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Cloud Software: How to Validate

Third-Party Vendors
Kurt Fanning


The increased outsourcing of applications and
One of the more data processing by firms raises an important Assessing the
important changes issue: How should you validate the actions of the internal control of
occurring in the work- third-party vendors? The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and a service provider is
place is the outsourcing other compliance issues require some form of an important issue
of applications and because investors
judgment of those actions. This article explains
data processing nor- and lenders rely on
mally done internally the authoritative guidance for reporting on such the external auditor’s
by the firms. Increas- service organizations. The author looks at assess- attestation regard-
ingly, this is occurring ing the validity of the service provider’s internal ing a firm’s financial
by firms using third- control, privacy compliance, and other aspects statement. In our
party vendors through from both the user’s and deliverer’s point of view. more complex world
some form of cloud © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. with perhaps 50 to
computing. Histori- 75% of the process-
cally, straightforward ing of the transac-
repetitive tasks, such as payroll deal with a changing environ- tions outside of the firm, the
and taxes, have long been a ment. This article addresses the issue of the reliability of the
mainstay to be outsourced to a important issues of assessing the third-party vendors is increas-
service provider. Now, almost all validity of the service provider’s ingly important. The big ques-
possible tasks have some viable internal control, privacy compli- tion is how to make the system
third-party vendor available to ance, and other aspects of these of determining both the strength
offer that service over the cloud. outsourced activities from both of the service provider’s inter-
Thus, service providers offering the user’s and deliverer’s point nal control and the accuracy of
processes such as customer rela- of view. This article provides their processing skills work effi-
tions management, sales force information and recommenda- ciency and effectively.
transactions, human resources, tions to those responsible for Decades ago, firms handled
and general accounting on the dealing with Statement on Stan- the issue of verifying the work
cloud have all grown exponen- dards for Attestation Engage- of these third-party vendors by
tially. ments (SSAE) 16, International exchanging letters between the
With this fundamental Standard on Assurance Engage- external auditors of the firms. In
change in the way of doing ments (ISAE) 3402, and other some extreme cases, the external
business, ancillary issues have issues surrounding using service auditor of one firm sent per-
come to the forefront as firms providers. sonnel to examine the internal

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26 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / July/August 2014

control at the service provider. to coordinate with ISAE 3402. it was a way for firms to avoid
With most process and transac- Thus, SSAE 16 is an important auditing their service providers.
tions still maintained in-house, document for firms to under- The firms can use the report
the auditors were comfortable stand and abide by in their work. created under SSAE 16 to meet
with this system. their internal control compliance
As the amount of outsourc- SSAE 16 issues. Second, the SSAE 16
ing and cost of using auditors report also lets service providers
increased, an alternative to this SSAE 16 was issued by be more desirable to their poten-
process needed to emerge. This the Auditing Standards Board tial clients.
process was started in 1982 at (ASB) of the AICPA in 2011. It An SSAE 16 report is not a
a limited level by the American specifically replaced SAS 70 and certification, since guidelines for
Institute of Certified Public is intended to work with ISAE a universal certificate for validat-
Accountants (AICPA) with their 3402. It is also known as service ing internal control at service
Statement of Auditing Stan- organization control (SOC) 1. providers would be difficult to
dards (SAS) 44, Special Purpose Along with the SSAE 16 are two come by in practice. With all
Reports on Internal Accounting different levels of service orga- the possible individual different
Control at Service Organiza- nization controls reports, SOC issues that could affect the inter-
tions. A more thorough solution 2 and SOC 3. SOC 2 focuses on nal control system, a one-size-
was offered when the AICPA the privacy issues, among oth- fits-all certificate is probably not
issued SAS 70, which was issued ers, and is restricted to certain possible. Rather than undertake
in 1992 and later modified in users. SOC 3 covers the AICPA such a difficult approach, SSAE
2005. It offered a viable solution SysTrust and WebTrust offer- 16 gives guidelines to creating a
to this issue of internal control ings from more of a marketing report that will provide auditor-
verification of the third-party perspective. to-auditor communication
vendors that lasted for almost 20 SSAE 16 (SOC 1) reports regarding the service provider.
years. exist because it is impossible for This provides the auditors of
A decade later, in 2002, a public company to audit every the clients of service providers
Sarbanes-Oxley legislation was one of the service companies with a detailed report about the
passed by Congress. At the front that they use. SSAE 16 reports controls at a third-party vendor’s
and center of Sarbanes-Oxley provide third-party vendors a organization. Special attention
were sections 302 and 404, which means to provide the audited is paid to those parts of the ser-
required every publicly traded documentation that is neces- vice provider system that would
company to provide a written sary for their clients to meet the affect the user’s judgment of its
judgment on the status of their internal control requirements internal control.
internal control. This has also of Sarbanes-Oxley. To meet The resulting report can be
affected private companies, since Sarbanes-Oxley requirements on performed only by a CPA or
they have mainly also followed the customers’ end, the custom- CPA firm. However, portions
this policy of providing a written ers needed independent valida- of the readiness assessment and
judgment of their internal con- tion from a CPA firm that third- control design can be performed
trol. Sarbanes-Oxley increased party vendors’ internal processes by non-CPA firms with the
the importance of SAS 70 and and controls are sound and experience to do so. Still, it is a
made all companies aware of working as intended. In some specialized niche, with a high
their need to understand and use cases, without an SSAE 16 audit cost tag associated with the pro-
SAS 70. report, the client may be forced cess.
As the importance of SAS to use other vendors, thus losing All of the reports generated
70 grew, it developed shortcom- business for the deliverer from through the SSAE 16 process
ings and possible abuses that that particular customer or pros- include a detailed description
needed to be addressed. In 2011, pect. However, with a working of the service organization’s
SSAE 16 replaced SAS 70, thus SSAE 16 audit report, the third- system. The auditor of the user
solving many of these short- party vendor has an important of the service provider uses
comings. At the same time, the marketing tool to differentiate this detailed report to deter-
AICPA also addressed the issue it from other competitors who mine how their client’s service
of being congruent with interna- may not have it. Thus, SSAE organization’s system internal
tional standards by attempting 16 was doubly important. First, controls apply to the client’s own

