protective equipment of the electrical board.
equipment referred to in items a), b) and c) above shall
be located outside the storage area if they are not intrin- 8.2.4 An electric generator which is permanently driven by
sically safe. an engine and which does not meet the requirements of
e) The electrical equipment in the storage area on deck [8.2.2], shall be fitted with a switch capable of shutting
(comparable to zone 1) shall be of the certified safe down the excitation of the generator. A notice board with
type. the operating instructions shall be displayed near the
8.2.2 The following requirements apply to electrical equip-
ment outside hazardous areas comparable to zone 0 or 1: 8.2.5 Sockets for the connection of signal lights and gang-
a) Electrical equipment used during loading, unloading way lighting shall be permanently fitted to the harbour
and gas-freeing during berthing shall be at least of the equipment close to the signal mast or the gangway. Con-
“limited explosion risk” type. necting and disconnecting shall not be possible except
when the sockets are not live.
b) This provision does not apply to:
1) lighting installations in the accommodation, except 8.2.6 The failure of the power supply for the safety and
for switches near entrances to accommodation control equipment shall be immediately indicated by visual
2) radiotelephone installations in the accommodation and audible signals at the locations where the alarms are
3) mobile and fixed telephone installations in the usually actuated.
4) electrical installations in the accommodation or the 8.3 Earthing
service spaces, if:
• these spaces are fitted with a ventilation system 8.3.1 The metal parts of electrical appliances in the storage
ensuring an overpressure of 0,1 kPa (0,001 bar) area which are not live as well as protective metal tubes or
and none of the windows is capable of being metal sheaths of cables in normal service shall be earthed,
opened; the air intakes of the ventilation system unless they are so arranged that they are automatically
shall be located as far away as possible, how- earthed by bonding to the metal structure of the harbour
ever, not less than 6,00 m from the storage area equipment.
and not less than 2,00 m above the deck
8.3.2 The provisions of [8.3.1] apply also to equipment
• the spaces are fitted with a gas detection system
having service voltages of less than 50 V.
with sensors:
- at the suction inlets of the ventilation system 8.3.3 Independent storage tanks, metal intermediate bulk
- directly at the top edge of the sill of the containers and tank-containers shall be earthed.
entrance doors of the accommodation and
service spaces 8.3.4 Receptacles for residual products shall be capable of
• the gas concentration measurement is continuous being earthed.

230 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

8.4 Electrical cables 10 Safety and control installations

8.4.1 All cables in the storage area shall have a metallic
sheath. 10.1 General

8.4.2 Cables and sockets in any hazardous area compara- 10.1.1 Storage tanks shall be provided with the following
ble to zone 0 or 1 shall be protected against mechanical equipment:
a) a mark inside the tank indicating the liquid level of 97%
8.4.3 Movable cables are prohibited in any hazardous area
comparable to zone 0 or 1, except for intrinsically safe elec- b) a high level sensor for actuating the facility against over-
tric circuits or for the supply of signal lights, gangway lighting flowing at the latest when a degree of filling of 97,5% is
and submerged pumps. reached.

8.4.4 Cables of intrinsically safe circuits shall only be used c) An instrument for measuring the temperature of the
for such circuits and shall be separated from other cables product shall be provided, if in column (9) of NR217, Pt
not intended for being used in such circuits (e.g. they shall D, Ch 3, App 3, Tab 2, a heating installation is required,
not be installed together in the same string of cables and or if a possibility of heating the product is required, or if
they shall not be fixed by the same cable clamps). a maximum temperature is indicated in column (20).

8.4.5 For movable cables intended for signal lights, gang-

way lighting and submerged pumps, only sheathed cables 11 Buoyancy and stability
of type H 07 RN-F in accordance with standard IEC 60 245-
4:2011 or cables of at least equivalent design having con-
ductors with a cross-section of not less than 1,5 mm² shall 11.1 Storage of liquid products
be used. These cables shall be as short as possible and
installed so that damage is not likely to occur. 11.1.1 General

a) Exceptions to the requirements stated in these Rules are

8.5 Storage batteries possible where they are permitted by the statutory Regu-
8.5.1 Storage batteries shall be located outside any hazard-
ous area comparable to zone 0 or 1. b) General requirements of NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [1]
to NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3] are to be complied
9 Fire protection and fire extinguishing with.

