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Name : Khalfan Gustaf Mandalika

Student Number 22067102

Study Program : Pendidikan Teknik Mesin

Lecturer : Sri Rizki Putri Primandari, M.T.,Ph.D.

Subject : Bahasa Inggris Teknik

Using an Online Learning Model

The use of online technology in learning has become a trend that cannot be avoided in the current
digital era. The development of information and communication technology has changed the learning
paradigm from conventional to more dynamic and interactive. This article will review several important
aspects of how online use has affected the field of education.

First of all, one of the main benefits of using online in learning is greater accessibility. Students are not
limited by geographic or time restrictions to access learning materials. They can learn from anywhere, as
long as they are connected to the internet. This allows more inclusive access for students from various
social, economic and geographic backgrounds.

Apart from that, online technology also allows the use of various learning methods that are more
interactive and fun. For example, online learning platforms often provide learning videos, interactive
simulations, and educational games that can help increase student engagement in the learning process.
This not only makes learning more interesting but also helps improve understanding and retention of the

However, the use of online technology in learning also presents several challenges. One of them is the
digital gap between those who have access to adequate technology and the internet and those who do not.
This challenge requires collaborative efforts from governments, schools, and communities to ensure that
all students have equal access to online education.

In addition, there is also attention to the long-term effects of online technology use on students' social
interactions and interpersonal communication skills. Online learning tends to reduce direct interaction
between students and teachers and between fellow students. Therefore, there needs to be a balanced
approach between online and face-to-face learning to ensure that the development of students' social skills
is also maintained.

Overall, the use of online technology in learning offers a lot of potential to increase accessibility,
interactivity and efficiency in the learning process. However, implementation also needs to consider the
challenges that may arise, such as the digital divide and the social impact of a lack of direct interaction.
With a thoughtful and integrated approach, online technology can be a powerful tool in creating better
and more inclusive learning experiences for future generations.

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