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Republic of the Philippines


Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:

College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Personality Development in Hospitality Industry
2. Fundamental Characteristics of Personality
3. Nature of Personality and its Characteristics
4. Characteristics of Personality
5. Dimensions of Theories of Freud and Erickson
6. Significance of Personality Development
7. Five Aspects of Personality
The word personality itself stems from Latin word “persona”, which is refers to a
theatrical mask worn by the performer in order to either project roles or disguise their
identities. At its most basis, personality is the characteristics patterns of thoughts, feelings
and behaviors that make a person unique. It is believed that personality arises from within
the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Identify the meaning of personality development
2. Discuss the characteristics of personality
3. Differentiate the two theories according to Freud and Erickson
4. Identify the different significance of personality development
5. Discuss the five aspects of personality development
Personality Development in Hospitality Industry
Personality Development is one of the most important aspect in human venture. It is
linked with success or failure of the human beings. Hospitality industry deals with taking of
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the needs of the public and thus it is important for all those people who work in this sector
to focus on building the right personality that would empower them succeed there. Without
this, it would trigger to dissatisfaction of customers.
The hospitality industry provides various unique and interesting processes that
individual goes through to develop certain attitudes, attributes on behavior. Everyone has
his or her own experiences in life that fails out their views about the world and the way in
which they discern things around them. The hospitality industry provides personality
development to their staff which would help in contributing to the success or failure of the

Definition and Basics of Personality

Fundamental characteristics of personality:
1. Consistency. There is generally a recognizable and regularly to behaviors. Essentially,
people act in the same ways or similar ways in a variety of situations.
2. Psychological and Physiological. Personality is a psychological construct, but research
suggests that it is also influenced by biological processes and needs.
3. Behavior and Actions. Personality not only influences how we move and respond in our
environment, but it also causes us to act in certain ways.
4. Multiple Expressions. Personality is displayed in more than just behavior. It can also be
seen in our thoughts, feelings, close relationships, and other social interactions.

Nature of Personality and its Characteristics

Personality development begins at birth and develops gradually. The infant
possesses only the barest rudiments of personality. Potentialities for growth should be
developed and the process is known as maturation. Every feature of personality is
influenced by heredity and at the same time by surrounding conditions.

Characteristics of Personality
1. Personality is something which is unique in each individual. It refers to internal as well as
external qualities, some of which are quite general. But it is unique to each individual. It is
not possible for any other individual to reproduce or imitate the qualities of the personality of
the individual.
2. Personality refers particularly to persistent qualities of an individual. Every individual has
certain feeling as well as other permanent traits and qualities. Personality is mainly
composed of the persistent of permanent qualities that exhibit themselves in form of social
behavior and attempt to make adjustment with the environment.
3. Personality represent a dynamic orientation of organism to environment. It is representing
the process of learning. It takes place in reference to the environment. We do not acquire
all the traits of personality all at once.
4. Personality is greatly influenced by social interactions. It is not an individual quality. It is a
result of social-interaction. In other words, it means that when we come in contact with
other members of the society, we acquire certain qualities while we exhibit certain others.
All these come to form personality.
5. Personality represents a unique organization of persistent dynamic and social
predisposition. In personality various qualities are not put together. They are in fact,
integrated into one. This integration is nothing but a result of organization which may be
different man to man.
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Dimensions of Theories of Freud and Erickson


Birth- 1 year
Centered on the importance of Concerned with how responsive caretakers are
feeding. to child’s needs.
The first stage of psychosexual Trust vs. Mistrust. This is the first stage in Erik
development is known as the oral Erickson theory of psychosocial development.
stage. At this point in development, During this stage, children learn to either trust or
a child’s primarily source of mistrust their caregivers.
pleasure is through the mouth via
sucking, eating, and tasting.
Ages 1-3 years
The second stage pf psychosexual Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt. This is a
development is known as the anal second stage of psychosocial development.
stage. In this stage, children gain a During this stage, children become more mobile.
sense of mastery and competence They develop self-sufficiency by controlling
by controlling bladder and bowel activities such as eating, toilet training, and
movement talking.
Ages 3-6 years
The third stage of psychosexual The third stage of psychosexual development is
development is known as phallic the initiative vs. guilt stage. In this stage,
stages. In this stage, the libido’s children begin to take more control over their
energy is focused on the genitals. environment. They begin to interact with other
Children become aware of the children and develop their interpersonal skills.
anatomical sex difference which
leads boys to experience the
Oedipus complex while girls
experience the Electra complex
Ages 7-11 years
The fourth stage of psychosexual Industry vs. Inferiority. Children develop a
development is known as the latent sense of competence by mastering new skills,
period. In this stage, the libidos like writing and reading on their own.
energy is suppressed and children
focused more on other activities
such as school, friends and
hobbies. Freud believed this stage
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was important for developing social

skills and self-confidence.
The fifth stage of psychosexual The fifth stage of Erikson theory of psychosocial
development is known as the is the Identity vs. role confusion stage. It
genital stage. It is the time when occurs during adolescence, from about 12-18
adolescents begin to explore years. During this stage, adolescences develop
romantic relationships. According to a personal identity and a sense of self. Teens
Freud, the goals of this stage is to explore different roles, attitudes, and identities
develop a sense of balance as they develop a sense of self.
between all the areas of life.
Freuds theory largely focuses on Erikson, on the other hand, took a lifespan
the period between birth and approach believing that development continues
adolescence, implying that even in old stage. His theory includes the three
personality is largely set in stone by additional stage than span adulthood.
early childhood. According to
 Intimacy vs. Isolation. Young adults seek out
Freud, the genital stage last
romantic love and championship.
throughout adulthood. The goal is  Generativity vs. Stagnation. Middle-aged
to develop a balance between all adults nurture others and contribute to society.
area of life.  Integrity vs. despair. Older adults reflect on
their lives, looking back with a sense of
fulfillment or bitterness.

Significance of Personality Development

1. Gives Confidence. A great personality tends to give a boost to your confidence. When you
know you are appropriately attired and groomed, this makes you less anxious when
meeting a person. Knowing the right things to say and how to conduct yourself will increase
your confidence. If you are in full confidence and well in command of the situation then it
becomes really easy for you to give out your best performance.
2. Improve Communication Skills. A lot of emphases are given to improving communication
skills during personality development. Possessing good communication skills is very
important both for personal and professional life. People are more receptive to what you
say if they are impressed with your personality. Verbal communication skills are also part of
personality development; improving your speech will strengthen the impact of your
3. Helps develop positive attitude. Positive attitude is really important for one to progress in
life. A person with a positive attitude is always looks at the brighter side and is always on a
developmental path. An individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every
situation. Rather than cribbing and criticizing people around, analyze the whole situation
and try to find an appropriate solution for the same. It would make the situation worse.
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Developing a positive attitude even in a hopeless situation is the part of personality

development program.
4. Makes you credible. It is very important to have a proper dressing sense and picking up
right dress for you. Despite the saying that you don’t judge a book by its cover, people do
tend to judge people by their clothing and how it is worn. Also, your dress plays a great deal
of role in your overall looks and your confidence as well. This does not mean buying
expensive clothes will do the whole job. You need to be very careful while picking up
clothes for yourself. We all know people who look shabby in expensive clothes. These are
also people who look great even if their attire is inexpensive.
5. Improving personality. Competition is increasing day by day and there are no lesson
talented individuals possessing high academic results and willing to work hard to achieve
their goals. You cannot win by talent and hard work alone these days apart from these two
there is a strong need of good personality too. Personality development is a crucial
ingredient for success that you must obtain to be successful in your life.

Five Aspects of Personality

Originally developed in 1949, the big 5 personality traits are a theory established by D.W.
Fiske and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith
(1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae Costa (1987).

1. Openness is a characteristic that includes imagination and insight. The world, other people
and an eagerness to learn and experiences new things is particularly high for this
personality trait. It leads to having a broad range of interests and being more adventurous
when it comes to decision making.
2. Conscientiousness is a trait that includes high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse
control, and goal-directed behaviors. This organized and structured approach is often found
within people who work in science and even high-retail finance where detail orientation and
organization are required as a skill set.
3. Extraversion is a trait that many will have come across in their own lives. It’s easily to
identifiable and widely recognizable as “someone who gets energized in the company of
4. People who exhibit high agreeableness will show signs of trust, altruism, kindness and
affection. Highly agreeable to people tend to have high proposal behaviors which means
that they’re more inclined to be helping other people.
5. Neuroticism is characterized by sadness, moodiness and emotional instability. Often
mistaken for anti-social behavior or worse a greater psychological issue, neuroticism is a
physical and emotional response to stress and perceived threats in someone’s daily life.

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.




The travel and tourism business are unique in the hospitality industry in the sense
that it’s products and cannot be felt, touched or seen. They are only heard and
experienced. Here you do not sell tangible products and rather sell ideas and services. You
also have to remember that this is a “service” industry, where the customer is always
“supposed” to be right you. Therefore, have to highlight those aspects of your personality
which will appeal to your customers and give you self-confidence. The development of
communication skills will give a further boost to your personality.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Identify communication
2. Explain the communication process
3. Identify the communication barriers
4. Enumerate the overcoming communications
5. Explain the communication in workplace
6. Identify the factors between negative and positive attitude.
Communication Skills
Beside personal appearance, another important way in which your personality
comes across in when you communicate with each other. The word communication is
derived from the Latin term “communicare” or “communico” both of which mean to share.
Therefore, communication is a process of sharing, transferring, or exchanging information,
ideas, view and feelings between two or more persons. Communication is the very essence

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of human interaction. In any sphere of life, it is difficult to get along without communicating
with others. In the service industry, it is just impossible.

Communication Process
The communication is a dynamic process that begins with the conceptualizing of ideas
by the sender who then transmits the message through a channel to the receiver, who in
turn gives the feedback in the form of some message or signal with the given time frame.
Thus, there are seven major elements of communication process.

1. Sender. The sender or the communicator is the person who initiates the conversation and
has conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it to others.
2. Encoding. The sender begins with the encoding process wherein he uses certain words or
non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs body gestures, etc. to translate the information
into a message. The sender’s knowledge, skills, perception, background, competencies,
etc. has a great impact on the success of the message.
3. Message. Once the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message that he intends to
convey. The message can be written, oral, symbolic or non-verbal such as body gestures,
silence, sights, sounds, etc., or any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver.
4. Communication Channel. The sender chooses the medium through which he wants to
convey his message to the recipient. It must be selected carefully in order to make the
message effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. The choice of medium
depends on the interpersonal relationships between the sender and the receiver and also
on the urgency of the message being sent. Oral, virtual, written, sound, gesture, etc. are
some of the commonly used communication mediums.
5. Receiver. The receiver is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted. He
tries to comprehend it in the best possible manner such that the communication objective is
attained. The degree to which the receiver decodes the message depends on his
knowledge of the subject matter, experience, trust and relationship with the sender.
6. Decoding. Here, the receiver interprets the sender’s message and tries to understand it in
the best possible manner. An effective communication occurs only if the receiver
understands the message in exactly the same way as it was intended by the sender.
7. Feedback. The feedback is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has
received the message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender. It
increases the effectiveness of the communication as it permits the sender to know the
efficacy of his message. The response of the receiver can be verbal or non-verbal.

Communication Barriers
1. The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.
2. Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions
and some topics may be completely off-limits or taboo. Taboo or difficult topics may include,
but are not limited to, politics, religion, disabilities (mental and physical), sexuality and sex,
racism and any opinion that may be seen as unpopular.
3. Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
4. Differences in perception and viewpoint.
5. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties
6. Physical disabilities to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal
cues, gestures, postures and general body language can make communication less
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effective. Phone calls, text messages and other communication methods that rely on
technology are often less effective that face-to-face communication.
7. Languages differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
8. Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People
often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect
9. Cultural differences. The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different culture, as do
the way in which emotions are expressed. For example, the concept of personal space
varies between cultures and between different social settings.

