Kuensel December 1 2023

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F R I D A Y, D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 2 3 • N u 2 0

PDP springs massive DTT faces

surprise funding
… BTP advances
to general round
KP Sharma, and Neten Dorji
42.5% after
The People’s Democratic Party
(PDP) emerged victorious in
39 out of the 47 constituencies
during the primary round of Dechen Dolkar
the fourth National Assembly
elections held yesterday. Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa
Led by Sombaykha candi-
date and former prime min-
313,162 (DTT) encountered a challeng-
ing outcome, securing the low-
Total voter est votes with 30,814, as per the
ister, Tshering Tobgay, PDP turnout
garnered over 42 percent of provisional results announced
the total votes cast, with more yesterday.
than 63 percent coming from 117,443 As per the Public Election
electronic voting machines PB Fund Act, a party becomes eli-
(EVMs). The party received gible for state funding if it se-
more than 50,000 postal bal-
19.6% cures at least 10 percent of the
valid votes cast in the primary
Bhutan Tendrel Party (BTP) round for the National Assem-
also secured 61,331 votes and bly elections. With DTT fall-
four constituencies - Khamaed-
Lunana, Khamdang-Ramjar,
14.9% ing below this threshold, the
party will need to self-fund its
Kanglung-Samkhar-Udzorong, future campaigns if it plans to
and Wamrong. contest the next parliamentary
Following the results, PDP 13.1% elections.
DTT garnered only 9.83
President Tshering Tobgay ex-
pressed gratitude for the over- percent of the total 313,162
whelming support and stated votes cast and faced defeat in
that the outcome reflects the
faith and trust the people have
9.8% every constituency.
DTT’s president, Kinga
in the party’s vision for Bhutan. Tshering, experienced defeat
Tobgay emphasized continuity in his own North Thimphu
and growth in the upcoming constituency, securing 669
general round. votes compared to the People’s
PDP notably penetrated Democratic Party (PDP), which
Druk Phuensum Tshogpa received 1602 votes.
strongholds, winning in con- Despite securing the third-
stituencies such as Nanong- highest number of votes, the
Shumar, Panbang, Keng- overall outcome for DTT was
khar-Weringla, and others in below expectations.
Bumthang, Samdrupjongkhar,
61,331 41,106 46,694 30,814 13,3217 Expressing disappointment
and Trashigang dzongkhags.
EVM:38,725 EVM: 25,744 EVM: 27,627 EVM: 20571 EVM: 83,052 with the election results, Kinga
Bhutan Tendrel Party, de-
PB: 22,606 PB: 15,362 PB: 19,067 PB: 10,243 PB: 50,165 Tshering said, “For the compe-
spite being a new entrant, will tent, professional, and prom-
face off against the People He said that the party’s focus Pema Chewang was con- cast their votes and return to ising candidates we fielded in
Democratic Party next month in on systemic issues, rules, and fident in forming the govern- farm work. The overall voter this election, expectations were
an attempt to form a new demo- regulations, and attributed the ment, and saw the need to turnout, based on data from high.”
cratic government. For BTP, in- trust in the party to the back- strategise and work harder returning officers, stands at He acknowledged short-
cumbency was not a concern at ground of many candidates before the general round. 63.03 percent, with 195,719 comings, saying, “Maybe Su-
least in the primary round. being civil servants and former Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa’s votes on EVMs and 117,443 nomics didn’t really reach all
According to provisional re- members of parliament. president, Dr Lotay Tshering, through postal ballots. the way down to the people
sults, BTP won in four constitu- On the possibility of acknowledged the results and For the National Assembly as well as we had hoped. As
encies, with the remaining votes switching candidates, Pema extended wishes to the two elections 2023-24, 497,058 vot- the president of the party, the
divided among four parties. Chewang stated that there is parties advancing to the gen- ers are registered on the elec- buck stops with me. I probably
BTP president Pema Che- no such plan as of now. He eral round. toral roll, including 370,698 lacked in articulation to drive
wang received congratulatory said that it would be left to the Most polling stations re- EVM voters and 126,360 eligi- Thuendrel’s message and its
messages and expressed sat- candidate’s choice whether to ported significant early turn- ble postal voters (124,273 in- manifesto hard enough.”
isfaction with the outcome. participate or withdraw. out as voters aimed to quickly country and 2,087 overseas). Pg 2
PAGE 2 Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL

PDP secures convincing

victory in Haa
KP Sharma gratitude and humbled by the (DPT) gathered 289 votes.
overwhelming support shown In Sangbaykha, the con-
As expected, People’s Demo- by the people in this historic stituency of the PDP presi-
cratic Party (PDP) clinched election. The results are an dent, PDP secured the highest
victory in both constituen- indication of the faith and votes with 720 postal ballots
cies of Haa during the primary trust the people have placed and 1,413 EVM votes. BTP se-
rounds of the National Assem- in our vision for Bhutan. We cured 195 votes through EVM
bly election. believe that the results reflect and 31 through postal ballots.
Out of the 5,724 votes cast the hopes and aspirations of DNT received 91 EVM votes
through electronic voting every Bhutanese,” said PDP and 62 postal ballots. DTT
machines (EVM) and postal president Tshering Tobgay. won 103 EVM votes and 33
ballots across the two con- “Moving forward, our plan for postal ballots, whereas DPT
stituencies, PDP emerged as the general round is centred obtained 109 EVM votes and
the clear winner with an im- on continuity and growth. We 21 postal ballots.
pressive count of 3,766 votes. aim to build upon the founda- In the Bji-Kartshog-Uesu
Bhutan Tendrel Party tion of trust and confidence constituency, PDP garnered President of People’s Democratic Party, Tshering Tobgay,
(BTP) secured the second po- bestowed upon us by the Peo- 1,162 EVM votes and 471 post- cast his vote at Dorithasa BHU polling station in Haa
sition with 892 votes, followed ple of Bhutan.” al ballots. BTP received 498
by Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa EVM votes and 128 postal bal- and 54 postal ballots, whereas cies and approximately 8,565
(DNT) in third place with 464 (DTT) claimed the fourth po- lots. DNT secured 241 EVM DPT received 135 EVM votes registered voters, witnessed
votes. sition with 356 votes, while votes and 70 postal ballots. and 54 postal ballots. an active and participative
“I am overwhelmed with Druk Phuensum Tshogpa DTT obtained 166 EVM votes Haa, with two constituen- electoral process.

