Lists of Cocoa Projects

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15 / 05 / 2024


List of projects selected for Burkina Faso

Estimated Cost Amount to be mobilised
Sector Project title
Farming 1. SOUROU Agropole Implementation Support Project 300 000 000 000 200 000 000 000 363,636,363
2. SAMENDENI agropole development support project 300 000 000 000 300 000 000 000 545,454,545

3. Support Project for the Growth Corridor of the Pôle de Bagré 250 000 000 000 250 000 000 000 454,545,454

4. Proposed Central Farm Inputs and Equipment Supply Station 266 568 199 369 266 568 199 369 484,669,453
5. Agricultural Mechanization Development and Hydraulic Sector 49 938 868 100 49 938 868 100 90,797, 942
Support Project
Trade 1. Project to create two special economic zones in Burkina 67 832 419 180 67 832 419 180 123 331 671
Energy 1. Power Line Interconnection Development Project 29 700 000 000 29 700 000 000 54,000,000
(Kompienga-Porga [Benin])
2. Construction of a multi-product hydrocarbon pipeline 131 450 000 000 131 450 000 000 239,000,000
between Buipe in Ghana and Bingo in Burkina Faso
3. Project to construct a multi-product hydrocarbon pipeline 319 550 000 000 319 550 000 000 581,000,000
between Ferkessédougou in Côte d’Ivoire and
Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
Industry 1. Industrial Zone Servicing Program 13 602 458 000 13 602 458 000 24,731,742
Infrastructure 1. RD 131 Highway Paving Project: Batié – Boussoukoula – 8 400 000 000 8 400 000 000 15,272,727
CI Border (28 km)
2. National Road No. 11 (RN11) Orodara-Banfora- Gaoua- 118 625 000 000 118 625 000 000 215,681,818
Batié-Kpuéré-Frontière de la Cote d’Ivoire (365 km)
3. National Road No. 17 (RN17) Tenkodogo- Ouargaye- 35 750 000 000 35 750 000 000 65,000,000
Sangha-Frt du Togo (110 km)
4. Construction and Paving of Highway Link: National Road 105 638 000 000 105 638 000 000 192,069,000
No. 20 (RN20) Ouéssa-Léo and National Road No. 25
(RN25) Nebou-Pô-Zabré-Bittou via National Road No. 26
(RN26) Léo-Nebou (325.04 km)
5. Heavy urban and peri-urban service to the city of 36 280 400 000 36 280 400 000 65,964,363
Ouagadougou from the existing line
6. Burkina – Niger interconnection project serving the Sahel 191 961 047 400 191 961 047 400 349,020,086
growth cluster
7. Project to create a multimodal dry port in the 77 735 611 800 77 735 611 800 141,337,476
agglomeration of Ouagadougou
8. Kaya Railway Rehabilitation Project - Ouagadougou - 141 876 150 000 6 400 000 000 11,636,363
Côte d’Ivoire Border
9. Pâ-Dano-Frontière Côte d’Ivoire (RN 12) Road 103 950 000 000 103 950 000 000 189 000 000
Rehabilitation and Reinforcement Project (231km).
10. Project to strengthen the national road between Bobo- 77 000 000 000 77 000 000 000 140 000 000
Dioulasso and Niangoloko (Ivory Coast border)
Transportation 1. Construction of modern parking areas for heavy-duty 23 000 000 000 23 000 000 000 418,181,822
vehicles in Ouaga and Bobo
2. Project to study and create a regional school dedicated to 5 000 000 000 5 000 000 000 9,090,909
maritime, road and rail transport professions
3. Gender Mainstreaming Project in Developing Rural 4 945 000 000 4 945 000 000 8,990,909
Transportation Service with Tricycles
4. Draft Urban Displacement Plans (PDU) for 4 cities in 120 000 000 120 000 000 218,182
Burkina Faso (Ouaga, Bobo, Koudougou, Ouahigouya)
5. Proposed Fleet Renewal Mechanism for Passenger 10 000 000 000 10 000 000 000 18,181,818
Vehicles, Taxis and Motor Vehicle Schools
6. Project for a modal transfer from individual to collective 70 000 000 70 000 000 127,272
mode in Burkina Faso cities
7. Greater Ouaga Bypass Rail Project with Downtown 300 000 000 300 000 000 545,454
TOTAL: 27 PROJECTS 2 670 190 695 849 2 433 817 003 849 4 801 485 369
List of projects selected for Côte d'Ivoire