Overcoming Communication
1. Make your ideas clear before communicating. Give thought to what you are going to say.
You need to have clear ideas about what you are about to speak. Know the motive behind
the subject. Begin with a clear goal of communication and precise thinking.
2. Ensure the time of your communication is good. When you speak to someone, try to see
the time and the mood of the person. Do not go and knock on your colleague after office
hours. Time is an important factor in communication. When a group of people initiates
communication, you must pay attention and communicate in due time.
3. Use a language your listener can understand. You have to ensure that you are speaking
the language which your listener can understand. Make your grammar and vocabulary as
easy as possible while talking and writing. You can always show your language skills in
report or thesis writing. But when delivering a meaningful message or conversing formally
and informally, avoid any complex language using a different accent.
4. Make your message to the point and short. When speaking or writing emails or chatting,
make your message to the point. Firstly, avoid any kind of unnecessary information.
Secondary, only communicate one idea, thought or feeling at a time.
5. Check if the other person has understood your message. When you communicate with
someone else, ensure that they understood the message properly. Giving and requesting
feedback proves that you ae serious about what the other person says and their views in
the subject.
6. Take care of your body language, tone and content of the message. Your expressions,
gestures, posture and voice tones are powerful tools, whenever you are speaking, make
sure you are communicating with correct body language.
7. Listen before you speak again. As Polonius said in Hamlet, “give every man thy ear, but few
thy voice”. For effective communication, you must always listen to the person attentively.
Even though you and the other person may have a different perception of the subject
listening to the person overcomes barriers.
8. Do not interrupt when someone else is speaking. Strongly avoid interrupting someone when
they are speaking. Wait till they are finished with what they are saying. It is considered rude
behavior. But when interrupt someone, it distracts them from things they were saying. As a
result, they might lose their flow.
9. Make your messages judgement free. When you are speaking do not speak rudely or
impolitely about someone’s culture, religion or belief. It will demean your listener and may
affect your listener emotionally. As result, they will lose interest in the conversation.

Communication in the Workplace

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Good communication is an important skill in any environment with human

interactions. Good communication is also an important factor in client relationships,
profitability, team effectiveness and employee engagement.

1. Good Communication increase employee engagement. Communicating is more than just

taking. It’s about connecting people. One of the most powerful benefits of better
communication in the workplace is more engaged employees. Employees are more
engaged in their work and can better align with company objectives and goals when culture
of good communication is established in a team or workplace.

Communication can improve employee’s engagement in the following ways:

 Gives you tools to better understand the needs and goals of your employees.
 Allows you to better understand what motivates and fulfills the employee.
 Better understanding of employee’s talents and skills that may otherwise go unnoticed.
 Ability to cultivate talents and skills in a way that develops them in line with company goals.
 Improved connection between co-workers for a more positive and satisfying work
 Better relation with managers and leaders.

2. Good Communication creates better client relationship. This one is a biggie if you have
client-facing employees since client interactions are usually the difference between a
satisfied customer and a disgruntled one.
3. Good Communication results in a more productive and talented workforce. employee
engagement is a significant factor in the productivity of a workforce. but besides
contributing to increased employee engagement, communication skills can also help fosters
a more productive and talented workforce in many other way.

Building Self-esteem and Self-Confidence

 Self-esteem refers to whether you appreciate and value yourself. Your self-esteem
develops and changes as a result of your life experiences and interactions with other
 Self-confidence is your belief in yourself and your abilities. This can change depending on
the situation. It normal to feel quite confident in some circumstances and less confident in

How to deal with inferiority complex

Inferiority complex are developed in childhood due o invalidating experiences or
being raised in a family that influences you to feel lesser or not good enough. Since
inferiority complexes are subconscious and lead to a wide range of negative thoughts, they
manifest in people very differently.
1. Build self-confidence. Treat yourself better. Act confident. Do what you love. Embrace
yourself. Is there anything in your body that you don’t feel confident about? Maybe your
smile, your nose or your hair? The trick here is either accept yourself the way you are or do
something about it. Like you can get dental implants in Mobberley, to feel confident about
your smile. If you have curly hair, get your hair straightened. Do whatever makes you feel
better about yourself.

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2. Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Its important to realize that your inferiority
complex might be linked to the people around you. It might be your relatives, your friends at
college, your siblings or your colleagues.
3. Stop worrying about what other people think. One major cause of inferiority complexes is
constantly thinking about what others are thinking about us. We seek validation from them
for every action of ours. Sometimes we are thinking about their actions, while sometimes
we are imagining what they think. Disassociate yourself from their judgements. Its ultimately
your opinion about yourself that matters. When we feel good about ourselves, others feel
good about ourselves.
4. Do not be harsh on yourself. There is absolutely no need to be harsh on yourself. Practice
self-care. Love yourself. Be kind yourself. Do not over analyze situations. Do not expect
yourself to change overnight. Give yourself time to him! Practice positive self-talk.
Encourage yourself. Praise yourself for al the good traits that you have. People who have
an inferiority complex tend to do negative self-talk to themselves. Try to change the tone
and words that you use for yourself.

Importance of Self Confidence

1. Less fear and anxiety. The more confident you become, the more you’ll be able to calm the
voice inside you that says, “I can’t do it”. You’ll be able to unhook from your thoughts and
take action in line with your values.
2. Greater motivation. Building confidence means taking small steps that leave a lasting sense
of accomplishment. if you’ve ever learned a language, mastered a skill, reached a fitness
goal, or otherwise overcome setbacks to get to where you wanted to be, you’re well on your
3. More resilience. Confidence gives you the skills and coping method to handle setbacks and
failure. Self- confidence doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes fail. But you’ll know you can
handle challenges and not be crippled by them. Even when things don’t turn out anywhere
close to what you planned; you’ll be able to avoid beating yourself up.
4. Improved relationships. It might seem counterintuitive, but when you have more self-
confidence, you’re les focused on yourself. We’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and
thinking. They’re all looking at me. They all think I look dumpy and that every word I say is
stupid”. The truth is, people are wrapped up in their own thoughts and worries. When you
get out of your own head, you’ll be able to genuinely engage with others.
5. Stronger sense of your authentic self. Finally, confidence roots you in who you really are.
You’ll be able to accept your weaknesses, knowing they don’t change your self-worth. You’ll
also be able to celebrate your strengths and use them more fully.

Ways to develop self-confidence

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. Whether you compare how you look to your friends on
income, comparisons, aren’t healthy. In fact, a 2018 study published in Personality and
Individual Difference found direct link between envy and the way you feel about yourself.
2. Surround yourself with positive people. Pay attention to how your friend make you feel. Do
you friends lift you up or bring you down? Are they constantly judging you or do they accept
you for who you are?

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3. Take care of your body. It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you’re abusing your body. On
the other hand, if you practice self-care, you know you’re doing something positive for your
mind, body, and spirit, and you’ll naturally feel more confident.
4. Be kind to yourself. Self-comparison involves treating yourself with kindness when you
make a mistake, fail or experience a setback. It’s way of relating to yourself that allows you
to become more emotionally flexible and better able to navigate challenging emotions, and
enhances your connection to self and others.
5. Practice positive self-talk. Using self-talk that is optimistic can help you foster self-
compassion, overcome self-doubt, and take on new challenges. On he other hand, negative
self-talk can limit your abilities and lessen your confidence by convincing your subconscious
that you “can’t handle it” or that something is “too hard” and you “shouldn’t even try”.
6. Face your fears. Stop putting things off (like asking someone on a date or feel more
confident. The best way to build your confidence is by facing your fears head-on.

Working on Attitudes
It is a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object,
person, or situation. It influences an individual’s choice an individual’s choice of action, and
responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards. An attitude can be as a positive or
negative evaluation of people objects, events, activities, and ideas.

Positive and Negative Attitude

Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather than
bad in people, situations, events, etc. These persons always see opportunities. People with
negative attitude ignore the good and pay attention to the bad in people situations, events,
etc. These people see only limitations.

Attitude and Behavior

Attitude is responsible for the way person thinks or feels for someone or something.
Behavior implies the actions, moves, conduct or functions or an individual or group towards
other persons. A person attitude is mainly based on the life and observation. On the other
hand, the behavior of a person relies on the situation. The way of thinking or feeling is
reflected by a person’s attitude. Attitude is defined by the way we perceive things. On the
contrary, a person’s conduct is reflected by his behavior, it is ruled by social norms.

Root Cause of Negative Attitude

 Low self-esteem
 Fear of uncertainty
 Unresolved conflict
 Work/things are not satisfactory

Influence of Positive Attitude

 Positive thinking
 Creative and constructive thinking
 Expectations of success
 Motivation towards goals
 Inspired
 Optimism
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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Leadership Style
2. Group Dynamics in the Workplace
3. Team Building
4. The Importance of Team Building
Leaders in hospitality management education face diverse challenges in today’s
competitive and changing environment. Evolving demands from superiors, financial
challenges and faculty and students increasing demands, create a turbulent
environment in which administrators must thrive. One of the keys in being effective
leaders is the application of the necessary leadership skills.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Define leadership
2. Explain the leadership styles
3. Discuss the group dynamic in a workplace
4. Discuss the importance of team building in organization
Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to influence and motivate others to bring
the best out in them. It focused on encouraging individuals to add more to the overall
effectiveness of an organization. Leadership is often defined as a process wherein the
organizational objectives and directs the organization so that it becomes more coherent and
cohesive to work. Moreover, a person who can bring out the change is the one who
possesses the ability to be a leader. A good leader is the one who always looks out after

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others before himself and is proactive. Proactive refers to a leader’s tendency of being
three steps ahead of others thinking of all the possibilities of a scenario.
Leadership is all about developing people in turn helping them to reach their
maximum potential. In the simplest of terms, leadership is an art of motivating the people to
help achieve a common goal.

Leadership Style
1. Autocratic. Generally, an autocratic leader believes that he or she is the smartest person at
the table and knows more than others. They make all the decision with little input from team
2. Authoritative. The authoritative leadership style is the mark of confident leaders who map
the way and set expectations, while engaging and energizing followers along the way.
3. Pacesetting. These styles describe a very driven leader who sets the pace as in racing.
Pacesetters set the bar high and push their team member to run hard and fast to the finish
4. Democratic. Democratic leaders are more likely to ask “how do you see it?” and, whenever
possible, they share information with employees that affects their work responsibilities.
They also seek employees’ opinions before making a final decision.
5. Coaching. A leader who coaches views people as a reservoir of talent to be developed. The
leader who uses a coach approach seeks to unlock people’s potential.
6. Affiliative. Of all the leadership styles, the affiliative leadership approach is the most up
close and personal. A leader practicing this style pays attention to and supports the
emotional needs of team members. The leader strives to open up a pipeline that connects
him or her to the team.
7. Laissez-Faire. These laissez faire style is at the opposite end of the spectrum from
autocratic. Of all the approaches, this one involves that least amount of oversight. You
could say that the autocratic style leader stands as firm as a rock on issues, while the
laissez-faire leader lets people swim with the current.