Decisive win for PDP in Chukha constituencies

(DNT) also garnered com- (BTP), securing the third po- Chapchha and 592 votes from
mendable support, securing sition, managed 2,200 votes— Phuentshogling.
2,604 votes. DNT received 1,321 from Bongo Chapchha Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
1,372 votes from Phuent- and 879 from Phuentshogling. (DPT) secured a total of 681
shogling and 1,232 votes from Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa votes from Bongo Chapchha
Bongo Chapchha. (DTT) followed closely, ob- and 488 votes from Phuent-
Bhutan Tendrel Party taining 919 votes from Bongo shogling.

DTT faces crucial funding

DNT candidate Jai Bir Rai, cast his vote at Lumbukha
dilemma after election defeat
polling station in Phuentsholing

Thinley Namgay spread support.

Chukha, with a total of
The People’s Democratic 28,987 voters—comprising
Party (PDP) celebrated 14,359 males and 14,628
a resounding triumph in females—saw a 64 percent
both Chukha constituen- voter turnout in this primary
cies—Bongo Chapchha and election.
Phuentshogling—securing Breaking down the re-
an overwhelming total of sults, PDP secured 6,575
11,194 votes. votes from Bongo Chap-
Even when combining chha, including 4,292 EVM
the total votes of the four votes and 2,283 PB votes. In
other parties, they fell short Phuentshogling, the party
of matching PDP’s impres- bagged 4,619 votes, with
sive count. The combined 3,693 EVM votes and 926 PB
votes of the other four par- votes.
ties amounted to 7,484, trail- Some attribute PDP’s
ing by 3,710 votes behind the success to its established
PDP. support base in Chukha and
The party excelled in both the party’s dedicated efforts. DTT’s president, Kinga Tshering, cast his vote at Jigme Losel Primary School polling
electronic voting machine However, opinions vary, with station in Thimphu
(EVM) and postal ballot (PB) some speculating that the
votes. competition might have been From Pg 1 the future of the party. He future to them. It is for them
With a total of 18,678 more intense if more citizens Despite the unexpected emphasised the trust in the to carry it forward, and when
votes cast, PDP claimed had participated in the voting outcome, Kinga Tshering young, talented, and capa- the time comes for them to
approximately 60 percent, process. remains optimistic about ble candidates within DTT, lead, we hope and pray the
showcasing strong and wide- Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa saying, “We entrust DTT’s sun comes to shine.”
NA ELECTIONSFriday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL PAGE 3

PDP shatters DPT strongholds

... sweeps Drametse-Ngatshang, Kengkhar-Weringla constituencies
People’s Democratic Party Tshogpa (DTT), another new
(PDP) achieved a decisive party, got 509 votes.
victory in all three constitu- Kengkhar-Weringla con-
encies of Mongar dzongkhag, stituency saw PDP winning
breaking Druk Phuensum with 2,726 votes, followed by
Tshogpa’s (DPT) stronghold DPT with 2,076 votes. BTP
in Drametse-Ngatshang and secured 1,547 votes, DNT re-
Kengkhar-Weringla. ceived 736 votes and another
In the primary round new party. DTT secured 711
conducted yesterday, PDP votes.
secured 9,394 votes, with Like in 2013 and 2018,
4,956 on electoral voting ma- DPT did not fare well in Mon-
chines (EVM) and 4,438 from gar constituency, receiving
postal ballots (PB). Despite the second-lowest votes at
historically being strong- 950, with DTT following at
holds for DPT since 2008, 761. PDP secured the high-
DPT came second in both est votes, 3,060, while BTP
constituencies, garnering and DNT received 1,980 and
4,573 votes including 2,556 1,081 votes, respectively.
postal ballots. Mongar constituency has
In the Drametse-Ngat- 11,625 eligible voters includ-
shang constituency, PDP re- ing 6,091 female voters.
ceived 3,638 votes, while DPT The three constituencies An elderly votes at the Mongar town polling station yesterday
trailed with 2,497 votes. The recorded 25,418 votes out of
newcomer, Bhutan Tendrel 38,615 eligible voters in 72 A DPT representative rightfully deserved for the their unwavering support
Party (BTP) and Druk Nyam- polling stations, with 11,769 said, “It is the weariness of betterment of the nation. over the past 15 years.”
rup Tshogpa (DNT) secured votes cast through postal bal- voters supporting DPT for We gracefully accept the de- Contributed by
2,478 and 698 votes, respec- lots. In 2018, there were 76 the last 15 years and the de- feat and extend our gratitude Rinzin Wangchuk,
tively while Druk Thuendrel polling stations. sire for change, which they to the people of Bhutan for former editor of Kuensel