Sector Project title Estimated Cost Amount to be mobilised

Farming 1. Côte d’Ivoire Soil Fertility Mapping Development Project 21 700 000 000 21 700 000 000 39 454 545
2. Project to create 10 Integrated Agricultural Vocational Training Centres 50 000 000 000 50 000 000 000 90 909 091
3. Agricultural Feeder Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project 274 290 000 000 274 290 000 000 498 709 091
4. Ten Thousand (10,000) Ha of Lowland Rice and Market Gardening 46 010 000 000 46 010 000 000 83 654 545
Rehabilitation and Development Project
Trade 1. Korhogo Wholesale Market Construction and Management Project 13 939 508 686 13 939 508 686 25,344,561
2. Abengourou Wholesale Market Construction and Management Project 12 797 526 785 12 797 526 785 23,268,231
3. Aboisso Central Market Construction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
4. Agboville Central Market Reconstruction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367.
5. Gagnoa Central Market Reconstruction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
6. Korhogo Central Market Construction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
7. Man Central Market Construction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
8. Soubré Central Market Construction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
9. Yamoussoukro Central Market Construction and Management Project 4 609 751 863 4 609 751 863 8,381,367
10. Daloa Wholesale Market Construction and Management Project 12 797 526 785 12 797 526 785 23,268,231
11. Abidjan Wholesale Market Construction and Management Project 35 973 610 419 35 973 610 419 65,406,564
Energy 1. Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana 330KV Interconnection Enhancement Project 121 700 000 000 110 000 000 000 200,000,000
2. LOUGA 1 and LOUGA hydroelectric development projects 356 030 000 000 356 030 000 000 647,327,273
3. Abidjan-Ferkessédougou Multi-Product Pipeline Project: Phase 2 242 000 000 000 242 000 000 000 440,000,000
Industry 1. Power grid project on 112 ha plot in Akoupé industrial zone - Zeudji PK 24 4 000 000 000 4 000 000 000 7,272,727
2. Akoupé-Zeudji PK24 Industrial Development Project (Emergency Phase 2 + 30 000 000 000 23 410 248 866 42,564,089
Cementitious Area: 124 ha)
3. Development project for a 300 ha plot in the Akoupé-Zeudji PK24 69 250 000 000 69 250 000 000 125,909,091
industrial zone (northern part)
4. Koumassi and Vridi Industrial Areas Rehabilitation Project 32 833 094 000 20 303 524 000 36,915,498
5. Projects for the Creation of Industrial Zones in Bonoua dedicated to the 55 653 488 891 55 125 130 850 100,227,510
non-polluting food industry (Phase 1) covering 100 ha
6. 250 Ha Yamoussoukro Industrial Area Development Project (Phase 1) 109 384 034 295 109 081 659 295 198,330,289
7. Project to set up an industrial park with a free zone in Bouaké 50 Ha 42 530 500 000 42 530 500 000 77,328,182
dedicated to textiles
8. Development project for a 100 ha plot in the Bouaké industrial zone 85 061 000 000 85 061 000 000 154,656,363
Mining and 1. Klahoyo and Tia Iron Ore Project 900 000 000 000 900 000 000 000 1,636,363,636
hydrocarbons 2. Mount GAO Iron Mine Project 1 000 000 000 000 1 000 000 000 1,818,181,818
3. Geological Analysis and Studies Laboratory Construction and Equipment 2 065 000 000 2 065 000 000 3,754,545
4. Rehabilitation Project for Fourteen (14) Gold Panning Sites Within the 659 331 840 659 331 840 1,198,785
North, Central, East and West Zones of Côte d’Ivoire
Animal resources 1. Abidjan-Anyama Abattoir-Livestock Market Complex (CAMA) Construction 24 281 722 122 24 281 722 122 44,148,585
2. Ivory Coast Poultry Industrial Slaughterhouse Project (PAV-CI) 17 163 549 161 17 001 670 661 30,912,129
Road 1. Yamoussoukro-Daloa-Man-Danané-Guinea-Liberia Border Highway 840.000.000.000 840.000.000.000 1,527,272,727
Construction Project
2. East Highway Construction Project, Section: Abidjan-Abengourou- 706.000.000.000 706.000.000.000 1,283,636,363
3. Northern Highway Construction Project, Section: Bouaké - Burkina Faso 824.000.000.000 824.000.000.000 1,498,181,818
Border with Mali Border Ramp
4. Grand Bassam-Aboisso-Ghana Border Highway Construction Project 408.000.000.000 408.000.000.000 741,818,181
Information and 1. Human Resources Development Project, Information and Communication 3 000 000 000 3 000 000 000 5,454,545
communication Technology (ICT) Specialists
Transportation 1. Agro-pastoral Product Delivery Facilitation Support Project 250 000 000 200 000 000 363,636
2. Man-San Pedro-Odienné Railway Construction Project 332 000 000 000 332 000 000 000 603,636,363
3. Abidjan Port Decongestion Project 75 000 000 000 75 000 000 000 136,363,636
4. Official Roadblock Signage Project 650 000 000 600 000 000 1,090,909
5. San Pedro Port Mineral Terminal Project 500 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 909,090,909
TOTAL : 42 PROJECTS 7 281 288 156 7 249 376 223 13 180 684 042
025 350
List of projects selected for Togo