Group Dynamics in the Workplace

1. Strong leadership is important

within a group

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A leader should guide the

development of the group and the
path to the goal that needs to
be reached. They can do this by
defining specific roles and
responsibilities for members of
the group, as well as a timeline for
the common project so members can
understand their
role within the timeline.
2. Recognize how personalities
affect team dynamics
This practice can also provide an
opportunity for managers to note
any gaps in experience

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or behavior — and the necessary

coverage with additional team
members — for the group to
accomplish its goal.
3. Understand the life cycle of a
The way a group comes together can
be demonstrated in five steps:
1. Forming: The coming together of
a group.
2. Storming: Members of the
group seek out like-minded
members. At this stage,
conflicts between different sub-
groups may arise.

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3. Norming: Members become

invested in the group as a whole and
its common goal.
4. Performing: The members of
the group now function as a
unit, contributing to
complete the task within the
standards defined in the previous
5. Adjourning: If the group has
formed to meet a specific goal,
then the group will
disband after the completion of the
task and any subsequent needed
4. Communication is key
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It’s imperative for all members of a

group to understand and utilize the
chosen methods of
communication. Open and
transparent communication builds
and maintains a sense of trust
within the group and helps maintain
focus toward the goal. Side
conversations via separate
emails or instant messaging chat
features can be detrimental to the
group’s overall trust.
5. Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity
When it comes to diversity, there
are many factors that influence
the full and complete
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spectrum. Race, gender, and

sexual orientation perhaps
immediately spring to mind. To
create a truly positive group
dynamic in a particular cohort,
it’s important to make sure
people from all backgrounds,
identities, and views feel accepted
and validated
1. Strong leadership is important
within a group
A leader should guide the
development of the group and the
path to the goal that needs to
be reached. They can do this by
defining specific roles and
responsibilities for members of
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the group, as well as a timeline for

the common project so members can
understand their
role within the timeline.
2. Recognize how personalities
affect team dynamics
This practice can also provide an
opportunity for managers to note
any gaps in experience
or behavior — and the necessary
coverage with additional team
members — for the group to
accomplish its goal.
3. Understand the life cycle of a
The way a group comes together can
be demonstrated in five steps:
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1. Forming: The coming together of

a group.
2. Storming: Members of the
group seek out like-minded
members. At this stage,
conflicts between different sub-
groups may arise.
3. Norming: Members become
invested in the group as a whole and
its common goal.
4. Performing: The members of
the group now function as a
unit, contributing to
complete the task within the
standards defined in the previous
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5. Adjourning: If the group has

formed to meet a specific goal,
then the group will
disband after the completion of the
task and any subsequent needed
4. Communication is key
It’s imperative for all members of a
group to understand and utilize the
chosen methods of
communication. Open and
transparent communication builds
and maintains a sense of trust
within the group and helps maintain
focus toward the goal. Side
conversations via separate
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emails or instant messaging chat

features can be detrimental to the
group’s overall trust.
5. Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity
When it comes to diversity, there
are many factors that influence
the full and complete
spectrum. Race, gender, and
sexual orientation perhaps
immediately spring to mind. To
create a truly positive group
dynamic in a particular cohort,
it’s important to make sure
people from all backgrounds,
identities, and views feel accepted
and validated
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1. Strong leadership is important

within a group
A leader should guide the
development of the group and the
path to the goal that needs to
be reached. They can do this by
defining specific roles and
responsibilities for members of
the group, as well as a timeline for
the common project so members can
understand their
role within the timeline.
2. Recognize how personalities
affect team dynamics
This practice can also provide an
opportunity for managers to note
any gaps in experience
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or behavior — and the necessary

coverage with additional team
members — for the group to
accomplish its goal.
3. Understand the life cycle of a
The way a group comes together can
be demonstrated in five steps:
1. Forming: The coming together of
a group.
2. Storming: Members of the
group seek out like-minded
members. At this stage,
conflicts between different sub-
groups may arise.

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3. Norming: Members become

invested in the group as a whole and
its common goal.
4. Performing: The members of
the group now function as a
unit, contributing to
complete the task within the
standards defined in the previous
5. Adjourning: If the group has
formed to meet a specific goal,
then the group will
disband after the completion of the
task and any subsequent needed
4. Communication is key
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It’s imperative for all members of a

group to understand and utilize the
chosen methods of
communication. Open and
transparent communication builds
and maintains a sense of trust
within the group and helps maintain
focus toward the goal. Side
conversations via separate
emails or instant messaging chat
features can be detrimental to the
group’s overall trust.
5. Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity
When it comes to diversity, there
are many factors that influence
the full and complete
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spectrum. Race, gender, and

sexual orientation perhaps
immediately spring to mind. To
create a truly positive group
dynamic in a particular cohort,
it’s important to make sure
people from all backgrounds,
identities, and views feel accepted
and validated
Strong leadership is important
within a group
A leader should guide the
development of the group and the
path to the goal that needs to
be reached. They can do this by
defining specific roles and
responsibilities for members of
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the group, as well as a timeline for

the common project so members can
understand their
role within the timeline
1. Strong leadership is important within a group. A leader should guide the development of the
group and the path to the goal that needs to be reached. They a do this by defining specific
roles and responsibilities for members of the group, as well as a timeline for the common
project so members can understand their role within the timeline.
2. Recognize how personalities affect team dynamics. This practice can also provide an
opportunity for managers to note any gays in experience or behavior- and the necessary
coverage with additional team members-for the group to accomplish its goal.
3. Understand the life cycle of a group.
The way a group comes together can be demonstrated in five steps:
1. Forming. The coming together of a group.
2. Storming. Members of the group seek out like minded members. At this stage,
conflicts between different sub-groups may arise.
3. Norming. Members become invested in the group as a whole and its common
4. Performing. The members of the group now function as a unit, contributing to
complete the task within the standards defined in the previous steps.
5. Adjourning. If the group has formed to meet a specific goal, then the group will
disband after the completion of the task and any subsequent needed evaluation.
4. Communication is key. It’s imperative for all members of a group to understand and utilize
the chosen methods of communication. Open and transparent communication builds and
maintains a sense of trust within the group and helps maintain focus toward the goal. Side
conversations via separate emails or instant messaging chat features can be detrimental to
the group’s overall trust.
5. Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity. When it comes to diversity, there are many factors that
influence the full and complete spectrum. Race, gender, and sexual orientation perhaps
immediately spring to mind. To create a truly group dynamic in a particular cohort it’s
important to make sure people from all backgrounds, identities, and views feel accepted
and validated.

Team Building
Team building in the workplace is the process of creating a team is cohesively
working together towards a common goal. The importance and main purpose of team
building is to create a strong team through forming bonds and connections. Creating these
bonds through team building is very beneficial to businesses and organizations. The
benefits of team building include increased communication, planning skills, employee
motivation, and employee collaboration.
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Fun activities that help people see each other in a different light allow them to
connect in a different setting. People on your team are asked to think about the implications
of these activities at their workplace.
One of the most powerful reasons for team building is to get results. Through a
series of planned team building that are fun and motivational, teams build skills like
communication, planning, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. These team building
activity ideas help to facilitate long-term team building through fostering genuine
connections, deeper discussions, and processing.

The Importance of Team Building

1. Build trust. Trust plays an essential role in building effective teams. For teams to work
together, they need to know they can trust each other. That they can fall back on each other
if the need arises. Moreover, when you build trust among teams, they give each other
space and autonomy to accomplish their task and make their own decisions.
2. Regulates Communicate. Communication allows employees to understand their roles and
what their peers are doing. When employees know what their members are doing, they can
check up on the progress made and help each other out if someone cannot reach their
3. Increases Productivity. Teams share the workload. This means that if one member has
relatively less work, she can help another team member complete their work. This allows
the project to be finished faster, thereby increasing productivity and improving the overall
bottom line.
4. Brings people together. One of the most important benefits of team building is employees.
When people work together, they share experience and both failures as well as victories. It
brings them closer and makes them trust each other. When team member a helps team
member B, team member B is sure to return the favor at some point.
5. Foster creativity and learning. Successful team building motivates employees to learn from
each other and build on each other talents. As compared to working solo on project,
teamwork allows room for fresh ideas and new perspectives. It brings together individual
experiences combined with new, innovative ideas which makes the work more fun and
efficient. As result, everyone can bring something new to the table and learn from each
6. Healthy competition. It’s proven that when you make a task a competition, people achieve
more. In the workplace, conducting team building activities can be a great way to bring out
the competitive side of your employees. Team building exercises are fun games where
employees participate in competing their challenges while competing with other games. The
main objective of conducting these games to inculcate team spirit among employees, letting
them work with other teams and acquire skills like problem solving, communication and
collaboration along the way.
7. Makes people more accepting. With workplace becoming more inclusive towards cultural
and gender diversity, your employees need to do their bit too. It is always a good idea to
form team with people from different ethnicities and background. Such groups are often
more creative as they are more accepting and understanding of each other’s differences. It
makes them realize their preconceived judgment of an individual is completely wrong and
that the team member is a lot of fun to work with.
8. Resolves conflicts. When people work together, there are sure to be disagreements. It’s up
to team member to resolve the conflicts amicably and not let them into full-blown disputes.
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But conflicts aren’t always a bad thing. Conflicts can sometimes turn into constructive and
valuable work. Disagreements, especially, might arise if people diverse experience are
grouped rather than those with similar experience. The key to resolving such conflicts is
that people should be open to hear and accept diverse opinions and perspectives. If team
members can group their diverse opinions, skills and experience, they can achieve more
than a group formed on similar experiences.
9. Employees can acquire skills. Working in a team helps employees take on leadership roles
and see their team members fulfill their responsibilities. To perform and achieve their goal,
they need to arrive at a consensus before making any decision. This requires employees to
hold discussions, communicate, and actively listen to each other. Teamwork enables
problem-solving capabilities, strategizing, and decision-making skills. It also teaches team
members to hold responsibility and accountability for their decisions and actions.
10. Improves company culture. When team work together, it fosters creativity and innovation
ion the workplace. Employees communicate and collaborate more. This improves their
performance and efficiency, resolves conflicts and misunderstanding and makes people
more accepting towards each other. More people start getting recognized which motivates
them others to achieve more and better next time. This improves the company’s overall
bottom line and simultaneously foster a positive and motivation workplace culture.

College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Characteristics of Good Service
2. Basis Skills of Hospitality
3. Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism Industry
4. Guest Relation Skills

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Taking care of the customer is the heart of the hospitality business. Doing so means
understanding and anticipating what the customer needs and then knowing how to meet
and exceed those needs. Adopting an approach with insights from all areas of hospitality.
Guest service in the hospitality industry explores the intricacies of quality guest service with
solid and proven concepts across the industry. By providing several frameworks for
thought, this book opens reader’s minds to the idea of taking care of the guest.
Integrating quality service into the identity and individual operations of the overall
business is the key to success in the hospitality industry. Guest service in the hospitality
industry prepares hospitality managers to meet and exceed guests’ expectations through
quality service that is evident in all of the operation, its people, and its plan.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Defined guest relations
2. Discuss the characteristics of good service
3. Explain the basic skills of hospitality industry
4. Discuss the guest service and poor service in hospitality industry
5. Differentiate the guest relations skills
Characteristics of Good Service
1. Promptness. Promises for delivery of service must be on time. Delays and cancellations of
products should be avoided.
2. Politeness. Politeness is almost a lost art. Saying “hello”, good afternoon, sir, and thank you
very much” are a part of good service. For any business, using good manners is
appropriate whether the guest makes a purchase or not.
3. Professionalism. All guest should be treated professionally, which means the use of
competence or skill expected of the professional. Professionalism shows the guest they’re
cared for.
4. Personalization. Using the guest’s name is very effective in producing loyalty guest like the
idea that whom they do business with knows them on a personal level.

Basic Skills of hospitality will serve as beginning to achieving this excellence.