PDP sweeps Sarpang and Zhemgang

Lhakpa Quendren while PDT secured 1,168
EVM votes and 936 postal
The People’s Democratic Party votes.
(PDP) secured a landslide vic- Panbang constituency
tory in Sarpang and Zhemgang has 8,746 registered voters,
constituencies during the pri- of which 4,292 are female.
mary round of the fourth par- The voter turnout is 5,991,
liamentary election yesterday. including 2,822 postal votes.
In the Shompangkha DPT’s President, Dorji
constituency of Sarpang, Wangdi, and DTT’s Panbang
the PDP secured a landslide candidate, Karma Dema,
victory with 3,758 votes, in- are close relatives, leading
cluding 1,107 postal votes, many voters to believe that
followed by the Bhutan the votes could be divided
Tendrel Party (BTP) with among their supporters.
1,586 votes, including 383 A voter in Panbang said
postal votes. constituents have realized
Druk Phuensum Tshogpa that being under the op-
(DPT) secured the third place position party has brought
with 1,065 votes, followed no advantages. “For three
by Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa consecutive elections, we
(DNT) with 959 votes, and have supported the DPT. As
Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa a party in the Opposition,
(DTT) received 700 votes. development is scarce in the
PDP achieved a land- DPT President Dorji Wangdi casts his vote at Mewangang polling station in Goshing constituencies.”
slide victory in the Gelephu gewog under the Panbang constituency in Zhemgang Another said that DPT
constituency, securing 3,582 should gracefully accept
votes through electronic their first-time loss in the
voting machines (EVM) and ferent for both constituencies cluding 786 postal votes. secured victory in the Pan- elections. “Having been pro-
2,045 through postal ballots. in Zhemgang. In the Bardo- BTP secured 859 votes to bang constituency with 2,628 vided ample time to serve in
DPT secured 2,399 votes, Trong constituency, PDP gar- secure the third position, fol- votes, closely trailed by DPT both ruling and opposition
BTP won 2,261 votes, and nered 3,632 votes, including lowed by DTT with 679 votes with 2,104 votes. DPT gar- parties, they should take this
DTT achieved 782 votes. 1,999 postal votes, while DPT and DNT with 623 votes. nered 1,311 votes through the outcome positively.”
The situation is no dif- followed with 1,786 votes, in- For the first time, PDP EVMs and 1,317 postal votes,
PAGE 4 Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL

Overwhelming MY COUNTRY, MY TOWN

and surprising

he People’s Democratic Party’s triumph in
winning 39 of the 47 constituencies during the
primary round was a genuine surprise. This
unexpected outcome not only caught the elec-
torate off guard, but also shocked other political
parties and even the party’s own supporters and well-wishers.
“I don’t know” is the only ready answer as many try to
analyse why the landslide victory. Many expected PDP to
come back. They had five years to prepare and had a vigorous
campaign period despite some controversy, some of which
has played to their hands, but the way they galloped from the
primary round with more than double the votes of the runner-
up, Bhutan Tendrel Party, was unexpected if not astonishing.
The initial anticipation was that PDP would be one of the
five parties to advance through the primary round. However,
the scale of the victory shocked the Bhutanese, even if a
victory with such a margin or more had happened in the
first Assembly elections. The margin was substantial that
in many constituencies the total votes of four other parties
combined was lesser than what PDP secured. It was indeed
an overwhelming and a massive victory.
What the PDP achieved in this round went beyond just
sweeping constituencies; it disrupted the cranes' roost in
Pemagatshel. The PDP won the Nanong-Shumar constituency,
a stronghold of Druk Phuensum Tshogpa, came second in
Nganglam, and third in Khar-Yurung. Where it won, it won big Poll day, Samtse: To exercise one’s franchise is the hallmark of democracy Photo: Sonam
and where it lost, it lost by a few votes. In Khamed-Lunana
where PDP came second, the difference was a mere four votes.
In the Kanglung-Samkhar-Udzorong constituency, where Send in your pictures to: formcmt@gmail.com
BTP’s president was contesting, PDP came second with a dif-
ference of 1,458. This stands in contrast to Pangbang or North
Thimphu, the constituencies of two party presidents, where MY SAY
PDP won with comfortable margins.

