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May 2023

Language acquisition – Emergent level English

On-screen examination

14 pages

This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session.

It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any
other person without the authorization of the IB Global Centre, Cardiff.

The following are the annotations available to use when marking responses.

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Num0 – Award 0 marks ALT+0

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Marking guidelines
● Recommendations for question word counts and timings are advisory only. Candidates should not be penalized if they exceed or fall short of advisory
word counts, unless the quality of the response is affected, eg, by a lack of development of ideas / analysis etc.
● Where there are examples of answers in the scoring scheme, this is indicative content representing what is required to reach the maximum for that level.
● Use of a ‘/’ indicates alternative acceptable points and not a list of expected responses. This is not a list of expected answers.
● Use of brackets indicates additional detail that is not required for the mark.
● Please note that spelling errors should not impact the marks awarded in any part of the examination.

Task 1 – Questions 1 – 2

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not accept Marks

B [1] for correct answer
1a 1
Visible aspects are: [1] for each visible aspect
• The food we eat.
• The fashion we are into. Food
• The festivals we celebrate. Fashion
1b 3
• The flags we wave. Festivals
• The famous faces that we share with an interest in. Flags
Famous faces
i. False [1] for each correct answer
ii. True
1c 4
iii. False
iv. True
i. A [1] for correct answer
1d 2
ii. C
i. B [1] for each correct answer
1e 2
ii. A
Total 12

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not accept Marks

A. [1] for correct answer
[1] for justification with
Possible examples include but are not limited to: reference to the text
• helps to understand better what culture is
• Uses images and graphics to explain the visible and invisible Accept similar answer
2a elements of culture using keywords: explain, 2
• educates about cultural behaviour in different countries teach, educate
• teaches the five visible aspects of culture.
Award 0 points if the
MCQ is incorrect
i. B [1] for correct answer
2b ii. C 2
In any order
• as graphics/ animation/ symbols/ colours/ images/ photographs [1] for each correct
are engaging and interesting example
• language is easy to understand
2c • content is not complicated Accept similar justification 2
• examples are simple, friendly and relatable that refers to the text.

D. [1] for correct answer

[1] for justification

Possible examples include but are not limited to: Accept examples that
• clear and concise language to convey information effectively. reflect the use of
• speaker shares ideas and information clearly professional/formal
• speaker presents information objectively languages
1 2d 2
• speaker gives reliable examples
• presenter is neutral and unbiased, presenting facts and Award 0 points if the
accurate information MCQ is incorrect
• speaker presents information objectively with no personal
• the information is conveyed with correct grammar
• well-structured and organized content
Total 8

Task 2 – Questions 3 – 4

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not Marks

[1] for main idea
[1] for example that
supports the main idea
Possible examples could include but are not limited to:
• “... exploring new cultures will often provide most worthwhile travel Accept similar
experiences.” examples
• “... you’ll learn a lot about humanity and how it varies worldwide by
3a exploring other cultures.” Award 0 points if the 2
• “...Traveling is one of the easiest ways to dispel your view of other cultures MCQ is incorrect
and learn about the importance of keeping an open mind.”
• “...By learning fascinating facts about other cultures, you’re learning
about collective human history.”
• “Experiencing new cultures will help you to view your own as if from a
foreign perspective.”
i. True [1] for correct answer
ii. False
3b 4
iii. True
iv. False
• It will enhance and enrich one's own life. [1] for one benefit from
• One will learn a lot about oneself by seeing oneself through others’ eyes. the text
3c 1
• Develop conflict resolution skills; learn about collective human history and
other related responses.
• It is important to develop conflict resolution skills because we can use them [1] for correct answer
in our daily life/ everyday life
• It is important to develop conflict resolution skills so we can improve as a Accept similar answer
3d person. that refers to the text 1

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not Marks

i. B [1] for each correct
3e ii. D answer. 2
2 i. C [1] for each correct
3f ii. A answer. 2

Total 12

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not accept Marks

A [1] for correct answer
4a 1
i. A [1] for each correct answer
ii. C
4b 2
In any order

“You” refers to the audience. [1] for correct answer Everyone

Myself the reader. Accept similar answers Me
4c Direct address. 1
People who want to travel
B [1] for correct answer
2 4d 1
C. [1] for correct answer
[1] for justification with one
Possible justifications: example from the text
● Complex vocabulary (humanity, importance,
resolution, perspective). Accept similar examples that
4e 2
● Language is more suitable for adults. support the correct answer
● Text can only be done by adults such as
travelling and exploring new cultures. Award 0 points if the MCQ
● Adults are portrayed in the images. is incorrect

A [1] for correct answer

4f 1
Total 8

Task 1 & 2 – Questions 5

Task Question Target answer Accept Do not accept Marks

Possible similarities: [2] for two similarities Quotes from the
• Cultural behavior/ culture is different from country to country [2] for two differences written text
• Both show us the importance of culture
• Both have culture as a main topic Accept similar answers
• Both use photographs/ images to support the information/ about the way culture is
main idea presented in the video
and written text
5a Possible differences: 4
• The spoken multimodal text focuses on the visible and
invisible aspects of culture, while the written multimodal text
2 gives reasons to explore culture through travelling
• The spoken multimodal text gives examples of specific
values and beliefs in different countries and the written
multimodal text gives examples of how one person can
benefit from travelling to different countries.

i. The way we greet each other/ In Thailand, people greet one [1] for each quote from
another with a bow, hand clasp as if in prayer the video
ii. The festivals we celebrate.
5b 4
iii. The food we eat./ In Japan, people only eat in places that
serve food
iv. The belief we hold dear
Total 8

Task 3 – Question 6


To what extent does the candidate use a wide range of vocabulary?

Marks Descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary. Vocabulary is rarely appropriate for the task or is often repetitive or

3–4 The candidate uses a basic range of vocabulary. Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate for the task.

5–6 The candidate uses a range of vocabulary. Vocabulary is appropriate for the task.

7–8 The candidate uses a wide range of vocabulary. Vocabulary is appropriate for the task, and effective.


To what extent does the candidate use grammatical structures accurately?

Marks Descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2 The candidate uses a limited range of grammatical structures with many errors which often hinder communication.

3–4 The candidate uses a basic range of grammatical structures with some errors which often hinder communication.

5–6 The candidate uses a range of grammatical structures with a few errors which do not hinder communication.

7–8 The candidate uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately.


To what extent does the candidate organize information effectively and coherently?

Marks Descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1 The candidate organizes some information in a recognizable format using some basic cohesive devices.

2 The candidate organizes information in a recognizable format using a range of basic cohesive devices.

3 The candidate organizes information in an appropriate format using simple and some complex cohesive devices.

The candidate organizes information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of simple and
complex cohesive devices.


To what extent does the candidate communicate information with a sense of audience and purpose?

Marks Descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1 The candidate communicates limited relevant information with little sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

2 The candidate communicates some relevant information with some sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

3 The candidate communicates most relevant information with a sense of audience and purpose to suit the context.

The candidate communicates almost all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the

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