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🔰 Practical Test 1

⬛️aron, alex and robert is employee of xyz company. In this company offer salary for these three
employees to like this

✔️ Offer $300 for aron

✔️ Offer $500 for alex

✔️ Offer $800 for robert

Consider this, This is not an overseas company. it is local company and have pegged their salary
into the doller. That the reason employee is getting salary from the doller rate

So, In HR management of xyz company have to solve some salary related problem from computer
software. The problems are below.

01. Should want to get employee name who is getting maximun salary.

02. When considering the doller rate, this month rate is same like this LKR 300 = $1

I. If employee salary is more than 100,000 LKR should want to reduct 3% Tax from their

After the reduct any rate like above get the gross salary for each employee.

🔰 Practical Test 2
⬛️ Create simple calcultor app using javascript. When creating calc app consider below things.

✔️ Should want to have two text fields for the get two number values

✔️ Should want to have have 4 buttons for the do arithmatic operations like add, reduce, multiply
and divide

✔️ Output should want to display in the h1 element.

✔️ Create perfect calc app UI using CSS

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