Good turnout
Based on the results of the primary round, PDP, many say,
is galloping away to win the fourth National Assembly elec-
tion. The figures are encouraging. The party that governed
from 2013-2018 has won with a huge margin on both the postal The high voter turnout, re- a deep-rooted sense of respon- As we look forward to the
ballot and on the EVMs. It won 49 percent of the total votes ported at many polling sta- sibility towards shaping the general round of elections, it
cast yesterday with five parties in contention. tions across the country, is future of their nation. is heartening to see such civic
However, that the primary round results are an indication a testament to the citizens' The primary round has enthusiasm. It is a reminder
of how the general round will go should be approached with dedication to participating in not only showcased the peo- that the foundation of a strong
some caution. We have seen in the past how tables turn in the the democratic process. The ple's eagerness to exercise democracy lies in the active
general round. And this time around, we have supporters of figures, as provided by the their democratic rights but participation of its citizens. I
three parties waiting to decide whom to support. returning officers, indicating has also set a positive tone for applaud the Election Commis-
Besides, like a political analyst said, a huge margin does a 63.03 percent turnout, with the upcoming general round. sion of Bhutan for their efforts
not spell well for the winner. This is because knowing Bhuta- 195,719 votes on Electronic It reflects a collective belief in in organizing a smooth and
nese voters, they emphasise the less powerful and, like in the Voting Machines (EVMs) and the democratic process as a transparent election process.
past, have the tendency to give chance to a new party. How the 117,443 through postal bal- means to bring about change In conclusion, the over-
parties campaign from tomorrow and where the supporters lots, reflect a commendable and influence the direction of whelming turnout in the
of the DPT, DNT and DTT would lean will decide the general engagement of the Bhutanese the country. primary round is a source of
round. A same result like the primary round would mean electorate. The active involvement optimism for the democratic
absolute majority. This overwhelming par- of voters from diverse back- future of Bhutan. The citizens
Meanwhile, securing the least number of votes, DTT could ticipation is particularly note- grounds, including those from have demonstrated their com-
bow out as a political party unless they regroup and come back worthy considering the chal- remote areas such as Merak mitment to democracy, and I
to contest without state funding. Despite DPT taking a break lenges posed by the ongoing and Sakteng, further highlights am confident that this spirit
after three consecutive terms, the unwavering determination pandemic and the inherent lo- the inclusivity and broad rep- will continue to flourish in the
of its supporters was once again evident, with the party secur- gistical complexities in organ- resentation in Bhutan's demo- future.
ing a respectable third place. izing a nationwide election. cratic practices. It reinforces
The citizens' commitment the notion that every citizen's Tshering Dorji
to casting their votes despite voice matters and contributes Khuruthang
these challenges demonstrates to the nation-building process.


Make your opinions known. Send your letters to
email newseditor@kuensel.bt newseditor@kuensel.bt
Letters are edited for space and clarity

CEO - Ugyen Penjor, EDITOR - Tshering Palden, PRINTING GM - Thinley Namgyel, MARKETING AND SALES GM - Karma J Yangzom
NA ELECTIONS Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL PAGE 5

Punakha remains
loyal to PDP
Chencho Dema 1,888 votes, followed by Druk males. Additionally, 70 over-
Thuendrel Tshogpa with 1,548 seas postal voters participated,
Yesterday, People’s Demo- votes and Druk Nyamrup and the election took place
cratic Party (PDP) and Bhutan Tshogpa with 1,019 votes. across 17 polling stations.
Tendrel Party (BTP) emerged The BTP garnered 632 Both constituencies ac-
victorious in the Lingmukha- votes, while Druk Phuensum commodated 36 persons with
Toedwang and Kabisa-Talo Tshogpa received 261 votes. disabilities (PWDs), underlin-
constituencies in Punakha, Lingmukha-Toedwang ing the commitment to inclu-
securing their spots in the up- constituency boasted 7,807 sive participation.
coming general round. registered voters, comprising Despite the logistical
The voters in both con- 3,815 males and 3,992 females. challenges, voters exhibited
stituencies demonstrated The constituency had 1,735 in- remarkable dedication. Gy-
unwavering support for the country conventional postal etshe, a 51-year-old resident
PDP, leading to a resounding voters and 29 overseas postal of Lungkha village, walked a
victory in Kabji-Talo seat with ballots, distributed across 10 considerable distance to cast
an impressive 3,674 votes. polling stations. his vote, expressing satisfac-
The BTP claimed the sec- Meanwhile, Kabji-Talo tion in upholding this essential PDP’s Namgyal Dorji votes at Toktokha, Punakha
ond position with 1,471 votes, constituency recorded a total civic duty.
followed by Druk Nyamrup of 11,289 registered voters, Choden and her sisters, emphasised her unwavering Looking ahead, Namgay
Tshogpa (DNT) in third with with 5,271 males and 6,018 traversing over three hours on allegiance to a specific party, Wangchuk of the PDP and Gy-
1,284 votes. females. foot to vote at the Mendhagang a sentiment echoed by many ambo Sithey (PhD) of the BTP
In the Lingmukha-Toe- The constituency featured Gewog Centre, exemplified in these elections. will vie for victory in the gener-
dwang constituency, PDP 2,350 in-country postal voters, the deep-rooted loyalty prev- Kencho Lham, 46, defied al round from the Lingmukha-
secured the top spot with with 1,191 males and 1,159 fe- alent among voters. Choden the scorching sun and lengthy Toedwang constituency.
queues, choosing to sit on In the Kabji-Talo constitu-
the ground with her sisters ency, Namgyal Dorji of the

BTP clinches victory in as a testament to their com-

mitment to the democratic
PDP and Tshering Dorji of the
BTP will engage in a competi-

Khamaed-Lunana, DNT
process. tive faceoff.