1. Smiling
2. Greeting
3. Conversing
4. Using proper telephone etiquette
5. Providing assistance
6. Giving attention
7. Providing positive endings
8. Following through
9. Maintaining a positive attitude
10. Making positive decisions
11. Keeping a sense of humor

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Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Guest Service is directly related to tourism because travel industry is based on
money and without customer there is no income. Good customer service is required at very
part of tourism either it is hotel, restaurant, travel agency, flight etc. Regardless of how rude
and demanding the customer can be it is more important to keep positive attitude and be
friendly with the customer.
Tourism is the industry in which passenger contact us to get what he/she dreams of
for their holiday. Travelers at the end of the day go on vacation to relax and to have a good
time. Every airline, railway company or travel agency emphasize a strong customer service
as to those who get service are more likely to return for their future travel arrangements. If
tourists get good service in a well-known hotel then they will consider that hotel chain first
whenever they will travel again and would recommend it to others within their social circle.
Poor Customer Service can ruin the reputation of that hotel, restaurant, airline or a
travel agency. If the customer gets bad experience then neither he will use that supplier
again nor will he advise anyone to use it again. So directly that supplier will lose that
customer revenue in the future and indirectly he will lose the prospective client which could
get them a lot of business in the future.

Customer care is an essential part of the hospitality industry.

Tourism is the industry that helps a country to economic stability. Tourist generates
business in a country and plays a key role in achieving the socio-economic goals of
development plans of the nation. Good customer service ensures more opportunities for
business for the service providers.
Good Service helps to turn customer into ambassador of our business. They will buy
our product and service regularly and will give valuable feedback which will generate more
revenue to the supplier in his good or bad time.

Keys to good customer service:

1. Understand the customer need.
2. Make him feel special or important customer for the company
3. Deal with him patiently.

Guest Relation Skills

1. Customer service skills. It should never forget that it’s the customer who provides the funds
to pay salaries and other expenses which allow a hotel or restaurant to remain profitable
and reinvest in its infrastructure. Thus, it is essential that employees and managers
succeed in satisfying and even delighting customers. Excellent customer service skills are
all about understanding the customers’ needs and being able to deliver a positive customer
service experience.
2. Networking skills. One of the key skills needed in the hospitality industry is to be able to
network effectively. Unlike many other sectors of business from customers. Building a loyal
clientele who are interested in returning to the hotel/restaurant/tour will, in the long run, also
enhance one’s career. Of course, it’s also important to be able to demonstrate to employers
that customers are returning thanks to the relationship cultivated with them. Learning to use
language that employers like to hear, such as client relationship management and guest
relations during job interviews, can enhance one’s chances of being hired.

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3. Communication skills. Exceptional communication skills are highly value in most industries
and the higher up one gets in the hierarchy, the more important they become. In the
hospitality and tourism that represents the business at the same time speaking to
customers in a way that they can understand and relate to.
4. Flexibility skills. Compared to other professions, hospitality and tourism jobs often demand
that employees work odd hours like nights and weekends. It is also necessary to be able
switch rapidly from one task to another as the situation may arise. Thus, flexibility is an
essential attribute to succeed in the hospitality and tourism sector.
5. Organizational skills. Organizational skills are at a premium in the hospitality and tourism
trade. Given the need to multi-task and respond to spur-of-the-moment requests, it is
necessary to maintain an organizational structure so as to be able to accomplish daily tasks
in an efficient manner. One piece of advice: plan each day ahead keeping a checklist of
things that need to be done. This will also help you develop strong time management skills.
6. Language skills. Language skills are a particular plus in the hospitality field as they increase
one’s value as an employee. Speaking client’s language enables one to establish a more
intimate relationship with them which promotes customer satisfaction and loyalty.
7. Commitment. It may sound trite to mention this one, but it can be noted that many young
people start out in the hospitality field an enthusiastic outlook, but don’t realize how
demanding the work is and consequently get bored quickly. If they fail to understand that
their job is to keep clients happy no matter the cost, such individuals will never progress
beyond entry-level jobs.
8. Can-do-attitude. It is essential that hospitality professional be prepared to accept
challenges in the workplace no matter how difficult the task may appear. Resolving a
difficult situation for an employer boots one’s chances of getting a pay rise and or a
promotion. Exuding enthusiasm for one’s job, instead of being sour, will enhance one’s
esteem both from customers and employers.
9. Multitasking skills. Being able to fulfil multiple roles in a hospitality or tourism enterprise is a
way for employees to render themselves indispensable to their employers. Its important to
be able to juggle different task simultaneously, while completing each task assigned. Thus,
the ability to multitask may be one of the most important skills in this industry. One way for
students to get a head start in developing their ability to multitask is to work on the side
while pursuing their studies.
10. Cultural awareness. Hospitality and tourism enterprises are more likely than and cultural
background. The ability to be culturally aware and get aware and get past one’s own
cultural norms is crucial to building a successful career in this sector

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Types of Intelligence
2. Factors affecting intelligent behavior
Intellectual attributes personality is feelings, behavior, beliefs, attitudes, and ways of
reasoning, evaluation and a decision making that people utilized when they face with a
cultural phenomenon-social, political-religious, historical, economic and then accept or
reject it. Intellectual personality is resulted in multiple factors which influence the character
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of the internal (generic and temperament) and external (environment, education, training
and life stories) is individual.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Defined intellectual attributes of personality.
2. Differentiate the types of intelligence
3. Discuss the factors affecting intelligent behavior

Types of Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
This theory suggest that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited.
Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligence, where he suggested that all people have different kinds of “intelligence”.

1. Visual-Spatial Intelligence. People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good at
visualizing things. These individuals are often good with directions as well as maps, charts,
videos, and pictures.
2. Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence. People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are
able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very
good at writing stories, memorizing information, and reading.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence. People who are strong in logical-mathematical
intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, logically analyzing problems.
These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationship, and patterns.
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence. Those who have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are said to
be good at body movement performing actions and physical control. People who strong in
this area tend to have excellent in hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
5. Musical Intelligence. People who have strong intelligence are good at thinking in patterns,
rhythms, and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at
musical composition and performance.
6. Interpersonal intelligence. Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good at
understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing
the emotions, motivations, desires, and intentions of those around them.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence. Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good
at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings, and motivations. They tend to enjoy
self-reflection and analysis, including daydreaming, exploring relationship with others, and
assessing their personal strengths.
8. Naturalistic Intelligence. Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory and has
been met with more resistance that his original seven intelligence. According to Gardner,
individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature and are
often interested in nurturing, exploring the environment, and learning about others species.
These individuals are said to be highly aware of even subtle changes to their environments.

Factors Affecting Intelligent Behavior

1. Intelligence is the sum of all cognitive processes and skills. It refers to the ability of an
individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and to cope with the demands of
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social living. Topics called “HOTS” Higher Order Thinking Skills” form of cognition-
concept formation, reasoning, problem solving, and creativity, as well as memory and
perception are related to human intelligence.
2. Human Intelligence is the ability to acquire, recall, and use knowledge to understand
concrete and abstracts concepts, relations among objects and ideas, and use
knowledge in a meaningful way.
a. Nature. How much does our intelligence depend on our genes? For more than a
century, researchers have been studying how much our genetic legacy influences
our intelligence. After all that time, they’ve determined that our genes do
influence intelligence and IQ. (40-80%)
b. Early Nutrition. As it turns out, really are what you eat. And what your mom ate
during her pregnancy. Prenatal and early nutrition are linked to brain structure,
behavior and yes intelligence. The greater nutrition is the foods we eat, especially
for males in the weeks just after birth, the greater the size of the caudate-that’s
the part of our brain that specializes in learning and memory-and the greater our
verbal IQ scores.
c. Birth Oder. People have been studying whether or not birth order affects human
intelligence for more than a century, yet were still not sure. For years, git was
believed that firstborns and older children in families were more intelligent
younger siblings.
d. Environment. We may be genetically predisposed to a certain brain volume,
structure and pathways-a certain level of intelligence set by our biology-but how
much we achieve isn’t based in biology alone. The type of life we lead also
affects intelligence. Environmental factors, such as the diet we eat, the toxins
we’re exposed to both in the womb and as we age, and even the neighborhood
we choose to live in be it dangerous or safe-all influence how genes are
expressed in our lives.

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus
DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE
PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Kinds and classification of emotion
2. Other types of emotions
3. The five qualities of emotional intelligence
4. How to cope with stress
5. Conflict management
6. Managing conflicts
7. Benefits of time management
8. Tips for effective time management
9. Implications of poor time management
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Enumerate the kinds and classification of emotions

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2. Identify the other types of emotions

3. Discuss the five qualities of emotional intelligence
4. Explain how to cope with stress
5. Discuss the conflict management
6. Identify the benefits of time management
7. Explain the tips effective time management
8. Discuss the implications of poor time management
Kinds and Classification of Emotion

1. Happiness. Of all the different types of emotions, happiness tends to be the one of that
people strive for the most. Happiness is often defined as a pleasant emotional state that is
characterized by feelings of contentment, joy, gratification, satisfaction, and well-being.
Research on happiness has increased significantly since the 1960’s within a number of
disciplines, including the branch of psychology known as positive psychology. This type of
emotion is sometimes expressed through:
a. Facial expression such as smiling
b. Body language such as relaxed stance
c. Tone of voice an upbeat, pleasant way of speaking.
2. Sadness. Sadness is another type of emotion often defined as a transient emotional state
characterized by feelings of disappointment, grief, hopelessness, grief, disinterest, and
dampened mood. Like other emotions, sadness is something that all people experience
from time to time to time. In some cases, people can experience prolonged and severe
periods of sadness that can turn into depression. Sadness can be expressed in a number of
ways including:
a. Crying
b. Dampened mood
c. Lethargy
d. Quietness
e. Withdrawal from others
3. Fear is powerful emotion that can also play an important role in survival. When you face
some sort of danger and experience fear, you go through what is known as the fight or flight
response. This response helps ensure that you are prepared to effectively deal with threats
in your environment. Expressions of the is type of emotions can include
a. Facial expressions: such as widening the eyes and pulling back the chin.
b. Body language: attempts to hide or flea from the threat
c. Physiological reactions: such as rapid breathing and heartbeat
4. Disgust. Disgust is another of the original six basic emotions described by Eckman. Disgust
can be displayed in a number of ways including:
a. Body language: turning away from the object of disgust.
b. Physical reactions: such as vomiting or retching
c. Facial expressions: such as wrinkling the nose and curling the upper lip
5. Anger. Anger can be a particularly powerful emotion characterized by feelings of hostility,
agitation, frustration, and antagonism towards others. Like fear, anger can play a part in

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your body’s fight or flight response. When a threat generates feelings of anger, you may be
inclined to fend off the danger and protect yourself. Anger is often displayed through:
a. Facial expressions: such as frowning or glaring.
b. Tone of voice: such as speaking gruffly or yelling.
c. Physiological response: such as sweating or turning red.
d. Aggressive behaviors: such as hitting, kicking, or throwing objects.
6. Surprise. Surprise is another one of the six basic types of human emotions originally
described by Eckman. Surprise is usually quite brief and is characterized by a physiological
startle response following something unexpected. An example of a pleasant surprise would
be arriving home to find that your closest friends have gathered to celebrate your birthday.
Surprise is often characterized by:
a. Facial expressions: such as raising the brows, widening the eyes, and opening the
b. Physical response: such as jumping back
c. Verbal reactions: such as yelling, screaming, or gasping

Other Types of Emotions

The six basic emotions described by Eckman are just a portion of the many different
types of emotions that people are capable of experiencing. Eckman’s theory suggest that
these core emotions are universal throughout cultures all over the world.
However, other theories and new research continue to explore the many different
types of emotions and how they are classified. Eckman later added a number of other
emotions to his list but suggested that unlike his original six emotions, not all of these could
necessarily be encoded through facial expressions. Some of the emotions he later identified
 Amusement
 Contempt
 Contentment
 Embarrassment
 Guilt
 Pride in achievement
 Relief
 Satisfaction
 Shame

Controlling Emotions for Hospitality and Tourism Professionals

In the hospitality industry, business owners need to rely on the good nature and
service standards of their staff, perhaps more so than in other industries. For that reason,
business need to ensure that their employees-particularly front facing staff that have
contact with customers-are interacting with them in a way owners and managers see fit.
Because of the nature of this field where human interaction is vital, high emotional
intelligence will always be a trend in hospitality management.
For this reason, many hotels and restaurants have adopted research strategies to
gather an accurate depiction of staff engagement and service. While bad employees are an
inevitable part of any business, there are some considerations employers can make when
vetting candidates that can help reduce the risk.

