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UNIT - 1

Overview of Physical Design

Devices and Sensors

Types of IoT devices and their functionalities:

IoT devices encompass a wide range of physical objects that are connected to
the internet and communicate with each other. Some common types of IoT
devices include:

 Wearable Devices: These include smartwatches, fitness trackers, and health monitoring
devices. They collect data about an individual's activity, health, and location.
 Smart Home Devices: These devices automate and control various aspects of a home, such as
lighting, security systems, thermostats, and appliances. They enable remote monitoring and
control through internet connectivity.
 Industrial IoT Devices: These devices are used in industrial settings to monitor and control
machinery, optimize processes, and improve operational efficiency. Examples include
sensors in factories, logistics tracking systems, and remote monitoring equipment.
 Smart Appliances: These are traditional home appliances, such as refrigerators, washing
machines, and ovens, enhanced with IoT capabilities. They can be controlled remotely,
gather usage data, and offer features like predictive maintenance.
 Connected Vehicles: IoT devices in vehicles enable features like real−time GPS tracking,
remote diagnostics, and vehicle−to−vehicle communication for enhanced safety and

The functionalities of IoT devices vary depending on their intended use, but
common features include data collection, remote control and monitoring,
automation, and connectivity to other devices or cloud platforms.

Sensor technologies used in IoT

Sensors play a crucial role in IoT by collecting data from the physical
environment and converting it into digital information. Different sensor
technologies are employed in IoT devices, including:
 Temperature Sensors: Measure and monitor temperature variations.
 Humidity Sensors: Detect and measure humidity levels in the environment.
 Proximity Sensors: Detect the presence or absence of objects within a certain range.
 Motion Sensors: Detect motion or movement in their surroundings.
 Light Sensors: Measure light intensity or detect changes in light levels.
 Pressure Sensors: Measure pressure variations in gases or liquids.
 Accelerometers: Detect and measure acceleration, tilt, and vibration.
 GPS (Global Positioning System) Sensors: Provide location information using satellite

These sensors enable IoT devices to collect real−time data, monitor the
environment, and respond to specific conditions or triggers.

Examples of IoT devices in different industries

IoT devices have applications in various industries, offering numerous benefits.
Here are a few examples:

 Healthcare: Wearable devices and medical sensors enable remote patient monitoring,
continuous health tracking, and early detection of health issues. They can help improve
patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
 Agriculture: IoT devices are used for precision farming, monitoring soil moisture levels,
temperature, and weather conditions. They optimize irrigation, automate pest control, and
enhance crop yield.
 Manufacturing: IoT−enabled sensors and devices are used for predictive maintenance,
real−time monitoring of equipment, inventory management, and supply chain optimization.
They improve operational efficiency and reduce downtime.
 Transportation and Logistics: Connected vehicles, tracking devices, and smart logistics
solutions enable real−time tracking of shipments, route optimization, and efficient fleet
management. They enhance supply chain visibility and reduce transportation costs.
 Energy Management: IoT devices monitor energy consumption, optimize energy usage, and
enable remote control of devices to save energy and reduce costs in buildings and homes.

Communication protocols for IoT
Communication protocols are essential for IoT devices to exchange data and
information. Some commonly used protocols in IoT include:

 MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): A lightweight protocol designed for

efficient communication in constrained networks, suitable for low−power devices and
unreliable connections.
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): A standard protocol used for communication between
web browsers and servers, also employed in IoT for web−based interactions and data
 CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol): Designed for resource−constrained devices, CoAP
enables efficient communication and is often used in IoT applications that require low power
and low bandwidth.
 AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol): A protocol for reliable messaging between
devices and applications, capable of supporting complex messaging scenarios.
 WebSocket: A communication protocol that enables full−duplex communication over a
single, long−lived connection, facilitating real−time data transfer between IoT devices and

Wireless connectivity options

Wireless connectivity is a key aspect of IoT, providing flexibility and mobility.