prevails in Khatoed-Laya PDP triumphs

in Paro
Jigmi Wangdi Elections, PDP’s growth is
evident. In the Dokar-Shaba
People’s Democratic Party constituency, PDP’s vote
(PDP) emerged triumphant, count surged from 2,389 in
securing a resounding victory 2018 to an impressive 3,903 in
over the other four participat- 2024. Similarly, in Lamgong-
ing parties in Paro yesterday. Wangchag, the party’s sup-
The electoral landscape port rose from 2,081 to 3,491
witnessed PDP’s dominance votes over the same period.
in key constituencies, par- Postal ballots played a
ticularly in Dokar-Shaba, crucial role in these elections,
where they clinched the lead with Dokar-Shaba accepting
with an impressive tally of a total of 1,399 postal ballots
3,903 votes. This mandate and Lamgong-Wangchag re-
included 772 postal votes ceiving 1,467.
and 3,131 votes from the Paro boasts a significant
electronic voting machine voting population, with
(EVM). 21,313 eligible voters. Among
Lhedi polling station in Lunana Similarly, the Lamgong- them, 11,188 are female vot-
Wangchag constituency ers, reflecting a healthy par-
Chencho Dema cured the third position with with four located in Lunana witnessed a PDP triumph, ticipation of women in the
154 votes. Gewog and three in Khamaed garnering a majority vote of democratic process.
In a closely contested bat- Druk Phuensum Tshogpa Gewog. 3,491. Within this count, 656 PDP’s decisive victory
tle in the Khamaed-Lunana (DPT) and Druk Thuendrel In the Khatoed-Laya con- postal votes and 2,835 EVM underscores a shifting elec-
constituency in Gasa, Bhutan Tshogpa (DTT) secured 95 stituency, DNT secured a vic- votes contributed to the par- toral dynamic in Paro, shap-
Tendrel Party (BTP) emerged and 42 votes, respectively. tory with 322 votes, followed ty’s success. ing the region’s political tra-
victorious, securing a total of The Khamaed-Lunana by PDP in second place with Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa jectory. The party’s success,
275 votes from both electronic constituency comprised 1,175 218 votes. emerged as the second-high- particularly in key constitu-
voting machines and postal registered voters, 536 males DTT and DPT secured 128 est vote accumulator after encies, not only solidifies
ballots. and 639 females. Among and 123 votes, respectively. PDP, securing 2,654 votes in its standing but also reflects
The People’s Democratic them, 165 were registered in- The Khatoed-Laya con- Dokar-Shaba and 1,709 votes the evolving preferences of
Party (PDP) closely followed country postal ballots. stituency boasted 1,125 reg- in Lamgong-Wangchag. the electorate in this vibrant
with 271 votes, while Druk Seven polling stations fa- istered voters, 554 males and Comparing these re- democratic process.
Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) se- cilitated the electoral process, 571 females. sults to the 2018 National
Page 6 Friday, December 01, 2023| KUENSEL

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NA ELECTIONS Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL PAGE 7

Landslide win for PDP in

Bumthang and Trongsa

PDP: 39
BTP: 4
DPT: 2

PDP penetrates
DPT strong hold

People at Wangduechholing Lower Secondary School

polling station in Bumthang

Sherab Lhamo chines (EVM) by physically

visiting the polling stations.
The People’s Democratic Party Meanwhile, in Trongsa,
(PDP) asserted its dominance the people overwhelmingly
in Bumthang and Trongsa, chose PDP. Out of 11,266 reg-
securing a total of 5,032 votes istered voters, 2,744 voted for
from these dzongkhags. PDP, with a total turnout of
In Bumthang, PDP secured 7,515. Additionally, 988 people
2,288 votes from the Chhoe- exercised their voting rights
khor-Tang and Chhumig-Ura through postal ballots.
constituencies; the party PDP secured 1,049 votes
garnered 1,181 votes from from Nubi-Tangsibji and 1,695
Chhoekhor-Tang and 1,107 votes from Draagteng-Langthil
votes from Chhumig-Ura. No- in Trongsa.
Voters lined up as early as 7am to vote at Chokhorling polling station in Nganglam,
tably, 764 votes were obtained Bhutan Tendrel Party se-
through postal ballots in both cured 869 votes from Draa-
Tashi Phuntsho (EVM) and DPT managed 542 votes, followed by DNT with constituencies. gteng-Langthil and 418 votes
votes. Bhutan Tendrel Party 572 and DTT scored 208 votes. Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa from Nubi-Tangsibji, totaling
For the past three elections, got 750 EMV votes. In Khar-Yurung constitu- (DNT) secured a total of 1,063 1,287 votes, with 306 votes se-
Druk Phuensum Tshogpa While DPT got 844 postal ency, DPT won with 2,012 votes from Chhoekhor-Tang cured through postal ballots.
(DPT) reigned in all three con- ballot (PB) compared to PDP’s votes while BPT came second and in Chhumig-Ura, the party Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
stituencies of Pemagatshel. 811, BTP representative Yeshi securing 1,687 votes and PDP secured 391 votes, with 468 ob- secured 1,355 votes, compris-
However, People’s Demo- Jamtsho secured 1,536 votes stood third with 1,412 votes. tained through postal ballots. ing 618 votes from Nubi-Tang-
cratic Party (PDP) penetrated came second. Meanwhile, DTT scored 669 Druk Phuensum Tshogpa sibji and 737 from Draagteng-
the DPT’s strong hold and Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa votes and DNT secured 657 in Chhumig-Ura secured 496 Langthil.
won Nanong-Shumar con- representative by Sonam votes. votes, while in Chhoekhor- Comparatively, in the 2018
stituency with 1,559 votes at Dhendup secured 1,129 votes Of the 52 polling stations Tang, the party garnered primary election, Bumthang
primary round of the National and Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa in the dzongkhag, Khar- 392 votes, with 349 obtained recorded a turnout of 7,562,
Assembly election yesterday. represented by Wangchuk se- Yurung constituency has through postal ballots. while Trongsa had a turnout
DPT secured 1,386 votes and cured 790 votes. maximum polling station with Bumthang, with 11,137 of 7,149. These election re-
came third. DPT won Nganglam con- 20, and 17 polling station in registered voters, witnessed sults underscore the active
As per the provisional re- stituency won with 2,494 votes Nanong-Shumar constitu- a voter turnout of 7,387, with participation of the electorate
sults, PDP secured 748 votes while PDP stood second with ency, while Nganglam has 15 5,221 casting their votes in shaping the democratic pro-
on electronic voting machine 1,158 votes. BTP secured 923 polling stations. through electronic voting ma- cess in these dzongkhags.
PAGE 8 Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL

HIV/AIDS – a plea for understanding and empathy

Dear Lam, I am a young guy living with HIV. The virus itself does not cause me any problems as I am
taking medication, but the need to keep my HIV status hidden is mentally very painful. As 1 De- that HIV does not disappear by
cember is designated World Aids Day, I would like to request Lam to once again write an article to itself. Therefore, it is absolutely
Shenphen Zangpo was born in
educate people about the condition and to break the stigma surrounding it. Also, could Lam write essential for a person
Swansea, UK, but spent more than
something about how Buddhism views HIV. Thank you so much. Your help is appreciated la. diagnosed as HIV-positive to
28 years practicing and studying
take the medication prescribed
Buddhism in Taiwan and Japan.
Stigma-sufferer, Paro at the hospital, and the earlier
Currently, he works with the youth
they begin the treatment the
and substance abusers in Bhutan,
better for their long-term
teaching meditation and organizing in any way disqualify a person
we and our environment exist important to remember that health prospects.
drug outreach programmes. from working as a chef or
interdependently. HIV is transmitted through Basically, with medication,
Likewise, profit-crazed baker. unprotected sex or sharing a person living with HIV
How does Buddhism view industrialists deliberately Furthermore, HIV is NOT needles, and so such activities can enjoy a life as long and
HIV? Well, it would have disregard warnings about spread through touch, tears, need to be totally avoided. as healthy as a person who
no arguments with science the burning of fossil fuel. As sweat, or saliva. To put it in In a case where someone has not contracted the virus.
that it is a zoonotic virus that a result, the planet frazzles another way, you CANNOT believes that they may have Without medication, however,
came from chimpanzees, and and we all, including the catch HIV by engaging in the been exposed to the virus, they HIV will develop into AIDS
it would certainly applaud industrialists, suffer the following activities with a should get a blood test around and they will get sick and die
researchers for discovering a consequences of more intense person who is HIV positive: four weeks after the incident a painful death. So, anyone
treatment that prevents HIV and more frequent wildfires, • Breathing the same air (it can take four weeks before who suspects that they may
from developing into AIDS, droughts, and floods. • Touching a toilet seat or the virus can be detected). have been exposed to the virus
and so saving innumerable To reiterate: Buddhism doorknob handle If, by chance, the results are should get tested as soon as
lives. However, it would take would agree with science • Hugging, kissing, or positive, the staff at a HIV clinic possible. I repeat: HIV virus
the issue to a deeper level. regarding animals being shaking hands or hospital will help register does not go away by itself, and
Rather than stating that the source of the viruses. • Sharing forks or spoons the person for medication so ignoring it is not a solution.
HIV and other zoonotic However, it would delve • Using exercise/gym and advise him or her on how I hope that by debunking
viruses, such as Covid or deeper into the matter and equipment to take care of their health. the most common
Sars, originated with wildlife establish that defilements of Also, HIV CANNOT be For support and advice, they misunderstandings about
transmissions, it would the mind, such as ignorance contracted by can also contact Lhaksam – a HIV, this short article has
describe how hatred, desire, and greed, disturb the five • Being bitten by mosquitoes network for people living helped to alleviate some of
arrogant-pride, and jealousy elements. In turn, this leads that have sucked blood with HIV and AIDS: https:// the stigma surrounding the
that arise from ignorance to an increase in disease and from a HIV-positive person www.lhaksam.org.bt/ Tel: 02 condition. I also pray that we
create the causes and natural disasters. • Eating food prepared by a 340878. Information given at can all place ourselves in the
conditions for illness and With regard to science, person who is HIV-positive the HIV clinic and Lhaksam shoes of people living with
natural disasters to emerge. what are the proven facts On the other hand, you CAN is kept confidential and so HIV and so develop empathy
On an individual level, these about HIV? Well, first of all, catch the disease from a HIV- there no need for concern that and understanding, and, in
conditions cause disharmony people should know that positive person in these ways: a person’s HIV status will be this way, allow those who have
in the body, which causes since the 1990s medication • Engaging in unprotected revealed to others. contracted the virus to live a
sickness. Collectively, they has been available to prevent sex With regard to treatment, life of dignity, totally free of
manifest as disturbances in HIV developing into AIDS. • Sharing syringes it is important to remember discrimination.
the five elements, leading to Consequently, it is no longer • Using unsterile tattoo
pandemics, wars, and natural a life-threatening illness, but a needles
disasters, such as droughts, manageable health condition. • Being born from a HIV-
wildfires, and floods.
It is not always easy to
As for transmission, the positive mother Sudoku
HIV virus is only contracted • Suckling milk from a
grasp how the mind affects through contaminated blood female infected with HIV
the outer world. However, on and bodily fluids that enter • Having a blood transfusion
a basic level at least, we can the blood stream directly by or organ transplant where
understand how ignorance a needle-injection or through the blood or organ came
and greed entwine to create mucous membranes found from a HIV-infected
negative consequences for inside the rectum, vagina, person
the planet. As an example, penis, and mouth. In other So, there is absolutely no
think of the repercussions of words, HIV cannot be caught possibility to contract HIV
destroying jungles to grow from living with someone with through mingling with people
commercial crops or to rear HIV, nor can it be spread via who are HIV positive or
domestic animals. Of course, food prepared by someone sharing an apartment with
man’s encroachment into who is HIV positive. someone who has the virus.
wildlife domains causes untold The HIV virus is actually As mentioned above, it is only
ecological damage, but with very fragile and does not spread through contaminated
regard to zoonic viruses, survive long outside the blood or bodily secretions
such as Covid, Sars, or HIV, body and so even if blood passed at the time of sexual
it is the increase of human from a person living with the intercourse. In this respect,
and wildlife contact that virus were to be digested in it is totally unlike other
specifically opens the channels uncooked food, it would not viruses, such as Covid-19 or
for a greater number of such be transmitted to the person the common flu, which are
viruses to enter the human who ate it. Even in the worst transmitted through casual How to play
population. And, what is the scenario, where a live virus is contact. In short, people can Fill in the grid so that every row, every
underlying motivation behind somehow digested, it would fully relax around friends or column, and every 3 X 3 box contains
these activities? It is greed for be immediately neutralized by family members who have the numbers 1 through 9.
profit that is underpinned by stomach acids. For this reason, contracted HIV.
a lack of understanding that
being HIV positive does not On the other hand, it is
Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL PAGE 9

