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PLUMBING- the art and science of installing pipes, fixtures, and others apparatus to 1902 – Plumbing Trade was

was duly recognized by the government.

convey and supply water in buildings and to dispose and discharge wastewater and other
substances. 1935 – National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) was
established and had it registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
PLUMBER- a title given to a person who is skilled in the filled of sanitation.
-Act of Congress. City Ordinance 2411 a.k.a. “The Plumbing Code for the City of
PLUMBARIUS (Ancient Roman)- refers to an individual who worked in the sanitary Manila”
field of Rome.
1954 – House Bill No. 962 was approved
PLUMBUM (Latin)- It means Lead
JUNE 18, 1955 – R.A 1378 a.k.a. “Plumbing Law of the Philippines” signed by Ramon

1. Water Supply 2. Waste Disposal JUNE 28, 1959 - promulgation of The National Plumbing Code of the Philippines”
Passage of the law “National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA)”
PLUMBING DESIGN- The design and layout of a plumbing system is governed by set of
rules promulgated by the National Plumbing Code. 1966-1969 – preparation of new curriculum Plumbing Engineering and was first introduced
at Feati University
NOVEMBER 28, 1967 - First Amendment to the National Plumbing Code was approved
1. Solid Waste discharged by water closet
1996 - NAMPAP President JAIME M CABASE spearheaded the updating of the Revised
2. Liquid Waste coming from various fixtures National Plumbing Code
TWO TYPES OF DRAINAGE PIPING: OCTOBER 1999 – submission of Draft Code to Engr. Fortunato H. Amosco
1. Soil Pipe convey waste coming from water closet DECEMBER 21, 19991 – Hermogenes Pobre adopted the Revised Plumbing Code of
2. Waste Pipe conveys waste from various fixtures other than water closet 1999

THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM: -Pursuant to Section 4 of R.A. 1378 known as the “Plumbing Law”, approved by Joseph
Ejercito Estrada
The Drainage Installation is Sometimes referred to as DWV which means:
D - For drainage of solid waste
Principle 1: Clean Water Principle 2: Volume and Pressure
W - For waste coming from various fixtures other than water closet
Principle 3: Efficiency Principle 4: Explosion
V - Refer to the ventilation of the piping system.
Principle 5: Sewer Principle 6: Plumbing Unit
Principle 7: Ventilation Principle 8: Cleanouts
17th Century – birth of plumbing profession in the Philippines.
Principle 9: NAMPAP Principle 10: Trap
18th & 19th Century – Filipino plumbers were tasked for maintenance, repair and
remodeling of plumbing system Principle 11: Air Circulation Principle 12: Venti Terminals

20th Century – arrival of Americans Principle 13: Test Principle 14: Sewage Harm
Principle 15: Contamination Principle 16: WC Light Type of Sewage Disposal System

Principle 17: Septic Tank Principle 18: Sewage Backflow Sewage disposal system has four types:

Principle 19: RMP Principle 20: Accessible 1. The Cesspool is a hole in the ground curbed with stones, bricks, concrete hollow blocks,
or other materials laid in such a manner as to allow raw contaminated sew age to leach into
Principle 21: Structural Stability Principle 22: Sewage Treatment the soil.
ADMINISTRATIONS: 2. The Privy is a concrete sealed vault with a wooden shelter constructed for the collection
Section 100-PERMIT REQUIRED of raw sewage.

Section 101 -TO WHOM PERMITS MAY BE ISSUED 3. The Septic Tank is a device or receptacle pedate the decomposition of the elements
contained in a raw sewage waste.
4. The Public Sewer Line is a public sewage system, operated and maintained by the
- Application government consisting of a sewage treatment plant that conveys the raw from buildings and
houses to a disposal system.
- Plans and Specification
Public Sewer Line
The Public Sewer Line is classified into three types according to the kind of waste it
Section 105 – INSPECTIONS
1. The Combination Public Server
2. The Sanitary Sewer
-The Sanitary Sewer is classified into two types:
- The Intercepting or Trunk Line Sewer
Commonly Used Plumbing Materials:
- The Tributary or Contributing Sewer
✓ Cast iron soil pipe
3. The Storm Drain
✓ Acid resistant cast iron pipe
✓ Asbestos pipe Manhole- is classified as a device of the main and storm sewer serves as man's access for
✓ Bituminous fiber sewer pipe inspection, cleaning and repair.
✓ Vitrified clay pipe
✓ Lead pipe Sewage ejector - refers to the pump that will discharge waste in the sump and transfer it to
✓ Galvanized steel pipe the house drain stalled overhead.
✓ Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipe Septic Tank
✓ Brass pipe
✓ Copper pipe - is a receptacle or vault used to collect organic waste discharged from the house
✓ Plastic or synthetic pipe sewer.
- 60% to 70% of the suspended solid of the sewage 15 removed largely by
SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM sedimentation to form a semi-liquid substance Called SLUDGE.
Waste Pipe - Is smaller in size than the soil pipe. c. Balanced valve d. Unbalanced valve