Some common wireless connectivity options used in IoT devices include:

 Wi−Fi: A widely used wireless networking technology that enables high−speed data transfer
over short to medium distances. It is suitable for applications with power availability and the
need for high bandwidth.
 Bluetooth: A short−range wireless technology used for connecting devices in proximity. It is
commonly used for IoT devices that require low power consumption and intermittent data
transfer, such as wearable devices and home automation systems.
 Zigbee: A low−power, low−data−rate wireless communication protocol designed for
applications with low power consumption requirements and a large number of devices. It is
commonly used in home automation, smart lighting, and industrial applications.
 LPWAN (Low−Power Wide Area Network): LPWAN technologies, such as LoRaWAN and
NB−IoT, offer long−range connectivity with low power consumption, making them suitable
for IoT applications that require wide area coverage, such as smart city deployments and
agricultural monitoring.
Wired connectivity options

While wireless connectivity is prevalent in IoT, there are also cases where wired
connectivity is preferred for its reliability and stability. Some common wired
connectivity options include:

 Ethernet: A standard wired networking technology that provides reliable and highspeed data
transfer over local area networks (LANs). Ethernet is commonly used in industrial settings
and for devices requiring high bandwidth and low latency.
 Powerline Communication: This technology allows data transmission over existing power
lines, eliminating the need for additional wiring. Powerline communication is often used in
home automation systems and smart meters.

Power and Energy Management

Power requirements of IoT devices can vary based on factors such as their
functionality, processing capabilities, and communication needs. IoT devices
typically fall into two categories:

 Battery−powered devices: These devices operate on limited battery power and must be
designed to optimize energy consumption to extend battery life. They often employ
low−power components, sleep modes, and efficient power management techniques.
 Line−powered devices: Devices that are connected to a power source have more flexibility in
terms of power requirements. However, energy efficiency is still a consideration to minimize
operating costs and environmental impact.

Battery life and energy−efficient designs

Extending battery life is crucial for many IoT devices to ensure uninterrupted
operation and minimize maintenance. Energy−efficient designs for IoT devices
may include:

 Low−power components: Using low−power microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless modules

helps reduce power consumption.
 Sleep modes: Devices can be programmed to enter sleep or idle modes when not actively
performing tasks, conserving energy.
 Optimized data transmission: Transmitting data in a compressed or aggregated format
reduces the amount of data transferred, saving power.

The logical design of an Internet of Things (IoT) system entails the creation of
an abstract representation of entities and processes, steering clear detailed
implementation specifications. It relies on the utilization of Functional Blocks,
Communication Models, and Communication APIs to effectively establish a
functioning system. In this article, we will understand about them in detail.

In this article, we will discuss more about logical design of IoT. Let’s start.

IoT Functional Blocks

The Internet of Things (IoT) has several functional blocks. These blocks
collectively contribute to its operation. These blocks contain the device,
communication, services, application, management, & security components.

 Application
An application is an interface that facilitates users in accessing and analyzing the status of a
system. It serves as a control system allowing users to monitor and evaluate system
 Management
The management functional block encompasses a range of functions designed to oversee an
IoT system. These functions enable effective administration and coordination of various
system components.
 Services
The services functional block offers a set of capabilities, including device monitoring and
control, data publication and deletion, as well as system restoration. These services enhance
the functionality and utility of the IoT system.
 Communication
The communication block plays a crucial role. It helps with facilitating communication
between the client & the cloud−based server. It provides seamless data transmission &
reception by employing proper protocols.
 Security
The security block is instrumental in defending an IoT system through several defensive
measures implementation. These criteria encompass authorization mechanisms, data security
protocols, authentication processes, & additional security elements such as two−step
 Device
Devices within the IoT framework are responsible for sensing and monitoring functions,
gathering data from the surrounding environment. These devices enable the collection of
relevant information required for system operations.

In summary, an IoT system or application consists of distinct functional blocks

that collectively contribute to its operation. Each block performs specific
functions, ranging from device control and communication to service provision,
user interaction, system management, and security enforcement.