c) The longitudinal centre bulkhead may be dispensed

9.1 Fire and naked light with only if sufficient stability is guaranteed.

9.1.1 The outlets of funnels shall be located not less than d) Proof of sufficient stability shall be furnished. This proof
2,00 m from the storage area. Arrangements shall be pro- is not required for single hull harbour equipment with
vided to prevent the escape of sparks and the entry of water. storage tanks the width of which is not more than
0,70 B.
9.1.2 Heating, cooking and refrigerating appliances shall
not be fuelled with liquid fuels, liquid gas or solid fuels. e) The basic values for the stability calculation (the har-
bour equipment’s lightweight and location of the centre
The installation in the engine room or in another separate
of gravity) shall be determined in compliance with
space of heating appliances fuelled with liquid fuel having a
flashpoint above 55°C is, however, permitted. NR217, Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2].

Cooking and refrigerating appliances are permitted only in f) Proof of sufficient intact stability shall be furnished for
the accommodation. all stages of loading and unloading and for the final
loading condition for all the relative densities of the
9.1.3 Only electrical lighting appliances are permitted. products intended to be stored.

g) For every loading case, taking account of the actual fill-

9.2 Portable fire extinguishers
ing and floating position of storage tanks, ballast tanks
and compartments, drinking water and sewage tanks
9.2.1 In addition to the fire-extinguishing appliances pre-
and tanks containing products for the operation of the
scribed in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 3, the harbour equipment shall be
equipped with at least two additional portable fire-extin- harbour equipment, the harbour equipment shall com-
guishers having the same capacity in storage area. ply with the intact and damage stability requirements.

These additional portable fire-extinguishers shall be suitable Intermediate stages during operations shall also be
for fighting fires involving the dangerous products stored. taken into consideration.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 231

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

11.1.2 Intact stability In general, permeability shall be assumed to be 95%.

Where an average permeability of less than 95% is calcu-
For harbour equipment with independent storage tanks and
for double hull constructions with storage tanks integrated lated for any compartment, this calculated value obtained
in the frames of the harbour equipment, the requirements may be used.
for intact stability resulting from the damage stability calcu-
lation shall be fully complied with. However, the minimum values of permeability μ given in
Tab 3 are to be used.
For harbour equipment with storage tanks of more than
0,70 B in width, the following intact stability requirements For the machinery space, only the one-compartment status
are to be complied with, bearing in mind the influence of need be taken into account, i.e. the end bulkheads of the
all free surfaces in tanks for all stages of loading and machinery space shall be assumed as not damaged.
The damage stability is generally regarded sufficient if (see
• in the positive area of the righting lever curve up to
immersion of the first unprotected opening there shall Fig 2):
be a righting lever (GZ) of not less than 0,10 m • At the stage of equilibrium (in the final stage of flood-
• the surface of the positive area of the righting lever ing), the angle of heel is not greater than 12°.
curve up to immersion of the first unprotected opening
Non-watertight openings shall not be flooded before
and in any event up to an angle of heel ≤ 27° shall not
be less than 0,024 m.rad reaching the stage of equilibrium. If such openings are
immersed before the stage of equilibrium, the corre-
• the initial metacentric height GM0 shall be not less than sponding spaces shall be considered flooded for the
0,10 m.
purpose of stability calculation.

11.1.3 Damage stability • The positive range of the righting lever curve beyond the
stage of equilibrium has a righting lever of ≥ 0,05 m in
For harbour equipment with independent storage tanks and
for double hull constructions with storage tanks integrated association with an area under the curve of
in the frames of the harbour equipment, the following ≥ 0,0065 m.rad. The minimum values of stability shall
assumptions shall be taken into consideration for the dam- be satisfied up to immersion of the first unprotected
aged condition: (non-weathertight) opening and in any event up to an
a) Extent of side damage: angle of heel ≤ 27°. If non-weathertight openings are
immersed before that stage, the corresponding spaces
• longitudinal extent: at least 0,10 LOA shall be considered flooded for the purpose of stability
• transverse extent: B2 − 0,01 m calculation.

• vertical extent: from base line upwards without limit If openings through which undamaged compartments may
additionally become flooded are capable of being closed
b) Extent of bottom damage:
watertight, the closing appliances shall be marked accord-
• longitudinal extent: at least 0,10 LOA ingly.