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However, it should be kept in mind that emotional intelligence in the hospitality field
not only applies in an employee-customer interaction. It should also be highly present in
employee-to-employee engagement, as well as interpersonal reflections in the context of

The Five Qualities of Emotional Intelligence

1. Self-Regulation is all about empathy towards employees and customers. By properly
assessing and understanding the emotions of your audience, self-regulation will help you
decide how to react and respond in the right direction.
2. Motivation is determining what keeps your employees and staff motivated. Motivation
strengthens the bond between leaders and employees in a way that keeping employees
motivated help motivate the leader.
3. Self-awareness focuses on intrapersonal reflection. The ability to understand and control
one’s own emotions will ensure that personal problems will neither directly nor indirectly
affect working relationships. As a leader in hospitality management, it is important to know
how one’s actions and words affect employees under his care.
4. Empathy that supports the relationship among employees and between employees and
customers. This quality lets you imagine yourself in the shoes of another, pushing you to go
the extra mile for either your employee or customer.
5. Social skills allow one develop effective communication which will result in strong
relationship with other managers and employees. Social skill is founded on listening,
understanding, and knowing when to talk.

Stress Management
Stress is mental tension caused by demanding, taxing or burdensome
circumstances. Stress doesn’t just affect our mental state and mood; it affects our physical
health as well. When we are very stressed, a hormone called cortisol is released into our
bloodstream, suppressing the functioning of our immune, digestive and reproductive
systems. That is why it is so important to practice stress management in order to keep our
minds and bodies healthy.
Stress Management consist of making changes to your life if you are in a constant
stressful situation, preventing stress by practicing self-care and relaxation and managing
your response to stressful situations when they do occur.

Hope to Cope with Stress

1. Identify your stress triggers. Your personality experiences and other unique characteristics
all influence the way you respond to and cope with stress. Situations and events that are
distressing for your colleagues might not bother you in the least.
2. Tackle your stress triggers. Once you’ve identified your stress triggers, consider each
situation or vent and look for ways to resolve it. Often, the best way to cope with stress is to
find a way to change the circumstances that are causing it.
3. Sharpen your time management skills. In addition to addressing specific triggers, its often
helpful to improve time management skills-especially if you tend to feel overwhelmed or
under pressure at work. Example
a. Set realistic goals. Work with colleagues and leaders to set realistic expectations and
deadlines. Set a regular progress reviews and adjust your goals as needed.
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b. Make a priority list. Prepare a list of tasks and rank them in order of priority.
Throughout the day, scan your master list and work on tasks in priority order. Say no
if you don’t have time to do a task.
c. Protect your time. For an especially important or difficult project, block time to work
on it without interruption. Also, break large projects into smaller steps.
4. Keep Perspective. When your job is stressful, it can feel as if it taking over your life. To
maintain perspective:
a. Get other points of view. Talk with trusted colleagues, family or friends about the
issues you’re lacking at work your feelings. They might be able to provide insights or
offer coping suggestions. Sometimes simply taking about a stressor can be relief.
b. Take a break. Make the most of workday breaks. Even a few minutes of personal
time during a busy workday can be refreshing. Similarly, take time off when you can,
whether it’s a two-week vacation or an occasional long weekend. Taking time to
relax can help you have more energy when you return to work.
c. Take care yourself. Be vigilant about taking care of your health. Include physical
activity in your daily routine, get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy diet. Try relaxation
techniques, such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness techniques and deep breathing.
Go outside for walk.
d. Make boundaries. Try to make small steps toward setting boundaries between work
and your life, such as not checking email in the evenings or weekends, not going
back to your computer in the evening, or keeping a standard work schedule. And set
aside time when you don’t use your phone or computer, such as not checking email,
texts, or social media.

Conflict Management
Introduction to Conflict Management
Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts
sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Since conflicts ion a business are a natural part of the
workplace, it is important that there are people who understand conflicts and know how to
resolve them. This is important in today’s market more than ever. Everyone is striving to
show how valuable they are to the company they work for and at times, this can lead to
dispute with other members of the team.
Levels of Conflict
The five levels of conflict are intrapersonal (within individual), intrapersonal (between
individuals), intragroup (with a group), intergroup (between groups), and intraorganizational
(within organizations).
1. Intrapersonal Conflict occurs within an individual, often involves some form of goal conflict
or cognitive conflict. Goal conflict exists for individuals when their behavior will result in
outcomes that are mutually exclusive or have compatible elements (both positive and
negative outcomes).
2. Interpersonal Conflict involves two or more individuals rather than one individual. Two
managers competing for the same promotion, two executives maneuvering for a larger
share of corporate capital examples of conflict individuals are legion and quite familiar.
1. Personality
2. Perceptions
3. Clashes of values and interests
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4. Power and status differences

5. Scarce resource

3. Intragroup Conflict. A group experiencing intragroup conflict, may eventually resolve it,
allowing the group to reach a consensus. Or the group may not resolve the conflict, and the
group discussion may end in disagreement among the members.
4. Inter-group conflict. An organization is a collection of individuals and groups. As the
situation and requirements demand, the individuals from various groups. The success of
the organization as a whole depends upon the harmonically relations among all
interdependent groups, even though some intergroup conflicts in organizations is inevitable.
The idea is to study intergroup behaviors within an organization so that any conflict can be
recognized and dealt with the management.
5. Intra-organizational conflict. Four types of intra-organizational conflict exist: vertical conflict,
horizontal conflict, line staff and role conflict. Although these types of conflict can overlap,
especially with role conflict, each has distinctive characteristics.
a. Vertical conflict. Vertical conflict refers to any conflict between levels in an
organization; superior-subordinate conflict is one example. Vertical conflicts usually
arise because superiors attempt to control subordinates and subordinates.
b. Horizontal conflict. Horizontal conflict refers to conflict between employers or
departments as the same hierarchical level in an organization.
c. Line staff conflict. Most organizations have staff departments to assist the line
d. Role conflict. A role is the cluster of activities that others expect individuals to
perform in their position. A role frequently involves conflict.

Managing Conflicts
Except in very few situations where the conflict can lead to competition and creativity
so that in such situations the conflict can be encouraged, in all other case where conflict is
destructive in nature, it should be resolved as soon after it has developed as possible, but
all efforts should be made to prevent it from developing.
a. Goas structure. Goals should be clearly defined and the role and contribution of each
unit towards the organizational goal must be clearly identified. All units and the
individuals in these units much be aware of the importance of their role and such
importance must be fully recognized.
b. Reward system. The compensation system should be such that it does not create
individual competition or conflict within the unit. It should be appropriate and
proportionate to the group effort and reflect the degree of interdependence among units
where necessary.
c. Trust and communication. The greater is the next step to communication. Properly
coordinated activity reduce conflict. Wherever there are problems in coordination, a
special liaison office should be established to assist such coordination.

Time Management
Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to
spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete
more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success.

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Benefits of Time Management

The ability to manage your time effectively is important. Good time management
leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life. Here
are some benefits of managing time effectively:
1. Stress relief. Making and following a task schedules anxiety. As you check off items on your
“to-do” list you can see that you are tangible progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed
out with worry about you’re getting things done.
2. More time. Good time management gives you extra time to spend in your daily life. People
who can time-manage effectively enjoy having more time to spend on hobbies or other
personal pursuits.
3. More opportunities. Managing time well lead to more opportunities and less time wasted on
trivial activities. Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for. The
ability to prioritize and schedule work extremely desirable for any organization.
4. Ability to realize goals. Individuals who practice good time management are able to better
achieve goals and objectives, and do so in a shorter length of time.

Tips for Effective Time Management

1. Set goals correctly. Set goals that are achievable and measurable. Use SMART method
when setting goals. In the essence, make sure the goals you set are Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.
2. Prioritize Wisely. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. For example, look at
your daily task and determine which are:
a. Important and urgent. Do these tasks right away?
b. Important but not urgent. Decide when to do these tasks.
c. Urgent but not important. Delegate these tasks if possible.
d. Not urgent and not important. Set these aside to do later.
3. Set a time to complete a task. Setting time constraints for completing tasks helps you be
more focused and efficient. Making the small extra effort to decide on how much time you
need to allot for each task can also help you recognize potentials problems before they
arise. That way you can make plans for dealing with them.
4. Take a break between tasks. When doing a lot of tasks without a break, it is harder to stay
focused and motivated. Allow some downtime between tasks to clear you head and refresh
yourself. Consider grabbing a brief nap, going for a short walk, or meditating.
5. Organize yourself. Utilize your calendar for more long-term time management. Write down
the deadlines for projects, or for tasks that are part of completing the overall project. Think
about which days might be best to dedicate to specific tasks.
6. Remove non-essential tasks/activities. It is important to remove excess activities or tasks.
Determine what is significant and what deserve your time. Removing non-essential
tasks/activities frees up more of your time to be spent on genuinely important things.
7. Plan ahead. Make sure you start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do-what
needs to get done that day. Consider making it a habit to, at the end of each workday, go
ahead and write out your ‘to-do” list for the next workday. That way you hit the ground
running the next morning.

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Implications of Poor Time Management

Let’s also consider the consequences of poor time management.
1. Poor workflow. The inability to plan ahead and stick to goals poor efficiency. For example, if
there are several important task to complete, an effective plan would be to complete related
tasks together or sequentially. However, if you don’t plan ahead, you could end up having
to jump back and forth, or backtrack, in doing your work. That translates to reduced
efficiency and lower productivity.
2. Wasted time. Poor time management results in wasted time. For example, by talking to
friend on social media while doing an assignment, you are distracting yourself and wasting
3. Loss of control. By nit knowing what the next tasks is, you suffer from loss of control of your
life. That can contribute to higher stress levels and anxiety.
4. Poor quality of work. Poor time management typically makes the quality of your work suffer.
For example, having to rush to complete tasks at the last minute usually compromise
5. Poor reputation. If clients or your employer cannot rely on you to complete tasks in a timely
manner, their expectations and perceptions of you are adversely affected. It a client cannot
rely on you to get something done on time; they will likely take their business elsewhere.