DOI 10.1002/jcaf © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / July/August 2014 27

internal control. Ideally, with a Report, which states whether Infrastructure Library (ITIL),
positive SSAE 16 report, it can the auditor believes the controls Committee of Sponsoring
then judge the client’s internal are adequate. This is followed by Organizations of the Treadway
control, including the parts out- descriptions of the services the Commission (COSO), Control
sourced, to be acceptable. service vendor provides to the Objectives for Information and
SSAE 16 reports come in client. Then the report covers Related Technology (COBIT),
one of two types: Type I or the status of the control environ- or International Organization
Type II. Both types rely on the ment, risk assessment process, for Standardization (ISO) 27001.
service provider’s management’s management information and The criteria used must be speci-
description of their controls. communication systems, general fied in the management attesta-
The scope of each type of controls, application controls, tion section of the report. The
report is similar to that used and monitoring procedures. minimum suitable criteria are
for Types I and II under the old Finally, the report covers any specified in SSAE 16. Another
guidelines of SAS 70. In a Type user control considerations and change from SAS 70 was the
I audit, the auditor primarily other relevant information nec- disallowance of auditors’ using
makes inquiries about the ser- essary for the report. evidence collected during prior
vice provider and observes their The actual audit process audits. This was previously done
transaction processing and con- includes reviewing the control to reduce the extent and time
trols for a single point in time. objectives and control activities consumption of the testing.
The auditor in a Type I report at the service provider to verify Now auditors may not use this
makes no actual testing of the that they exist and are designed evidence from prior engage-
service provider’s controls. Thus, as described. The auditors will ments about the satisfactory
the Type I report states whether obtain samples of documents or operation of controls.
a service company’s internal reports to support each control Another major change from
controls are fairly and com- activity. For a Type II assess- SAS 70 is SSAE 16’s require-
pletely described and whether ment, the auditors actually test ment of several management
they have been adequately the effectiveness of the controls attestations. In SSAE 16, man-
designed to meet their objectives to determine whether they can agement is required to attest that
at a certain point in time. This reasonably meet the control the description of the system
usually is a specific date, such as objectives they were designed to fairly presents the system that
June 30. meet. Thus, a Type II audit con- was designed and implemented
The Type II report does the sists of inquiry, observation, and during the period covered by the
same thing as a Type I report testing of transaction processing assessment for a Type II or at a
but actually tests the controls in and controls that were in place point in time for a Type I. Man-
operation over a certain stated over, for example, a 6-month agement must also attest that the
time period as opposed to a set period. The Type II audit pro- controls related to the control
date, as in Type I. Thus, a Type vides the control validation objectives stated in that descrip-
II report is more thorough and through testing that is most tion were suitably designed dur-
requires more time and effort often sought after by clients and ing that period for a Type II
than a Type I. What is included prospects. While the Type II or at that point in time for a
in the assessment report under comes with a much higher cost, Type I to achieve the firm’s con-
either a Type I or Type II audit it is the one primarily chosen, trol objectives. Finally, manage-
depends on the needs of the since it usually meets the needs ment must attest for Type II
user of the service provider. The of the user. assessments that the controls
audit is normally directed to New in SSAE 16 over SAS operated effectively throughout
focus on how the service pro- 70 is a requirement that auditors that period. The fact that man-
vider’s internal control impacts use suitable criteria for evaluat- agement must now make these
the user’s operations. ing the overall system of the attestations further highlights
The SSAE 16 report for service provider. Different stan- the management of the service
both types will include the fol- dards could be used to provide provider’s full responsibility for
lowing recommended areas. The those criteria, depending on the its own controls. It also fully
first item will be the auditor’s type of services the company aligns SSAE 16 with the require-
opinion letter, also called the provides. Possible frameworks ments of Sarbanes-Oxley. Sar-
Independent Service Auditor’s include Information Technology banes-Oxley requires companies’

© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI 10.1002/jcaf

28 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / July/August 2014

management to make attesta- information, a visit by the CPA also need a separate report for
tions about the veracity of their firm is usually necessary. Usu- that ISAE 3402 standard.
internal control, and SSAE 16’s ally, one to three auditors will ISAE 3402, The Interna-
attestation requirements for be required on-site during the tional Standard on Assurance
service organizations also helps audit. The number depends Engagements, was issued by
keeps this accountability in place on such factors as timing of the International Auditing and
for all service providers. the audit and complexity of Assurance Standards Board
A topic deserving of longer the control environment. Most (IAASB), a standard-setting
discussion than is available in final reports can be delivered board within the International
this article is how subservice between 45 and 90 days. It is not Federation of Accountants
providers are provided for in an inexpensive audit, with the (IFAC). ISAE 3402 is the glob-
SSAE 16. The service provider costs depending on the needs of ally recognized standard for
itself may use service providers the audit. assurance reporting on service
to accomplish their processing For current users of ser- organizations. It was intended
of data. This raises the issue vice providers, the intricacies to provide a globally accepted
of how this should be handled of SSAE 16 are well traveled framework that would replace
in an SSAE 16 audit. If the by now. For potential users of SAS 70, the prior de facto
services subject to the original service providers, the CPA firms standard. Similar to SSAE 16,
SSAE 16 assessment include offering SSAE 16 audits are ISAE 3402 requires manage-
another service provider, a sub- capable of leading the poten- ment to provide a description
service organization, it is usu- tial clients through the process. of its system. In addition, it
ally handled in one of two ways. However, firms thinking about requires a written statement
Either the inclusive method or dealing with an SSAE 16 audit of assertion by management
the carve-out method is used should be thinking about taking regarding the state of its inter-
in the audit. In SSAE 16, the the following actions. The firms nal controls.
inclusive method requires the should review their current ser- ISAE 3402 reports are also
subservice provider’s manage- vice contracts to ensure that the either a Type I or a Type II
ment to provide assertions system descriptions are complete report. If service organizations
similar to those required of the and accurate and review their decide to utilize the ISAE 3402
service provider. The inclusive existing controls and activities framework for reporting on
method includes the subservice to ensure they are adequate controls, they should seek out a
provider’s controls just as if and operating effectively. The well-qualified CPA firm to assist
the controls were the service firm should also think about in these matters. Additionally,
provider’s. If such assertions their ability to provide evidence an ISAE 3402 Readiness Assess-
can’t be obtained, the carve-out for each control activity to the ment should be undertaken to
method is used. A carve-out SSAE 16 auditor. ensure that service organizations
assessment excludes the subser- are aware of the changes nec-
vice provider’s controls. With a ISAE 3402 essary for complying with the
carve-out assessment, the cus- ISAE 3402 standard.
tomers would probably want to SSAE 16 was issued shortly
obtain the subservice provider’s after ISAE 3402. The authors SOC 2
own SSAE 16 report. This can of SSAE 16 deliberately tried to
be a complex issue and can link the accounting standards In addition to SSAE 16
hopefully be decided in a man- of those in the United States (SOC 1), another important
ner that is best for the original covered by SSAE 16 with those report exists to provide infor-
client. However, firms explor- covered by the globally accepted mation to a service provider’s
ing being involved in SSAE 16 principles in ISAE 3402. Thus, users. This is the SOC 2 report
audits should be aware of this SSAE 16 and ISAE 3402 are that is based on the trust ser-
issue. very similar in detail, but there vice principles and performed
In an actual SSAE 16 audit, are some differences. There is under the AICPA attestation
the auditing firm spends about only limited risk of an SSAE standard, AT 101. Unlike the
one to four days at the client site 16 report’s not also meeting the SSAE 16 (SOC 1) audit that is
performing field work. While ISAE 3402 standards. But on intended to be an auditor-to-
it is possible to gather offsite that rare occasion, a firm may auditor communication, SOC

DOI 10.1002/jcaf © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / July/August 2014 29