• transverse extent: 3,00 m Where cross- or down-flooding openings are provided for
reduction of unsymmetrical flooding, the time of equalisa-
• vertical extent: from base line to D2 − 0,01 m
upwards, except for pump well tion shall not exceed 15 minutes, provided during the inter-
mediate stages of flooding sufficient stability has been
c) Any bulkhead within the damaged area shall be proved.
assumed damaged, which means that the location of
bulkheads shall be chosen to ensure that the harbour
Table 3 : Permeability μ
equipment remains afloat after the flooding of two or
more adjacent compartments in the longitudinal direc- Storage of liquid products
Spaces μ, in %
The following provisions are applicable:
Machinery space 85
• for bottom damage, adjacent athwartship compart- Accommodation spaces 95
ments shall also be assumed flooded
Double bottoms, oil fuel tanks, ballast tanks,
• the lower edge of any non-watertight opening (e.g. etc., depending on whether, according to their
windows, doors and access hatchways) shall, at the function, they have to be assumed as full or 0 or 95
final stage of flooding, be not less than 0,10 m empty for the vessel floating at the maximum
above the damage waterline. permissible draught

232 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 1

Figure 2 : Proof of damage stability

Righting lever

 12˚
A  0,0065 m.rad
 0,05m

First unprotected opening,

however  27˚
Equilibrium in

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 233

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2



t : Net thickness, in mm, of plating αW : Coefficient taking into account the number of
wheels and wheels per axle considered as act-
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners
ing on the stiffener, defined in Tab 3
S : Spacing, in m, of primary supporting members KS , KT : Coefficients taking into account the number of
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners or primary axles considered as acting on the stiffener,
supporting members defined in Tab 4.

w : Net section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary stiffen-

ers or primary supporting members 1 General
Ash : Net shear sectional area, in cm2
1.1 Application
γR : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
regarding resistance, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1.1.1 The additional class notation Equipped for wheeled
1, [1.3] vehicles is assigned, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3,
[9.2], to harbour equipment intended to carry wheeled
γm : Partial safety factor covering uncertainties
vehicles complying with the requirements of this Section.
regarding material, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1,
1.2 Documents to be submitted
k : Material factor defined in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2,
[2.4] and Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.4] 1.2.1 In addition to the documents required for each type
Ry 2
: Minimum yield stress, in N/mm , of the mate- and service notation, the following documents are to be
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless
otherwise specified • type of vehicles

βb , βs : Span correction coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch • axle load

4, Sec 3, [1.3], for ordinary stiffeners and Pt B, • configuration and number of wheels per axle
Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.1.3], for primary supporting
• distance between axles
• distance between wheels
λb , λs : Coefficients for pressure distribution correction
defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.4] • tyre print area.

z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point

1.3 General requirements
IY : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the hull trans-
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis, to 1.3.1 The hull scantlings and arrangements are to be in
be calculated according to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 1, [2] compliance with Part B, Chapter 4.

MTH : Total vertical bending moment in hogging con- 1.3.2 In addition, scantlings of plating and structural mem-
dition, in kN.m, to be determined according to bers subjected to wheeled loads are to be in compliance
the relevant requirements of Part D, Chapter 1 to with [2] to [4].
Part D, Chapter 6
MTS : Total vertical bending moment in sagging con- 2 Plating subjected to wheeled loads
dition, in kN.m, to be determined according to
the relevant requirements of Part D, Chapter 1 to
Part D, Chapter 6
2.1 Hull girder normal stresses

N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of 2.1.1 The hull girder normal stress to be considered for the
the hull transverse section strength check of plating subjected to wheeled loads is to be
determined using the formula:
F : Wheeled force, in kN, defined in the relevant
requirements of Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, 5 Max ( M TH ;M TS )
σ X1 = 10 ----------------------------------------
- (z – N)
Chapter 5 IY

234 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

2.2 Tyre print area λ : Coefficient taken equal to:

• for longitudinally framed plating:
2.2.1 Tyre print area AT, in m² is to be defined by the
designer. In the case of double or triple wheels, the area is σ x1 2 σ x1
λL = 1 – 0 ,95  γ m ------- – 0 ,225γ m -------
that corresponding to the group of wheels.  Ry  Ry

When the tyre print area is not known, it may be taken • for transversely framed plating:
equal to:
σ x1
λ T = 1 – 0 ,89γ m -------
np QA Ry
A T = 9, 81 ------------
nw pT
AT : Tyre print area, in m2, defined in [2.2].
2.3.2 For vehicles with the four wheels of the axle located
QA : Axle load, in t on a plate panel as shown in Fig 1, the net thickness of the
nW : Number of wheels for the axle considered plating is to be not less than the greater of the values
obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
pT : Tyre pressure, in kN/m². When the tyre pressure
tWL = t1
is not indicated by the designer, it may be taken
as defined in Tab 1. tWL = t2 [k (1 + β2 + β3 + β4)]0,5

