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INSTRUCTION: Fill in the gaps

1. What tribe did the parents of Moses belongs a. Judah b. Simon c. Benjamin d. Levi

2. All of these are regarded as heroes past except ___ a. Dr. NamdiAzikwe b. Chief Obafemi Awolowo c. Sir
Ahmadu Bello d. Gen. Saddam Hussein

3. One of these people is known for stopping the killing of twins in Nigeria a. Mary James b. Mary Silessor c.
TundeIdiagbon d. Gen. Murtala Muhammad

4. John the Baptist said to the people that Jesus will baptize them with the _____ and ____ a. Oil and Spirit b.
Fire and Water 1. Holy Spirit and Water d. Holy Ghost Fire and Urine

5. Where did John the Baptist baptize the people according to Mathew Chapter three ____ a. Sea of Galilee b.
Dead Sea c. River Jordans d. River Jebber.

6. Who hid Moses and for how many months ____ a. Princess and 6 months b. Mother and three months c.
Brother and 9 months d. Pastor and 1 month

7. Who want to kill Moses? A. Pharaoh b. Jettison c. Pharaochy d. Judas

8. ____is communicating or talking to God a. Fasting b. prayer c. mercy d. forgiveness

9. The __________support her husband in the running of the home a. Family b. Landlord c. Mother d.

10. Our relation with God grows and develops through ______ a. crying b. shouting c. talking d. praying

11. Jesus taught his _________the Lord’s prayer to help them develop close relationship with God. A.
Israelites b. Egyptians c. Discipled. Jesus

12. Good relationship with God is maintained through ________ and ____ a. Daily prayer and doing b.
Cursing and reading c. Not praying and doing wrong d. Loving and keeping malice

13. Brother’s or Sister’s son are _____ a. parents b. Nephew c. Cousin d. Grandson

14. Who is God? a. God is everywhere b. God is worship c. God is a spirit and only by the power of His spirit
can people worship Him.

15. ______ means feeling sorry for and being as harmed as bad things you have done to people or God a.
salvation b. love c repentance d grace
16. The first step in restoring a broken relationship between two people is ___________ a. Baptist b.
Sanctification c. Endurance d. Repentance

17. What is a spirit? _____ a. A spirit is an invisible thing that we cannot see b. A spirit is God spirit c. A
spirit is visible creature or thingsgood to others.

(18) Who was Abraham’s covenant son? (a)Isaac(b)Ishmael(c)Jacob(d)Isaac

(19) A group of people who are related by blood is called (a)family (b)friends (c)relatives (d)nuclear family

(20) All but one are types of family (a)compound(b)nuclear(c)extended

(21) All but one are members of nuclear family (a)father(b)mother(c)uncle(d)children

(22) The roles of the father includes all but (a)cooking(b)paying of bills(c)feeding(d)protect the family

(23) The head of a secondary school is known as the (a)proprietor (b)director (c)principal(d)head master

(24) The brothers of Joseph moved from Schechem to ——- for the grazing of their flocks (a)Magodo(b) Israel

(25) All but one are part of church membership (a)pastors(b)choir(c)ushers(d)principal

(26) In the church the ——— give people warm reception (a)pastors (b)choir (c)ushers (d)security

(27) To provide something of value to meet the needs of the public in order to satisfy their needs is known as

(28) A servant is referred to as (a)house help(b)one who renders service(c)a slave (d)a minister

(29) When Joseph was sold to slavery he was first sold to (a)an Egyptian (b)the Median

(30) All but one responded to God’s call in the bible (a)Joseph (b)Moses (c)Joshua (d)Acan


Instruction: Answer any three questions from this session

(1a) In your own understanding what is FREEDOM?

(b) Mention five types of Freedom that you known.

(c) Mention two moral lessons from the Deborah and Barak led people to freedom

(2a) State five examples of Nigeria Leader that obtained freedom for Nigeria.

b. Mention three importance of Political Freedom to individual

c. Define the word Human Rights


3a. Mention three Activities of the Human Rights.

b. What is meaning of Repentance.?

c. State three importance of Repentance that you known.

4a. List four consequences of wrong doing.

b. Define the word Law.

c. Mention two importance of Law.

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