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GROUP 3 and GROUP 11


1. Do you believe that nursing students with strong interpersonal skills tend to demonstrate
more compassionate caring behavior towards patients? (Yes/No)

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important do you think interpersonal skills are for fostering caring
behavior in nursing students?

3. Have you observed a positive correlation between nursing students interpersonal skills and
their ability to show empathy towards patients? (Yes/No)

4. Would you agree that nursing students who possess good interpersonal skills are better
equipped to understand and respond to patients emotional needs? (Yes/No)

5. Do you think nursing students with enhanced interpersonal skills are more likely to build
trusting relationships with patients? (Yes/No)

6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you that improving interpersonal skills can enhance
the caring. behavior exhibited by nursing students?

7. Have you noticed a difference in the level of patient comfort and reassurance provided by
nursing students with strong interpersonal skills compared to those without? (Yes/No)

8. Do you believe that nursing students who effectively communicate with patients tend to
demonstrate more caring behavior? (Yes/No)

9. Would you say that nursing students who exhibit active listening skills are better at
understanding patients' concerns and fears? (Yes/No)

10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think nursing education should prioritize the
development of Interpersonal skills to foster caring behavior?

11. Have you encountered instances where nursing students' lack of interpersonal skills
hindered their ability to provide comforting care to patients? (Yes/No)

12. Do you think nursing students who excel in interpersonal skills are more likely to offer
emotional support to patients in distress? (Yes/No)
13. Would you agree that nursing students who demonstrate respect and dignity towards
patients exhibit more caring behavior? (Yes/No)

14. On a scale of 1 to 5, how often do you believe interpersonal skills are assessed and
emphasized in nursing education to promote caring behavior?

15. Do you believe that nursing students who receive training in interpersonal skills are better
prepared to demonstrate caring behavior in real- world clinical settings? (Yes/No)

16. Have you personally witnessed instances where nursing students Interpersonal skills
positively influenced patients' perceptions of their care? (Yes/No)

17. Would you say that nursing students who lack interpersonal skills may struggle to establish
meaningful connections with patients? (Yes/No)

18. Do you believe that enhancing interpersonal skills among nursing students can contribute to
creating a more caring and supportive healthcare environment? (Yes/No)

19. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the current emphasis placed on
interpersonal skills in nursing education to promote caring behavior?

20. Do you think incorporating more experiential learning opportunities focused on

interpersonal skills would enhance nursing students' ability to exhibit caring behavior? (Yes/No)
1. Did the nurse demonstrate availability of time for care?
2. Do you notice affection when you are receiving care from the nurse?
3. Do you consider that the time the nurse takes care of you is enough?
4. Does the nurse call you by your name or how you prefer to be called?
5. Are there any fun times in the meetings with the nurse?
6. Do you feel that your care needs are met by nurses?
7. Do you feel that the treatment performed by the nurse brings good results for you?
8. Do you understand what the nurse talks about during care?
9. Does the nurse understand what you say to him/her during care?
10. During care, the nurse clarifies the doubts you have?
11. Do you believe the nurse trusts what you say?
12. Do you believe in what the nurse tells you?
14. Does the nurse listen to you?
15. Do you think the nurse’s gestures are pleasant?
16. When you are talking to the nurse do both of you look in the eyes?
17. When the nurse agrees with what you say, does he/she nod his/her head?
18. When you are talking to the nurse, is he/she aware of what you are talking about?
19. Do you think the nurse puts him/herself in your shoes to understand you?
20. Do you believe that your relationship with the nurse has commitment between the parties?
21. Do you (nurse and patient) accept each other’s opinions?
22. When performing procedures, does the nurse request your authorization?
23. Do you entrust your secrets to the nurse?
24. Do you feel you receive individualized care?
25. Does the nurse involve your family in the care process?
26. Do you believe the nurse understands the needs that your treatment has imposed on you?
27. Has any rule in the health care institution been relaxed by the nurse for your benefit?
28. Do you trust the nurse’s clinical evaluation of your health?
29. Do you know the name of the nurse who serves you?
30. Do you trust the procedures the nurse performs with you?
42. About the touch of the nurse in you (...)
44. About your family, when the nurse serves you (...)
Deleted Items
13. Do you talk about other matters (other than illness) with the nurse?
31. Do you feel companionship by the nurse during care?
32. Is there respect in your relationship?
33. Were there any situations where you invaded the nurse’s privacy?
34. Do you think the nurse has invaded your privacy?
35. Has the nurse already used an aggressive tone of voice during care?
36. Have you ever used an aggressive tone of voice with the nurse?
37. Is it easy for you to get angry with the nurse?
38. Have you, in times of care, ever felt like an object?
39. Does the nurse respect your beliefs?
40. Have you been victim of prejudice by the nurse?
41. Do you talk to the nurse about his/her personal life?
43. About the notes (written guidelines or recipes) the nurse did (...)
Figure 2 - Items of the Nursing Care Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire. Fortaleza, CE,
Brazil, 2015

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly do you agree that interpersonal skills significantly impact
the caring behavior of nursing students?

2. Do you believe that nursing students with better interpersonal skills provide higher quality of
care to patients? (Yes/No)

3. Rate the importance of interpersonal skills in enhancing the overall quality of care provided
by nursing students on a scale of 1 to 10.

4. Have you observed a correlation between nursing students interpersonal skills and their
ability to effectively communicate with

patients? (Yes/No)

5. Would you say that nursing students who demonstrate strong interpersonal skills are more
likely to develop trusting relationships with patients? (Yes/No)

6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you that improving interpersonal skills among nursing
students would lead to better patient satisfaction?
7. Do you think nursing education should place more emphasis on teaching and assessing
interpersonal skills to enhance caring behavior and quality of care? (Yes/No)

8. Have you personally experienced situations where nursing students lack of interpersonal skills
resulted in suboptimal patient care? (Yes/No)

9. Would you agree that fostering interpersonal skills in nursing students could lead to a more
positive healthcare environment overall? (Yes/No)

10. Do you believe that training programs specifically targeting interpersonal skills would be
beneficial for nursing students professional development? (Yes/No)

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