Table 1 : Tyre pressure pT for vehicles where:

t1 : Net thickness obtained, in mm, from [2.3.1] for
Tyre pressure pT , in kN/m² np = 2, considering one group of two wheels
Vehicle located on the plate panel
pneumatic tyres solid rubber tyres
t2 : Net thickness obtained, in mm, from [2.3.1] for
Private cars 250 NA
nP = 1, considering one wheel located on the
Vans and fork lift trucks 600 NA plate panel
Trucks and trailers 800 NA β2 , β3 , β4 : Coefficients obtained from the following for-
Handling machines 1100 1600 mula, by replacing i by 2, 3 and 4, respectively
(see Fig 1):
Note 1: NA = not applicable.
• for xi / b < 2:

2.3 Net thickness βi = 0,8 (1,2 − 2,02 αi + 1,17 αi2 − 0,23 αi3)

• for xi / b ≥ 2:
2.3.1 The net thickness of plate panels subjected to
wheeled loads is to be not less than the value obtained from βi = 0
the formula:
xi : Distance, in m, from the wheel considered to
the reference wheel (see Fig 1)
kn p F
t WL = 0, 8C WL -----------
λ b : Dimension, in m, of the plate panel side per-
pendicular to the axle
CWL : Coefficient to be taken equal to: α i = ----i

0, 05  0, 5
C WL = 2, 15 – ---------------- + 0, 02  4 – -- α – 1, 75α
0, 25
s  s Figure 1 : Four wheel axle located on a plate panel

where /s is to be taken not greater than 3

α = ------T

np : Number of wheels on the plate panel, taken

equal to:

• 1 in case of a single wheel

• the number of wheels in a group of wheels,

in the case of double or triple wheels

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 235

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

3 Ordinary stiffeners subjected to Table 4 : Wheeled loads - Coefficients αW

wheeled loads
Configuration αW
Single wheel
3.1 Hull girder normal stresses

3.1.1 The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for

the yielding check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to
wheeled loads and contributing to hull girder strength are
given in Tab 2.

Table 2 : Hull girder normal stresses Double wheels

Ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled loads

Condition σX1 , in N/mm2 2  1 – ---

 s
5 M TH
Hogging 10 ---------- (z – N)

5 M TS
Sagging 10 --------- (z – N)
IY Triple wheels

3.2 Net Scantlings

3 – 2 ---
3.2.1 Net section modulus s

The net section modulus w, cm3 of ordinary stiffeners sub-

jected to wheeled loads are to be obtained from the follow-
ing formula:
Note 1:
γR γm F
w = α W K S -----------------------------------------
- 10 3 y : Distance, in m, from the external wheel of a group
m ( R Y – γ R γ m σ X1 ) of wheels to the stiffener under consideration, to
where: be taken equal to the distance from the external
wheel to the centre of the group of wheels.
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, to be deter-
mined according to [3.1.1] Figure 2 : Wheeled load on stiffeners - Double axles
m : Boundary coefficient to be taken equal to 6.

3.2.2 Net shear sectional area

The net shear sectional area ASh , in cm2, of ordinary stiffen-
ers subjected to wheeled loads are to be obtained from fol-
lowing formula:
A sh = 20γ R γ m ----------------

Table 3 : Wheeled loads - Coefficients KS and KT

Coefficients Single axle Double axle

KS 1 • if d < 0,58 :
2 4
173 4d d d
---------- – ------- – ----2- + ----4-
81 3  
4 Primary supporting members
• if d ≥ 0,58 : subjected to wheel loads
2 3
--- – 4d d - 8d
------- + 3 ----
– --------3-
3 3  3
4.1 Hull girder normal stresses
2 3
d 3d d
KT 1 2 – ------ – --------2- + ----3-
2 2  4.1.1 The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for
the yielding check of primary supporting members sub-
Note 1: jected to wheeled loads and contributing to hull girder
d : Distance, in m, between two axles (see Fig 2). strength are given in Tab 5.