IoT Communication Models

The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates diverse communication models among
entities within an IoT system. These communication models contain the

 Response Request Model

The Request−Response Model is an essential framework consisting of two primary entities:
the client & the server. The client can bring diverse forms such as a web application or a
mobile application, & its objective can range from browsing web pages to accessing emails.
 Publish−Subscribe Model
The Publish−Subscribe Model is a communication paradigm involving three primary entities:
the publisher, consumer, and broker. In this model, the publisher is responsible for regularly
disseminating messages, typically at predetermined intervals. For instance, in an Internet of
Things (IoT) context, sensors can be regarded as publishers, delivering data as topics.
The broker serves as a central entity that manages various topics to which consumers can
subscribe. Typically implemented as a server, the broker maintains the published messages
from the publishers. Consumers, usually represented by IoT applications through which users
interact, consume the data published by the publishers. Consumers can subscribe to one or
more topics managed by the broker.
 Push−Pull Model
In the push−pull model, there exist three primary entities: the publisher, the consumer, and
the queues. Publishers assume the responsibility of pushing messages to the queues. The data
they generate is then stored in one or multiple queues.
One notable distinction between the push−pull model and the publish−subscribe model is the
presence of message ordering. In the push−pull model, consumers are tasked with pulling
messages directly from the queues and subsequently consuming them. Typically, a consumer
in this context refers to an IoT application that facilitates user interactions.
 Exclusive Pair Model
The Exclusive Pair Model operates based on two primary entities: the client and the server.
These entities establish a full duplex connection to facilitate the exchange of data.

IoT Communication APIs

An Application Programming Interface (API) serves as a standardized interface
for accessing server resources. They serve as intermediaries that enable
interaction between IoT devices and the Internet also other interconnected
elements within the network.

Within the realm of IoT, there exist two primary types of communication APIs:

REST−based Communication APIs

REST−based Communication APIs, short for Representational State Transfer,
encompass a collection of architectural principles that facilitate the design of
web services and web APIs. The core focus of REST lies in effectively managing
a system's resources and ensuring seamless addressability and transfer of
resource states. By adhering to REST's request−response model, APIs
developed in this manner comply with specific architectural constraints that
extend to components, connectors, and data elements within the system.

The REST architecture imposes certain constraints, including:

 Client−Server Communication: The REST architecture operates on a request−response

model, involving two essential entities: the client and the server. The client initiates requests,
while the server processes these requests and returns corresponding responses.
 Statelessness: REST adheres to the request−response model, resulting in stateless
communication. It treats each request as an independent, standalone entity.
 Caching Capability: The server's responses in REST can be cached by the client. This
caching mechanism allows the client to efficiently retrieve previously requested responses,
thereby enhancing response retrieval speed when needed.
 Layered System: REST employs a layered architecture, ensuring a clear separation of
responsibilities among different components. This separation allows for modularity and
simplifies the implementation of various functionalities within the system.
 Uniform Interface: REST provides a standardized and consistent interface that is applicable
across diverse applications and devices. This uniformity facilitates interoperability and
simplifies the development process by offering a common set of rules and conventions.
 Code on Demand: REST supports the dynamic retrieval of executable code based on specific
requests. This flexibility enables the server to modify the code that will be executed in
response to a particular request, accommodating dynamic changes and adaptations within the

