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Assalamu alaikum and good morning class.

Bago tayo mag simula, mananalanginmuna tayo

Before we start, everybody stand up for the prayer. let us call someone to lead the prayer. Pls
egue, okay thank you.

Okay class reapet after me, rasbi shrahli sadri…

Before you take your seats could you please pick up any pieces of paper and place them in the
trashcan? Also kindly arrange your chairs properly.

So okay, good morning class?

How are you today.

sO for today’s lesson, I am ypur teacher, I am teacher norhafiza Nasser, you can call me tacher
Hafi, can you say teacher happy. Great!

before we begin, I want you to know our classroom rule.

1 listen when your teacher is talking

2. raise your right hand if you want to say something.

3.respect your teacher and your classmate.

so let us check your attendance first, justsay if your name is called ,is that clear class? Okay no
one is absent today, very good class.

Okay class, did you study our lesson yesterday? Now who can give me a recap of what we
have discussed yesterday? Anyone? Okay johairah sulog. Yes , we tackled about the kinds of
line. What are the three kinds of line? ( nadir- parallel, intersecting, and perpindecular lines.)
Parallel lines, lines that do not intersect, intersecting line, are lines which intersect,
perpendicular lines, lines that interact and forms a right angle. Nakuha ba mga bata?

So now are you ready to our new lesson this morning? But before we start, I have here a
jumbled letter and gusto ko is I try niyong sagutan kung ano yung mabobou ng words dito sa
mga jumbled letters na provided.

So is there any volunteers? Who wants to answer number 1.

Yes, jasmine. Very good the answer is angle. How about the number 2? Who wants to
volunteer? Yes, okay very good again, the answer is right. How about the number 3? Yes very
good the anstwer is acute, how about number 4? That’s right the answer is obtuse. Okay last
and definitely not the least? Who wants to answer number 5? Okay number 5 is straight.

class,mayroon naba kayong idea kung ano ang magiging discussion natin for today? I gues you
already have an idea what will be our lesson about. Its all abooout? Angle

today we are going to learn about describing and illustrating different kinds of angle.

An angle is formed when two rays meet at a point called the vertex.
An angle can be defined as the figure formed by two rays meeting at a common end point.

So ray is a part of line that has a one end point and extend infinitely in one direction. So when
two rays meet at a common end point, an angles were formed.

For example we have here, RAY BA and ray BC

B A ditto makikita nyo, ito yung ray na tinatawag natin

B C ditong part, ito yung end point, so sya pala ang ung tinatawag na end point ng
ray. On the other hand yung may arrow head ito naman yung can extend infinitely,o wala syang
kataposan,so gagamit tayo ng arrow head para ibig sabihinon extended sya in one direction

So if we joined this two rays together we formed an angle. Itong space nato sa pagitan ng
dalawang ray ay tinatawag na angle. Vertex naman ang tawaag sa point kung saan nagtatama
or nag memeet ang dalawang rays. The two rays are called an arms or side of an angle.

Sinusokat ito sa pamamagitan ng protractok. At tinatawag na degree at sukat nila.

This is a protractor it is a measuring instrument that is in semi circle in shape. Ang paggamit ng
protractor ay nakaktulong paara ma measure natin kung ano nga ba ang types ng angle at kung
ano ang degree ng isang angle.

B c

An angle is name using the point on its arm. Name of this angle are <abc and < cba or angle b.

Ngayon paano ba natin isusulat or ano ba ang symbol ng angle.

So ito ang symbol ng angle.<

So paano ba tayo mag naname ng angle? Example, angle <ABC or pwedi namn angle CBA or
simply ang B.

So maam bakit yung sa pangatlo ay isa lang siya? Sa pangatlo isa lang sya at pweding
tawaging angle B kasi B is the vertex., sa kanya nag memeet ang dalwang ray. Always
remember that nsming an angle ay always nasa middle ang vertex. Kung mapapansin nyo yung
B ay sa middle lagi.

Let us proceed to types of angle.

An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degree. It is smaller than a right angle.
Angle AOB is an acute angle.

Ang acute angle is less than 90 degrees , from the word less than ibig sabihin mas mababa sya
sa 90 degress or below 90 degrees ang mesure ng isang acute angle.

So nagyon para malaman natin kung ito ay acute angle ay gagamit tayo ng protractor para
malaman ang degree nito. So I pplace lang natin ito sa gitna. So yung measure natin ay … ibig
sabihin ito ay acute angle.

Sabi ditto ung acute angle is less than 90 degrees or mas mababa sa 90 degrees.

Another example, look at your finger and find an acuite angle between two adjacent finger kung
mapapansin nyo clas makakabubuo tayo actue angle between our fingers. Another example is
the letter V.

The right angle is an angle which measures exactly 90 degrees. Angle ACB measures 90
degrees. It is a right angle.

Ang right angle is nagfoform ng 90 degrees at nagkakaroon sya ng square corner. Unlike the
other angles that represented by an arc. If you notice carefully you will find the corners of a
room make a right angle. This blackboard too is an example of right angles and the window.

So clas e check natin kung ito bay ay nasa 90 degrees gamit ang protractor.

An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Angle
SOP is an obtuse angle.

So diba kanina yung right angle is exactly 90 degrees at yung acute angle naman ay mababa
naman sya sa 90 degrees.

So ang obtuse angle naman ay more than 90 degrees pero less than 180 degrees. Or mababa
sa 180 degrees.

Again we need to use protractor para ma measure natin ang degree ng obtuse angle.

So class ang sukat ntito ay 121 degree. So it is an obtuse angle kasi mas mataas sa 90
degrees at the same time mas mababa sa 180 degrees.

The example is the letter K

Let us now move on Straight angle

A straight angle is an angle which measures exactly 180 degrees. Angle DOE is a straight angle

Ang straight angle naman ang measure nito ay exacxtly 180 degrees. So it forms a straight line.

Another example To make It more clear, I have a fan here. Can someone come here to the front
and form an angle using this fan? So what kind of angle it creates? So bakit mo nasabi na ito ay
isang acute angle

So if we rotate it further, what kind of angle do you bthiink it will form?

Okay any volunteers?

Classify the following pictures as isosceles, scalene and equilateral triangle.

Who wants to answer the first picture? Another hand pls, people at the back?

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