236 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2

Table 5 : Hull girder normal stresses where:

Primary supporting members subjected to wheeled loads nV : Maximum number of vehicles possible located
on the primary supporting member
Condition σX1 , in N/mm2
QA : Maximum axle load, in t
5 M TH EQ : Coefficient defined as:
z≥N 10 ---------- (z – N)
X1 + X2
E Q = 3 – -----------------
5 S
z<N 10 --------- (z – N)
IY and 1 ≤ EQ ≤ 3
X1 : Minimum distance, in m, between two consec-
4.2 Net Scantlings utive axles (see Fig 4 and Fig 5)
4.2.1 The scantlings of primary supporting members sub- X2 : Minimum distance, in m, between axles of two
jected to wheeled loads are to be determined according to consecutive vehicles (see Fig 5).
Tab 6 considering uniform pressures equivalent to the distri-
4.2.2 For arrangements different from those shown in Fig 3
bution of vertical concentrated forces, when such forces are
to Fig 5, the scantlings of primary supporting members are
closely located.
to be determined by direct calculation, in compliance with
For the determination of the equivalent uniform pressures, Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4, [4].
the most unfavorable case, i.e. where the maximum number
of axles is located on the same primary supporting member Figure 4 : Wheeled loads
according to Fig 3 to Fig 5, is to be considered. Distance between two consecutive axles
The equivalent pressure may be determined using the for-
nV Q
p eq = 10 -------------A- E Q

Figure 3 : Wheeled loads - Distribution of vehicles

on a primary supporting member S X1

Figure 5 : Wheeled loads

Distance between axles of two consecutive vehicles

b X1 X2

Table 6 : Net scantlings of primary supporting members

Item w (cm3) ASh (cm2)

γ R γ m β b p eq 2 3
Transverse primary supporting members w = ------------------------ S 10
mR Y p eq
A sh = 10γ R γ m β S ------
- S
Deck girders γ R γ m β b p eq RY
w = ---------------------------------------
- S 2 10 3
Double bottom girders m ( R Y – γ R γ m σ X1 )

γR γm λb βb pE p
Vertical primary supporting members w = -------------------------------------
- S 2 10 3 A sh = 10γ R γ m λ S β S -----E- S
m ( RY –γR γm σA ) RY
Note 1:
pE : External pressure, in kN/m2, defined in the relevant requirements of Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 5
σX1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2, to be determined according to [4.1]
σA : Axial stress, to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formula:
σ A = 10 ----A-

FA : Axial load transmitted to the vertical primary supporting members by the structures above
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the vertical primary supporting members with attached plating of width bP
m : Boundary coefficient to be taken equal to 8.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 237

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3


1 General 1.5 Documents to be submitted

1.5.1 In addition to documents required in Part D, Chapter 1

1.1 Application to Part D, Chapter 6, the following plans and documents are
to be submitted to the Society:
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to harbour
equipment for the assignment of the additional class nota- a) general plan of the harbour equipment showing con-
tion Modular as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 3, [9.3]. nection systems’ arrangements and associated equip-
1.1.2 Harbour equipment to which the additional class
b) force diagram for each connection system, in all operat-
notation Modular is assigned are to comply with the
ing conditions
requirements of this Section, in addition to those developed
in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6, as applicable. When the forces are determined by direct calculation,
the relevant calculations are to be submitted to the Soci-
1.2 Permanent connections
c) drawing of the connection systems containing informa-
1.2.1 Harbour equipment modules may be connected with tion on the materials used and the scantlings of compo-
permanent connections if the modules are not intended to nents
be disconnected. These connections are such that no rela-
tive motion between the modules is permitted. d) details of the hull structural reinforcement in way of the
connection system.

1.3 Removable connections

2 Harbour equipment fitted with
1.3.1 General permanent connections
Harbour equipment may be connected with removable
connections if the modules can be disconnected afloat. 2.1 Stability calculations

1.3.2 Types of removable connections 2.1.1 Harbour equipment fitted with permanent connec-
tions is to comply with the relevant intact and, where
The removable connections are classed in the two following
requested, damage stability requirements in Part D, Chapter
1 to Part D, Chapter 7, considering the harbour equipment
• rigid connection, if no relative motion between the as a single unit.
modules is permitted

• flexible connection, if relative motion between the 2.2 Hull girder loads
modules is permitted (e.g. a module is free to pitch with
respect to another). 2.2.1 The hull girder loads and the forces transmitted
through the connection are to be calculated for each load-
ing condition considering the harbour equipment as a sin-
1.4 Mooring system gle unit.