Internet of Things (IoT) Enabling Technologies

Last Updated : 08 Jun, 2021

IoT(internet of things) enabling technologies are

1. Wireless Sensor Network
2. Cloud Computing
3. Big Data Analytics
4. Communications Protocols
5. Embedded System
1. Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) :
A WSN comprises distributed devices with sensors which are used to monitor the
environmental and physical conditions. A wireless sensor network consists of end
nodes, routers and coordinators. End nodes have several sensors attached to them
where the data is passed to a coordinator with the help of routers. The coordinator also
acts as the gateway that connects WSN to the internet.
Example –
 Weather monitoring system
 Indoor air quality monitoring system
 Soil moisture monitoring system
 Surveillance system
 Health monitoring system
2. Cloud Computing :
It provides us the means by which we can access applications as utilities over the
internet. Cloud means something which is present in remote locations.
With Cloud computing, users can access any resources from anywhere like databases,
webservers, storage, any device, and any software over the internet.
Characteristics –
1. Broad network access
2. On demand self-services
3. Rapid scalability
4. Measured service
5. Pay-per-use
Provides different services, such as –
 IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)
Infrastructure as a service provides online services such as physical machines,
virtual machines, servers, networking, storage and data center space on a pay per
use basis. Major IaaS providers are Google Compute Engine, Amazon Web
Services and Microsoft Azure etc.
Ex : Web Hosting, Virtual Machine etc.
 PaaS (Platform as a service)
Provides a cloud-based environment with a very thing required to support the
complete life cycle of building and delivering West web based (cloud) applications
– without the cost and complexity of buying and managing underlying hardware,
software provisioning and hosting. Computing platforms such as hardware,
operating systems and libraries etc. Basically, it provides a platform to develop
Ex : App Cloud, Google app engine
 SaaS (Software as a service)
It is a way of delivering applications over the internet as a service. Instead of
installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the internet, freeing
yourself from complex software and hardware management.
SaaS Applications are sometimes called web-based software on demand software
or hosted software.
SaaS applications run on a SaaS provider’s service and they manage security
availability and performance.
Ex : Google Docs, Gmail, office etc.
3. Big Data Analytics :
It refers to the method of studying massive volumes of data or big data. Collection of
data whose volume, velocity or variety is simply too massive and tough to store,
control, process and examine the data using traditional databases.
Big data is gathered from a variety of sources including social network videos, digital
images, sensors and sales transaction records.
Several steps involved in analyzing big data –
1. Data cleaning
2. Munging
3. Processing
4. Visualization
Examples –
 Bank transactions
 Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of vehicles
 E-commerce and in Big-Basket
 Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as a fitness bands
4. Communications Protocols :
They are the backbone of IoT systems and enable network connectivity and linking to
applications. Communication protocols allow devices to exchange data over the
network. Multiple protocols often describe different aspects of a single
communication. A group of protocols designed to work together is known as a
protocol suite; when implemented in software they are a protocol stack.
They are used in
1. Data encoding
2. Addressing schemes
5. Embedded Systems :
It is a combination of hardware and software used to perform special tasks.
It includes microcontroller and microprocessor memory, networking units (Ethernet
Wi-Fi adapters), input output units (display keyword etc. ) and storage devices (flash
It collects the data and sends it to the internet.
Embedded systems used in
Examples –
1. Digital camera
2. DVD player, music player
3. Industrial robots
4. Wireless Routers etc.
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IoT Levels and Deployment Templates

14th March 2021Harshvardhan Mishra

In this article we discuss various IoT Levels and Deployment templates. We know that we can’t
use same approach for every problem statement. After a long search on internet, I found some
IoT Deployment templates. These are 6 IoT Deployment templates. It is based on Complexity.

An IoT system comprises of the following components:

 Device: Allows identification, remote sensing, actuating and remote monitoring capabilities. IoT
devices include wireless sensors, software, actuators, and computer devices. They are attached to a
particular object that operates through the internet, enabling the transfer of data among objects or people
automatically without human intervention. Read more…
 Resource: These are Software components on the IoT device for accessing, processing, and
storing sensor information, or controlling
actuators connected to the device.
 Controller Service: A native service that runs on the device and work between node device and
web services. Controller service sends data from the device to the web service and receives commands
from the application (via web services) for controlling the device.
 Database: A storage place for Collected or generated data. It can be local or cloud based.
 Web Service: Web services serve as a link between the IoT device, application, database and
analysis components. Web service can be either implemented using HTTP and REST principles (REST
service) or using WebSocket protocol (WebSocket service).
 Analysis Component: Responsible for analyzing the IoT data and generate results in a form
which are easy for the user to understand.
 Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users can use to control and monitor
various aspects of the IoT system. It allow users to view the system Monitor and processed data.