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Definition and Importance of Social Image
2. Importance of Social Image
3. Good Grooming and Proper Hygiene
4. Grooming standard for men and women in travel and hospitality grooming policy
5. Personal hygiene and sanitation
6. Benefits of public speaking
7. Proper telephone etiquette
8. Business conduct and office etiquettes
9. Social grace and table manners
10. Etiquette in public areas
Social Image. A person’s social image is how they are perceived by others in a society.
Normally, people try to build more acceptance for themselves by caring about what
others think about them.
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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Defined social image
2. Explain the importance of social image
3. Discuss the importance of good grooming standard and proper hygiene
4. Explain the grooming standard for men and women in travel and hospitality grooming
5. Discuss the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation
6. Explain the benefits of public speaking
7. Discuss the proper telephone etiquette
8. Discuss the business conduct and office etiquette
9. Explain the importance of social grace, table manners and etiquette in public areas
Importance of Social Image
1. Social Impressions. Most people keep an eye on the impressions that they make on other
people as they try to present themselves as they are. Knowing that other people perceive
one in undesired ways usually triggers efforts to make the perception right. Sometimes,
they control the impressions and try to behave in a way that leads to their desired
impression in a given situation.
2. A natural human motive. Despite recent trends and how superficial or inauthentic it is to
care about other people’s opinions, trying to maintain a positive social image is natural,
normal, and adaptive human motive. Humans need to be accepted in their society to
3. A world without social image concerns. If suddenly everyone stopped about what others
think, the world would face some dramatic changes. The first thing would be that people
stop grooming and staying clean because they no longer care about the image would
convey with these things.

II: Good Grooming and Proper Hygiene

The most important aspect of maintaining good health is good personal hygiene.
Personal hygiene which is also referred to as personal to as personal care includes all of
the following:
 Bathing and showering
 Hair care
 Nail care
 Foot care
 Genital care
 Dental care
Personal hygiene is keeping the body clean, and helps prevent the spread of germs.
Grooming is caring for fingernails and hair examples of these activities would be styling
hair, shaving, trimming and painting fingernails. Maintaining goof health also includes the
following areas: Nutrition, leisure/recreation opportunities, sleep, and exercise. As you can
see, there are many factors that contribute to feeling and looking good. Feeling and looking
good are important to each individuals emotional and physical wellbeing.

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1. Hair Grooming. Having clean, well-groomed hair is important to everyone, and is no less.
Individuals like different brands of shampoo or conditioner and may have a preferred style.
Individuals may also change their minds about they style their hair. All these choices should
be respected and suspended ¾ ask the individual if he or she as preference for his or her
hair style today. ¾ teach and assist with drying wet hair with dryer and applying gels, hair
spray, and other hair products as appropriate. ¾ if hair is long, divide into section before or
2. Shaving. Once again, shaving one’s legs, underarms, or face is very personal matter.
Cultural differences may be a key to whether an individual shaves or does not shave. For
example, in some cultures, men do not shave their facial hair. It is important to assist and
support individual to shave safety and to avoid nicks and cuts that can lead to infection.
Some individuals may learn to use an electric razor. Other individuals may be assisted and
supported in using a blade razor.
3. Bathing and Perineal Care. Bathing means cleaning one’s body from head to toe. Perineal
care means the bathing of the genital and anal (rectum) area, or “private parts”. Providing
assistance and support for bathing can be a very sensitive care activity for an individual and
a DSP. Routinely, this activity is completed by female DSP’s for women and girls and by
male DSP’s for men and boys.

III: Grooming Standard for Men and Women in Travel and Hospitality
Grooming Policy
a. Hair. Clean, trimmed, and neatly combed or arranged.
b. Facial hair. (men only): freshly shaved, mustached or beard neatly trimmed.
c. Fingernails. Neat, clean and trimmed.
d. Breath. Beware of foods which may leave breadth odor. Beware of tobacco, alcohol and
coffee odor. Use breath mint if needed.
e. Body. Freshly bathed, showered. Use deodorant.
f. Make-up (women only): Use sparingly and be natural looking.
g. Perfumes/Colognes/After-Shave: Use sparingly or none at all. Your scent should not linger
after you leave.

Personal Hygiene and Sanitation

1. Shower twice, daily.
2. Use deodorant or perfume fairly, our scent should not linger after we leave.
3. Shave or remove facial hair daily for male associates.
4. Shave legs and underarms for female associates.
5. Brush our teeth periodically during shower, after each meal, and after having some
cigarettes. Use mouth fresheners if necessary.
6. Maintain our health by checking up to a doctor periodically.
7. Wash our hands after each activity, especially after going to the toilet, before and after each
meal and cigarettes, and before going back to our activities. Washing our hands is also very
important before we handle any foods.

Uniform and Name Tag

Uniform is our companies identify that we have to represent positively. We need to
keep our uniform clean, tidy and free of stains and tears. Nametags make life easier for our
guest and for our fellow associates. To guests, our nametags show that we are someone
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they can ask for assistance. To fellow employees, it helps create a positive environment
when we call each other by name.

Haircut must always be properly maintained in a neat condition. We need to
shampoo at least once every couple of days and most importantly, we need to keep our
natural hair color. Other things that we need to consider are:
1. Utilization of hair wig is not allowed.
2. No hair-doing in the working area, especially not in front of our guests.
3. Hair bangs must be kept above eye-brows, no hair covering your eyes.
4. Hair accessories must be kept simple and black in color.

Shoes, Socks and Hosiery

1. Simple plain black socks and hosieries
2. Plain black lace style or plain black on style shoes with low heels.
3. Non slip sole to avoid injury
4. No sandals, open toed or strap shoes are permitted.
5. Well-polished shoes at all time.

1. Only plain simple black leather belts are allowed.

1. Only clean, trimmed and well-manicured finger nails are allowed.
2. Nail longer than the fingertips are not permitted.
3. Artificial nails and nail arts are not permitted.
4. Only clear or natural nail polish is permitted.

Make Up
1. Present a polished, professional, five-star image.
2. Look natural, be well applied, with no garish colors.
3. Earth and natural color are highly recommended.
Teeth Braces
1. Only clear and silver braces are allowed

Eyes Glasses and Contact Lenses

1. Only plain simple black, brown or silver framed eyeglasses with clear lens are permitted, as
well as only clear contact lenses are too.

1. Wedding and engagement ring are permitted
2. One additional regular ring also permitted
3. Simple in model
4. Plain, no stone/diamond/other additional material
5. Gold, silver or its combination color only.
6. Large bulky rings and rows of rings on each hand are not permitted.
7. Toe rings are not permitted
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Tattoo and Piercing

Visible body piercing and tattoo are not permitted. Face or tongue or other visible
body piercings must be removed before commencing every shift.

Industry Expectation
Companies and organizations in the field of hospitality expect that their whole
employees will demonstrate their understanding on “how to keep our personal appearance
always neat and clean”. This demonstration shall improve our self-confidence as employee
as well as our concerns on personal cleanliness and hygiene, especially for food handlers.

IV: Body Language

Body language speaks volumes. In addition to attire, important in the job search,
your body language and other non-verbal cues communicate your thoughts, friendliness,
level of confidence, and much more. By using good body language and other professional
behaviors, you project confidence. Confidence is a set of behaviors you can learn and
practice. Consider your non-verbal cues when interacting with others and when others can
observe you even if you are not directly interacting.

Examples of situations when non-verbal cues matter

 At a career fair, as you move about, wait and speak with others.
 As student or audience member listening to a speaker (who might be an employer or a
contact for one). Yes, speakers notice the demeanor or classroom and audience members.
 Talking with a speaker after a presentation
 Before, during and after an interview.
 Any interaction with a person who might refer you to an employer.

Non-Verbal communication to have under your control

 Posture, while standing, seated and walking
 Facial expression
 Eye contact
 Movement of your arms and hands
 Maintaining personal space, distance between self and others.

V: Public Speaking
Public speaking is a great way of building personality development on many levels,
since improving communication skills is helpful in almost every of life. Whether your goal is
to engage in political debate, make a career as a motivational speaker or gain confidence in
front of an audience, public speaking can help you meet your goal.
Benefits of Public Speaking
1. Career advancement. Effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as
they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise and professionalism,
qualities which are very valuable for the job market.
2. Boost confidence. Public speaking can significantly boost your confidence. Overcoming the
fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. Furthermore,

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connecting with audience can be a strong reminder that you have valuable insights and
opinions to share with the world.
3. Critical thinking. Public speaking is an excellent way to build critical thinking skills. Writing a
speech requires a great deal of careful thought, from the audience analysis to the closing
sentence. It’s not enough to have a message, you also need to figure out how to tailor the
message to fit the needs of your audience.
4. Personal development. Communication skills are crucial for personal and professional
success and improving this area is one of the greatest benefits of public speaking.
Preparing a speech forces speaker to take a step back and think critically about effective
ways to communicate. In everyday life, it’s easy to fall back on communication habits we
formed many years ago.
5. Improve communication skills. When you write a speech, you have to think carefully about
the best framework, persuasive strategy, and diction to communicate your message to the
audience. This type of thinking can help yocu improve your communication skills in other
areas of your life.
6. Make new social connections. Public speaking engagements are good places to meet other
people who share your interests. You’ll find that people approach you after your
presentation to engage in conversation. It makes it much easier to make new social
connections. Try to mingle with the audience for as long as you can after your speech,
answering questions and seeking perspectives on your topic.
7. Personal Satisfaction. Public speaking is a very common phobia, right up there with spiders
and heights. Many people would prefer to do almost anything instead of standing up and
talking in front a crowd of people. Delivering a speech can feel intimidating and risky.
8. Expand your professional network. Another benefit of public speaking is that when you
speak at an event, you will suddenly find that everyone wants to talk with you. This is
valuable opportunity for making friends, building business contacts and generating
9. Develop your vocabulary and fluency. You’ll know the effect of the words you choose to
express your message and you’ll also know they need to be different for different
audiences. As well as having a flexible vocabulary, you’ll no longer use common fillers we
hear in everyday conversation indicating that the speaker may be unsure about what
they’re saying or anxious about speaking.
10. No fear of impromptu speaking. When called upon to say a few words at a moment notice
at a wedding, awards ceremony or other special occasion, your heart will not pound.
Instead you’ll find yourself graciously accepting the opportunity for an impromptu speech.
This is a huge benefit of public speaking and you’ll stop constantly worrying at formal
events about being asked to speak.
11. Be a better listener. Listening may be a lost art, but a public speaking course actually
teaches you to become a better listener. When you attend conferences, you’ll hear several
different types of speeches about a wide variety of topics, from people who may be very
different from you. This will passively build your listening ability and note taking.

VI: Proper Telephone Etiquette

1. Answer a call within three rings. If your position entails always being available to callers,
you should actually be available. That means staying focused and answering calls
immediately. The last thing you want to do is keep a customer waiting after a string of

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endless ringing or send them to voicemail when you should’ve been able and ready to
2. Immediately introduce yourself. Upon picking up the phone, you should confirm with the
person whom they have called. In personal calls, it’s sufficient to begin with a “Hello” and let
the caller introduce themselves first. However, you want to allow the caller to know if
they’ve hit a wrong number, as well as whom they are speaking with.
3. Speak clearly. Phone calls, while a great option for those who detest in-person interaction,
do require very strong communication skills. For one, the person on the other end of the
line can only judge you based on your voice, since they don’t get to identify your body
language and hopefully-kind smile.
4. Only use speakerphone when necessary. We all know the traits of speakerphone. It’s
easier for you because you can use your hands to multitask. However, for the caller, it’s like
to hear one voice through a honking crowd of taxis in Manhattan-impossible and frustrating.
5. Active listen, and take notes. Speaking of paying attention to your customers, its essential
that you’re actively listening to them throughout the conversation. Actively listening means
hearing everything they have to say and basing response off their comments, rather than
using a prescribed script. This proves to your customers that you’re present and are
empathetic to their inconveniences.
6. Use proper language. A key difference between professional and personal phone calls is
obvious-the language. It might be acceptable to use slang and swears when talking on the
phone with your friends, but this kind of language can cause you to lose a customer for life.
7. Remain cheerful. You never know when a customer is having a bad day. When someone is
rude to you on the phone, your immediate reaction may be to put them in your place. First,
though, take a moment to step into their shoes and recognize why they’re so upset.
8. Ask before putting someone on hold or transferring a call. There’s often nothing more
infuriating than being put on hold. After waiting on hold for ten or fifteen minutes to speak
with a real-life human being, you finally get to explain your problem. Then you’re
immediately put back on hold and then transferred to someone else to whom you must re-
explain the whole problem. Talk about exhausting.
9. Be honest if you don’t know the answer. You might need to put a customer on hold or
transfer their call if the dreaded occurs- you don’t know the solution, perhaps you’ve tried
everything you can or simply have no idea what they’re talking about. Don’t panic; customer
support representatives are humans, too, and its okay not to be the omniscient voice of
10. Be mindful of your volume. You may be so focused on your phone call with a customer that
you’re barely paying attention your present setting. When working in a call center, things
can get pretty loud. You always want to be mindful of your volume and ensure that you’re
not disrupting the ability of your co-workers to speak to customers and get their work done.
11. Check for and respond to voicemails. It’s quite possible that a customer might reach out
you when you’re on a break or after you’ve left work for the day. If it’s possible for you to
receive voicemails, make sure you’re always checking for them. It’s easy for a voicemail to
slip under the radar, but the customer won’t easily forget.