1.4.1 The mooring equipment of the harbour equipment

(moorings, chain cables, anchors, attachment devices, etc.) 2.3 Local loads
are not included in the scope of classification.
2.3.1 The local loads are to be calculated according to the
A distinct examination of the mooring system may be car- relevant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chap-
ried out by the Society, if requested by the designer or by ter 6 for each loading condition and draught of the modular
the Owner. harbour equipment. The draught of the modular harbour
equipment is to be taken not less than 0,85 D, where D is
1.4.2 The mooring system is to be designed considering the the greatest of the modules’ depths, and need not exceed
modular harbour equipment as a single unit. the greatest draught of individual connected modules.

238 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

2.4 Hull girder strength 3.4 Hull girder strength

2.4.1 The longitudinal strength is to comply with the rele- 3.4.1 The longitudinal strength is to comply with the rele-
vant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6, vant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6,
where the hull girder loads are those defined in [2.2]. where the hull girder loads are those defined in [3.2].

3.5 Hull scantlings

2.5 Hull scantlings
3.5.1 Harbour equipment fitted with removable rigid
2.5.1 The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and connections
primary supporting members are to be in accordance with
The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
the relevant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D,
supporting members are to be in accordance with the rele-
Chapter 6, where the hull girder and local loads are those
vant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6,
defined in [2.2] and [2.3].
where the hull girder and local loads are those defined in
In any case, the net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners [3.2] and [3.3].
and primary supporting members of the connected modules In any case, the net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
are to be not less than those obtained according to the rele- and primary supporting members of the connected modules
vant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6 are to be not less than those obtained according to the rele-
for each module alone. vant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 7
for each module alone.
3 Harbour equipment fitted with
3.5.2 Harbour equipment fitted with removable
removable connections flexible connections
The net scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
3.1 Stability calculations supporting members of the connected modules are to be
not less than those obtained according to the relevant
requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chapter 6 for
3.1.1 Harbour equipment fitted with removable connec-
each module alone.
tions is to comply with the relevant intact and, where
requested, damage stability requirement in Part D, Chapter 1
to Part D, Chapter 6, considering the harbour equipment as 4 Connections
a single unit.
4.1 General
3.2 Hull girder loads
4.1.1 The hull is to be reinforced in way of the connections
3.2.1 General in order to withstand the connection forces.
The strength continuity is to be ensured in way of the struc-
The hull girder loads and the forces transmitted through the
tural reinforcements.
connections are to be calculated for each loading condition
considering the harbour equipment as a single unit.
4.2 Connection loads
3.2.2 Harbour equipment fitted with removable
flexible connections 4.2.1 The connection forces are to be provided by the
designer for all intended operating conditions. All calcula-
For harbour equipment fitted with removable flexible con- tion details are to be submitted to the Society.
nections, the effect of the degrees of freedom of the connec-
tions on the hull girder loads in the combination may be 4.2.2 Where the values of connection loads are not avail-
taken into account (e.g. free pitch of a module with respect able, the forces and moments applied on the connection
to another implies vertical bending moment equal to zero are to be taken not less than those determined according to
in the connections). [2.2] and [2.3] or [3.2] and [3.3], as applicable.

4.2.3 Flexible connections

3.3 Local loads
Where the values of connection forces are not available,
3.3.1 The local loads are to be calculated according to the they may be determined considering:
relevant requirements in Part D, Chapter 1 to Part D, Chap- • the worst combination of forces Fi induced by each sin-
ter 6 for each loading condition and draught of the modular gle module, to be taken not less than the values
harbour equipment. The draught of the modular harbour obtained from Tab 1
equipment is to be taken not less than 0,85 D, where D is
• the elastic characteristics of the connection system
the greatest of the modules’ depths, and need not exceed
the greatest draught of individual connected modules. • the specificity of the harbour equipment configuration.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 239

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 1 : Force induced by a single module 5.1.2 Generally, no cut-out is to be fitted immediately near
to hinges.
Force coefficient C Fi , in kN
C ≤ 500 Fi = 0,35 C 5.2 Materials used for the hinges
C – 500
500 < C ≤ 2000 F i =  0, 35 – -------------------- C 5.2.1 Grades of hull steel plates
 15000 
The construction materials shall comply with the applicable
2000 < C Fi = 0,25 C requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
Note 1:
Moreover, in low temperature service conditions, the
C : Force coefficient, equal to:
choice of the steel grade is to be made with the Society on a
L case-by-case basis, according to the actual service condi-
C = Cc -------i -B i T i
8B i tions and to the design detail of the welded assembly.
Li , Bi , Ti : Rule length, breadth and draught, respectively, In normal service conditions, the hull steel plates are to be
of a single module i, in m of the grade defined in Tab 4.
Cc : Coefficient defined in Tab 2.
Table 4 : Material grade requirements for hinges
Table 2 : Coefficient Cc
Gross thickness, Normal strength Higher strength
Module displacement, in ton Cc in mm steel steel