IoT Levels and Deployment Templates

IoT Level-1

• A level-1 IoT system has a single node/device that performs sensing and/or actuation, stores
data, performs analysis and hosts the application • TIt is suitable for modeling low- cost and low-
complexity solutions where the data involved is not big and the analysis requirements are not
computationally intensive.
IoT Level-2

• It has a single node that performs sensing and/or actuation and local analysis (IoT Device and
collected data).

• In this IoT Level Database and application establish in Cloud.

• It is useful for solutions where the data involved is big, however, the primary analysis
requirement is not computationally intensive and can be done locally itself.
IoT Level-3

• It has has a single node. Database and application establish in the cloud.

• It is suitable for solutions where the data involved is big and the analysis requirements are
computationally intensive.

IoT Level-4

• It has multiple nodes that perform local analysis. It has Cloud based application and database.
These IoT System contains local and cloud- based observer nodes which can subscribe to and
receive information collected in the cloud from IoT node devices.

• It is suitable for solutions where we are using multiple nodes, the data involved is big and the
analysis requirements are computationally intensive.
IoT Level-5

• It has multiple end nodes and one coordinator node. The end nodes use for sensing and/or

• In this model Coordinator node collects data from the end nodes and transfer to the cloud. In
this model we used Cloud-based Database for store and Analyze data.

• It is suitable for solutions based on wireless sensor networks, in which the data involved is big
and the analysis requirements are computationally intensive.
IoT Level-6
• It has multiple independent end nodes that used for sensing and/or actuation and transfer data to
the cloud. We used Cloud-based database.

• The analytics component analyzes the data and stores the results in the cloud database and
results are visualized with the cloud-based application.

• The centralized controller is aware of the status of all the end nodes and sends control
commands to the nodes
Recommended: Internet of Things (IoT) Introduction | IoT Tutorial Part-1 | IoT Basics
This IoT tutorial covers following terms in this article :

 What is IoT | Internet of things

 Physical and Logical Design of IoT
o Physical design of IoT
 Things
 IoT Protocols
o Logical design of IoT
 IoT Functional Blocks
 IoT Communication Models
 IoT Communication APIs
 Internet of Things Protocols
o IoT Data Protocols
o Wireless IoT Network Protocols
 IoT Enabling Technologies
 Domain Specific IoTs | IoT Applications
 Goverment Application in IoT
 Role of IoT in Smart City