PDP takes Drukjeygang-Tseza

and Lhamoizingkha-Tashiding
Dechen Dolkar (BTP) secured 2,506 votes,
with 1,727 from EVM. In the
In a significant electoral Drukjeygang-Tseza constitu-
development, the People’s ency, BTP obtained 991 votes
Democratic Party (PDP) through EVM and 457 through
secured victories in both postal ballots. In Lhamoiz-
the Drukjeygang-Tseza and ingkha, the party secured 736
Lhamoizingkha-Tashiding votes through EVM and 322
constituencies in Dagana, as through postal ballots.
per the provisional results an- In Lhamoizingkha, a close
nounced by the commission contest unfolded between
yesterday. Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa
PDP’s total vote count (DTT) and Druk Nyamrup
reached an impressive 5,091, Tshogpa (DNT), with a mere
with 6,373 secured through two-vote difference. DTT se-
Electronic Voting Machines cured 628 total votes, while
(EVM). Notably, PDP domi- DNT secured 626 votes. Druk
nated in EVM votes, securing Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT)
the highest tally. obtained 610 votes.
In the Drukjeygang-Tseza Similarly, in Drukjeygang-
constituency, the party se- Tseza, DTT secured 1,159
cured 1,789 postal ballots and total votes, DPT secured 1,095 Tsendagang NFE (polling station) in Dagana
2,726 through EVM. In Lham- votes, and DNT secured 1,075
oizingkha, PDP obtained total votes.
1,444 votes through postal Drukjeygang-Tseza con- Lhamoizingkha-Tashiding process. underscoring the significance
ballots and 3,647 through stituency boasts 14,574 regis- constituency has 13,892 Dagana, with a total of of civic participation in shap-
EVM. tered voters, with 9,291 cast- registered voters, with 8,013 28,456 registered voters, wit- ing the democratic landscape.
The Bhutan Tendrel Party ing their votes. Meanwhile, participating in the electoral nessed a robust voter turnout,

PDP and BTT clinch victory PDP dominates

in Lhuentse and Tsirang in Wangdue
Yangyel Lhaden Chencho Dema Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
with 556 votes.
Both the constituencies of In yesterday’s primary round In Athang-Thedtsho, Druk
Lhuentse—Gangzur-Minjey of election, Wangdue declared Thuendrel Tshogpa claimed
and Maenbi-Tsaenkhar—saw the People’s Democratic Party the second position with 1,565
the majority of votes going to (PDP) as its top choice to ad- votes, followed by Bhutan
the People’s Democratic Party vance to the general round, Tendrel Party with 990 votes,
(PDP) and Bhutan Tendrel triumphing over four other Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa with
Party (BTP). participating parties. 922 votes, and Druk Phuen-
Gangzur-Minjey voted for Wangdue consists of two sum Tshogpa with 815 votes.
change. For the first time, the constituencies, Nyisho-Sae- Athang-Thedtsho, with 24
constituency would have a phu and Athang-Thedtsho, polling stations, hosted 11,215
member of parliament (MP) where PDP exhibited a robust registered voters, excluding
from PDP or BTP. Tsholingkhar Primary School polling station performance in both postal 71 persons with disabilities
The constituency voted and electronic voting meth- (PWDs). The constituency
twice for the same MP from were rejected. votes. Of the total 8,264 votes ods. recorded 2,414 in-country
Druk Phunsum Tshogpa In Maenbi-Tsaenkhar, PDP cast, half went to PDP. In In Nyisho-Saephu constit- conventional postal ballots
(DPT) in the first and second got more than 1,000 votes Sergithang-Tsirangtoed, PDP uency, PDP secured a total of and 63 overseas postal ballots.
governments. During the third more than BTT. PDP secured secured 4,206 votes, and BTT 4,038 votes, comprising 3,101 Nyisho-Saephu constitu-
government, their MP was 2,486 votes, while BTT secured received 1,023 votes. Of the electronic voting machine ency featured 21 polling sta-
from Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa. 1,352 votes. total 8,363 votes cast, half were (EVM) votes and 937 postal tions, accommodating 11,425
There are 9,461 registered The constituency has 9,277 in favour of PDP. ballots. Similarly, in Athang- registered voters, including
voters in Gangzur-Minjey, voters, out of which 5,681 There are 13,880 registered Thedtsho, PDP garnered 71 PWDs. The constituency
and 5,682 of them voted. voted. A total of 2,833 individ- voters In Kilkhorthang-Men- 3,328 votes, with 1,256 postal recorded 2,122 in-country
From the total votes, 30.4 uals voted from EVM and 2,944 drelgang; 5,618 voted through votes and 2,071 EVM votes. conventional postal ballots
percent—1,731 votes—went voted through postal ballots, EVM and 2,702 through postal Breaking down the results and 93 overseas postal ballots.
to the PDP, and 24.1 per- out of which 96 were rejected. ballots. However, 56 postal further, in the Nyisho-Saephu A voter at the Bajothang
cent—1,375 votes—went to In Tsirang, the PDP se- ballots were rejected. constituency, Druk Nyamrup polling station expressed
the BTP. cured a landslide victory, Sergithang-Tsirangtoed Tshogpa secured the second unwavering loyalty to a party
A total of 2,770 registered obtaining over 4,000 votes in has 13,157 registered voters; position with 1,383 votes, since 2008, emphasising the
voters voted through postal both constituencies. 2,546 voted through postal bal- followed by Druk Thuendrel importance of exercising the
ballot and 2,994 through elec- In Kilkhorthang-Mendrel- lots and 5,817 through EVM. Tshogpa with 1,179, Bhutan privilege to vote, even in un-
tronic voting machine (EVM). gang, PDP got 4,134 votes, Forty-four postal ballots were Tendrel Party with 1,141, and certain times.
However, 82 postal ballots while BTT secured 1,772 rejected.
PAGE 10 Friday, December 1, 2023 | KUENSEL