Δi ≤ 400 45 t ≤ 15 A AH
15 < t ≤ 20 B DH
400 < Δi ≤ 650 55
t > 20 D DH
650 < Δi ≤ 1000 65
1000 < Δi 70
5.2.2 Grades of steel castings and steel forgings
The steel grade of the steel castings and steel forgings is to
4.3 Scantlings be defined according to the service temperature of the part
and to the weld location on the part.
4.3.1 Calculation of stresses in the connection
The stresses in the connection are to be obtained by means 5.2.3 Grades of steel for hinge pins
of direct calculations, where the connection loads are to be The hinge pins are generally to be made of forged steel.
obtained according to [4.2].
5.2.4 Inspections and tests of weld connections
When calculating the stresses in the connection, pre-load-
ing from locking devices, if any, is to be taken into account. For welds concerning the main members of the hinges, non-
destructive examinations are to be carried out along the full
4.3.2 Strength check length of the joint:

The strength check of the structural components of the con- • for butt welds: 100% radiographic and ultrasonic exam-
nection is to be carried out, taking into account the partial ination
safety factors γm and γR defined in Tab 3. • for fillet welds with deep penetration: 100% ultrasonic
examination and 100% magnetic particle inspection or
Table 3 : Partial safety factors penetrant fluid test
• for fillet welds with small penetration: 100% magnetic
Partial safety factors covering Partial safety
Symbol particle inspection or penetrant fluid tests.
uncertainties regarding factor value
Material γm 1,02
5.3 Connection forces
Resistance γR 1,25
5.3.1 The force F to be considered for the check of the
5 Hinge connections hinge scantlings is to be taken equal to:
• for a simple hinge:
5.1 General the resultant of the horizontal and vertical forces
• for a hinge with tie-rod:
5.1.1 Special attention is to be paid to the reinforcement of
the hull structure in way of the hinges. the force in the tie-rod centreline.

240 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

5.4 Scantling check Figure 3 : Type II hinges

5.4.1 The hinges consist generally of two side straps and a

centre eye connected by a pin, as shown in Fig 1.
The two main types of hinges are generally the following:
• type I: welded assembly made of plates, as shown in Fig 2
• type II: welded assembly made of plates and of cast
steel or forged steel parts, as shown in Fig 3.
The check of scantlings in [5.4.2] applies to the case of
direct bearing of the pin on the side straps and the centre
eye (see Fig 4) and to the case of load transfer by bearings
(see Fig 5). In the second case, the designer is to demon-
strate that the bearings can withstand the calculated forces.
Hinges whose manufacture is different from these two cases
are to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

5.4.2 For the pins, centre eye and side straps of the hinges,
Figure 4 : Hinges:
the applied forces are to comply with the formulae given in
case of direct bearing
Tab 5.
6 Cable connections
tc tc
6.1 General
6.1.1 Materials bc

The construction materials shall comply with the applicable

requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.

6.2 Connection forces

6.2.1 The connection forces F are to be determined accord-

ing to [4.2].

Figure 1 : Hinge arrangement Dc

Figure 5 : Hinges:
case of load transfer by bearings


tc tc
Figure 2 : Type I hinges


t2 t!



November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 241

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 5 : Scantling check of hinges

Elements to be checked
Pins Centre eye Side straps
Direct bearing d R
F < ------------m- 10
5 ,76
2 –3
F < --- d a t 0 R eH 10

• if t0 < da: b 0 t 0 R eH –3 b C t C R eH –3
F < ------------------
- 10 F < -------------------
- 10
2 ,27 1 ,14
d R m –3 –3 –3
F < --------------------- ------
- 10 F < d a t 0 R rad 10 F < 2d a t C R rad 10
2D C – t 0 5

• if t0 ≥ da:
da R m –3
F < ------------------------------------ ------
- 10
2D C – 2t 0 + d a 5

