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Example 8: Task sheet

Example 8: Summative assessment task

Objective: A
Task type: Comprehension of spoken and visual text
Level: Proficient (Phase 5)
Duration: 70 minutes

Watch the following videos. (Up to 9:30 mins)

Answer the following questions in English. A dictionary is not permitted for this task.

First strand

1. Compare and contrast Brick Lane nowadays and in the 19th century using at least two
various levels/examples/perspectives mentioned in the first video.

2. On the basis of the first video deduce what positive and negative sides of slum tourism
there are. Deduce two examples of each.

3. What is meant by the word “squalid” in the second video?

4. How do homeless people benefit from the Sock Mob organization? Give two examples
on the basis of the first video.

Second strand

1. How does the producer create the mood through the visuals used in the second video?

2. What is the purpose of using black and white photograph and moving visuals (presenting
the past) in the first video?

3. Why is the second video partly filmed from bird’s eye view camera angle?

Third strand

1. Identify how visuals match what the narrator says about Brick Lane.

2. Identify how the Liz’s body language supports what she says? Give two examples.

3. Explainhow the sheds with beds match what is said about conditions there. Provide two

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