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Artificial insemination:

By donor: man’s sperm has a problem, making impregnation impossible, so a donor gives
his sperm.
In vitro fertilisation: an ovum is fertilised outside a woman’s body. The fertilised ovum
is implanted into the uterus.
Fertility drugs: drugs which enhance reproductive fertility. For women, fertility
medication is used to stimulate follicle development of the ovary. The side effect is
multiple pregnancies. They contain varying amount of FSH and LH.

Sexually transmissible diseases

 a bacterial infection caused by sex.

 pain or burning when passing urine.
 a creamy discharge from the penis or vagina.
 inflammation of the testicles

 in men the urethra becomes infected, in woman it is the cervix. If left
untreated, the disease can travel through the reproductive tract causing
sterility and spread to the bloodstream, infecting the brains, heart valves, and
 once diagnosed it can be treated using antibiotics.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

 the immune system becomes significantly weakened until an infection, from then
on it is called AIDS (acquired immune deficiency virus).
 unprotected sex with an infected person
 contact with an infected person’s blood.
 from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth
 or sharing syringes while injecting drugs

Prevention from spreading

physical ways –
 use condoms (or Femidom).
 don’t come in contact with other people’s blood.
 don’t share needles,
There is no cure yet, it can only be slowed down.

 it is the number of people living in an area at a certain time.

Notes compiled by M. MLILO “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” Page 250

 Population depends on birth rate and death rate
Birth rate
 Is the number of live babies born per one thousand people of the population in a
Death rate
 It is the number of deaths in one year per thousand people.

If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population of an area increases

Population growth rate = birth rate minus death rate

 A higher growth rate leads to a population explosion. This is a rapid increase in

population which has negative consequence on living standards.

Infant mortality rate

 It is the number of deaths of children who are less than one year per one
thousand live births per year.
 A low infant mortality rate shows that the health services of a country are
 In developed countries both birth rate and death rate are low. This is because
birth control is widely practised and the number of children per couple is two.
Government services like schools and hospitals are adequate .
 In developing countries, the birth rate is still high while death rate is now falling
due to advances in primary health care.
Life Expectancy
 It is the average age a person expects to live in a particular area.
 Developed countries have a higher life expectancy than developing countries.
Developed countries have more older people than developing countries.
 A higher life expectancy also shows that health services are more developed in a
Dependency ratio
 It is a ratio of the number of children and elderly people in an area to the
number of people of the working age groups in an area.
 Children are those under 15 years and the elderly are those over 65 years
 The young and old depend on productive adults.

Dependency ratio = number of children + elderly

Number in working age groups

Doubling time
 It is the time it will take a population to double
 Doubling time = 70
Growth rate

Age Sex pyramids/ Population pyramids

Notes compiled by M. MLILO “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” Page 251

 It shows the actual population in an area broken down by sex and 5 year age
 There are larger numbers of the population in the younger age groups showing a
higher birth rate.
 There are small numbers in the old age groups showing a low life expectancy.
 The dependency ratio is generally higher because of the greater proportion of
the young in the population.

Population growth and resources

 Increase in population may result in severe damage to the environment.
 Overpopulation causes poverty and excessive demands on health and social
 Vegetation will be removed and soil erosion will increase because
o More land will be cleared for agriculture
o More trees will be cut down for firewood and building materials
o More animals will be raised in areas which can not support many animals.

Waste Disposal
 Human activities such as farming, industry, mining and other daily home
activities generate waste which must be disposed of.
 Human waste can either be;

Notes compiled by M. MLILO “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” Page 252

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