Trashigang chooses BTP and PDP

Neten Dorji constituency. In Wamrong,
BTP won 1,153 EVM votes and
The People’s Democratic 923 postal votes.
Party (PDP) strategically Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa
concluded its campaign in (DTT) managed to secure
Trashigang, a decision that 1,048 total votes, including
evidently impacted the par- 574 postal ballots and 474
ty’s success in the primaries, EVM votes in Thrimshing,
securing a noteworthy 9,199 securing the second-highest
votes across three constitu- votes after PDP.
encies, as per provisional Although PDP secured
results. only 679 EVM votes and
PDP’s highest votes 1,131 votes in Wamrong, it
came from the Bartsham- remained the second-highest
Shongphu constituency, in the same constituency.
garnering 2,386 electronic The enthusiastic re-
voting machine (EVM) votes sponse during the president’s
and 1,189 postal votes. In the campaign in Trashigang,
Thrimshing constituency, the drawing attendees from re-
party secured 2,388 votes, in- mote gewogs like Merak and
cluding 2,140 EVM votes and Sakteng, indicated PDP’s in- Voters wait their turn to vote at Bartsham Gewog Centre Polling station
postal ballots combined. fluence in the region.
Bhutan Tendrel Party First-time voter, Sonam
(BTP) made a strong showing, Tenzin from Kanglung, ex- nation-building. relevant to rural communities. chance could elevate the
securing 2,237 EVM votes and pressed nervousness and Voters in Bartsham ex- Trashigang voters echoed country to new heights.
1,700 postal votes in the Kan- excitement, emphasising pressed the need for change the sentiment that giving the Trashigang has a total of
glung-Samkhar-Udzorong the importance of voting for and found PDP’s pledges most former government another 52,935 registered voters.

Thimphu divided between DNT and PDP

regret it if the best party loses. Thimphu.
I came to make a difference.” Thimphu has 17,338 regis-
Thimphu recorded a voter tered voters. North Thimphu
turnout of about 61 percent. has 7,607 registered voters,
with 64 percent in South Thim- while South Thimphu has
phu and 57.5 percent in North 9,731 registered voters.


Good Day Bad Day

• to build new monuments • to seek astrological
• to consecrate predictions and divinations
• to hand and take over office for both dead and living
• to shift house • to roof house
• to shift house
• to enter into new house
• to star t new business A good day for rituals (laza):
• to hold good discussions those born in the dragon year.

Voters at Wangbama ORC polling station

Time of issue: 4:00 PM,
Thukten Zangpo Bhutan Tendrel Party ballots). November 30, 2023
(BTP) secured 980 votes (241 DTT’s president, Kinga
In yesterday’s primary round, from postal ballots), and Druk Tshering, and DNT candidate
Thimphu demonstrated strong Thuendrel Tshogpa (DTT) won only 669 and 632 votes, re-
support for Druk Nyamrup and Druk Phuensum Tshogpa spectively, and DPT managed Gasa Trongsa Bumthang Gelephu Phuentsholing
Tshogpa (DNT) and People’s (DPT) secured 835 and 655 513 votes.
Democratic Party (PDP).
DNT’s party president,
votes, respectively, with 145
and 130 postal ballots.
Voters expressed their
commitment to choosing the
17 19 15 30 30
Dr Lotay Tshering, secured In the North-Thimphu con- best government for the ben- 1 3 -2 15 15
the highest votes with 2,006 stituency, where the president efit of the people.
(1,691) from the electronic of DTT and a former minister Dawa Sangay from Wang- Thimphu Trashigang
voting machine (EVM) and 315 contested, PDP secured the bama, 26, emphasised the
from postal ballots) in South
highest votes. PDP’s Tshering
secured 1,602 votes—1,291
importance of agriculture and
the challenges in accessing fi-
19 22
PDP secured the second- from EVM and 311 from postal nance for the community. -2 7
highest votes, trailing DNT ballots. BTP secured the sec- Another voter, Karma from
by 259 votes. However, PDP’s ond-highest votes of 959 (815 Babesa, expressed a sense of Source: National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology.
For any weather information: Call hotline 335578
postal ballot count was 493. from EVM and 144 from postal responsibility, stating, “I will

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