IoT has made our life easier with its applications. You won’t believe all the
cool stuff IoT can do! Imagine having a home where the lights turn on by
themselves, the TV knows your favorite shows, and even the fridge tells you
when you’re running out of ice cream! Yum!
In big factories, IoT helps machines work together smoothly, like a team of
robots! They can even fix themselves when something is not right. Super
And guess what? In hospitals, doctors can use IoT to check on patients from
far away. It’s like having a superhero doctor with special powers!
All these can be achieved through top IoT applications. So let’s see all
these top applications of IoT in different facets and industries of the world.
1. Smart Agriculture
Food is an integral part of life without which we cannot survive. However, it is
an unfortunate fact that a lot of food is wasted in developed countries like
America while people starve in poorer countries like Chad, Sudan, etc. One
way to feed everyone is through better agricultural practices which can be
enhanced using IoT applications. This can be done by first collecting data for
a farm such as soil quality, sunlight levels, seed type, and rainfall density
from various sources like farm sensors, satellites, local weather stations, etc.
and then using this data with Machine Learning and IoT to create custom
recommendations for each farm that will optimize the planting procedure,
irrigation levels required, fertilizer amount, etc. All this will result in better
yield or crops with a focus on reducing world hunger in the future. This is
done very efficiently by SunCulture, a top IoT application, which is an
initiative by Microsoft AI for Earth.
2. Smart Vehicles
Smart vehicles or self-driving cars are Iot applications as they can be called
are pretty dependent on IoT. These cars have a lot of features that are
integrated with each other and need to communicate such as the sensors
that handle navigation, various antennas, controls for speeding or slowing
down, etc. Here the Internet of Things technology is critical, especially in the
sense that self-driving cars need to be extremely accurate and all the parts
need to communicate with each other in milliseconds on the road. Tesla
Cars are quite popular and working on their self-driving cars. Tesla Motors’
cars use the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of
Things. And they are quite popular as well!!! Tesla Model 3 was the most
sold plug-in electric car in the U.S. in 2018 with a total yearly sales of around
140,000 cars. This top IoT application has gained a lot of advancement in
recent years
3. Smart Home
Maybe one of the most famous applications of IoT is in Smart Homes. After
all, who hasn’t heard about connecting all the home applications like lighting,
air conditioners, locks, thermostat, etc. into a single system that can be
controlled from your smartphone? These IoT devices are applications of IoT
and becoming more and more popular these days because they allow you
complete freedom to personalize your home as you want. In fact, these IoT
devices are so popular that every second there are 127 new devices
connected to the internet. Some popular ones that you might have heard
have, or even have in your home, include Google Home, Amazon Echo Plus,
Philips Hue Lighting System, etc. There are also all sorts of other inventions
that you can install in your home including Nest Smoke Alarm and
Thermostat, Foobot Air Quality Monitor, August Smart Lock, etc. These
applications of IoT are getting famous nowadays.
4. Smart Pollution Control
Pollution is one of the biggest problems in most of the cities in the world.
Sometimes it’s not clear if we are inhaling oxygen or smog! In such a
situation, IoT applications can be a big help in controlling pollution levels to
more breathable standards. This can be done by collecting data related to
city pollution like emissions from vehicles, pollen levels, airflow direction,
weather, traffic levels, etc using various sensors in combination with IoT.
Using this data, Machine Learning algorithms can calculate pollution
forecasts in different areas of the city that inform city officials beforehand
where the problems are going to occur. Then they can try to control the
pollution levels till it’s much safer. An example of this is the Green Horizons
project created by IBM’s China Research Lab.
5. Smart Healthcare
There are many applications of IoT in the Healthcare Industry where doctors
can monitor patients remotely through a web of interconnected devices and
machines without needing to be in direct contact with them. This is very
useful if the patients don’t have any serious problems or if they have any
infectious diseases like COVID-19 these days. One of the most common
uses of IoT applications in healthcare is using robots. These include surgical
robots that can help doctors in performing surgeries more efficiently with
higher precision and control. There are also disinfectant robots that can
clean surfaces quickly and thoroughly using high-intensity ultraviolet light
(which is pretty useful these days!) Other types of robots also include nursing
robots that can handle the monotonous tasks that nurses have to perform for
many patients day in and day out where there is little risk to the patients.
6. Smart Cities
Cities can be made more efficient so that they require fewer resources and
are more energy-efficient. This can be done with a combination of sensors in
different capacities all over the city that can be used for various tasks
ranging from managing the traffic, controlling handling waste management,
creating smart buildings, optimizing streetlights, etc. There are many cities in
the world that are working on incorporating IoT applications and becoming
smarter such as Singapore, Geneva, Zurich, Oslo, etc. One example of
creating smart cities is the Smart Nation Sensor Platform used by Singapore
which is believed to be the smartest city in the world. This platform integrates
various facets of transportation, streetlights, public safety, urban planning,
etc. using sensors in conjugation with IoT.
7. Smart Retail
There is a way to make shopping even more exciting for customers and
that’s to use the latest tech like IoT of course! Retail stores can make use of
IoT applications in a wide range of operations to make shopping a much
smoother experience for customers and also easier for employees. IoT can
be used to handle inventory, improve store operations, reduce shoplifting
and theft, and prevent long queues at the cashiers. A prime example of this
application of IoT is the Amazon Go stores which provide an IoT-enabled
shopping experience. These stores monitor all their products using IoT so
that customers can pick up any products and just walk out of the store
without stopping at the cashier’s queue. The total bill amount is automatically
deducted from the card associated with the customer’s Amazon account
after they leave the store.


