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What makes a teacher? Teaching is like a salad. Think about it. If you were to attend a party for
any given holiday, the number of and variations to each salad recipe that might be present for
consumption could outnumber those present at the party. There are so many different ways to teach,
varying circumstances to take into account, and philosophies to apply to each classroom. And what better
way to have a positive impact on the world than to offer knowledge for consumption? The term ‘teacher’
can be applied to anyone who imparts knowledge of any topic, but it is generally more focused on those
who are hired to do so (teach, n.d., n.p.). In imparting knowledge to our students, it is inevitable that we
must take into account our own personal philosophies, or pedagogies, and determine not only how we
decide what our philosophies are, but also how those impact our consumers.
Philosophy General Music Arts Physical Health
Education Education
Perennialism Perennialists In teaching The teacher as The P.e The teacher
Perenialist are instructors music a a perrinialist teacher will may use old
believes one who feel that perennialist teaches the not recognize textbooks in
should teach the knowledge teacher uses widely used the new kinds health
the things one that has been traditional techniques in of exercises education
deems to be passed techniques, artworks that instead they compared to
of everlasting through the old book has been used make use of the new
pertinence to ages should be refernces and years ago by old ways to do information in
everyone continued as classical music artist. They a warm-up the internet.
everywhere. the basis of genre in the will not let the exercise.
They believe the classroom and students do
that the most curriculum, they will not use
important like the classic let the choice contemporary
topics are that works of Plato of music by artwork
develop a and Einstein. the sturents techniques.
person. Perennialists be presented
base their in the
teachings on classroom
reason, logic,
and analytical
thought. Only
that stood the
test of time is
relevant. They
do not illicit
student input.
The classes
most likely to
be considered
under this
would be
science, math,
and religion
Philosophies in
the Classroom,
PRAGMATISM Instruction
-pragmatism is organized
a rejection of around
the idea that problem-
the function of solving
thought is to following the
described. stepd of the
Represent, or scientific
mirror reality. method-
Instead emphasi
develop their
around the
idea that the
function of
thought is an

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