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Littera Public school

Chapter – 3
The Story of Fidgety Philip

B. Answer these questions:-

1. What kind of a boy is Philip ?
Ans – Philip is a fidgety boy who can not sit still at one place, and who cannot
behave himself even when his parents tell him to.

2. What did he do with the chair ?

Ans - He swung the chair forwards and backwards and tilted it up like a rocking

3. How did his mother react ?

Ans – His mother was very serious and became very angry when he didn’t sit still
at the table.

4. Name the things that broke in the poem.

Ans – The things that were broken in the poem are :- dishes, glasses and plates.

5. What was a ' terrible’ thing to do ?

Ans – As Philip was falling down he pulled the table cloth down with him and
everything that was kept on the table like glasses, plates, knives, forks etc. also
fell down along with him and that was a ‘terrible’ thing to do.
C. Answer these questions with reference to the context :-
1. Let me see if he is able
To sit still for once at table......
a. Who is the speaker in these lines ?
Ans – Philip’s father is the speaker in these lines.

b. Who is the speaker talking about ?

Ans – The speaker is talking about his son , Philip.

c. Why does the speaker want the person to sit at the table ?
Ans – The speaker wants Philip to sit at the table to eat his food.

2. See the naughty , restless child

Growing still more rude and wild,
Till his chair falls over quite.

a. Why is the child ‘restless’ ?

Ans – The child is restless because he is always fidgety.

b. Why is he growing more wild now ?

Ans – He is growing wilder as he don’t want to sit at one place, but
because of his parents he has to sit at one place to eat his food.

c. Explain the expression : ‘falls over quite'.

Ans – The expression means that Philip falls down with his chair as he
was already tilting it.

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