1. Internet of Things : IOT is known as the Internet of Things where things
are said to be the communicating devices that can interact with each other
using a communication media. Usually every day some new devices are
being integrated which uses IoT devices for its function. These devices use
various sensors and actuators for sending and receiving data over the
internet. It is an ecosystem where the devices share data through a
communication media known as the internet or Iot is an ecosystem of
connected physical object that are accessible through internet. Iot means
anything which can be connected to internet and can be controlled or
monitored using internet from smart devices or PC.
2. Machine to Machine : This is commonly known as Machine to machine
communication. It is a concept where two or more than two machines
communicate with each other without human interaction using a wired or
wireless mechanism. M2M is an technology that helps the devices to
connect between devices without using internet. M2M communications offer
several applications such as security, tracking and tracing, manufacturing
and facility management.
M2M is also named as Machine Type Communication (MTC) in 3GPP ( 3rd
Generation Partnership Project).
M2M is communication could carried over mobile networks, for ex- GSM-
GPRS, CDMA EVDO Networks .

Difference between IoT and M2M :

Basis of IoT M2M

Abbreviation Internet of Things Machine to Machine

Devices have objects that are Some degree of intelligence is

responsible for decision making observed in this.

The connection is via Network and

Connection type The connection is a point to
using various communication
used point

Traditional protocols and

Communication Internet protocols are used such
communication technology
protocol used as HTTP, FTP, and Telnet.
techniques are used

Data is shared between other

Data is shared with only the
Data Sharing applications that are used to
communicating parties.
improve the end-user experience.

Internet connection is required for Devices are not dependent on

communication the Internet.

Type of It supports point-to-point

It supports cloud communication
Communication communication.

Involves the usage of both Mostly hardware-based

Computer System
Hardware and Software. technology

A large number of devices yet

Scope Limited Scope for devices.
scope is large.
Basis of IoT M2M

Business Type Business 2 Business(B2B) and

Business 2 Business (B2B)
used Business 2 Consumer(B2C)

There is no support for Open

Open API support Supports Open API integrations.

It requires Generic commodity devices. Specialized device solutions.

Communication and device

Centric Information and service centric

Vertical system solution

Approach used Horizontal enabler approach
approach .

Devices/sensors, connectivity, data Device, area networks,

processing, user interface gateway, Application server.

Smart wearables, Big Data and Sensors, Data and

Cloud, etc. Information, etc.

IoT Systems Management with NETCONF-YANG YANG is a data modeling language used to model
configuration and state data manupulated by the NETCONF protocol. The generic approach of IoT device
management weith NETCONF-YANG. Roles of various

Components are:

1) ManagementSystem

2) ManagementAPI

3) TransactionManager

4) RollbackManager

5) Data ModelManager

6) ConfigurationValidator

7) ConfigurationDatabase

8) ConfigurationAPI
9) Data ProviderAPI

1) Management System : The operator uses a management system to send NETCONF messages to
configure the IoT device and receives state information and notifications from the device as

2) Management API : allows management application to start NETCONFsessions.

3) Transaction Manager: executes all the NETCONF transactions and ensures that ACID properties hold
true for thetrasactions.

4) Rollback Manager : is responsible for generating all the transactions necessary to rollback a current
configuration to its original state.
5) Data Model Manager : Keeps track of all the YANG data models and the corresponding managed
objects. Also keeps track of the applications which provide data for each part of a datam,odel.

6) Configuration Validator : checks if the resulting configuration after applying a transaction would be a

7) Configuration Database : contains both configuration and operastionaldata.

8) Configuration API : Using the configuration API the application on the IoT device can be read
configuration data from the configuration datastore and write opeartional data to the

9) Data Provider API: Applications on the IoT device can register for callbacks for various events using
the Data Provider API. Through the Data Provider API, the applications can report statistics and
operational data.

Steps for IoT device Management with NETCONF-YANG

1) Create a YANG model of the system that defines the configuration and state data of the system.

2) Complete the YANG model with the ‗Inctool‘ which comes withLibnetconf.

3) Fill in the IoT device mangement code in the TransAPImodule.

4) Build the callbacks C file to generate the libraryfile.

5) Load the YANG module and the TransAPImodule into the Netopeer server using Netopeer

6) The operator can now connect from the management system to the Netopeer server using the

7) Operator can issue NETCONF commands from the Netopeer CLI. Command can be issued to changew
the configuration dsta, get operational dat or execute an RPC on the IoTdevice.

