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Q.1 What is HTML? ,types , syntax and tags of HTML and html frame also

Q.2 Define function in Java script. Explain keywords and operators in Java Script. What are the
advantages of Java Script? How variables are defined in Java Script?

Q.3 What is DHTML?

Q.4 Define CSS. And properties

Q.5 What is XML? Differentiate between XML and HTML. And syntax

Q.6 What is Shared hosting?

Q.7 Explain about FTP.

Q.8 what is protocol

Q.9 what is www

Q.10 What is an Array?, Explain and string operators , explain keywords , explain variable

Q.11 what is web page

Q.12 Write short note on data binding

Q.13 define website , web server , Web browser

Q.14 explain the following with reference to css

1. inheritance

2. contextual selection

3. pseudo classes

Q.15 write the javascript which will display a dialog box containing the message “hello”

Q.16 Explain about Inheritance

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