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Important of Measurement and Evaluation / Uses of Measurement of


1. Evaluation and benefits of the sports program

Whenever a support program is organized and the benefits of the program are
realized, future programs get more publicity and people participate more and more.
Management gets more financial benefits.
2. Evaluation and program effectiveness
Another great advantage of evaluation is that it assesses the strengths and
weaknesses of the program, thereby helping to make the program more successful
in the future. The changes made in this program are directly related to the results of
the previous program's test results.
3. Testing is a beacon for others.
If you have developed a training program that has been tested and found to be
ineffective, it has been proven that even coaches or teachers can adopt it and benefit
from it, but this is only when testing is done to be done according to the given rules.
4. Determination of objectives
Any other teachers can set future goals for them and players they can adopt more
methods for acquisition.
5. Assessment and individual skills
Testing reveals the individual differences and characteristics of players, so it
becomes easier for teachers and coaches to train according to the individual abilities
of students or players, and by doing so not only not only do the teachers and coaches
benefit, but the players benefit even more.
6. Evaluation and analysis of the former
The previous performance of the player or seeker of knowledge comes to light. His
weaknesses are assessed on this basis, the teacher or coach can remove the
shortcomings of his students or adopt new teaching methods and methods to improve
7. Testing and grading
Test is a tool for collecting material from students, which only measures their
performance while still assigning grades.

8. Determining the performance level of athletes

Coach or trainer keeps taking different kinds of tests to evaluate the performance of
his players, but these professions only give him material or data, but he cannot assess
the performance of the players, which player is who level, therefore, for this purpose,
it is necessary to go through the evaluation process of each player, can determine
9. Grouping of players

In order to achieve good results, teachers and coaches usually make groups of
students and athletes based on their performance, in which usually good students or
athletes are placed in Group A and weak students or athletes in Group B. Grouping
is also facilitated by testing.
10.Changes in player training
It is easy to assess whether the performance of the players is increasing or decreasing
due to testing at the same time, it is found that the performance of the players is
improving or decreasing, we can fix that, but if the test is done over and over again,
there are very few errors and omissions that can be corrected.

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