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Without spending any much time, let me begin this presentation from the background of study of my

thesis, the focus of my thesis is speaking which is important in daily communication, therefore this thesis
draw 4 ideas the first one is………. PPT

The second one is if the children or student are able to express their ideas from speaking it means they
can make a good communication in their daily lifes.

The third idea is PPT the aim of this thesis is to improve speaking english ability of mentally retarded

And the last idea is PPT and I will explain all this idea from data and sources I have in this thesis (Next

In my thesis I have 3 problem statement that will be answer in finding and discussion, the first problem
statement is PPT

For the next slides, there are point of thereotical riveiew of my thesis, the first one is definition of
speaking, we can see at this presentation, definition of speaking is PPT there are sentence sending and
receiving In the communication process, there is a transfer of messages from the communicator
(speaker) to the communicant (listener). A communicator is someone who has a message. The
message conveyed to the communicant is first converted into a symbol that is understood by both
Slide 4 explain are very limited including their Minimal vocabulary, Poor speech/vocals,
limited ability to understand abstract words. Lanjut PPT
slide 5 classification of rochyadi mentally retarded children can be classified into physical
slide 6 kemis adjustment issues it mean some of mentally retarded children are able to follow the
environment around them but some of them are disable to do so.
Slide 7 to support the main idea of this thesis, that is to improve student speaking ability
especially in English, I used media.
And then the next slides explain about research method used in this thesis, thera 7 research
method the first one is about research design this thesis classified into CAR which according to

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