Sector Project title Estimated Cost Amount to be mobilised

Farming 1. Togo Agro-Food Processing Project (PTA) (Kara Agropole) 65 000 000 000 27 000 000 000 49,090,909
2. ITO Plain Agricultural Land Development Project – (ITO Agropole) 82.150.490.000 57.150.490.000 103,909,982
3. MONO Agropole Development Project 100 000 000 000 100 000 000 000 181,818,181
Energy and mining 1. Bandjeli Iron Mine Reactivation Project NC NC NC
2. Tetetou Site Hydro Project 67 787 249 140 67 787 249 140 123,249,544
3. TITIRA site hydro-electric development project 31 720 685 660 31 720 685 660 57,673,974
4. Togo Mini Solar Farm Electrification Project 147 000 000 000 126 000 000 000 229,090,910
Industry 1. Construction project of an industrial park at Adétikopé in Greater 64 700 000 000 64 700 000 000 117,636,364
2. Construction of an Industrial Park in the Central Region 30 000 000 000 30 000 000 000 54,545,454
3. Proposed construction of an industrial park in the Plateaux region 30 000 000 000 30 000 000 000 54,545,454
4. Sarakawa Industrial Park Project in the Kara Region (Development 30 000 000 000 30 000 000 000 54,545,454
and Servicing)
Infrastructure 1. National Highway #1 Duplication Project including Major City 1 565 205 610 462 1 565 205 610 462 2,845,828,383
2. Project for the construction/rehabilitation of priority areas for the 3 343 000 000 3 343 000 000 6,078,182
opening up of KARA and OTI agropoles
3. Cross Country Road Construction/Rehabilitation Project 295 668 748 592 295 668 748 592 537,579,544
4. Lomé-Cinkassé Railway Construction Project 2 352 013 757 500 2 352 013 757 500 4,276, 388,650
TOTAL : 15 PROJECTS 4 834 589 541 354 4 818 589 541 354 8 691 980 985
List of projects selected for Benin

Sector Project title Estimated Cost Amount to be mobilised

Farming 1. National Pineapple Sector Development Program (PNDF ANANAS) 12 119 850 000 12 119 850 000 22 036 091
2. National Egg Sector Development Program (PNDF Oeufs) 6 110 480 000 6 110 480 000 11 109 964
3. National Cassava Value Chain Development Program (PNDF MANIOC) 48 412 732 000 48 412 732 000 88 023 149
Energy 1. Benin’s Sustainable and Secure Access to Electricity Project (PADSBEE 1 161 000 000 000 1 161 000 000 000 2110909091
2. Border Electrification Support Project (PAELF) 18 500 000 000 18 500 000 000 33636363
Mining 1. IDADJO Marble Development and Development Project and OUESSE- 2 000 000 000 2 000 000 000 3 636 364
IDADJO Axis Development
Transportation 1. Project for the construction of a motorway bypass North East of the 549 801 000 000 542 801 000 000 986 910 909
city of Cotonou with the construction of a new bridge over Lake Nokoué
and various specific works
2. RNIE Reconstruction Project 3: Section Djougou-Natitingou-Porga- 147 224 000 000 147 224 000 000 267 680 000
Burkina Faso Border (185) KM
3. OUIDAH-HILLACONDJI Highway Duplication Project (58.75 KM) 51 985 000 000 50 985 000 000 92 700 000
4. Project to build a motorway link between the Sèmè and Porto-Novo 139 428 000 000 137 428 000 000 249 869 091
crossroads (10 KM APPROX) with the construction of a bridge over the
Porto-Novo lagoon
TOTAL : 10 PROJECTS 2 136 581 062 000 2 126 581 062 000 3 866 511 022

Total number of projects selected: 94 of which:

• Benin: 10
• Burkina Faso: 2 projects
• Ivory Coast 42 projects
• Togo: 15 projects

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