VII: Business Conduct and Office Etiquettes

1. Respect another’s need to work. Just because others are sitting nearby doesn’t mean they
are available for conversation at all times. Respects one another’s privacy. Act as if there is
a door between you and if they appear to be busy, ask if they have a moment to talk.
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2. Be aware of smells. Within a tight space smells can be magnified, so use consideration
when packing you lunch or snacks. Try to eat meals in the kitchen, break room or outside,
rather at your desk. Since many people have allergies to scents, forgo wearing perfumes,
cologne or strong after shave to the office. Pay attention your personal grooming as well.
Unfortunately, common sense is not so common anymore.
3. Keep noise and distractions to a minimum. Noisy conversations (either between workers or
on the telephone) or habits such as taping on the desk, fidgeting or getting up and down
can create an annoying distraction to those trying to concentrate. If you want to listen to
music, podcast or videos, use headphones or ear buds.
4. Be tidy. Your messy desk can be distraction to other and will detract from the professional
image your organization is trying to establish. Keep your belongings confined to your own
personal space and tidy up your immediate area each before leaving work. It you share a
desk, be sure to clear away any personal items like coffee cups and office supplies.
5. Respect another space. Just because another’s workspace is within each of your desk
doesn’t make it common domain. Treat each person’s space as if it was a private office. Do
not help yourself to anything on their desk or in their area. Ask first or go to the supply
closet if you need a pen or a stapler
6. Don’t come to work sick. When you work in close quarters, it easy to transfer germs. Stay
home if you are sick. It’s good hygiene to cover your mouth you cough, keep hand sanitizer
on hand, don’t leave used tissues around, and wipe down the desk, computer keyboard and
phone from time to time to help prevent germs from spreading.
7. Be considerate. Respect is key when working in an open-office environment. Act respectful
and expect others to act in the same way. Set rules of conduct and reiterate boundaries
when they are crossed. It’s best to address problems and concerns directly and
diplomatically before they escalate.
8. Be tolerant. The open-office environment brings together myriad personalities, with different
styles. Be tolerant of these differences and find ways to adapt. Everyone is not going to
agree with you one hundred percent of the time. Keep an open mind listen with the intent to
learn and focus on the positive aspect of your job.
9. Think like a team. In order to maintain a cohesive do not spread gossip, cause another to
feel like an outcast, or grumble petty things. Hold regular meetings to set goals, share ideas
and talk about concerns.

VIII: Social Graces and Table Manners

Social grace refers to the general behavior and attitude of being and welcoming to
people. Table etiquette prepares someone to make a good impression at mealtime. Your
table manners can say a lot about sense of personal style.
1. If you have a table host/hostess, wait for him/her to begin eating. If you do not have a
host/hostess, wait until everyone at the table is served.
2. Unfold and place napkin on your lap when seated, folded in half once, with the
3. open end of the fold facing away from you.
4. Take part in the dinner conversation, but avoid controversial topics like politics and religion.
5. Use your utensils from the outside in as you move through each course, and pass items
using the serving dish.
6. Cut only enough food for the next mouthful. Eat in small bites and slowly.

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7. When eating consuming soup, always move the spoon away from yourself. Bring the spoon
to your mouth and drink the soup from the side edge of the spoon instead of putting the
whole spoon in your mouth. And of course, do not slurp.
8. When eating bread, tear off a small piece of bread, butter it, and eat that piece, then repeat.
9. When eating a salad, you may cut large piece of lettuce with your fork and knife, one bite at
a time. A word of caution; don’t stab your tomatoes.
10. When eating the main course, leave your plate positioned as it is presented to you. If you
don’t care for something on your plate, discreetly push it to the side, but don’t play with it.
11. If you need to excuse yourself from the table, try to do between courses.
12. If you are not a coffee or hot tea drinker, turn you cup upside down on the saucer which
indicates to the server you do not want those beverages.
13. Be sure to thank your host before leaving and send a handwritten thank-you note the next

IX: Etiquette in Public Areas

1. Make an effort to be considerate of other. Holding the door open for the person behind
you or not having one person save in line for 10 other people are exhibitions of
considerations. Arrive on time for events to avoid bumping and crawling over people. If
you must pass over those seated, say “excuse me” or “I’m sorry” and pass facing the
person. It’s better to see one’s face then their backside.
2. Don’t allow your behavior to disturb others. Keep you feel on the floor and not on the
seat around you. When talking, keep your voice low or wait until intermissions and
between performances. Please don’t draw attention to yourself by shouting loud
comments or booing performers. At concerts, refrain from signing along or humming
unless asked to by the performer. You may have been blessed with a beautiful voice,
but others paid to hear the headliner.
3. Always play it safe when drinking. If you are having a good time and alcohol such as
wine and cocktails are involved, always assign someone in your party to be a
designated driver. Summer festivals are full of great food and drinks, so it is important
everyone enjoys themselves responsibly.
4. Follow the established rules of the venue. If food and drink are not allowed, don’t sneak
it in. if it is allowed, clean up your area before leaving and properly discard trash. Always
sit in your assigned seat and instead of scouting extra or unused tickets, make
someone’s day by day offering the ticket free of charge.
5. Confirm that children are allowed first. Going to events with the entire family can be
some of the best times. When taking children to any type of public event, always look at
the event details to ensure children are allowed and what type of activities will be
available. In addition, be sure to keep an eye on them and that they too are being
respectful of other children and their parents.

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Overview of values and image improvement
2. Respect and reverence
3. Punctuality and promptness
4. Philosophies of life
5. Attitude-your most priceless possession
6. Adjusting your positive attitude through image improvement
7. Assertive behavior
Morality is the foundation of every human society, without civic morality, communities
perish. Without personal morality, human survival has no value. Every culture admits the
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values standard of behavior. When the moral foundation of the nation is threatened, then
society itself is threatened.
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Identify the meaning of values and image of improvement
2. Explain the importance of respect and reverence
3. Explain the importance of punctuality and promptness
4. Discuss the philosophies of life
5. Discuss the importance of attitude
6. Explain the importance of adjusting your positive attitude trough image improvement
7. Explain the assertive behavior
Values and Moral Defined
Values is a collection of guiding, usually positive, principles, they are what one
deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct. Morals
pertain to, or are concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction
between right and wrong.

Respect and Reverence

A good citizen acts respectfully towards his fellowmen because it is by giving respect
to others that we are respected. By giving respect, we demonstrate that we are humans
with proper breeding and etiquette.
To whom do we show respect?
1. Our parents and relatives
2. Women, elders, and superiors
3. Our neighbors
4. People in authority

Punctuality and Promptness

We often hear people refer to “Filipino time”. As good citizens, we must be
considerate of other people’s schedule and observe punctuality at all times. Here are some
tips that will help you manage your time well:
1. Make sure that your clock time is synchronized with that one you are meeting with.
2. Consider your distance and travel time from your meeting place.
3. Do not commit to a meeting or set a deadline of you are not sure that you can make it on
4. Make it a habit to check your schedule for the next day before going to bed.
5. Consider creating a planner or organizer if you have a busy schedule.
6. If for some inevitable reason you cannot be at the appointed time, always notify the person
you are meeting with at the soonest possible time. Avoid keeping other waiting.

A good citizen must to be obedient whenever possible and necessary. Our actions
must be in accordance with laws, rules and regulations set by people in authority. In any

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case we violate these rules, we must be prepared to suffer the consequences of our actions
and take the corresponding sanctions.

What should we be observing?

1. Government laws
2. School rules and regulations
3. Religious morals
4. Social etiquette

A good citizen is always ready to help and cooperate with other members of the
society. The spirit of bayanihan runs in our bloodstream. Cooperation is certainly a
necessity especially in this age of globalization which calls for the nation to move as one as
it completes with the rest of the world.
Patriotism and Nationalism
Patriotism refers to one’s love of country, while nationalism refers to one’s love of his
countrymen. As good citizens, we must always ready to fight for the freedom and honor of
both our motherland and countrymen. We can also show our love by appreciating its
beauty, protecting its environment and fulfilling our duties and obligation as citizens.

Courage and Bravery

Filipinos have a great history of courageous and valiant men and women. Our
heroes fought and died so that we would be free. In return, we should also be brave to
confront all the challenges that the Filipino nation is facing right now. The problem of
poverty, hunger, unemployment, illiteracy criminality, and ecological degradation are just
some of the odds that we have to face as a nation. We need to start moving as a nation if
we want to win this war. We must be brave enough to open our eyes and the eyes of other
to see the kinds of national situation we are in now.

An individual’s personal philosophy is his way looking at the world and the people
around him. His personal philosophy is one of the most fundamental elements of his being,
for it enters into his thinking, his emotions, his actions and reactions.
Some people do not have only one philosophy or way of thinking. They may be
electric, meaning they partake of several philosophies.

There are three basic philosophies.

1. Realist. The realist looks to what is he seeks for the answer to his questions. He observes
nature, he sees man as a product of the world about him. To the realist, man’s most
important feature is his ability to adapt and use the laws of the universe. The naturalists are
belonging to the same category.
2. Idealist. The idealist finds the answer to reality man’s mind or soul. The two main categories
are the religious and the personal. If the idealist believes in God, he looks to him for the
ultimate answer to reality. He believes that the most important thing about man is his soul
and his spiritual kindship.
3. Pragmatist. The pragmatist looks for meaning in their practical bearings and believes that
the function of thought is to guide action. He believes that experience is composed of
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circumstances. Events, ideas, people, environment, and that the interaction among all
these things is the basis of reality. The pragmatism is concerned with change, for
experience is never static. An individual’s right to his personal philosophy must be
respected and what he does if taken in the light of that philosophy, becomes more
understandable. If one can do this, his ability to get along with people and consequently, his
chances of improving his own personality will be greater. A person values is based on his
philosophy-the things he considers to be of worth and importance. Other factors that
influence a person’s choice of values is his cultural tradition into which he was worn, the
values of the society in which he moves. One may value money, power, and others a
combination of all of these.


Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are happy, you
transmit a happy attitude and people usually respond favorably. When you are pessimistic
or have a negative attitude, people tend avoid you. Inside your head is where it all starts;
attitude is a mindset. It is the way you look at things mentally. Emphasizing the positive and
eliminating the negative is like using a magnifying glass. You can place the glass over good
news and you can feel better or you can magnify bad news and make yourself miserable.

