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What is test?

“A test is a tool used to measure some performance and collect data”.

“A test is a specific tool, procedure or technique used to collect data responses from
the student, athletes to gain information”.

Characteristics of test

The test measures what we intend to measure this quality of the test is called validity.

The quality of test to give same scores, when administered at different occasions is
called reliability.

Types of test

A means of eliciting information from students or testing a skill of players is met

and a tool is needed to conduct the test. Let's call it an instrument.

There are 2⃣ main types of test

Subjective test
An introductory-style test consists of questions that are usually long in length and
the examiner, can express his thoughts. And can give arguments and references for

Characteristics of subjective test

following are some features of this test

1. The biggest advantage of this test is that people can express their thoughts in
2. In this the routine can respond as desired.
3. Normal in that gets an opportunity to check his ability and all his information.
4. This test is longer in that it does not give a simple yes or no answer, but rather
gives an opportunity to prove a point or statement with arguments.
5. The quality of the test results may vary.
6. It is easy to create a net.
7. It involves the choice or disliking of the examiner
8. It takes more time.
9. It costs more.
10.Difficulty producing results.

Objective test

In this type of test, the examinee cannot refer to himself or express his own ideas.
The answers are usually specified or given, e.g., true, false, multiple choice answers.,
fill in the blank, mark the correct answers.
Characteristics of objective test

Its main features are as follows

1. There can be different forms of this test e.g. Answer yes or no, fill in the blank,
answer false or true, options give, Mark the correct one out of ABCD
2. The main advantage of this net is that the quality of marking remains the same.
. This test can be conducted in less time.
3. This test is easy to check.
4. The choice or dislike of the examiner does not interfere with this intention.
5. This test takes less time.
6. The cost of this test is also low.
7. The teacher's choice or dislike has no effect on the results of this test.

“Measurement is a quantitative score derived from the test”.

“The score obtained from any trial or test is quantitative, measuring the athlete's
strength or endurance, If you want to take a test, the score you get is called

Measurement answers this question?

How much? How many? How Long? How far? etc.

‘‘Evaluation is the process of placing a value on that measurement." "
“Evaluation is a systematic process to determine the extent to which objectives are
There are two 2⃣ main types of evaluation

Qualitative evaluation
Quantitative evaluation

Principles of evaluation

1. Evaluation Every work has some rules if these rules are kept in mind then the
work is correct.
2. In this way, there are some essential principles of testing in the teaching
process, keeping in mind that we can conduct better testing and if this is done,
testing becomes easier and the results are also good. Following are some
principles which serve as guidelines for observation and assessment in
physical education.

3. A Testing of students or athletes should be done according to standards

expectations and procedures.
4. Testing of students or athletes should always be done by trained teachers.
5. Testing of students or players should not be done only once but several times
during the session so that accurate and real results can be revealed and real
quality can be identified.
6. every aspect should be looked into during the test and students and players
should be fully monitored during the test.
7. Everything that needs to be examined should be clarified, i.e. all the objectives
should be determined.
8. A variety of methods should be used for a comprehensive evaluation.
9. All measurements are objective in nature.
10.All the measurements determine what the players need.
11.In order to use the appropriate test method, one must be aware of the
advantages and disadvantages of the method.
12.Different scale and rating should be used to highlight the difference in
performance of players
13.Measurement should be unbiased.
14.The test procedure should be defined.
15.Measurement should be on scientific basis.

Types of evaluation

There are four types of evaluation.

1. Placement evaluation.
2. Formative evaluation.
3. Summative evaluation.
4. Diagnostics evaluation

Placement evaluation

In this evaluation, it is seen whether a player or a student is being selected for sports,
training and admission or course that has any ability related to that field or not.
His/her, how much is towards knowledge of this sport?
It is also done to assess the ability of a person to achieve desired goals. For example,
the trails for the selection of the, Teams, entry test and interviews etc.

Formative Evaluation

Assessment is used to check the progress of student learning during teaching or

training. In this, during the lecture, or training the teacher or coach asks the questions
and test from the children or teams as well, so that he can understand the level of
learning of the students and the level of their teaching.

Summative Evaluation

This type of assessment is used at the end of a course or lesson and training.
To assess how far the objectives of the lesson or course and training objective have
been achieved.
It can be used to give students, players award to grade, certificates and marks.
Apart from this feedback can also be taken from them.
For example, students’ annual examinations term and plyer or team championship,
world cup etc.

Diagnostic Evaluation

This part of the evaluation is related to the problems and difficulties that occur during
the course or training.
Their main objective is to find out the reasons for the difficulties and problems
encountered during the course and training and plan to overcome them.

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