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Food Relationship Among Living Things

3.3 Food Relationship Among Living Things

Living things in a habitat depends on each other for food.

The sun is the main resource in the ecosystem, followed by producers and consumers.

Food chain
The food chain is the food relationship between living things.
Arrow -> means “eaten by”.
For example: Fruits -> Squirrels -> Snakes -> Eagles

Producer and consumer

The sun is the main source of energy because it supplies sunlight to plants.
Plants are known as producers, because plants can make their own food through the process of photosynthesis.
Animals that eat plants or other animals are known as consumers, because they get their energy source from other parties.
Consumers get energy from food eaten whether it is fruits or other animals. This relationship is known as the energy transfer.
The -> arrow in a food chain also indicates the flow of energy transfer
Based on the type of food eaten, animals can be classified into 3 groups:
1. Herbivore - Animal that eat plants.
2. Carnivore - Animal that eat other animals.
3. Omnivore - Animal that eats both plants and other animals.

Food web
A food web is a combination of several food chains in a habitat.
In one habitat, there are several food chains that exist.
Based on some of these food chains, we can combine them to form a food chain.

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