Drainage Pipe- refers to an installation that receives and conveys discharge from water 2. Area Drain
closet with or without waste coming from other fixtures.
3. Floor Drain
Waste Pipe - is any pipe in a drainage installation that receives the discharge of any
fixtures. 4. Yard Catch Basin

Fixtures - refers to slop sink, lavatory, urinals, bathtub except water closet. 5. Garage Catch Basin

Vent Pipe - In a plumbing system function as air passage or conduit to ventilate the 6. Grease Basin
drainage and waste pipe installation. HOUSE SEWER - is defined as, that portion of the horizontal drainage system, which
Soil Branch - refers to horizontal pipe affixed by the word soil. starts from the outer face of the building and terminate at the main sewer in the street or
septic tank.
Soil Stack- is a vertical pipe installation where the soil branches terminate.
Main Sewer line- is financed and maintained by the government. Those houses along the
When a waste pipe is not directly connected to a soil stack or house drain, it is called street with main sewer line are required to connect their house sewers to the public sewer

Plumbing Design and Estimate - pipe joints and fitting were specially designed to make Storm Drain - is that unit of the plumbing system that conveys rain or storm water to a
smooth changes of directions, turn or off sets. but sometimes, their application may not be suitable terminal.
in accordance with the purpose for which they were made.
Storm water- is normally discharged into street gutter conveyed by public drain system
Clean Out - is a receptacle of the plumbing system practical. accessible on floor, walls or and carried to some natural drainage terminal like canals, rivers, lakes.
Splash Pan- is a collector of water coming down from the downspout leading the
Trap Seal Loss- mean the loss or escape of standing water inside the P- TRAP. it is also accumulated water away from the house.
referred to as WATER SEAL ESCAPE.
Trap- used on plumbing fixture is a device scientifically designed to prevent the back flow
1. DIRECT WASTE - is one with terminal directly connected to the plumbing of gases coming from the septic tank or sewer line passing through the outlet of the fixture.
The Permissible Type of Traps:
2. INDIRECT WASTE - refers to a connection with terminal not directly
connected to the plumbing system. 1. The P-Trap 2. The Drum Trap

HOUSE OF DRAIN- typically refer to the main sewer line that connects all the drain Other Type of Permissible Traps:
pipes in a house to the municipal sewer system or septic tank. It plays crucial role in 1. Stand Trap Brass trap 2. High Hub Trap 3. Low Hub Trap
maintaining sanitation and hygiene within the home environment.
4. Extra Heavy Type 5. Sink or Lavatory Type
House of Drain Appliances includes the following:
PLUMBING VENTILATION- Ventilation of a plumbing system, is that portion of the
1. House Trap drainage pipe installation, designed to maintain a balance atmospheric pressure inside the
a. House trap assembly b. Back flow valves system to prevent problems like:
1. Trap seal loss 2. Retardation of flow 3. Deterioration of the materials PLUMBING FIXTURES- Are receptacles intended to receive water, liquid or water-
carried waste and discharge them into the drainage system. It comes in varieties of style
Trap Seal Loss may be attributed to any of the following factor: and accessories designed to match with the room for cosmetics reasons.
1. Siphonage 2. Back pressure 3. Evaporation 4. Capillary action WATER CLOSET
Retardation of Flow- Retarded water flow inside the pipe is due to the effect of 1. Design 2. Quality 3. Shape 4. Color
atmospheric pressure and or gravity.
Types of Ventilation in the Plumbing System
• The Pail Flush Type
• Main soil and waste vent
• The Squat Type
• Main vent
• Wash Down Type
• Individual vent
• The Reverse Type
• Unit vent
• The Siphon Jet
• Circuit or loop
• The Siphon Vortex
• Relief vent
• Direct Flush Valve Type
• Yoke vent
• Wet vent LAVATORIES- Is a bowl or basin used for washing face and hands.
• Looped vent, Local vent, and Utility vent
1. Rounded 2. Square 3. Oval
• Is a recent development in drainage installation suitable for tall buildings.
4. Rectangular 5. Trapezoidal 7. Triangular
• This concept is without regard to the effect of the natural laws of nature, like
gravity, and atmospheric pressure on the flow of liquid inside the pipe. MATERIALS FOR LAVATORIES:
MATERIALS AND DESIGN: 1. Porcelain 2. Formed Steel
1. Aerator 2. Deaerator. 3. Enameled Cast Iron 4. Under Counter Lavatory
PUBLIC WATER DISTRIBUTION IS CLASSIFIED INTO: BATHTUB - The size of the tub, its form, and design had been greatly improved,
including the color to suit the taste of the users.
1. Direct pressure distribution 2. Indirect pressure distribution
BIDET- Is much more closely related to a shower than to a toilet although it appears more
likely as a toilet bowl. It is designed for cleaning the most precious, delicate and well-
1. House Service 2. Riser 3. Branches guarded parts of the female body.

WATER PUMPS AND LIFTS URINALS- A building or enclosure with facilities for urinating.

TYPE OF PUMP KITCHEN SINK- Used for washing dishes and preparing food.

1. The Piston Pumps 2. The Centrifugal Pump - Cast Iron Enamel

- Formed Steel Coated with Porcelain Enamel
- Stainless Steel

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