Look Better to Yourself

Through advertising we are told to ‘improve our image”. Self-improvement of any
kind should be applauded but the overriding reason for a new image is not to look better for
others, rather it should be because you want to look better for yourself. The truth is that you
often look better to others than you do to yourself. There may be periods when you feel
unfashionable, unattractive, or poorly groomed. This does not necessarily mean you look
that way to your friends, but you end up communicating a negative attitude because you
don’t look good to yourself.

Adjusting Your Positive Attitude through Image Improvement

Below are five general physical and psychological activities people engage in to
improve or maintain their self-image.

1. Wardrobe Improvement. Pay more attention (and money, if necessary) to what you wear,
how you coordinate various fashion items, colors, etc. make the best fashion statement
2. Hairstyle, cosmetics. Spend more time with your hairstyle, facial appearance, etc.
3. Looking healthy. Devote time to an exercise program. Anything that will create a healthier
appearance. Include posture, dental care, weight control and diet.
4. Being yourself. Refuse to be over-influenced by other and the media. Stay with your own
idea of what your image should be. Be different in the way you want to be different.
5. Image-attitude connection. Accept the premise that your attitude will suffer if you don’t keep
a good self-image. Even if you don’t care about how other think you look, care about how
you look to yourself because it is important to your own attitude.

Assertive behavior
Many people think that being assertive is pushing for his or her own way, refusing to
give an inch. Others think of someone who is stubborn on certain issues. This is not so.
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Assertive behavior is defined as a natural style that is nothing more than being direct,
honest, and respectful while interacting with others. Assertiveness is a most desirable
behavior. It is needed for honest, healthy relationship. It is the behavior required for win-win
outcomes in negotiations, conflict resolution, family life, and normal business dealings.
Non-Assertive behavior is passive and indirect. It communicates a message of
inferiority. By being non-assertive behavior, we allow the wants, needs and rights of others
to be more important than our own. Nonassertive behavior helps create win-lose situations.
A person behaving non-assertively will lose while allowing others to win. Following this road
leads to being a victim, not a winner.
Aggressive behavior is more complex. It can be either or passive. Aggression can be
direct or indirect, honest or dishonest-but it always communicates an impression of
superiority and disrespect. By being aggressive we put our wants, needs and rights above
those of others. Assertive behavior is active, direct, and honest. It communicates an
impression of self-respect and respect for others. By being assertive, we view our wants,
needs, and rights are equal with those of others. We work toward a win-win outcome. An
assertive person wins by influencing, listening and negotiating so that other choose to
cooperate willingly. This behavior leads to success without retaliation and encourages
honest, open relationships.

What can assertive person can do:

1. Deliver a direct, open honest communication.
2. Use feeling talk-express what you feel to others.
3. Express things about yourself (self-disclosing)
4. Accept and give honest compliments
5. Accept and give constructive criticism and feedback
6. Disagree without making the other person wrong.
7. Speak up and be counted
8. Ask for and receive clarification
9. Negotiate toward a workable compromise
10. Be able to listen to the environment

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College of Industrial Technology

Bambang Campus

DEGREE Bachelor of Science COURSE

PROGRAM in Hospitality NO.


1. Overview of Performance Appraisal
2. Importance of Performance Appraisal in Career
3. Career in Planning Goals and Process
4. Steps of the Career Planning Process
5. Resume Building
6. Writing a resume
7. Write a personal career development plan
8. Introduce your personality
Assessment of employee contribution to the success and growth of an organization can be
defined as the Performance Appraisal. Continuous Assessment of employee performance helps
organization to determine whether the performance of employee is aligned with the objective of
the organization and this will ultimately help to measure the actual job performance vis-à-vis
standard job performance. Performance Appraisal is an effective control technique and it requires
standard information and corrective action.
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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
1. Identify the overview of performance appraisal
2. Explain the importance of performance appraisal in career
3. List the steps of career planning process
4. Create a resume and application letter
5. Create a personal career development plan
6. Discuss the common interview questions
7. Discuss how to prepare for mock interview questions
Importance of Performance Appraisal in Career
1. Performance Appraisal in an organization help manager in measuring evaluating recording
of his/her actual performance in other word performance appraisal is the formal evaluation
of an individual job performance, it involves giving feedback to the individual and includes
constructive solution for further improvement.
2. Performance appraisal influence both employee and organizational development.
3. It helps in making effective decision regarding various pay raise, planning future
performance goals, assessing the promotional potential of employee, and determining
training and development needs.
4. Performance appraisal also provides feedback to employees, which help them improve
their presents performance and plan future careers.

Career Planning Goals and Process

Career Planning is the process of discovering educational, training and professional
opportunities that suit your interests, passions and goals. Career planning allows you to
outline your goals and reevaluate them as you progress.

Steps of the career-planning process

1. Self-exploration and assessment
2. Career approach
3. Exploration and experimentation
4. Decision-making and career selection
5. Final planning and action
6. Job search and acceptance

Resume Building
A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize their
qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter
in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or company and draws
attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.

Writing a Resume
Review resume examples for your industry. When crafting your resume, you might study
examples of resumes from your industry for inspiration and best practices. While there are

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many ways you can use resume samples, there are three main takeaways you should look
1. Make is simple and easy to read. Resume samples are simple and straightforward. This is
because employees have a minimal amount of time to review your resume, so readability is
key. This also means selecting a professional, clean font.
2. Make it brief. You’ll notice that each selection of the resume sample is short and to-the-
point, including the summary and experience descriptions. Including only the most key and
relevant information means employers are able to consume more information about you,
and more quickly understand your fitness for the role.
3. Include numbers. You might also notice that there are often metrics included in the
experience section of resume samples. This is because employees are highly responsive to
measurable proven value. Numbers allow them to better understand the value you may
bring to the position.

Use of professional font

Because employers have only a short time to review your resume, it should be as
clear and as easy to read as possible. You should use basic, clean font like Arial or Times
New Roman. Keep your font size between 10 and 12 points. Selecting a clear, readable
font will help make your resume appear more professional.

Include only the most relevant information and put the most import information first.
While you might have extensive work or educational experience, it’s important to keep your
resume as brief as possible without leaving out key information. Hiring message don’t
spend a lot of time reading each resume. Research has shown that hiring managers tend to
spend only 6 seconds per resume. If your resume includes old or irrelevant information,
such as jobs held over 10 years or minor degrees and achievements, it may distract from
key information.

Use active language. Your resume should be written using active language without
extraneous words. This means using power words such as achieved, earned, completed or
accomplished. If your resume is too long or sems hard to read, you might consider making
sentence shorter or ideas more concise.

Call attention to important achievements. Instead of listing your job duties under the
experience section, select your top three most important achievements in each role you’ve
held. Where possible, include numbers that measure your success for that particular goals
or achievement. You might also consider including a separate achievements or skills
section to specifically highlight relevant achievements in your education, career, volunteer
work or other experiences.

Only include subheading and sections you need. Whether you’re using a resume
template or creating your own you may find there are some recommended sections you do
not need. For example, you may need a resume summary or a resume objective, but you
should not include both. If you are just graduating from college or high school and have not
yet held a professional position, do not include an empty work history section. Instead, you
might replace the experience section with relevant coursework, academic achievements
and other experiences like internships or extracurricular projects.
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Choose appropriate margins. Typically, you should use a one-inch margin size on all
sides of your resume with single spaces between the lines. If you have too much with
space, you might consider making your lines spaced by 1.15 or 1.5. you can also increase
your margins if you find it is difficult to fill your resume, but they should below two inches.

Proofread and edit. Before sending your resume, you should undergo several rounds of
proofreading to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors. While there are several
proofreading programs and tools you can use, it is also helpful to ask trusted friends or
colleagues to review your resume. It is helpful for an objective third party to look at your
resume as an employer might to find ways you can correct or improve it.

Self-Introduction. Knowing how to introduce yourself professionally has many advantages.

Others may perceive you as self-assured and capable when you begin with a strong
introduction. An effective opening can make your conversation more engaging, whether
your goals is to gain employment, make a sale, acquire a mentor or simply make a new
professional connection. Establishing yourself as an open, friendly and professional
individual can create opportunities for you throughout your career.

How to introduce yourself professionally

1. State your purpose. Many people introduce themselves by stating their name and current
title, but you should also try to add information your new contact can’t find your business
card. If you are at a networking event, consider starting with your name, then stating what
your passion is. You could also mention what your goal is for the encounter, such as finding
someone to collaborate with on a new idea you have.
2. Control your body language. Both your words and your body language make an impact
on first impressions. Controlling your body language is essential to staying poised and
professional in a new introduction. For example, when you approach new coworker in your
department, start with a strong handshake, and maintain eye contact during the
conversation. Doing this shows the other party you are engaged in your interaction.
3. Explain why you are valuable. Employers might schedule multiple interviews throughout
the day or week for job opening. Your professional introduction should convey your unique
experience and qualification so you stand out from other candidates. Hearing an
introduction that sounds different from previous one’s directs your new attention toward you
and tends to make it more memorable. During an interview introduction, for example, you
should let your interviewer know why you would make a valuable contribution to the team.
4. Understand the culture. Consider researching the company before an interview or
meeting to understand their culture. Before an introduction with a computer programming
company, for example, review their websites or social media pages to see what the culture
is like. If the company seems more casual, it may be appropriate to include humor in your
introduction. For a more formal position or meeting with a potential client, keeping a more
professional demean0r could make you more likely to be hired or gain the client’s business.

Personal Interview Session/Mock Interview Session

A mock interview mirrors an actual job interview. It gives you an opportunity to
practice what to say and do during an interview and get feedback. Whether it’s face-to-face,
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online, or through a webcam, a mock interview is useful in reviewing your answer to

common interview questions and assessing other factors such as your outfit, mannerisms,
and body language.

How to prepare for a Mock Interview.

A mock interview is a practice interview, but you need to take it seriously, just as you
would an actual job interview. Consider the mock interview as a dress rehearsal. Keep the
following things to ace you mock interview.
1. Choose the right mock interviewer. It’s easy to ask a friend or a family member, but if you
want to get objective and honest feedback, you may want to ask someone with experience
in interviewing job candidates. You can also choose a professional who works in your
2. Choose a professional setting. You need a venue that stimulates the environment of an
3. Be early. Arrive 15-30 minutes early.
4. Bring the necessary items. Don’t forget to bring your resume and any other documents you
may need. Also, bring a notepad so that you can take notes from mock interviewers’
5. Dress smart and sharp. Wear the same kind of attire you expect to wear to the actual
6. Prepare your answer to common interview questions, but don’t memorize them. You want
to avoid sounding like a robot with canned responses. Bear in mind that you’re doing an
interview not to take a test but to engage in a conversation to determine if you’re suitable
for the job.

Common Interview Questions

1. Tell me something about yourself. It doesn’t mean that the interviewer wants to know your
life story. This is your opportunity to explain how your educational background, knowledge,
and skills that suit the job you’re applying for.
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? When it comes to your strong traits, focus on
your skills or accomplishments that align with what is needed in the job, when stating your
weak characteristics, make sure to share what you’ve done to improve them.
3. Where do you see yourself in five year or what are your career goals? It may be tempting to
say that you aim to climb the corporate ladder and be a senior manager in five years’ time,
but a more appealing answer would be about skills that you want to develop or further
improve over that time frame.
4. Why do you want to be part of our company? This is where your research about the
organization comes in. make sure to know a bit more about the company before the
interview. Learn its mission and the culture. To answer the question, explain how your
knowledge and skills are well-suited to what they’re looking for. You can also say
something about your career aspiration and share how you can contribute to achieving the
company’s goals.
5. Do you have question for me? Or what questions do you have for me? This is your
opportunity to ask well-researched question, not only to know more about the company but
also to show the interview that you did you homework and that you are genuinely interested
in the job.

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