Load transfer by bearings 2

d a R m –3
F < ------------
- 10
5 ,76
2 –3
F < --- d a t 3 R eH 10
b 0 t 0 R eH –3 b C t C R eH –3
• if t3 < da: F < ------------------
- 10 F < -------------------
- 10
2 ,27 1 ,14
da R m –3 2 –3 4 –3
F < ----------------------
- ------
- 10 F < --- d a0 t 1 R eH 10 F < --- d aC t 2 R eH 10
2D C1 – t 3 5 3 3

• if t3 ≥ da:
da R m –3
F < --------------------------------------
- ------
- 10
2D C1 – 2t 3 + d a 5

Note 1:
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the material
Rm : Minimum ultimate tensile strength, in N/mm2, of the material
Rrad : Permissible radial pressure on the bearing, to be taken equal to 100 N/mm2.

6.3 Connection system design same thickness as the bollard wall has to be connected to
the side wall and adjacent beam knees. Should this be
6.3.1 Steel wire ropes as well as fibre ropes from natural or impossible, the bollards have to be constrained in a bollard
synthetic fibres or ropes consisting of steel wires and fibre seat on deck.
strands may be used for all ropes and cables.

On harbour equipment intended for the storage of danger- 7 Bolt/pin connections

ous products, steel wire ropes only are to be used for cou-
pling purposes.
7.1 General
6.3.2 The minimum breaking load of cables is to be deter-
7.1.1 All joints shall have a design resistance such that the
mined taking into account the forces calculated according
structure is capable of satisfying all the basic design require-
to [6.2] and the number of connections.
ments of EN 1993-1-8:2005 standard or equivalent recog-
nised applicable Standard.
6.4 Bollards
7.1.2 Materials
6.4.1 Depending on the connection system arrangement, The construction materials shall comply with the applicable
each module of the harbour equipment is to be equipped requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
with a sufficient number of bollards of adequate strength to
withstand the connection forces.
7.2 Connection loads
6.4.2 The bollards have to be led through the deck and
below be attached to a horizontal plate spaced at least one 7.2.1 The forces and moments applied to joints shall be
bollard diameter from the deck. Said plate being of the determined according to [2.2] and [2.3].

242 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

7.3 Strength check principles Figure 6 : Setting out lines

7.3.1 Resistance of joints 1 2

The following general principles apply:
• The resistance of a joint should be determined on the

+ +
basis of the resistances of its basic components

• Linear-elastic or elastic-plastic analysis may be used in
the design of joints
• As a rule, where fasteners with different stiffnesses are 2
used to carry a shear load, the fasteners with the highest
3 3
stiffness should be designed to carry the design load.
1 : Centroid axes
7.3.2 Design assumptions
The joints shall be designed on the basis of a realistic 2 : Fasteners
assumption of the distribution of internal forces and 3 : Setting out lines.
moments. The following assumptions shall be used to deter-
mine the distribution of forces: 7.3.4 Positioning of holes for fasteners
• the internal forces and moments assumed in the analysis Arrangements shall be taken to comply with prescribed
are in equilibrium with the forces and moments applied minimum and maximum spacing and end and edge dis-
to the joints tances for fasteners.
• each element in the joint is capable of resisting the
internal forces and moments
• the deformations implied by this distribution do not
8 Other connections
exceed the deformation capacity of the fasteners and
the connected parts 8.1 General
• the assumed distribution of internal forces shall be real-
istic with regard to relative stiffnesses within the joint 8.1.1 Other types of connections will be considered by the
• the deformations assumed in any design model based Society on a case-by-case basis.
on elastic-plastic analysis are based on rigid body rota-
tions and/or in-plane deformations which are physically 8.1.2 Materials
possible. The construction materials shall comply with the applicable
requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding.
7.3.3 Eccentricity at intersections
As a rule, where there is eccentricity at intersections, the
joints and members should be designed for the resulting 8.2 Connection loads
moments and forces.
8.2.1 The forces and moments applied to joints shall be
In the case of joints of angles or tees attached by either a
determined according to [2.2] and [2.3] or [3.2] and [3.3].
single line of bolts or two lines of bolts any possible eccen-
tricity should be taken into account. In-plane and out-of-
plane eccentricities should be determined by considering 8.3 Strength check principles
the relative positions of the centroidal axis of the member
and of the setting out line in the plane of the connection 8.3.1 The resistance of a joint should be determined on the
according to Fig 6. basis of the resistances of its basic components.

November 2015 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment 243

Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 3

244 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Harbour Equipment November 2015

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