2 is a user-restricted report that Canadian Institute of Chartered only as a Type II report. SOC 3
is issued at the discretion of the Accountants (CICA). reports can be issued on one or
provider. Those interested in When assessing the trust several of the trust services prin-
obtaining such a report include service principles that SOC 2 ciples: security, availability, pro-
management, regulators, sup- is based on, auditors are cessing integrity, confidentiality,
pliers, and others needing such focused on four broad areas: and privacy. Completion of an
information. Many entities out- Policies, Communications, SOC 3 report grants the service
source tasks or entire functions Procedures, and Monitoring. provider the ability to display
to service organizations that Each of the four principles an SOC 3 (SysTrust) seal on its
operate, collect, process, trans- criteria are defined within the website.
mit, store, organize, maintain, SOC 2 guidelines. The auditor The trust service principles
and dispose of information for must find proof of adherence at the heart of SOC 3 were
user entities. SOC 2 was created to these principles to produce designed with a focus on e-com-
to provide assurance over nonfi- an unqualified opinion. The merce systems. They were built
nancial controls, as opposed to valuable aspect about the trust on the existing AICPA offerings
SSAE 16, which provides assur- principles is that the criteria are in this area, WebTrust and Sys-
ance over financial controls. already predefined in the guide- Trust. The WebTrust certifica-
Specifically, SOC 2 examines lines. Thus, the service provid- tion is a seal of approval regard-
and reports on the security, ers can take steps to meet them ing a business’s e-commerce
availability, processing integrity, in advance of the audit. site. WebTrust is founded on the
confidentiality, and privacy of Service providers are not principles of privacy, consumer
the service provider’s system. required to address all the protection, and certification
Some examples of service pro- principles involved in SOC 2 authority. The privacy aspect
viders that might need an SOC guidelines. SOC 2 reports can assures that the audit is based
2 report include Software as a be limited only to the prin- on the prevailing online privacy
Service (SaaS) providers, data ciples that are relevant to the principles and criteria. WebTrust
centers, document producers, outsourced service providers. provides consumer protection
and data analytics providers. An organization at the heart by assessing processing integrity
When looking at a system’s of cloud computing, the Cloud and the relevant online privacy
security for SOC 2, the auditor Security Alliance, issued a posi- principles. Finally, WebTrust
is primarily checking whether tion paper regarding SOC l, 2, bases its scope on specific prin-
the system is protected, both and 3 reports. In the position ciples and related criteria unique
logically and physically, against paper, they determined that an to certification authorities. In
unauthorized access. The main SOC 2 would be sufficient for essence, the service provider is
issue examined on systems avail- most cloud providers. purchasing a seal of approval
ability is whether the system is regarding its e-commerce opera-
running and accessible to its SOC 3 tions.
clients as committed or agreed SysTrust is a more intense
to in its contracts. When check- The final report, the SOC 3 review of the operating system
ing on processing integrity, the report, is similar to the SOC 2, and indicates whether the ser-
auditor is primarily concerned the main difference being that vice provider meets the desired
with the service provider’s abil- an SOC 3 report can be freely criteria. Among the major issues
ity to produce properly autho- distributed and is primarily for a SysTrust review is whether
rized, complete, accurate, and designed as a marketing tool for the system is protected against
timely information. Finally, the the service provider. unauthorized access (both physi-
two main uses of the SOC 2 The SOC 3 report shows cal and logical). Other issues
report are verifying the service only that the service provider include keeping information
provider’s system’s ability to meets the trust services criteria. confidential and correct process-
protect its confidential informa- It provides no description of ing of information.
tion and its ability to abide by tests and results or opinion on SOC 3 is primarily a market-
applicable privacy laws. These description of the system as ing tool for the service provider.
privacy laws include such pri- provided in SOC 2. Because the If the service provider has met
vacy principles as those put SOC 3 report lacks any detailed the criteria for WebTrust or
forth by the AICPA and the information, it can be issued SysTrust, then the SOC 3 report

© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI 10.1002/jcaf

30 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / July/August 2014

will be a positive report for it to process. Deciding which SOC for the Service Organization
achieve. is appropriate and meeting Controls and SysTrust and
the required criteria can be a WebTrust. Other vendors have
CONCLUSION daunting task. An excellent their own websites on these
starting place for additional topics that would be invalu-
This is a complex topic information on these topics able for making comparisons
that should be discussed with is the AICPA website. There on many of the issues in this
the CPA firms involved in the are specialized pages available article.

Kurt Fanning, PhD, CPA, CMA, CIA, CISA, is an associate professor at Grand Valley State University. Kurt
has written articles for publication in scholarly journals such as International Journal of Intelligent Systems
in Accounting, Finance and Management, Accounting, Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, New
Review of Applied Expert Systems and Emerging Technologies, and Financial Studies Journal. His primary
teaching and research interests are in management fraud and accounting information systems.

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