Introduction to IoT Design

Designing IoT systems can be a complex and challenging task as
these systems involve interactions between various components. A
wide range of choices are available for each component. IoT designers
often tend to design the system keeping specific products in mind.
We will look at a generic design methodology which is independent of
specific product, service or programming language. IoT systems
designed with this methodology will have reduced design time, testing
time, maintenance time, complexity and better interoperability.

1. Purpose and Requirements

First step is to define the purpose and requirements of the system. In
this step, the system purpose, behavior and requirements are
captured. Requirements can be:

 Data collection requirements

 Data analysis requirements

 System management requirements

 Security requirements

 User interface requirements

For home automation system the purpose and requirements

specification is as follows:

A home automation system that allows controlling the lights

remotely using a web application

Home automation system should support two modes: auto

and manual

Behavior Auto: System measures the light level in the room and
switches on the light when it is dark

Manual: Allows remotely switching lights on and off

System should provide remote monitoring and control

System should perform local analysis of the data

Application should be deployed locally, but should be
accessible remotely

Security Should provide basic security like user authentication

2. Process Specification
The use cases of the IoT system are formally described based on or
derived from the purpose and requirements specifications. The
process specification for home automation system is as shown below.

3. Domain Model Specification

The domain model describes the main concepts, entities and objects
in the domain of the IoT system to be designed. Domain model defines
the attributes of the objects and relationships between objects. The
domain model is independent of any specific technology or platform.
Using domain model, system designers can get an understanding of
the IoT domain for which the system is to be designed. The entities,
objects and concepts defined in the domain model of home automation
system include the following:

• The physical identifiable objects in the environment

Physical • IoT system provides information about the physical entity
Entity (using sensors) or performs actuation upon the physical

• Virtual entity is a representation of the physical entity in the

Virtual digital world
• For every physical entity there is a virtual entity

• Devices provide a medium for interaction between physical and

virtual entities
• Devices are used to gather information from or perform
actuation on physical entities

• Resources are software components which can be either on-

device or network-resources

• On-device resources are hosted on the device and provide

sensing or actuation (eg: operating system)

• Network-resources include software components that are

available on the network (eg: database)

• Services provide an interface for interacting with the physical

• Services access resources to perform operations on
physical entities
The domain model specification diagram for home automation system
is as shown in the below figure.
4. Information Model
Information model defines the structure of all the information in the
IoT system. Does not describe how the information is stored and
represented. To define the information model, we first list the virtual
entities. Later more details like attributes and relationships are added.
The information model specification for home automation system is as
shown below:

Watch the below video to learn about the rest of the steps in IoT
design methodology:

5. Service Specifications
The service specification defines the following:

 Services in the system

 Service types

 Service inputs/output
 Service endpoints

 Service schedules

 Service preconditions

 Service effects

For each state and attribute in the process specification and

information model, we define a service. Services either change the
state of attributes or retrieve their current values. The service
specification for each state in home automation systems are as shown
6. IoT Level Specification
Based on the requirements we will choose the IoT application
deployment level. The deployment level for home automation system is
shown in the below figure.

7. Functional View Specification

The functional view defines the functions of the IoT systems grouped
into various functional groups. Each functional group provides
functionalities for interacting with concepts in the domain model and
information related to the concepts.

The functional groups in a functional view include: Device,

Communication, Services, Management, Security, and Application. The
functional view specification for home automation system is shown in
the below figure:

The mapping between the IoT level and the functional groups is as
shown in the below figure.
8. Operational View Specification
In this step, various options related to the IoT system deployment and
operation are defined, such as:

 Service hosting options

 Storage options

 Device options

 Application hosting options

The options chosen for home automation system are as shown in the
below figure.
9. Device and Component
In this step the devices like sensors, computing devices and other
components are integrated together. The interconnection of different
components in our home automation system are as shown in the figure
given below.
10. Application Development
Using all the information from previous steps, we will develop the
application (code) for the IoT system. The application interface for
home automation system is shown below.

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